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Rebecca C.

Wickes Email:
Bachelor of Science, Marketing

Graduation 2018

Colorado State University- Global Campus

GPA 3.90

Golden Key International Honor Society, member

Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society, member

Marketing Coordinator, Ford and Company, Houston

Feb '16 Current

Conducting Event Marketing through Promotion and Tracking comprehensive creative ad schedule and
Public relations, producing published press releases,

monitoring digital performance

digital content, and forming media partnerships

Producing infographics for B2B Marketing

Marketing & Communications Intern, The Health Museum, Houston

Nov '15 Mar '16

Designed and executed monthly online marketing

Assisted in re-branding design and implementation

plans including consistent postings and campaigns

that doubled weekend attendance

Increased engagement rate across multiple social

Created engaging marketing content including copy,

media channels, Twitter increased by 1,100%

taglines, graphics, photographs, and print

Designed and distributed email campaigns for

Created, updated and assisted with marketing

12,000+ database and developed custom templates

material of multiple departments and website

that increased CTR by 109%

Delivered staff-wide marketing presentation

Market Research: constructed Market Research Plan Consumer Behavior: analyzed engagement patterns
with statistical analysis and quantitative study design

and impact of current consumer trends on marketing

International Marketing: developed International

Promotion and Public Relations: developed a

Marketing Plan for successful international integration comprehensive Media Marketing Plan and campaign
Detailed and organized

Creative and open-minded

A team player and can work alone Flexible and able to multitask

Avid researcher
Quick-learner and passionate

Google Analytics Monitoring

Constant Contact Management

Infographics and Photography

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