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Final Assessment Report on Teaching Competence

Trainee teacher:

Sophie Purcell
Final year
6/10/14 26/1/2015

Placement Tutor

Orchards Middle School

Year 7
Linda Reynolds

Information given may be used in a reference and to assist in the continuing professional development of the trainee teacher either
on a subsequent placement or as a newly qualified teacher. Please acknowledge success and identify aspects that require further
In relation to the expectations and UCET/NASBTT descriptors, please tick the appropriate boxes
TS1: Setting high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophie is a very enthusiastic teacher who is capable of inspiring, motivating and instilling pupils in all subjects.
Her expectations for behaviour are made clear and are reinforced as necessary - all pupils in Sophies classes are able to
state her expectations and therefore follow them.

TS2: Promoting good progress and outcomes by pupils

Grade 1
Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophie encourages children to do their best in lessons and supports those who need help so that they can achieve
reasonable targets. She is capable of using TAs effectively. She is developing her ability to provide differentiated tasks but
this is still an area which she will need to concentrate on during her NQT year.

TS3: Demonstrating good subject and curriculum knowledge

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophie has demonstrated an outstanding subject knowledge in all lessons she has taught.

In relation to English/SSP:
Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophie ensures she uses, and encourages children to use, the correct terminology in her English lessons.

In relation to mathematics:
Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophie ensures she uses, and encourages children to use, the correct terminology in her maths lessons.

TS4: Plan and teach well-structured lessons
Grade 1
Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophies lesson plans are extremely thorough and she produces high quality resources to go alongside her plans. she
created her own set of lesson plans and resources for a half term of Japanese which the children thoroughly enjoyed.

TS5: Adapt teaching to respond to the strength and needs of all pupils
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Alongside developing her ability to provide differentiated tasks Sophie would also benefit from developing her ability to
adapt her teaching in order to fully extend and challenge high ability children whilst at the same time ensuring that the
learning objective is attainable of her low ability pupils.

TS6: Make accurate and productive use of assessment

Grade 1
Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Although Sophie marks her books on a regular basis she needs to consider ways in which she can use questioning in her
marking to address misconceptions or promote higher order thinking.
She has developed her ability to use formative assessment in the form of mini plenaries during lessons and is beginning
to use questioning alongside hands up to gain a clearer understanding of childrens progress and understanding.

TS7: Manage behaviour effectively to ensure and good and safe learning environment
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Praise is used to encourage positive behaviour and Sophie is developing her ability to use non-verbal clues to stop
negative behaviour without interrupting the flow of the lesson.
She has consistently followed the school policy of reward through ace points and understands (but has not had to use) our
policy of consequence and yellow/red slip for negative behaviour.

TS8: Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

Grade 1
Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4 (Need for Enhanced Support)

Sophie has attended staff and year group meetings as well as an inset day which have included epi-pen training and a
compulsory child protection training workshop. She assisted and led activities during WW1 creativity week. Sophie held
her own computing after school club which was well attended every week.

With reference to the Partnerships Code of Conduct and Part Two of the Teachers Standards (2012), the personal and
professional conduct demonstrated by the trainee: has met these expectations
Requires Improvement
Targets for the next placement (if applicable)
Targets for her NQT year have been mentioned in the comments above.

Recommended Result:



Number of full/half days absent: 2

Reasons other than illness: 1 day at university

I confirm that this report has been seen and discussed with the Head teacher: Mentor: Trainee Teacher:
Completed by: Hayley McKenna

Role: Mentor

Date: 23/01/2015

ACTION: (1) Email to (2) Upload to Trainee e-portfolio (PebblePad) (3) Distribute for school

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