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My name is Richard Ellison and I am the current president of the Ohio State Medi

cal Association. Tonight, I have the special privilege of installing the officer
s of the Ohio State Medical Alliance for 2010-20011. This event has special mean
ing because my wife, Mary Beth, is being installed as the OSMA Alliance presiden
t-elect and our good friend Patty Kamienski from Summit County is being installe
d as president.
To begin I would like to call forward the incoming Treasurer, Suzanne Costandi,
Secretary, Kris Firth, President-Elect, Mary Beth Ellison and Vice President, Ca
rol Sankovic.
Suzanne Costandi: As treasurer, you are entrusted with the Alliance finances. Y
ou take on great responsibility in keeping the records, paying the bills, and ma
king sure everything is in balance. I understand this is the second year of you
r term as treasurer. Thank you for your continued service to our Alliance. Suzan
ne, please signify your acceptance of your duties and responsibilities by saying
"I do"

Kris Firth: As secretary, you have the responsibility to attend all meetings an
d keep a record of all business that occurs. Your minutes become a legal record
of the transactions during Alliance meetings which may be looked upon in the fut
ure when decisions and actions need to be made. Kris, please signify your accept
ance of your duties and responsibilities by saying "I do"

Mary Beth Ellison: As president-elect, you are to serve as an active aide to yo
ur president, thus preparing you for your role next year as president. Mary Bet
h, please signify your acceptance of your duties by saying "I do"

Carol Sankovic: As Vice President, in the absence of the president, you are the
person who will step up and take charge. You are also responsible for keeping c
ontact with the district directors and supporting them throughout the year. Car
ol, please signify your acceptance of your duties by saying " I do"
Finally, it is an honor and a privilege for me to call forward and install the n
ext president of the Ohio State Medical Association Alliance, Patty Kamienski.
I have seen first hand the excellent job Patty has done working in our community
not only with the Summit County Medical Alliance but also with the American Hea
rt Association. Patty is tireless and effective in her efforts.
It is also a unique opportunity for me as the current OSMA president from Summit
County to install the next Ohio State Medical Association Alliance president wh
o is also from Summit county. The history of organized medicine in our county ha
s been turbulent in the past but dedicated and committed leaders have establishe
d a more vibrant and active medical society and alliance. I am certain that Patt
y will use her skills and experience to the utmost as she serves the OSMA Allian
ce over the coming year.
John DiFrances has described six essential leadership attributes that Patty poss
esses and will utilize during her year as president:
She will set high standards; She will live her standards and mentor those who fo
llow; She will create and share a vision; She will make the hard choices when ne
cessary; She will be visible and out front; and she will instill hope in those w
ho follow.
ÒPatty Kamienski, on behalf of the members of the Ohio State Medical Association
and the Ohio State Medical Association Alliance, it is my privilege to congratu
late and thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication as you assume the position
of President of the OSMA Alliance, the Alliance asks of you the following pledg
ÒDo you, Patty Kamienski, pledge that you will uphold the Constitution and Bylaw
s of the OSMA Alliance and serve the purpose of the organization to the best of
your ability?Ó
(Answer I do)
ÒDo you, Patty Kamienski, pledge that you will conduct yourself as President so
as to represent the best image of the OSMA Alliance and conduct the affairs of t
he organization so that it may best represent physicians and their spouses?Ó
(Answer I do)
ÒDo you, Patty Kamienski, pledge that you, while acting as spokesperson of the O
SMA Alliance, will perform these duties loyally and without hesitation?
(Answer I do)
ÒPatty, I promise you my personal support and good wishes throughout your tenure
of office as President of the OSMA Alliance. I thank you and I congratulate you

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