5rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies



Ask a friend to help you rotate on a computer chair with your arms and legs stretched outwards.
Keeping your body stiff,, pull your legs up and wrap your arms around while you are still rotating. What
do you notice? What was the feeling? How does it change when you pulled back your limbs?
Considering that there is negligible resistance by the chair pivot and air, push gently. There is some
resistance that your partner's mass poses when yo
u try to rotate him/her. This feeling of opposition is
the property of mass called inertia which resists change of state; rest or uniform motion.
Well developed Newtonian Mechanics is all that was applied by National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) to reach the Moon. From our car engines and heavy industrial equipment to
celestial bodies, all follow Newtonian Mechanics. Nevertheless we cannot regard Newton's laws as
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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

universal because Relativistic Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics are more general and better at
explaining nature in their own rights.
Rigid Body - Angular Momentum - Angular Velocity - Angular Acceleration - Moment of Inertia


2 Labs

Learning Outcomes

In this experiment, we will

1. understand the rotational motion of a rigid body;
2. appreciate the similarities and differences between rotational and translational motion;
3. study the properties of the moment of inertia and its effect on rotational motion;
4. process and analyze data to extract required information;
5. appreciate that there exist different ways of measuring a physical quantity with different
accuracy and precision
6. see how errors propagate from measured to inferred quantities.


Experimental Objectives

The experiment is divided into many sections. The early sections require making measurements of
angular velocity and moment of inertia of the available disks, which are subject to frictional losses.


Theoretical Introduction

This experiment introduces you to the concepts of rotational motion and moment of inertia. We will
elaborate that a full description of a body's motion must include linear as well as rotational motion.
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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies


Rigid Body

A rigid body is defined as a body on which the distance between two points never changes whatever be
the force applied on it. Or you may say the body which does not deform under the influence of forces is
known as a rigid body.
But, in real life, there would be some force under which the body starts to deform. For example, a
bridge does not deform under the weight of a single man but it may deform under the load of a truck or
ten trucks. However, the deformation is small.


Angular Velocity

Angular velocity, also called rotational velocity, is a quantitative expression of the amount of rotation
that a spinning object undergoes per unit time. It is a vector quantity, consisting of an angular speed
component and either of two defined directions or senses.
The magnitude, or length, of the angular velocity vector is directly proportional to the angular speed,
and is measured in the same units as angular speed (radians per second, degrees per second, revolutions
per second, or revolutions per minute). The direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular to
the plane in which the rotation takes place. If the rotation appears clockwise with respect to an
observer, then the angular velocity vector points away from the observer. If the rotation appears
counterclockwise, then the angular velocity vector points toward the observer.
Consider a car rolling forward along a highway. The angular velocity vectors for all four tires point
toward the left along the lines containing the wheel axles. If the car speeds up, the vectors get longer. If
the car slows down, the vectors get shorter. If the car stops, the vector lengths become zero. If the car is
put into reverse, the vectors reverse their directions, and point toward the right along the lines
containing the wheel axles.


Angular Momentum

The angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of their angular velocity and moment of
inertia. It is the rotational analogue of linear momentum. The angular momentum of a system remains
constant unless acted on by an external torque.
We can consider the provided circular disks (rigid bodies) to be made up of small in infinitesimal
particles of masses  ,  ,  , ,  , . Their placement may be defined with the position vectors
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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

 ,  ,  , ,  , & when rotating, their instantaneous velocities may be defined as  ,  ,  , ,  , .
The index i shows one of the many particles.
The angular momentum of the particle about z-axis is given by,



where denotes the vector or cross product.

For a particle rotating with an angular velocity about z-axis, we can say that,


Consider a circular disk rotating about the z-axis. The disk itself can be considered to be composed of
with all its infinitesimal elements in the xy-plane. Using Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) we can write for the ith



The total angular momentum of a disk about an axis is simply the sum of all the angular momentums
for the infinitesimal particles,




Moment of Inertia

Moment of inertia is the name given to rotational inertia, the rotational analog of mass for linear
motion. It appears in the relationships for the dynamics of rotational motion. The moment of inertia
must be specified with respect to a chosen axis of rotation. For a point mass the moment of inertia is
just the mass times the square of perpendicular distance to the rotation axis. That point mass
relationship becomes the basis for all other moments of inertia since any object can be built up from a
collection of point masses.
The cross product for a disk rotating about the z-axis with its components in the xy plane can be
expanded as,

 = (  ) .


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Rotational Motion of Rigid B

Here  =   is a constant (irrespective of the angular velocity of the disk) and is known as the
moment of inertia of the disk. Therefore the above equation becomes,

 =  .


