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Fullers Philosophy
Writing in the Primary Grades
Every year, towards the beginning of the
year we have a Parent Collaboration Night
At this time we go through a powerpoint,
explaining different subjects we will teach
I thought this would be a great time to
explain writing to parents, so I created a
powerpoint explaining my philosophy and
how writing will look this upcoming year

Mrs. Fullers Writing

The Workshop Model

This year in writing your

student will
43 minute block
Mini- lesson: Lesson on one skill
Time to write: All students are writing their
book, I will conference with students during
this time
Share time: All students get to share what they
worked on

Writing Process
Pre-write: Topic brainstorm, research,
graphic organizers
Drafting: Writing of the book
Revising: Making the book their best work
Editing: Proofing the book
Publishing: Celebrating the book by sharing
the finished product

Units of Study
Personal Narratives
How To/ Procedural Texts
Informational Texts
Nonfiction Narratives
Persuasive Texts

Example Mini Lessons

Sentences structure
Naming part- who or what the sentence is about
Telling part- tells what someone or something is or
Stretching out the words- write the word the way it sounds
Proper use of capital letters

How to help your student

with writing at home
Help your student think of different times
in their life they can write about
Talk to your student about what they are
writing about
Encourage writing at home
When students ask you how to spell
something, encourage them to stretch out
the word

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