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Communication & technology

PART 1. CONVERSATION. In pairs, answer the following questions:

Have a look at the first picture. How do you communicate regularly with the
people at work? And with your friends? Has communication changed over the
last century? Why?
Which of the following has made the most valuable contribution to
communications: the fax, the postal service, the mobile phone, road, rail and
air transport, the world wide web (internet), the e-mail, whatsapp? Why?
Have a look at the second picture. What technological developments in the
home do you think there will be over the next twenty or thirty years?
Social networking sites have improved human relationships. Are you on
facebook, twitter, instagram, etc? Give your opinion.

PART 2. MONOLOGUE. Candidate A. Talk about the following issues:

Think of a gadget you couldn't live without. Explain why.
Electrical goods and innovations we use at home make us lazy. Give your

4. Communication & technology

PART 1. CONVERSATION. In pairs, answer the following questions:

Have a look at the first picture. How do you communicate regularly with the
people at work? And with your friends? Has communication changed over the
last century? Why?
Which of the following has made the most valuable contribution to
communications: the fax, the postal service, the mobile phone, road, rail and
air transport, the world wide web (internet), the e-mail, whatsapp? Why?
Have a look at the second picture. What technological developments in the
home do you think there will be over the next twenty or thirty years?
Social networking sites have improved human relationships. Are you on
facebook, twitter, instagram, etc? Give your opinion.

PART 2. MONOLOGUE. Candidate B. Talk about the following issues:

Think of some housework that is easier now to do with new technology.
"Social networks are dangerous for teenagers". Give your opinion.

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