Architecture Courses in India: Qualifications

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Architecture Courses In India

Creativity finds its most visible expression in various forms of art and architecture.
Architecture of a country epitomizes its cultural ethos. It is the architect who is entrusted
with the gigantic responsibility of planning and designing a town and its buildings meant
for public utility in consonance with a number of factors like changing outlook of a
society, rules and regulations passed by the government, availability of space and
building materials and the financial status of the state concerned. For those willing to try
their luck in such a profession which is not only lucrative but also promising, here are
some relevant information. There are several institutes that offer architecture courses in
Candidates with at least 55% marks (Science) in their 12th standard examination are
eligible to apply for the course. They should also qualify any of the entrance
examinations like All India Engineering Entrance Examination or AIEEE conducted by
the Central Board of Secondary `Education (CBSE) or the National Aptitude Test in
Architecture conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Studies and Architecture.
Students with excellent drawing abilities, clarity of thought, creativity, strong aesthetic
sense and social awareness are likely to get through.
The duration of the undergraduate architecture courses or B.Arch is 5 years. This course
provides both theoretical and practical training and helps a candidate develop and sharpen
his creative skills. Higher degrees like M.Arch and Ph.d can also be acquired thereafter.
The greatest benefit of pursuing an architecture course is perhaps the scope an individual
gets to exert his creative prowess while being resourceful and innovative. Moreover, a
course in architecture also educates a candidate on town planning, construction
management, landscape designing, naval architecture and interior designing, all of which
hold bright prospects for a lucrative career. Moreover, the fact that the construction
industry is touching new heights adequately explains its craze among today's youth.
Scope in India and Abroad
Architects have the liberty to choose different career paths. They may find suitable jobs
in Government and developing agencies like Public Works Department (PWD),
Department of Railways, Post and Telegraph, National Building Organization, Town and
Country Planning Organization, National Institutes of Urban Affairs and Housing and
Urban Development Corporations. Others may get opportunities in architecture and
building development firms or private construction organizations. The monthly salary for
beginners may range from Rs.5, 000 to Rs.10, 000 in the Government Sector while in the
private sector it may be slightly higher.

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