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Forest Voice

The Native Forest Council’s Winter 2008

Volume 20
Number 1

Defending Nature, Saving Life since 1988

Nonprofit Org.
Native Forest Council
PO Box 2190 U.S. Postage PAID
Eugene, OR 97402 Eugene, OR
Permit No 310
Forest Voice
© 1988-2008
ISSN 1069-2002
Native Forest Council
PO Box 2190
Eugene, OR 97402
Fax 541.461.2156

Forest Voice is sent free to

members of the Native Forest
Council. The cost of U.S.
membership is $35 annually.
Bulk orders of the Forest Voice
are available for $50 per 100.
A complimentary copy is
available on request.

All rights to publication of

articles appearing in Forest
Voice are reserved.
Likewise, we know that nature cannot be dominated. It simply
reacts and evolves, sometimes in unpleasant directions. It
Tim Hermach
can, however, be destroyed — at least in the form that makes
the planet useful and tolerable to human beings. How rare Managing Editor
is a living water planet, and how unenlightened is our David Porter
The Second American Revolution continued destruction of it? Our environmental policy is
driven by wilful ignorance and its servant, pseudoscience, Editor
Josh Schlossberg
We are engaged in a decisive war, though it is not the war used to intentionally cloud the public’s ability to understand
which rages in the Middle East. And there is a force that the truth. Our international and economic policies are Proofreading and Edits
cannot abide our appetite for resources, but it is not Islamic. increasingly reliant on exploitation, enforced through Jim Flynn
There is also a very real possibility that many of us will suffer, violence, and requiring massive deception.
but it will not be the result of bombs or bullets. Special Thanks
Brett Cole
We are being led into another Dark Age; hostile to reason,
Jim Flynn
Our suffering will be a consequence of our inaction. The disdainful of science, and contemptuous of the rule of law. Funk/Levis & Associates:
force which can no longer tolerate our appetites is nature. It is a world where survival is only assured to those who, by Chris Berner, David Funk
And the war which must of necessity engage us, is against force or fraud, take what they want — a world of barbarians Marriner Orum
those who — through ignorance, or greed, or love of power, adjusted for inflation. Sarah Wiltz
or adherence to religious mythology — conspire to destroy Matt Wuerker
Charlotte Talberth
our Democracy and to stall meaningful progress in the fight But that is not the world the rest of us envision. And if we are Marcia Hanscom
against environmental degradation. to save what we cherish — our precious Democracy, the Bill of John Jonik
Rights, justice and opportunity for all peoples, and a healthy Deborah Ortuno
Collectively, we have arrived at the 11th hour not because and stable planet which can support a diversity of life — we
the earth will collapse tomorrow, but because the trajectory must be the engine of our own enlightenment and the source
No Thanks
we have plotted and the speed with which we are moving of our own courage. We need “thoughtful and committed
All those who feel it’s OK to
toward disaster is seemingly irreversible. Our consumptive citizens” at every level of society determined to change the cut deals that leave us with
lifestyle is like a supertanker plowing ahead at full speed, and policies and practices that are driving us toward disaster. less native forests, soil, air,
those enlightened beings who understand the need to slow and clean water.
it, are trying to do so with kayaks and paddles. To be clear: “It is not necessary to change,” said W. Edwards Deming,
the earth is not fragile. Far from it. It has withstood ice ages, “survival is not mandatory.” It is, however, a collective choice Submission Guidelines
We welcome unsolicited
meteor strikes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, made one person at a time. Join the fight. Get active: speak,
submissions that address
earthquakes, an industrial revolution, unfathomable amounts write, protest, educate, run for office, fund organizations issues relevant to public
of pollution, and 6.5 billion of us. The earth will survive and candidates you believe in, align your lifestyle with your lands protection and support
whether it is verdant and fertile or barren and lifeless; freezing values, be the change you want to see in the world. Every day, the Native Forest Council’s
cold or boiling hot; richly diverse or woefully impoverished. every decision is important now. Demand greatness from mission. If you would like us
Either way, the planet doesn’t care; the earth will endure. yourself. Inspire greatness in others. Be on the front lines of to return your work, please
include a SASE or send an
What is fragile — and may not endure — are the very narrow the Second American Revolution. e-mail to tim@forestcouncil.
conditions that support human life. org.
The Democracy needs you. The Earth needs you.
We know that the systems which support life on this planet Inspired? Incensed? Impressed?
are in decline. We also know that the leadership of our nation Blessings, Please write:
is bankrupt and obstructionist; captive to an ideology that Native Forest Council
trumps any factual evidence which contradicts it. PO Box 2190
Eugene, OR 97402
In that regard, little has changed. With few shining exceptions,
humanity has continuously fought against the corruption Tim
and ideological intransigence of its leaders. It is always the
few who start the wars, and their surrogates who loot the
commons. It takes but a handful to corrupt our electoral
system, undermine the rule of law, and debase the Democratic
This publication contains
But the opposite is true as well. “Never doubt,” Margaret Mead copyrighted material the use
advised, “that a small group of thoughtful and committed of which has not always been
specifically authorized by
citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that
the copyright owner. We are
ever has.” making such material avail-
able in our efforts to advance
Up until now, we have had the luxury of time to overcome understanding of environ-
injustice, overthrow oppression, and to elevate reason and mental, political, human
science above superstition and fear. But our best scientific rights, economic, democ-
racy, scientific, and social
minds are telling us that we are running out of time. We justice issues, etc. We believe
no longer have the luxury of commissioning more studies, this constitutes a “fair use” of
engaging in more debates, investing more effort to change any such copyrighted mate-
those who are determined to dominate the world while rial as provided for in section
stripping it of its resources. If they could be touched by reason 107 of the U.S. Copyright
Law. In accordance with Title
or compassion their behavior would already reflect it.
17 U.S.C. Section 107, the
material in this publication
But domination is a fool’s pursuit. We already know that is distributed without profit
domination, whether of people or nations, is doomed to fail to those who have expressed
because the human spirit is indomitable and any attempt a prior interest in receiving
to subjugate it generates potent antibodies. But although the included information
for research and educational
history is littered with failed subjugations, we cannot afford
purposes. For more informa-
to live another decade, much less a century under ignorant tion, go to
and rapacious leadership. edu/uscode/17/107.shtml.

 Forest Voice Winter 2008

Native Forest
News and Views
Council Climate Change Models Predicted Asia Pulp & Paper of logging an area the size of Delaware in a
part of Sumatra that provides critical habitat for endangered
The Native Forest Council is Southern California Fires orangutans, tigers and elephants.
a nonprofit, tax-deductible
organization founded by
The wildfires that have been sweeping Southern California
business and professional
people alarmed by the are consistent with what climate change models have been Nature Conservancy Buys Wild
wanton destruction of our predicting for years, experts say, and they may be just a Adirondack Forest So They Can Log It
national forests. We believe prelude to many more such events in the future.
a sound economy and a
sound environment must The last remaining large privately owned parcel in New York
“This is exactly what we’ve been projecting to happen, both
not be incompatible and that State’s Adirondack Park — considered an “ecological marvel”
current public-land manage-
in short-term fire forecasts for this year and the longer-term
containing 144 miles of river, 70 lakes and ponds, and more
ment practices are probably patterns that can be linked to global climate change,” said
than 80 mountains — has been purchased by the Nature
catastrophic to both. Ronald Neilson, a professor at Oregon State University and
Conservancy for $110 as part of a deal to “continue logging
bioclimatologist with the U.S. Forest Service. “In the future,
The mission of the Native to supply wood to the Finch Paper mill in Glens Falls, N.Y.,
catastrophic fires such as those going on now in California
Forest Council is to protect and for the next 20 years.”
may simply be a normal part of the landscape.”
preserve every acre of publicly
owned land in the United
Ground Broken on the First U.S. Celluosic Nature Hates Fish Farms
Board of Directors
Allan Branscomb
Ethanol (Trees to Fuel) Plant in Treutlen Northern Ireland’s only salmon farm was completely wiped
Calvin Hecocta County, Georgia out by a freak jellyfish attack. More than 100,000 fish worth
Tim Hermach more than one million pounds (2.1 million dollars) were
Advisory Board Colorado-based Range Fuels plans to complete construction killed in the invasion.
Ed Begley, Jr. of the plant’s first phase by the end of 2008 and to start
Jeff DeBonis producing 20,000,000 gallons of tree-based ethanol “It’s a disaster,” said John Russell, managing director
Larry Deckman a year in 2009. of Northern Salmon Co. Ltd. “The sea was red
Erika Finstad with these jellyfish, and there was nothing we
David Funk
could do about it, absolutely nothing. The vastness was
Rev. James Parks Morton
Fraser Shilling Forest Service Doesn’t Have Enough unbelievable.”
Ed Dorsch Money to Draw Up Timber Sales The seven-hour attack saw the jellyfish covering a sea area of
President up to 10 square miles (26 square kilometres) and 35 feet (11
Timothy Hermach Bush adminstration plans to boost logging in Northwest metres) deep.
national forests have collided with low timber prices blamed
Josh Schlossberg on the housing slump. The U.S. Forest Service is running
Rachel Barton-Russell short of money to draw up new timber sales. Not Much Left of Robin Hood’s Sherwood
Bill Barton
Reduced home construction, which consumes about 40
percent of Northwest lumber, depressed demand and prices.
Luke Pruen Robin Hood might have a hard time hiding out in the
Sherwood Forest of today. The forest once covered about
Rick Gorman 70% of Forest Stewardship Council 100,000 acres, a big chunk of present-day Nottinghamshire
County. Today its core is about 450 acres, with patches spread
Michelle D’Amico
Samantha Chirillo
Logging is in Native Forests out through the rest of the county.
John Borowski
Jeanie Mykland The Forest Stewardship Council may strengthen its rules
David Peltier
The forest is beloved for its connection to Robin Hood,
Mick Dodge
after a member was accused of destroying a vast swath the legendary 13th century bandit who hid there from his
Michael Riegert of tropical forest on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. nemesis, the Sheriff of Nottingham, in between stealing from
Michael Lang Environmentalists have accused Singapose-based timber firm the rich and giving to the poor.
Johny VanHerwaarden
Steve Sandberg

