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Only employed teachers of the assistant professor and higher LEVEL are listed.
The teachers data are listed alphabetically.

Professor Jugoslav Bagatin MD, PhD


University Hospital Centre Split



Personal Web page

Professor Bagatin was born in 1949 and graduated from University of Zagreb School
of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia in 1775. In 1994 he was awarded a doctorate in science
at the University of Zagreb for the thesis: "The comparison of beta blockers and
diuretics in long term treatment of arterial hypertension". During his work he went
through several positions and appointments:
General practitioner in the Department of school medicine in Split,
Resident, Department of Medicine, General Hospital Split.
Specialist in Clinical Pharmacology, General Hospital Split.
1990Specialist in Internal Medicine, Chief of Clinical Pharmacology unit,
University Hospital Center, Split, Croatia.
1993Assistant of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology,
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.
1996Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology,
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.
1999Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of
Split, School of Medicine.
2000Specialist in cardiology.
He is member of following associations and editorial boards:
Croatian Medical Association
Vicepresident of Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and
President of Croatian Medical Association, Department of Split
Member of Bioethic Committee for medicine, Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Croatia
Member of the Drug Committee for medicine, Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Croatia
Member of editorial boards of Pharmacy, Zagreb
To date he has published 185 papers, of which 55 are original scientific reports. Most
are dealing with clinical pharmacology, particulary cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
and arterial hypertension.
1. Punda A, Poli S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Markovi V, Lukin A. Effects of atenolol
List of
and propranolol on platelet aggregation in moderate essential hypertension:
Randomized crossover trial. Croat Med J. 2005;46:219-24.
(last 5 years)
2. Bagatin J. Nuspojave i interakcije lijekova. In: HKD editor. Lijekovi i njihova
racionalna primjena. Zagreb, 2005: p. 14-25.
3. Raki D, Rumboldt Z, Carevi V, Bagatin J, Poli S, Pivac N, Avelini-Perkovi R.
On behalf of the Approach to Sudden Cardiac Death Study Investigators. Inhospital Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation Outcomes: Rationale for the Approach

to Sudden Cardiac Death Study. Croat Med J. 2005;46:967-12.

4. Bagatin J. Racionalna primjena antibiotika u lijeenju infekcija dinog sustava u
djece i odraslih. Zbornik radova l. simpozija Suvremeni pristup infekcijama
dinog sustava u djece I odraslih, Komia 27-29 04. 2006., p. 7-8.
5. Bagatin J. Beta blokatori u lijeenju nekomplicirane esencijalne hipertenzije-pro et
contra. In: Hrvatsko drutvo za hipertenziju: Prvi hrvatski kongres o
hipertenziji .Zagreb 2007, p. 147-151
6. Novak K, Carevi V, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J. Arterial hypertension is major risk
factor for free wall rupture in STEMI patients. (P2.119. XVI European meeting
on hypertension ). Journal of Hypertension 2006;24: S46
7. Vitezi D, Matana Z, Buble T, Mrsi-Pali J, Kneevi A. Bagatin J, Zupan G,
Simoni A. Cardiovascular drugs utilization in Croatia during a four-year period.
Acta Pharmacol Sinica 2006;Suppl 1: 204: (P160001- XV th World Congress of
Pharmacology:Meeting Abstracts. Beijing, July 2-7,2006)
8. Karanovi N, Carev M, Berovi N, Bagatin J, Karanovi S, oga Z. The impact
of sleep deprivation on the staff anesthesiologist during in-hospital 24 hour call.
EJA (Eur J Anesthesiol) 2006;23:suppl 37 (253-4), A984. (Poster na kongresu
anesteziologa u Madridu u 6. mj 2006.)
9. Bagatin J. Primjena lijekova u starijih osoba. U Franceti I, Vitezi D, editor.
Osnove klinike farmakologije. Zagreb 2007, Medicinska naklada, 174-182.
10. Bagatin J. Hipertenzija i metaboliki sindrom. Kardiolist 2007; 2 Suppl 1:5
11. Poli S, Lukin A, Bagatin J. editor. Odabrana poglavlja iz kardiovaskularnog
lijeenja. Split. 2008. Jedinica za znanstveni rad klinike bolnice Split, 439 strana.
12. Bagatin J. Podjela i lijeenje arterijske hipertenzije u svjetlu novih preporuka iz
2007.godine (ESH/ESC). Ibidem p. 43-56.
13. Bagatin J, Fabjani D, Pivac N, Carevi V. Dananje mjesto diuretika u lijeenju
hipertenzije. Medicus 2007;16:173-77.
14. KorljanBabi B, Bagatin J, Koki S, Barii-Ostoji S, Carevi V, Berovi N.
Comparison between continous ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and
standard blood pressure measurements among patients of younger and older age
group. Coll Antropol 2009;33:65-70
1984 Prof. Bagatin participates in the lectures from Internal medicine on the
Faculty of medicine, University of Split, and from 1997 he is in charge of the
and other
qualifications department of Doctor and patient I in which he has performed lectures and praxis
from the course Urgent medicine and patient caring. During these years he
participated in the writing of several chapters in various books that have been
recommended as student teaching materials, while two times he was an editor of the
book Antibiotics rational therapy (2001 and 2003.)
Several times he has been a reviewer of various medical books (his last review was
for the Internal medicine, Prof. Vrhovac, Zagreb, 2008.) and several projects from the
Croatian Ministry of Science.
Last academic
September 15, 2010.
Courses and praxis from the internal medicine on the Medical and Stomatological
faculty. Courses from the clinical pharmacology.
Courses from the internal medicine and clinical pharmacology on the University of
Mostar, and on the University of Zagreb.

Darija Bakovic Kramaric


School of Medicine, Clinical Hospital Split



Personal Web page

University of Split School of Medicine, oltanska 2, 21000 Split, Croatia, Tel:
Date of birth: April 30. 1975.
1999. M.D. degree obtained at University of Zagreb School of Medicine Split
2006. Ph.D. degree in Physiology at Department of Physiology Medical School Split
2001. - 2006. specializing internal medicine in University Hospital Split
2006. internal medicine specialist in University Hospital Split
2006. assistant professor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split
2008. sub specializing in cardiology in Clinical Hospital Split
2000.-2005. Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physiology Medical School Split
2005.-2006. Senior Instructor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split
2006. Assistant Professor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split
2006. Internal specialist in Clinical Hospital Split
2004. - Split School of Medicine: an annual award for the most valuable medical
2004. -The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia: an annual award for the most
valuable medical publication for the author under 35 years of age
2010, Project leader on the UKF 2A grant named: The application of latest advances
in Doppler echocardiography in clinical and experimental
echocardiology, gaining experience grant (2A)
2006-2011 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled Diving with
compressed air and cardiovascular system with a financial value of 90
000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zeljko Dujic, and it involved a
group of 6 co-workers. The project is a part of a 5-year program with a
total value of 450 000 kn and role of which is to determine the influence
of a single and multiple field dives on pulmonary pressure, endothelial
and heart function. The work on the project already resulted in a number
of publications that explained various aspects of field dives on
cardiopulmonary function.
2006-2011 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled Breath hold
diving and cardiovascular system with a financial value of 80 000
kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zoran Valic, and it involved the
group of 5 co-workers. The project is a part of a 5-year program with a
total value of 400 000 kn and role of which is to elucidate the mechanisms
of rapid splenic contraction in response to breath holds, hematological and
cardiopulmonary changes evoked by breath holds as well as autonomic
and brain blood flow adaptations in elite apnea divers. The project
resulted in a number of publications to a leading physiology journals.
2008-2010 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled Physiology
of SCUBA diving, crossing borders grant (1B) with a financial 555 000
kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zeljko Dujic and involved a group of
4 co-workers. The project is a part of a 2-year program with a total value
of 1110 000 kn and role of which is to understand all the mechanisms that
influence the risk of decompression sickness.
Collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Karolinska

List of
(last 5 years)

Duke University and Diving Alert Network.
1: Dzamonja G, Tank J, Heusser K, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev V,
Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Luft FC, Dujic Z, Jordan J. Glossopharyngeal insufflation
induces cardioinhibitory syncope in apnea divers. Clin Auton Res. 2010 Jul 11. [Epub
ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20623312.
2: Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Bakovic D, Breskovic T, Dujic Z. Effects of
successive air and trimix dives on human cardiovascular function. Med Sci Sports
Exerc. 2009 Dec;41(12):2207-12. PubMed PMID: 19915497.
3: Bakovic D, Pivac N, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Paukovic-Sekulic B, Dujic Z.
Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and non-selective
beta-adrenoceptor blockade in hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.
2009 Apr;36(4):441-6. PubMed PMID: 19702597.
4: Ivancev V, Bakovic D, Obad A, Breskovic T, Palada I, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z.
Effects of indomethacin on cerebrovascular response to hypercapnea and hypocapnea
in breath-hold diving and obstructive sleep apnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009
May 15;166(3):152-8. Epub 2009 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 19442931.
5: Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Tank J, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev V,
Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Luft FC, Jordan J, Dujic Z. Cardiovascular
regulation during apnea in elite divers. Hypertension. 2009 Apr;53(4):719-24. Epub
2009 Mar 2. PubMed PMID: 19255361.
6: Glavas D, Bakovic D, Obad A, Palada I, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Brubakk AO, Dujic
Z. Effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on venous bubble grade and acute diving-induced
changes in cardiovascular function. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2009 Apr;29(2):1007. Epub 2008 Dec 4. PubMed PMID: 19076728.
7: Bakovic D, Glavas D, Palada I, Breskovic T, Fabijanic D, Obad A, Valic Z,
Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. High-grade bubbles in left and right heart in an asymptomatic
diver at rest after surfacing. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008
Jun;79(6):626-8. PubMed PMID: 18581949.
8: Bakovic D, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Dujic Z. Does breath-holding increase
the risk of a thrombotic event? Platelets. 2008 Jun;19(4):314-5. PubMed PMID:
9: Glavas D, Markotic A, Valic Z, Kovacic N, Palada I, Martinic R, Breskovic T,
Bakovic D, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Expression of endothelial selectin ligands on
human leukocytes following dive. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 Sep;233(9):11818. Epub 2008 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 18535169.
10: Breskovic T, Denoble P, Palada I, Obad A, Valic Z, Glavas D, Bakovic D, Dujic
Z. Venous gas bubble formation and decompression risk after scuba diving in persons
with chronic spinal cord injury and able-bodied controls. Spinal Cord. 2008
Nov;46(11):743-7. Epub 2008 May 13. PubMed PMID: 18475278.
11: Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Obad A, Ivancev V, Eterovic D, Shoemaker JK,
Dujic Z. Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in association with
involuntary breathing movements. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008 Apr
30;161(2):174-81. Epub 2008 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 18337193.
12: Dujic Z, Ivancev V, Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Palada I, Valic Z, Tank J, Obad A,
Bakovic D, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Jordan J. Central chemoreflex sensitivity and
sympathetic neural outflow in elite breath-hold divers. J Appl Physiol. 2008
Jan;104(1):205-11. Epub 2007 Nov 8. PubMed PMID: 17991789.
13: Palada I, Eterovic D, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Lojpur M,
Shoemaker JK, Dujic Z. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short apneas in
divers. J Appl Physiol. 2007 Dec;103(6):1958-63.

and other

14: Ivancev V, Palada I, Valic Z, Obad A, Bakovic D, Dietz NM, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z.
Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia is unimpaired in breath-hold divers. J
Physiol. 2007 Jul 15;582(Pt 2):723-30. Epub 2007 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 17412771;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2075341.
15: Palada I, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Dujic Z. Cerebral and
peripheral hemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal dry breath-holds. Respir
Physiol Neurobiol. 2007 Aug 1;157(2-3):374-81. Epub 2007 Feb 8. PubMed PMID:
16: Valic Z, Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic M, Mardesic-Brakus S, Dujic Z. Muscle
oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls. Aviat
Space Environ Med. 2006 Dec;77(12):1224-9. PubMed PMID: 17183917. 17: Obad
A, Palada I, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Bakovi D, Wislff U, Brubakk AO, Duji Z. The
effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced alterations in human
cardiovascular function. J Physiol. 2007 Feb 1;578(Pt 3):859-70. Epub 2006 Nov 16.
PubMed PMID: 17110413; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2151345.
18: Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Valic Z, Saratlija-Novakovi Z, Palada I, Obad A,
Duji Z. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke volume in
association with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J Appl Physiol.
2006 Sep;101(3):866-72. Epub 2006 May 25. PubMed PMID: 16728515.
19: Duji Z, Ivancev V, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Marinovi-Terzi I, Eterovi D,
Wislff U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after maximal
exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Feb;38(2):318-22. PubMed PMID: 16531901.
20: Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Saratlija-Novakovi Z, Palada I, Valic Z, Bilopavlovi N,
Duji Z. Effect of human splenic contraction on variation in circulating blood cell
counts. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2005 Nov;32(11):944-51. PubMed PMID:
Coauthor in the books: Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi (Izet Hozo, Deni Karelovi),
Odabrana poglavlja iz Kardiologije (Dinko Miri)

Last academic advancement

January, 2007.
Physiology course at University of Split School of Medicine
Internal course at University of Split School of Medicine
Postgraduate School

Igor Barii


Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, University Hospital Centre

Split, School of Medicine University of Split



Personal Web page

Born 02.11.1958. Split, Republic of Croatia. Croat. Croatian citizen.
Employment: Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, University
hospital of Split, School of medicine University of Split
1977-1983. School of medicine University of Zagreb.
1984-1985. postgraduate education Oncology School of medicine University of
1989. master thesis Influence of some morphologic attributes of breastcancer to ten

years survival.
1993-1997. specialisation of Radiology
2006. PhD thesis Connection of 2-microglobuline with radiologic morphologic
parameters of painful shoulder in chronic dialyzed patients.
Languages: English and Italian (active).
1984-1985 trainee in Hospital of charity sisters in Zagreb
1986-1992. GP. Urgent center Split
1992-1993. trainee on Radiology department of New hospital Split
1993-1997. resident in Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology
University hospital Split
1997. Specialist radiologist in Department of diagnostic and interventional
radiology University hospital Split
1998. assistant on Radiology
2002. 3. congress Croatian radiological association Split
2006. 4. congress Croatian radiological association Zagreb
2006-10. lecturer and instructor on postgraduate course Ultrasound in clinical
School of medicine University of Split
2006. senior assistant on Radiology
2007. improvement of color Doppler diagnostics in University hospital Dubrava,
2007. European school of radiology Neuromuscular radiology Dubrovnik
2007. Radiological annual meeting Alep Adria Verona .
2008. assistant professor
Postgraduate course I category Komia 2008 (lecturer)
2009. 4th Central European Vascular Forum & 6th Annual Vascular Ultrasound
Postgraduate course I category Komia 2009 (lecturer)
2010. Postgraduate course I category Komia 2010 (lecturer)
Annual meeting of the Radiologic section Trogir 2010.
1. Barii I, Ljuti D, Jankovi S, Vlak T, Tomi S, Koki S et al. Relevant
List of
Sonographic Parameters of Painful Shoulder in Symptomatic dialyzed Patients versus
(last 5 years) Asymptomatic Dialyzed and Healthy Volunteers. Coll Antropol 2006;2:315-19.
2. Goi-Barii I, Bradari A, Erceg M, Barii I, Foreti N, Pavlov N, Tocilj J.
Influence of Passive smoking on basic antropometric characteristics and respiratory
function in young Athletes. Coll Antropol 2006;3:315-19.
3. Barii I, Ljuti D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Jankovi S. Laboratory and sonographic
findings in dialyzed patients with bilateral chronic knee pain versus dialyzed
asymptomatic patients. Coll antropol 2007;2:489-94.
4. Marievi A, oga Z, Goi-Barii I, Barii I. Reactivation of tuberculosis after
total hip replacement 58 years after primary infection. Wien Klin Wochenscht
2008;120: 642-643.
5. Bratanic A, Kokic S, Hozo I, Barisic I, Koki V. Long-term therapy with proton
pump inhibitors is associated with decreases bone density. Med Hypotheses 2009;
72(5):608-9. 6. Mise K, Jurcev-Savicevi A, Bradari A, Peri I, Barisi I, Puntari
D, Mise J, Ili N. Increasing of malignant pleural mesothelioma: burning issue in
Split-Dalmatian County, Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2009 Dec;33(4):1245-50.
7. Maricevic A, Barisic I, Srsen D. Unusal traction exostosis of femoral diaphisis
with sciatic nerve compression. J Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Mar;16(2):94-5.

8. Barisi I, Ljuti D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Peri I, Mise K, Klancnik M, Jankovi S.

Beta2- microglobuline plasma level and painful shoulder in haemodialysed patients.
Coll Antropol 2010: 34 Suppl 1: 315-20.
1. Goi-Barii I, Ledina D, Tonkic M, Luki B, Barii I. Limfoidni oblik crijevne
tuberkuloze s milijarnim rasapom-prikaz bolesnika. Acta Med Croat 2006;60: 505508.
2. Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Ivi I, Tonki M, Barii I, Dragii-Ivuli S, PundaPoli V. Pulmonary tuberculosis with meningitis in a 7-month-old infant. JPID 2007;
3. Peri I, Tocilj J, Batina S, Barii I, Goi-Barii I. Fizikalni nalaz plua i
simptomi kod azbestne bolesti. Acta Med Croat 2007; 61:421-424.
4. Peri I, Arar D, Barii I, Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Tocilj J. Dynamics of the lung
function in asbestos pleural disease. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2007;58:405-410.
5. Bradari A, Goi-Barii I, Erceg M, Barii I, Rausavljevi N, Peri I, Tocilj J.
The situation study of elite Croatian rowers. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per
le scienze mediche. 2007; 166: 203-207. 6. Peri I, Novak K, Barisi I, Mise K,
Vuckovi M, Jankovi S, Tocilj J. Interobserver variations in diagnosing asbestosis
according to the ILO classification. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2009; 60(2): 191-5.
7. Mie K, Goi-Barii I, Puizina-Ivi N, Barii I, Tonki M, Peri I. A rare case of
pulmonary tuberculosis with simultaneous pulmonary and skin sarcoidosis: a case
report. Cases J. 2010 Jan 13;3:24.
Publications and Textbooks:
1. Barii I, Bekavac J. Ultrazvuk ramenog zgloba.U:Hozo I, Karelovi D, editor.
Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi, Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo,Ogranak Split,
Potoki K, Jankovi S, Barii I, Vlak T, Ostoji Z, ari G, Sui Z,
Stojanovi J, Grkovi I, Tomi, Bezi J.Muskuloskeletni sustav.U:Jankovi S,
Seminari iz klinike radiologije, Medicinski fakultet Split, 2005:153-230.
Last academic advancement
Assistant professor



Professor Mihovil Bioi, MD. PhD.


University Hospital Split



Personal web page

Professor in field of general and pediatric surgery
curriculum Head of the Department for pediatric surgery, Clinical Hospital Split
Specialisation: General and pediatric surgery
Date and place of birth: October 24th 1946., Katel Suurac, Hrvatska
1971. University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1979. Specialist in pediatric surgery
1980./81 Education in field of pediatric urology, Clinical Hospital in
1984. Specialist in general surgery
2002. Education in field of pediatric urology
University Hospital Dublin

2003. Education in field of pediatric urology

University Hospital Gteborg
1971. MD
1983. Masters degree
1988. - PHD
1998. Assistant professor
2005. - Associate professor
Member of:
Croatian Medical Association
Croatian surgical Association
Croatian Society for pediatric surgeons
Field of interest: Pediatric surgery; pediatric urology
Krelj V, Petri NM, Metrovi J, Andri D, Bioi M. Purpura fulminans succefully
List of
publication treated with hyperbaric oxigen-a report of 2 cases. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2005;21(1):3134.
s (last 5
Juri I, Pogoreli Z, Bioi M, Todori D, Furlan D, unjar T. Management of Blunt
Pancreatic Trauma in Children. Surg Today 2009;39(2):115-119.
Pogoreli Z, Furlan D, Bioi M, Metrovi J, Juri I, Todori D. Titanium
intramedullary nailing for treatment of simple bone cysts of the long bones in children.
Scott Med J. 2010;55(3):35-38.
Susnjar T, Bioi M, pogoreli Z. Traumatic heterotopic ossification oft he elbow in
children - a case report. Acta chir Belg. 2010;110(2):246-249.
Furlan D, Pogoreli Z, Bioi M, Juri I, Metrovi J. Pediatric tibial eminence
fractures: arthroscopic treatment using K-wire. Scand J Surg. 2010;99:38-44.
Juri I, Pogoreli Z, Kuzmi-Prusac I, Bioi M, Jakovljevi G, Stepan J, Zupani B,
Culi S, Kruslin B. Expression and prognostic value oft he Ki-67 in Wilms' tumor:
experience with 48 cases. Pediatr Surg Int. 2010;26:487-493.
Juri I, Bioi M, Furlan D, Metrovi J, Todori D, Milunovi PK, Pogoreli Z,
Metrovi Ju, poli B, Todori J. Tupe ozljede trbuha u adolescenata
multidisciplinarni pristup. Pediatria Croatica 2010;54 suppl 1:90-93.
PIJELONEFROSTOMIJE. Masters thesis, Zagreb sijeanj, 1983.
s and other
CRIJEVO. Doctoral thesis, Zagreb, 1988.
Teaching manuals:
1. Krelj V, Bioi M, Denoble P, Furlan D, Rei B, Batinica S, Taborsky V,
Kovaevi H. Suvremeno lijeenje purpure fulminans. In: Batini D. (editor.).
Odabrana poglavlja iz pedijatrije. Zagreb: Narodne Novine 1990.
2. Bioi M. Dijete kao kirurki bolesnik. U Jureti M, Balarin L, et al. Pedijatrija
za vie medicinske sestre. Klinika bolnica Split, 1995.
3. Bioi M, Budimir D, Saraga M. Akutno zatajenje bubrega u djece. U Ljuti D,
Rumboldt Z. Akutno zatajenje bubrega, Split, 1995.
4. Bioi M, upani B. Urologija djeje dobi. U oa T, Sutli , Stanec Z,
Tonkovi I et al. Zagreb, 2007.
Last academic advancement
February 3rd 2005.

Pediatric surgery at the Department of surgery


Assoc. Prof. Dolores Bioina-Lukenda, MSc, PhD


School of Medicine, University of Split



Personal Web page

1992. doctor dental medicine, School of Dental Medine, University of Zagreb
1993. intership in dental medicne Dental polyclinic Zagreb
1993-1995. general dental medicine, DZ Samobor, Dental polyclinic Zagreb,
DZ Maksimir
1995. research fellow Depatment of oral medicine, School of Dental Medicine,
University of Zagreb
1996-2000. specialisation in oral medicine
1999. postgrduate study Clinical immunology, School of Medicine, University of
2000. specialist in oral medicine, Clinical department for oral diseases, Clinic of
Dental Medicine, University Clinic Zagreb
2000. Master thesis. Local andi systemic immunoreaction in patients with oral lichen
ruber., School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
2003. Doctorate thesis. Expression of tissue antigenes c-erb-B2, PCNA and Ki-67 in
oral lichen ruber in correlation with clinical status.. School of dental medicine,
University of Zagreb
2003. Assistant Professor, Department of oral medicine, School of Dental Medicine,
University of Zagreb.
2008. Assistant of dean for Study of Dental Medicine, School of Medicine,
University of Split.
2009.Associate Professor
2009. Vice-Dean for Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Split.
1991. Rectors award for the best student paper
1992. Rectors award for the best student paper
2001. Croatian Medical Association acknowledgment
2002. Croatian Medical Association acknowledgment
1. Bioina-Lukenda D. Diseases and pathological conditions of oral mucosa in
List of
children. Paediatr Croat 2010; 54 (Supl 1): 147-153.
(last 5 years) 2. Kalibovi Govorko D, Bei T, Vukojevi K, Mardei-Brakus S, BioinaLukenda D, Saraga-Babi M. Spatial and temporal distribution of Ki-67 proliferation
marker, Bcl-2 and Bax proteins in the developing human tooth. Arch Oral Biol. 2010
Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20732674
3. Koceic A, Mestrovic A, Vrdoljak L, Vukojevic K, Barac-Latas V, DrenjancevicPeric I, Biocina-Lukenda D, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Analysis of the elective curriculum
in undergraduate medical education in Croatia. Med Educ. 2010 Apr;44(4):387-95.
4. Polasek O, Mavrinac M, Jovi A, Dzono Boban A, Biocina-Lukenda D, Gliveti T,
Vasilj I, Petrovecki M. Undergraduate grade point average is a poor predictor of
scientific productivity later in career. Coll Antropol. 2010 Mar;34 Suppl 1:1-5.
5. Pokupec JS, Gruden V, Biocina-Lukenda D.Salivation quantum--stomatopyrosis-autogenic training. Coll Antropol. 2009 Sep;33(3):867-72.
6. Biocina-Lukenda D, Blazi-Potocki Z, Lukenda J, Potocki-Karaci T. HIV
infection, as opposed to antiretroviral therapy, does not cause changes in the
concentration levels of specific salivary electrolytes. Coll Antropol. 2009
7. Thongprasom K, Mravak-Stipeti M, Luckprom P, Canjuga I, Biocina-Lukenda D,

Vidovi-Juras D, Sikora M, Brailo V, Jirawechwongsakul S.Oral lichen planus: a

retrospective comparative study between Thai and Croatian patients. Acta
Dermatovenerol Croat. 2009;17(1):2-8.
8. Lukenda J, Biocina-Lukenda D.[Stent, endovascular prosthesis, net or strut? What
would British dentist Charles Stent (1807-1885) have to say on all this? Lijec Vjesn.
2009 Jan-Feb;131(1-2):30-3.
9.Biocina-Lukenda D, Ceki-Arambasin A, Markeljevi J, Bukovi D. Serum
immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM in patients with oral lichen ruber. Coll Antropol.
2008 Mar;32(1):161-3.
1. Bioina-Lukenda D. Oral diseases and systemic autoimmune disorders.. In:
Ceki-Arambain A. et al. Oral Medicine. Zagreb: kolska knjiga; 2005. p
and other
2. Bioina-Lukenda D. Oral diseases and paraproteinamia and amiloidoses .In:
Ceki-Arambain A. et al. Oral Medicine. Zagreb: kolska knjiga; 2005. p
3. Bioina-Lukenda D. Oral diseases and vasculitis. In: Ceki-Arambain A. et
al. Oralna Medicina. Zagreb: kolska knjiga; 2005. p 166-8.
4. Bioina-Lukenda D. Oral lichen ruber. In: Ceki-Arambain A. et al. Oral
Medicine. Zagreb: kolska knjiga; 2005. p 180-7.
5. Jankovi S, Bioina-Lukenda D, Gali I, Franasovi . Inflammatory and
other pathologic changes of periodont.. In: Dental radiography and radiology.
Split: School of Medicine, University of Split., 2009. p. 133-147.
6. Jankovi S, Gali I, Bioina-Lukenda D, Kaaj B. Disesases of
themporomaniblar joint. In: Denta radiography and radiology. Split : School
of Medicine, University of Split. 2009. p. 161-171.
7. Nuzzolese E, Bioina-Lukenda D, Jankovi S, Prohi S, GaliI. Forensic
importance od dental medicine radiology.. In: Denta radiography and
radiology. Split : School of Medicine, University of Split. , 2009. P. 221-236.
1. The role of bacterial adherence in pathogenesis of oral lichen ruber, Master
thesisi; July, 2008. Mladen Klemeni, dr.med.dent.
2. The importance of salivary calcium, magnesium and zinc in saliva in
patients vith HIV, Doctoral thesis, July 2008. mr.sc. Zita Blai-Potoki,
3. Assessment of the role of interleukin 1 beta, interleukin 6 and tumor
necrosis factor alpha in malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia,
Doctoral thesis April 2009. mr.sc. Vlaho Brailo, dr.med.dent.
Last academic
December /21th/2010
Oral medicine, Propedeutics in dental medicine, Gerontostomatology,
Oral medicine aspects of autoimmune diseases elective course
Modern approach to oral precancerous graduate study Biology of neoplasms

Professor Mladen Boban, MD., PhD.


University of Split, School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Born: July 21, 1964., Split, Croatia


Marital Status: Married, father of two children

Nationality: Croatian
Education and professional development
1989 University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Study in Split, Croatia
medical doctor (MD)
19 1989-1992 The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA,
Postdoctoral Fellowship
1995. University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Doctorate degree (PhD)
1996. Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
2000. Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Split School of Medicine
2005. Full Professor of Pharmacology, University of Split School of Medicine
2010. Permanent position, Full Professor of Pharmacology, University of Split School
of Medicine
1997. 2001. Vicedean, University of Split School of Medicine
2001. 2005. Dean, University of Split School of Medicine
2001. 2004. President of Croatian Pharmacological Society
2009.- present, President of Commission "Safety and Health", International
Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)
Member of numerous Committees, Boards and Working groups in the Faculty,
University and Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia.
Participation and organization of numerous scientific and professional meetings at
national and international level.
1993 - continuously as a full time teacher participate in teaching of pharmacology in
the graduate degree program and since 1996 - elective courses teacher at postgraduate
programs, Universities of Zagreb and Split
1997- present, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, University of Split School
of Medicine
1999 - present, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, University of Mostar
School of Medicine
Previous grant support
Ministry of science and technology Republic of Croatia, scientific
project 0216012, "Extracorporeal heart preservation", (Principal investigator)
2001 -2005
Ministry of science and technology Republic of Croatia,
technological project TP-01/0216-05, "Beneficial effects of wine extracts from
Dalmatian grape varieties on cardiovascular system" (Principal investigator).
Bilateral Croatian -Slovenian collaborative project "Pharmacology of
cardiovascular system" (Senior researcher from Croatian side)
Bilateral Croatian -Slovenian collaborative project "Cardiovascular
effects of wine and its constituents - experimental pharmacology" (senior researcher
from Croatian side)
Active grant support
Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia,
Scientific program 2160547, "Biological effects of wine and Mediterranean
medicinal herbs"
Ministry of science, education and sports of Republic of Croatia,
Scientific project 216-2160547-0537, "Cardiovascular effects of wine and its
constituents"(Principal investigator).
Scientific interest:
Experimental pharmacology of cardiovascular system, biological effects of wine and

List of
(last 5 years)

its constituents, oxidative stress.

