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Concordia University

Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering

INSE 6290 Quality in Supply Chain Design
Summer 2016
1. General Information

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 18h30-21h00, SGW H-820

Instructor: Chun Wang, Ph.D. P.Eng, Concordia Institute for Information Systems
Office: EV7.629, extension 5628,
Office hours: Thursdays from 15h to 17h
Course website: Concordia Moodle

2. Course Description
Evolution of supply chain, lingo, notation, master planning, role in business, performance
analysis, activity profiling, strategic quality planning for supply chain, inventory planning and
management (IP&M), perfect order percentage, inventory turns, fill rates and substitutions,
purchase and customer order cycle times, customer service and order processing (CS&OP),
network planning, supply contracts, distribution strategies, coordinated product and supply
chain design, quality and innovation in product design, design for maintainability, designing
for reliability, environmental considerations in supply chain design, designing quality
services, make, buy, and sourcing analysis, supplier partnerships, global sourcing active
assembly, supply chain management systems, efficient transportation, efficient warehousing,
impact of e-commerce on supply chains, information technology and decision support
systems, e-business strategies, e-business transactions, e-commerce platforms for supply
chain. A project

3. Learning Outcomes
This course introduces essential concepts and up-to-date developments in supply chain
management system design with focuses on supply chain quality, optimization, and the
application of information systems technologies to supply chain management. Upon
completing this course students should be able to
1. understand the key concepts in supply chain management;
2. apply the concepts, theories, and methodologies learned in the course to the analysis of real
world supply chain management cases;
3. design and modeling supply chains based on the requirements from the customers and the
objectives of the systems;
4. optimize supply chain configuration using common optimization tools;
5. develop the capability of doing research in a specific supply chain management context
and proposing solutions.

INSE 6290 Summer 2016 Course Outline
Last updated on June 27, 2016

4. Topics (Tentative)


Jun. 28

Introduction to supply chain management

Jun. 30

Inventory management

Jul. 5

Risk pooling

Jul. 7

The value of information

Jul. 12

Supply contracts

Jul. 14

Tech Standard + Auctions

Jul. 19

Service Supply Chain + Cloud

Jul. 21

Strategic Alliance

Jul. 26

Smart pricing

Jul. 28

Procurement and outsourcing Strategies

Aug. 2


Aug. 4

Project Presentation

Aug. 9

Project Presentation

*** Supplementary topics will be added as the course progresses.

5. Text book
No text books are required.
David Simchi-Levi; Philip Kaminsky; Edith Simchi-Levi. Designing and Managing the Supply
Chain: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies McGraw-Hill Education; 4 edition (Jan. 1 2018).
ISBN-13: 978-0073403366 (ISBN-10: 0073403369)

David Simchi-Levi; Philip Kaminsky; Edith Simchi-Levi. "Designing and Managing the Supply
Chain (3e with Student CD )". McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. ISBN-13: 9780073341521
(ISBN-10: 0073341525).

6. Assignments, Project and Grading

There will be around 5 assignments. While discussion of the assigned problems among students is
encouraged, each student must solve the assignments independently. Solutions to assignments
must specify the students name and I.D. number, the course number, and the assignment number.
Late assignments will be penalized 50%. Assignments more than three days late will not be

INSE 6290 Summer 2016 Course Outline
Last updated on June 27, 2016

Group Research Project

You are required to form a team of three to five students to conduct a research project
investigating a specific supply chain management problem within the scope of the materials
covered in this course. The instructor will recommend a list a topics for the project. If you want to
work on other topics than those listed, you need to seek feed back regarding your plan from the
instructor before starting the project. The output of the research project will be a term paper. The
term paper should either provide a solution to a specific supply chain management problem or
conduct a survey covering a specific topic area in supply chain management. Templates of the
research proposal, research paper and survey can be found in Moodle. Group Research Project will
be marked based on the group performance and each individuals contribution to the project.

Final Exam
There will be a three-hour final examination during the examination period. The exam will mainly
test students understanding of key concepts taught in the lectures and their ability of applying
concepts and methods learned in the lectures to supply chain management problems. The scope of
the exam is defined by the materials covered in the lecture notes. However, a considerable portion
of the questions will be related to cases discussed and examples explained in the lectures. So
taking your personal notes during the lectures is STRONGLY encouraged. The exam will include
short answer questions, multiple choice questions, numeric questions and short case studies. It will
be a closed book exam.

Grading Scheme
Group Project:
Final Exam:

25% (Evaluated based on group performance 15% including project
presentation 5%) and individuals contribution 10%

Note: The marks in this course are curved. There is no standard relationship between numerical
percentages and the final letter grades.

In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content and/or
evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.

Students are responsible for all material presented in lectures and tutorials.

7. Academic Code of Conduct

Academic Integrity
Any form of cheating, plagiarism, personation, falsification of a document as well as any other
form of dishonest behaviour related to the obtention of academic gain or the avoidance of
evaluative exercises committed by a student is an academic offence under the Academic Code
of Conduct and may lead to severe penalties up to and including suspension and expulsion.
As examples only, you are not permitted to:
Copy from anywhere without indicating where it came from
Let another student copy your work and then submit it as his/her own
INSE 6290 Summer 2016 Course Outline
Last updated on June 27, 2016

Hand in the same assignment in more than one class

Have unauthorized material or devices in an exam. Note that you do not have to be
caught using them just having them is an offence
Copy from someones else exam
Communicate with another student during an exam
Add or remove pages from an examination booklet or take the booklet out of an exam
Acquire exam or assignment answers or questions
Write an exam for someone else or have someone write an exam for you
Submit false documents such as medical notes or student records
Falsify data or research results
You are subject to the Academic Code of Conduct. Take the time to learn more at

8. Students Responsibilities

Students are expected to attend every class. Some material may only be covered in class
and not made available on the course website. Students are expected to read the assigned
material and to actively participate in class discussions.
Students are expected to be respectful of other peoples opinions and to express their own
views in a calm and reasonable way. Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Students are expected to be familiar with the Code of Rights and Responsibilities:
If you cannot attend class for any reason, unforeseen or not, you are to come and talk or
write to me as soon as possible.

9. Student Services

Concordia Counselling and Development offers career services, psychological services,

student learning services, etc.
The Concordia Library Citation and Cycle Guides:
Advocacy and Support Services:
Student Transition Centre:
New Student Program:
Office for Students with Disabilities:
The Academic Integrity Website:

INSE 6290 Summer 2016 Course Outline
Last updated on June 27, 2016

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