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Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0505 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998
Sheet 2 (27)



1.1 Scope

1.2 Definitions

1.3 General codes and standards

1.4 Documentation supplied by owner

1.5 Documentation prepared and supplied by contractor


2.1 Definition of the elevation of lifting lugs


2.2 Definition of the orientation of lifting lugs




4.1 Lifting equipment


4.2 Lifting means


4.3 Steel ropes, slings, pulleys, guys and accessories


4.4 Erection of lifting means and equipment




6.1 Receipt of equipment


6.2 Check and preparation of foundations


6.3 Soil bearing capacity


6.4 Preparation of shims and wedges


6.5 Check of lifting means before lifting


6.6 Check before installation of equipment


6.7 Wind speed


6.8 Equipment erection



7.1 Verticality


7.2 Horizontalness


Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998
Sheet 3 (27)




Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998
Sheet 4 (27)


This specification defines the minimum requirements that are to be met by the contractor in the
execution of heavy and superheavy lifts for the installation of equipment and machinery.


The company which enters into a contract with the company that is to carry out the works.

The company which has been awarded a contract for the execution of the works.

Heavy/critical lifts
Lifts of equipment having the following characteristics:

Vertical equipment weighing over 20 t.

Horizontal equipment weighing over 50 t.

All lifts that require particular equipment such as gin poles, derricks,
ringer type special cranes, etc.

Prefabricated roofs, for storage tanks.

Equipment mounted on structures having a height equal to or greater than 10 m.

All oversize bodies/units of more than 4 m diameter and 25 m length.

Vertical equipment having a diameter of more than 2 m and a total height of more than
25 m.

All equipment made of fragile or thin material that can be easily deformed and/or

All lifts exceeding 75% of the cranes carrying capacity.

All lifts requiring the use of two or more cranes.

Prefabricated elements, for flares.

Lifts in the vicinity of overhead power lines or flammable liquids.

All lifts of superheavy equipment and machines that require specially designed lifting
equipment such as rigid or semi-rigid structural steel with travelling cranes, derricks,
trestles, frames, etc.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998
Sheet 5 (27)

The equipment and machinery installation work shall be performed according to ASME and/or
equivalent international standards in compliance with the laws in force in the country where the
work is to be carried out.
The following are not allowed without the owners express consent:

welds on equipment for fastening lifting lugs;

welds on equipment for fastening temporary and/or temporary stirrups;
equipment lifts using nozzles as hooks;
use of foundations, equipment and pre-existing steel structures as anchor points.

Lifts shall be made using appropriate lifting lugs, preinstalled on the equipment by the supplier.
In the case of absence of lifting lugs the contractor shall provide for the slinging of the equipment
using suitable metal slings/ropes mounted inside the body of the equipment. During slinging
operations it is absolutely necessary to avoid damaging the body of the equipment to be lifted by
providing adequate protection.
In general slinging of equipment shall be made using the centreline as indicated and the slinging
zones marked by the manufacturer.
Whenever these are missing, the manufacturer shall be asked to supply them.
When positioning the slings, the contractor shall take care to ensure that the slings and/or ropes
are free during the lifting phases and do not interfere with the equipment parts (nozzles,
supports, preassembled parts, etc.).
In the case of lifts of equipment that has a considerable weight but thin walls the contractor shall
scrupulously follow the established lift procedures.
The contractor shall keep all the following documents at the disposal of the owner and the
competent authorities:

test certificates of the lifting means used on site;

test and purchase certificates of slings, tackle, ropes, etc., used on the site;
registration documents of the lifting means used on the site;
book for recording the periodical checks.

The requirements contained in the following standards and/or equivalent international standards
are an integral part of this general specification.
ASME B 30.5
ASME B 30.6
ASME B 30.9
ASME B 30.20
AISC S 310

Mobile and locomotive truck cranes

Safety standards
Specification for the design, fabrication and erection of structural steel for
As regards other design codes of lifting means, see paragraph. 1.5.8. certification.

For Italy, the reference standards for the standardisation and verification of the lifting equipment
are as follows:


- EN
- EN


Structural steel;
Steel for structural uses;
Quenced and tempered steel;
Mobile cranes;

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998
Sheet 6 (27)

- ISO - 4301/4
- ISO - 4308/5
- ISO - 4302
- ISO - 4308/1-2
- ISO - 4310
- ISO - 8792
- ISO - 8794
- ISO - 7670
UNI . 9309/ISO.DIS. 8686

Portal cranes;
Bridge and gantry cranes;
Wind loads;
Selection of ropes;
Lifting equipment;
Slings - Safety criteria;
Steel ropes;
Design loads.

