Lab Report 1

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Power System Analysis


Name: Slobodan Stankovic

Student number: 14402056
Title of the experiment: Transmission line modelling and
Reactive power compensation
Laboratory group: Friday (08:00-09:30)
Laboratory supervisor: Mansour Mohseni
Laboratory partners: Sandep Neduvelil Skumar, Chirad Vora,
Enad Zraid

Date performed the experiment: 30.04.2010

Due date: 14.05.2010
Date submitted: 14.05.2010

I hereby declare that the report presents entirely my own work and have not copied
from any other student or past student.

Student signature: -------------------------------------------------------

Transmission line modelling and Reactive power compensation


AC transmission lines are generally divided into three classes: Short lines (up
to 60 km), Medium lines (60 to 200 km), and Long Lines (>200 km). Short lines are
represented by the total series impedance, medium lines by nominal – π or nominal -
T circuits, and long lines by their distributed parameters.
In this experiment, we will consider the medium line. The nominal - π and
nominal – T circuits are shown in Fig 1. In these circuits, Y is the total shunt
susceptance of the line per phase, VS and VR are the sending and receiving end line
to neutral voltages, respectively.

Aims and objectives:

In this experiment our objective is to see the difference between different load
states in medium power lines using nominal – π and nominal - T circuits. Also we
should see how the reactive power compensation influences voltage on receiving end.



Transmission Line:
1 x Three-phase Autotransformer source (variac)
2 x Three-phase Resistance Boxes
6 x Single-phase Inductances 0.38 H each
6 x Single-phase Capacitor Boxes set to 10:5_F
Maximum current required is 5 A.

3 x Single-phase Inductors 0.38 H each (7 Amp rated).
3 x Single-phase Capacitor Banks
3 x Resistors 60 (rated up to 500 Watts each)
Measuring Equipment:
2 x Power Meters (voltage, current and power quantities).

We connected at first power line model in no load operation mode, meaning

that we left open circuit on the end of it. Difference of voltage between receiving and
sending end is use to a line capacitance, and current that shows on sending side is
current that charges that capacitance. After those measurements we connected normal
inductive load after which we got normal voltage drop on receiving side characteristic
for loaded operation. In phase tree of experiment we intended to compensate reactive
power of motor model with capacitors of equalling capacity, and we succeeded in it
getting the receiving voltage value, same as on sending end.

No load operations:

Question 1 answer:

When we have no load receiving end voltage is higher than sending end voltage due
to effect that capacitance is giving in power network model. It is increasing voltage on
receiving end and that may lead to harmful states in no load operation (for instance
when network drops load). Therefore in such situations common thing is to connect
some load (specially designed) to network so we can evade possibility that we have
harmful situation to our network. When we connect load to network (considering it is
sufficiently large to equal capacitance in network) it would drop voltage Vr < Vs if
admittance of inductive load is larger than admittance of capacitive equivalent of
power line.

Question 2 answer:

Vs =109 .1V Ps1 f =54 .55 W

I s = 0.5 A Pr1 f =54 .15 W
VR =108 .3 ∆P3 f =1.2W

Question 3 answer:

Values got by nominal – π and nominal - T circuits are the same which shows
that those circuits are truly equivalent and difference is only which one is easier with
given data to calculate equivalent circuit and parameters of power line.

Load operations: (Vrnl=109.4V)

Load |Vr| |Ir| Pr |Vs| |Is| Ps %Vr %Eff.

100,6 0,9 161,5 109,4 1 181,2 8,74 89,12
122,8 0,8 121,1 110,7 1,2 141,7 10,91 85,46
103,7 O,5 -53,4 109,9 0,4 51,2 5,5 104,29

Question 1 answer:
Receiving voltage with shunt capacitors is equal to sending voltage due to power
factor equal 1. If we have sending voltage with power angle 0 cos that angle is 1 and
his value is maximum. If power factor of receiving voltage is less than 1 (angle is
different than 0) than amplitude of voltage will not be same, it will be smaller
(trigonometric circle). Thanks to the fact that current follows by certain angle we have
power less than maximum (when power factor is1). Thanks to the fact that capacitors
return reactive power in network (act as generator of reactive power) and inductive
loads consume power, when we have total compensation we have only active power
in diagram because those two reactive components compensated.

Question 2 answer:

Voltage is 109.4 V and capacitance is 15μF therefore power is 169,2 VAr


We got our results fully showing theoretical model is in accordance with

practical, which means at first that nominal – π and nominal - T circuits are equivalent
in terms of results we can get and they do equivalently represent circuit. As expected
voltage of network in no load operation increases due to capacitance that is created in
parallel conductors and such capacitance creates reactive power. That is why it is
important not to compensate loads at power factor 1 on site. Also over compensation
leads to active power loses thanks to the fact that capacitor is “taking” active power to
“create” reactive power (charging capacitors). Experiment actually shows how does
the realistic system is behaving because the fact that inductance and resistance per
km, are usually small values so we can model power line by adding appropriate value
for impedance of line. All cable producers give data for impedance per km. in cable


It is very important to compensate for reactive power in networks because

reactive power is fluctuating between two points in network (i.e. generator and load)
creating additional losses and taking up “space” for active power transport. That is
visible trough power that is received in experiment when only inductive/resistive load
is connected (motor in most cases).

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