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1. Journal Set-up process:

Detail -> Policies -> Submission -> Management -> Appearance
Step 1.1: General Information
This form provides general details about your journal, including the name, abbre
viation, address, print or online ISSNs, and DOI.
Step 1.2: Principal Contact
You must list the primary journal contact here. Any outgoing emails will typical
ly be sent care of this person. Name and email fields are mandatory.
Step 1.3: Technical Support Contact
You must supply a name and email for your technical support contact. This contac
t information will be presented for contact purposes in key areas throughout the
system, and will be available from About the Journal.
Step 1.4: Email Identification ( Signature & Bounce mail address)
This signature will appear on the bottom of all emails sent by the system. You c
an also enter a bounce address where any undeliverable email messages will be se
Step 1.5: Publisher
Step 1.6: Sponsoring Organizations
You can add information about any sponsoring organizations your journal might ha
ve in Step 1.6. Additional organizations can be added by clicking the "Add Spons
oring Organization" button
Step 1.7: Sources of Support
You can add any sources of support in Step 1.7. Additional sources can be added
by clicking the "Add Contributor" button
Step 1.8: Search Engine Indexing
This optional section will allow you to add hidden HTML metatags to your journal
's web pages. Accurate information here can increase your visibility in search e
ngines such as Google.
Step 1.9: Journal History
This section will display information about the history of your journal on the A
bout page.
The three forms (1.5, 1.6, 1.7) will add information to the About the Journal se
ction of your journal web site, under Journal Sponsorship.
Setup Step Two allows you to configure many different policy aspects of your jou
rnal: the journal's scope; review policy; author guidelines; and so on.
Step 2.1: Focus and Scope
This form will add information to the About the Journal section of your journal
web site, under its own Focus and Scope section.
Step 2.2: Peer Review
The Peer Review section is split into different components:
Review Policy: This public policy will be visible on the About the Journal secti

on. Whatever is entered here should clearly explain the kind of review process y
our journal undertakes
Step 2.2: Review Guidelines


Review Process
Review Options
Privacy Statement
Editor Decision
Add Item
Journal Archiving
Potential Reviewer Database

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