1. Obad A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Breskovic T, Modun D, Boban M, Dujic Z.
Successive deep dives impair endothelial function and enhance oxidative stress in
man. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2010 Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Boban N, Tonkic M, Budimir D, Modun D, Sutlovic D, Punda-Polic V, Boban M.
Antimicrobial effects of wine: separating the role of polyphenols, pH, ethanol,
and other wine components. J Food Sci 2010;75(5):M322-326.
3. Pattaro C, De Grandi A, Vitart V, Hayward C, Franke A, Aulchenko YS,
Johansson A, Wild SH, Melville SA, Isaacs A, Polasek O, Ellinghaus D, Kolcic I,
Nthlings U, Zgaga L, Zemunik T, Gnewuch C, Schreiber S, Campbell S, Hastie
N, Boban M, Meitinger T, Oostra BA, Riegler P, Minelli C, Wright AF, Campbell
H, van Duijn CM, Gyllensten U, Wilson JF, Krawczak M, Rudan I, Pramstaller
PP; EUROSPAN consortium. A meta-analysis of genome-wide data from five
European isolates reveals an association of COL22A1, SYT1, and GABRR2 with
serum creatinine level. BMC Med Genet. 2010;11:41.
4. Kttgen A, Pattaro C, Bger CA, , Boban M et al. New loci associated with
kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2010; 42(5):376-384.
5. Boban M, Modun D. Uric acid and antioxidative effects of wine. Croatian Med J.
2010; 51:16-22.
6. Boban N, Tonkic M, Modun D, Budimir D, Mudnic I, Sutlovic, D, Punda-Polic,
V, Boban M. Thermally treated wine retains antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens. Food control. 2010; 21:1161-1165.
7. Gunjaca G, Boban M, Pehli M, Zemunik T, Budimir D, Koli I, Lauc G, Rudan
I, Polaek O. Predictive value of 8 genetic loci for serum uric acid concentration.
Croat Med J. 2010; 51:23-31.
8. Jeroni I, Muli R, Klimani Z, Rudan D, Boban M, Zgaga L. Interactions
between genetic variants in glucose transporter type 9 (SLC2A9) and dietary
habits in serum uric acid regulation. Croat Med J 2010; 51:40-47.
Katalini V, Smole Moina S, Skroza D, Generali I, Abramovi H,
Milo M, Ljubenkov I, Piskernik S, Pezo I, Terpinc P and Boban M. Polyphenolic
profile, antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity of grape skin extracts of
14 Vitis vinifera varieties grown in Dalmatia (Croatia). Food Chemistry 2010;
10. Mudnic I, Modun D, Rastija V, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Kozina B,
Medic-Saric M, Boban M. Antioxidative and vasodilatory effects of phenolic
acids in wine. Food Chemistry 2010; 119:1205-1210.
11. Katalini V, Generali I, Skroza D, Ljubenkov I, Teskera A, Konta I, Boban M.
Insight in the phenolic composition and antioxidative properties of Vitis vinifera
leaves extracts. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2010;1(2):715.
12. Brizic I, Modun D, Vukovic J, Budimir D, Katalinic V, Boban M. Differences in
vasodilatory response to red wine in rat and guinea pig aorta. J Cardiovasc
Pharmacol. 2009; 53:116-120.
13. Rudan I, Marusi A, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grkovi I, Dogas
Z, Zemunik T, Vatavuk Z, Benci G, Rudan D, Muli R, Krzelj V, Terzi J,
Stojanovi D, Puntari D, Bili E, Ropac D, Vorko-Jovi A, Znaor A, Stevanovi
R, Biloglav Z, Polasek O. "10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches its national
biobank. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:4-6.
14. Polasek O, Marusi A, Rotim K, Hayward C, Vitart V, Huffman J, Campbell S,
Jankovi S, Boban M, Biloglav Z, Kolci I, Krzelj V, Terzi J, Matec L, Tometi

and other

G, Nonkovi D, Nincevi J, Pehli M, Zedelj J, Velagi V, Jurici D, Kirac I,

Belak Kovacevi S, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association
study of anthropometric traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009;
15. Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, Benci G,
Dogas Z, Boraska V, Torlak V, Susac J, Zobi I, Rudan D, Pulani D, Modun D,
Mudni I, Gunjaca G, Budimir D, Hayward C, Vitart V, Wright AF, Campbell H,
Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of biochemical traits in Korcula Island,
Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:23-33.
16. Vukovic J, Modun D, Budimir D, Sutlovic D, Salamunic I, Zaja I, Boban M.
Acute, food-induced moderate elevation of plasma uric acid protects against
hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress and increase in arterial stiffness in healthy
humans. Atherosclerosis, 2009; 207:255-260.
17. Mudnic I, Modun D, Brizic I, Vukovic J, Generalic I, Katalinic V, Bilusic T,
Ljubenkov I, Boban M. Cardiovascular effects in vitro of aqueous extract of wild
strawberry (Fragaria vesca, L.) leaves. Phytomedicine. 2009;16:462-469.
18. Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Obad A, Palada I, Dujic Z,
Boban M. The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine
consumption is due to both plasma urate and wine polyphenols. Atherosclerosis.
2008; 197:250-256.
19. Luksic B, Brizic I, Lang Balija M, Modun D, Culic V, Halassy B, Salamunic I,
Boban M. Dose dependent effects of standardized nose-horned viper (Vipera
ammodytes ammodytes) venom on parameters of cardiac function in isolated rat
heart. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2008; 147:434-440.
20. Katalinic V, Ljubenkov I, Pezo I, Generalic I, Stricevic O, Milos M, Modun D,
Boban M. Free resveratrol monomers in varietal red and white wines from
Dalmatia (Croatia). Periodicum Biologorum 2008;110:77-83.
21. Boban M, Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Salamunic I, Obad A, Palada I,
Dujic Z. Red wine induced modulation of vascular function: separating the role
of polyphenols, ethanol and urates. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2006; 47:695-701.
22. Modun D, Music I, Katalinic V, Dujic Z, Boban M. Glycerol and ethanol in red
wine are responsible for urate-related increase in plasma antioxidant capacity.
Clin Chem. 2006; 52:785-787
Educational texts:
1. M Boban. Ishemijsko-reperfuzijska oteenja miokarda. In: Hitna stanja u
kardiologiji i angiologiji. Editors: Poli S, Lukin A. Znanstvena jedinica KB "Split"
2. M. Boban (translation). FH Lovejoy, CH Linden. Akutno trovanje i predoziranje
lijekova. In: Principi interne medicine. Editors: KJ Isselbacher, E Braunwald, JD
Wilson, JB Martin, AS Fauci, DL Kasper, 1. hrvatsko izdanje, Placebo, Split, 1997,
2143 - 2166.
3. M Boban. Ishemijsko-reperfuzijska oteenja miokarda. In: Hitna stanja u
kardiologiji i angiologiji (second changed edition). Editors: Poli S, Lukin A.
Jedinica za znanstveni rad, KB "Split" 1999;219-236.
4. M. Boban. Opi anestetici. In: "Medicinska farmakologija". Editors: M Bulat, J
Geber, Z Lackovi. Medicinska naklada Zagreb, 2001;172-177.
5. M. Boban. Antiaritmici. In: "Medicinska farmakologija". Editors: M Bulat, J
Geber, Z Lackovi. Medicinska naklada Zagreb, 2001;202-214
6. M.Boban .(translation) Srce; Krvoilni sustav; Ateroskleroza i metabolizam
lipoproteina; Hemostaza i tromboza; Hematopoezni sustav. In: "Farmakologija".
Editors: Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK. Prvo hrvatsko izdanje. Zagreb:

Golden marketing- Tehnika knjiga; 2006;264-339.

7. Boban, Mladen, Bradamante, Vlasta; Klarica, Marijan; alkovi-Petrii, Melita;
Trkulja, Vladimir; Tuan-Foreti, Milica; Tvrdei Ante. "Farmakoloki prirunik".
Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2008.
Reviewer of several textbooks and other educational materials. Founder of
experimental pharmacology in Split and head of the Department of pharmacology
since established.
Last academic advancement
July 2010.



Professor Lovro Boji, MD, PhD

Place of

University Hospital Center " Split", Split, Department of Ophthalmology



Personal web-page
Born in Split, October 19, 1949. Graduated from The Medical School of the University
Short CV
of Zagreb, in 1974.
From 1977 until 1980 working as physician in Sinj.
From 1980-1983 completed residency in Ophthalmology at the Department of
Ophthalmology at the Military hospital in Split and at the Department of
ophthalmology of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.
From 1983 until 1993, working as ophthalmologist - specialist at the Military hospital
in Split. From 1993, working at the Departemnet of ophthalmology , Clinical Hospital
center Split, Split as the Chief of the department for eye inflammation, degenerative
eye diseases and orbital tumors.
Received Masters Degree in 1986 from The Medical School of the University of
Zagreb with master thesis: The role of hyperbaric oxygenation on visual field and
intraocular pressure in diagnosis of open - angle primary glaucoma "
Received his PhD in 1990 from The Medical School of the University of Zagreb, with
doctoral thesis: " The long term effects of hyperbaric oxygen on visual field in patients
with open- angle glaucoma"
In 1999 become an assistant lecturer of Ophthalmology at the Medical School,
University of Split. In 1999, earned Primarius title.
Became an associated professor of Ophthalmology at the Medical School, University
of Split, in 2004.
In 2009, granted tenure on the faculty as the professor of Ophthalmology at the
Medical School, University of Split.
Published 130 scientific articles, among which 33 in Current Contents, 5 in SCI, and 32
in Index Medicus and other referenced journals.
Specialty of work: glaucoma and neuroophthalmology
1. Boji L, Ermacora R, Ivanievi M, Galetovi M, Mandi Z, Novak-Lau K,
The list of
Cerovski B. Doppler-echocardiographic characteristics of left ventricular function in
papers in
patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma. Coll Anropol 2005;29 (Suppl):5-8.
the last 5
2. Mandi Z, Petric I, Beni G, Vatavuk Z, Boji L. Postoperative outcomes after
implantation of intraocular lenses in eyes with cataract and uveitis. Coll Antropol
2005;29 (Suppl):9-12.
3. Novak-Lau K, Mandi Z, Ivekovi R, Kori J, Tedeschi-Reiner E, Masner-

Pakvalin S, Boji L. Trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in glaucoma associated with

uveitis. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):17-20.
4.Stiglmayer N, Lein M, Juri J, Ivanievi M, Boji L, Rogoi V. Treatment of ocular
motility disturbances in Graves disease with botulinum toxin A. Coll Antropol 2005;29
5. Galetovi D, Karlica D, Boji L, Znaor Lj. Bilateral cortical blidness-Anton
syndrome. Coll Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):145-7.
6. Cerovski B, Vidovi T, Petriek I, Popovi-Sui S, Kordi R, Boji L, Cerovski J,
Kovaevi S. Multiple sclerosis and neuro-ophthalmologic manifestation. Coll
Antropol 2005;29 (Suppl):153-7.
7. Boji L, Ermacora R, Poli S, Ivanievi M, Mandi Z, Rogoi V, Lein M.
Pseudoexfolation syndrome and asymptomatic myocardial dysfunction.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2005;243:446-9.
8. Cerovski B, Vidovi T, Papa J, Cerovski J, Boji L. Minor head trauma and isolated
unilateral internuclear ophthalmolplegia. J Emerg Med 2006:31:165-7.
9. Boji L, Rogoi V, Ivanievi M, Matijaca M, Lui I, Pintari I, Vrebalov-Cindro
V, Rai G. Progression of optic neuritis to multiple sclerosis in the County of SplitDalmatia, Croatia. Coll Antropol 2007;31:557-60.
10.Lein M, Boji L, Romac R, Ivanievi M, Galetovi D, Rogoi V. Effect of
botulinum toxin-A injection on intraocular pressure and proptosis in thyroid assiociated
orbitopathy. Coll Antropoll 2009;33:1155-61.
11. Boji L, Ivanievi M, Mandi M. Argonska ili selektivna trabekuloplastika u
lijeenju glaukoma otvorenog kuta. Acta Med Croat 2006;60:97-9.
12. Kovai , Ivanievi M, Stani R, Boji L, apkun V. Additive therapy with
carbonanhydrase inhibitors for open angle glaucoma previously treated with timolol**
0.5% drops. Acta Med Croat 2007;61:417-9.
13. Ivanievi M, Boji L, Lein M, uljan M, Buan K, Kovai . Primary acquired
nasolacrimal duct obstruction:epidemiological analysis of 91 patients. Med Jad
14. oga Z, Vali M, Pecoti R, Pupi MC, Carev M, Boji L, Rai G.
Sleep disorders breathing. Acta Med Croat 2008;130:69-77.
15. Kljaji Z, Boji L. Visual acuity and acute angle closure glaucoma in SplitDalmatia County. Acta Clin Croat 2008;47:137-40.
16. Roi V, Boji L, Marovi T. The incidence of nonarteritic ischemic optic
neuropaty . Acta Med Croat 2009;63:169-72.
17. Kovai , Stani R, Rogoi V, Boji L, Ivanievi M, apkun V. The effect of
travaprost 0.004% as an adjuvant therapy to timolol 0.5%. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:313.
18.Ivanievi M, Boji L, Buan K, Kovai . De Erwin Treu- the first permanent
ophthalmologist in Split. Lijec Vjesn 2009;131:233-5.
19. Rogoi V, Boji L, Puizina-Ivi N, Vanjaka-Rogoi l, Titli M, Kovaevi D,
Duplani D, Sapunar D, oga Z. Vitiligo and glaucoma- ana association or
coincidence ? A pilot study. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2010;18:21-6.
20. Jurinovi B, Boji L. Uzroci i lijeenje neovaskularnog glaucoma. Ophthalmol
Croat 2004;13:13-6. (publiciran 2009)
20. Boji L, Ivanievi M, Rogoi V, Galetovi D, Lein M. Orbital meningiomasclinical observation. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46 (Supl):7-11.
21. Galetovi D, Boji L. Buan K, Karlica D, Znaor Lj. Retinal vein occlusion by
arterial wall plaque in hereditary amyloidosis. Acta Clin Croat 2008;47 (Suppl):73-5.

Published scientific research; Master of Science Degree; Doctor of Philosophy Degree

works and

PhD; authored chapters in Ophthalmology textbook; undergraduate and gradate student

mentorship; received high student evaluation for lectures, seminars and practical
Reviewer of journals, both Croatian and foreign, of ophthalmology and neurology.

Date of last elecion

July 16, 2009, Professor of Ophthalmology




Assistant Professor Vesna Boraska, BSc, PhD


University of Split Medical School



Personal Web page

In 2001 I obtained BSc degree at Department of Biology, University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. In 2008. I obtained PhD degree at the
same University. I conducted my PhD thesis entitled Inheritance of Vitamin D
Receptor, Tumour Necrosis Factor and Lymphotoxin Alpha Gene Polymorphisms in
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Families under supervision of Prof. Tatijana Zemunik. I
have been employed as a scientific novice at Department of Medical Biology, Split
University Medical School since 2002. In 2008 I became Assistant, following that
year I was upgraded to Higher Assistant and finally in 2010 I became Assistant
Human genetics, mainly genetics of complex diseases, is the main filed of my
scientific interests. During my employment I was collaborator on several projects:
Genetic study of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Dalmatian population and Genetic
Epidemiology of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Croatian Population supervised by
Prof. Tatijana Zemunik and Croatian Biobank: Resource for Analyzing Health and
Disease Determinants in Population supervised by Prof. Igor Rudan. I have been
continually following the latest advancements from the field of statistical genetics
and bioinformatics through participation to theoretical and practical advanced
courses, summer schools and scientific meetings. During 2007 I conducted 4 months
study visit in the area of statistical genetics at the Wellcome Trust Center for Human
Genetics, University of Oxford in the group of Prof. Mark McCarthy. During 2010 I
conducted 11 months postdoctoral research in the field of analysis and interpretation
of genome-wide association studies at Human Genetics Department, Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
supervised by Dr. Eleftheria Zeggini.
List of
Boraska V, Rayner NW, Groves CJ, Frayling TM, Diakite M, Rockett KA,
Kwiatkowski DP, Day-Williams AG, McCarthy MI, Zeggini E. Large-scale
(last 5 years) association analysis of TNF/LTA gene region polymorphisms in type 2 diabetes.
BMC Med Genet. 2010;6;11:69
Bucan K, Ivanisevic M, Zemunik T, Boraska V, Skrabic V, Vatavuk Z, Galetovic D,
Znaor L. Retinopathy and nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients--association with
polymorphysms of vitamin D-receptor, TNF, Neuro-D and IL-1 receptor 1 genes.
Coll Antropol. 2009;Suppl 2:99-105.
Boraska V, Torlak V, Skrabic V, Kacic Z, Jaksic J, Stipancic G, Spehar A, Markotic A,
Zemunik T. Glycosyltransferase B4GALNT1 and type 1 diabetes in Croatian
population. Clin Biochem. 2009 Jun;42(9):819-22

and other

Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, Bencic G, Dogas Z,

Boraska V, Torlak V, Susac J, Zobic I, Rudan D, Pulanic D, Hayward C, Vitart V,
Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of biochemical
traits in Korcula island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009;50:23-33
Biloglav Z, Zgaga L, Smoljanovic M, Hayward C, Polasek O, Kolcic I, Vitart V,
Zemunik T, Boraska V, Torlak V, Mulic R, Ropac D, Grkovic I, Rudan D, Ristic S,
Barbalic M, Campbell H, Wright AF, Hastie N, Rudan I. Historic, demographic and
genetic evidence suggests that highly letal 15th century epidemics increased
population frequencies of CCR532 mutation in Croatian island isolates. Croat Med
J. 2009;50:34-42.
Boraska V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Rayner NW, Skrabic V, Diakite M, Rockett KA,
Kwiatkowski D, McCarthy MI, Zemunik T. Family-based analysis of tumour necrosis
factor and lymphotoxin alpha tag polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in the
population of South Croatia. Hum Immunol. 2009;70(3):195-9.
Boraska V, Skrabic V, Culic VC, Becic K, Kapitanovic S, Zemunik T. Association of
TNF promoter polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in the South Croatian population.
Biol Res. 2008;41:157-63.
Boraska V, Skrabic V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Buljubasic M, Peruzovic M, Zemunik T.
Family-based analysis of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and type 1 diabetes
in the population of South Croatia. J Hum Genet. 2008;53:210-214
Boraska V, Terzic J, Skrabic V, Cacev T, Bucevic-Popovic V, Peruzovic V, Markotic
A, Zemunik T. NeuroD1 Gene and Interleukin-18 Gene Polymorphisms in Type 1
Diabetes in Dalmatian Population of Southern Croatia. Croat Med J. 2006. 47:571578
Boraska Jelavic T, Barisic M, Drmic I, Boraska V, Vrdoljak E, Peruzovic M, Hozo I,
Puljiz Z, Terzic J. Microsatelite GT Polymorphism In The Toll-Like Receptor 2 Is
Associated With Colorectal Cancer. Clin Genet 2006. 70:156-160
Zemunik T*, Skrabic V*, Boraska V*, Diklic D, Marinovic Terzic I, Capkun V,
Peruzovic M, and Terzic J. FokI polymorphism, Vitamin D receptor and Interleukin-1
receptor haplotypes are associated with type 1 diabetes in the Dalmatian population. J
Mol Diagn. 2005 Nov;7(5):600-4. (*authors contributed equally to the paper)
Markotic A, Culic VC, Kurir TT, Meisen I, Buntemeyer H, Boraska V, Zemunik T,
Petri N, Mesaric M, Peter-Katalinic J, Muthing J. Oxygenation alters ganglioside
expression in rat liver following partial hepatectomy. Biochem Biophys Res
Commun. 2005;330:131-41
2009-2010. Postdoctoral research in the Applied Statistics team supervised by Dr.
Eleftheria Zeggini, Human Genetics Department, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
2010. Using Unix at the Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, 23rd March
2010. Beginner's guide to R course, Department of Genetics, University of
Cambridge, 15th -16th February 2010
2008. British Council Training Workshop: Building a Successful International
Research Career, Lisbon, 2nd 4th December 2008
2008. Continual Medical Education Skills in Medical Education and Scientific
Work, 11th -13th February 2008, Medical School, University of Split
2007. Study visit in the area of statistical genetics at the Wellcome Trust Center for

Human Genetics, University of Oxford in the group of Prof. Mark McCarthy, 1st
February 15th June 2007
2007. Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Working with the HapMap, 2nd -5th
April 2007, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
2006. 1st MedILS Summer School Structure and Evolution: from Bench to
Terminal, from 18th-22nd July 2006, Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences,
Split, Croatia
2005. FEBS & UNESCO-ICRO Advanced Course Modern Approach in Genome
Analysis for Medical Application, 5th-18th June 2005, University of Latvia, Riga,
2004. Practical Course, Introductory Statistics and Research Methods And Getting
Started With SPSS, 24th-27th August 2004, organized by Centre for Applied
Medical Statistics-University of Cambridge, Split
2004. ICGEB Course, First LatinAmerican Course on Human Disease Gene
Mapping, 12th-16th July 2004, University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia
2004. Practical Course, Introduction to Bioinformatics, 5th-7th July 2004,
University of Zagreb
2004. Continual Medical Education Writing of a Scientific Paper, 13th-15th April
2004, Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) organisation
2010. Lecture Genome-wide meta-analysis of brachial circumference, 15th June
2010, Human Genetics Team Talks, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust
Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.
2010. Presentation Analysis and interpretation of large-scale association studies:
application to the 10,001 Dalmatians data, 9th March 2010, Statistical genetics
meetings, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
2009. Lecture on Science Festival Mutation: a driving force of evolution, 22nd
April 2009 at Medical School, University of Split, Split, Croatia
2008. Participation in the FameLab final, a competition in short scientific talks,
organised by British Council in Croatia
2004.-2008. Lecturer of Marine Ecology at the rescue course in organization of
Red Cross Service for Lifeguard on the Sea Water
2008. Hybrid course in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, at European school of
genetic medicines remote training center Split (Croatia), February 24th-25th, 2008.
2007. An on-line article on new discoveries of genetic background of obesity,
2004. Lecture on genetic modified organisms; Secondary school of Natural Sciences;
Last academic

Biology with genetics (student lab/practicum + seminars) Dental studies study,
University of Split, School of Medicine, 2007/08, 08/09.
Medical biology (student lab/practicum + seminars) Medical study, University of
Split, School of Medicine, 2003/04; 04/05; 05/06, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09, 09/10.
Genetic basis of development (student lab/practicum) - Medical study, University of
Split, School of Medicine, 2005/2006, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09.
Genetics of type 1 diabetes (student lab/practicum) - Medical study, University of

Split, School of Medicine, 2005/2006, 06/07, 07/08, 08/09

How do tumours develop? (student lab/practicum) - Medical study, University of
Split, School of Medicine, 2005/2006, 06/07, 07/08
An Introduction to scientific work (student lab/practicum + seminars) Vocational
Study Nursing - University of Split, School of Medicine, 2008/2009.
Molecular biology in medicine (student lab/practicum) Vocational Study Nursing University of Split, School of Medicine, 2003/2004; 04/05
Molecular biology in medicine (student lab/practicum) Vocational Study Nursing
Department for vocational studies, University of Split, 2004/05
Cytogenetics of tumors (seminar) postgraduate studies Tumor biology,
University of Split, School of Medicine, 2007/08, 08/09

Boschi, Vladimir


Clinical Hospital Centre Split



Personal Web page

1995. Specialist of General Surgery
1998. Magistar of Science
1993.-2010. Education for traumatology and spinal surgery
2005. Doctor of science
2007. Specialist of traumatology
1. BOSCHI V. 2005 Subbrahijalni pristup dijafizi nadlaktine kosti. Doctoral
List of
thesis, Rijeka.
(last 5 years)
MIMICA , BOSCHI V. GRANDI L, SREN D. 2006 Laparoscopic
abdominal cystis fenestration using harmonic scalpel. Coll Antropol. 30
(2006) 1: 251-253.
G, BOSCHI V. 2006 Our experience in hip artoscopy. Acta Chirurgica
Croatica 2006 VOL 3 Supplement 1: 94.
V,VOGRIN M. 2007 Patogenetski mehanizam sindroma zakanjele miine
boli. Medicina 2007;43:179-178
BOSCHI V. 2007 Kriobolja i ozljede malih zglobova te ligamentarnomiinog aparata lumbalne kraljenice u sportaa. Medicina 2007;43:234-40.
Utjecaj sportskog programa na promjene motorikih sposobnosti
predkolaca. Medicina 2007;43:204-209
PAVI A, BOSCHI V,LUKI B. 2008 Lijeenje rupture Ahilove tetive:
otvorena ili perkutana metoda. Acta Chirurg Croat 2008; 5:30-35.
MIHALJ M,PUNDA A. 2008 Lamotrigine in the treatment of pain
syndromes and neuropathic pain. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008; 109(9): 421-4.
N, TRIPKOVI A, ARI D. 2008 Advantages of the Spared Surgical

and other

Treatment of the Spleen Injures in the Clinical Conditions. HepatoGastroenterology 2008; 55:2256-8.
LUKI B, UKELJ F, FRANKI G. 2010 Treatement of humeral shaft
pseudoarthrosis with intramedulary fixation in older patients with
osteoporosis. Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, 3rd Central European Congress of
Surgery, Norman Barret Symposium and 5th Croatian Congress of surgery
2010; 42: 235.
M. 2010 Hernije lumbosakralne kraljenice-analiza na temelju CT dijagnostike. Acta
Med Croatica 2010; 64: 199-202.
1. BOSCHI V. 2005 Subbrahijalni pristup dijafizi nadlaktine kosti. Doctoral
dissertation, Rijeka.
G, BOSCHI V. 2006 Our experience in hip artoscopy. Acta Chirurgica
Croatica 2006 VOL 3 Supplement 1: 94.
V,VOGRIN M. 2007 Patogenetski mehanizam sindroma zakanjele miine
boli. Medicina 2007;43:179-178.
BOSCHI V. 2007 Kriobolja i ozljede malih zglobova te ligamentarnomiinog aparata lumbalne kraljenice u sportaa. Medicina 2007;43:234-240
Utjecaj sportskog programa na promjene motorikih sposobnosti
predkolaca. Medicina 2007;43:204-209.
PAVI A, BOSCHI V,LUKI B. 2008 Lijeenje rupture Ahilove tetive:
otvorena ili perkutana metoda. Acta Chirurg Croat 2008; 5:30-35.
MIHALJ M,PUNDA A. 2008 Lamotrigine in the treatment of pain
syndromes and neuropathic pain. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008; 109(9): 421-4.
LUKI B, UKELJ F, FRANKI G. 2010 Treatement of humeral shaft
pseudoarthrosis with intramedulary fixation in older patients with
osteoporosis. Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, 3rd Central European Congress of
Surgery, Norman Barret Symposium and 5th Croatian Congress of surgery
2010; 42: 235.
9. TITLI M, KOLI K, BOSCHI V, JOSIPOVI-JELI , BRADIHAMMOUD M. 2010 Hernije lumbosakralne kraljenice-analiza na temelju
CT dijagnostike. Acta Med Croatica 2010 ; 64: 199-202.
Permanent education for traumatology and spinal trauma in the international centre,
lecturer on the professional courses, mentor for scientific programs, participant in the
scientific project, introduction new operation method , specialist of the traumatology..

Last academic

Associate professor


Surgery, Traumatology


Professor Boo Bota, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split



Personal Web page

1975 1978
Familly practice, - Solin, Familly doctor, 1978 -1982
Millitary hospital, - Split, internship, Internal medicine,1982-1985
University hospital, - Split. Clinic for internal disease. Specialist in gastroenterologie,
1985 1987
Departement for pulmonary disease, 1987 1989
Veterans administration hospital, Milwaukee, WI, USA, Postdoctoral fellowship,
1989 2000
Head of the Departement for pulmonary disease,
2000 and now head of the Department for clinical pathophysiology
1964 1968, High School for the medicine, Sanitarian technican
1968- 1973, Medical School Zagreb, Doctor medicine universe
1978 - 1982 Millitary Hospital Split, KBC Rebro zagreb, Internship , Internal
1980 - 1982 , KB Jordanovac Zagreb, Postdoctoral fellowship in Master degree
1985 KB Split, Master degree
1987 - 1989, Medical college of Wisconsin, Postdoctoral fellowship for PhD
1992, Medical School Zagreb, PhD pathophysiology of the hypersensitivity
1. Rumboldt Z. , Bota B.: Favorable effects of Glibencamide in a patient
List of
idiosyncratic hepatotoxic reactions to both Chlorpropamide and
Acta Diab Lat 21 ; 387-391: 1984.
(last 5 years)
2. Hoffman M.D., Clifford P.S., Bota B, Mandli M., Jones M.D.: Influence of
Body Mass in Energy cost of Roller Skiing. Int J Sports Biomechanics 1990; 6:37485.
3. . Hoffman M.D., Clifford P.S., Jones M.D., Bota B., Mandli M.: Effects of
Technique and Pale Grip on Physiological Demands of Roller Skiing on Level
Terrain. Int J Sports Med. 1991; voI 12, 5: 468.
4. Hoffman M.D., Jones M.D., Bota B., Clifford P.S.: InLine skating:
Physiological Responses and Comparision with Roller Skiing. Int J. Sports Med.
1992; voI 13, 2: 137-44.
5. Reijula K.E., Bota B., Kurup V.P., P.S. Clifford, Choi H., Coon R.L., Fink J.N.:
Pigeon-serum - induced hypersensitivity pneumonitis in the dog. Allergy 1995;
6. Tocilj J., Bota B., Mie K., Jankovi S.,. Bradari A: Radiological findings and
lung function parameters in pulmonary parenchymal and pleura1 asbestosis. Lung
Cancer, 2nd Int. Congr. 1996; 229-32
7. Mie K., Bota B, Tocilj J, Jankovi S., Petrievi A, Bradari A.:
Mezothelioma pleurae-reevaluation of the therapy. Lung Cancer, 2nd Int. Congr.
1996; 229-3.
8. Rai G., Denoble P.J., prem N., Bota B. : Hyperbaric oxygen as a therapy of
Bells palsy. Undersea Hyperbaric Med 1997; 24 (1) : 35-3.
9. Kurir T. T., Markoti A., Katalini V., Boani V., ike V., Zemunik T., Modun
D., Rini J., Boraska V., Bota B., Salamuni I., Radi S: Effect of hyperbaric
oxygenation on the regeneration of the liver after partial hepatectomy in rats. Braz J
Med Biol Res 2004; 37(8) : 1231-1237.

and other

1. Petri N., Bota B., Radi S., Tocilj J., Kovaevi H., Denoble P.:7. Changes of
respiratory parameters in young male nonsmokers after a six week basic dive course.
Medicina 1993;29:57-60
2. Tiinovi T., Zemunik T., Petrievi M., Petri N., Radi S., Dujmov I., ike
V., Bota B., Marui e., Saraga-Babi M., Tomasovi M., Markoti A.: Effects of
hyperbaric oxygenation after partial hepatoctomy in young rats. Period biol. 2003;
vol 105 (2): 153-156
3. Short communications:
1. Bota B. , Clifford P. S. , Coon R. L. : Arterial blood gases and acid-base balance in
Beagle dogs with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Physiologist 31 (4); 122-3: 1988
2. Bota B. , Hoffman M. D. , Jones G. M. , Mandli M. and Clifford P. S. : New ski
pale grips : Is there physiological benefit?