Clearcutting the Climate

Roy Keene

Seattle Office
Seattle, WA
206.783.0728 Native Forest Council, Cascadia’s Ecosystem Advocates and
David Divelbiss present
Suzanne Pardee
Saturday, January 26, 2008
10 am – 5 pm
Eugene Canvass
Daniel Evanoff
Jeramy Vallianos

Seattle Canvass
University of Oregon
Ilira Walker
Eugene, Oregon
Regional Representatives
Lawrence 177
Margaret Hays Young Uniting the Climate and Forest
Brooklyn, NY
718.789.0038 Protection Movements
718.789.8157 fax
a conference of science and action Free Admission
Wayne Norton donations are appreciated.
Gainesville, FL Burning fossil fuels — petroleum, coal and natural for $35 or more receive a DVD copy of conference
gas — is not the only cause of global warming. just ask!
Jason Tamblyn Clearcutting forests also disrupts the climate. Join
Duluth, GA
770.851.4181 expert scientists and environmental leaders for Mail to: Native Forest Council
a groundbreaking one day conference to bring Attn: Conference
Kris Moorman PO Box 2190
Ames, IA
together citizens concerned about climate change
515.232.1316 and about forest protection. Eugene, OR 97402
Linda Marina
Burlington, VT Presentations from this conference will be posted
802.540.0196 for local, bioregional and global distribution.
Background information on these connections
Printed on 100% Post-
will continue to be added to increase public
awareness of the need to protect native forests and
Consumer Recycled
Paper with stop clearcutting to protect the climate.
Soy-based Ink

Forest Voice Winter 2008 

Swiss Army Knives
How Deforestation Changes A tree becomes a second kind of umbrella
the Climate after the rainclouds pass, the captured
raindrops have stopped dripping, and the
sun comes out from behind the clouds.
by Lance Olsen After a tree’s leaves and needles act as a
rain umbrella, or water-catcher, a tree
Poetically lovely though a tree may be, it’s also then does duty as a sun umbrella, or
a multi-purpose tool including two kinds of water-keeper. The keyword here is shade,
umbrella, a mighty pump, and a storage closet. because the cooler temperatures of shad-
ed places stop the moisture under trees
Getting rid of lots of trees can be enough to redesign from evaporating as rapidly as it would
not only the scenery of a state, bioregion, or even a in direct sunlight. We see the same thing
whole nation, but the loss of trees can also redesign with snow, because the snow that falls
regional climate, weather and the lives of children into the shade of a forest melts and runs
and adults for many decades to come. The basics away a lot more slowly than the snow
are simple enough for kids to understand, and fun lying in a sunny clearing or clearcut. Give
to teach them. a kid a trowel, have her start digging, and
let her see for herself that soils under trees
Everyone knows that we can use a tree as an will generally be more moist than the
umbrella when it rains. We’ve known it long soils of nearby clearcut slopes.
enough and well enough that we’ve also learned
how risky it can be to take shelter under a tree Whether we see a tree as a rain umbrella or a
during a lightning storm, because lightning can sun umbrella, its effect is magnified many
target trees, including the ones under which people times over when we ponder the practical
have run for shelter. impact of an entire forest. A forested
region is a massive reservoir of water, and
Aside from the risk of lightning, though, ducking it’s one that leaks away its captured booty
the rain by running under a tree is sound advice slowly enough to feed mountain springs Photo:
when we are caught in rain that comes without and streams all through a hot Montana
lightning, because trees do act as umbrellas. summer. Forested regions are so very good deforestation has potential to loose more carbon
at hanging onto water that scientists have lately dioxide into the atmosphere than we liberate in
As it turns out, some species are better umbrellas been thinking that deforestation around the globe our burning of fossil fuels.
than others — Russian scientists have reported accounts for a “significant” portion of the planet’s
that that a fir tree, for example, can catch about rising sea levels, because falling rain can rush back Science has been sorting out the facts of the mat-
half the rain that falls on it, and any rain caught to the sea much more quickly when there’s less ter ever since, and, while the estimates have been
in the fir’s many needles doesn’t fall on the person forest left to catch it, and delay its escape. refined, the gist of the tale holds true.
standing under the limbs. That’s all well and good
for people caught outside in rain, but a major part Because a forested region lets water go slowly, it can After a tree is cut, it begins to decompose. Then,
of this living umbrella’s story starts when the rain feed water to everything and everyone (trout and in the process of rot, it lets go of its carbon in the
stops falling. beaver, fisherman and farmer) downstream, and form of carbon dioxide, the same gas that we get
for months on end. But there’s selfishness here, on burning fossil fuels. Now, cutting one tree is of
too: the water a forest captures also satisfies the course no big deal, but multiply this simple loss
A forested region is a massive thirst of the trees themselves. over western Montana, for example, or the entire
Pacific Northwest, and we see lots of carbon gone
reservoir of water, and it’s one At this stage of the game, a tree shows itself as from its storage closets to the skies, where it now
that leaks away its captured a pump. It starts when the roots of trees grab warms the planet. The basic lesson is that drought
booty slowly enough to feed the water saved by its needles and its shade, and and climate change can begin very close to home.
pull that water into the body of the trees just as
mountain springs and streams effectively as a kid might sip a nice cold glass of
iced tea. The water goes up the tree’s trunk, into
the limbs, progressing into its leaves and needles, deforestation has potential to
After a rain moves on past us, the water caught in and through little openings called stomata, where
a tree drips slowly off its leaves or needles. The net water vapor is expelled back to the atmosphere loose more carbon dioxide into
effect is the same as if the rain itself kept falling. To from which it came. Your sweat on a hot day the atmosphere than we liberate
demonstrate the point, stand under a tree loaded probably illustrates the basic point about as well as
with water, then shake the tree. What do you get? any other real-world analogy.
in our burning of fossil fuels
By pumping underground water back to the
The lesson learned here is that a tree in the woods atmosphere, each tree irrigates our skies. Multiply One of ecology’s standard maxims is that “You
is a self-watering entity, because it captures water this thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even can’t do just one thing.” That old dictum sure
that might otherwise be free to rush away in a millions of times over, and a whole forest ends holds true when it comes to cutting trees. Because
quick return to the oceans. Multiply this over an up pushing a pretty serious river of water back a tree is a Swiss army knife, cutting it down takes a
entire forest, and the result can amount to many to the atmosphere. We see some of this airborne paragon of multiple-use out of Nature’s tool chest.
millions of gallons of water kept in the forest by river’s fallout as morning dew, but it also supplies
the forest’s trees. atmospheric moisture for subsequent rains; a lot Lance Olsen is former president of Great Bear
of this moisture goes up to recharge rainclouds Foundation, Missoula, Montana.
that will be carried away by winds that take them
to nearby or distant areas before their load of rain
falls once again.

