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Phase 1:

Action and Assessment Plan

By: Maria Llamas, Spring/Summer 2016
In order to better understand the effects of choice on my students academic progress, autonomy,
and motivation/perceptions, within this research project, I will be doing a series of
actions/implementations. The details, rationale, and sample data collection tools that will be used
to collect data follow each implementations description. The implementations themselves, are
organized by the research focuses they speak to, academic progress, autonomy, or
AR Questions/Sub-questions
Research Focus 1: Academic Progress
Action(s) Rationale
Assessment(s) Rationale
I hope to see...
Research Focus: Data Collection Tools
Research Focus 2: Autonomy
Action(s) Rationale
Assessment(s) Rationale
I hope to see...
Research Focus 2: Data Collection Tools
Research Focus 3: Motivation/perceptions
Action(s) Rationale
Assessment(s) Rationale
I hope to see
Research Focus 3: Data Collection Tools

AR Questions/Sub-questions
How does providing my 4th and 5th grade students with academic choice in mathematics
instruction affect their autonomy and academic learning?
Sub-question 1: How does student choice affect academic progress in mathematics?
Sub-question 2: How does student choice affect students autonomy?
Sub-question 3: How does student choice affect students motivation and perceptions of
success in mathematics?
*For this project academic choice focuses on the exposure method of content (games, rotational
centers, direct instruction, iPad instruction, etc.), as well as instruction group work size (pairs,
small group, large groups, and/or whole class).

Research Focus 1: Academic Progress

1. Research Question: How does student choice affect academic progress in
2. Math Lab: The action that will be undertaken in order to address and oversee the
students overall academic progress in mathematics will be implementation of Math Lab
days consisting of rotational math centers in the classroom. During math time of the
school day, I will allow students to sign up for a center that they intend to visit. After
direct instruction has been given on the content for the day, students will be able to visit
the center they have chosen. The centers themselves will be designated areas in the
classroom labeled with the center names. The centers themselves have been created from
students own suggestions that they gave during my needs assessment on things they
would like to see in math instruction, such as more online programs to explore in,
manipulatives, etc. The centers that will be available include a Manipulative and
Exploration Center, which will consist of a space containing math manipulatives and/or
other interactive materials, as well as some sort of exploration or problem solving activity
that the children will have to work through, making use of the manipulatives provided at
the center. Another center will be the Math and Technology center and will include work
on students iPad, for students to practice math content via online differentiated and/or
leveled programs of Dreambox, Free Rice, and Think Central (often seen written:
Thinkcentral) The third center will be the
Learning and Designing Center which will include students working on designing some
sort of problem, activity, etc., to go along with the content of the day. Students will be
visiting their centers for about 20-30 minutes (may be more or less depending on student
interest). At the conclusion of their visit, we will have a class discussion and exit quiz
titled: Math Whizz printed on adhesive labels for student to past in their math journals
and respond to. The Math Whizzes, will consist of one or more questions that deal with
the concept all centers focused on. Further, I will have my students responding to some
journal prompts as well in their math journals, speaking to their experiences in centers,
and other implemented actions.
3. Rationale: As evidenced by my Introductions Needs Assessment, students have shown
the most growth in English Language Arts more so than any other subject. It is in English
Language Arts where most choice has been embedded in thus far. Thus, the goal is to
bring in choice into classroom mathematics instruction in order to support progress and
growth in Mathematics. Moreover, the rationale behind this is also based of my needs
assessment data where the majority of the students indicated that they thought that maybe
or that yes Math choices could support them in their Math development positively.
Students also mentioned that specifically having more manipulatives or activities would

be some possible implementations to consider in Math, both of which would be included

