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The Honourable Kathleen Wynne

Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building
Queens Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

The Honourable Eric Hoskins

Minister of Health and Long Term Care
10th floor, Hepburn Block
80 Grosvenor Street
Toronto, ON M7A 2C4

Dear Premier Wynne:

Dear Minister Hoskins:

The Honourable Charles Sousa

Minister of Finance
7th floor, Frost Building South
7 Queens Park Crescent
Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7

Mr. Patrick Brown, MPP

Room 381, Main Legislative Building
Queens Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Dear Minister Sousa:

Dear Mr. Brown:

Constituency Office: 354 Midland Avenue, Midland, ON
L4R 3K7
Tel: 705-526-8671
Fax: 705-526-8600


Dear ( Blank ),
I am writing to ask for your assistance in intervening and stopping the cuts at Georgian Bay
General Hospital in Midland, Ontario. Cuts to basic health care are under consideration by the
Georgian Bay General Hospital Board. The recommended cuts will cause a serious
deterioration to the health care of women, children, Indigenous peoples, Francophones and they
will contribute to serious outcomes, including death. The cuts will also have a detrimental effect
to the vitality of our community.
I am most concerned about the cuts on ( Blank ) because ( Blank ). My personal experience
has been ( Blank ) and therefore, with the loss of this service, it will greatly endanger the health
of members of our community.
Will you please make a commitment to provide funding to keep these ( this ) valuable service(s)
at Georgian Bay General Hospital? The consequences are great as people may not have the
means for adequate transportation or may not have the time to travel to another nearby city
hospital for treatment. Some cases can be life-threatening and it is critical that our town has the
necessary supports in place for its citizens.
I thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,

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