Table 5.1:- Common Moments of Inertia

Solid cylinder or disc,, symmetry axis

Hoop about symmetry axis

Solid sphere

Rod about center

Solid cylinder central diameter

Hoop about diameter

Thin spherical shell







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Rotational Motion of Rigid B


Rod about end

Rectangular Slap


("  (  )

In the present experiment, we will investigate the rotational kinematics of a disk. It will also be helpful
to know the moment of inertia for a circular disk, which is,



where M is the mass and R is the radius of the disk.

Moment of inertia is analogous to inertia in linear kinematics. However, since in rotational motion, we
always find
nd ourselves dealing with moments, we call the inertia in circular motion as moment of inertia.
Moment of inertia of a particular body is defined
ned with respect to a particular rotation axis and is
different for a body when it is rotating about x, y or z axes
axes. Table 5.2 provides a brief comparison of
linear and rotational motions and their characteristics.
Table 5.2:- Comparison between Linear and Rotational Motion
Concepts and quantities

Linear Motion


Motion equations

Newtons 2 Law
Kinetic energy


Rotational Motion


= #

! = #

' = 





% = "

& = $

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies



Torque is a measure of how much force acting on an object causes that object to rotate. The object
rotates about an axis, which we will call the pivot point, and will label 'O'. We will call the force 'F'.
The distance from the pivot point to the point where the force acts is called the moment arm, and is
denoted by 'r'. Note that this distance, 'r', is also a vector, and points from the axis of rotation to the
point where the force acts.

Mathematically, torque () is,

=  %,


where r is the displacement between the line of action of force and the particle and F is the force
applied. Expanding the cross-product we get,
= % sin !,


where ! is the angle between F and r.

In a gravity driven system, we may replace F using Newton's second law and express the equation as,
= - sin !,


where m is the mass used to drive the mechanism and g is the acceleration due to gravity.


Angular Acceleration

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

Angular acceleration, also called rotational acceleration, is a quantitative expression of the change in
angular velocity that a spinning object undergoes per unit time. It is a vector quantity, consisting of a
magnitude component and either of two defined directions or senses.
The magnitude, or length, of the angular acceleration vector is directly proportional to the rate of
change of angular velocity, and is measured in radians per second squared (rad/s2 or rad s-2).
Alternatively, the angular acceleration magnitude can be expressed in degrees per second squared
(deg/s2 or deg s-2). The direction of the angular acceleration vector is perpendicular to the plane in
which the rotation takes place. If the increase in angular velocity appears clockwise with respect to an
observer, then the angular acceleration vector points away from the observer. If the increase in angular
velocity appears counterclockwise, then the angular acceleration vector points toward the observer.
The angular acceleration vector does not necessarily point in the same direction as the angular velocity
vector. Consider a car rolling forward along a highway at increasing speed. The angular acceleration
vectors for all four tires point toward the left along the lines containing the wheel axles. If the car stops
accelerating and maintains a constant velocity, the angular acceleration vectors disappear. If the car
slows down going forward, the vectors reverse their directions, and point toward the right along the
lines containing the wheel axles. If the car is put into reverse and increases velocity going backwards,
the angular acceleration vectors point toward the right along the lines containing the axles. If the
backward velocity is constant, the angular acceleration vectors vanish; if the backward velocity
decreases, the angular acceleration vectors point toward the left along the lines containing the wheel
Mathematically, angular acceleration $ is given by



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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

You may want to refer to Table 5.1 to become more comfortable with this seemingly new term which is
just an equivalent of linear acceleration adapted for rotational motion. In other words it is the gradient
of angular velocity versus time graph.
Newton's second law for rotational motion states that,
= $


where is the applied torque, $ is the angular acceleration and I is the moment of inertia-the rotational
equivalent of mass. Note its similarity to Newton's law for linear motion % = ", establishing the
moment of inertia as the analogue of mass and torque as the analogue of force.
If we substitute equation (5.10) and equation (5.11) in equation (5.12) we get,
- sin ! = 




Apparatus and Experimental Preparation

In addition to the PC, the apparatus consists of the following components.


Rotational Motion Apparatus

This apparatus, ME-9341 was procured from PASCO Scientific. The contents of the apparatus are in
Figure 5.1.

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

Figure 5.1: The components of the rotational motion apparatus. Note the arrows showing the
particulars of the components.