within the Math rotational centers during Math Lab Days.
Specifically for the Math journals this will be valuable for students to see their
growth as well as for me to see their opinions on their success but also see the content
they learned described in their own words. Research conducted by von Mizener and
Williams also focused on how student choices affected student performance and the
results indicated a positive correlation of increased student choice supporting increased
student performance (von Mizener, Williams, 2009, 110-128).
4. Assessment: The type of data that we will collect from this will consist primarily of
grading the Math Whizzes formally for content, but also keeping a tally of the
quality/understanding reflected through students responses during the exit discussions.
Each center's activities will also be monitored carefully. The Exploration/Manipulative
centers challenge of the day will also be looked at and graded. The Design Center
activities will also be checked for content understanding but also for creativity (more
holistically). The iPad works center activities will also be monitored and revised. From
all this data, I hope to be able to see students progress, students ability to understand the
content but also apply the content (in the designing and exploration challenges
especially). I will also be looking at students results in the Math Whizzes in comparison
to students grade level past scores.
5. Assessment Rationale: The rationale for using the following assessment includes the
fact that in order for me to see the progress students are making in regards to content, I
need to be able to see students holistic growth both informally as they progress through
activities and what types of responses or questions they formulate as well as formally
through summative exercise such as the math Whizzes. Another support of these
assessments includes the following research by Patall, Cooper, and Wynn, where the
students were randomly selected to either have or not have a choice in terms of
homework for a particular unit and results in terms of performance reflected that the
students that had a choice showed increased performance in the unit test (Patall, Cooper,
Wynn, 2010, 896-915). Thus, in this research scores from unit test were used as
informing of students academic progress, much like the Math Whizzes I will use will be
used, along with other graded summative activities as well as formative ones.
6. I hope to see...: In regards to this section of my Action Research I hope to see the
rotational centers being able to better equip students to feeling capable in Mathematics, as
the content is accessible in various ways. I hope to see this then in turn translate to higher
performance, work results. However, most importantly, the data I hope to gather from
this assessment will inform my research moving forward, by allowing me to determine if
it appears choice will positively impact my students in their academic performance, and if

it does not, it will support me in considering other methods to better support their needs
of improvement in the Math areas of content.

Research Focus 1: Data Collection Tools

Sample of task in Math Lab: Math and Technology Center work
(Think Central Personal Math Trainer (PMT))

Sample of task in Math Lab: Manipulative and Exploration Center

Students would be given playing cards numbering 1-9.

Sample of task in Math Lab: Learning and Designing Center

Sample Math Journal

Sample Math Whizz

Math Whizz: Fractions


How would you explain fractions to someone that has never understood or learned about


What are some things you know about fractions?


Do we have examples of fractions in the classroom space or in our daily lives? If you
think so, include at least 2 examples.


Sample Math Journal Entry

Student Name:_____________________
What were some challenges you had today in the center(s)?
How did you overcome these challenges?
What were some successes you had?
What were some things you learned about today?

Research Focus 2: Autonomy

1. Research Question: How does student choice affect students autonomy?
2. Actions to Address Question: Some actions that will be undertaken in order to meet this
portion of the action research include making field observations. Observations noted will
include visible signs of student autonomous and/or collaborative roles being taken,
student successes, motivation, and engagement, etc. Students will also be having their
own math journal speaking to and reflecting on their experiences in centers, and other
implementations. In addition to this, we will implement choice boards for students to
select the form they will respond to content. Students will choose to respond by visuals,
writings, online mediums, videos, tutorials, and/or other designing methods. For this
section we will also be undertaking the rotational centers previously described as well
(The action that will be undertaken in order to address and maintain record of the
students overall academic progress in Mathematics; will be implementation of Math Lab
days consisting of Rotational Centers in the classroom. During Math Time of the school
day, I will allow students to sign up for a center that they will be visiting for the day. The
centers available after direct instruction on content has been given will include a
Manipulative and Exploration Center, which will consist of a space containing
appropriate math manipulatives for the content being learned for the day as well as an
Exploration quest that the children will have to work through making use of the
manipulatives for support and content. Another center will include iPad works for
students to practice math content via online differentiated and/or leveled programs of
Dreambox, Free Rice, and Think Central material. The third center will be the
Learning/Designing Center that will be monitored by me and/or master teacher to support
students more directly on the content, homework, projects, inquiries, etc. While students
are being given support on content students will also be working on designing some sort
of problem, activity, etc., to go along with their content of the day. At the end of the
learning center, we will have exit discussion and Math Whizz, which will consist of one
or a few questions that deal with the centers they visited that day.)
3. Rationale: The overall rationale for this choice board method is the fact that students
showed evidence in my Needs Assessment of being sure or thinking that choices possibly
could support them in their development. In addition research by Patall, Cooper, and
Wynn, in (2010) and von Mizener and William in (2002), both reflected the positive
impact that choices can have on overall academic performance, in particular, the 2010
research focused on choices in homework and how increased choices in homework was
in correlation with higher unit test scores (Patall, Cooper, Wynn, 2010, 896-915) (von
Mizener, Williams, 2009, 110-128). The rationale for Math Journals is for student to be
able to write about their thoughts in regards to their roles in the classroom, centers, etc.
the rationale for centers is basically having the students the opportunity to have the ability