Last academic



Professor Nikola Bradari, MD, PhD


University of Split School of medicine



Personal Web page

1971.- Graduated at University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1977.- passed examination in infectious diseases.
1978.- Assistant, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1987. science assistant
1995.- PHD
2000.- Assistant professor
2005. Professor, University of Split School of medicine
Head o
Head of the Deparment for infectious diseases since 1989 to 1992, and since
2000. until today
(Department became Clinic in 2010.)
Since 2003.- Head of Nursing studies, School of Medicine Split
1. Vince A, Isci-Bes J, Zidovec Lepej S, Baa-Vrakela I, Bradari N, Kurelac I,
List of
Vince DB. Distribution of hepatitis C virus genotypes in Croatia--a 10 year
(last 5 years) retrospective study of four geographic regions. Coll Antropol. 2006;30 Suppl 2:13943.
2. Duh D, Punda-Poli V, Trilar T, Petrovec M, Bradari N, Avsic-Zupanc T.
Molecular identification of Rickettsia felis-like bacteria in Haemaphysalis sulcata
ticks collected from domestic animals in southern Croatia. Ann N Y Acad Sci.
3. Luksi B, Bradari N, Prgomet S. Venomous snakebites in southern Croatia. Coll
Antropol. 2006;30(1):191-7.
4. Luki B, Punda-Poli V, Ivi I, Bradari I, Bradari N. Clinical and
epidemiological features of hospitalized acute Q fever cases from Split-Dalmatia
County (Croatia), 1985-2002. Med Sci Monit. 2006;12(3):CR126-31.
5. Ivi I, Bradari N, Puizina-Ivi N, Ledina D, Luksi B, Martini R. Hla-Cw7
allele as predictor of favorable therapeutic response to interferon-alpha in patients
with chronic hepatitis C. Croat Med J. 2007 Dec;48(6):807-13.

and other

6. Punda-Poli V, Kraljevi KS, Bradari N. War-associated cases of typhoid fever

imported to Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia). Mil Med. 2007;172:1096-8.
7. Ledina D, Bradari N, Milas I, Ivi I, Brnci N, Kuzmici N. Chronic fatigue
syndrome after Q fever. Med Sci Monit. 2007;13:CS88-92.
8. Curi I, Curi S, Bagari I, Bradari N. Alimentary infections during war
conditions: Mostar and Tomislavgrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992-1995. Coll
Antropol. 2008 ;32(2):571-5.
9. Curi I, Curi S, Bradari I, Bubalo P, Bebek-Ivankovi H, Nikoli J, Polasek O,
Bradari N. Snakebites in Mostar region, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Coll Antropol.
2009;33 Suppl 2:93-8.
10. Duh D, Punda-Polic V, Avsic-Zupanc T, Bouyer D, Walker DH, Popov VL,
Jelovsek M, Gracner M, Trilar T, Bradaric N, Kurtti TJ, Strus J. Rickettsia
hoogstraalii sp.nov., isolated from hard- and soft-bodied ticks. Int J Syst Evol
11. Gracner M, Avsic-Zupanc T, Punda-Polic V, Dolinsek J, Bouyer D, Walker DH,
Zavala-Castro JE, Bradaric N, Crocquet-Valdes PA, Duh D. Comparative ompA gene
sequence analysis of Rickettsia felis-like bacteria detected in Haemaphysalis sulcata
ticks and isolated in the mosquito C6/36 cell line. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2009;15
Suppl 2:265-6.
12. Bradari N. [Prophylaxis and therapy of hepatitis B after liver transplantation]
Acta Med Croatica. 2005;59(5):433-41.
13. Vuceli B, Hrsti I, Begovac J, Bradari N, Burek V, Coli-Cvrlje V, et al. Viral
hepatitis: Croatian consensus statement. Acta Med Croatica. 2005;59:359-75.
14.Tonki M, Grgi D, Goi-Barisi I, Novak A, Milas I, Bradari N. [A fatal case of
Listeria monocytogenes sepsis and meningitis in a patient with Wegener's
granulomatosis]Acta Med Croatica. 2006;60(5):501-3.
15. timac D, Bradari N, Mili S. [Hepatitis C--who should be treated?] Acta Med
Croatica. 2009;63(5):403-8.
16. Bradari N, Pavi I, Kuzmici N, Bradari I. [Hepatitis B: who should be
treated?] Acta Med Croatica. 2009;63(5):385-9.
17. Ostoji R, Vince A, Hrsti I, Zidovec Lepej S, Begovac J, Bradari N,et al. Viral
hepatitis. Croatian consensus conference 2009. Acta Med Croatica. 2009;63(5):34957.
1. BradariN. Antibiotici- Ope napomene. U Rumboldt Z. editor. Odabrana
poglavlja iz terapije. Split: KBC Spli-Znanstvena jedinica, 1992;45-8.
2. Bradari N. Betalaktamski antibiotici. Ibidem, 1992;48-56.
3. Svilii A, Bradari N. Antimikrobno lijeenje infekcija dinog sustava. Ibidem,
4. Bradari N. Prevencija i lijeenje tetanusa. Ibidem, 1992;95-9.
5. Bradari N. Plinska gangrena-prevencija i lijeenje. Ibidem 1992;98-100.
6. Bradari N. AIDS/SIDA:prevencija i lijeenje. Ibidem 1992;100-3
7. Bradari N. Infekcije uz akutno zatajenje bubrega In: Ljuti D, Rumboldt Z.
Akutno zatajenje bubrega. Split: Slobodna Dalmacija, 1995;197-212.
8. Ljuti D, Bradari N, Glavina Durdov M, Puljiz , Petrovi P, Kardum D.
Tubulointersticijske bolesti i zatajenje bubrega. Ibidem, 1995;161-8.
9. Bradari N. Prevencija infekcijskog miokarditisa. In: Miri D et al. Preventivna
kardiologija Split: Hrvatsko kardioloko drutvo, 1997;427-36.
10. Bradari N, Soldo I, Baus I. editor. Infekcijske bolesti. U: Harrison, Principi
interne medicine prvo Hrvatsko izdanje. Split: Placebpo,1997;425-817.
11. Bradari N. U: Harrison, Principi interne medicine, prvo hrvatsko izdanje.
Split:Placebo, 1997;prijevod poglavlja 93-106, 151-154, 159-169. p. 492-555, 704-

718. 730-753.
12.Bradari N, BradariI, Curi I, Kuzmii N. Novi antimikrobni lijekovi.
Infektoloki glasnik:26;107-126.
13. Bradari N, Vuceli B. Hepatitis B.Medicus 2006:15;121-130
14. Bradari N. Bolesnik s vruicom. In: Jankovi S et al. Odabrana poglavlja iz hitne
medicine.Split:KB Split-jedinica za znanstveni rad, 1998;75-87.
15. Bradari N. Otrovanja otrovnim ivotinjama i gljivama.Ibidem, 1998;201-216.
16. Bradari N. Akutni virusni hepatitis. U:Hozo I, Mie S. editor. Odabrana
poglavlja iz gastroenterologije. Split:hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo-ogranak
17.Bradari N. Kronini virusni hepatitis. Ibidem,1999:253-62.
18. Punda-Poli V, Bagarin J, Bradari N. editor. Antibiotici racionalna
primjena.Split:KBSplit-Jedinica za znanstveni rad; 1998 and 2001.
19.Bradari N. Infekcije u bolesnika s transplantiranim solidnim
organima.U:Begovec J,Boinovi D, Lisi M, Bari B, Schonwald S.editor.
Infektologija.Zagreb:Profil International 2006;333-7.
20. Bradari N. Bacillus anthracis. Ibidem, 2006;592-6.
21. Bradari N. Erysipelotrix rhusiopathiae. Ibidem, 2006;596-8.
22. Bradari N. Streptobacillus moniliformis.Ibidem 2006;644-5.
Last academic
September 17th 2005.
Influenza based on evidence (elctive course at postdoctoral studies)
Infectology at teaching programmes of: Medicine, Dental Medicine, Nursing and phd

Professor Ante Buca, MD, PhD


Department of Diagnostic and Intervention Radiology, University Hospital Split



Personal Web page

Professor Ante Bua graduated in the University of Zagreb School of Medicine
(1971.-1979.), and specialized radiology in Split (1984.-1988.). Since 2003. he works
as subspecialized neuroradiologist.
Membership: Croatian medical associataion, Croatian medical chamber, Croatian
Society of Radiology, Croatian Society of Neuroradiology.
Participates in radiology education in University of Split School of Medicine since
1988. From 1995. leader of practical education in Medical radiology-University of
Split School Active participates in radiology education in University School of
Dental Medicine since 2008.
Director of clinical section of klinikog odjela, Department of Diagnostic and
Intervention Radiology, University Hospital Split; Secretary of Croatian Society of
Radiology section in Split. Educated in Hungary and Slovenia, certificated for
working on CT and MR in 1999. and 2000.
1. Titlic M, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Lahman-Doric M, Buca A, Jukic I, Tonkic A.
List of
Hemifacial spasm in vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Acta neurol. belg., 2006, 106,
(last 5 years)
2. Titlic M, Jukic F, Tonkic A, Buca A, Dolic K. Vertigo associated with Chiari I
malformation and syringomyelia. Bratislava Medical Journal, 109(4): 168-70;

and other

3. Tudor KI, Tudor M, Buca A, Cambi-Sapunar L, Tudor L, Dujmovic D, Carija R,
Sucevic D, Caric D. Electrosurgery, the cornestone of current achievements of
brain tumor surgery-on the occasion of 80th anniversary. Acta Medica Croatica.
62(1):33-40; 2008
4. Tudor L, Sikiric P, Tudor KI, Cambi-Sapunar L, Radonic V, Tudor M, Buca A,
Carija R. Amusia and aphasia of Bolero's creator-influence of the right hemisphere
on music
5. Tudor M, Tudor L, Tudor KI, Buca A, Cambi-Sapunar L, Carija R, Dujmovic D.
Unusual open craniocerebral injury caused by sickle ,s tip. Acta Medica Croatica.
62(1):85-8; 2008
6. Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Buca A, Punda A. Leptomeningeal metastases of an
astrocytoma of the conus medullaris: a case report. Actaneurol. belg., 2008.
7. Titlic M, Buca A, Jankovic S, Capkun V, Kolic K, Gasparic I. Sensitivity and
specifity of the clinical estimation in diagnosing acute cerebral coditions. Acta
Med Croatica, 62 (2008) 501-4.
8. Titlic M, Jukic I, Tonkic A, Buca A, Aleksic-Shihabi A. Lamotrigine therapy for
resistant pain in radicular lesions of cervical segments C4-C5 and C5-C6: a case
report. Acta Clin Croat. 2009 Jun;48(2):157-60.
9. Buca A, Perkovic D, Martinovic-Kaliterna D, Vlastelica M, Titlic M.
Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: diagnostic and clinical features
according to revised ACR criteria. Coll Antropol. 2009 Mar;33(1):281-8
Radonic V, Koplic S, Giunio L, Bozic I, Maskovic J, Buca A: Popliteal artery
entrapment sindrome diagnosis and management, with report of tree cases. Texas
Heart Institute Jurnal, 2000; 27:3-13.
Jankovic S, Besenski N, Busic Z, Dujic Z, Buca A, Maskovic J, Lusic I,
Primorac D: Craniocerebral war missile injuries: Clinical and radiological study.
Acta Neurochirurgica, 2000; 14:101-2.
Titlic M, Lusic I, Buca A, Bosnjak N: Taking narcotics and neurologic
deficit. Neurologia Croatica, 2002; 51:89.
Titlic M, Lusic I, Jurinovic M, Buca A, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Capkun V,
Jurinovic P: Epidemilogy of brain tumors. Neurologia Croatica, 2002; 51:223-31.
Titlic M, Lusic I, Buca A, Tonkic A, Vrebalov-Cindro V: Lamotrigin
(lamictal) in the treatment of radicular pain of cervical vertebrae: a case report.
Periodicum Biologorum, 2004;106:85.
Titli M, Buca A, Lusic I, Ujevic A, Borzic Z: Hyperventilation in the
management of cerebral oedema after stroke. Periodicum Biologorum, 2004;
Titlic M, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Lahman-Doric M, Buca A, Jukic I, Tonkic A.
Hemifacial spasm in vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Acta neurol. belg., 2006, 106,
Master's degree:Valuation of the brain CT in analysis of the embolic stroke, Zagreb
Doctoral dissertation: Prognostic value of the brain computer tomography in patients
with supratentorial infarct, Rijeka 1999
2002. became assistant professor in University of Split School of Medicine
Obtained expression of gratitude from Croatian medical associataion twice: 1997.
and 2002.
Coautor in book chapters: Central nervous system, Radiology of the head and
neck, Maxillofacial region, sinuses and teeth in the textboox edited by prof. Stipan
Jankovic Seminars in clinical radiology.

Last academic advancement

July 16th 2009.


Medical radiology


Professor Liana Cambj Sapunar, MD, PhD


University of Split, Medical School



Personal Web page

1988 MD University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
2004 PhD University of Split, School of Medicine
1994- 1994 Resident in Radiology
1995 Visiting Fellow - Department of Radiology, Medical University of South
Carolina Hospital
2001-02 Postdoctoral training in cardiovascular research - Medical College of
Wisconsin, WI, USA
1994- Attending radiologist University Hospital Split
2009 Head of Interventional Radiology Ward at the Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Split
2005 Assistant Professor of Radiology, University of Split School of Medicine
2009 Professor of Radiology, University of Split School of Medicine
University of Split, School of Medicine:
Co chairmen of Department of Radiology
Chairman of Continuing Medical Education Committee of the Split School of
Medicine (2009-)
Vice Dean for Science and Graduate School (2009-)
Ministry of Health:
Advisor for acquisition of angio equipment for government hospitals.
European Journal of Radiology
European Journal of Internal Medicine
Croatian Medical Journal
Lijecnicki Vjesnik
Grantor: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Title: Thrombolytic therapy of ischemic stroke in small animal models
Role: Principal Investigator
Date: 20071.Yu M, Cambj-Sapunar L, Kehl F, Maier KG, Takeuchi K, Miyata N, Ishimoto T,
List of
Reddy LM, Falck JR, Gebremedhin D, Harder DR, Roman RJ. Effects of a 20-HETE
antagonist and agonists on cerebral vascular tone. Eur J Pharmacol. 2004 23; 486
(last 5 years)
2. Beneficial effects of a new 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid synthesis inhibitor,
TS-011 [N-(3-chloro-4-morpholin-4-yl) phenyl-N'-hydroxyimido formamide], on
hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. Miyata N, Seki T, Tanaka Y, Omura T, Taniguchi

K, Doi M, Bandou K, Kametani S, Sato M, Okuyama S, Cambj-Sapunar L, Harder

DR, Roman RJ. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005 Jul;314(1):77-85.
3. Amusia and aphasia of Bolero's creator--influence of the right hemisphere on
music. Tudor L, Sikiri P, Tudor KI, Cambi-Sapunar L, Radoni V, Tudor M, Buca A,
Carija R. Acta Med Croatica. 2008 Jul;62(3):309-16
4. Unusual open craniocerebral injury caused by sickle's tip. Tudor M, Tudor L,
Tudor KI, Buca A, Cambi-Sapunar L, Carija R, Dujmovi D. Acta Med Croatica.
2008 Feb;62(1):85-8
5. Electrosurgery, the cornerstone of current achievements of brain tumor surgery--on
the occasion of 80th anniversary. Tudor KI, Tudor M, Buca A, Cambi-Sapunar L,
Tudor L, Dujmovi D, Carija R, Sucevi D, Cari D. Acta Med Croatica. 2008
6. The extent of laminectomy affects pain-related behavior in a rat model of
neuropathic pain. Kosta V, Kojundzi SL, Sapunar LC, Sapunar D. Eur J Pain. 2009
7. Outcome of emergency endovascular treatment of large internal iliac artery
aneurysms with guidewires. Cambj-Sapunar L, Maskovi J, Brkljaci B, Radoni V,
Dragicevi D, Ajduk M. Eur J Radiol. 2010 Apr;74(1):86-92
Author/co-author of 16 peer-reviewed manuscripts (9 indexed in CC) and 3 book
and other
University of Split, School of Medicine (undergraduate and graduate school)
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine (graduate school)
University of Mostar, School for Health professionals (undergraduate school for
Invited lectures > 30
ESIR Basic Course. Zagreb, November 2010
Last academic advancement
December 3rd 2009.



Assistant professor Vedrana ike uli, BSc


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal web-page
2000. - 2001. Trainee in Clinical hospital Split, Department of Medical Laboratory
curriculum Diagnostics
2000. - 2003. Cooperator volunteer, University of Split, School of Medicine,
Department of Molecular Biology
2001. - 2003. Cooperator volunteer, University of Split, School of Medicine,
Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
2003. - 2004. Medical Biochemist, Chrono d.o.o. Split
1.9.2004. 5.2.2009. Scientific novice on project leaded by dr.sc. Anita Markoti,
University of Split, School of Medicine
6.2.2009. 31.7.2009. Assistant, University of Split, School of Medicine, Department
of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
1.8.2009. 30.3.2009. Senior assistant University of Split, School of Medicine,
Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry

31.3.2009. today Assistant professor, University of Split, School of Medicine,

Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
1. Markoti A, uli V, Kurir TT, Meisen I, Bntemeyer H, Boraska V, Zemunik T,
List of
Petri N, Mesari M, Peter-Katalini J, Mthing J. Oxygenation alters ganglioside
papers (last expression in rat liver following partial hepatectomy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
5 years)
2. ike uli V, Tiinovi Kurir T, Radi S, Zemunik T, Mesari M, Markoti A.
Exposure to hyperbaric pressure alters ganglioside expression in rat liver following
partial hepatectomy. Period. Biologorum (2005): 107:2:267-269.
3. Boraska V, krabi V, ike uli V, Bei K, Kapitanovi S, Zemunik T.
Association of TNF promoter polymorfisms with type 1 diabetes in the South Croatian
population. Biological Research (2008): 41:2:157-163.
4. T. Tiinovi-Kurir, V. ike-uli, T. Zemunik, I. Grkovi, J. Terzi, M. Padovan,
N.M. Petri, A. Markoti. Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic ganglioside
distribution following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to different hyperbaric
oxygen treatments. Acta histochemica (2008): 110: 66-75.
Work with graduate students as lecturer in seminar and small groups;
Publications and other
in student anonymous questionnaire evaluated with very high grade
Last academic advancement

March 31st 2010. Assistant professor

graduate teaching in Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of

Split, School of Medicine
graduate teaching in Medical Chemistry and Medical Biochemistry,
University of Split, School of Dental Medicine
postgraduate teaching of Immunochemical methods in glycomedicine,
University of Split, School of Medicine
graduate teaching in Glycoantigens in Health and Disease, elective course,
University of Split, School of Medicine


Professor Slavica Cvitanovi, MD. PhD


University Hospital Center Split, Department of Pneumology



Personal Web page

1971 Medical University, Zagreb, graduation
1979 Specialist in Pneumology, Dept. of Medicine, Split General Hospital
1984 Master degree
1993 PhD
1997 Assistant Professor
2005 Professor of Pneumology
List of
1. Cvitanovi S, Znaor Lj, Kanceljak-Macan B, Macan J, Gudelj I, Grbi D. Allergic
rhinitis and asthma in Southern Croatia: Impact of sensitization to Ambrosia elatior.
(last 5 years) CMJ 2007; 48:68-75.
2. Cvitanovi S, Ivanevi Z, Capkun V, Tenzera-Taslak G. Incidence of malignant
pleural mesothelioma in Split-Dalmatia Country. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol.
3. Karaman K, Znaor Lj, Cvitanovi S, Markovi I, Miljak S, Sinii A. Treatment of

allergic conjunctivitis with olopatadine. Acta Clin Croat 2008; 47 (Suppl):21-25.

4. Cvitanovi S, Znaor Lj, Mie K, Gudelj I, Kurajica L. Malignant pleural
mesothelioma as main indicator of possible increased risk of asbestos dust exposure.
Medicina 2005;42:229-236.
5. Kurpis M, Milevoj-Ribi M, Flego V, Beg-Zec-Kopani Z, Matani D, Cvitanovi
S, Bulat-Kardum Lj. Prognostic significance of intrathoracic complications as the
first manifestation of lung cancer. Medicina 2005;42:237-241.
6. Cvitanovi S, Kanceljak-Macan B, Kotarac S, Matani D, Vukovi J, Kardum G.
Treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Medicina 2009; 45: 94-101.
Published more than 70 articles: 9 full paper and 10 abstracts in journals indexed in
the Current Contents base, where is the first author; 10 articles in the Index Medicus,
and other
qualifications and 15 in Excerpta Medica bases. Book: Respiratory diseases and characteristics
atmosphere in costal area, 1998. Participated in tuition since 1986 with at least 50
hours per year. Head of Department of Pneumology Split, University Hospital since
Last academic
2010, professor of Pneumology



Professor Srana uli, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal web page

- Date of birth : september 6th 1949.
- Place and country of birth: Split, Croatia.
- Elementary School and Gymnasium in Split Croatia.
1974. - Graduated Medical School, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1977. - Specialized in Pediatrics Clinical Center Rebro Zagreb
1981. - Postgraduate studies University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Croatia
198.5 - Specialisation in pediatric hematology, oncology and immunology Zagreb
1987. - specialisation in pediatric hematology, oncology and immunology LjubljanaSlovenia
1989. - Training in: Clinica pediatrica, Ematologia pediatrica Monza Milano
1994. - Training in: Clinica pediatrica, Ematologia pediatrica in Monza Milano
1995. and 1996. Training in: Centro della ricerca moleculare e citogenetica
Tettamanti Monza Ospedale San Gerardo
.- 1987 - University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Master degree: Cold Injury
Syndrome In The Region Of Split
- 2004 - University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, PhD: Cytokines In Autoimmune
Thrombocytopenic Purpura In Children and Adults
1974. Employment in Split Croatia in outpatient department of general medicine.
1977. University Hospital Split Department of Pediatrics
1982. Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology And Immunology

List of
s (last five

1987. Head of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology And Immunology Department

1994. University of Split, School of Medicine, Croatia, assistent
2005. Head of Department of Hematology, Oncology, Immunology and Medical
2005. University of Split, School of Medicine, Croatia, assist. Prof.
2009. University of Split, School of Medicine, Croatia, Prof.
1991. founding Club Of Parents And Children Sick And Treated Of Malignant Diseases
Sanus, Split, Croatia
1995. Initiative that Sanus became member of International Children Cancer Parent
1997. Founding Croatian Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation in region of Split
- Society International of Pediatric Oncology
- Histiocyte Society
- European Society of Immunologic Diseases
International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
- Graduate education in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University of Split,
School of Medicine, Croatia
- Postgraduate teaching Postgraduate study, University of Split, School of Medicine,
- Visiting assist. professor Medical School Mostar, BIH
Coordiator for Croatia.
1. uli S, de Kraker J, Kulji D, Kuzmi I, Saraga M, uli V, Balarin L,
Primorac D. Fatal Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease With Fibrinolysis as the
Cause of Death During Preoperative Chemotherapy for Nephroblastoma. Med
Pediatr Oncol 1998;31:175-6.
2. Culic S, Jakobson A, Culic V, Kuzmic I, Scukanec-Spoljar M, Primorac D.
Etoposide as the basic and interferon-alpha as the maintenance therapy for
Langerhans cell histiocytosis: A RTC. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2001;18:291-4.
3. Culic S, Jakl R, Metlicic V, Paukovic-Sekulic B, Resic B, Culic V, Kuljis D,
Primorac D. Platelet function analysis in children with Schonlein-Henoch
syndrome. Arch Med Res 2001;32(4):268-72.
4. uli V, uli S, ArmandaV, Rei B, Lasan R, Peterlin B. Single Signal of the
Williams Syndrome Chromosome Region 1 Gene in Hyperploidic Bone
Marrow Cells of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a Williams Syndrome
Patient. Med Pediatr Oncol 2002;38(3):205-7.
5. uli V, uli S, Rei B.Two Hits in utero? Med Pediatr Oncol 2003
6. uli S. Recombinant Factor VIIa for Refractive Haemorrhage in Autoimmune
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. BJH 2003.120;909-10.
7. uli S, uli V, Armanda V, Kulji D, Peuti-Pisac V, Jankovi S. Anti-CD20
Monoclonal Antibody (Rituximab) for Therapy of Mediastinal CD20-positive
Large B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with a Local Extension into the Lung of
a 10-Year-Old Girl. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2003;20:339-44.
8. Culic S, Kuzmic I, Culic V, Martini R, Kulji D, Prani-Kragi A, Karaman K,
Jankovi S. Disseminated BCG infection resembling Langerhans cell
histiocytosis in an infant with severe combined immunodeficiency: A case

report. Pediatr Hemat Oncol 2004;21(6):563-72.

9. Karaman K, Culic S, Erceg I, uli V, Sinii A, Salamuni I, Znaor Lj.
Treatment of Post-Traumatic Trabecular Mashwork Thrombosis and Secondary
Glaucoma with Intracameral Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Previously
Unrecognized Sickle Cell Anemia. Coll Antropol 2005;29(Suppl.1):123-6.
10. Culic S. Cold injury syndrome and neurodevelopmental changes in survivors.
Arch Med Res 2005;36(5):532-8.
11. Brenner B, Hoffman R, Balashov D, Shutluko E, Culic S, Nizamoutdinova E.
Control of Bleeding Caused by Thrombocytopenia Associated With
Hematologic Malignancy: An Audit of the Clinical Use of Recombinant
Activated Factor VII. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2005;11(4):401-10.
12. uli S, Labar B, Marui A, Salamuni I. Correlations among age, cytokines,
lymphocyte subtypes, and platelet counts in autoimmune thrombocytopenic
purpura. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006;47(S5):671-674.
13. Culic S, Armanda V, Kuljis D, Kuzmic I, Pranic-Kragic A, Jankovic S. AntiCD20 monoclonal antibody (rituximab) for therapy of CD20-positive nodular
lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma in an 10-year-old girl. Pediatr
Hematol Oncol 2006;23(8):661-6.
14. Culic S, Kuljis D, Armanda V, Jankovic S. Successful management of bleeding
with recombinant factor VIIa (NovoSeven ) in a patient with Burkitt
lymphoma and thrombosis of the left femoral and left common iliac veins.
Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006;00:14.
15. Ingerslev J, Vanek T, Culic S. Use of recombinant factor VIIa for emergency
reversal of anticoagulation. J Postgrad Med 2007;53(1):17-22.
16. Jakovljevi G, uli S. Thrombocytopenia after bacille Calmette-Guerin
immunization--possibly on an immune basis. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2007
17. Jakovljevi G, uli S, Stepan J, Bonevski A, Seiwerth S. Vascular endothelial
growth factor in children with neuroblastoma: a retrospective analysis. J Exp
Clin Cancer Res 2009;28:143.
18. Juri I, Pogoreli Z, Kuzmi-Prusac I, Bioi M, Jakovljevi G, Stepan J,
Zupani B, Culi S, Krulin B. Expression and prognostic value of the Ki-67
in Wilms' tumor: experience with 48 cases. Pediatr Surg Int 2010;26:487-93.
19. Jakovljevic G, Kardum-Skelin I, Rogosic S, Culic S, Stepan J, Gagro A, Skaric
I, Mikecin L, Bonevski A, Barisic I, Nakic M. Familial Hemophagocytic
Lymphohistiocytosis in a 6-Week-Old Male Infant. Coll Antropol
20. Paveli J, uli S, uli V. Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Ph+
Following Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in a Multi-Malformed Child with
INV (9)(p12; q13)(mat): Case report. Acta Med Okayama 2019:64(4):263-65.
1. uli S, Naki M, Aurer I. Sideropenic anaemia. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb
Croatia, 2006.
1. uli V, uli S. Down syndrome. Society 21 for Down syndrome & Edition
Bokovi Split, Split 2008.
2. Pavlov N, uli S, Mie K. Allergic diseases. KBC Split, Split 2010.
Book Chapter:
1. uli S. Haemostatic diseases. In: Topi E, Primorac D, Jankovi S. Medical
and Biochemistry Diagnostic in Medical Practice, Zagreb: Medicinska

Naklada, 2004:223-39.
2. Topi E, Margeti S, Getaldi B, uli S, Dvornik , imundi AM, tefanovi
M. Algoritms of laboratory tests. In: Topi E, Jankovi S. Modern approach of
diagnostic in general medicine: Medicinska Naklada, Zagreb 2006:11-47.
3. uli S. Food as the iron source. In: uli S, Naki M, Aurer I. Sideropenic
anaemia, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb 2006:47-61.
4. uli S. Influence of iron defitienty to different organic systems. In: uli S,
Naki M, Aurer I. Sideropenic anaemia, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb 2006:8397.
5. Metrovi J, Poli B, Saraga M, uli S, krabi V, Pavlov N, Metrovi M,
Metliu V, itko V, Despot R, Krelj V. Selected chapters in intensive care of
children. In: Juki M, Gaparovi V, Husedinovi I, Majeri-Kogler V, Peri
M, uni J. Intezive Care Medicine. Medicinska naklada Zagreb, Zagreb
6. uli S. Immune system disorders. In: uli V, uli S. Down Syndrome.
Society 21 for Down syndrome & Edition Bokovi Split, 2008:77-92.
7. uli S. Hematology and oncology disorders. In: uli V, uli S. Down
Syndrome. Society 21 for Down syndrome & Edition Bokovi Split,
3. uli S. Clinical importance and diagnostics of food intolerance. In: Pavlov N,
uli S, Mie K. Allergic diseases. KBC Split, 2010:90-103.
Publication - Graduate education in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University of Split,
s and other School of Medicine, Croatia
qualificatio - Postgraduate teaching Postgraduate study, University of Split, School of Medicine,
- Visiting assist. professor Medical School Mostar, BIH
Last academic advancement



Professor Marija Definis-Gojanovi, MD, PhD


Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Cytology, University Hospital Split,

School of Medicine, University of Split



Personal web-page
Born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1960.
Finished Zagreb University School of Medicine (1984), postgraduate study in biologycurrculo
biomedicine, Zagreb University School of Natural Science and Mathematics (1986)
and specialization of forensic medicine, at Department of Forensic Medicine and
Criminalities, Zagreb University School of Medicine (1993).
Academic degrees: M.Sc. in biology-biomedicine (1992), PhD in forensic medicine
(1998), Associate Professor at Split University School of Medicine, Croatia, and
Mostar University School of Medicine, Bosnia and Herzegovina (since 2005).
Clinical and field career: physician at Health Care Center, Split, Croatia (1985-1988),
specialist of forensic medicine, University Hospital Center Split, Department of
Forensic Medicine, Split, Croatia (since 1993), permanent expert testimony for forensic
medicine at District Courts, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (since 1993), coroner
and medical examiner for Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia (since 1995), member of the

s in last
five years

s and other

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading

Treatment or Punishment (CPT) (since 2002), specialist consultant in Office of Missing
Persons and Forensics, Medical Examiners Office, Department of Justice, United
Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) (2003), head of the
Department of Forensic Medicine, University Hospital Center Split, Croatia (since
2005), member of the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (SPT) (since 2007).
Educational career: head of the Department of Forensic Medicine at University of Split
School of Medicine, Croatia (since 1997), and at University of Mostar School of
Medicine, Bosnia and Herzegovina (since 2002) and lecturer; lecturer of medical ethics
at University of Mostar School of Medicine (since 2004); head of the Department of
Medical Ethics at Split University School of Dental Medicine, Croatia, and lecturer
(since 2008); head of the Department of Medical Humanities at Split University School
of Medicine, Croatia (since 2009); lecturer at university study Forensics at
University of Split, Croatia (2009). Lecturer at postgraduate studies at Split University
School of Medicine and at Split University School of Law, Croatia (since 2004).
Finished several educational courses and international workshops, member of national
and international professional organizations.
1. Bosnar A, Stemberga V, Coklo M, Zamolo Koncar G, Definis-Gojanovi M,
Sendula-Jengic V, Katic P. Suicide and war in Croatia. Forensic Sci Int 2005; S13-S16.
2. Sundov Z, Nincevic Z, Definis-Gojanovic M, Glavina-Durdov M, Jukic I, Hulina N,
Tonkic A. Fatal colchicines poisoning by accidental ingestion of meadow saffron case
report. Forensic Sci Int 2005; 253-6.
3. Anelinovi , Sutlovi D, Erceg Ivkoi I, karo V, Ivkoi A, Pai F, Rei B,
Definis-Gojanovi M, Primorac D. Twelve-year experience in identification of skeletal
remains from mass graves. Croatian Med J 2005; 46(4): 530-9.
4. Sutlovi D, Definis-Gojanovi M, Anelinovi , Dugi D, Primorac D. Taq
polymerase reverse inhibition of quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction by
humid acid. Croatian Med J 2005; 46(4): 556-62.
5. Britvic D, Urlic I, Definis-Gojanovic M. Juvenile perpetrators of homicides and
attempted homicides a case control study. Coll Antropol 2006; 30 (1):143-7.
6. Sutlovi D, M Definis Gojanovi M, Anelinovi . Rapid extraction of human
DNA containing humic acid. Croat Chem Acta 2007; 80(1):117-20.
7. Definis Gojanovi M, Sutlovi D. Skeletal remains from World War II Mass Grave:
from Discovery to Identification. Croatian Med J 2007; 48(4):520-7.
8. Sutlovic D, Gamulin S, Definis-Gojanovic M, Andjelinovic S. Interaction of humic
acid with human DNA: Proposed mechanism and kinetics. Electrophoresis 2008;
9. Ljubkovi J, Stipii A, Sutlovi D, Definis-Gojanovi M, Buan K, Anelinovi .
Y-chromosomal Short Tandem repeat Haplotypes in Southern Croatian Male
Population Defined by 17 Loci. Croatian Med J 2008; 49:201-6.
10. Definis-Gojanovi M, Gugi D, Sutlovi D. Suicide and Emo youth subculture a
case analysis. Coll Antropol 2009; 33:173-5.
11. Petri NM, Stipancevic H, Sutlovic D, Definis-Gojanovi M. Death of a Scuba Diver
Caused by Vomiting and Panic. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2009; 31(2).
12. Sutlovi D, Stipii A, Marui J, Pavlov J, Veri M, Definis-Gojanovi M, Gugi
D, Anelinovi . Elemental Status in Individuals from Naklice Burial Site (Southern
Croatia): Mediaeval Diet Reconstruction. Croat. Chem. Acta 2010; 83(2):217-21.
Wrote over 100 professionals and scientific texts. Attended at numerous professionals
and scientific congresses and meetings at national and international level. Participate in


educational courses at postgraduate study at Split University School of Medicine and at

Split University School of Law, Croatia. Mentor of 3 doctoral thesis and 26 graduate
thesis. Professional training in Croatia and abroad (USA, France). Author and coauthor of students text-books for undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Participating
and heading of scientific projects under the Ministry of education, Croatia. Receiver of
several scientific and professionals awards and recognitions (underlined: 1996: Young
Investigators' Award, Tokyo, Japan, 1998: Homeland memorial).

