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Curricular Outcomes

Our Senses:
Review the five senses with
Students find an item in the
classroom and describe what
it looks like, smells like, feels
like, sounds like, and what
they think it tastes like using
think, pair, share.

K 3.1- identify the five

senses and describe
methods to care for them
K 3.2- use or more of their
senses to explore the
characteristics of materials


The Environment:
Draw a picture and describe
the different ways you can
help the planet.
Go on a nature walk, and
point out different things in
our environment and
describe its importance.

1.2.6- take age-appropriate

action to practise
responsible behaviour in
caring for the environment
2.5.4- demonstrate an
understanding of
sustainable development
and its importance


Needs and Wants:

The Pigeon books by Mo
Willems are excellent for
teaching needs and wants. If
you do not have the books,
you can find them read on
After you can brainstorm, the
things the pigeon needs, and
the things he wants, which
are the same as humans.
Students can do the Needs
and Wants Sort worksheet

K 1.3 identify needs and

wants that are common to
all children
1.4.5 demonstrate an
understanding of the factors
that influence how needs
and wants are met
2.2.2 demonstrate an
understanding that
technology has changed
over time to their needs,
wants, and interests


Healthy Lifestyles:
Draw a picture and write
about different things you
can do to stay healthy.
Draw a picture of a healthy
meal that includes each of
the food groups labelled.
Explain the importance of
exercise and do some yoga
poses or go outside to play
tag games to help encourage
a healthy lifestyle.

K 2.1- describe the

importance of personal
hygeine and practise it in
order to reduce the spread
of germs and diseases
K 2.2- identify and explain
types of activities that
support a healthy lifestyle
1.3.1 understand, develop,
and maintain a healthy
1.3.2 explain how good
eating habits contribute to
health and well-being
2.4.1 understand, develop,
and maintain a healthy

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