to choose the order and what center they wish to learn from first and within them having
the ability to collaborate with others, taken on autonomous roles, and leadership roles as
prompts and tasks are open ended to fit and meet their creative needs and choice desires
they mentioned in the Needs Assessment.
4. Assessment: To assess the selected implemented actions I will use reflection/feedback
forms, observations, and host Student-Teacher Conferences.
5. Assessment Rationale: I am looking to learn more about how students role in the
classroom has become more or less autonomous, etc. Thus, being able to attain that
qualitative data from the students themselves in a safe format is critical for my students.
Further, my students are very accustomed to providing feedback in such formats as they
have conducted various feedback forms in the past and are comfortable in regards to
speaking about their opinions on structures in the classroom and sharing these with me.
Moreover, the students choices that will be discussed with me during our discussions, can
really help me understand how students make choices and why they do which can support
me in addressing ways my students look to reflecting or portraying their understanding,
6. I hope to see...: There are a variety of things I am specifically looking at, in particular in
reference to this research question, my main focus is on seeing students ability to make
decisions and be autonomous in content areas with their individual tasks at hand but also
when collaborating with others, seeing them innovate, decide on projects, and become
more responsible for their own learning. The data and effects of these actions and
assessments will allow me to see if choice allows students to feel empowered.
Knowledge of this can then guide me to how phase two of my research will be set up as
one main goal is to have my students feel as if their voice is powerful and valuable for
their learning.

Research Focus 2: Data Collection Tools

Sample Feedback Forms
Circle your answer:
What do you think about Math Lab? I do not like it

It is alright

I like it a lot

Why did you circle what you did?

I circled ___________________because
What do you think about student-teacher discussions/conferences?
I do not like them

They are alright

I like them a lot

Why did you circle what you did?

I circled ___________________because

When you are at each Math Lab: Rotational Center, what are some of your goals?
Fill in ALL the goals that may apply:
Do you usually want to

Complete your assignment/task

Do some work, but mostly get ready for lunch, recess, or home
Learn new concepts
Not work at all
Improve and/or understand Math concepts deeply
Try new things/design new ideas
Have fun exploring
Rank your understanding of todays Math content:
Explain your selected ranking:
I circled ___________________because

Sample Math Journal Entry Prompt

Describe your experience in today's activity, include your thoughts on your teams collaboration,
and your role in the discussions.
What ideas or designs did you have/create from todays centers and/or activities?

Sample Student-Teacher Conference Format

Student Name:
Conceptual Understanding:
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc.
Next Steps, Goals, Future Centers to Visit, etc.

Research Focus 3: Motivations/Perceptions

1. Research Question: How does student choice affect students motivation and
perceptions of success in mathematics?
2. Action to Address Question: In order to address this portion of my action research I will
allow students to work in varying student group sizes from partner, small group, larger
groups, whole, class, and 1-1 teacher to student support discussions. This will be
implemented on particular days when Math Lab (Section 1) is not implemented. I will
also be making sure to make field observations and maintain clear journal for
observations conducted in regards to visible signs of student autonomous roles taken,
collaborative roles, undertaken, success, motivation, engagement, etc.
3. Rationale: The rationale behind this is based on my Needs Assessment Data where the
majority of the students indicated that they thought that maybe or that yes Math choices
could support them in their Math development positively. From this data, students also
suggested various math changes/choices they would like to see implemented and varied
group work size was one that was mentioned various times.