In Italy the approval and verification of lifting equipment is made by I.S.P.E.S.L. (Istituto
Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro). For the specific equipment used for
super heavy lifts, see the paragraph Certification.

This specification will be accompanied by the preliminary documentation needed by the
contractor to prepare the bid and/or work execution documentation.
The following documents are normally attached:

list of equipment to be mounted in situ specifying the related weights and dimensions, with
the expected delivery dates and support/foundation elevations;
layout of the work areas;
soil survey of the work areas where lifts will be carried out;
drawings of the main equipment during the bid phase; all the drawings during the
construction phase;
preliminary work schedule;
owners general and detailed specifications illustrating the safety and security plan and
data related to the site conditions.

In the event of being awarded the contract, the contractor shall attach the following
documentation to his bid and update it each month:


Works schedule
The contractor shall attach the works schedule, including the detailed mobilisation and
demobilisation (MOB/DEMOB) schedule for site personnel and equipment, according to the data
supplied by the owner.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998
Sheet 7 (27)


Personnel and equipment list (daily), including:



list of means used;

list of personnel employed, subdivided by specialisation;
list of hours of operation of each item of equipment;
list of hours worked by the personnel employed, subdivided by specialisation.

Operating conditions
The contractor shall indicate the operating conditions of lifting equipment in relation to
meteorological or other atmospheric factors, identifying the related risks and limitations in the
safety plan.


Lift project
The contractor shall supply:

the complete lifting plan with the relevant engineering and the necessary calculations to fully
justify the safety limits of the operation. This plan shall be signed not only by the contractors
site team but also by the contractors legal representative and/or by a person appointed with
signatory powers;

layout and elevation drawings and the calculations of each heavy lift including stability
checks in conditions of partial erection of the lifting equipment, also taking into account the
wind thrust both at rest and during lifting and specifying the crane utilisation limits;
layout of the work areas required for the site organisation;
detailed drawing, description and calculation for the slinging, ropes and/or slings, and
spreader beams used for lifting the equipment;
detailed lifting/rigging studies and calculations, specifying the means of equipment lifting;
systems for securing the equipment;
soil bearing capacity required for lifting means and equipment;
system for the electronic control and procedures of lifting operations when activities are
outside normal parameters, including alarms and isolations for each crane involved;
authorization for lifting operations where the regulations for lifting above certain heights
require jib lighting coloured warning lights, when near to or in navigation paths to airports.


The contractor shall supply the works execution and check procedures to be applied during the
erection phases, including the erection and disassembly of the lifting means and equipment.


Safety plan
The contractor shall perform the risk analysis of the lift operations and shall indicate and
schedule the precautions to be taken and the person responsible for their enforcement as
required for the application of the safety plan.


QA/QC plan
The contractor shall supply, either directly or by means of the certification agency, as specified
each time by the owner, the QA/QC plan (Quality Assurance & Quality Control Plan) which shall

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998
Sheet 8 (27)

contain both the project quality requirements requested by the owner and those of the contractor.
The plan shall include at least:

work instructions;
check list;
operating procedures (including transitory erection and disassembly procedures);
certificate of origin of components;
specific test certificates and procedures;
test certificates of the equipment employed.

For all the heavy lifts defined in paragraph 1.2. or whenever this is requested by the owner, the
contractor shall produce the documentation for the whole project issued by an official
international authority (e.g. Lloyds Register of International Services, Germanish Lloyds, Bureau
Veritas, Tuv, DET Norske Veritas).
The type of certification required shall be specified by the owner on the following base-lines
required for superheavy lifts:

certificate of lift project;

certificate of operation
(erection/disassembly/testing and certificates);
certificate of approval;
risk analysis;
possible restoration of damaged structures.


Certificate of lift project

This certificate shall attest that the complete lift project is suitable for the scope of work and
fully complies with the established technical and safety standards. The certification shall
cover all the various items, with structural calculations, elastic deformations, static and
dynamic stability in the various operating conditions (including tests) and in the climatic,
atmospheric and seismic conditions envisaged for the project.
As alternatives to the project standards, the certification agency may propose equivalent or
more stringent standards. All proposals of this kind will be subject to prior acceptance by the


Certificate of operation
In this phase the certification shall attest that the lifting plan or scheme, taken as an
operating whole, is adequate for the scope of work and that the operating procedures of the
various activities (transport, structure erection, test, lift, movement of structure for the lifting
of other equipment and disassembly of the same).
The above-mentioned standards shall be expressly mentioned.
In this phase certification shall also attest that all the aforesaid operations, as well as
operations that are transitory in the whole work cycle and in the various climatic,
atmospheric and seismic conditions, have been correctly evaluated in the calculations
established at the planning stage or else by means of specific static/dynamic structural
The lifting plan shall also contain the risk analysis and the preventive and/or protective
measures to be taken in order to safeguard the physical integrity of persons throughout all

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998
Sheet 9 (27)

the operating phases (transport, structure erection, testing, lifting and positioning of
reactors, moving and disassembly of the structure).