All this is well understood enough that, for many

years now, scientists have regarded intact forests as
rainmakers. “Big Trees give rise to streams.
So far, so good, but no self-respecting Swiss army It is a mistake to suppose that
knife would settle for being nothing more than the water is the cause of the
a dual-purpose umbrella and a powerful pump; a
tree is also a storage closet. Even here, it does at
groves being there.
least double duty.
On the contrary, the groves
From time to time, science has reported that trees
store the pollutants they get from air and water, are the cause of the water
but lately the big story is their impressive storage being there.”
of carbon. This is where the story of trees and forest
really heats up.
—John Muir
Over the past 20 years, scientists have turned
increasing attention to the vast amounts of carbon
that is stored in trees. For any tree that had been
storing carbon for, say, 700 years, a lot of carbon
is set loose when any such tree is toppled by the
Photo: saw. Knowing this, some scientists have said that

 Forest Voice Winter 2008

Burning the Planet to Fill Your Fuel Tank
Cellulosic ethanol another and grass. Those that propose producing cellulosic
ethanol from these materials state there is a large
chimerical climate “solution” amount of wasted biomass from agricultural and
that furthers biological forestry sources that is currently being discarded
and can be drawn upon to fuel our automobile
homogenization and ecological culture in particular. We are about to embark upon
collapse fueling our society from woody “waste” that may
or may not exist.
by Glen Barry
Cellulosic ethanol is all the rage these days as a
Humanity’s epitaph may well read “Much business opportunity to address climate change
Potential, but Cut and Burnt Themselves to and surging energy demand. President Bush in
Death.” Nearly every environmental crisis can be his 2006 State of the Union address proposed
traced to burning hydrocarbons for energy, and expanding the use of cellulosic ethanol by some
cutting and clearing vegetation for a variety of 20 billion gallons per year by 2017. Since cellulose
reasons. Sadly, even as climate change awareness cannot be digested by humans, at least production
has grown, an understanding of root causes of of cellulose does not compete with the production
environmental crises such as over-consumption of food. Biofuels from food sources such as corn,
remains dreadfully lacking. So now, at this late sugar, palm oil and other crops were all the rage
date in the Earth’s decline, there are plans to cut just a couple years ago and growth continues
and burn cellulosic ethanol biofuel produced from apace, but significant problems are emerging and
biomass including forest and agricultural “waste.” it is unlikely food biofuels have a sustainable and
equitable future, are green, or will meaningfully
Vain attempts to fuel gluttonous, over-populated address climate change.
humanity — that is well past the Earth’s carrying
capacity already — from biomass may well be the It is illustrative to further review these problems
final step in the destruction of Gaia’s biosphere with food biofuels which were heavily sold as green
and our human habitat. and sustainable. Yet now we find food prices are
soaring globally while actual biofuel production society while maintaining ecosystem services and
Everyone is green since the Goracle has spoken. has limited if any benefit for climate change, species, and land productivity. Cellulose biofuels
But the fact that half-baked half-measures to try sustainability, equity or justice. Paramilitary will kill.
to maintain gluttonous western lifestyles remain groups are taking land in Colombia for biofuels,
the focus means really no one (or very few) truly Indonesia’s rainforests are being cleared for Human Society’s Downsizing:
approaches individual ecological sustainability. Europe’s fuel releasing more carbon than saved Starts with Less Cutting and Burning
Our techno-capitalist ideological faith assures us by oil palm biofuel, the price of food around the
that climate change, forest loss, water scarcity world such as corn in Mexico is skyrocketing. Who Global environmental sustainability depends
and ocean decline all have technological fixes. We was the genius that thought of burning food for critically upon reducing the extent and scale
see capitalism’s “more is good” ecocidal policy in energy? Must not have been one of the billions of human impact upon natural ecosystems. All
chimerical promises of untested “clean coal;” the that are poor, hungry or landless. remaining primary vegetation must be protected,
myth that “healthy forests” requires industrial and large scale restoration of ecological systems
management, and false claims that ancient Cellulose Biofuels Will Destroy Forests and Land where they historically occurred commenced.
forests should and can be “certifiably sustainably” Productivity Humanity’s overall population; as well as per
logged. capita consumption, energy use and greenhouse
First let’s smash the fallacious myth that cellulose gas emissions must be dramatically downsized
as a raw material is plentiful, readily available with immediately. Any solutions that propose more
Ethanol produced from little negative residual impact. Energy from non- biomass cutting and perpetuates burning for
food organic biomass is only going to increase energy production exacerbates rather than solves
cellulose ultimately represents a pressure on land and forests. It is the next step in the Earth’s ecological crises.
mining of soil nutrients and of the biological simplification and destruction of
the Earth.
the Earth’s productive capacity
As with other capitalist environmental failings; Any solutions that propose
Pie-in-the-sky climate techno-fixes divert attention the push for cellulosic ethanol is oblivious to limits more biomass cutting and
from reducing individual and societal emissions to growth including finite amounts of land, and
— the only way to save the climate, the Earth and solar energy to power terrestrial biomass growth.
perpetuates burning for
thus ourselves. Appropriate technologies have a Already humanity uses the majority of the Planet’s energy production exacerbates
role, but their primacy in the discussion diverts arable land and net primary production. Increased rather than solves the Earth’s
attention from the immediate need to reduce demand for cellulose will certainly mean fewer
greenhouse gas emissions now, yesterday, 10 years natural forests, reduced land productivity, and ecological crises
ago. Fast, really fast. As climate change becomes a increased land conflict.
huge fucking business, very little attention is paid
to whether a particular product, method or way of Cellulose based biofuels will lead to more ill- Humanity simply can not maintain excessive
addressing the problem will truly be effective. Do advised forest thinning projects to fight fires while energy dependent lifestyles through yet another
something, anything (that does not require real using woody cuttings for fuel, and to genetically ill-considered and environmentally damaging
sacrifice), and worry later whether it was the right modified plantations of fast-growing cellulose rich energy source — cellulosic ethanol biofuels — that
thing or ultimately caused more problems than it trees. Most agricultural waste is ultimately returned further draw upon the biosphere and primary
solved. to the land to fertilize and build soil structure, or production of biomass. It will not work and will
fed to livestock; while much forest waste is in fact doom the Earth, human habitat and all of Gaia’s
Burning More Biomass NOT the Answer nutrients for the next generation of forests. There creatures. Who is going to rise up and fight off
will be even more pressure upon ancient primary the flim-flam charlatans — con artists selling us
Using woody cellulose rich biomass for energy forests to be converted to agriculture and fiber biofuels, geoengineering, carbon offsets and more
to power industrial societies that have already plantations. consumption and growth as the keys to a climate
passed their carrying capacities will spell the death change solution?
knell for forests, humans and all of life. Cellulosic Ethanol produced from cellulose ultimately repre-
ethanol fuel is produced from cellulose found sents a mining of soil nutrients and of the Earth’s The only solution to global heating, and the
naturally in cell walls of plants such as wood, straw productive capacity. More pressure upon the land myriad of other global ecological emergencies, is to
to produce ever more agricultural and plantation immediately begin deintensifying human impacts
products will come at the cost of further deteriora- upon the biosphere and her natural ecosystem
tion of the Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems, as natu- patterns and processes. In terms of climate, this
ral ecosystems that are already failing are asked requires targets for mandatory national emission
to give yet more. We can expect a whole range of cuts while meeting our energy, food and other
follow-on problems including genetic pollution, needs for a reduced human population from
water diminishment, and toxic chemicals associ- permaculture systems and renewable, non-
ated with industrial plantations and agriculture. polluting and non-destructive energy sources that
are truly ecologically sustainable. There are no easy
As if enough forests have not been lost from solutions to save the Earth; they all require sacrifice,
Europe’s bastard child, the industrial revolution, as well as changed lifestyles and societies.
which commoditized everything, including
forest ecosystems; and globally from waves of Dr. Glen Barry is the President and Founder of
ecological imperialism as Europeans brought their Ecological Internet: He is
capitalism, religion, cocks and forest destruction a conservation biologist and political ecologist, a writer
to the Americas and the world. The Earth’s forests of essays and blogs, and a computer specialist and
“Understory removal” on southern Oregon BLM lands
Photo: and land do not have the capacity to power human technology researcher.

Forest Voice Winter 2008 

We Ought Not Grow Cows In Dry West
by George Wuerthner run into these non-negotiable conditions.