Last academic advancement


23 September 2005, associate professor of forensic medicine at

Split University School of Medicine, Croatia
Forensic medicine, Medical ethics (undergraduate study)
Elective course: PTSD, Undersea medicine, Violence in living and working
environment, Sudden death (undergraduate study)
Tumours biology, Evidence based medicine, Medicine and law (postgraduate study)


Professor Goran Dodig, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Split, Department for Psychiatry



Personal Web page


List of
(last 5 years)

and other

University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia M. D. 1973.

University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia Certified Psychiatrist 1981
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia M. Sc. 1984.
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia Ph. D. 1996.
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia Docenture 1998.
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia Professor 2003.
Since 1998. - Head of Clinic for psychiatry
Boban-Blagaic A. Blagaic V. Romic Z. Jelovac N. Dodig G. Rucman R Et al. The
influence of gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on acute and chronic ethanol
administration in mice. The effect of N-G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and Larginine. Medical Science Monitor. 12(1), 2006.
Blagaic AB, Blagaic V, Mirt M, Jelovac N, Dodig G, Rucman R Et al.
pentadecapeptide BPC 157 effective against serotonin syndrome in rats. European
Journal of Pharmacology. 512(2-3):173-179, 2005.
Jukic I. Titlic M. Tonkic A. Dodig G. Rogosic V. Psychosis and Wilson's disease: a
case report. Psychiatria Danubina. 18(1-2):105-7, 2006.
Britvi D., Anticevi V., Urli I., Dodig G., Lapenda B., Kekez V Et al.
psychotherapeutic treatment program for post-traumatic stress disorder: Prospective
study of 70 war veterans. Group Analysis 40 (4), pp. 507-522, 2007.
AWARD - Goran Dodig and team - for best oral presentation at the Seventh Croatian
psychiatric days, Opatija, March 2010.
He published more than 50 publications. Participated as an active participant at many
national and international congresses. Author of many lectures organized by various
social institutions and associations.
Loncar C, Definis-Gojanovic M, Dodig G, Jakovljevic M, Franic T, Marcinko D,
Mihanovic M, WAR, mental disorder and suicide. Collegium Antropologicum.

28(1):377-384, 2004.
Sikiric P, Jelovac N, Jelovac-Gjeldum A, Dodig G, Staresinic M, Anic T et al.
Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 attenuates chronic amphetamine-induced behavior
disturbances. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 23(5):412-422, 2002.
Dodig G, Brnabic R, Mrass D, Zuljan-Cvitanovic M, Katavic Z, Loncar C, Uglesic B.
Alcoholism and depression. Collegium Antropologicum. 25(2):651-655, 2001.
Dodig G, Glavina T, Janovic S, Romac D, Uglesic B. Aggression and alcoholism.
Collegium Antropologicum. 25(1):239-244, 2001.
Sikiric P, Jelovac N, Jelovac-Gjeldum A, Dodig G, Starfesinic M, Anic T et al.
Anxiolytic effect of BPC-157, a gastric pentadecapeptide: shock probe/burying test
and light/dark test. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 22:225-230, 2001.
Sikiric P, Separovic J, Buljat G, Anic T, Stancic-Rokotov D et al. Gastric mucosal
lesions induced by complete dopamine system failure in rats. The effects of dopamine
agents, ranitidine, atropine, omeprazole and pentadecapeptide BPC 157. Journal of
Physiology, Paris. 94:105-10, 2000.
Jelovac N, Milicic J, Milas M, Dodig G, Turek S, Ugrenovic Z. Dermatoglyphic
analysis in bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia - "Continuum of psychosis"
hypothesis corroborated?. Collegium Antropologicum. 23(2):589-595, 1999.
Jelovac N, Sikiric P, Rucman R, Petek M, Marovic A, Perovic D et al.
Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 attenuates disturbances induced by neuroleptics: the
effect on catalepsy and gastric ulcers in mice and rats. European Journal of
Pharmacology. 379(1):19-31, 1999.
Jelovac N, Milicic J, Milas M, Dodig G, Turek S, Ugrenovic Z.
Antropologicum. 22(1):141-148, 1998.
Jankovic S, Stivicevic V, Dodig G, Biocic M, Stajner I, Primorac D.
CROATIAN WAR VETERANS. Military Medicine. 163(5):331-336, 1998.
Jelovac N, Sikiric P, Rucman R, Petek M, Perovic D. Konjevoda P et al. A NOVEL
Biological Psychiatry. 43(7):511-519, 1998.
Jankovic S, Dodig G, Biocic M, Stivicevic V, Stajner I, Primorac D. ANALYSIS OF
LINE. Military Medicine. 163(1):13-16, 1998.
PRISONERS OF DETENTION CAMPS. Collegium Antropologicum. 21(1):235-42,
Jukic V, Bamburac J, Dodig G, Jakovljevic M. DOCTORS OATH TO SECRECY
AND PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT. Collegium Antropologicum. 21(1):251-258, 1997.
Jakovljevic M, Muckseler D, Pivac N, Ljubicic D, Bujas M, Dodig G. SEASONAL
41(10):1028-1034, 1997.
Last academic
2008. Professor at Univerity of Split, School of Medicine - Department
for psychiatry

Psychiatry Univerity of Split, School of Medicine - in medicine and dental

medicine / scientific study of nursing and physical therapy.

Forensic Psychopathology - Faculty of Law Split


Professor Irena Drmi Hofman, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Cytology

University of Split School of Medicine, Department of Medical Chemistry and



Personal Web page

2009.g. Associate Professor, University of Split School of Medicine, Department of
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
2008.g.- present, Head of the Department, University of Split School of Medicine,
Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
2004.g Assistant Professor, University of Split School of Medicine, Department of
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
1994.g.- 2004, Asistant, University of Split School of Medicine, Department of
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
1993.g- 2001; University Hospital Split, Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine
and Cytology, Laboratory for Molecular Clinical Genetics
2001-present Head of the Laboratory for Molecular Clinical Genetics , University
Hospital Split, Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Cytology
15.10. 2003. g. PhD, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
31.10. 1997.g. MSc, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
27.12. 1991.g. BSc chem. tech., University of Split, faculty of Chemical Engineering
1. Mimica MD, Tomi S, Kardum G, Drmi Hofman I, Kaliterna V, Pejkovi L. KiList of
67 Quantitative Evaluation as a Marker of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and
(last 5 years) Human Papilloma Virus Infection. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2010;20: 116Y119
2. Distler U, Souady J, Hlsewig M, Drmi-Hofman I, Haier J, Friedrich AW, Karch
H, Senninger N, Dreisewerd K, Berkenkamp S, Schmidt A, Peter-Katalini J, and
Mthing J. Shiga Toxin Receptor Gb3Cer/CD77: Tumor-association and Promising
Therapeutic Target in Pancereas and Colon Cancer. PLoS One. 2009 Aug
3. Distler U, Souady J, Hlsewig M, Drmi-Hofman I, Haier J, Denz A, Grtzmann
R, Pilarsky C, Senninger N, Dreisewerd K, Berkenkamp S, Schmidt A, PeterKatalini J, and Mthing J. Tumor-Associated CD75s- and iso-CD75s-Gangliosides
are Potential Targets for Adjuvant Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther.
2008 Aug;7(8):2464-75.
4. Hincak Z, Drmi-Hofman I, Miheli D. Anthropological analysis of neolithic and
Early Bronze Age skeletons - a classical and molecular approach (East Slavonia,
Croatia). Coll Antropol. 2007 Dec; 31(4):1135-41.
6. Kaliterna V, Anelinovi , Pejkovi L and Drmi-Hofman I. Human
Papillomavirus DNA Typing in the Cervical Specimens among Women of Split and
Dalmatian County. Coll Antropol. 2007;31 (2):79-82.
7. Mikovi B, Stipoljev F, Drmi I, Andonotopo W, Kupei S. Complete
hydatidiform mole and coexisting healthy twin: a rare case of a benign form. J
Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2006;19(12):823-8.
8. Boraska Jelavi T, Barii M, Drmi Hofman I, Boraska V, Vrdoljak E, Peruzovi
M, Hozo I, Puljiz Z, Terzi J. Microsatellite GT polymorphism in the toll-like

and other

receptor 2 is associated with colorectal cancer. Clin Genet. 2006 ;70(2):156-60.

I. Publications
13 publications indexed in CC, more than 20 congress abstracts/posters, 2 chapters in
textbooks, translations of the textbooks
II. Education

- Obligate courses: Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Medicine(1994- present)

Biochemistry, Dental medicine (2007-present)
-Elective courses: Fertility and sexual habits, Molecular biology of tumors,
University of Split School of Medicine (2006- present).
- Diagnostics of genetic and chromosomal aberrations, University of Mostar School
of Medicine (2006- present).
-Postgraduate courses: Methods of molecular biology in medicine, University of
Zagreb School of Medicine (1998 - 2005).
-Tumor research in glycomedicine, University of Split School of Medicine (2007present),
- Methods in Glycomedicine, Genes a foundations of diseases, Methods of genome
research and application in medicine, Molecular pathology of female genital tract
tumors, Methods in tumor molecular diagnostics (2007- present).
III. Scientific
1. Principal investigator: Glikoprotein profil in normal and tumor cells (1410000000-0080). Financed by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport,
2. Collaborator:: Molecular mechanism of hepatitis C viral infection (0620000000-3550), PI: Prof.dr.sc. Blaenka Grahovac. Financed by Croatian Ministry of
Science, Education and Sport (2008-2010)
3. Collaborator: Regulation of p53 ribosomal proteins in phisiological and
pathological state (colon cancer), PI: Prof.dr.sc. Sinia Volarevi, Program Crossing
Border, Financed by UKF (Unity Through Knowledge Fund) (2009.- 2011.);
4. Collaborator: Immunohistochemistry and molecular biology of the tumors
(141009), PI: Prof.dr.sc. imun Anelinovi. Financed by Croatian Ministry of
Science, Education and Sport (1997-2006).
Last academic
16 July 2009. Associate Professor
Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Medicine
Biochemistry, Dental medicine


Professor Nikica Druijani, MD, PhD


University Clinical Hospital Split



Personal Web page

Born 23rd January, 1950th, Plina, Ploe, Croatia
1974. MD degree, Medical School University of Zagreb
1978 1982. Resident Department of General Surgery, Military Hospital Split
1982 Postgraduate School of General Surgery Medical School University of Zagreb

List of
(last 5 years)

1988 Masters thesis Surgical treatment of varicocele by preperitoneal approach"

in Medical School Zagreb.
1990 - 1998 Head of Department of Abdominal Surgery "Kriine
1999 appointed research assistant Department of Surgery Hospital "Rebro
1993 Postgraduate training in Coloproctology "St.Marks Hospital, London, UK
1994 doctoral thesis "Treatment of varicocele microsurgical testiculo-epigastric
venous anastomosis at the Medical School of University in Zagreb
1996 - 2010 Lecturer at Postgraduate Course IASGO in Athens
1998 to date The head of Surgical Department at Medical School, University of
2000 Assistant Professor of Medical School, University of Split
2000 Assistant Professor of Medical School, University of Mostar, Bosnia and
2000 Lecturer in postgraduate study Medical School in Split
2003 Head of surgery and Medical School in Split
2004 Associate Professor, Medical School in Split
2009 Professor of Surgery Medical School in Split, Head of Surgery Medical
School in Split
1. Baa I, Perko Z, Bokan I, Mimica , Petrievi A, Druijani N, itum M.
Technique and survival after laparoscopically assisted right hemicolectomy. Surg
Endosc 2005; 19: 650-5.
2. Raki M, Popovi D, Raki M, Druijani N, Lojpur M, Hall BA, Williams BA,
Sprung J. Comparison of on-demand vs planned relaparotomy for treatment of
severe intra-abdominal infections. Croat Med J 2005;46:957-63.
3. Filipovi J, Bekavac-Beslin M, Virovi L, Supanc V, Zovak M, Hrabar D,
Druijani N. Minimally invasive treatment of causes and complications of biliary
pancreatitis. Hepato-gastroenterology 2005;52:1364-7.
4. Perko Z, Pogoreli Z, Bilan K, Tomi S, Vilovi K, Krni D, Druijani N,
Kraljevi D, Jurii J. Lateral thermal injury of rats abdominal wall tissue using
harmonic scalpel. SurgEndosc 2006; 20: 322-4.
5. Perko Z, Glavina Durdov M, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurii J. Giant perianal
angiomyofibroblastoma A case report. Coll Antropol 2006;30 (1):243-6.
6. Perko Z, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Bilan K, Jurii J, Mimica , Boschi V,
Grandi L, Sren D. Laparoscopic abdominal cysts fenestration using Harmonic
scalpel. Coll Antropol 2006; 30 (1): 251-3.
7. Perko Z, Bilan K, Vilovi K, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurii J, Krni D, Sren
D, Pogoreli Z, Tomi S. Partial cecal necrosis treated by laparoscopic partial cecal
resection. Coll Antropol. 2006;30(4):937-9.
8. Perko Z, Bilan K, Pogoreli Z, Sren D, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurii J,
Mimica , Jurii T, Belin-Bekavac M. A novel Algorithm for the Minimal
9. Perko Z, Druijani N, Bilan K, Pogoreli Z, Kraljevi D, Jurii J, Sren D,
Krni D. Laparoscopic colon surgery: Our results. Coll.Antropol. 2008;32(1):18791
10. imuni-Maras M, Grandi L, Brni D, imuni M, Druijani N. Massive
Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Obstruction of the Ureter Caused by the Migration of
a Swallowed Toothpick from the Sigmoid Colon - A Case Report, Col.Antropl.
11. Perko Z, Bilan K, Pogoreli Z, Druijani N, Sren D, Kraljevi D, Jurii J,
Krni D. Acute Appendicitis and Ileal Perforation with a Toothpuck Treated by

laparoscopy. CollAntropol 2008;.32(1):307-309.

12. Druijani N, Perko Z, Kraljevi D, Jurii J, Maras-imuni M, Bilan K,
Krni D, Pogoreli Z, Tomi S, Sren D. Harmonic scalpel in Transanal
Microsurgery HepatoGastroenterology 2008;55:356-358.
13. Roje Z, Roje , Eterovi D, Druijani N, Petrievi A, Roje T, apkun V.
Influence of Adjuvant Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Short-term Complications
During Surgical reconstruction of Upper and Lower Extremity War Injuries, Croat
Med J 2008;49:224-232.
14. Perko Z, Sren D, Pogoreli Z, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurii J.
Laparoscopic Subtotal gastrectomy for Gastric Carcinoma Treatment. HepatoGastroenetrology 2008;55:814-17.
15. Sren D, Pogoreli Z, Perko Z, Jurii J, Kraljevi D, Krni D,Bilan K, Mimica
. Quality of life Analysis after Open an Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
Retrospective Study. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2008; 55:2112-2115.
16. Pogoreli Z, Perko Z, Druijani N, Tomi S, Mrkli I. How to Perevent Lateral
Thermal Damage to Tissue Using the Harmonik Scalpel: Experimental Study on
Pig small Intestine and Abdominal wall. Eur Surg Res 2009;235-240.
17. Druijani N, Perko Z, Sren D, Pogoreli Z, Schwartz D, Jurii J: Pelvic
peritonization after Laparoscopic Abdominoperineal Resection for Low-Rectal
carcinoma Treatment: Surgical technique. Hepato-gastroenterology 2009;56:102831.
18. Bai I, Druijani N, Karlo R, kifi I, Jagi S: Efficacy of IP6+Inositol in the
treatment of breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: prospective,
randomized, pilot study. JExper&Clin Canc Res 2010;29:12.
Head of the postgraduate course I category 2002 - Staplers in surgery, Medical
School in Split. Lecturer at postgraduate courses in surgery at Laparoscopy.
and other
Medical School of Split
Participant in the international surgical conferences (Athens, Graz, Soeul, Lisbon,
New Delhi, Bologna, Rome, Strasbourg, Budapest, Ljubljana, Mostar, New York,
Fort Loderdaule, Granada, Corfu, Beijing, Stochkolm, Phoenix, Washington, Las
Vegas, Geneva, Vienna, Prague, Madrid, Bucharest, Istanbul, Venecia, Granada)
Committee member for master's and doctoral Medical School in Split.
Member of the editorial board of Acta chirurgica Croatica
Regional Editor Hepato-Gastroenterology
Researcher in the project:
1. Development of a national program of colorectal carcinoma No:2008-034
2. Druijani N, editor. Application of staplers in surgery, 2003, Medical
School in Split.
Last academic advancement
June 4th 2009. Professor of Surgery
1. Surgery
2. Elective: management of chronic wound and stoma care
3. Postgraduate course in Clinical epidemiology: EBM in surgery

Profesor eljko Duji, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia



Personal Web page


List of
(last 5 years)

July 1983 MD, Zagreb University School of Medicine

September 1986 PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA
Since 1988 employed at the Department of Physiology, Split University School of
Since 2005, Full Profesor (tenured)
2000-2006, Vicerector for Science and International Cooperation at the University of
2005.2009, Board member of the National Foundation for Science
1. Duji , Ivanev V, Valic Z, Bakovi D, Marinovi-Terzi I, Eterovi D, Wislff
U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after maximal exercise.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 38(2):318-322, 2006.
2. Modun D, Music I, Katalinic V, Dujic Z, Boban M. Glycerol and ethanol in red
wine are responsible for urate-related increases in plasma antioxidant capacity. Clin
Chem 52(4):785-7, 2006.
3. Duji , Obad A, Palada I, Ivancev V, Valic Z. Venous bubble count declines
during strenuous exercise after an open sea dive to 30 m. Aviat Space Environ Med
77:592-596, 2006.
4. Duji , Palada I, Valic Z, Duplancic D, Obad A, Wisloff U, Brubakk AO.
Exogenous nitric oxide and bubble formation in divers. Med Sci Sports Exerc
38(8):1432-5, 2006.
5. Duji ., Obad A, Palada I, Valic Z, Brubakk AO. A single open sea air dive
increases pulmonary artery pressure and reduces right ventricular function in
professional divers. Eur J Appl Physiol 97(4):478-85, 2006.
6. Boban M, Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Salamunic I, Obad A, Palada A,
Duji . Red wine induced modulation of vascular function: separating the role of
polyphenols, ethanol and urates. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2006;47:695-71.
7. Duji , Valic Z. Pulmonary artery pressure and right-to-left shunting through
foramen ovale. Int J Sports Med 2006;27(6):509.
8. Bakovic D, Eterovic D, Valic Z, Saratlija-Novakovic Z, Palada I, Obad A, Dujic Z.
Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke volume, in association
with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J Appl Physiol 101(3):866-72,
9. Valic Z, Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic M, Mardesic-Brakus S, Dujic Z. Muscle
oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls. Aviat
Space Environ Med 77:1224-29, 2006.
10. Obad A, Palada I, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Bakovic D, Wisloff U, Brubakk AO, Dujic
Z. The effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced alterations in
cardiovascular function. J Physiol 578:859-70, 2007.
11. Obad A, Palada I, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Lojpur M, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Detection
of intra-pulmonary shunting of venous gas bubbles by sonography during exercise
after diving in a professional diver. J Clin Ultrasound 35:473-476, 2007.
12. Palada I, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Dujic Z. Cerebral and
peripheral hemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal dry breath-holds. Respir
Physiol Neurobiol 157:374-81, 2007.
13. Ivancev V, Palada I, Valic Z, Obad A, Bakovic D, Dietz NM, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z.
Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia is unimpaired in breath-hold divers. J Physiol
582:723-30, 2007.
14. Valic Z, Palada I, Dujic Z. Short-acting NO donor and decompression sickness in
humans (letter). J Appl Physiol 102(4):1725, 2007.
15. Obad A, Valic Z, Dujic Z. The replay to the Editor (letter). J Physiol 583:407,

16. Obad A, Valic Z, Palada I, Brubakk AO, Modun D, Dujic Z. Antioxidant pretreatment and reduced arterial endothelial dysfunction after diving. Aviat Space
Environ Med, 78:1114-1120, 2007.
17. Palada I, Eterovic D, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Lojpur M,
Shoemaker JK, Dujic Z. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short apneas in
divers. J Appl Physiol 103(6):1958-63, 2007.
18. Dujic Z, Ivancev V, Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Palada I, Valic Z, Tank J, Obad A, Bakovic
D, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Jordan J. Central chemoreflex sensitivity and sympathetic neural
outflow responses to hypercapnia in elite divers and healthy men. J Appl Physiol 104:205211, 2008.
19. Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Obad A, Palada I, Dujic Z,
Boban M. The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine
consumption is due to both plasma urate and wine polyphenols. Atherosclerosis
197:250-256, 2008.
20. Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Obad S, Ivancev V, Eterovic D, Shoemaker JK, Dujic
Z. Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in association with
involuntary breathing movements. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 161:174-181, 2008.
21. Bakovic D, Glavas D, Palada I, Breskovic T, Fabijanic D, Obad A, Valic Z,
Brubakk AO, Duji Z. First maximal venous gas bubble grade in the right heart after
diving in man. Aviat Space Environ Med 79:626-628, 2008.
22. Bakovic D, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Dujic Z. Does breath-holding increase
the risk of thrombotic event? (letter). Platelets 19:314-315, 2008.
23. Breskovic T, Denoble P, Valic Z, Palada I, Obad A, Glavas D, Bakovic D, Dujic Z.
Venous gas bubble formation and decompression risk after scuba diving in persons
with chronic spinal cord injury and able-bodied controls Spinal Cord 46:743-7, 2008.
24. Glavas D, Markotic A, Valic Z, Kovacic N, Palada I, Martinic R, Breskovic T,
Bakovic D, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Expression of endothelial selectin ligands on
human leukocytes following dive. Exp Biol Med 233: 1181-1188, 2008.
25.Bakovic D, Pivac N, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Paukovic-Sekulic B, Dujic Z.
Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and non-selective
beta-receptor blockade in hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Physiol Pharmacol 36:441446, 2009.
26. Glavas D, Bakovic D, Obad A, Palada I, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Brubakk AO,
Dujic Z. Effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on venous bubble grade and acute divinginduced changes in cardiovascular function in man. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging
29:101-107, 2009.
27. Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Tank J, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev
V, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Jordan J, Dujic Z. Sympathetic activation with voluntary
apnea in elite divers. Hypertension 53:719-24, 2009.
28. Ivancev V, Bakovic D, Obad A, Breskovic T, Palada I, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z.
Effects of indomethacin on cerebrovascular response to hypercapnea and hypocapnea
in breath-hold diving and obstructive sleep apnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 166:152158, 2009.
29. Marinovic J, Ljubkovic, M, Obad A, Bakovic D, Breskovic T, Dujic Z. The
effects of successive air and trimix dives on human cardiovascular function. Med Sci
Sports Exer 2009: 41(12):2207-12.
30. Breskovic T, Valic Z, Lipp A, Heusser K, Ivancev V, Tank J, Dzamonja G, Jordan
J, Shoemaker KJ, Eterovic D, Dujic Z. Peripheral chemoreflex regulation of
sympathetic vasomotor tone in apnea divers. Clin Autonom Res 2009.
31. Dujic Z, Uglesic L, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Heusser K, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M,

Palada I. Involuntary breathing movements improve cerebral oxygenation during

apnea struggle phase in elite divers. J Appl Physiol 2009: 107(6):1840-6.
32. Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Breskovic T, Salamunic I, Denoble PJ, Dujic
Z. Assessment of extravascular lung water and cardiac function in trimix SCUBA
diving. Med Sci Sports Exer 2009.
33. Breskovic T, Ivancev V, Banic I, Jordan J, Dujic Z. Peripheral chemoreflex
sensitivity and sympathetic nerve activity are normal in apnea divers during training
season. Auton Neurosci 2009.
34. Obad A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Breskovic T, Modun D, Boban M, Dujic Z.
Successive deep dives impair endothelial function and enhance oxidative stress in
man. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2010.
35. Ljubkovic M, Gaustad SE, Marinovic J, Obad A, Ivancev V, Bilopavlovic N,
Breskovic T, Wisloff U, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Ultrasonic evidence of acute
interstitial lung edema after SCUBA diving is resolved within 2-3 hours. Respir
Physiol Neurobiol 2010.
36. Gutvik CR, Dunford RG, Dujic Z, Brubakk AO. Parameter estimation of the
Copernicus decompression model using non-linear optimization. Medical &
Biological Engineering & Computing 2010.
37. Steinback C, Breskovic T, Banic I, Dujic Z, Shoemaker K. Autonomic and
cardiovascular responses to chemoreflex stress in apnoea divers. Auton Neurosci
38. Dzamonja G, Tank J, Heusser K, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev
V, Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Luft FC, Dujic Z, Jordan J. Glossopharyngeal
insufflation induces cardioinhibitory syncope in apnea divers. Clin Autonomic Res
39. Gaustad SE, Brubakk AO, Hoydal M, Catalucci D, Condorelli G, Dujic Z,
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Mollerlokken A, Wisloff U. Immersion prior to dry
simulated dive reduces cardiomyocyte function and increases mortality after
decompression. J Appl Physiol 2010.
Publications and Scientific projects:
1) Environmental Physiology, program project, main coordinator, Program No:
2160133 (MSES)
2) Physiology of SCUBA diving, crossing borders grant (1B), main coordinator,
3) Phypode, Marie Curie Initial Traning network, full partner, USSM
Last academic
Physiology for medical, dental and pharmaceutical students. Physiology for
professional training (nurses, physiotherapists).
Doctoral programme in EBM with following courses: Introduction in evidence based
medicine, Clinical research and measurement and Thesis application (obligatory
courses), Diving physiology (elective course).

Darko Duplani


Medical Faculty Split, University hospital Split


darko.duplancic @mesft.hr

Personal Web page

Medical university Zagreb (Split) 1981.-1987.)

1991.-1995. Internal medicine residency
From 1995. Specialist in Internal medicine
From 1997. until 2001 working on Department of Cardiology, general hospital Sveti
Duh Zagreb
From 2001. until now working in University hospital Split, department of Cardiology,
Internal clinic in Invasive and non invasive Cardiolgy.
In 2006. PhD, from 2001 assistant professor of Internal medicine on Medical Faculty
in Split.
Cardiology subspecialist from 2008.
List of
1. Kovai V, Ljuti D, Dodig J, Radi M, Duplani D. The influence of
hemodialysis on early markers of atherosclerosis. Nephrology. 13 (2008), 6; 472-9.
(last 5 years) 2. Miri L, Miri D, Duplani D, Koki S, Ljuti D, Peuti V et al. Specific and
gender differences between hospitalized and out of hospital mortality due to
myocardial infarction. Collegium antropologicum. 32 (2008) , 2; 361-7.
3. Miri L, Miri D, Duplani D, Koki S, Ljuti D, Peuti V et al. Specific and
gender differences between hospitalized and out of hospital mortality due to
myocardial infarction. Collegium Antropologicum. 32 (2008), 2; 315-319.
4. Duji ; Palada I, Vali Z, Duplani D, Obad A, Wisloff U et al. Exogenous nitric
oxide and bubble formation in divers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
38 (2006), 8; 1432-5.
5. Brubakk A, Duplani D, Vali Z, Palada I, Obad A, Bakovi D et al. A single air
dive reduces arterial endothelial function in man. Journal of Physiology (London).
566 (2005), 3; 901-906.
6. Duji , Palada I, Obad A, Duplancic D, Bakovi D, Vali Z. Exercise during three
minute decompression stop reduces postdive venous gas bubbles. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise. 37 (2005), 8; 1319-1323.
7. Duji , Palada I, Obad A, Duplani D, Brubakk AO, Vali Z. Exercise-induced
intrapulmonary shunting of venous gas emboli does not occur after open-sea diving.
Journal of Applied Physiology. 99 (2005), 3; 944-949.
8. Vali Z, Duplani D, Bakovi D, Ivanev V, Eterovi D, Wisloff U Et al. Divinginduced venous gas emboli do not change pulmonary artery pressure. International
Journal of Sports Medicine. 26 (2005), 8; 626-631.
9. Duji , Duplani D, Marinovi-Terzi I, Bakovi D, Ivanev V, Vali Z Et al.
Aerobic exercise before diving reduces venous gas bubble formation in humans.
Journal of Physiology (London). 555 (2004), 3; 637-642.
Publications and PhD in 2006, Specialisation in Internal medicine, Subspecialisation in

Last academic

1st of February 2007.


Internal medicine, patophysiology


Professor Zoran oga, MD, PhD


University of Split, School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Date and Place of Birth: March 29, 1966, Split, Croatia
CURRENT POSITION AT MF SPLIT: Head oft he Department of Neuroscience,
Director of the Laboratory for Clinical Neuroscience with Sleep Medicine Center
-Fundamental Neuroscience, Study of Medicine, MF Split
-Principles of Scientific Research in Medicine, studies of medicine and dental
medicine, MF Split
-Medical Informatics, Methods of collecting and analyzing the data, Principles of
Scientific Research in Nursing, Informatization and Administration in Nursing,
vocational studies, MF Split
-Courses: Neuroscience, GABA and glutamate receptors, Sleep Medicine, Principles
of Scientific Research in Medicine, postgraduate/PhD study, MF Split
Teaching other courses:
-Physiology, MF Split
-Basics of Electrophysiology, PhD studies, MF Zagreb
PROJECTS: Neurotransmitters in the Control of Breathing, scientific grant, MZT
RH, PI, 2002-2006
Neural Control of Breathing in Wakefullness and Sleep, scientific grant, MZO RH,
PI, 2007Obstructive sleep apnea diagnostics and surgical therapy, technologicaldevelopment project MZT RH, Investigator, 2000Development of web application for group psychological testing, project of
applicable information technology, MZT RH, PI, 2002-2003
STEAMED Standardization of Education in Medicine, TEMPUS project, coordinator for MEFST
EDUCATION: Matematics-informatics education center Split (1984)
MD, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine (1992)
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neurophysiology, Medical College of
Wisconsin, SAD (1992-1995)
PhD, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine (1997)
AWARDS: Rectors Award, University of Zagreb (1988)
Scientific Award Borislav Naki Academy of medical sciences of Croatia and Pliva
MEMBERSHIPS Society for Neuroscience, American Physiological Society,
European Sleep Research Society (Board Member), Assembly of
European National Sleep Societies (co-chair), World Association of
Croatian Physicians, Croatian Medical Association-Croatian Sleep
Medicine Society (president), Croatian Society for Neuroscience,
Croatian Society of Physiologists, Croatian Society of
Pharmacologists, Croatian Society for Medical Informatics
J, ROJE Z, OGA Z, VILOVI K. Abnormally high
List of
bifurcation of the brachiocephalic trunk as a potential operative hazard: case report.
(last 5 years) Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 133(5):811-3, 2005.
of oculocardiac reflex and postoperative nausea and vomiting in strabismus surgery
in children anesthetized with halothane and nitrous oxide. Paediatr Anaesth
16(9):948-54, 2006.