Certificate of approval
This certificate shall attest compliance of the whole project, i.e. all that has already been
certified in the design and operating phases, with the standards required to obtain approval.
All the equipment that is supplied by third parties shall be accompanied by its own complete
certification as well as by the test certificate issued by an official agency according to the
laws in force in the country of origin.
These systems shall be tested again on site during the testing of the whole structure as
indicated by the testing agency.


Risk analysis
In the case of absence of standards for the seismic conditions of temporary systems, the
testing agency will be asked to make an evaluation of the risks and to provide
recommendations, identifying by means of the parameters used by the design engineers
(including the application of guys or additional anchorage) the acceptable seismic limits for
the structure, taking into consideration any events recorded in situ over the last 30 years.
The results of this analysis and the recommendations will constitute an element of
evaluation and decision for the owner.
The effect of contemporary wind and seismic action is not considered in the basic data for
the elements of the final project and therefore cannot be considered for the temporary
operations of the erection phase.


Possible restorations of damaged structures

In this phase certification shall attest that all the damage that may have been caused to a
structure by accidents have been eliminated by replacement of the elements and checks of
the parts considered undamaged.
The certificates shall attest that the integrity of the structure, as it was originally designed,
has been entirely restored. It shall also attest the performance of all the necessary checks
required by the specifications of the testing authority or by the agencies/institutions,
approved by the same authority, which shall be duly mentioned in the certification
These specifications shall be similar to or more stringent than those of the standards
established for the project.

The heavy and superheavy lift drawings prepared by the contractor shall be subject to approval
by the owner.
The owners approval shall not relieve the contractor of any contractual responsibilities under civil
and penal law.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 10 (27)

All the lifting lugs shall be designed in accordance with ASME B 30.20 or equivalent international
standards and/or the standards in force in the country where the works are to be carried out.
The use of lifting lugs that are temporary or constructed on site or that arrived with the equipment
to be mounted but are not identified is not be allowed. In general it is forbidden to use lifting lugs
and accessories that are not specifically indicated in the approved lift diagrams.
All lifting lugs shall be inspected before the lifts in order to ascertain their integrity and the
absence of any damage suffered during transport.

The elevation of lifting lugs for vertical equipment weighing less than 150 t shall be shown on the
owners and/or equipment suppliers drawings.
The elevation of lifting lugs for vertical equipment having a total weight in excess of 150 t shall be
shown by the contractor on the drawings supplied by the owner.

The orientation of equipment lifting lugs shall be shown on the owners and/or equipment
suppliers drawings.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 11 (27)

After visiting the site and prior to commencement of the erection works, the contractor shall plan
the lifts of all the vertical and horizontal equipment taking account of the following:

shape, dimensions, weight and materials of the equipment;

access roads to the work area for transport of lifting equipment;
conditions of the place of material unloading;
equipment erection sequence;
erection drawings and procedures for gin poles, derricks, hydraulic lifting towers, cranes,
special means and equipment, etc.;
work area for temporary installations;
electric power and utilities required during the use of lifting equipment;
necessary soil bearing capacity;
erection sequence and schedule for each item of equipment;
diagrams of lifting means and equipment carrying capacity;
orientation and position of the lifting equipment and means;
list of the equipment required for lifting;
list of lifting equipment components;
transport plan for means and equipment;
safety plan for lifts, moving and all operations required for the installation and erection of
equipment and machines;
plan for emergencies and the evacuation of personnel (within the present scope of work);
plan for lifting equipment disassembly;
radio communications plan;
quality (QA/QC) plan;
certification plan;
whatever else is required for lifting.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 12 (27)