The West is a powerful place. Soaring mountains. Aridity has its cost. Low precipitation and
Vast plains. Boisterous rivers. Huge spaces. frequent drought accounts for the West’s limited
productivity. By comparison, in many parts of
But one attribute defines the West more than any the moist and humid East, one can raise a cow
other: aridity. year round on a single acre of ground. In many
parts of the arid and rugged West, 100-200 acres
Aridity imposes limitations and costs on human or more are necessary to sustain a cow. Such vast
enterprises. Nowhere are the limitations and costs of expanses require more investment in fencing, water
aridity less apparent, yet reaping more degradation developments; more gas in the pick-up truck and
and destruction than the failed attempt to create a just time spent gathering stock. Not surprisingly
viable livestock industry in this dry region. Louisiana produces more beef than Wyoming —
the Cowboy State. And despite the fame of Georgia
peanuts and fruit, the peach state produces more
No other activity affects more cattle than Nevada.
of the West in more ways than
The wide open spaces that the West is famous for
livestock production also means that livestock are far more vulnerable to
predators. Most ranchers simply put their animals
out on the range and allow them to fend for
Livestock production — which includes not only themselves for weeks or months at a time, giving
the grazing of plants, but everything it takes to raise predators plenty of opportunities for a free lunch. Photo:
a cow in the arid West including the dewatering But in the moist East where most livestock are
of rivers for irrigation, the killing of predators to grazed on the back forty, one can readily monitor place to raise cows. That is not to say there are not
make the land safe for cattle, the fragmentation of livestock daily and even put them in a barn or better or worse ways to ranch, and some ranchers
landscapes with hay fields and other crops grown corral each night for protection. In the West, the are more conscientious than others, but all must
to feed livestock, combined with the pulverization nearly universal response has been to extirpate the ultimately face the reality of geography. And aridity
of riparian areas under cattle hooves, and the predators. results in livestock-induced ecological costs and
displacement of native wildlife — is by far the worst places economic constrains on what ranchers can
environmental catastrophe to befall the West. afford to spend to mitigate the problems created
If you want to grow livestock by geography and the use of a water-loving, slow-
Though the resulting biological impoverishment moving, dim-witted domestic animal for stock.
is less obvious to the average person than say the in the West you can only do The western livestock industry is built upon a
impacts of logging or a mine, its ecological wounds it by subsidizing the livestock poor foundation—the domestic cow—and like a
are greater. No other activity affects more of the house built upon a steep eroding hillside, you can
West in more ways than livestock production.
operation with environmental not ultimately fix the problem by continuously
degradation prompting up the industry.
If this sounds a bit like hyperbole, consider the
following. Livestock production occurs on more What will a West freed from the yoke of cows be
than 850 million acres of public and private land And while in the moist East the grass 200 yards like?
in the West — one third of the U.S. land area! More from a stream is just as green and lush as along
importantly this is by far the driest, most fragile the waterway, in the West, nearly all green lush For starters many species currently at low numbers
third of the country. Given the vast amount of vegetation is concentrated in the thin green line or restricted distribution will see their populations
land affected, and the fact that most livestock of riparian vegetation. Here cows congregate and grow to fill the great spaces of the West. Wolves may
production is anything but benign, the biological trample streambanks, pollute waterways and again howl beyond the city limits of Boise and Salt
impoverishment caused by the livestock industry is destroy the riparian habitat that is essential to the Lake. Salmon once again may jam the spawning
potentially staggering. Although no full accounting survival of 75-80 percent of the West’s wildlife. beds of the Salmon, John Day and Powder rivers.
of the true cost of livestock production has ever been Bison could roam the prairie just beyond the city
undertaken, we do know that livestock production In the moist East where it rains, you can grow limits of Casper, Denver and Billings. Rivers will
is responsible for some superlatives. hay or other water-loving crops for animal feed run clear and full.
without irrigation. In the West, we destroy rivers
It is the single greatest cause of soil erosion in by damming and draining them to grow hay.
the West. It is the number one source of non- And with the destruction of rivers, we place into the West is a totally
point water pollution. It is the major consumer of jeopardy fish as diverse as the Bonneville cutthroat inappropriate place to raise
scarce western water, and the major factor in the trout to the Sacramento smelt. And so it goes. If you
extirpation of many native species from the wolf want to grow livestock in the West, you can only cows
to the grizzly bear. It is the reason that the West’s do it by subsidizing the livestock operation with
wide open spaces are fragmented, fenced, and environmental degradation. And not surprisingly,
domesticated. Not surprisingly given all the above, as the many federally funded irrigation projects, This rejuvenated West won’t be some throw back to
it is the major factor in the listing of more western predator control, and other state and federally the times of Lewis and Clark. We have crossed too
endangered species than any other cause. funded projects demonstrate, a great deal of many ecological thresholds, and we have too many
taxpayer money as well. people for that to be a reality any time soon. But this
Most of these problems are ultimately traced to new livestock-free West will nevertheless almost
aridity. Since there is little we as humans can do I am not trying to make a case for raising beef in certainly will be more ecologically productive,
to effectively change the natural limitations of the East. Even in the East livestock production is more beautiful, and wilder than at present. And
western geography, any proposals to make ranching a very ecologically costly endeavor. Rather I am that is plenty good enough for me.
somehow less destructive and more benign soon suggesting that the West is a totally inappropriate
George Wuerthner is a writer, activist, biologist and
photographer whose pictures can be seen at

“Oh give me a home...

Where the deer and the
antelope play.
Where seldom is seen the
hamburger machine,
And the flies are not
swarming all day.”

—Edward Abbey

 Forest Voice Winter 2008

Precious Few Societies Have
Taken Care Of Their Most
Fundamental Resource
Book Review Greece onwards, showing that we have
known for a long time how to obtain
Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations
good crop yields and simultaneously
by David R. Montgomery conserve soil. Reasons that such sage
Review by Eric A. Davidson advice has seldom been followed include
perverse economic incentives and land
Dust in the wind: civilizations collapse when tenure laws imposed by governments
their soil runs out. that reward mining the soil for short-
term profits. Montgomery offers a wealth
If everyday expressions offer clues to what we of interesting examples.
value, then the common use of “dirt-cheap”
to describe anything inexpensive speaks The Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC
poorly of our appreciation for soil. Like water now stands near where colonial ships once
andair, soil is not efficiently traded and priced sailed in the Potomac River and is built
in the marketplace, and yet we could not live on the sediments washed downstream
without it. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to from former colonial tobacco farms.
figure out that food security and human well- High prices paid for tobacco in Europe,
being depend on fertile soil. That expression a plentiful supply of cheap land in the
implies admiration for the intelligence of American colonies, and tax revenue for
rocket scientists, and similar praise is due the British government generated from
to Earth scientist David Montgomery, whose tobacco sales motivated both private and
new book insightfully chronicles the rise of government sectors to seek maximum
agricultural technology and the concomitant crop yields rather than promote sound room carpet and in sediments of reservoirs and
fall of soil depth just about everywhere in the agricultural management. These shocking estuaries. The greatest strength of this book
world from prehistoric to modern times. The changes become obvious over many decades is its persistent and forceful demonstration
topic could not be more timely, as recent large- and centuries, but soil often slips away at a of a lesson that adult societies have yet to
scale expansion of maize (corn) production rate that a farmer may not perceive during a embrace: societies prosper and persist best
in the United States and sugar cane in Brazil single lifetime. when they figure out ways to keep their soil
for biofuel signals a new era of competition where it belongs and not treat it as if it were
between the energy and food sectors for the dirt cheap.
globally finite resource of arable land and the We are currently losing soil at
remaining good soil. least 20 times faster, on average,
than it is being replaced “The Nation that destroys its
Montgomery catalogues a tragically recur-
rent pattern: starting with the first farmers in through natural processes soil destroys itself.”
the Tigris and Euphrates river basins, across
the Mediterranean of the ancient Greeks and
Romans, through bronze, iron and industrial Further advances in technology will probably
—Franklin Delano
ages, repeated in the Americas and in Asia, and increase crop productivity, and some Roosevelt
up to contemporary practices on industrial expansion of agricultural land is still possible,
mega-farms and smallholder slash-and-burn but Montgomery argues that soil has become
fields. In each case, agriculture expanded on a scarce resource. More than a history lesson
good land, which fueled population growth, of the legacies of past civilizations, the book
followed by further agricultural expansion raises a critical concern for modern times.
onto marginal land, ultimately leading to soil We are currently losing soil at least 20 times
erosion, declines in agricultural productivity, faster, on average, than it is being replaced
and often societal collapse and emigration. through natural processes. To meet the
demands for food and, more recently, energy,
Perhaps owing to the repetitive nature of this we need Montgomery’s scholarly, historical
story, the writing is not as captivating as Jared perspective, as well as the ability to project
Diamond’s “Collapse” (Viking, 2004), which current trends of land
similarly charts the interplay between the management to future
prosperity and longevity of civilizations and scenarios.
their husbandry of several kinds of inherited
natural capital. Equally provocative, however, In the final chapter, the
Montgomery asserts that the rise and fall of author offers a vision of
many civilizations, generally lasting from 800 organic farming for both
to 2,000 years, roughly corresponds to how large and small farms.
long it takes for their soils to erode away.
When I talk to
elementary school
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist classes about soil, I start
to figure out that food security by distinguishing it
from dirt. Kids quickly
and human well-being depend
catch on that soil
on fertile soil nourishes plants in
forests, grassland, farms,
and gardens, whereas
Not all is gloomy. A precious few examples dirt is soil transported
of good soil management are described. to places where it is
Montgomery also cites philosophers, unwanted, such as under
agronomists and soil scientists from ancient fingernails, on the living

Forest Voice Winter 2008 

Big Timber’s Inc
“Deforestation is the
increase atmospher

- NA

“Between 25 and 30
percent of the greenhouse
gases released into the
atmosphere each year – 1.6
billion tonnes – is caused by

- Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United

Any serious attem

climate crisis in the
ending logging on
acres of pu

Only 5% Remains. Saving Life is Not Extreme.