MARUSIC M. Family medicine practice and research: survey of physicians' attitudes

towards scientific research in a post-communist transition country. Wien Klin
Wochenschr 2007;119(5-6):164-9.
ZEKAN L, SKRABI V, OGA Z, TERZI J. Slower cortisol response during
ACTH stimulation test in autistic children. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2008
17(1):39-43. Epub 2007 Sep 14.
Influence of meteorological conditions on post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. The
6.VALI M, PECOTI R, AND OGA Z. Phrenic nerve activity is enhanced by 5HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT in spontaneously breathing anesthetized rats.
Journal of physiology and pharmacology, 2008; 59:17-25.
Scaling-up undergraduate medical education: enabling virtual mobility by online
elective courses. Croat Med J, 2008;49(3):344-51.
8.MARIEVI A, OGA Z, GOI-BARII I, BARII I. Reactivation of
tuberculosis after total hip replacement - 58 years after primary infection. Wien Klin
Wochenschr 2008;120(19-20):642-3.
POLASEK O. "10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches its national biobank. Croat Med
J, 2009;50(1):4-6.
C, VITART V, WRIGHT AF, CAMPBELL H, RUDAN I. Genome-wide association
study of biochemical traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med J, 2009;50(1):2333.
KARANOVIC S, UJEVIC A, OGA Z. The impact of a single 24 h working day
on cognitive and psychomotor performance in staff anaesthesiologists. Eur J
Anaesthesiol, 2009;26(10):825-32.
11. R. PECOTIC, Z. OGA, Z. VALIC, M. VALIC, Blockade of 5-HT1a receptors
in the phrenic nucleus of the rat attenuated raphe induced activation of the phrenic
nerve activity. Journal of physiology and pharmacology, 2009, 60(3):167-72.
12. ROJE Z, RACI G, OGA Z, PISAC VP, TIMMS M. Postoperative morbidity
and histopathologic characteristics of tonsillar tissue following coblation
tonsillectomy in children: a prospective randomized single-blind study. Coll
Antropol, 2009;33(1):293-8.
KARANOVIC, A. UJEVIC, AND Z. OGA, The acute hypoxic ventilatory
response under halothane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane anaesthesia in rats.
Anaesthesia, 2010;65(3):227-34.
Z. OGA, Propofol abolished the phrenic long term facilitation in rats. Respir
Physiol & Neurobiol, 2010;170(1):83-90.

15. Maja Valic, Renata Pecotic, Ivana Pavlinac, Zoran Valic, Kristina Peros, and
OGA, Microinjection of methysergide into the raphe nucleus attenuated phrenic
long term facilitation in rats. Experimental Brain Research, 2010;202(3):583-9.
FA, STUTH EA, ZUPERKU EJ. Clinically relevant infusion rates of mu-opioid
agonist remifentanil cause bradypnea in decerebrate dogs but not via direct effects in
the pre-Btzinger complex region. J Neurophysiol. 2010;103(1):409-18.
to medical schools prepared to cheat: a multi-campus investigation. J Med Ethics.
2010 Aug 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Publications in journals indexed in SCI or SSCI, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica,
Biological or Chemical Abstracts
sleep apnea anesthesia. Lijeniki vjesnik. 130 (2008), 3-4; 78-86.
2.OGA, ZORAN. Introduction to sleep medicine. Lijeniki vjesnik. 130 (2008),
3-4; 68-68.
breathing. Lijeniki vjesnik. 130 (2008), 3-4; 69-77.
Influence of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the incidence and
outcome of singleton premature births in the Split University Hospital. Central
European Journal of Medicine. 3 (2008), 2; 187-193.
OGA, ZORAN. Sleep habits of medical students, physicians, and nurses:
influence of age, gender, night shift and caffeine consumption. Lijeniki vjesnik.
130 (2008), 3-4; 87-91.
FUNCK N, CULI N, RACI G, DOGAS Z. Succinylcholine use by
anesthesiologists in Croatia-is it really abandoned? Lijec Vjesn. 2010;132(1-2):8-13.
CAREV M, KARANOVI N, DOGAS Z. The introduction of sugammadex
into the clinical practice in Croatia-the role of succinylcholine re-visited. Lijec Vjesn.
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, 1997. oga, Z. Uloga NMDA i GABAA
and other
qualifications receptora u regulaciji respiracijskih bulbospinalnih neurona, Thesis, 87 pages.
Guyton i Hall, Medicinska fiziologija 9. , 10. i 11. izdanje, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb
(translation of 4 chapters)
Elektrofizioloke metode u medicinskim istraivanjima (Introductory Chapter),
Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2001.
Marui M et al. Uvod u znanstveni rad u medicini (Chapter 10), Medicinska
naklada, Zagreb, 2004. i 2008.
oga Z et al. Vodi za vjebe iz Temelja neuroznanosti, University of Split, School
of Medicine, 2002.
oga Z, Kardum G. Osnove informatike za medicinare, University of Split, School
of Medicine, 2004.

Laboratory for Neuroscience (MF Split),

Laboratory for Clinical Neuroscience (MF Split),
Sleep Medicine Center (MF Split/KBC Split)
Last academic

June 12, 2008, Professor


Fundamental Neuroscience, Scientific Research, Principles of Scientific Research in

Medicine, Physiology, Medical Informatics, Selected Chapters in Neuroscience,
Research Methods In Physiotherapy, Principles of Scientific Research in Nursing,
Informatization and Administration in Nursing, Sleep Medicine (elective course), My
first scientific paper (e-elective course), Why and how we breath? (elective course),
Depression-a modern man disease (elective course), Brain and Addiction Diseases
(elective course)


Professor Marinko Erceg, MD, PhD, orthopaedic surgeon


Clinical Hospital Center, Split, Medical Faculty Split



Personal Web page

Born on 13. 03. 1947. in Podprolog-Vrgorac, Republic of Croatia. Graduated on
Medical Faculty in Zagreb 1972. 1979. Finished specialization in orthopedic surgery
in Zagreb. Postgraduate study and magisterium finished in Zagreb 1980, and
doctorate 1985. In July 1988. election for assistant professor. In June 2005. election
for associated professor. Now it lasts a procedure for re-election. Member is of
Faculty Council of Medical faculty in Split.
List of
1. Barii I, Ljuti D, Jankovi S, Vlak T, Tomi S, Koki S, Erceg M. Relevant
Sonografic Parameters of a Painful Shoulder in Symptomatic Dialysed Patients
(last 5 years) versus Asymptomatic Dialyzed nad Healthy Volunteers, Coll. Antropol. 30. 2:313318, 2006.
2. Erceg M, Galui D. Treba li prijelom vrata femura u starijih bolesnika lijeiti
repozicijom i osteosintezom ulomaka ili primarnom aloartroplastikom kuka? Acta
Med Croatica. 62:493-500, 2008.
3. Erceg M, Beci K. Poslijeoperacijska drenaa nakon aloartroplastike kuka i
koljena ; odstraniti drenau nakon 24 ili nakon 48 sati?. Lije. Vjesn. 130:133-135,
4. Erceg M. The influenca of femoral head shift on hip biomechanics; additional
parameters accounteg, International Orthopaedics (SICOT) 33:95-100,2009.
5. Erceg M, Ivanievi M, Vuji M. Aloartroplastika koljena u bolesnika s
transplantiranim srcem-prikaz bolesnika. Lije. Vjesn. 131:311-314, 2009.
1. Erceg M. Bolesti kuka u djece i odraslih, University of Split School of
Publications and
Medicine, 2003.
2. Erceg M. Udbenik ortopedije za studente medicine, University of Split
School of Medicine, Split, 2006.
Last academic

June 2005.
Orthopaedic surgery for students of medicine and physiotherapy.


Professor Davor Eterovic, MD, PhD


University of Split Medical School



Personal Web page

Graduated theoretical physics at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Science in
From 1983-medical physicist at the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University
Hospital Split. In 1993 defended doctorial thesis: Indicator kinetics in pulsating
vascular compartments at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science. From 1997head of the Department of Biophysics at the University of Split Medical School.
Coauthored 62 papers in CC/SCI journals. Currently a leader of the project:
Hemodynamical sequalae of urolithiasis.
In 2003-awarded the National prize for biomedical science.
1. Duji , Bakovi D, Marinovi-Terzi I, Eterovi D. Acute effects of single openList of
sea air dive and post-dive body posture on cardiac output and pulmonary gas
(last 5 years) exchange in recreational divers. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005; 39:e-34.
2. Valic, Z, Duplani D, Bakovi D, Ivanev V, Eterovi D, Wislff U, Brubakk AO,
Duji. Diving-induced venous gas emboli do not increase pulmonary artery pressure.
International Journal of Sports Medicine 2005; 26:626-631.
3. uli V, Eterovi D, Miri D. Meta analysis of possible external triggers of acute
myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol 2005; 99:1-8.
4. Eterovi D, itum M, Jureti-Kui Lj, Duji . A decrease in blood pressure
following pyelolithotomy, but not extracorporeal lithotripsy. Urol Res 2005; 33:9398.
48. Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Saratlija-Novakovi , Palada I, Valic Z, Bilopavlovic N,
Duji . Effect of human spleen contraction on variation in circulating blood cell
counts. Clin Exp Pharm Physiol 2005; 32:944-951.
5. Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Vali Z, Saratlija-Novakovi Z, Palada I, Obad A, Duji Z.
Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke volume, in association
with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J Appl Physiol 2006; 101:866872.
6. Duji Z, Ivanev V, Vali Z, Bakovi D, Marinovi-Terzi I, Eterovi D, Wisloff
U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after maximal exercise.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 2006; 38:318-22.
7. Eterovi D, Titli M, uli V, Zadro R, Primorac D. Lower Contribution of Factor
V Leiden or G200210A mutations to ischemic stroke in patients with clinical risk
factors: pair-matched case-control study. Clin Appl Thromb Hemo, 2007; 13:188-93.
8. Markovi V, Eterovi D. Thyroid echogenicity predicts outcome of radioiodine
therapy in patients with Graves' disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007; 92:3547-52.
9. Palada I, Eterovi D, Obad A, Bakovi D, Vali Z, Ivanev V, Lojpur M,
Shoemaker JK, Duji Z. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short apneas in
divers. J Appl Physiol 2007; 103:1958-63.
10. Palada I, Bakovi D, Vali Z, Obad A, Ivanev V, Eterovi D, Shoemaker JK,
Duji . Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in association with
involuntary breathing movements. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008; 161:174-81.
11. Roje Z, Roje , Eterovi D, Druijani N, Petrievi A, Roje T, apkun V.
Influence of adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy on short-term complications during
surgical reconstruction of upper and lower extremity war injuries: retrospective

and other

cohort study. Croat Med J. 2008; 49:224-32.

12. Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Palada I, Vali Z, Duji : Does breath holding inrease
the risk of thrombotic event? Platelets 2008; 19:314-315.
13. Eterovi D, Antunovi , Markovi V, Groev D. Planning of 131I therapy for
Graves disease based on the radiation dose to thyroid follicular cells. J Nucl Med
2008; 49:2026-2030.
14. Eterovi D, Markovi V, Antunovi , Punda A. Determinants of 131-I radiation
dose to thyroid follicular cells. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009; 36:721-722.
15. Eterovi D, Markovi D, Punda A, Antunovi . 131-I radiation dose distribution
in metastases of thyroid carcinoma. J Nucl Med 2009: 50:833-834.
16. Bakovi D, Pivac N, Eterovi D, Palada I, Vali Z, Paukovi-Sekuli B, Duji .
Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and non-selective
beta adrenoreceptor blockade in hypetensive patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol
2009; 36:441-446.
1. Eterovi D, Tuki A, Tocilj J, apkun V. Perfect-mixer retention function by
analytical deconvolution of tracer histograms: application to evaluation of leftventricular contractility and competence. Phys Med Biol 1991; 36:1585-1597.
2. Eterovi D, Duji . First-pass versus gated equilibrium radioangiography. J Nucl
Med 1992; 33:2056-2058.
3. Duji , Eterovi D, Denoble P, Krstai G, Tocilj J. Lung diffusing capacity in a
hyperbaric environment: assessment by a rebreathing technique. Brit J Ind Med 1992;
4. Duji , Eterovi D, Denoble P, Krstai G, Tocilj J, Goovi S. The effect of a
single air-dive on pulmonary diffusing capacity in professional divers. J Appl Physiol
1993; 74:55-62.
5. Eterovi D, Duji , Tocilj J, apkun V. High resolution pulmonary computed
tomography scans quantified by analyisis of density distributions: application to
asbestosis. Brit J Ind Med 1993; 50:514-519.
6. Duji , Eterovi D, Tocilj J, Kusi Z, apkun V. About mechanisms of
prostaglandin E1 induced deterioration of pulmonary gas exchange in COPD
patients. Clin Physiol 1993; 13:497-506.
7. Eterovi D, Popovi S, Duji . Non-stationary theory of blood-borne tracers.
Nucl Med Comm 1994; 15:786-794.
8. Eterovi D, Duji . Theoretical considerations on the validity of the StewartHamilton principle in measuring cycle-averaged flows via histogram of indicator in
the pulsating compartment. Med Phys 1994; 21:293-298.
9. Eterovi D, Duji , Tocilj J, Popovi S. Model for radionuclide quantification of
left-to-right ductal shunts. Clin Physiol 1994; 14:87-101.
10. Eterovi D, Duji , Popovi S. Deconvolving out indicator smearing in the right
ventricle facilitates left-to-right shunt quantification. Eur J Nucl Med 1994; 21:525530.
12. Eterovi D, Duji , Popovi S. Gated versus first-pass radioangiography in the
evaluation of left-to-right shunts. Clin Nucl Med 1995; 20:534-537.
13. Pintari I, Eterovi D, Tocilj J, Reiner , Lipovac V. An increase in
micropulmonary red cell mass in hyperlipidemic patients. Clin Physiol 1995; 15:365376.
14. Eterovi D, Pintari I, Tocilj J, Reiner . Determinants of plasma viscosity in
primary hyperlipoproteinemias. Clin Hemorheol 1995; 15:841-850.
15. Strini T, Eterovi D, Duji , Markovi V, Tocilj J. Spirometric disorders in
women with genital descensus. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1997; 76:879-883.
16. Eterovi D, Jureti-Kui Lj, apkun V, Duji . Pyelolithotomy improves

while extracorporeal lithotripsy impairs kidney function. J Urol 1999; 161: 39-44.
17. Eterovi D, Strini T, Duji , Boban M. Blood gases and sex hormones in
women with and without genital descensus. Respiration 1999; 66: 400-406.
18. Pintari I, Eterovi D, Tocilj J, Reiner . Effect of Simvastatin on
Micropulmonary Red Cell Mass in Patients with Hyperlipoproteinemia.
Atherosclerosis 2001; 154:493-496.
19. Strini T and Eterovi D. Oral contraceptives improve lung mechanics. Fertil
Steril 2003; 79: 1070-1073.
21. uli V, Eterovi D. Triggering of ventricular tachycardia by meterological and
emotional stress. Protective effect of beta-blockers and anxiolitics in elderly. Am J
Epidemiol, 2004; 160:1047-1058
21. uli V, Eterovi D, Miri D. Meta analysis of possible external triggers of acute
myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol 2005; 99:1-8.
22. Eterovi D, itum M, Jureti-Kui Lj, Duji . A decrease in blood pressure
following pyelolithotomy, but not extracorporeal lithotripsy. Urol Res 2005;33:93-98.
23. Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Saratlija-Novakovi , Palada I, Valic Z, Bilopavlovic N,
Duji . Effect of human spleen contraction on variation in circulating blood cell
counts. Clin Exp Pharm Physiol 2005; 32:944-951.
24. Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Vali Z, Saratlija-Novakovi Z, Palada I, Obad A, Duji
Z. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke volume, in association
with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J Appl Physiol 2006; 101:866872.
26. Duji Z, Ivanev V, Vali Z, Bakovi D, Marinovi-Terzi I, Eterovi D, Wisloff
U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after maximal exercise.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 2006; 38:318-22.
27. Eterovi D, Titli M, uli V, Zadro R, Primorac D. Lower Contribution of
Factor V Leiden or G200210A mutations to ischemic stroke in patients with clinical
risk factors: pair-matched case-control study. Clin Appl Thromb Hemo, 2007;
28. Markovi V, Eterovi D. Thyroid echogenicity predicts outcome of radioiodine
therapy in patients with Graves' disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007; 92:3547-52.
29. Palada I, Eterovi D, Obad A, Bakovi D, Vali Z, Ivanev V, Lojpur M,
Shoemaker JK, Duji Z. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short apneas in
divers. J Appl Physiol 2007; 103:1958-63.
30. Palada I, Bakovi D, Vali Z, Obad A, Ivanev V, Eterovi D, Shoemaker JK,
Duji . Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in association with
involuntary breathing movements. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008; 161:174-81.
31. Roje Z, Roje , Eterovi D, Druijani N, Petrievi A, Roje T, apkun V.
Influence of adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy on short-term complications during
surgical reconstruction of upper and lower extremity war injuries: retrospective
cohort study. Croat Med J. 2008; 49:224-32.
32. Bakovi D, Eterovi D, Palada I, Vali Z, Duji : Does breath holding inrease
the risk of thrombotic event? Platelets 2008; 19:314-315.
33. Eterovi D, Antunovi , Markovi V, Groev D. Planning of 131I therapy for
Graves disease based on the radiation dose to thyroid follicular cells. J Nucl Med
2008; 49:2026-2030.
34. Eterovi D, Markovi V, Antunovi , Punda A. Determinants of 131-I radiation
dose to thyroid follicular cells. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009; 36:721-722.
35. Eterovi D, Markovi D, Punda A, Antunovi . 131-I radiation dose distribution
in metastases of thyroid carcinoma. J Nucl Med 2009: 50:833-834.
36. Bakovi D, Pivac N, Eterovi D, Palada I, Vali Z, Paukovi-Sekuli B, Duji .

Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and non-selective
beta adrenoreceptor blockade in hypetensive patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol
2009; 36:441-446.
37. Breskovi T, Vali Z, Lipp A, Heusser K, Ivanev V, Tank J, Dzamonja G, Jordan
J, Shoemaker JK, Eterovi D, Duji Z. Peripheral chemoreflex regulation of
sympathetic vasomotor tone in apnea divers. Clin Auton Res 2010;20:57-63.
38. Eterovi D, Situm M, Punda A, Markovi V, Koki S. Urinary obstruction
depresses erythropoiesis which recovers after parenchyma-saving surgery but not
SWL. Urol Res 2010; 38:51-56. Epub 2009 Dec 1.
Edited and authored 6 chapters in the book: S. Jankovi i D. Eterovi: Fizikalne
osnove i kliniki aspekti slikovne dijagnostike, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2002, as
well as the script: D. Eterovi and G. Kardum: Biostatistika za studente medicine,
and Internet-based texts for graduate and post-graduate studies
Methodological reviewer for The Lancet.
Last academic
April 2010.-Full professorship

Biophysics, biostatistics


Damir Fabijani


Split University Hospital Centre

School of Medicine, University of Split



Personal Web page

Date and place of birth:
06.08.1962, Zadar
School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, graduated - 17. 09. 1987.
School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, M. Sc. degree - 17.03. 2003.
School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, PhD degree - 26.09. 2007.
Work experience and training:
1988-1994. medical doctor, general medicine
1994-1998. specialization of internal medicine (Clinical Hospital Split, Clinical
Hospital Dubrava Zagreb)
1998 - specialist of internal medicine and cardiology; Department of Cardiology,
Split University Hospital Centre
1. Fabijani D, Carevi V, Bonacin D, Bulat C. Sinus of Valsalva rupture in
List of
patient with congenital ventricular septal defect. J Ultrasound Med (accepted)
Bonacin D, Fabijani D, Karaman K, Znaor LJ. Purtschers retinopathy
(last 5 years)
associated with acute pancreatitis. Intern Med (accepted)
3. Fabijani D, Rude I, Radi M, Uni D, Bari D, Kardum D. Pulmonary
embolism due to the right atrial thrombus mymicking atrial myxoma. Chin
Med J 2010;123:2843-5.
4. imuni M, Fabijani D, Perkovi N, et al. Acute mesenteric ischemia due to
superior mesenteric artery embolism in a patient with permanent atrial
fibrillation. Signa Vitae 2010;1:40-3.
5. Fabijani D. Antibiotic prophylaxis of infective endocarditis in patientsbwith
moderate risk rationale for and against. Lijec Vjesn 2010;132:62-4.

6. Boi I, Fabijani D, Carevi V, Jurilj R, Zekanovi D, Bonacin D. Isolated

left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy associated with ventricular
preexcitation: a case report. Coll Antropol 2009;33:1415-9.
7. Radi M, Martinovi-Kaliterna D, Fabijani D, Radi J. Prevalence of
systemic sclerosis in Split-Dalmatia county in Southern Croatia. Clin
Rheumatol 2010;29:419-21.
8. Fabijani D, Bani M, Kardum D, et al. The association between upper
gastrointestinal lesions and high sensitivity C-reactive protein in coronary
artery disease patients. Med Sci Monit 2009;15;CR45-50.
9. Bani M, Fabijani D, Kardum D, et al. Gastroduodenal mucosal lesions and
coronary atherosclerosis severity in patients with coronary artery disease.
Lijec Vjesn 2008;130:228-33.
10. Fabijani D, Kuli D, Carevi V. Accidental detection of a giant
intraperitoneal lipoma during echocardiography. Lijec Vjesn 2008;130:163-4
11. Miri L, Miri D, Duplani D, et al. Specific and gender differences
between hospitalized and out of hospital mortality due to myocardial
infarction. Coll Antropol 2008;32:361-7.
12. Bakovi D, Glava D, Palada I, et al. High-grade bubbles in left and right
heart ina n asymptomatic diver at rest after surfacing. Aviat Space Environ
Med 2008;79:626-8.
13. obad A, Palada I, Ivanev V, et al. Sonographic detection of intrapulmonary
shunting of venous gas bubbles during exercise after diving in a professional
diver. J Clin Ultrasound 2007; 35:473-6.
14. Fabijani D, Bani M, Kardum D, et al. Gastroduodenal lesions in coronary
artery disease patients. Frequency, endoscopic characteristics and risk factors.
Saudi Med J 2007;28:1137-9.
15. Fabijani D, Rude I, Kardum D, Radi M, Glava D, Lozo P. Pulmonary
embolism due to the right atrial myxoma. Coll Antropol 2008;30:933-6.
16. Fabijani D, Rude I, oli G. Rapid progressive dyspnea: do we consider
cardiac tumours? Lijec Vjesn 2007;129:205-13.
17. Fabijani D, Kardum D, Bani M, Fabijani A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and serious undesirable gastrointestinal effects. Lijen
Vjesn 2007;129:205-13.
18. Martinovi D, Radi M, Fabijani D, Fabijani A. Antiphospholipid
syndrome: from diagnosis to treatment. Lijec Vjesn 2007;129:372-4.
19. Boi I, Fabijani D, Carevi V, Poli S. Echocardiography int he diagnosis
and management of isolated left ventricular noncompaction: case reports and
review oft he literature. J Clin Ultrasound 2006;34:416-21.
20. Fabijani D, uli V, Boi I, et al. Gender differences in in-hospital
mortality and mechanisms of death after the first acute myocardial infarction.
Ann Saudi Med 2006;26:455-60.
21. Fabijani D, Bani M, Kardum D. C-reactive protein in cardiovascular risk
evaluation.. Lijec Vjesn 2006;128:167-74.
22. Fabijani D, Miri D, Radi M. The diagonal ear-lobe crease. As sign of
some diseases. Saudi Med J 2006;27:130.
23. Fabijani D, Giunio L, Vujii M, Vukovi I, Ermacora R, Kneevi N. Right
atrial pacemaker lead thrombosis incidentally detected by transesophageal
echocardiography. Coll Antropol 2005;29:159-61.
24. Bani M, Sutli , Bioina B, et al. Peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients
with ischemic disease: search and treat? Z Gastroenterol 2005;43:581-6.
25. Fabijani D, Giunio L, uli V, Boi I, Martinovi D, Miri D. Predictors of

and other

type and site of first acute myocardial infarction in men and women. Ann
Saudi Med 2005;25:134-9.
Publications: 80 professional and scientific articles/papers; 22 in journals cited in
current contents.
Areas of interest: clinical echocardiography, pathophysiology of atherosclerosis,
antiaggregation therapy.
Mentor in 7 graduate theses.

Coauthor of the manual for doctors of dental medicine (Fabijani D, Lojpur M.

Selected topics in cardiology and reanimatology for practicians of dental medicine.
Zagreb: Croatian Dental Association, 2009)
Last academic
April 10th 2008. (Ass. Prof).
Clinical propedeutic (Study of Medicine)
Internal medicine (Study of Medicine; Study of Dentistry)

Assistant Professor Gea Forempoher, MD, PhD


Department of Pathology, Split Medical School



Personal Web page

1980. Medical School, University of Rijeka
1985-1986. Postgraduate study in Oncology, University of Zagreb
1984-1989. Residency: Pathology
1996. Bachelor of Science
2005. PhD
2007. Associate professor, Department of Pathology, Medical School University of
Reasrch grants:
1994- participation in the project Kinetic parameters of non-Hodgkin lymphomas
supported by the Ministry of Science
1008- 2006- participation in the project Imunohistochemistry and molecular medicine in
investigation of tumors supported by the Ministry of Science and
Joko Bezi, Gea Forempoher, Ana Poljianin, Grgo Gunjaa. Apocrine adenoma of
List of
the breast coexistent with invasive carcinoma. Pathology-Research and Practice
(last 5 years) 2007;203:809-812.
imun Anelinovi, Gea Forempoher, Merica Glavina-Durdov, Ivana KuzmiPublications
Prusac. Enviromental disease. In: Damjanov I, Juki S, Nola M. Patology. Zagreb:
and other
qualifications Medicinska naklada 2008;197-224.
Last academic

March 8th 2007.

Medicine: Pathology
Dental medicine: Pathology
Medical professionals: Basis of pathology
Doctoral study Tumor biology, Molecular basis of the CNS tumors.

Doctoral study Evidence based medicine, Precancerous lesions of the gastrointestinal


Professor Merica Glavina Durdov, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Center Split and School of Medicine University of Split



Personal Web page

University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Zagreb, Croatia, PhD Program in Medicine
Sept 1995-Jan 2000
Research in Viral Oncogenesis: Epstein - Barr Virus and Hodgkins Limphoma
Thesis title: Impact of EBV on Prognosis on Hodgkins Limphoma (Br J Cancer,
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Zagreb, Croatia, Master of science degree in Medicine
Research in Developmental Immunology
Thesis title: Acute Thymus Involution in Neonates (Biol Neonate, 2003)
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Zagreb, Croatia, Specialization Program
Sept 1988-Sept 1992
Focus in Gynecological Pathology and Nephropathology
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Zagreb, Croatia, Bachelor of science degree in Medicine
Sept 1978-Feb 1984
Director of a PhD Program
October 2006present
Created a three-year post-graduate research program with focus on Cancer
Designed the program so as to accommodate students with diverse background
and previous experiences: medical, pharmaceutical, biological or dental
Coordinated the recruitment and selection of professors (both regular and
visiting from abroad)
Managed the financial and administrative aspects of the program
Vlasi-Matas J, Glavina Durdov M, Capkun V, Galesi K. Prognostic value
List of
of clinical, laboratory, and morphological factors in patients with primary
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis - distribution of pathological variants in
(last 5 years)
the Croatian population. Med Sci Monit. 2009 Oct;15(10):PH121-128.
Bazina M, Glavina Durdov M, ukanec-poljar M, Bazina A, Vukojevi K,
Ljuti D, Saraga M. Epidemiology of renal disease in children in the region
of southern Croatia: a 10-year of regional renal biopsy detabase. Med Sci
Monit 2007; (13)4:CR1172-176.
Perko Z, Durdov MG, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurii J. Giant perianal
angiomofibroblastoma- a case report. Coll Antropol 2006; 30(1):243-6.
Sundov Z, Nincevic Z, Definis-Gojanovi M, Glavina Durdov M, Juki I,
Hulina N, Tonki A. Fatal colchicines poisoning by accidental ingestion of

and other

meadow saffron- case report. Forensic Science International.2005; 149(23):253-256.

See above

Last academic

Associate Professor 7. 12. 2006.




Ivo Gluni


University Hospital Centre Split, Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head
and Neck surgery



Personal Web page

Born, October 29th 1946 in Rome, Italy.
High School-Natko Nodilo, Split.
MD - University of Beograd Medical School.
Specialist exam passed in Zagreb, KB Sestre milosrdnice.
Masters degree - University of Zagreb School of Medicine 1989.
PhD - University of Rijeka, School of Medicine in 1996.
Since 1984 I work in University Hospital in Split at the Department for Ear, Nose and
Throat Diseases and Head and Neck surgery as a Head of the Department for ear
1989 2003 Head of the Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head and
Neck surgery.
Since 2000 - Assistant professor at University of Split School of Medicine.
Since 2006. Associate professor at University of Split School of Medicine.
Cikojevi D., Gluni I, Peuti-Pisac V. Role of exfoliative cytology in diagnosis of
List of
laryngeal tumors. Acta Cytol. 200751(5):767-72.
(last 5 years) 2. Cikojevi D., Gluni I, Peuti-Pisac V. Comparison of contact endoscopy and
frozen section histopathology in the intra-operative diagnosis of laryngeal pathology.
J Laryngol Otol. 2008;122(8):836-9.
3. Pesuti-Pisac V. Punda A,Gluni I. Bedekovi V. rani M, Kragi A, Kunac N.
Cyclin D1 and p27 Expression as Prognostic Factor in Papillary Carcinoma of
Thyroid: Association with Clinicopathological Parametres. Croat Med J. 49(5);643-9,
4. Cikojevi D, Gluni I, Klanik M. Cigarette smoking and progression of
laryngeal lesions. Coll Antropol. 2010;34(1): 45-8.
5. Cikojevi D. Gluni I, Peuti-Pisac V, Klanik M, olovi Z. Primary laryngeal
T7 NK-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, nasal type. Case report. ENT Journal 2009 Nov.
6.Gjuri M, Filipovi B, Hat J, Gluni I. High Mega jugular Bulb Presenting with
Facial Nerve palsy and Severe Headache. Skull Base 2010 Apr.
7. Klanik M, Gluni I, Cikojevi D. The role of contact endoscopy in screeningfor
premalignant laryngeal lesion. ENT Journal 2010 Oct
8. Gluni I, Cikojevi D, Klannik M, Rai G, Spuevi L. Rigidna bronhoskopija
zbog stranog tijela bronha u djece. Paediatr Croat 2010;54:39-42.

1. Gluni I, Roje , Bradari N, Petrievi A, Pisac-Pauti V, Gluni V. Primary

echinococcosis of the sternocleidomastoid muscle Croat Med J. 42(2):196-198,2001.
2. Gluni V, Petanjek Z, MaruiA, Gluni I. High bifurcation of common carotiud
artery, anomalous origin of ascending pharyngeal artery and anomalous braching
pattern of external carotidc artery. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 23(2):123125,2001.
3. Gluni I, Roje , Gluni V, Plak K. Ear injurues caused by lightning report of 18
cases. Journal of laryngology and otology. 115(1):4-8,2001.
4. Kapural I, Sprung J, Gluni I, Kapural M, Anelinovi S, Primorac D,
Schoenwald PK. Tracheo-innominate artery fistula after tracheostomy anasthesia and
5. Bai A, Gluni I, Gluni V. Disturbances in plasma sodium in patients with war
head injuries. Mil Med.164(3):214-217,1999.
6. Bai A, Gluni I. Septic Syndrome and Septic Shock in the wounded treated at
the Split Clinical hospital Intensive Care Unit. Mil Med. 162(5):363-365,1997.
Last academic
July 6th 2006.
and other




Leo Grandi, MD., Ph.D.


Department of surgery,Clinical hospital centre,University of Split,School of




Personal Web page

Short curriculum

List of publications
(last 5 years)

1972. graduated in University of Rijeka,School of medicine.