4. Assessment: In order to assess this action, the type of data that I would collect from my
students would be hosting Student-Teacher Conferences. In addition, I would also have
them completing various reflection/feedback forms that may be inclusive of Likert
Scales, short answers, etc. I will also be making sure to provide students with
opportunities to respond to journal entry prompts regarding their perceptions on their
learning. Students will also be asked at various point of Phase #1, to categorize their
perceptions and write their names on a Perception Wheel worksheet, in the one or two
areas that best describe their thoughts on themselves as learners and/or the content being

5. Assessment Rationale: I am looking to learn more about how these changes in work size
will contribute to students perceptions of math and success in Math content. Thus, being
able to attain that qualitative data from the students themselves in a safe format is
necessary for my students. Further, my students are very accustomed to providing
feedback in such formats as they have conducted various feedback forms in the past and
are comfortable in regards to speaking about their opinions on structures in the classroom
and sharing these with me.
6. I hope to see...: I hope to see and better learn about my students perceptions on Math
content, success, etc. Knowing more of their opinions on this will allow me to gage to see
if my students are motivated when they are allowed this varied work size format and/or

of they feel autonomous. The observation will also allow me to see if students are taking
more or less autonomous roles within their groups in term so learning teaching others,
etc. as well. This I can then compare with the students role-taking in regular class
instruction for me to determine next steps in regards to work size and what would be
optimal to engage and motivate my students.

Research Focus 3: Data Collection Tools

Sample Reflection/Feedback Forms
Circle your answer:
What do you think about Math Lab? I do not like it

It is alright

I like it a lot

Why did you circle what you did?

I circled ___________________because
What do you think about student-teacher discussions/conferences?
I do not like them

They are alright

I like them a lot

Why did you circle what you did?

I circled ___________________because

When you are at each Math Lab: Rotational Center, what are some of your goals?
Fill in ALL the goals that may apply:
Do you usually want to

Complete your assignment/task

Do some work, but mostly get ready for lunch, recess, or home
Learn new concepts
Not work at all
Improve and/or understand Math concepts deeply
Try new things/design new ideas
Have fun exploring
Rank your understanding of todays Math content:
Explain your selected ranking:
I circled ___________________because

Sample Math Journal Entry Prompt

Describe your thoughts on Math content we have learned?

How well do you think you know the content and why do you think this?

Sample Student-Teacher Conferences

Student Name:
Conceptual Understanding:
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, etc.
Next Steps, Goals, Future Centers to Visit, etc.

Sample Perception Wheel

Proposed Timeline: Phase 1

Weekly Schedule





Plan week

Journaling with
choice (focus on
Math Lab

Math Lab

Journaling with
choice (focus on
Math Lab

Feedback form
(focus on

No choice
(giving students
a specific

Math Whizz

and discussions
with students

****Teacher Observations will be conducted throughout the week Monday through Friday.
Every 10-14 days a test will be given to see students progress academically****
April 4-8, 2016
First Math Lab/Begin some implementations of schedule/Beginning of the week Pre Test #1
April 11-15, 2016
Implementation Week Schedule/gather data, Math Lab #2, at the end of the week Post Test #1
April 18-22, 2016
Beginning of the week Pre Test #2, Continuing Week Schedule/gather data, Math Lab #3
April 25-29, 2016
Continuing Week Schedule/gather data, Math Lab #4, at the end of the week Post Test #2
May 2-6, 2016
Analyze Phase One Data/Record/Reflect and Plan Phase Two: Action/Assessment Plan
May 9-13, 2016
Analyze Phase One Data/Record/Reflect and Plan Phase Two: Action/Assessment Plan

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