Gin poles/ ringer type special cranes/ superstructure with hydraulic lifting systems
Lifting equipment shall be approved and/or certified by the competent government authorities
and/or by other official agencies (subject to the owners approval) before starting operations.
It shall be selected according to the shape, weight and dimensions of the equipment to be lifted
and depending on the operating conditions of the surrounding work area.
For this type of structure and in particular for structures to be used for super heavy lifts, detailed
and certified specific design is mandatory as they are prototypes, hardly ever standard structures,
often adapted to specific cases, except for a few components (e.g. the jacking system).
Moreover it is imperative to make sure that the engineering and calculation specialists have the
data required to analyse the whole project in detail and that they are the people who perform and
sign the design under their full responsibility.
For these structures certification by official agencies must be complete and testing of the whole
design is obligatory.
According to the type of project and the lift execution difficulties, the owner may decide to
perform the test with a 20% or 10% overload using specific dead weight ballast. For this test the
owner may allow the use of the equipment (wherever possible) to be lifted into a vertical position
with special rocker arms in order to verify the design elastic deformation values, the general
stability of the structures and the functionality of all the systems. The above shall be agreed upon
during the project phase with the owner and specified in the procedure for planned and
scheduled tests and checks.
Testing of this lifting equipment shall be repeated for the specific project even if the contractor
can demonstrate that the contractor has conducted equivalent tests for previous projects.
For this type of structure the contractor shall supply all the detailed and specific references of
similar works the contractor has already performed for other projects.
Experience has shown that these structures, which are normally very stable due to their weight
alone and still more so with the load to be lifted, are however very vulnerable to wind action
during the transitory phases of erection and disassembly and therefore the design shall expressly
provide for windbracing, or guys that shall also be used also during the actual lifting operation to
assure greater safety.
This recommendation shall be followed even if the contractor declares that the structure is a
guyless lifting tower because it is provided with base anchorage. The use of similar structures
(whether they be bridge or quadrilateral type with four bases) merely resting on foundations or
rails is therefore forbidden. Windbracing shall be an additional safety factor that is to be
considered in the risk analysis as a precaution against earthquakes and exceptionally strong
winds, as well as an additional protection against accidental anomalous moments and forces due
to failures of the hydraulic or motorised systems, or to wrong manoeuvres during lifts.
All guys (braces) shall meet the following requirements:
a) lifting equipment shall be windbraced during erection and disassembly, as well as during the
lift phase, if this is provided by the project;
b) all guys shall be equally spaced around the structures;
c) all guys shall be tensioned so as to have the same deviation or slack;
d) guys shall be installed so as to avoid interference with other work areas and with the
circulation of personnel and equipment;
e) all connections with the guys shall be fastened by a minimum number of clamps as
indicated in the technical codes;

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 13 (27)



the diameter of the guys shall not be less than the value specified in the lifting plan. The
safety factor of the guys shall be in accordance with ASME B 30.6. or equivalent
international standards and/or with the standards in force in the country where the works are
carried out;
the anchoring of tackle, windlasses, tirfors and guys shall be performed with dead weight
dead weight ballast shall not interfere with the equipment foundations, the underground
network and the structures;
plant permanent structures cannot be used as dead weight ballast without the owners prior
consent. To assure smooth lifts these structures shall be provided with hydraulic, motor or
electric self-driving tailing systems (guying and accompanying the equipment) that have
sufficient speed to assure a perfectly vertical rise of the main hoist hook.



Self-moving cranes
Principal cranes for heavy or critical lifts must by the property of the contractor. The used of
retention cranes from hired sources is allowed, provided the equipment and crew ar under the
total responsibility of the contractor.
All cranes shall be approved, tested and certified in accordance with international standards and
the standards of the country where the lifts are to be carried out.
Whenever a defect that may entail risks during the lifting phase is noted, all necessary corrective
action shall be taken to eliminate it.
The utilisation capacity of the crane required by the lift diagram in the most serious conditions
shall be less than 95% of the capacity shown in the manufacturers tables for the type of structure
Another type of crane shall be selected for capacities exceeding 95%.
The lifting diagram proposed by the contractor with the use of cranes shall clearly specify the
conditions beyond the utilisation limit of 95% max. of the capacity indicated in the table, even if
the crane limits in these conditions refer to overturning or collapsing. That is to say that all the
international capacity tables specify in the notes that the capacities refer to 75% of the crane
overturning limit. In many cases, in spite of this note, the limit (that is 100%) refers to crane
collapse as the design limits have been reached. Often a line in bold type in the table
distinguishes the overturning areas from the collapse areas.
In the case of weight tables relating to structural collapse of the crane, the lifting capacity utilized
must be 10% below equivalent tabled manufacturers weights.
The contractor is therefore requested to specify clearly on the lift diagram when weights relate to
maximums which could result in collapse or overturning.
Lifts carried out with 2 or more cranes must allow for control device distributing the load between
the cranes, including acoustic alarm and isolation means which intervenes in case the loads are
different from those loads programmed in advance.
The lifting capacity of each crane during lifting which requires the contemporary use of 2 cranes
will be 25% below in respect of the manufacturers table of the lifting capacity for each crane.
When lifting loads involving 2 cranes, positional movement is prohibited.
The contractor shall specify in all the lift diagrams and in the procedures the warnings and
precautions that the lift operations supervisor and the crane operators shall adopt to correct the
variation of the jib radius in relation to the design data due to the recovery of allowances on the
ringer counterweight, (fifth wheel) and above all crane jib flexibility. Practical experience teaches
that if these deviations are not carefully controlled the result can be crane overturning or even jib