1986. passed surgery specialist exam.
1986. postgraduate study in general surgery,University of Zagreb,School of
1996. postgraduate study Clinical pathophysiology,University of
Rijeka,School of medicine.
1996. Professional training in surgery, St. Mark ,s hospital ,London ,UK.
1999. assistant,Department of surgery,Unuversity of Split,School of
1998. M. Sc.
2004. Ph. D.
1. Perko Z, Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Bilan K, Jurii J, Mimica , Boschi
V, Grandi L, Sren D.Laparoscopic abdominal cystis fenestration using
harmonic scalpel.Coll Antropol 30( 2006) 1;251-253.
2. Juki I, Grandi L, Tonki A, Tonki M, Rosenzweig D, Kuevi D.
Sepsis induced disseminated intravascular coagulation:A rare complikation
of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease. Mt Sinai J Med 73(8);2006:11701172.
3 .Ili N, Petrievi A, Arar D, Kotarac S, Banovi J, Frleta Ili N, Tripkovi
A, Grandi L. Skip nodal metastases in the III a\N2 non-small cell lung
cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2007;1018-1021.
4. Grandi L, Juki I, imuni M, Tonki A, Maras imuni M, Banovi J.
Vrebalov Cindro V,Hozo I.Successful conservative and endoscopic treatment

of pancreatic fistula due to splenectomy following blunt abdominal

trauma.Med Arh 2007;61(1):56-58.
5. Grandi L, Perko Z, Banovi J, Pogoreli Z, Ili N, Juki I, ari D,
Tripkovi A. Our experience in the treatment oof obstructive icterus.Acta
Clin Croat 46(2);157-160:2007.
6. Maras imuni M, Grandi L, Brni D, imuni M, Druijani N. Massive
bleeding and obstruction of the ureter caused by the migration of the
swallowed toothpick from the sigmoid colon. A case report. Coll Antropol
7. Grandi L, Pogoreli Z, Banovi J, Perko Z, Boschi V, Ili N, Tripkovi A,
ari D. Advantages of the spared surgical treatment of the spleen injuries in
the clinical conditions. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2008;55:2256-2258.
1999. assistant, Department of surgery, University of Split , School of
Publications and
other qualifications
2005. senior assistant, Department of surgery,University of Split,School of
2007. head of elective course Acute abdomen, postgraduate doctoral study
Evidence based medicine,University of Split, School of medicine.
2010. participation in teching in course Inflamatory bowel diseases,
postgraduate doctoral study Cancer biology,University of Split, School of
Last academic advancement
January 12th 2008.



Professor Ivica Grkovi, MD, PhD


University of Split, Medical faculty



Personal Web page



PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1998
Master of Medical Sciences (Clinical Pathophysiology), University of Rijeka,
Croatia, 1992
Doctor of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 1989
Professor in Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology,
Medical Faculty, University of Split 2004Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, The
University of Melbourne, 2003-2004,
J. Alexander Scott Fellow in Anatomy, Ormond College, The University of
Melbourne, 2000-2004
Professor of topographic anatomy and neuromorphology at
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Medical Faculty, University of
Split, Vice-dean, teaching and student liaisons
Teaching Developments: One of four principle authors of AN@TOMEDIA, an
interactive educational program for anatomy students being developed in the

List of
(last 5 years)

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology (see: www.anatomedia.com),

Collaboration on two separate research programs in the Department
of Anatomy and Cell Biology: with Dr Colin Anderson on the Functional
organization of the autonomic nervous system and with A/Professor Chris Briggs on
projects involving Functional and applied human anatomy.
1. Grkovic I. (2005) Transition of the medical curriculum form classical to integrated:
problem-based approach and Australian way of keeping academia in medicine. Croat
Med J. Vol. 46 (1):16-20.
2. Grkovic I, Fernandez K, McAllen RM, Anderson CR. (2005) Misidentification of
cardiac vagal pre-ganglionic neurons after injections of retrograde tracer into the
pericardial space in the rat. Cell Tissue Res. Vol 321(3):335-340.
3. Sapunar D, Modric-Jednacak K, Grkovic I, Michalkiewicz M, Hogan GH. (2005)
Effect of peripheral axotomy on pain-related behavior and dorsal root ganglion
neurons excitability in NPY transgenic rats. Brain Res. Vol1063(1):48-58.
4. Richardson RJ., Grkovic I, Allen AM, Anderson CR. (2006) Separate
neurochemical classes of sympathetic postganglionic neurons project to the ventricle
of the rat heart. Cell Tissue Res. Vol.324(1):9-16.
5. Richardson RJ, Grkovic I, Anderson CR. (2006) Cocaine and amphetamine related
transcript peptide and somatostatin in rat intracardiac ganglia. Cell Tissue Res.
6. Barker PJ, Guggenheimer KT, Grkovic I, Briggs CA, Jones DC, Thomas CD,
Hodges PW. (2006) Effects of tensioning the lumbar fasciae on segmental stiffness
during flexion and extension. (Young Investigator Award winner). Spine Vol.
7. Tiinovi-Kurir T, ike-uli V, Zemunik T, Grkovi I, Terzi J, Padovan M,
Petri NM, Markoti A. (2008) Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic ganglioside
distribution following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to different hyperbaric
oxygen treatments. Acta Histochem. Vol 110:66-75.
8. Lovric Kojundzic S, Dujmovic I, Grkovic I, Sapunar D. (2008) Regional differences in
epidermal thickness and behavioral response following partial denervation of the rat pow. Int
J Neurosci. Vol.118:1726-40.
9. PoljianinA., ari, A., Vilovi, K., Kota, V., Marinovi Gui, M., Aljinovi, J.,
Grkovi,I. (2009) Daily mini quizzes as means for improving student performance in
anatomy course. Croat Med J. Vol. 50(1):55-60.
10. Grkovi, I, Marinovi Gui, M., Kota V., Poljianin A., ari A., Vilovi K. (2009)
Designing anatomy program in modern medical curriculum: matter of balance. Croat Med J.
Vol. 50(1):49-54.
11. Rudan I, Marusi A, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grkovi I, et al. (2009)
"10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches its national biobank. Croat Med J. 50(1):4-6.
12. Biloglav Z, Zgaga L, Smoljanovi M, Hayward C, Polasek O, Kolci I, Vitart V, Zemunik
T, Boraska V, Torlak V, Muli R, Ropac D, Grkovi I et al. (2009) Historic, demographic, and
genetic evidence for increased population frequencies of CCR5Delta32 mutation in Croatian
Island isolates after lethal 15th century epidemics. Croat Med J. 50(1);34-42.
13. Repapi E, Sayers I, Wain LV, Burton PR, Johnson T, Obeidat M, Zhao JH, Ramasamy A,
Zhai G, Vitart V, Huffman JE, Igl W, Albrecht E, Deloukas P, Henderson J, Granell R,
McArdle WL, Rudnicka AR; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Barroso I, Loos RJ,
Wareham NJ, Mustelin L, Rantanen T, Surakka I, Imboden M, Wichmann HE, Grkovic I, et
al; NSHD Respiratory Study Team. (2010), Genome-wide association study identifies five
loci associated with lung function. Nat Genet. Vol. 42(1):36-44.
14. Gui MM, Kosta V, Aljinovi J, Sapunar D, Grkovi I. (2010) Characterization of spinal
afferent neurons projecting to different chambers of the rat heart. Neurosci Lett. Vol.

15. Kosta V, Gui MM, Aljinovi J, Sapunar D, Grkovi I. (2010)
Immunohistochemical characteristics of neurons in nodose ganglia projecting to the
different chambers of the rat heart. Auton Neurosci. Vol. 155(1-2):33-8.
Last academic
Full professor: 24. 09. 2010.



Professor Izet Hozo, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Split



Personal Web page

1966-1970, High School, Livno, B I H
1970-1975, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
1975-1976, Internship-University Medical Centre Sarajevo
1976-1977, State Examination: Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
1977-1981, Residency in Internal medicine
University Medical Center, Internal Clinic, Sarajevo, Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Program Director: Prof. Djemaludin Rezakovic, MD
University Medical Center Ljubljana, Internal Clinic, Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Program Director: Prof. N. Matko, MD, PhD.
University Medical Center, Internal Clinic, Zagreb, Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Program Director: Prof. Nijaz Hadjic, MD, PhD
University Medical Center, Internal Clinic, Geneve (L'Hopital Cantonal Geneve)
Swizerland Program Director: Prof. M.Muller.
1982-1985, Work on Masters Thesis:"Sociomedical aspects of alcoholic
1986-1989, Work on Doctoral Thesis: "Sociomedical and clinical aspects of liver
damages by the plastic industry workers"
1986 until now, First researcher in the Project :"Liver damages by the workers in a
plastic industry" sponsored by Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology
1. Simunic M, Ljutic D, Mise S, Pesutic-Pisac V, Tonkic M, Hozo I.
List of
Helicobacter pylori eradication for the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms
in chronic renal failure. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 2005;25:425-427.
(last 5 years)
2. Dikanovic M, Hozo I, Kokic S, Titlic M, Jandric M, Balen I, Kadojic D.
hemodynamic's in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Annals of Saudi
Medicine 2005;25(6):486-488.
3. Jelavic TB, Barisic M, Hofman ID, Boraska V, Vrdoljak E, Peruzovic M,
Hozo I, Puljiz Z, Terzic J. Microsatelite GT polymorphism in the toll-like
receptor 2 is associated with colorectal cancer. Clin Genet
4. Mie K, undov , Arar D, Hozo I, Peri I, Bradari
A.Gastropulmopatije: Uzrokuju li mikroaspiracije eluanog sadraja
uistinu respiracijske tegobe? Zbornik radova, 4. kongres hrvatskih
pulmologa , Dubrovnik , 12. - 15. listopada 2006.
5. Grandic L, Jukic I, Simunic M, Tonkic A, Maras-Simunic M, Banovi J,

and other

Vrebalov-Cindro V, Hozo I. Successful conservative and endoscopic

treatment of pancreatic fistula due to splenectomy following blunt abdominal
trauma. Med Arh 2007;61(1):56-8
6. Radman M, Jurisi D, Ljuti D, Jerkovi R, Kovaci N, Hozo IS.Assessing
glycemia in type 1 diabetic patients using a microdialysis system for
continuous glucose monitoring. Ann Saud Med 2007;27:166-70.
7. Puljiz , I Hozo. Komplikacije pri biopsiji jetre, referat na strunom
sastanaku HGD-a, Bjelovar , 16. i 17. studenog 2007.
8. Juki I, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Hozo I. Endoscopic versus transabdominal
ultrasonography: past, present and future of ultrasound in gastroenterology.
Act Inf Med 2007;15: 26-30.
9. Alajbegovi A, Loga N, Tiro N, Alajbegovi S, Cindro V, Hozo I. Cognitive
and depressive disorders in multiple sclerosis. Act Clin Croat 2009:48;3-8.
10. Bratanic A, Kokic S, Hozo I, Barisic I, Kokic V. Long-term therapy with
proton pump inhibitors is associated with decreased bone density. Med Hyp
11. Hozo I. Mediteranska ciroze jetre , referat na strunom sastanaku HGD-a
Memorijalni dani dr Viia, Bjelovar , 23-24.10. 2009.
12. Hozo I. The spectrum of diffuse and focal lesions of liver in VCM emission ,
referat na Godinjem sastanaku Hrvatskog gastoenterolokog drutva 19. 22.06.2010. godine, Vodice
13. Puljiz , timac D, Kova D, Puljiz M, Bratanic A, Kovai V, Duko
Kardum D, Bonacin D, Hozo I. Predictors of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in
patients with elevated alanine aminotransferase activity. Collegium
Antropologicum 2010;34: 3337.
1. Mai I, Niki D, Milenkovi S, Hozo I. Model organizacije porodine
zdravstvene zatite u gradskoj i seoskoj mjesnoj zajednici. Materia
socio-medica 1981:(1-2):165-9.
2. Hozo I, Peri G, Udovii A, Poli V, Kravar I, imi S. Adultna policistoza
bubrega kod bolesnika na dijalizi. Anali 1984;10:35-8.
3. Peri G, Mie S, Hozo I. Dijagnoza karcinoma eluca metodom bojenja
metilenskim plavilom. Zbornik radova V Kongresa gastroenterologa.
Zagreb 1985:234.
4. Mie S, Hozo I, Peri G. Karcinom eluca u naem dvogodinjem endoskopskom
materijalu. Zbornik radova V Kongresa gastroenterologa. Zagreb
5. Hozo I. Sociomedicinski aspekti ciroze alkoholne etiologije. Medicinski fakultet
Sveuilita u Sarajevu, 1986. 127. p. Magistarska radnja.
6. Tonki A, Kuzmani A, Peri G, Hozo I. Periferni metabolizam hormona titnjae
kod malignih tumora u jetri i malignih tumora ekstrahepatine
lokalizacije. Med An 1986;12:41-8.
7. Peri G, Hozo I, apkun V. Mogunosti ultrasonografije u usporedbi sa
standardnom rentgenskom dijagnostikom kalkuloznog kolecistitisa. Med
An 1986;12:79-83.
8. Hozo I, tula N, Maki N, Kuli D. Uloga ultrasonografske dijagnostike jetre u
odredjivanju terapijskog protokola kod raka dojke. Zbornik radova VII
Kongresa kancerologa, Novi Sad 1987:83.
9. Vuinovi B, Peri G, Hozo I. Vinilklorid monomer i angiosarkom jetre. Med An
10. Peri G, Hozo I, Piplovi T. Ultrazvuk, veoma uspjean tuma etiologije

opstruktivnog ikterusa. Zbornika radova III znanstvenog skupa

gastroenterologa Hrvatske. Zagreb 1987.
11. Hozo I, Peri G, Tonki A. Utjecaj koliine i duljine konzumacije alkohola u
nastanku alkoholne ciroze jetre. Med An 1987;13:213-19.
12. Hozo I, Bakotin J, Peri G. Oteenje jetre u emisiji vinilkloridmonomera.
Gastroenterohepatol arh 1989;8:117-8. (Saetak)
13. Hozo I, Peri G, Alfirevi D. Difuzne i arine lezije jetrenog parenhima pri
ekspoziciji vinilkloridmonomeru. Gastroenterohepatol arh 1989; 8:117.
14. Peri G, Hozo I, Eterovi D. Echographic forms of liver metastases: guideline in
determining the site of primary tumor. Gastroenterology International,
Abstract book ( XII International Congress of gastroenterology) Roma ,
1988: 597.(abstract)
15. Hozo I, Rumboldt Z, Bakotin J. Pojava metastazirajueg hemangiopericitoma u
radnika u preradi polivinil klorida. Med An 1989;15:47-52.
16. Hozo I. Sociomedicinski i kliniki aspekti oteenja jetre kod radnika u industriji
plastinih masa. Sarajevo : Medicinski fakultet Sveuilita u Sarajevu,
1989. 202 str, Disertacija.
17. Hozo I, eveljevi M, Rei A, Rumboldt Z. Bile peritonitis following liver
biopsy. Ital J Gastroenterol 1989:355-6.
18. Udovii A, Gotovac J, engi F, Hozo I. Sonografija solidnih bubrenih tumora.
Med An 1989;15:151-7.
19. Hozo I, Peri G,. Liver lesions induced by vinylchloride monomer in plastic
industry workers. Europ J Gastroenterohepatol 1991;3:53. (abstract)
20. Druijani N, Hozo I, Jurii J. Lijeenje akutnog kolecititisa urgentnom
kolecistektomijom. Lij vjes 1991:113(suppl 1):21. (Saetak)
21. Hozo I, Mie S, Rumboldt Z. Pseudomyxoma peritonei - prikaz sluaja. Med An
1991; 17:69-73.
22. Hozo I, Peri G, Bakotin J. Maligni tumori jetre pri ekspoziciji VCM. Medicina
23. Hozo I, Peri G, Udovii A. Ultrazvuk - uspjena metoda u otkrivanju fokalnih i
difuznih lezija jetre kod radnika u industriji VC/PVC. Referat na III
znanstvenom simpoziju o primjeni ultrazvuka u gastroenterologiji i
nefrologiji. Sarajevo 1988.
24. Hozo I. Oteenje jetre VCM-om koda radnika u industriji plastinih masa.
Kolokvij na Tehnolokom fakultetu u Splitu u organizaciji Hrvatskog
kemijskog drutva, 24. svibnja 1990.
25. Hozo I, Bakotin J, Peri G, Rumboldt Z, Boban M. Difuzne i arine lezije jetre
kod radnika izloenih emisiji VCM-a. Gastroenterohepatol arh
26. Hozo I. Lijeenje peptikog vrijeda. In: Rumboldt Z. Odabrana poglavlja iz
terapije. Split: KBC, Jedinica za znanstveni rad. 1992:261-6.
27. Hozo I. Liver lesion in a VMC emission in Croatia. Technique of early detection
of liver lesions. APME seminar Occupational Healt related to
vinylchloride monomer. APME publication. Budapest, oct.1993.
28. Hozo I. Maligni tumori u ekspoziciji VCM. Referat na I strunom sastanku
gastroenterologa Hrvatske, Bjelovar, 21-22. Nov 1993.
29. Hozo I, Mie S, Rumboldt Z, Peri G, Bilikov J, Alfirevi D, Stojan R. Tumori
jetre u ekspoziciji VCM-u: novi sluajevi angiosarkoma jetre, Lije
Vjesn 1993; 347-51.
30. Hozo I, Rumboldt Z, Piplovi T, Kutera S, Forempoher G, Vuli M. Primarna

36. Pip
37. Mi

aktinomikoza jetara - prikaz sluaja. Lije Vjesn 1994; 255-7.

31. Mie S, Hozo I, Kuli D, Piplovi T, imuni M, Bevanda M. Helicobacter pylori
u bolesnika s gastritisom i peptikim vrijedom. I Hrvatski
gastroenteroloki Kongres, Zagreb, 24-26.XI 1994.
32. Piplovi T, Ljuti D, imuni M, Kuli D, Hozo I, Mie S. Uestalost i imbenici
od znaaja za ishod lijeenja bolesnika s akutnom upalom guterae. I
Hrvatski gastroenteroloki Kongres, Zagreb, 24-26.XI 1994.
33. Hozo I, Mie S, Puljiz , imuni M, Kuli D, Piplovi T. Uloga laparoskopije u
dijagnostici oboljenja trbunih organa. I Hrvatski Kongres digestivne
kirurgije, Varadin, 15-16.XII 1994.
34. Hozo I, Koki S, Puljiz , Jakeli J. Dijabetes i ciroza jetre: poremeaj oGT testa
u bolesnika od jetrene ciroze. I Hrvatski endokrinoloki Kongres,
Trakoan, 1-4. lipnja 1995.
35. Hozo I. VCM i angiosarkom jetre. Referat na intersekcijskom sastanku hrvatskog
gastroenterolokog drutva, Split, 9-10.06.1995.
T, Hozo I. Akutna intermitentna porfirija-prikazi sluajeva. Intersekcijski sastanak
urgentne medicine, Brioni, 24-25.VI 1996.
S, Hozo I, Kuli D, Piplovi T, imuni M. Uspjenost lijeenja azatromicina u
eradikaciji Helicobacter pylori. Godinji sastanak Gastroenteroloke i hepatoloke
sekcije, Zagreb, 23-24.IX 1996.
Sardeli S, Bagatin J, Hozo I, Stani R, Ivanievi M, Cerovski B. Venous tone
in glaucoma and hypertension. Ophtalmic Res 1997;29:6-11.
Fabijani D, Koki S, Hozo I, Miri D. Septiki osteomijelitis kraljenice
u dijabetiara (prikaz bolesnice) Med Jad 1995;25(1-2):77-84.
Miri D, Eterovi D, Giunio L, Duji , Fabijani D, Hozo I, Kuzmani
A,Boi I, uli V. Triggers of acute miocardial infarction regarding its site.
Int J Cardiol 1997:60;67-71.
Hozo I, Anelinovi , Ljuti D, Boji L, Miri D, Giunio L. Two new
cases of liver angiosarcoma: history and perspectives of liver angiosarcoma
among plastic industry workers. Toxicol Industrial Health 1997:13:639-647.
Hozo I. Alkohol i srce. U: Miri D. Preventivna kardiologija. Split: Hrvatsko
kardioloko drutvo-ogranak Split, 1997:127-136.
Miri D, Lovel G, Fabijani D, Eterovi D, Kuzmani A, Boi I, uli V,
Ganevi I, Hozo I, Raki D. Precipitirajui imbenici u odnosu na lokalizaciju
infarkta miokarda. HMA 1996;20:73-76.
Jakeli J, Koki S, Hozo I, Maras J, Fabijani D. Nespecifina imunost u
eernoj bolesti: hiperglikemija slabi fagocitnu aktivnost leukocita. HMA
Hozo I, Mie S, Piplovi T, imuni D, Tonki A, Kuli D. Uz nove
sluajeve angiosarkoma jetre: povijest i perspektive angiosarkoma jetre kod
radnika u industriji plastinih masa. Zbornik radova II Kongresa hrvatskog
gastroenterolokog drutva. Zagreb 1-3.10.1997.
Hozo I. Alkohol i srce. Teaj preventivne kardiologije. Hrvatsko
kardioloko drutvo-ogranak Split, Split, 19-20.09.1997.
Hozo I, Mie S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Tonki A. Kontrolirano kliniko
ispitivanje metilprednisolona u bolesnika sa kolestatskim oblikom alkoholne
ciroze jetre. Med Arh 1996;50:81-83.
Hozo I, Miri D, Ljuti D, Andjelinovi , Boji L, Giunio L.
Medjuovisnost koliine, duine pijenja alkohola u nastanku alkoholne ciroze
jetre. Med Arh 1997;49(1-2):5-8.
Jakeli J, Koki S, Hozo I, Maras J, Fabijani D. Nonspecific immunity in


diabetes: hyperglicemia decrease phagocytic activity of leucocytes in diabetic

patients. Med Arh 1997;49(1-2) :9-12.
Hozo I, Andjelinovi , Ljuti D, Boji L, Miri D, Gaperi I.
Vinylchloridemonomer exposure by the plastic industry workers-basic
condition for liver angiosarcoma appearance. Med Arh 1997;50(1-2) :9-14.
Boji L, Bagatin J, Sardeli S, Ivanievi M, Stani R, tambuk I, Hozo I.
Venous reflex testing in glaucoma. Acta Medica Croatica 1997:51;163-165.
Mie S, Hozo I, Kuli D, Piplovi-Vukovi T, imuni M, Tonki A. Vrste
bakterija u jejunalnom sadraju bolesnika sa cirozom jetre. Zbornik radova II
Kongresa hrvatskog gastroenterolokog drutva. Zagreb, 1-3.X 1997.
Piplovi-Vukovi T, Mie S, Rumboldt Z, Kuli D, Hozo I, imuni M.
Primarna intestinalna limfangiektazija. Zbornik radova II Kongresa hrvatskog
gastroenterolokog drutva. Zagreb, 1-3.X 1997
Hozo I, Rumboldt Z, Andjelinovi , Ljuti D, Boji L, Miri D. The
of diffuse and focal liver lesions in workmens exposed to
vinylchloridemonomer. Ann Saud Med 1997;(17)5:571-2.
Hozo I, Mie S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Tonki A. Controlled clinical trial
of methylprednisolone in patients with cholestatic form of alcoholic liver
cirrhosis. Gastroenterol Int 1997;10:137-139.
Hozo I. All cases of liver angiosarcoma in Croatia. AMPE seminar. Oslo,
Hozo I. Krvarenje iz gastrointestinalnog trakta. Teaj "Hitna stanja u
gastroenterologiji". Split, 12-13-06.1998.
Miric D, Fabijanic D, Giunio L, Eterovic D, Culic V, Bozic I, Hozo I.
Dermatological indicators of coronary risk: a case-control study. Int J Cardiol
Hozo I. Alkohol i jetra. Teaj Odabrana poglavlja iz gastroenterologije.
Split, 24.-25.IX. 1999.
Hozo I. Toksina oteenja jetre (VCM) Teaj Odabrana poglavlja iz
gastroenterologije. Split, 24.-25.IX. 1999.
Mie S, Rumboldt Z, imuni M, Hozo I, Piplovi-Vukovi, Tonki A,
Metrovi S. Usporedba ampicilina i gentamicina u lijeenju portalne
encefalopatije. Pharmaca 1999;37:123-131.
Lui I, Pintari I, Hozo I. Boji L, apkun V. Serum prolactin levels after
seizure and syncopal attacks. Seizure 1999; 8(4):218-222.
Poli S, Rumboldt Z, Bioi M, abo-Grubii N, Kolar-Jurevi A, Hozo
I. A peculiar increase in frequency of medical emergencies after opening of a
war-isolated enclave in Bosnia. Revista Espagn Efermed Dig 1999;91(7):519.
Bojic L. Bagatin J. Ivanisevic M. Hozo I. Racic G. Karelovic D. Influence
of betaxolol and timolol on the venous tone in glaucoma patients. Intl Opht
Hozo I, Sabados-Bilus S. Algorithms in ultrasonic diagnosis of diseases of
the hepatobiliary tract. Med Arh 1999:53:83.
Lui I, Maskovi J, Jankovi S, Cambj-Sapunar L, Hozo I. Endoluminal
stenting for subclavian artery stenosis in Takayasu's arteritis. Cerebrovascular
Dis 2000; 10:73-75.
Hozo I, Miri D, Boji L, Giunio L, Lusic I, uli V, imuni M. Liver
Angiosarcoma and Hemangiopericytoma after Occupational Exposure to
Vinyl Chloride Monomer. Environ Health Perspect 2000;108:793-795.
Culic V, Eterovic D, Miric D, Rumboldt Z, Hozo I. Gender differences in
triggering of acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 2000;85:753.







Bojic L. Ermacora R. Karelovic D. Hozo I. Should we screen for

asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction in glaucoma patients? Ann Saud
Med 2001;21:35-37.
Ljutic D. Perkovic D. Rumboldt Z. Bagatin J. Hozo I. Pivac N.
Comparison of ondansetron with metoclopramide in the symptomatic relief of
uremia-induced nausea and vomiting. Kidney & Blood Pressure Research
Znaor A. Fucic A. Strnad M. Barkovic D. Skara M. Hozo I. Micronuclei
in peripheral blood lymphocytes as a possible cancer risk biomarker: a cohort
study of occupationally exposed workers in Croatia. C M J 2003;44:441-446.
Dobrila F. Orlic ZC. Mustac E. Jonjic N. Kokic S. Hozo I. Diffuse
peritonitis caused by an infected and perforated urachal cyst. Ann Saud Med
Hozo I, Perkovic D, Grandic L, Klaudije G, Simunic M, Piplovic T.
Colonic lipoma intussusception: a case report. Med Arh 2004;58:382-3.
Simunic M. Ljutic D. Mise S. Pesutic-Pisac V. Tonkic M. Hozo I.
Helicobacter pylori eradication for the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms in
chronic renal failure. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 2005;25:425-427.
Dikanovic M. Hozo I. Kokic S. Titlic M. Jandric M. Balen I. Kadojic D.
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound assessment of intracranial hemodynamic's in
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Annals of Saudi Medicine
Jelavic TB. Barisic M. Hofman ID. Boraska V. Vrdoljak E. Peruzovic M.
Hozo I. Puljiz Z. Terzic J. Microsatelite GT polymorphism in the toll-like
receptor 2 is associated with colorectal cancer. Clin Genet 2006;70(2):156160.
Mie K, undov , Arar D, Hozo I, Peri I, Bradari
A.Gastropulmopatije: Uzrokuju li mikroaspiracije eluanog sadraja uistinu
respiracijske tegobe? Zbornik radova, 4. kongres hrvatskih pulmologa ,
Dubrovnik , 12. - 15. October 2006.
Grandic L, Jukic I, Simunic M, Tonkic A, Maras-Simunic M, Banovi J,
Vrebalov-Cindro V, Hozo I. Successful conservative and endoscopic treatment of
pancreatic fistula due to splenectomy following blunt abdominal trauma. Med
Arh 2007;61(1):56-8
Radman M, Jurisi D, Ljuti D, Jerkovi R, Kovaci N, Hozo IS.Assessing
glycemia in type 1 diabetic patients using a microdialysis system for continuous
glucose monitoring. Ann Saud Med 2007;27:166-70.
Puljiz , I Hozo . Komplikacije pri biopsiji jetre, referat na strunom
sastanaku HGD-a, Bjelovar , 16. i 17. Nov 2007.
Juki I, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Hozo I. Endoscopic versus transabdominal
ultrasonography: past, present and future of ultrasound in gastroenterology. Act
Inf Med 2007;15: 26-30.
Alajbegovi A, Loga N, Tiro N, Alajbegovi S, Cindro V, Hozo I. Cognitive
and depressive disorders in multiple sclerosis. Act Clin Croat 2009:48;3-8.
Bratanic A, Kokic S, Hozo I, Barisic I, Kokic V. Long-term therapy with
proton pump inhibitors is associated with decreased bone density. Med Hyp
Hozo I. Mediteranska ciroze jetre , referat na strunom sastanaku HGD-a
Memorijalni dani dr Viia, Bjelovar , 23-24.10. 2009.
Hozo I. The spectrum of diffuse and focal lesions of liver in VCM emission ,
referat na Godinjem sastanaku Hrvatskog gastoenterolokog drutva 19. - 22.

06. 2010. godine, Vodice.

Puljiz , timac D, Kova D, Puljiz M, Bratanic A, Kovai V, Duko
Kardum D, Bonacin D, Hozo I. Predictors of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in
patients with elevated alanine aminotransferase activity. Collegium
Antropologicum 2010;34: 3337.
Mie S, Hozo I. Hitna stanja u gastroenterologiji. p. 187. Hrvatsko
gastroenteroloko drutvo-ogranak Split, 1998.
Hozo I, Mie S. Odabrana poglavlja iz gastroenterologije. p. 409. Hrvatsko
gastroenteroloko drutvo-ogranak Split, 1999.
Hozo I, Karelovi D. Praktina ultrasonografija, HGD, p. 490, HGD -ogranak
Split 2004
Last academic


Clinical propedeutics


Professor Milan Ivanievi, MD, PhD


Department of Ophthalmology, Clinical Hospital Centre Split



Personal Web page

Born in 1953 in Split, graduated in 1977 at Medical School in Zagreb, got
certification of ophthalmology in 1985 at the Department of Ophthalmology
Rebro in Zagreb, became MS in 1988, got his PhD in 1991, he became
assistant professor in 1995 (Medical School in Zagreb), head doctors position
he earned in 1996, in 1999 he became associate professor and in 2003 full
professor at Medical School in Split. Head of the Department of Ophthalmology
Clinical Hospital Centre Split. Chief of Ophthalmological Cathedra at Medical
School in Split. The chief of commission for medical publishing at Medical
School in Split.
1. Boji L, Ermacora R, Ivanievi M, Galetovi D, Mandi Z, Novak-Lau K,
List of
Cerovski B. Doppler-echocardiographic characteristics of left ventricular
function in patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma:a preliminary report.Coll
(last 5 years)
Antropol 2005;28(suppl 1):5-8.
2. Stiglmayer N, Lein M, Juri J, Ivanievi M, Boji L, Rogoi V. Treatment of
ocular motility disturbances in Graves' disease with botulinum toxin A. Coll
Antropol 2005; 29 (suppl 1): 41-6.
3. Boji L, Ermacora R, Poli S, Ivanievi M, Mandi Z, Rogoi V, Lein M.
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome and asymptomatic myocardial dysfunction. Graefe's
Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2005; 243(5): 446-9.
4. Boji L, Rogoi V, Ivanievi M, Matijaca M, Lui I, Pintari I, VrebalovCindro V, Rai G. Progression of optic neuritis to multiple sclerosis in the
county of Split-Dalmatia, Croatia. Coll Antropol 2007; 31(2): 557-60.
5. Ivanievi M, Boji L, Buan K, Kovai . Dr. Erwin Treu-prvi stalni
oftalmolog u Splitu. Lije Vjesn 2009; 131(7-8): 233-5.
6. Lein M, Boji L, Romac R, Lein J, Ivanievi M, Galetovi D, Rogoi V.
Effect of Botulinum toxin-A injection on intraocular pressure and proptosis in
thyroid associated orbitopathy. Coll Antropol 2009; 33(4): 1155-61.