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies


Hand-Held Interface and Photogate

The photogate sends a narrow beam of infrared radiation from one arm which is detected by a detector
in the opposite arm. When the beam is first blocked, a signal is sent to the smart timer (ST). The Gate
mode records the time between the two successive blocking of infrared light and helps in measuring the
speed and average velocities of an object passing through the photogate as shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Illustration of the modes for the Smart Timer.

We use Fence mode to record the time between ten successive interruptions of the photogate. The
timing begins when the beam is first blocked and stops when it has been blocked ten times. Using the
Select Measurement key, user can recall the 10 different times when the beam was blocked.

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

Figure 5.3: Illustration of the experimental set up.

Figure 5.4: Photo gate

Figure 5.5: Smart Timer

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies


Experimental Procedure


Find the mass of the main platter. Note the uncertainty in your reading.


Slide the spindle into the bushing of the bearing assembly.


Then slide the main platter atop with the pulleys facing up. Then attach a cardboard or chart
paper strip to it.


Clamp the super pulley (SP) to the base such that the thread from the step pulley is in line with
the edge of the SP.


Attach the screw rod to the photogate and slide it into one of the holes on the sides of the base.


Check the connections of the photogate with the smart timer (ST).


Check if ST beeps when you switch it ON using the power switch on the side. Press 1 and then
2. You will now be in the GATE timing mode.


Give a push to the main platter and press 3 from ST.


Explain the value that has been returned by ST.


What is the uncertainty in your measurement?


Take a thread of suitable length e.g. 100 cm approximately.


Choose the suitable mass hanger.


Tie one end of the thread to the hanger and wrap the other end around the medium or middle
pulley. Now pass this thread over the SP.


Change the measurement mode of the ST to FENCE.

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies


This can be achieved by pressing 1 once and then 2 twice from ST. In the FENCE mode, the ST
is capable of taking ten readings in one go.


Perform the following experimental procedures.


With help of the provided meter rule, note the height from which you want to release the mass.


Set the system in motion.


Wait for the hanger to hit the ground.


Immediately after this, press START from ST which measures the time period for ten rotations.


Switch o the ST.


Repeat the procedure with the stop watch and record the time period for rst, sixth and tenth


Tabulate your results and calculate the angular speed of the disk using the ST and stopwatch


The rotational kinetic energy gained by the disk equals the gravitational potential energy lost by
the masses.


Express the above statement in mathematical form, i.e. in the form of an equation.


Determine the moment of inertia of the main platter.


Repeat the same process for Auxiliary plate, slab and hoop.

Q. No. 1

Experiment Questions
What is the moment of inertia of a ring?

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

Q. No. 2

What is the moment of inertia of an elliptical disc?

Q. No. 3

If a body rotates about a fixed axis then it possess only rotational kinetic energy.
When the body rolls than what it possesses?

Q. No. 4

Is moment of inertia of hollow bodies higher than moment of inertia of solid bodies?

Q. No. 5

If sphere and ring of equal radius rolls down. Which will reach first?

Q. No. 6

What factor should we include to find the MOI of Earth/Human?

Q. No. 7

When we paddle the back wheel of a bicycle, how does the front wheel move?

Q. No. 8

If solid sphere, disc and ring of same mass and same radius rolls down an inclined
plane from the same height starting from rest. Which will go down first?

Q. No. 9

What is the unit of MOI?

Q. No. 10 Torque per unit MOI is equivalent to ?

Q. No. 11 Can a sphere roll on a smooth inclined surface?
Q. No. 12 A circular disk of mass 0.2kg and radius 0.1m is rotating at 10 revolutions per second.
Calculate the angular frequency, moment of inertia and kinetic energy of this disk?
Q. No. 13 The rotational kinetic energy gained by the disk equals the gravitational potential
energy lost by the masses. Express this statement in mathematical form?
Q. No. 14 Determine the moment of inertia of the main platter?
Q. No. 15 What is the uncertainty in the value of I?
Q. No. 16 What is the main source of error in the measurements?
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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies

Q. No. 17 Why do we feel vertigo after a spin on a merry-go-round?
Q. No. 18 Does the inertia of our body increase in a swimming pool?
Q. No. 19 In an accident, the body may be stopped by the seat belt and air bags. Where does all
the momentum go? Can this cause bodily injury?
Q. No. 20 Why do cats always fall feet first on the ground?

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Rotational Motion of Rigid Bodies


Resnick, Halliday and Krane, Physics, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York,
Vol-I, 2002.


Walker, Jearl, D. Halliday, R. Resnick, Fundamentals of Physics, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley,



S. Kumar, Objective Physics for the JEE main 2015, Dorling Kindersley, India, 2014.


Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics, 9th Edition, Belmont, CA: Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 2014.

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