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 14 (27)

For this reason too, all cranes with a trestle jib having a capacity over 45 t and those with a
hydraulic jib having a capacity over 30 t must be provided with revised and tested inclinometers,
digital computer type if possible, and with the related acoustic alarms for the inclination of the
Clearly it is necessary to specify in the lift procedure and diagrams the importance, not only of
keeping the operating radius under control, but also of assuring perfect verticality in both senses
(at 90) of the hoist hook. These factors, together with the control of weights, are the essential
parameters of crane lift operations.
All cranes with a capacity over 30 t shall be provided with digital computerised dynamometers, to
be tested or checked before each operation, for registering the lift weights.
For critical lifts, the dynamometers shall be connected to alarms set at given values.
All the weights specified in the documents supplied by the owner shall be verified by the
contractor in the field by weighing operations to be performed before the lifts, according to
methods that are to be proposed in the bid.
The contractor shall therefore make quite sure that the weights to be lifted are correct and shall
indicate in the procedures the methods that are to be used.
The contractor must take into account and increase the weight by 3% to allow for any
measurement error due to the position of measurement device.
The contractor shall specify in the lifting diagram the formula for calculating the final weight to be
lifted as the weight load. This shall include at least:
block and hooks;
crane ropes from jib head to block;
spreader beam and ropes;
various accessories including all that separates the head/jib from the equipment to be lifted;
the safe working distance between any part of the crane and an obstacle must not be less
than 1 metre. In case of operation in the vicinity of electrical cables or high tension power
lines, the safe working distance of the crane or any part of same, must not be less than 6
the rotation speed of the crane must not be greater than 10% of the tabled and stated
maximum, which normally indicates 1 revolution per minute;
any jibs and hooks as required by the crane table.
A set of lifting diagrams shall supplied together with the crane and shall always be easy to
consult in the field.
Additional sections of the jib shall always be counterbalanced by balance weights according to
the instructions manual.
Wooden, steel sheet and concrete beams can be used to improve the soil bearing capacity and
the resting surface of wheels, tracks and crane stabilisers.
It is most important that stabilisers and jacks should always be used, even when this is not
expressly required by the tables and crane conditions, as a protection against possible yielding or
giving of the tyres or tracks in case of excessive crane rotations during the lift phase.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 15 (27)





The dimensions, characteristics and fabrication of steel ropes shall be adequate to support
the maximum load envisaged by the lifting plan.
The steel ropes of the main lift system shall have sufficient length for the whole range of
movements envisaged for lifts and shall always have a double wind of rope around the
Steel ropes shall be certified according to ASME B.30.6 attesting their dimensions and work
The ropes shall be in perfect condition, with their dimensions and capacities identified by
printed labels.
Slings shall be according to ASME B.30.9.
The safety factor of the ropes of any kind of slinging shall not be less than 5 (6 under Italian
All chains shall be forged or electrically welded with elements of the same size.
The drum diameter shall not be less than 20 times the rope diameter.
The chain pulley diameter shall not be less than 10 times the rope diameter:
All hooks, revolving hooks, safety hooks, clamps and tensioners shall be made of forged
The owner reserves the right to make a NDT on each accessory provided for lifts.