7. Buan K, Ivanievi M, Zemunik T, Boraska V, krabi V, Vatavuk Z, Galetovi

D, Znaor Lj. Retinopathy and nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients-association
with polymorphysms of vitamin D-receptor, Tnf, Neuro-D and Il-1 receptor 1
genes. Coll Antropol 2009; 33 (Suppl. 2): 99-105.
8. Pletina-Borjan I, Medvidovi-Grubii M, uljan I, Lako V, Miljak S,
Markovi I, Ivanievi M. Wartime open globe eye injuries. Graefes Arch Clin
Exp Ophthalmol 2010; 24(3): 305-12.
9. Ivanievi M, Boji L, Buan K, Ivanievi P, Kovai . Dr. Juraj urin:
osniva Onog odjela u Splitu. Acta Med Croat 2010; 64(1): 59-63.
10. Karlica D, Galetovi D, Ivanievi M, krabi V, Znaor Lj, Jurii D. Visual
evoked potential can be used to detect a prediabetic form of diabetic retinopathy
in patients with diabetes mellitus type I. Coll Antropol 2010; 34(2): 525-9.
Listed 10 the most important papers from 21 published papers during last 5 years.
Author of more than 90 professional and scientific papers up to now. Participated at
numerous professional and scientific meetings. Gave more invited lectures.
and other
qualifications Mentorship of one PhD and one MS, 20 mentorships of medical students graduate
degrees, and 7 mentorships of nurses graduate degrees at Medical School in Split.
Professional improvement in the homeland and abroad (Germany and USA). Has
written 2 student books and more chapters in various books. Head of the scientific
project supported by Ministry of Science of the Republic of Croatia (1991-1996).
Reviewer of ophthalmological textbook for Medical School students in Croatia
Last academic
6th February 2003 full professor of ophthalmology at University of Split
Medical School



Professor Nenad Ilic, MD, PhD


Thoracic Surgery Dept., University Surgical Hospital, Split, Croatia



Personal Web page

Born od 3rd Oct 1955 in Split, Croatia. Primary and secondary educated in
Split.In1979 graduated at Zagreb Medical School, Universtiy of Zagreb,Croatia.
General surgery residency in 1985 in Clinical Hospital Split, Croatia.
Thoracic surgery in 1995 and PhD in 2000. Zagreb Medical School, Universtiy of
Licensed thoracic surgeon from 1997 FECTS.
Full member of EACTS, ESTS, STS, ESSO, IASLC.
Ilic N, Petricevic A, Tanfara S, KotaracS , Arar D, Mise K, Frleta Ilic N, Banovic J.
List of
Skip mediastinal nodal metastases in the IIIA/N2 non-small cell lung cancer. Lung
(last 5 years) Cancer, 2005, 49,2, 281.
Frleta Ilic N, Ilic N, Markovic V, Petricevic A, Tomic S, Banovic J. Extended role of
radioguided occult lesion localization in early stage breast cancer. European Journal
of Cancer, 2005, 3,2, 110.
Petrievi A, Ili N, Jurii J, Perko Z, Mie K, Banovi J, Tanfara S. Naa iskustva u
lijeenju malignih tumora bronha i plua. Acta Chir Cro 2005; 1:14-18.
Ili N, Petrievi A, Banovi J, Arar D, Kotarac S, Jurii J, Frleta Ili N
Videoasstisted thoracoscopic surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax. Acta Chir Cro,

2006, 3,1 51
Ilic N, Petricevic A, Arar D, Kotarac S, Banovic J, Frleta Ilic N, Tripkovic A, Grandic
l. Skip Nodal Metastases in the IIIa/N2 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
5. Ilic N, Banovic J, Juricic J, Frleta Ilic N, Buljevic, V, Rada S. Posljedice kirurgije
raka dojke na kvalitetu ivota bolesnica Bolesti dojke, HAZU, Zagreb2008, 131-39.
7. Ilic N, Juricic J, Banovic J, Tripkovic A, Frleta Ilic N, Tripkovic I, Lojpur M,
Kotarac S. Role of intraoperative ultrasound for mediastinal staging in NSCLC
surgery, EJSO, 2008,34,9.987.
8. Grandic L, Pogorelic Z, Banovic J, Perko Z, Boschi V, Ilic N, Tripkovic A, Saic D.
Advatages of the Spared Surgical Treatment of the Spleen Injuries in the Clinical
Conditions. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2008, 55:2256-58.
9. Ilic N, Juricic J, Banovic J, Frleta Ilic N, Grandic L, Tripkovic A. Improved staging
using intraoperative ultraosund for mediastinal lymphadnectomy in non-small cell
lung cancer surgery. EJSO, 2009:9.2.562.
10. Mise K, Jurcev-Savicevic A, Bradaric A, Peric I, Barisic I, Puntaric D, Mise J,
Ilic N. Increasing of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Burning Issue in SplitDalmatian County, Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2009: 33;4: 1245-5011. Ilic N, Juricic J, Banovic D, Krnic D, Frleta Ilic N. Intraoperative ultrasound
guided occult early breast cancer lesions. EJSO 2010;36:9, 854.
12. Ilic N, Juricic J, Banovic J, Krnic D, Ilic D, Frleta Ilic N. Staging implications of
intraoperative ultrasound guided mediastinal lymphadenectomy in NSCLC surgery.
EJSO 2010;36:9, 833.
13. Ilic N, Banovic J, Juricic J, Krnic D, Frleta Ilic N, Buljevic V, Ilic D. Uloga
kirurgije ulijeenju raka dojke starijih ena. Bolesti dojke, HAZU, Zagreb 2010, 18794.
Breast Cancer: oncologic and reconstructive surgery. Interactive course with live
surgery. European School of Oncology, Milan, Italy, 2007.
and other
qualifications 1st Advenced Tarining Course, Expert Meeting on Laser Application in Thoracic
Surgery. Universitatsklinikum Freiburg, Grmany, 2008.
Best Paper Award, 11th Central European Lung Cncer Conference, Ljubljana
Slovenia, 2008.
VATS Masterclass Course, Elencourt, France, 2009.
CPG Scientific Summit: Advanced Course in Breast Surgery with Anatomical
Implants, Madrid, Spain, 2010.
Last academic
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Split, 2007.

General and Thoracic Suregry


Ivo Ivi


University Hospital Split


iivic@kbsplit.hr ivo@radogost.com

Personal Web page

Born on 22.06.1957, high school in Split graduated in 1976, Medical Faculty in
Zagreb graduated in 1982. Until 1986. worked in primary care. Specialist
examination in infectious diseases passed in 1991. In 1998. master's degree with the
theme "Epidemiological features of pregnant women with findings of positive HBV

infection markers in the region of Split. In 2007. doctorate thesis "The genotype of
the class I. of major histokompatibility sytem as a prognostic factor for treatment of
chronic hepatitis C with interferon. In 1999. elected to the associate title of
assistant, and in 2008. in a teaching assistant professor in the Department of
Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, University of Split. From 2002. to 2006. he
worked as a infectious disease teacher in a High medical school in Split. Employed
as a specialist in Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Department for Children's infectious
diseases, Split
Bradari N, Ivi I. Limenijaza: klinike osobitosti u djece. Pediatr Croat 2005; 49
List of
(Sppl 1): 202-211.
(last 5 years) Ivi I, Bradari N. Toxoplazmoza u djece. Pediatr Croat 2005; 49 (Suppl 1): 219-225
Luki B, Punda-Poli V, Ivi I, Bradari I, Bradari N. Clinical and epidemiological
features of hispitalised acute Q fever cases from Split-Dalmatia Country (Croatia),
1985-2002. Med Sci Monit, 2006; 12(3):CR126-131
Ledina D., Bradari N, Milas I, Ivi I, Brni N, Kuzmii N. Chronic fatigue
syndrome after Q-fever. Med Sci Monit, 2007;13(7):CS88-92
Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Ivi I, Tonki M, Barii I. Pulmonary tuberculosis with
meningitis in a 7-month-old infant. J Pediatr Infect Dis, 2005;2:51-54
Ledina D, Karanovic J, Ivic I, Karanovic N, Ledina D. Haemophylus influenzaerijedak uzronik endokarditisa. Acta Med Croat, 2007;61:219-222
Ivi I, Bradari N, Puizina-Ivi N, Ledina D, Luksic B, Martinic R. Hla-Cw7 allele as
predictor of favorable therapeutic response to interferon-alpha in patients with
chronic hepatitis C. CMJ, 2007:48(6):807-13
See above
Publications and other
Last academic

June 2008.




Professor Stipan Jankovi, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine, Clinical Hospital Center Split- Clinical

Institute for Diagnostic and Intervention Radiology



Personal Web page


1. Personal data:
Date and place of birth: November 5th 1948, Strizirep, Sinj, Croatia
2. Education:
1967- graduate, High School in Sinj,
1972 - MD, Zagreb University School of Medicine, Croatia
1977 - Resident in Radiology, University of Zagreb
1997 - Subspecialization in Neuroradiology, University of Zagreb
1979 - Masters degree, University of Zagreb
1982 - PhD, University of Zagreb
1985 - Assistant professor, University of Zagreb
1988 - Assiociate professor at the Department of Radiology, Split
1999- Full Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Split School of

List of
(last 5 years)

and other

2005.-2009. Dean of School of Medicine, University of Split

1. Roje Z, Jankovic S, Ninkovic M. Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy. Coll
Antropol. 2010;34(Suppl 1):113-123.
2. Barisic I, Ljutic D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Peric I, Mise K, et al. beta 2-Microglobuline
Plasma Level and Painful Shoulder in Haemodialysed Patients. Coll Antropol.
2010;34(Suppl 1):315-320.
3. Repapi E, Sayers I, Wain LV, Burton PR, Johnson T, Obeidat M. et al. Genomewide association study identifies five loci associated with lung function. Nat Genet.
4. Mise K, Savicevic AJ, Pavlov N, Jankovic S. Removal of tracheobronchial foreign
bodies in adults using flexible bronchoscopy: experience 1995-2006. Surg Endosc.
5. Polasek O, Marusic A, Rotim K, Hayward C, Vitart V, Huffman J, et al. Genomewide Association Study of Anthropometric Traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat
Med J. 2009;50(1):7-16.
6. Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Jankovic S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, et al. Genomewide Association Study of Biochemical Traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med
J. 2009;50(1):23-33.
7. Rudan I, Marusic A, Jankovic S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, et al. "10 001
Dalmatians": Croatia Launches Its National Biobank. Croat Med J. 2009;50(1):4-6.
8. Culic S, Kuljis D, Armanda V, Jankovic S. Successful management of bleeding
with recombinant factor Vila (NovoSeven (R)) in a patient with Burkitt lymphoma
and thrombosis of the left femoral and left common iliac veins. Pediatric Blood &
Cancer. 2007;49(3):332-335.
9. Barisic I, Ljutic D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Jankovic S. Laboratory and sonographic
findings in dialyzed patients with bilateral chronic knee pain versus dialyzed
asymptomatic patients. Collegium Antropologicum. 2007;31(2):489-494.
10. Matijaca M, Vlasic-Matas J, Jankovic S, Pintaric I, Marovic A. Neurotoxicity that
may mimic progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patient with transplanted
kidney. Collegium Antropologicum. 2007;31(1):349-353.
11. Culic S, Kuzmic I, Pranic-Kragic A, Jankovic S. Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody
(rituximab) for therapy of CD20-positive nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin
lymphoma in an 10-year-old girl. Pediatric Hematology & Oncology.
12. Ostojic L, Bradaric A, Mise K, Ostojic Z, Lovric J, Petrovic P, et al. Pulmonary
function in persons who are professionally exposed to formaldehyde fumes.
Collegium Antropologicum. 2006;30(3):507-511.
13. Barisic I, Ljutic D, Jankovic S, Vlak T, Tomic S, Kokic S, et al. Relevant
sonographic parameters of a painful shoulder in symptomatic dialyzed patients versus
asymptomatic dialyzed and healthy volunteers. Collegium Antropologicum.
14. Vrdoljak E, Prskalo T, Omrcen T, Situm K, Boraska T, Ilic NF, et al. Concomitant
chemobrachyradiotherapy with ifosfamide and cisplatin followed by consolidation
chemotherapy in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix:
Results of a phase II study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
Physics. 2005;61(3):824-829.
1. ISBN: 978-953-7524-05-0
Title: Dentalna radiografija i radiologija / Stipan Jankovi, Damir Mileti i suradnici
Impresum: Split : University of Split School of Medicine 2009.
2. ISBN: 978-953-7524-04-3

Title: Mamografski probir raka dojke : organizacija, rani rezultati i kontrola

kvalitete : [poslijediplomski teaj I. kategorije stalnog medicinskog usavravanja] /
editor Stipan Jankovi. Impresum: Split : University of Split School of Medicine,
3. ISBN: 978-953-7524-01-2
Author: Makovi, Josip
Title: Odabrana poglavlja intervencijske radiologije / Josip Makovi, Stipan
Jankovi et al. Impresum: Split: University of Split School of Medicine, 2008.
4. ISBN: 978-953-154-825-0
Name of congress: Znanstveni sastanak "Bolesti dojke" (18 ; 2008 ; Zagreb)
Title: Bolesti dojke: zbornik radova XVIII. znanstvenog sastanka "Bolesti dojke"
odranog 25.09.2008. u Hrvatskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetnosti / [author Ivan
Prpi] Impresum: Zagreb: Croatian Academy sciences and arts, 2008. Other authors:
Jankovi, Stipan
5. ISBN: 978-953-154-783-3
Name of congress: Znanstveni sastanak "Bolesti dojke" (17 ; 2007 ; Zagreb)
Title: Bolesti dojke : zbornik radova XVII. znanstvenog sastanka "Bolesti dojke" 20.
09. 2007. u Croatian Academy sciences and arts/ [editors Ivan Prpi, Josip Unui]
Impresum: Zagreb :, Croatian Academy sciences and arts 2007.
6. ISBN: 978-953-98423-9-8
Title: Medicinski fakultet: 1997.-2007.: monografija povodom desete obljetnice
samostalnosti / [editors Stjepan Jankovi i Mladen Boban] Impresum: Split:
University of Split School of Medicine, 2007.
7. ISBN: 978-953-98423-8-1
Title: Poslijediplomski teaj stalnog medicinskog usavravanja prve kategorije:
Lijenika pogreka - medicinski i pravni aspekti : zbornik radova / Poslijediplomski
teaj stalnog medicinskog usavravanja I. kategorije, [Split, 2. - 4. oujka 2007.];
editors Stipan Jankovi, Jozo izmi. Impresum: Split : University of Split School of
Medicine, 2007.
8. ISBN: 953-176-338-0
Title: Radiologija / Editors Andrija Hebrang i Ratimira Klari-ustovi
Publication: 3. updated i added edition.
Impresum: Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2006.
Other Authors: Jankovi, Stipan
9. ISBN: 953-176-319-4
Title: Suvremeni pristup medicinskoj dijagnostici u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zatiti:
teaj stalnog medicinskog usavravanja lijenika : manual/ editors Elizabeta Topi,
Stipan Jankovi. Impresum: Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2006.
10. ISBN: 953-98423-7-9
Author: Jankovi, Stipan
Title: Seminari iz klinike radiologije / Stipan Jankovi and associates
Impresum: Split : University of Split School of Medicine, 2005.
Mentor for 2 phds and 4 masters of science, 17 master thesis for students of medicine
and over 30 master thesis for students/engeneers of medical radiology.
Last academic
December 3rd 2004.



Professor Ksenija Karaman, MD, PhD


University of Split, School of Medicine and University Hospital Split, Split, Croatia

Personal Web page

Ksenija Karaman, born in Split, Croatia in 1951 is a graduate of the Zagreb
University School of Medicine (1975), where she also specialized Ophthalmology in
1981, obtained her masters degree (1985) and PhD in 1993. Since 1981 she works as
a ophthalmologist in University hospital Split, Department of Ophthalmology. In
1989 she was elected as a scientific assistant at Cathedra of head and neck diseases,
Split University School of Medicine, in 1999 as a assistant professor and in 2005 as a
associate professor. In 2010 she became science advisor at Split University School of
She is the head of Eye Inflammatory and Tumorous diseases unit and, from 2000 to
2004 she has been the Head of the Department of Ophthalmology.
Her field of interest is uveo-retinal diseases, immunogenetic and immunology in
ophthalmology as well as her research interests. Professor Karaman improved her
skills by working in Eye clinics and attending postgraduate programs in Croatia,
Slovenia, Austria and Italy.
She has also contributed in the improvement of the scientific and practical clinical
work at the Department of Ophthalmology in University Hospital Split. In 1988
introduced a new operative method for retinal detachment surgery by localizing a tear
with the indirect ophthalmoscopy picture, as well as a new diagnostic method,
indirect ophthalmoscopy in every day labor. Professor Karaman in 1999 established
Outpatient clinic for ocular electrodiagnostic. In 2010 she became a sub specialist for
posterior segment of the eye.
From 1985 she is senior lecturer in Ophthalmology in pre-graduate program at Split
University School of Medicine and since 2002 is the head of optional subject at the
postgraduate study and therefore contributes the improvement of pre- and postgraduate education.
She published 46 papers, 12 in Current Contents, 2 in SCIE and 15 in Medline or
EMBASE and was cited more than 30 times. She held numerous invited lectures and
also published three materials in Ophthalmology that have become obligatory
In the period from 1988 to 2010 she participated as an active researcher in six
scientific projects, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science.
As a member of organization board she arranged a few ophthalmologic meetings,
three of them with international participation.
She is a member of many national and international professional societies: Croatian
Ophthalmology Society, International Society of intraocular inflammation- IOIS,
Human Genetic Society of Croatia, and others and as well has been awarded for her
1. Karaman K, Znaor L, Rogoi V, Markovi I. Oftalmoloke manifestacije
List of
Downovog sindroma. Paediatr Croat 2005; 49(1): 39-43.
(last 5 years) 2. Pavan J, tambuk N, urkovi T, Konjevoda P, Pavan-Juki D, Gotovac M,
Karaman K. Effectiveness of latanoprost (Xalatan) monotherapy in newly discovered
and previously medicamentously treated primary open angle glaucoma patients. Coll
Antropol. 2005; 29(1): 315-9.
3. Titli M, Erceg I, Kovaevi T, Gabri N, Karaman K, uljan I, Orsoli K,
Kalaji J. The correlation of changes of the optic nerve diameter in the acute
retrobulbar neuritis with the brain changes in multiple sclerosis. Coll Antropol.

20005; 29(2): 633-6.

4. Karaman K, uli S, Erceg I, uli V, Sinii A, Salamuni I, Znaor L. Treatment
of post-traumatic trabecular mashwork thrombosis and secondary glaucoma with
intracameral tissue plasminogen activator in previously unrecognized sickle cell
anemia. Coll Antropol. 2005; 29 (Suppl 1): 123-6.
5. Karaman K, Gverovi-Antunica A, Buan K, Znaor L, Bulovi D, Skelin S. The
incidence of retinal tears in patients with posterior vitreous detachment. Acta Med
Croatica. 2006; 60(2): 129-32.
6. Zanchi J, Karaman K, Lako V, Pletina-Borjan I, Marki J, Krelj V. Glucose- 6phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and idiopathic presenile cataract in Dalmatia,
Croatia. Can J Ophthalmol. 2007; 42(6): 852-3.
7. Karaman K, Znaor L, Lako V, Oluji I. Epidemiology of Pediatric Eye Injury in
Split-Dalmatia County. Ophthalmic Res. 2009; 42(4): 199-204.
8. Titli M, Karaman K, Andelinovic S. Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
Comorbid with Factor V Leiden and PAI-1 4G/5G Mutation. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2009;
110(3): 192-4.
9. Rogoi V, Boji L, Karaman K, Vanjaka Rogoi L, Titli M, Pletina-Borjan I,
Miljak S, Poljak K, Duplani D. Role of haemathological testing: ratio values of
circulating platelet aggregates in visual field loss associated with pseudoexfoliation
glaucoma. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2010; 111(6): 325-8.
Professor Ksenija Karaman, MD, PhD has improved the educational system in
teaching, performance and theory. She also participated in composing of base of
and other
qualifications questions for the writing test. Her average rating, given by students, in college year of
2008/2009 was 4, 6. According to the results of the question poll gave to students, she
is rated as a highly sympathetic, encouraging but also very professional teacher. She
frequently maintains classes, attending on time and working full hours. She is
available for students even out of her working schedule, and succeeds in motivating
them by introducing latest scientific discoveries.
Last academic
May 30, 2005.



Nenad Karanovi, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split

University of Split, School of Medicine


nkaranov@yahoo.com, nenad.karanovic@st.t-com.hr

Personal Web page

- 1981.- 1985. primary health care
- 1985.-1989. resident in anesthesiology and reanimatology
- 1989- now: staff anesthesiologist
- 2002. Master of science (MSc)
- 2006. now : deputy chief of the Department
- 2007. now: head of cardiac anesthesia and intensive care
- 2009. consultant
- 2010. Phylosophy doctor (PhD)
- 2010. coordinator for explantation at University Hospital Split
- 2007 now: member of Board of Croatian society of Intensive Medicine

List of
(last 5 years)

and other

- 2010. now: member of Board of Croatian society of Anesthesia and Intensive

- 2010. subspeciality in intensive medicine
1. Karanovic N, Pecotic R, Valic M, Jeroncic A, Carev M, Karanovic S, Ujevic
A, Dogas Z. The acute hypoxic ventilatory response under halothane,
isoflurane, and sevoflurane anaesthesia in rats. Anaesthesia 2010; 65: 227234.
2. Carev M, Valic M, Pecotic R, Karanovic N, Valic Z, Pavlinac I, Dogas Z.
Propofol abolished the phrenic long term facilitation in rats. Respir Physiol
Neurobiol. 2010;170: 83-90.
3. Zelenika D, Karanovi N. Diffusion lung capacity of patients with arterial
hypertension. Coll Antropol 2009;33 Suppl 2:165-7.
4. Karanovic N, Carev M, Kardum G, Pecotic R, Valic M, Karanovic S, Ujevic
A, Dogas Z. The impact of a single 24-hour working day on cognitive and
psychomotor performance in staff anesthesiologists. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2009;
26: 10: 825-832.
5. Karanovic N, Carev M, Ujevic A, Kardum G, Dogas Z. Association of
oculocardiac reflex and postoperative nausea and vomiting in strabismus
surgery in children anaesthetized with halothane and nitrous oxide. Paediatr
Anaesth 2006;16: 948-954.
6. Roje Z, Roje , Karanovic N, Utrobicic I. Abdominoplasty complications: A
comprehensive approach for the treatment of chronic seroma with
pseudobursa. Aesth Plast Surg 2006; 30: 611-615
7. Carev M, Karanovi N, oga Z. [The introduction of sugamadex into
clinical practice in Croatia the role of succinylcholine re-visited] Uvoenje
sugamadeksa u kliniku praksu u Hrvatskoj reevaluacija uloge sukcinilkolina. Lijec Vjesn 2010; 132: 182
8. Carev M, Karanovi N, Ujevi A, Kardum G, engi V, Funck N, uli N,
Rai G, oga Z. [Succinylcholine use by anesthesiologists in Croatia is it
really abandoned] Uporaba sukcinil-kolina meu hrvatskim anesteziolozimaje li taj lijek zaista odbaen. Lijec Vjesn 2010; 132: 8-13.
9. Carev M, Karanovi N, oga Z. [Obstructive sleep apnea and anesthesia].
Opstrukcijska apneja tijekom spavanja i anestezija. Lijec Vjesn 2008; 130:
10. Ledina D, Karanovi J, Ivi I, Karanovi N, Ledina D. [Haemophilus
parainfluenzae--a rare cause of endocarditis] Haemophilus parainfluenzae
rijedak uzronik endokarditisa. Acta Med Croat 2007; 61: 219-22
- Invited lecturer on international courses for the doctors of NATO (Medical
training exercise in central and eastern Europe - MEDCEUR 2008).
- Invited lecturer on the meetings of Croatian society of anesthesia and
intensive care
- Invited lecturer on the meetings of Croatian society of intensive medicine
- Invited lecturer on the meetings of Croatian pain Society.
- Invited lecturer on international congresses and symposia
- 2004 now: lecturer on postgraduate courses in anesthesia and intensive care
under auspice of Fondation Europeenne d'Enseignement en Anesthesiologie
(F.E.E.A.), and from 2010. Committee for European Education in
Anaesthesiology (C.E.E.A.).
- 2004. now: lecturer and founder of international courses in Emergency
medicine in organization of European medical students' association (EMSA),
School of Medicine of University of Zagreb Summer school

2009. Lecturer on postgraduate course: Organization of burn care in Republic

of Croatia and treatment of burn injuries.
- Lecturer in postgraduate courses for diving doctors.
- Published more than 70 publications
- The first author in more than 40 publications
- Author of 4 chapters: Bai A. et al. ed. Anesteziologija, intenzivno lijeenje
i reanimatologija. Split: Chrono; 2003.
- Author of one chapter: Juki M, Gaparovi V, Husedinovi I, Majeri
Kogler V, Peri M, uni J, ed. Intenzivna medicina. Zagreb: Medicinska
naklada; 2008.
- Author of 6 chapters in textbooks and handbooks for postgraduate education
of anesthesiologists, edited by regional center of F.E.E.A and C.E.E.A. 2004.2010.
- Auhtor of 9 chapters in two and one reprinted handbooks for European
Medical Students' Association, published by School of Medicine of
University of Zagreb, Croatian Medical Association and EMSA Zagreb
2005., 2006. and 2008. (reprint).
- 2002. Medical College of Wisconsin, Millwaukee, USA, Department of
Physiology, Respiratory Laboratory. Mentors prof. Hubert Foster, PhD and
prof. eljko Bonjak, PhD.
- 2003.-2007. Education in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care. Department
of anesthesia nad intensive care, University Hospital Dubrava Zagreb.
Mentor prof. Ino Husedinovi, PhD.
- 2004. Education in cardiac anesthesia and intensive care. Department of
Cardiovascular Surgery Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.
Mentors prof. Csaba Dzsinich, PhD and prof. Janos Gal, PhD.
- 2008. International Course on Perioperative and Critical Care
Echocardiography. Bruxelless, Belgium. Mentor prof. Jan Poelaert, PhD.
Special professional Courses
- 1982. The basics of hyperbaric, undersea and maritime medicine, Split.
Mentor prof. Stracimir Goovi, PhD.
- 2003. Advanced life support, Split.
- 2006. Intensive Training Course in Pedagogy and Didactics in Medical
Education TEMPUS-Project STEAMED. Vienna, Austria. Mentors prof.
Richard Mrz, PhD and prof. Hubert Wiener, PhD.
- 2007. Intensive Training Course on General Didactics TEMPUS-Project
STEAMED. Vienna, Austria. Mentor prof. Gottfried Csanyi; PhD.
- 2009. Course on skills of medical education and scientific work, Split.
Mentor prof. Zoran oga, PhD.
- 2009. Training of Hospital Response for Major Incidents Course THRMI,
under auspice of ESTES Section for Disaster Medicine & Military Surgery,
Ministry of Health and Social Care of Republic of Croatia. Island of Pag.
Mentor prof. Sten Lennquist, PhD.
Last academic advancement
Associate professor, June 15, 2010.
1. Anesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive care: medicine, dental medicine
2. First Aid: medicine
3. Urgent Medicine: medicine
4. Electives: Why and how we breathe?
The Brain and the Heart

The Brain and the diseases of addiction


Professor Deni Karelovi, MD, PhD


Department of gynecology and obstetrics, University hospital center Split,

Spinieva 1, 21000 Split
School of medicine, University of Split, oltanska 2, 21000 Split


Personal Web page

Professional training
School of medicine, University of Zagreb School in Split (1986. -1991.)
Internship Health centre Split (1992.)
Final exam (Zagreb, 1993.)
Postgraduate study Oncology. University of Zagreb (1993.-1995.)
Prespecialist training in gynecology and obstetrics - Department of
gynecology and obstetrics in Split
Specialist training in gynecology and obstetrics. Specialist internship:
Department of gynecology and obstetrics, University hospital Split (august
18, 1997. December 3rd , 2001.); Department of gynecology and obstetrics,
Clinical hospital center Rebro, Zagreb. Specialist's exam in gynecology and
obstetrics taken on April 22 in 2002 in Zagreb.
Subspecialization in oncologic gynecology. Clinical hospital center Rijeka,
supervisor prof. dr. Herman Haller 2008.-2010. Subspecialist's exam in
oncologic gynecology taken 2010 in Rijeka.
Postgraduate courses (more important ones)
Selected chapters in cardiology. School of medicine, University of Zagreb.
Split, 1994. (lecturer)
Emergency medical help outside the hospital. School of medicine, University
of Zagreb. Zagreb, 1996.
Breast cancer, diagnosis and treatment. Croatian physicians assembly
Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik, 1996.
Basic characteristics of cardiovascular diseases in elderly. Public health
institution of Split Dalmatian region. Split, 1998. (lecturer)
Bacterial vaginosis and treatment. Department of gynecology and obstetrics,
University hospital Split. Split 1998.
Diving medicine for physicians. Croatian association for nautical, underwater
and hyperbaric medicine of the Croatian physicians assembly. Split, 1999
Postgraduate training in diving medicine for physicians. Croatian association
for nautical, underwater and hyperbaric medicine of the Croatian physicians
assembly. Split, 1999.
Family doctor and gynecologic malignant tumors. Public health institution of
Split Dalmatian region. Split, 2000. (lecturer)
European School of Perinatal Medicine. Europian association of perinatal
medicine. Beanec, 2001.
Newer insight in the role of placenta. School of medicine, University of
Zagreb. Postgraduate course of the first category. Zagreb, 2001.

Arterial hypertension and pregnancy. School of medicine, University of

Zagreb. Postgraduate course of the first category. Zagreb, 2002.
Diabetes and pregnancy. School of medicine, University of Zagreb.
Postgraduate course of the first category. Zagreb, 2002.
The importance of colposcopy in early diagnosis and treatment of
preinvasive uterine cervix alterations. Croatian physicians assembly and
Croatian association of colposcopy and uterine cervix diseases. Postgraduate
course of the first category. Split, 2002. (lecturer, president of the
organization board)
Urinary incontinence and treatment of urinary infections. Split, 2002.
The use of micronised progesterone Utrogestane in gynecology and
obstetrics. Split, 2002.
Breast ultrasound. School of medicine, University of Zagreb. Postgraduate
course of the first category. Zagreb, 2003.
Diagnostics, treatment and prognosis of malignant ovarian tumors.
Postgraduate course of the first category. School of medicine in Zagreb.
Zagreb, 2003.
The use of staplers in surgery. Postgraduate course of the first category.
School of medicine, University of Split and University hospital Split. Split,
2003. (lecturer)
Report from the XVII world FIGO congress of gynecologists and
obstetricians in Santiago. Department of gynecology and obstetrics,
University hospital Split. Split, 2003. (lecturer instructor)
Diagnostics, treatment and prognosis of malignant tumors of the uterine
body. First category postgraduate course. School of medicine, University of
Zagreb. Zagreb, 2004.
Detecting, treating and preventing urogenital infections and sexually
transmitted diseases. Zadar, 2004. (lecturer)
Treatment and diagnosis of urogenital and sexually transmitted diseases in
everyday practice. Split, 2004. (lecturer)
Diagnostics, therapy and prophylaxis of urogenital sexually transmitted
infections. Guidelines for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
Zagreb, 2004. (lecturer)
Treatment and diagnosis of urogenital and sexually transmitted infections in
everyday practice. Zagreb, 2004. (lecturer)
Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of preinvasive and early invasive
neoplasias of vulva, vagina and cervix. First category postgraduate course.
School of medicine, University of Zagreb. Zagreb, 2005.
Ultrasound in clinical practice ultrasound in gynecology and obstetrics.
First category postgraduate course. School of medicine, University of Split.
Split, 2005. (lecturer instructor)
Croatian spring school of pediatrics. School of medicine, University of Split
and University hospital Split. Split, 2005. (lecturer)
Selected topics in urogenital, sexually transmitted and other infections with
particular retrospect on pregnancy. Split, 2005. (lecturer)
Urogenital and other infections in everyday medical practice. Dubrovnik,
2005. (lecturer)
Review of the most important infections in medical practice. Zagreb, 2005.