Zerocut on Public Lands ­— Native Forest Council
convenient Truth
second major way we
ric carbon dioxide.”


“The loss of natural

forests around the world
contributes more to global
emissions each year than
the transport sector.”

- Sir Nicholas Stern, Stern

Review on the Economics
of Climate Change for the
British Government

mpts to combat the

e U.S. must involve
n our 643 million
ublic lands.

For more information on the link between logging and

climate change, go to
Are Big Enviro Groups Holding Back
Anti-Warming Movement?
While the U.S. government
and some corporations are
finally acknowledging global
climate change, some critics say
partnering with such forces may
“tame” the movement’s goals and

by Megan Tady
In These Times
The heat is on environmental groups and politicians
to churn out proposals for stabilizing the planet’s
rising temperatures, but some environmentalists
say existing plans to cool climate change are timid.
Their criticism reveals a rift between two approaches:
preserving the American way of life at the expense
of quicker solutions, or changing the structure of
U.S. society to counter an unprecedented threat.

The dominant approach to human-induced

global warming revolves around slow but dramatic
reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions by
mid-century. The mainstream environmental
community, along with a handful of politicians
and corporations, is calling for various regulations
and market-based actions to reduce greenhouse-gas
output by 60 to 80 percent over the next 43 years.

“They’re really holding the energy system will take time because market forces funding and distributing renewable energy, but
whole movement back by will take a while to make renewable technology instead promotes weaker reforms like removing
prices competitive.
setting their sights so low.”
“It’s still possible that we can avoid dangerous the U.S. could cut greenhouse-
climate change and cut emissions in half by mid- gas emissions more quickly if
This goal is based on what some scientists have century through a process that doesn’t require an
estimated the United States needs to do to help immediate shutdown of all of our coal-powered pressure groups took a different
the world limit the rise in global temperatures to plants,” said John Coequyt, Greenpeace energy stance and instead called
less than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial policy analyst. “We can still do this in a phased
— and as a result — economically beneficial
for immediate government
levels. The goal presupposes that some climate
change is inevitable. In 2006, a government- manner.” intervention
commissioned report in the United Kingdom called
the “Stern Review” said that the “worst impacts of “There’s no reason we can’t get there within the
climate change can be substantially reduced” by next five to ten years with significant funding.” subsidies for fossil-fuel industries and forcing
cutting greenhouse emissions to meet the two- prices to reflect the actual costs of environmental
degree goal. In January, Greenpeace published what it called a damage. To reduce market barriers faced by clean-
“blueprint for solving global warming.” The plan energy technology, Greenpeace advocates offering
Even if climate warming is kept to two-degrees or calls for 80 percent of electricity to be produced producers of sustainable power priority access to
lower, the report said there will still be “serious from renewable energy, 72 percent less carbon the electricity grid and reducing the governmental
impacts” on “human life and on the environment.” dioxide emissions, and for U.S. oil use to be cut in red tape that inhibits their startup.
For instance, the report predicted the disappearance half — all by 2050.
of drinking water in the South American Andes and “None of [the solutions presented by mainstream
parts of Southern Africa and the Mediterranean, The timeline is based on removing the market groups] address the power structures. None of them
up to 10 million people affected by yearly coastal barriers to green energy, while making dirty energy address corporations. None of them address a lack
flooding, and 10 to 40 percent of species on Earth more expensive. It does not call for significant of democracy.”
going extinct. “They’re really holding the whole public funding of renewable energy or government
movement back by setting their sights so low.” investments in new energy infrastructure or public “What would be the other option?” asked Coequyt.
transportation. “Mandate that every house has to have solar panels
Noting that “2050 is a long time away,” David on it and that coal plants have to shut down?”
Morris, vice president of the Institute for Local Self- Tokar dismissed the 2050 timeline, saying the U.S.
Reliance, said he wants to see action right away. “So could cut greenhouse-gas emissions more quickly if According to Tokar, Greenpeace and other groups
what I want to know is, what are [environmental pressure groups took a different stance and instead should be calling for the funding of public
groups and politicians] going to do tomorrow?” called for immediate government intervention. transportation and subsidies to make housing more
energy efficient. “We can do all of these things
Morris and others who want to see more immediate “The only thing that can change it is a significant immediately,” he said.
and deeper action fear such incremental changes investment in public funds to really jumpstart the
are downplaying the urgency of the situation. industry,” Tokar said. “There’s no reason we can’t Dissidents also rebuke the mainstream
“They’re really holding the whole movement back get there within the next five to ten years with environmental community for not pushing hard
by setting their sights significant funding.” for a less-energy-intensive lifestyle in the United
so low,” said Brian States.
Tokar, Biotechnology Coequyt of Greenpeace agreed with Tokar that
Project Director at the the United States could reach emissions-reduction Coequyt acknowledged Greenpeace is not yet
Institute for Social goals sooner if not for the perceived need to depend urging Americans to fundamentally change the
Ecology in Vermont. primarily on the market to make renewable energy way they live to fight climate change. “What we’re
the best choice for consumers. saying right now is that we have the technology,
Market-based and we can reduce our energy through efficiency
solutions “That’s definitely the case; we could see faster use so much, and we can do it without having to
action,” Coequyt said. “It’s hard for us to be a lot completely change our lifestyle,” he said. “But it is
The basic premise faster than what we put in our scenario, but if the certainly possible that in the near future we may
behind long-term government made it a true national priority, I don’t have to have a more-urgent call.”
plans for emissions think there’s any doubt that we could go faster.”
reduction is that But for some environmentalists, making the
moving away from Despite this admission, Greenpeace is not pushing urgent call for lifestyle changes — from something
a fossil-fuel-based for the government to get heavily involved in as tame as driving less to more radical changes like

10 Forest Voice Winter 2008

adopting a vegetarian, localized diet — should go Vicki Arroyo, who is with the Pew Center, said their
hand in hand with the push for larger, system-wide proposal is “ambitious.”
greenhouse-gas reductions and energy efficiency.
They say radically scaling back consumption But, Arroyo said, the plan “can’t start today” because
is needed to ensure global environmental passing legislation takes time. “There really is no
sustainability and equity. way in our system to move any faster than what’s
being recommended here,” Arroyo said.

Dissidents also rebuke the Many of the proposals reflect the need to court
mainstream environmental the Bush administration and politicians, who
have refused to call for tough measures on climate
community for not pushing change.
hard for a less-energy-intensive
Bill McKibben, an environmentalist organizing
lifestyle in the United States national demonstrations against climate change
with the new “Step It Up” campaign, likened
Mark Hertsgaard, an environmental journalist, the United States’s stance on global warming to
said that to avoid “irrevocably cooking” the planet, an “ocean liner heading in the other direction
“we cannot continue this resource-intensive life.” entirely.” He said, “[Eighty percent reductions by
Given a rising global population and unmet energy 2050] seems to be at the moment the outer limit of
needs of poorer countries, he said: “At the end of what’s politically possible.”
the day, we also have to cut back on our appetite.
That’s just arithmetic.”
radically scaling back
Morris, of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, said
environmentalists need to start pushing large-
consumption is needed to
scale changes into the public discourse. “We need ensure global environmental
to start asking for the kind of sacrifice that will be sustainability and equity
required,” he said.

Political Disconnect
For author and radical environmentalist Derrick “We are playing Russian
Another plan published by the United States Jensen, the obstacles to faster changes presented
Climate Action Partnership (US-CAP), a coalition by the U.S. political system, illustrate the need for
roulette with features of
of corporations and environmental groups, calls for more-holistic measures. the planet’s atmosphere
legislation to rapidly enact a “mandatory emission- that will profoundly impact
reduction pathway,” with an ultimate goal of 60 to “None of [the solutions presented by mainstream
80 percent carbon reductions by 2050. groups] address the power structures,” Jensen said. generations to come. How
“None of them address corporations. None of them long are we willing to
The partnership includes the Natural Resources address a lack of democracy... the environmental
Defense Council, Environmental Defense, the groups are not questioning this larger mentality
Pew Center on Global Climate Change and the that’s killing the planet.”
World Resources Institute. They are joined by nine —David Suzuki
corporations — including DuPont, BP America and Megan Tady is a staff journalist with the
General Electric. NewStandard.