Preventive checks
In the event of the occurrence of one of the risk situations listed below, the steel ropes shall be
removed from the hoist hook and appropriate measures shall be taken to improve the lift
1) Six broken threads distributed at random in one lifting rope or three broken threads in one
winding turn.
2) Wear of 1/3 of the original diameter of the rope external threads .
3) Deformation, squashing or other damage to the cable structure.
4) Damage of any kind due to heat sources.
5) 3/64 reduction of the rope diameter for diameters up to 3/4 ; 1/16 reduction for diameters
from 7/8 to 1/8; 3/32 reduction for diameters included between 1 and 1 .
6) More than two broken threads in the guy ropes close to the clamp joints or more than one
broken thread at the end of a connection.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 16 (27)


Safety factor
The minimum safety factor for ropes and slings shall not be less than the values indicated below:



Lift ropes
Jib lifting and lowering ropes



Jib support ropes

Rotation ropes
Ropes or braces for tensioning

Slinging ropes



Inspections of lifting equipment components

All structures, hydraulic mechanisms, windlasses, hooks, tackle, joints and pulleys shall be
inspected and certified by official agencies accepted in the country where the works are


The structure of lifting means and equipment shall be grounded with a resistance value of less
than 10 ohm.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 17 (27)


Erection of lifting means and equipment

The contractor shall prepare an erection procedure for the lifting equipment indicating:

detailed schedule of the erection works;

erection sequence;
list of equipment;
list of personnel assigned to the operations with their responsibilities;
safety plan;
electronic control systems for lifting operations;
windbracing and dead weight ballast;
work area.

This procedure shall be approved by the owner before the start of works.
The owners approval shall not release the contractor from any contractual responsibilities under
civil and penal law.

Check after erection

Immediately after erection of the means and equipment and before starting equipment lifts, the
following parts shall be checked:


components and connections;

winches anchoring ;
number, tensioning and conditions of guys (windbraces);
aesthetic conditions of and damage to steel ropes;
all control mechanisms and safety devices;
winches control and electric systems.

Prevention of accidents due to windbracing

In order to prevent accidents, clearly visible red flags shall be fastened to all guys (windbraces).


Disassembly of lifting means and equipment

The contractor shall prepare a procedure for the disassembly of lifting means and equipment

detailed schedule of disassembly works;

disassembly sequence;
list of equipment;
list of personnel assigned to the operations and their responsibilities;
safety plan;
windbracing and anchoring;
delimitation of the work areas;
transportation plan;
cleaning of areas.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998

Sheet 18 (27)

This procedure will be subject to the owners approval.

The owners approval shall not relieve the contractor of any contractual responsibilities under civil
and penal law.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998

Sheet 19 (27)

Equipment erection shall be carried out by a work group made up of a site engineer, a lifts
superintendent, a lift equipment operator, a signal man, a rigger, a safety expert and a surveyor.
The responsibilities of each component of the work group shall be clearly defined.
The experience of the key personnel dedicated to the lifting activities shall be supported by a
curriculum vitae.
Contractor personnel handling the lifting equipment shall be qualified and have many years of
documented experience. The operator shall be in possession of the necessary licences required
by local law.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998

Sheet 20 (27)


The contractor will be promptly advised of the arrival of equipment on site. The equipment list will
be updated monthly by the owner.
The contractor shall check the weight of the equipment by means of the packing list, by making
theoretical 5% calculations or by using weighing instruments and shall assume responsibility
for the actual weights to be to be considered for the lifts.
Equipment equal to or greater than 20 t will be delivered to the contractor on trolleys or trucks.
The contractor will carry out, together with one of the owners representatives, a first inspection
of such equipment in order to draft a report of any visible damage due to transportation.
On completion of inspection the contractor will take responsibility for the equipment.
After the inspection the contractor will unload and arrange the equipment on the ground in the
position defined on the lift drawings prepared by the contractor.
Any materials/means on which to rest the equipment on the ground shall be supplied by the
contractor at contractors expense.
Equipment weighing less than 20 t will be collected by the contractor and stored in the owners

It is the contractors responsibility to supply the material needed for the shimming and levelling of
foundations and to carry out the following checks and works before making the lifts:
a) check that the arrangement of the foundation bolts complies with the layout of the
equipment drawing;
b) chisel the concrete foundations for a thickness of 0.2 0.5 mm and clean the concrete
surface of the foundation using compressed air;
c) remove any rust from the foundation tie-rods and lubricate them with a mixture of grease
and graphite supplied by the contractor;
d) check the foundation elevations, the dimensions and position of the anchor bolts in respect
of the equipment baseplate;
e) check the finished concrete surface, its roughness and perform the shimming using steel
sheet plates to reach the equipment support elevation. Grout the shim plates using a
compound mix of two parts sand, one of Portland type or equivalent cement and sufficient
water for perfect hardening;
equipment erection shall be carried out at least 15 days after installation of the shim plates;
g) the sheet plates shall be 100 X 150 X10 mm (minimum) size and shall be placed between
the foundation bolts in a sufficient number to support the equipment;
h) the pressure transmitted to the shim plates mortar shall not exceed 6 to 8 N/mm ;
in the case of foundation bolts or guide plates to be positioned in pockets, the contractor
shall assure perfect cleaning of the pockets.

