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"If the warp had a sewage pit, it'd be Fel-lon on a good day"

The Neutral World of Fel-lon, A world originally colonized by over a hundred million colonist to mine its
high abundances of Adamantium and Promethium for the Imperium during the colonization of the
Eastern Fringes, Sometime after the colonization records of the world where either lost or destroyed
leaving the world forgotten and abandoned by the Imperium.
During the era of the Oststernes Reich the world was conquered and forced into hard labor, records
claim that possibly over a billion prisoners were brought to Fel-lon for heavy mining and extraction of
its resources, explaining how the Reich gained its power.
Over the millenniums during the Oststernes Reich reign and after its collapse over 200 years ago, The
world has grown to a critical mass of overpopulation, believed to be estimated in the tens if not
hundreds of billions, This has lead to the world being covered in mass slums creating a high amount
of crime and civil unrest across the world.
Making problems even worse for the people of the world, most of the water sources are polluted from
the mining and extraction of Adamantium and Promethium over the millenniums making purified or
clean water highly scarce and the most valuable resource on Fel-lon, this shortage has lead to
disease, death, mutation and deformity among most of the population who are forced to drink the
polluted water.
The Government of Fel-lon is ruled by remnants of the Oststernes Reich, enforcing their rule with
martial law over the populace, The centre of the governments power is located in a three ringed
fortress that's heavily occupied and armed by the remnants, Inside the centre is the Reich Palace
where the ruler and his closes subordinates resides, With the mass unrest since the Oststernes Reich
collapse several failed rebellions have layed siege to the fortress, the outer wall has yet to fall.

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