NFC Member Profile: Jeanie Mykland

Olympia, Washington’s Jeanie Mykland — NFC When asked what
lifetime member, green gospel-preaching volunteer led her to become a
and Forest Voice distributor extraordinaire — grew member and volunteer
up “exploring and loving nature.” With the creation for NFC above all other
of Earth Day in 1970, Jeanie began delving deeply organizations, she
into the “interconnections” between forests, clean says simply, “honesty,
air, pure water, fertile soils, a livable climate and integrity and passion.”
human existence. Upon returning to the U.S. after
three years living abroad in forest-starved Europe, Jeanie is often asked
the importance of our nation’s 5 percent remaining about her “Stumps
native forests became even clearer to Jeanie. Don’t Lie” bumper
sticker on her car, which
Jeanie taught elementary school (K-4) for 30 gives her an opportunity
years, with a major focus on the environment. to educate Olympia’s
As her school district did not have a “sufficient” citizens about the
environmental program, Jeanie took it upon herself “interconnectiveness”
to research and gather curriculum materials to teach of forests, air, water, soil
a new generation about the crucial importance of and human existence,
our forests, mountains, rivers and streams. while slipping them an
ever-handy copy of the
Eventually heeding the call of the wild, Jeanie Forest Voice.
spent the 1980s in the last frontier, Alaska. On
moving back to Washington in the 1990’s she Jeanie takes her role as forest advocate seriously, Ultimately, Jeanie’s vision of a sane and healthy
noticed “a huge change in the Pacfic Northwest “I’ve learned so much through the NFC and want future involves “the dismantling of the system of
— more people, more clearcuts, less nature, more to help pass the message on so we maybe have a corporate rule and reclaiming public control over
roads” and countless other disturbing changes in chance to change our focus in this country and the air, forests and water — these are essential ecological
the land. But hope was on the way. world.” resources that belong to us all.”

While shopping one day at her local food co-op Despite the heartbreaking reality of human-caused Jeanie’s deep understanding of the essential role
Jeanie picked up an issue of the Forest Voice, which planetary destruction, Jeanie is hopeful for the of planetary ecosystems to all life on Earth, her
she says was “just what I needed. I was immediately future. She believes there’s still a chance for world passion and love for the natural world, and her
encouraged that someone was at least trying to peace (noting that wars and “imperialism” are major willingness and ability to communicate the need
promote ideas for saving the natural world.” Since users of the planet’s natural wealth) and insists for forest protection to others makes her a vital
then, Jeanie’s been one of NFC’s most valuable that as a nation we must “stop the unsustainable advocate that we are lucky to have on our team.
members, distributing thousands of Forest Voice a exploitation and marketing — there’s too much
year across her eco-conscious town of Olympia. waste everywhere.” Thanks again Jeanie!

Forest Voice Winter 2008 11

The Greatest Dying
by Jerry Coyne and disappearing at a rate of two
percent per year. Populations
Hopi. E Hoekstra of most large fish are down to
only 10 percent of what they
Two hundred fifty million years ago, a monumen- were in 1950. Many primates
tal catastrophe devastated life on Earth. We don’t and all the great apes — our
know the cause — perhaps glaciers, volcanoes closest relatives — are nearly
or even the impact of a giant meteorite — but gone from the wild.
whatever happened drove more than 90 percent
of the planet’s species to extinction. After the And we know that extinction
Great Dying, as the end-Permian extinction is and global warming act
called, Earth’s biodiversity — its panoply of species synergistically. Extinction
— didn’t bounce back for more than ten million exacerbates global warming.
years. By burning rainforests,
we’re not only polluting the
Aside from the Great Dying, there have been atmosphere with carbon
four other mass extinctions, all of which severely dioxide (a major greenhouse
pruned life’s diversity. Scientists agree that we’re gas) but destroying the very
now in the midst of a sixth such episode. This plants that can remove this
new one, however, is different — and, in many gas from the air. Conversely,
ways, much worse. For, unlike earlier extinctions, global warming increases
this one results from the work of a single species, extinction, both directly
Homo sapiens. We are relentlessly taking over the (killing corals) and indirectly
planet, laying it to waste and eliminating most of (destroying the habitats of
our fellow species. Moreover, we’re doing it much Arctic and Antarctic animals). agricultural yields. Meanwhile, with increased
faster than the mass extinctions that came before. As extinction increases, then, so does global pollution and runoff, as well as reduced forest cover,
Every year, up to 30,000 species disappear due to warming, which in turn causes more extinction — ecosystems will no longer be able to purify water;
human activity alone. At this rate, we could lose and so on, into a downward spiral of destruction. and a shortage of clean water spells disaster.
half of Earth’s species in this century. And, unlike
with previous extinctions, there’s no hope that Why, exactly, should we care? Let’s start with the In many ways, oceans are the most vulnerable
biodiversity will ever recover, since the cause of the most celebrated case: the rainforests. Their loss will areas of all. As overfishing eliminates major
decimation — us — is here to stay. worsen global warming — raising temperatures, predators, while polluted and warming waters kill
melting icecaps, and flooding coastal cities. And, as off phytoplankton, the intricate aquatic food web
the forest habitat shrinks, so begins the inevitable could collapse from both sides. Fish, on which so
Unlike earlier extinctions, this contact between organisms that have not evolved many humans depend, will be a fond memory.
together, a scenario played out many times, and As phytoplankton vanish, so does the ability of
one results from the work of a one that is never good. Dreadful diseases have the oceans to absorb carbon dioxide and produce
single species, Homo sapiens successfully jumped species boundaries, with oxygen. (Half of the oxygen we breathe is made
humans as prime recipients. We have gotten AIDS by phytoplankton, with the rest coming from
from apes, SARS from civets, and Ebola from fruit land plants.) Species extinction is also imperiling
To scientists, this is an unparalleled calamity, far bats. Additional worldwide plagues from unknown coral reefs — a major problem since these reefs
more severe than global warming, which is, after microbes are a very real possibility. have far more than recreational value: They
all, only one of many threats to biodiversity. Yet provide tremendous amounts of food for human
global warming gets far more press. Why? One But it isn’t just the destruction of the rainforests populations and buffer coastlines against erosion.
reason is that, while the increase in temperature that should trouble us. Healthy ecosystems the
is easy to document, the decrease of species is not. world over provide hidden services like waste
Biologists don’t know, for example, exactly how disposal, nutrient cycling, soil formation, water As extinction increases, then,
many species exist on Earth. Estimates range wide- purification, and oxygen production. Such services so does global warming, which
ly, from three million to more than 50 million, and are best rendered by ecosystems that are diverse. Yet,
that doesn’t count microbes, critical (albeit invis- through both intention and accident, humans have in turn causes more extinction
ible) components of ecosystems. We’re not certain introduced exotic species that turn biodiversity — and so on, into a downward
about the rate of extinction, either; how could we into monoculture. Fast-growing zebra mussels, for spiral of destruction
be, since the vast majority of species have yet to example, have outcompeted more than 15 species
be described? We’re even less sure how the loss of of native mussels in North America’s Great Lakes
some species will affect the ecosystems in which and have damaged harbors and water-treatment
they’re embedded, since the intricate connection plants. Native prairies are becoming dominated by In fact, the global value of “hidden” services
between organisms means that the loss of a single single species of (often genetically homogenous) provided by ecosystems — those services, like
species can ramify unpredictably. corn or wheat. Thanks to these developments, soils waste disposal, that aren’t bought and sold in the
will erode and become unproductive — which, marketplace — has been estimated to be as much
But we do know some things. Tropical rainforests are along with temperature change, will diminish as $50 trillion per year, roughly equal to the gross
domestic product of all countries combined. And
that doesn’t include tangible goods like fish and
timber. Life as we know it would be impossible
if ecosystems collapsed. Yet that is where we’re
heading if species extinction continues at its
current pace.

Extinction also has a huge impact on medicine.

Who really cares if, say, a worm in the remote
swamps of French Guiana goes extinct? Well,
those who suffer from cardiovascular disease. The
recent discovery of a rare South American leech
has led to the isolation of a powerful enzyme that,
unlike other anticoagulants, not only prevents
blood from clotting but also dissolves existing
clots. And it’s not just this one species of worm: Its
wriggly relatives have evolved other biomedically
valuable proteins, including antistatin (a potential
anticancer agent), decorsin and ornatin (platelet
aggregation inhibitors), and hirudin (another

Plants, too, are pharmaceutical gold mines. The

bark of trees, for example, has given us quinine
(the first cure for malaria), taxol (a drug highly
effective against ovarian and breast cancer), and
aspirin. More than a quarter of the medicines
on our pharmacy shelves were originally derived
from plants. The sap of the Madagascar periwinkle
contains more than 70 useful alkaloids, including
vincristine, a powerful anticancer drug that saved
the life of one of our friends.

12 Forest Voice Winter 2008

Of the roughly 250,000 plant species on Earth,
fewer than five percent have been screened for
pharmaceutical properties. Who knows what life-
saving drugs remain to be discovered? Given cur-
rent extinction rates, it’s estimated that we’re los-
ing one valuable drug every two years.