Before starting erection of the lifting equipment the contractor shall investigate the conditions of
the soil and its bearing capacity and report to the owner any defects found so that the latter can
carry out any necessary improvement works.
The contractor shall be responsible for checking the soil bearing capacity so as to meet the
bearing requirements of contractors lifting equipment.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998

Sheet 21 (27)

The contractor shall have the soil bearing capacity certified by a testing authority officially
recognised in the country, and provided it meets the requirements, a certificate signed by the
contractor and the owner will be issued.
From then onwards the contractor will be responsible for the soil bearing capacity and for any
events deriving therefrom.



Shims and wedges

Shims and wedges shall be made of carbon steel, machine tooled and ground so as to have the
following characteristics:






100 450

50 200



100 450

50 2



4 - 5


The quantity of shims and wedges required for the foundations shall be ready for use.

The main checks that are to be made before lifts are:
1) check the proper operation of all the mechanisms;
2) check that the mechanisms are free from leaks of oil or other products;
3) check the setting up of the mechanisms;
4) check the electrical and instrumentation systems
5) check that there are no bodywork deformations and no breakage;
6) check that there is no corrosion, deformation or breakage of the crane and jib structure;
7) check the steel ropes;
8) check the safety factors of the steel ropes;
9) check the proper condition of pulleys;
10) check the crane load instrument in the various jib positions;
11) check the crane jib inclination
12) check the crane rotation angle;
13) check the end of course intervention;
14) check the hook fastening system;
15) whatever else is required to assure safe lifting.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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Nov. 1998

Sheet 22 (27)

Before starting the installation works the contractor shall:



check the weight, orientation of nozzles and centre of gravity of the equipment, as well as
any damage caused during transport;
clean and grease the foundation bolts;
check that the equipment baseplate corresponds to what is shown on the equipment
suppliers drawing;
inspect the condition of the slings and lifting lugs;
check the operation of the brakes, clutch and all the control and safety devices;
remove any testing water and temporary material inadvertantly left in the equipment;
clean the bottom surface of the equipment.

24 hours before starting the lifts it is necessary to obtain the weather forecast from an
official meteorological station located in the vicinity of the place where the lifts are to be
The maximum wind speed expected for the day of the lift shall not exceed 5 8 m/s.
The maximum wind speed, for the project, in operating conditions (during lifts) shall not
exceed 15 m/s.
Lifts shall be made in fair weather conditions with a wind speed not exceeding 3.5 5 m/s.
The maximum allowable wind speed in operating conditions will be 8 m/s registered on the
air-speed meter installed at the highest point of the lifting means.
No equipment shall be installed during wind gusts, storms or heavy snowfall.
When the wind speed exceeds 8 m/s, all lifting operations shall be stopped.




A trial lift shall be performed in order to test all the components of the lifting means and
equipment: structures, cranes, ropes, accessories, etc.
If a defect is noted, the equipment will be lowered to the ground and the defect will be
eliminated. After restoration of the system, the equipment can again be slowly lifted.
Loads shall not be suspended in dangerous positions during lift operations.
The protection of equipment nozzles shall not be removed without the owners consent.
Care shall be taken during erection to avoid damaging bolts and bolt threading.
Shims and wedges shall be used during the positioning and levelling of the equipment.
Shims and wedges shall be installed on flat base plates between the bolts and levelling of
the equipment shall be made.
Where the distance between the anchor bolts exceeds 800 mm, additional shims and edges
shall be installed between the anchor bolts.
Shims and wedges shall not be replaced by pieces of wood and/or concrete blocks.
After levelling has been completed and the bolts have been tightened, the shims and
wedges that remain grouted to the foundations shall be welded in sections.
Lifting lugs welded to the equipment shall not be removed.
The equipment shall not be unhooked from the lifting means before the foundation bolts
have been tightened.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 23 (27)

All the equipment installed shall be levelled and plumbed.
Vertical equipment shall be plumbed according to the requirements specified in chapter 7.1.
Horizontal equipment shall be levelled according to the requirements specified in chapter 7.2.



Tolerance required
Equipment shall not depart from verticality more than 1 mm per meter of equipment height or 25
mm for the whole height of the equipment. The lower of the two values shall hold good.