The global value of “hidden”

services provided by ecosystems
— those services, like waste
disposal, that aren’t bought and
sold in the marketplace — has
been estimated to be as much as
$50 trillion per year

Our arguments so far have tacitly assumed that

species are worth saving only in proportion to their
economic value and their effects on our quality of devastated planet. Global warming will seem like
life, an attitude that is strongly ingrained, especially In the end, we must accept the a secondary problem when humanity finally faces
in Americans. That is why conservationists always possibility that we ourselves are the consequences of what we have done to nature:
base their case on an economic calculus. But we not just another Great Dying, but perhaps the
biologists know in our hearts that there are deeper not immune to extinction. greatest dying of them all.
and equally compelling reasons to worry about
the loss of biodiversity: namely, simple morality Jerry Coyne is a professor in the Department of Ecology
and intellectual values that transcend pecuniary But, whether or not one is moved by such concerns, and Evolution at the University of Chicago. Hopi E.
interests. What, for example, gives us the right it is certain that our future is bleak if we do nothing Hoekstra is John L. Loeb Associate Professor in the
to destroy other creatures? And what could be to stem this sixth extinction. We are creating a Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
more thrilling than looking around us, seeing that world in which exotic diseases flourish but natural at Harvard University and curator of mammals at
we are surrounded by our evolutionary cousins, medicinal cures are lost; a world in which carbon Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology.
and realizing that we all got here by the same waste accumulates while food sources dwindle; a
simple process of natural selection? To biologists, world of sweltering heat, failing crops, and impure
and potentially everyone else, apprehending the water. In the end, we must accept the possibility
genetic kinship and common origin of all species is that we ourselves are not immune to extinction.
a spiritual experience — not necessarily religious, Or, if we survive, perhaps only a few of us will
but spiritual nonetheless, for it stirs the soul. remain, scratching out a grubby existence on a

William Randolph Hearst: Foe of the Forest

Why we cut trees for paper, chemical treatment to process, the advent of hemp who had long been the subject of white American
pulp paper would allegedly have been better for venom. An ironic side-note: much of this racism
from the environment than the sulfuric acid wood- had already been perpetrated by the propaganda
pulping process. Hemp had many champions, who of Hearst, an unabashed racist. The American
In the early days of our nation, the hemp plant predicted that its abundance and versatility would people had already developed irrational hatred
(a.k.a. cannabis) proved a valuable resource for soon revitalize the American economy. for these racial groups, and so readily accepted the
hundreds of years, instrumental in the making of ridiculous stories of their crazed crimes incited by
fabric, paper and other necessities. This changed William Randolph Hearst, media mogul, billionaire marihuana use.
during the Industrial Revolution, which rendered and real-life model for Orson Welles’ Citizen
tree-pulp papermaking and synthetic fibers more Kane, had different ideas. His aggressive efforts
cost-effective through the rise of assembly line to demonize cannabis were so effective, they
manufacturing methods. A more efficient way of Hearst owned a good deal
continue to color popular opinion today. In the
utilizing hemp was a bit slower in coming. It was early 1930s, Hearst owned a good deal of timber of timber acreage... the
not until the early 1930s that a new technique for
using hemp pulp for papermaking was developed
acreage; one might say that he had the monopoly threatened advent of mass
on this market. The threatened advent of mass
by the Department of Agriculture, in conjunction hemp production proved a considerable threat
hemp production proved a
with the patenting of the hemp decorticator (a to his massive paper-mill holdings — he stood to considerable threat to his
machine that revolutionized the harvesting of lose many, many millions of dollars to the lowly
hemp). These innovations promised to reduce the massive paper-mill holdings
hemp plant. Hearst cleverly utilized his immense
cost of producing hemp-pulp paper to less than national network of newspapers and magazines
half the cost of tree-pulp paper. Since hemp is an to spread wildly inaccurate and sensational stories
annually renewable source, which requires minimal of the evils of cannabis or “marihuana,” a phrase Hearst was not alone in his scheme to destroy
brought into the common hemp production. The new techniques also made
parlance in part due to hemp a viable option for fabric and plastics, two
frequent mentions in his areas of manufacturing which together with paper
publications. seriously threatened DuPont chemicals, which
at this time specialized in the chemical man-
The sheer number of ufacturing of synthetic fiber and plastics, and
newspapers, tabloids, the process of pulping paper. In fact, Hearst and
magazines and film reels Lammont DuPont had a multi-million dollar deal
that Hearst controlled in the works for joint papermaking. So these two
enabled him to quickly moguls, together with DuPont’s banker, Andrew
and to effectively Mellon, bravely joined forces to stave off the bit-
inundate American media ter onrush of bankruptcy. They combined Hearst’s
with this propaganda. yellow journalism campaign (so called because
Hearst preyed on existing the paper developed through his and DuPont’s
prejudices by associating methods aged prematurely) and the appointment
cannabis with Mexican of Mellon’s nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to
workers who threatened Commissioner of the newly created Federal Bureau
to steal American jobs of Narcotics, in order to successfully stamp out the
and African-Americans threat of hemp production.
Industrial hemp production

Forest Voice Winter 2008 13

Acid Forests
by Leslie Joyner and Jim Northup receiving nitrogen and sulfur deposition at levels
greater than can be assimilated, causing soil
Atop our mountains are groves of skeletons. In the nutrient depletion. Such depletion has been linked
northeastern United States, dead fir and spruce to forests’ increased susceptibility to climate-related
trees at high elevations are perhaps the most visible stress, disease, and damaging insects.
and widely acknowledged consequence of acid
deposition, better known as “acid rain.” A 1991 study at the Hubbard Brook Experimental
Forest in New Hampshire demonstrated the
However, after two decades of research, scientists severity of nutrient depletion following a logging
know that the environmental impacts of acid operation. Levels of calcium, magnesium, and
deposition (primarily nitrogen and sulfur borne potassium in the soil were measured prior to and
eastward from Midwest power plants and factories, following whole tree harvesting and were found
but also from the exhaust of automobiles and other to decrease by 40 percent in the first three years
internal combustion engines) reach far beyond following the logging.
dying conifer stands on the mountain summits.
A growing body of evidence points to dramatic Could a double whammy of acid deposition and
declines in forest productivity at mid to high intensive logging cause significant harm to our
elevations, and the long-term, perhaps irreversible, forests? This would seem a logical conclusion,
loss of critical plant nutrients in forest soils. Tree and in fact, the Forest Service reported in its 2003
growth has nearly ceased in some places. Soil Assessment Revision for the Green Mountain
National Forest that the combination of acid
deposition and forest harvesting is depleting soil
Amazingly, the U.S. Forest nutrients over much of the Northeast.
Service... has yet to develop
Why criticize the Forest Service, when it is
a serious response to the not the source of the pollutants causing acid
damaging impacts of acid
deposition in New England.
deposition? Simply put, because the agency has
the responsibility to do what it can to safeguard the
Public Lands
Amazingly, the U.S. Forest Service, which is charged
long-term vitality and productivity of our national
forests. Private Minerals
with the responsibility of protecting the long-term
productivity of our national forests, has yet to The Forest Service’s lack by Ryan Talbott
develop a serious response to the damaging impacts
of acid deposition in New England. Both the White of action is all the more
Eastern national forests are different
Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire and distressing because research
the Green Mountain National Forest in Vermont than western national forests,
are currently in the midst of producing their Forest
has shown that logging, like which were created from “public
Plans for the next 15 years, and to date neither acid deposition, also removes domain” lands already owned by
Forest has demonstrated that it is systematically nutrients from the forest. the federal government. The federal
and scientifically evaluating the changes that may
be necessary to preserve the productivity of our government therefore owns the
federal forests. mineral rights under most western
Forest Watch has asked the Forest Service to
The Forest Service’s lack of action is all the more carefully consider the combined, long-term effects
national forests. By the time the
distressing because research has shown that logging, of acid deposition and logging, and to avoid federal government began to
like acid deposition, also removes nutrients from logging where soil productivity has already been designate national forests in the
the forest. When trees are cut and carted away, the reduced by acid deposition. We believe the agency
nutrients bound up in the wood are removed as
east, most of the land was already
must do these things to comply with the law and
well. Logging that removes the most wood, removes to be good, long-term caretakers of New England’s privately owned.
the most nutrients. national forests.
The Weeks Act of 1911 authorized the
A number of federal laws and regulations mandate The Forest Service needs to hear from citizens —
the protection of long-term productivity, lots of them — that care about this issue. Please go president to acquire private lands for
including the soil’s capacity to support growth, to to send a letter to Forest streamflow protection and to be set
on our national forests, For example, the National Service officials urging them to seriously consider aside as national forest. It did not,
Forest Management Act states that “timber will be the scientific evidence on acid deposition, and to
harvested from National Forest System land only protect the long-term productivity of our public
however, authorize the purchase of
where… soil, slope, or other watershed conditions lands. The NEG/ECP report, Assessment of Forest the subsurface mineral estate and if
will not be irreversibly damaged.” Sensitivity to Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition in the surface and subsurface estates
New England and Eastern Canada, can also be
A 2003 scientific report, commissioned by the
had already been split (were owned
found at
Conference of New England Governors and Eastern by two separate owners) at the time
Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP), states that 31 Jim Northup, Executive Director of Forest Watch, the federal government acquired
percent of Vermont’s forests, including roughly 70, possesses more than 20 years of the surface, it would have to pursue
percent of the Green Mountain National Forest, is experience in forest policy and resource planning.
acquisition of the subsurface in a
separate proceeding.

Allegheny NF (Pennsylvania):
93% private minerals

Daniel Boone NF (Kentucky):

67% private minerals

Wayne NF (Ohio):
65% private minerals

Monongahela NF (West Virginia):

38% private minerals

Ryan Talbott is the Forest Watch

Coordinator for the Allegheny Defense

As published in the Road-Ripporter

Corporate takeover of public lands well underway. Photo: Bill Belitskus

14 Forest Voice Winter 2008

A Response to Failure
Enviros need a change in tactics
by Samantha Chirillo, Shannon Disengaged from the citizenry, shunning other
movements and capitulating at every turn, the
Wilson and Josh Schlossberg environmental movement has failed to connect
human civilization, a healthy environment, and
Over the past year, we’ve been hearing a lot about consumer power in the national psyche. The
eco-sabotage and the absurdity of calling these following are just a few of the resulting assaults on
acts “terrorism.” Yet the question remains: What forests, our global cooling factories:
led once law-abiding citizen activists to take such
desperate measures in the name of the Earth? • BLM’s Western Oregon Plan Revisions: a
backroom sweetheart settlement with timber
For at least part of the answer, we need look barons to axe oldgrowth protections from 2.5
no further than the failure of the mainstream million acres of public forests;
environmental movement to achieve genuine and Post-fire “salvage” logging
lasting protections for the planet. Now, more than • U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s latest Spotted Owl

Peak Forests
ever before, we must breathe new life into true Extinction Plan;
grassroots activism by addressing root problems
instead of just symptoms. Only then will we be able • Logging under the guise of “fire prevention” and
to keep people from giving up hope. “salvage” logging;
by Mark Robinowitz
• Forest biomass extraction;
Instead of picking a stance Peak Oil and Climate Change are two facets of
• Bogus “restoration” on public lands. the same problem of overshoot, and neither
and fighting like hell for it, the can be mitigated in isolation from the other.
tactics of many greens have What we propose is not the whole solution, only Concern about melting glaciers and extinction
devolved to scrambling for a missing part of the solution: being radical inside of charismatic megafauna is less likely to
the system. influence governmental energy policies than
crumbs desperate scrambles to replace depleting fossil
Now is the time to seize the mounting concern energy supplies.
over climate change. Now is the time to add more
Yet today there is an epidemic of environmental uncompromising voices truly advocating for the Most projections of future carbon levels ignore
groups abandoning strong stances for a “seat at the people and the forest. Now is the time to stop just the fact that fossil fuels are finite. Focusing
table” of politicians. Instead of picking a stance playing defense and start scoring some points. With solely on climate change ignores the most
and fighting like hell for it, the tactics of many public opinion overwhelmingly on our side, why important question facing humanity —
greens have devolved to scrambling for any crumbs are a handful of timber barons calling the shots? whether to “spend” the remaining oil on solar
brushed off the bargaining table and then crying panels or battleships (a simplified version of
“Victory!” One under-utilized tactic to protect our forests the choice).
is targeting the pocketbooks of the individuals
Not only have these tactics not influenced directly responsible for ecosystem destruction: the Focusing solely on oil depletion leads to
government, they have failed to send a clear timber barons. The boycott of Umpqua Bank (or destructive policies aimed at increasing liquid
message to the public. In fact, many greens have StUmpqua, whose board of directors are the most fuels production, “alternative” fuels that
essentially cut the public out of their operations, notorious clearcutters and pesticide sprayers in can have worse environmental impacts than
expecting nothing beyond yearly dues or a token Oregon) has already cost the bank tens of millions conventional petroleum, including accelerated
e-mail. of dollars. climate change.

Further examples of missed opportunities abound Peak Oil is creating simultaneous separate
in each of the various “rights” movements — With all the life-sustaining incentives for slower and faster forest
environmental, animal, human/civil, labor — benefits that forests provide, such liquidation.
which have chosen to pursue their own isolated
missions rather than confront the common enemy:
as air, water and soil, when will
Peak Oil’s economic impacts have started
corporate power and rule. As corporations have we see the headline: “Clearcuts reducing construction projects, which will
gained more power, the environmental movement Cause Climate Change”? slow lumber demand, creating incentives
especially, has abandoned its original grassroots for timberland owners to hold onto their
momentum. “resources” for a future uptick in the housing
Instead of burning down buildings, why not market.
While the climate crisis makes national news, educate customers of eco-conscious businesses, like
strangely absent from the debate is how logging Market of Choice, to encourage the company to However, short-sighted pseudo-solutions will
the world’s forests causes one fourth of human- take its $100 million account away from Umpqua speed up deforestation by turning trees into
made carbon emissions. With all the life-sustaining Bank and do its banking elsewhere? You’d have to liquid biofuels, which cannot replace the vast
benefits that forests provide, such as air, water and burn down dozens of buildings to even come close amount of oil used for cars, delivery trucks,
soil, when will we see the headline: “Clearcuts to those numbers! freight trains, cargo ships and airplanes.
Cause Climate Change?”
Some insist that working inside the system can Many power generators built in the United
never work as our problems lie at the very root of States in the past two decades burn natural
civilization. A growing number of these individuals gas, which is past peak in North America.
truly are removing themselves from the culture of This decline is fueling a demand to burn trees
overconsumption. (and wood chips) to make steam to generate
electricity. Converting forests into megawatts
However, while permaculture and bicycling must will create markets for trees too small to process
become commonplace, they alone will not stop into high-quality boards, making recovery of
the timber beast from clearcutting valley and damaged woodlands virtually impossible.
mountain, poisoning and drying up your drinking
water, smothering salmon and exacerbating global The ecologist David Pimental estimates that
warming. We don’t have the luxury of looking 500,000 acres of managed forests would be
the other way and pretending Earth-death isn’t required to supply electricity to a city of 100,000
happening. The only choice is to confront these people powered by burning trees. In Oregon,
issues head on. the roughly 3.7 million people would require
about 17.5 million acres, less than the amount
Few would deny that we need massive structural of actual forestland. Since Oregon is the least
change in our government, in our society, in our populated West Coast state, converting forests
culture. One approach is to pound our fists on the into electricity is not the answer to the decline
reinforced walls of the “system” from the outside. of fossil electricity.
But how soon we forget that the most effective way
to bring down any “system” has always been to Mark Robinowitz publishes a
knock out the supports from the inside. political map to understand Peak Oil Wars.

Samantha Chirillo, Shannon Wilson and Josh

Schlossberg are co-directors of the all-volunteer Eugene-
based group Cascadia’s Ecosystem Advocates, www. They encourage you
to contact them at

Forest Voice Winter 2008 15

Save Our Disappearing Native Forests
There’s a bear in the woods,
1620 and he’s destroying our heritage.



Say it ain’t so, Smokey.

A native forest is a self-regenerating forest that
has never been cut or planted by humans.

I want to help save Mail to:
Native Forest Council
the last of America’s PO Box 2190
national forests. Eugene, OR 97402
Here’s how I can help:

Sign me up! Planned Giving

 $25 Student/Limited Income Native Forest Council offers a variety of planned giving
 $35 Advocate/Basic annual membership opportunities. Gifts of stock, real estate and other assets
 $50 Supporter may offer tremendous tax savings for you and provide
 $75 Contributor the Council with a greater net gift. If you are interested
 $100  Conservator  $1,000 Patron in planned giving, contact the Native Forest Council at
 $500  Sustainer  $5,000 Benefactor 541.688.2600.
 $____ David Brower Circle

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The Forest Voice is filled with stories of Name _______________________________  Please count me as a contributor.
the effort to save the last of our ancient
forests. Less than 5 percent of these Address _______________________________
once vast forests remain, and they’re I want to help get the word out. Please send a
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being cut down at the rate of 185 acres complimentary copy of the Forest Voice to:
per day. Trees that took 1,000 years to State ___________________ Zip___________
grow are destroyed in ten minutes. Name_____________________________ _________________
Each year enough of these trees to Phone _________________________________
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fill a convoy of log trucks 20,000 E-mail _________________________________
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