Method to check verticality




The verticality check shall be performed in the absence of sun or early in the morning.
The equipment verticality check shall be made by means of a transit with a bubble
sensitivity of not less than 1/10.000 and with the aid of a meter rule marking centimetres.
The instrument is placed at a distance corresponding at least to the height of the
equipment, so that the spyglass rotation angle does not exceed 45.
The transit will be positioned successively on three points that are at about 120 from each
other on the circumference having as a centre the axis and radius equal to the height of the
This is because the verticality check is made on three generating lines of the equipment that
are about 120 from each other.
Equipment verticality will be acceptable if all three checks on the generating lines at 120
give values within the tolerance indicated above.

Each measure will be made according to the following procedure





instrument is installed and set;

the centre of the spyglass grid is made to coincide with the highest point of the generating
line of the cylindrical equipment contained in the plane tangential to the shell crossing the
transit axis;
next, rotate the eyeglass on its horizontal axis towards the bottom, down to the base of the
cylindrical part of the equipment;
if a displacement of the grid centre, in respect of the above-mentioned generating line, is
detected towards the outside of the equipment, it will be measured as indicated below; if the
above-mentioned displacement is towards the inside of the equipment, the transit spyglass
is moved to make the grid centre coincide with the highest point of the generating line
which, as above, is identified on the other side of the equipment.
This is necessary in order to have the displacement in question read from the base of the
cylindrical part of the item of equipment, and thus permit its measurement;
one of the operators assistants with the transit rests the end of a meter rule held in a
horizontal position, as precisely as possible, at the lowest point of the generating line of the
cylindrical shell being examined.
The meter rule shall be kept perpendicular to the plane tangential to the shell;
the spyglass is used to read the total displacement value of the equipment generating line in
respect to the vertical line;

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 24 (27)




during rotation towards the bottom of the eyeglass it will be visually checked that there is no
displacement of the generating line from the vertical line, which can be attributed to
construction of the equipment, exceeding the tolerance indicated in this specification.
If such a displacement is detected, it will be necessary to inform the home office for the
necessary action to be taken;
once the maximum displacement has been registered, rotate the alidade or axis of the
instrument 180 as well as the transit spyglass and repeat the verticality check as described
above. This is necessary to eliminate reading errors due to the imprecision of the
the real displacement value to be recorded on the verticality report is given by the algebraic
half sum of its readings.
However, any displacement found in respect of the generating line (towards the inside of the
equipment) shall be marked with a negative sign.


If the equipment to be checked has two sections of a different diameter, a check will be made
first of the bottom cylindrical part with a greater diameter and then of the upper cylindrical part
with a smaller diameter.
Obviously both shall be within the tolerance limits.
Furthermore the displacement found on the upper cylindrical part shall be summed to the
displacement found on the lower cylindrical part if the two displacements, in respect of their
generating lines, go in the same direction; conversely, if they go in opposite directions, the
difference between the two displacements shall be computed.
The value given by these operations shall be included within the tolerance.


Instruments and topographical engineer


The instrument shall be suitable to make the specified measurements.

The instrument shall be calibrated before making the measurements.
The topographical engineer shall be highly qualified, have references and/or be a member
of the society of engineers.

Equipment levelling shall be made with the aid of an instrument on four points of the horizontal
axis indicated on the equipment by the manufacturer.
The level shall be aligned in the direction of the 2 axes.
The maximum tolerance shall be 1 mm per meter of length on the horizontal axis and of 2 mm
max. on the vertical axis measured at the 2 ends on the external generating line of the diameter.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 25 (27)

Once the equipment verticality and level check has been carried out, the contractor shall ensure
tightening of the foundation bolts while the owner shall have the grouting of the equipment
performed by other contractors.
Final tightening of the bolts will be performed by the contractor with the aid of torque wrenches at
the tightening moment values indicated by the owner.
The sliding base of horizontal equipment shall be free so as to allow thermal expansion.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 26 (27)

The mortar grouting of the equipment foundations will be performed by another contractor.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

Rev. 0


Nov. 1998

Sheet 27 (27)

The results of the following checks shall be documented by the contractor and confirmed by the
owner in compliance with the quality control plan.


Levelling for horizontal equipment

Correct installation of internals

Internal cleaning and closing of manholes

All the other checks required by the quality control plan.

Form code : MDT.GG.QUA.0515 Sh. 01/Rev. 1.94

File code:
Data file:spc2010e.doc
This document is the property of 6QDPSURJHWWL who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.

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