Most important sexually transmitted urogenital and other infections in
everyday medical practice. Osijek, 2005. (lecturer)
News in diagnostics and prevention of HPV infections. Department of
gynecology and obstetrics, University hospital Split. Split, 2006. (lecturer)
Ultrasound in clinical practice ultrasound in gynecology and obstetrics.
First category postgraduate course. School of medicine, University of Split.
Split, 2006. (lecturer instructor)
Mirena in the treatment of menorhaggia. Split, 2006.
Review of antimicrobial treatment of the most important infections in
medical practice. Croatian association for urogenital and sexually
transimitted infections. Croatian physicians assembly. Opatija 2007.
Antimicrobial treatment and prophylaxis of most common infections in
adults and children. Split, 2007. (lecturer)
Gynecologic surgery and endoscopy Kurt Semm. First category
postgraduate course with international participation. School of medicine,
University of Zagreb and Osijek. Osijek, 2007.
Fluorokinolones and macrolides in the treatment of most common infection
syndromes. Split, 2007. (lecturer)
Ultrasound in clinical practice ultrasound in gynecology and obstetrics.
First category postgraduate course. School of medicine, University of Split.
Split, 2007. (lecturer instructor)
Osteoporosis. Croatian association of gynecology and obstetrics, branch of
Split Dalmatian county. Bol, 2008. (lecturer instructor)
Most common infections in gynecology and obstetrics. Croatian association
of gynecology and obstetrics, branch of Split Dalmatian county. Bol, 2008.
(lecturer instructor)
European School of Genetic Medicine Hybrid Course in Non-Invasive
Prenatal Diagnosis. Bologna, 2008., RTC in Split
Urogenital infections selected chapters. Croatian physicians assembly,
Croatian association for urogenital and sexually transmitted infections.
Opatija, 2008. (lecturer)
Workshop On Diagnostic And Operative Hysteroscopy. European Society for
Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE). Maribor, 2008.
Croatian army. Volunteer, chief of medical staff, captain (1991-1993)
Health center Split (1993-1994)
Emergency Split (1994-1995)
Health centre Ploe (1995-1996)
Department of gynecology and obstetrics, University hospital center Split
CARNet coordinator for Clinical hospital center Split 2007-2008. Made the
Web page of the institution.
School of medicine, University of Split (2008-)
Medical doctor, School of medicine, University of Zagreb (State exam passed
in 1986.)

Master of medical science, School of medicine, University of Zagreb (July

31. in 1998.)
Doctor of medical science, School of medicine, University of Rijeka (June
26. in 2006.)
Assistant of Biophysics and scientific methodology in the field of Natural
sciences for the subject of Informatics and Introduction to scientific work
Assistant in gynecology and obstetrics (2002.)
Scientific associate in the field of biomedicine and health services field of
clinical medical science (December 4, 2006.)
Assistant professor of gynecology and obstetrics (January 18, 2007.)
Associate professor of gynecology and obstetrics (May 6, 2010.)
Lecturer in the subject ''Introduction to scientific work'', School of medicine,
University of Split (graduate and postgraduate teaching)
Instructor of the course of lectures in Medical informatics in School of
medicine, University of Split
Lecturer in Gynecology and obstetrics, School of medicine, University of
Lecturer in Gynecology and obstetrics in the High associate degree college in
Lecturer of many elective subjects
Lecturer on several postgraduate studies
Lecturer and organizer of many training courses and congresses
Instructor of first category postgraduate course ''Ultrasound in gynecology
and obstetrics''
Association of the Country war veterans
Association of Croatian physicians - Country war volunteers 1990.-1991.
Croatian physicians assembly
Croatian physicians chamber
Croatian association of gynecology and obstetrics
Croatian gynecological and oncological association
Croatian association for perinatal medicine
Croatian association for endoscopic surgery
Croatian association for colposcopy and uterine cervix diseases
Croatian association for medical informatics
American Association for the Advancement of Science
European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO)
Croatian association for urogenital and sexually transmitted infections Vice
Chlamydia trachomatis study group (CTSG) Vice President
Editorship: Herald of School of medicine in Split
Committee for permanent medical improvement, School of medicine,
University of Split

List of
(last 5 years)

and other


114th Croatian Army commander's acknowledgment for the contribution in
the work of medical personnel, Split 1992.
Croatian country war Memorial honoring brought by the president of Croatia
in the year of 1994 for voluntary participation in war from 1991-1993.
Croatian president's award of the act of reserve officer captain of medical
department in the Croatian army's 114th brigade, Zagreb 1994.
Acknowledgment of the Convention of Croatian physicians assembly for
participation in the country war, 1997.
Acknowledgment for the contribution in raising the hospital standards.
University hospital Split, 2004.
Karelovi D. Tumorska obiljeja i preivljenje oboljelih od raka dojke tijekom 15
godinjeg razdoblja: odnos prijeratnog, ratnog i poslijeratnog razdoblja (doctoral
dissertation). Rijeka: Sveuilite u Rijeci; 2006.
Misic Z, Mamic I, Krezo S, Plavec A, Vrdoljak S, Karelovic D. Delivery of Medical
Services to Different National Groups during the War: An Example from Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 1991-2000. Mil Med 2005;170:9-13.
Kovacic Z, Ivanisevic M, Rogosic V, Plavec A, Karelovic D. Ciklokriokoagulacija u
lijeenju neovaskularnog glaukoma. Lije Vjesn 2005; 126:240-2.
Hrgovic Z, Bukovic D, Mrcela M, Hrgovic I, Slebzehnrbl, Karelovic D. Fatal
Amnioinfusion with Previous Choriocarcinoma in a Parturient Woman. Zentralbl
Gynakol 2004;126:93-5.
Vucinovic M, Jadric H, Karelovic D, Roje D, Haspl-Hundric Z, Hrgovic Z, Vucinovic
Z. Haemolytic Disease of the New-born from a Mother with Anti-Kell, Anti-E and
Anti-Vel Antibodies. Z Geburtsh Neonatol 2004; 208:197-202.
Karelovi D, Krelj V, Pezelj D. Genitalne infekcije uzrokovane ljudskim
papilomavirusima u pedijatriji. Paediatr Croat 2005;49 (Supl 1):226-33.
Misic Z. Mamic I, Krezo S, Plavec A, Bai B, Karelovi D. Perinatalni ishod
vieplodnih trudnoa u rodilitima Knin i Livno 1990.-2002. godine. Lije Vjesn
Karelovi D, Pejkovi L. Zdjelina upalna bolest. Medicus 2006;15 (2):291-8.
Kovacic Z, Ivanisevic M, Karelovic D. The loss of visual field after proliferative
diabetic retinopathy treatment with two different techniques of panretinal
photocoagulation. Acta Med Croatica 2007;61:149-52.
Hrgovic Z, Bukovic D, Hirs I, Mrcela M, Karelovic D, Hrgovic I, Blazicevic V.
Diffuse eosinophilic gastroenteropathy with pleural effusion and ascites. Med Arh
2006;60(6 Suppl 1):57-9.
Karelovi D. Primjena azitromicina u ginekologiji. Medicus 2008;17 (2):51-8.
Karelovi D. Infekcija klamidijom trahomatis serotipa D do K u ena. Medicus
2009;18 (1):29-41.
Karelovi D, Kusi Z. Karcinom dojke. U: Isselbacher et al. Harison principi
interne medicine. Split: Placebo; 1997, p. 1612-21.
ivkovi R, Karelovi D. Dijetoterapija U: Isselbacher et al. Harison principles of
internal medicine. Split: Placebo; 1997, p. 400-8.
ivkovi R, Karelovi D. Parenteralna i enteralna prehrana U: Isselbacher et al.
Harison - principi interne medicine. Split: Placebo; 1997, p. 408-15.

Karelovi D. Kardiologija na Internetu. In: Poli S, Lukin A. Hitna stanja u

kardiologiji i angiologiji. 2. izd. Split: Znanstvena jedinica KB Split; 1999, p. 17-25.
Karelovi D. Uloga Interneta u dijagnostici raka dojke. In: Fajdi J. Suvremena
dijagnostika raka dojke. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2001, p. 249-57.
Karelovi D, Hozo I, Mimica M, Strini T. Trodimenzionalni ultrazvuk. U: Hozo I,
Karelovi D. Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko
drutvo; 2004, p. 423-8.
Karelovi D, Fridl V. Ultrazvuk dojke. In: Hozo I, Karelovi D. Ultrazvuk u klinikoj
praksi. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo; 2004, p. 319-40.
Karelovi D. Epidemioloki podaci koji naglaavaju vanost kolposkopije. In:
Grubii G, Tadin I, Karelovi D. Vanost kolposkopije u ranoj dijagnozi i lijeenju
preinvazivnih promjena epitela vrata maternice. Split: Hrvatsko drutvo ginekologa i
opstetriara, Ogranak Splitsko-dalmatinske upanije; 2002, p. 12-20.
Mimica M, Karelovi D. U: Hozo I, Karelovi D. Ultrazvuk u ginekologiji.
Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo; 2004, p. 287304.
Mimica M, Karelovi D. In: Hozo I, Karelovi D. Ultrazvuk u porodnitvu.
Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo; 2004, p. 30518.
Vuli M, Karelovi D. Suvremeni kolposkopski ureaji i digitalna fotografija. U:
Grubii G, Tadin I, Karelovi D. Vanost kolposkopije u ranoj dijagnozi i lijeenju
preinvazivnih promjena epitela vrata maternice. Split: Hrvatsko drutvo ginekologa i
opstetriara, Ogranak Splitsko-dalmatinske upanije; 2002, p. 5-12.
Grubii G, Znaor Lj, Karelovi D. Vanost kolposkopije kod ena u postmenopauzi.
U: Grubii G, Tadin I, Karelovi D. Vanost kolposkopije u ranoj dijagnozi i
lijeenju preinvazivnih promjena epitela vrata maternice. Split: Hrvatsko drutvo
ginekologa i opstetriara, Ogranak Splitsko-dalmatinske upanije; 2002, p. 50-3.
Karelovi D, Strini T. Samoivai u ginekologiji. U: Druijani N, Perko Z.
Primjena samoivaa-staplera u kirurgiji. Split: Hrvatsko drutvo za digestivnu
kirurgiju; 2003, p. 500-8.
Karelovi D. Klinika bolnica Split na Internetu. U: Miri D, Karelovi D et al.
Osamnaest godina Klinike bolnice Split. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni rad KB Split;
2004, p. 57-60.
Puhari M, Karelovi D. Knjinica Klinike bolnice Split. U: Miri D, Karelovi D et
al. Osamnaest godina Klinike bolnice Split. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni rad KB
Split; 2004, p. 239-42.
Kern J, Karelovi D. Edukacija i usavravanje u medicinskoj informatici. U:
Karelovi D. Medicinska informatika. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni rad KB
Split;2005, p. 67-74.
Karelovi D, Kern J, Male L. Internet u medicinskoj struci i znanosti. U: Karelovi
D. Medicinska informatika. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni rad KB Split;2005, p. 75-86.
Male L, Karelovi D, Znaor Lj. Raunalni sustav. U: Karelovi D. Medicinska
informatika. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni rad KB Split; 2005, p. 154-171.
Karelovi D. Prenatalna dijagnostika. U: Vida uli V, uli S. Sindrom Down.
Split: Udruga 21 za sindrom Down i Naklada Bokovi 2008, p. 221-49.
162.17.Karelovi D. Internet u medicinskoj struci i znanosti. U: Kern J, Petroveki
M. Medicinska informatika. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2009, p. 152-161.
(Udbenik Sveuilita u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Osijeku i Splitu)
Books - author and editor:
Ilakovac V, Karelovi D, Kern J, Petroveki M. Osnove medicinske informatike.
Zagreb: Hrvatska lijenika komora, 2001.

Grubii G, Tadin I, Karelovi D. Vanost kolposkopije u ranoj dijagnozi i lijeenju

preinvazivnih promjena epitela vrata maternice. Split: Hrvatsko drutvo ginekologa i
opstetriara, Ogranak Splitsko-dalmatinske upanije, 2002.
Hozo I, Karelovi D. Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko
drutvo, 2004. (Udbenik Sveuilita u Splitu)
Miri D, Karelovi D et al. Osamnaest godina Klinike bolnice Split. Split: Jedinica
za znanstveni rad KB Split, 2004.
Karelovi D. Medicinska informatika. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni rad KB Split,
2005.Karelovi D, Markovi V, Vlak T, Vuinovi Z. Osteoporoza. Split: Jedinica za
znanstveni rad KBC Split, 2008.
Associate professor of gynecology and obstetrics (May 6, 2010.)
Last academic

Gynaecology and Obstertrics

Elective courses: (Infecions in Gynaecology AND Osteoporosis)
Lecturer at PHD studies
Lecturer and organizer of numerous congreses
Head of PHD I. categorie courseUltrasoud in Gynaecology and Obstetrics


Assist. Prof., Slaven Koki, PhD, MD


Clinical Hospital Centre SPLIT



Personal Web page

Elementary and grammar school education in Split
1965 completed compulsory military Service
1965 enrolled as a medical student at the Medical Faculty of Science, Zagreb
1971 graduated as a Doctor of Medicine.
1971 to 1972 served as a Houseman (Intern) in The University Hospital Split.
During this period did post graduate studies in bio Medicine.
Jan 1974 commenced practicing Internal Medicine at The University Hospital Split.
1978 Qualified in Zagreb as a Specialist in Internal Medicine.
1978 to 1979 Further post graduate studies in Endocrinology at the University of
Qualified 20th December 1979
1985 Submitted thesis for a Masters Degree. Thesis entitled: The cause of the state
of non regulated insulin dependent diabetics in comparison with the regulation of
diabetics under the hospital and outpatient medical control.
Thesis accepted and Masters degree awarded.
1985 commenced tutoring in the field of endocrinology at the University of Split as
assistant to the Professor of Internal Medicine. Participated in the education of
General Practitioners for the whole of Dalmatia by lecturing in the field of
endocrinology and diabetes.
1987 onward. Principal Consulting Physician in the department of endocrinology,
diabetes and metabolic illnesses, Clinical Hospital, Split.
2001 Awarded Professorship of Internal Medicine at the Split Polytechnic
for Nursing Sister, Thesis entitled: Effects of lisper insulin and meteorite
combination in treatment type 2 diabetics.
2005. President of Croatian Association for Diabetes and Metabolic Disease.

List of
(last 5 years)

and other

2006 Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at the Clinic of Internal Medicine at

the School of Medicine Split.
2006 Ph.D. degree at University of Rijeka. Thesis entitled: Effects of lisper insulin
and meteorite combination in treatment type 2 diabetics.
2009. Reelected for next four years on president function of Croatian Association for
Diabetes and Metabolic Disease.
2009. Elected for Vice-Dean of Medical School Split.
Active member of The Diabetic Association of Split, taking part in the education of
During the past fifteen years attended all the European Congress on diabetes and
endocrinology. Also attended much world-wide congress.
To date participated in clinical post marketing analysis of the following medicines:
-glipizide; glimepirid; acarbosa; lispro insulin; tandrolapril; cerivastatin; and also the
third phase of the clinical analysis of acarbose.
Actively attending and participating in all Croatian congress in the field of
endocrinology and diabetes.
To date have published eleven articles published in journals cited in Current Contents
and ten articles published in journals cited in Excerpta Medica.
1. Dikanovic M, Hozo I, Kokic S, Titlic M, Jandric M, Balen I, Kadojic D.
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound assessment of intracranial hemodynamic's in
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 25(6):486-488,
2. Barii I, Ljuti D, Jankovi S, Vlak T, Tomi S, Koki S, Erceg M. Relevant
sonographic parameters of painful shoulder in symptomatic dialyzed patients versus
asymptomatic dialyzed and healthy volunteers. Collegium Antropologicum.
30(2):315-319, 2006.
3. Jovanovi Z, Crncevi-Orli Z, Stimac D, Koki S, Persi V, Ruzi T, Goll-Bari
S. Effects of obesity reduction on cardiovascular risk factors: comparison of
individual and group treatment--substudy of the Croatian Healthy Weight Loss
Programme. [Article] Coll Antropol. 2009;33 (3):751-7.
4. Korljan B, Bagatin J, Koki S, Berovi Matuli N, Barsi Ostoji S, Dekovi A..
The impact of hormone replacement therapy on metabolic syndrome components in
perimenopausal women. Med Hypotheses. 2010;74(1):162-3.
5. Korljan Babi B, Bagatin J, Koki S, Ostoji SB, Carevi V, Berovi N.
Comparison between continuous ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and
standard blood pressure measurements among patients of younger and older age
group. Coll Antropol. 2009;33(1):65-70.
6. Bratanic A, Kokic S, Hozo I, Barisic I, Kokic V., Long-term therapy with proton
pump inhibitors is associated with decreased bone density. Med Hypotheses.
7. Miri L, Miri D, Duplanci D, Koki S, Ljuti D, Pesuti V, Culi V, Fabijani D,
Titli M., Specific and gender differences between hospitalized and out of hospital
mortality due to myocardial infarction. Coll Antropol. 2008;32(2):361-7.
8. Eterovi D, Situm M, Punda A, Markovi V, Koki S. Urinary obstruction
depresses erythropoiesis which recovers after parenchyma-saving surgery but not
SWL. Urol Res. 2009 Dec 1.
Reiner Z, Bozikov V, Car N, Knezevi A, Koki S, Metelko Z, Milici D,
Poli S, Zaputovi L, Zjaci-Rotkvi V., Recommendations of Croatian
societies on treatment of macrovascular and microvascular complications in
patients with metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2--treatment of residual

risk. Lijec Vjesn. 2009; 131(1-2):1-3. Croatian.

Koki S., Koki V., Krni M., Miri L., Jovanovi ., Orli-Crnevi .
Advantage of prandial insulin as a therapeutic approach in initial secondary
pancreatic -cell exhaustion in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia
Croatica, 2010; 39(1): 37-42.
Koki S, Radman M, Crnevi-Orli , Dovak-Koki : Different
treatment rtegimes in people with type 2 diabetes after secondary oral
antidiabetic failure, Diabetic Medicine, 2006;23 (suppl.4), 200-410, P922
Radman M, Jurii-Eren D, Ljuti D, Crnevi-Orli , and Koki S:
Relationship between emotional states and glycaemia control during summer
in people living in Sauthern Croatia, Diabetic Medicine, 2006;23 (suppl.4),
200-410, P1579
Last academic
Elected for Assistant Professor 05. october 2006.
( Professor in October 2010.)
Internal medicine

Professor Krelj Vjekoslav, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Split, Pediatric Clinical Department, Split Croatia



Personal Web page

1983 2006, Head of Department of Neonatology and Metabolic diseases, Professor
of Pediatrics
1978 1983, Health center Sinj, Pediatric outpatient department, Croatia, Physician
Primary health care in Pediatrics
1972 - 1977
University of Zagreb, Medical School
Postgraduate study in Clinical Pediatrics
1983 - 1987
University Hospital Center Zagreb, Pediatric Department
University Hospital Split, Pediatric Department
University of Zagreb, Medical School, Croatia
Postgraduate course: News in diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases
Croatian maritime, undersea and hyperbaric medical society
Postgraduate course in Hyperbaric medicine
Vaccination in Progress, Berlin, Germany
University of Split, Medical School, Croatia
Postgraduate course in Gastroenterology
St. Christopher Hospital for Children
Training in postoperative treatment for children after liver transplantation
Medical school, University of Split, Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Pediatric

List of
(last 5 years)

Croatian pediatric spring-school one-week courses of continuous postgraduate
education in Pediatrics
Polaek, Ozren; Marui, Ana; Rotim, Kreimir; Hayward, Caroline; Vitart,
Veronique; Huffman, Jennifer; Campbell, Susan; Jankovi, Stipan; Boban,
Mladen; Biloglav, Zrinka; Koli, Ivana; Krelj, Vjekoslav et al. Genomewide association study of anthropometric traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. //
Croatian Medical Journal. 50 (2009) , 1; 7-16.
Rudan, Igor; Marui, Ana; Jankovi, Stipan; Rotim, Kreimir; Boban,
Mladen; Lauc, Gordan; Grkovi, Ivica; oga, Zoran; Zemunik, Tatijana;
Vatavuk, Zoran; Beni, Goran; Rudan, Diana; Muli, Rosanda; Krelj,
Vjekoslav; et al. "10001 Dalmatians": Croatia launches its national
biobank.. // Croatian Medical Journal. 50 (2009) , 1; 4-6.
Zanchi J, Karaman K, Lakos V, Plestina- Borjan I, Marki J, Krelj V.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and idiopathic presenile
cataract in Dalmatia, Croatia. Can J Oophthalmol 2007; 42:852-3.
Marki, Joko; Krelj, Vjekoslav et al. High Incidence of Glucose-6phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Croatian Island Isolate: Example
from Vis Island, Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal 47 (2006) 4; 556-570.
Metrovi J, Kardum G, Poli B, Metrovi M, Marki J, usti A, Krelj V.
The influence of chronic health conditions on susceptibility to severe acute
illness of children treated in PICU. Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165: 526-9.
Barii, Marin; Kora, Jelena; Pavlinac, Ivana; Krelj, Vjekoslav; Marui,
Eugenija; Vulliamy, Tom; Terzi, Jano. Characterization of G6PD deficiency
in southern Croatia:description of a new variant, G6PD Split. Journal of
Human Genetics. 50 (2005) , 11; 547-549
Krelj, Vjekoslav. Response to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Purpura
Fulminans. Pediatr Emerg Care 2005; 21: 485
Krelj V, Petri N, Mestrovic J, Andric D, Biocic M. Purpura Fulminans
Successfully Treated With Hyperbaric Oxygen-A Report of 2 Cases. Pediatr
Emerg Care 2005; 21: 31-34.
ike V, Abaza I, Krelj V, Marinovi Terzi I, Tafra R, Trlaja A, Marui E,
Terzi J. Prevalence of Factor V Leiden and G6PD 1311 Silent Mutations in
Dalmatian Population. Arch Med Res 2004; 35: 546-548.
Petri NM, Metrovi J, Andri D, Krelj V, Stipanevi H. Esophagotracheal
fistula after lithium disc battery ingestion sucessfully treated with hyperbaric
oxygen therapy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2003; 67(8): 921-6.
Krelj V, Zlodre S, Terzi J, Mestrovi M, Jaki J. Pavlov N. Prevalence of
G-6-PD Deficiency in the Croatian Adriatic Coast Population. Arch Med Res
2001; 32: 454-7.
Terzi J, Krelj V, Drmi I, Anelinovi , Primorac D, Metrovi J, Balarin
L. Genetic Analysis of the Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
in a Southern Croatia. Coll Antropol 1998; 22: 485-9.
Metrovi J, Krelj V, Balarin L, Metrovi M, krabi V. Congenital
syphilis associated with hyperlipoproteinemia. Pediatric Dermatology
tambuk N, Brzovi Z, Trbojevi-epe M, urkovi T, Bradari N, Brinar V,
Sui Z, Steti I, Dujmov I, Zekan L, Vogrinc Z, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Krelj
V. Immune response and proteins in cerebrospinal fluid and aqueous humor.

Coll Antropol 1996; 20: 427-38.

Mladini-Vuli D, Krelj V, Balarin L, Saraga M, Budimir D, Vuki Z,
Gabri K. Postoperative chylous ascites. Acta Paediatr 1995; 84: 949-51.
Krelj V, Balarin L, Rei B, Jankovi S, uli S, uli V. Familial
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: Therapy with Epipodophyllotoxin.
JAMA 1995; 273: 1470 b. (International abstracts).
Other publications:
Sporisevi L, Krzelj V, Bajraktarevi A, Jahi E. Evaluation of cardiovascular risk in
school children. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2009 Aug;9(3):182-6. (Index Medicus, SCI)
Dropuli N, Metrovi J, Krelj V, onji M, Krcatovi D. Uhranjenost bolesnika
hospitaliziranih na Klinici za djeje bolesti Klinike bolnice Split. Paediatr Croat
Krelj V, Balarin L. Hrvatska proljetna pedijatrijska kola i Paediatria Crotica.
Paediatr Croat 2006;50:111-112.
Metrovi J, Poli B, Radoni M, Strievi L, Omazi A, Baraka K, Marki J,
Stipanevi H, Krelj V, Balarin L. Prijevoz novoroenadi k sebi jedinice
intenzivnog lijeenja Klinike bolnice Split. Paediatr Croat 2005; 49: 25-29.
Karelovi D, Krelj V, Pezelj D. Genitalne infekcije uzrokovane ljudskim
papilomavirusima u pedijatriji. Paediatr Croat 2005; 49 (Supl 1): 226-233.
Krelj V. Novoroenaki osteomijelitis. Paediatr Croat 2004; 48 (Supl 1): 101-6.
Krelj V. Primjena antibiotika u djejoj dobi. Paediatr Croat 2001;45(Supl 1):129-36.
Mestrovi J, Juri I, Kuzmi I, Omazi A, Krelj V, Pavlov N. Kongenitalna cistina
adenomatoidna malformacija - prikaz bolesnika. Gynaecol Perinatol 2001; 10: 51-4.
Krelj V, Kragi I, Glavina-Durdov M, Jakl R, Bucat M, Kuzmi-Prusac I. Ivemark
Syndrome: Asplenia with Kidney Collecting Duct Cysts and Polysplenia with
Cerebellar Cyst. Turk J Pediatr 2000; 42: 234-8.
Juri Z, Krelj V, Peri M, Vukovi J, Dujin M, Percl M. Transplantacija jetre u
djece: Koliko smo daleko od poetka u Hrvatskoj? Paediatr Croat
Krelj V. Nedostatak glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze od genotipa do klinike slike.
Paediatr Croat 1997;41(Supl.1):107-11.
Krelj V. Oteenja prouzroena udisanjem dima. Paediatr Croat 1996; 40 (Supl.2):
Krelj V, Balarin L, Rei B, Jankovi S, uli S, uli V. Familial Hemophagocytic
Lymphohistiocytosis: Therapy with Epipodophyllotoxin. Croatian Medical Journal
1994; 35: 229-32.
Krelj V, Bioi M, krabi V, Juri I. Hipospadija enskog dojeneta. Jugosl pediatr
1989; 32: 62-4.
Saraga M, Krelj V, Zergollern Lj. Sindrom Prune Belly. Acta med iug 1989; 43:
tambuk R, uli S, Krelj V, Martini P, Matana M. Prikaz obitelji s uestalom
pojavom von Willebrandove bolesti. Med an 1988; 14: 195-200.
tambuk R, Krelj V, uli S, Prikaz hemofiliara lijeenih na Odjelu za djeje
bolesti u petnaestgodinjem razdoblju (1970-1984). Med an 1985; 11: 151-7.
Other G-6-PD articles:
Beker M, Krelj V, Dujmov I. Nasljedni nedostatak enzima glukoza-6-fosfat
dehidrogenaze. Jug pediatr 1985; 28:141-7.
Marki J, Krelj V, Markoti A, Marui E, Bonjak N, Sapunar A. Uestalost
nedostatka aktivnost enzima glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze u stanovnika Komie na
otoku Visu. Paediatr Croat 2004; 48 (Supl. 2.): 34.

Sapunar, Ada; Marki, Joko; Krelj, Vjekoslav; Bonjak, Nada. Glucose-6phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Among the Population of Komiza on the Island
of Vis // Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (Vol. 42 No. 9) / Siest, Gerard
Krelj V, Terzi J, Petri B, Marui E, Marki J, MetroviJ. Glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase gene mutations in Dalmatia. Acta Pediatrica Espanola 2002; 60: 475.
Marui E, Krelj V, avi M, Petri B. Deficit glukoza 6 fosfat dehidrogenaze i
novoroenaka utica. Paediatr Croat 2000; 44 (Supl. 3.): 195.
Krelj V, Terzi J, Drmi I, Metrovi J, Vulliamy T. Analiza gena za glukoza-6fosfat dehidrogenazu u osoba sa smanjenom aktivnou ovog enzima u stanovnitvu
Dalmacije. Paediatr Croat 1998; 42 (Supl. 3.): 8.
Terzi J, Krelj V. Deficit glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze ( varijanta Mediteran ) u
uzorku populacije u Junoj Hrvatskoj. Paediatr Croat 1998; 42 (Supl. 3.): 8.
Krelj V, Terzi J, Balarin L, Drmi I, Metrovi J. Uestalost mutacije glukoza 6
fosfat dehidrogenaze Mediteran u Dalmaciji. Paediatr Croat 1998; 42 ( Supl. 2.): 82.
Krelj V, Balarin L, Zlodre S, Terzi J, Jaki J, Marui E, Petri B. Fluorescent spot
screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in Dalmatia. Rim:
Europaediatrics 2000, The UNEPSA and CESP European Congress of Paediatrics,
2000: 115.
Krelj V, Terzi J, Metrovi J, Vulliamy T. Analysis of the glucose 6 phosphate
dehydrogenase gene in the region of Dalmatia. Amsterdam: XXII International
Congress of Pediatrics, 1998: 372.
Chapters in the textbooks:
Rudan, Igor; Rudan, Diana; Safti, Vanja; Musi Milanovi Sanja; Stevanovi,
Ranko; Vuleti Gorka; Baklja Konsuo, Ana; Marki, Joko; Krelj, Vjekoslav;
Pucarin, Jasna; Biloglav, Zrinka; Ivankovi, Davor. Zdravstveno stanje, specifine
bolesti i oekivano trajanje ivota stanovnitva hrvatskih otoka // Stanovnitvo
Hrvatskih otoka 2001. / Smoljanovi, Mladen; Smoljanovi, Ankica ; Rudan, Igor
(editor). Split: Laser plus d.o.o. Zagreb, 2008. P. 69-85.
Metrovi, Julije; Poli, Branka; Saraga Marijan; uli, Srana; krabi, Veselin;
Pavlov, Neven; Metrovi, Marija; Metlii, Vitomir; itko, Vanda; Despot, Ranka;
Krelj,Vjekoslav. Lijeenje djece u jedinici intenzivnog lijeenja // Intenzivna
medicina / Juki, Marko; Gaparovi, Mladen; Husedinovi, Ino; Majeri Kogler,
Vinja; Peri, Mladen; uni, Josip (editor.). Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2008. p.
Krelj V. Prevencija ateroskleroze u djece. In: Bari Ivo. Nasljedne metabolike
bolesti 2007 ; Bolesti krvnih ila . Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2007: 21. 28.
Krelj V. Osobitosti antibakterijske terapije u djejoj dobi. In: Punda-Poli V, Bagatin
J, Bradari N. Antibiotici racionalna primjena. 2. dopunjeno izdanje. Split :
Medicinski fakultet, 2001: 246-261.
Krelj V. Transplantacija jetre u djece. In: Hozo I, Mie S. Odabrana poglavlja iz
gastroenterologije. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo, Ogranak Split, 1999:
Krelj V. Hiperbarina oksigenacija u pedijatriji. IN: Petri NM, Andri D, Ropac D.
Odabrana poglavlja iz hiperbarine oksigenacije. Split : HDPPHM-HLZ, Institut
pomorske medicine HRM, Medicinski fakultet sveuilita u Splitu, 1999: 179-88.
Krelj V. Osobitosti antibakterijskog lijeenja u djejoj dobi. U : Punda-Poli V,
Bagatin J, Bradari N. Antibiotici racionalna primjena. Split: Jedinica za znanstveni
rad KB Split, 1998: 147-161.
Krelj V, Balarin L. Sestrinska anamneza, Status i ocjena djeteta. IN: Jureti M,
Balarin L et al. Pedijatrija za vie medicinske sestre. Split: Klinika bolnica, 1995:

Publications and 37 articles ( CC, SCI, Index medicus, Excerpta medica)
8 chapters in the textbooks
79 other publications
Last academic

May 4, 2006




Professor Ivana Kuzmi Prusac, MD, PhD


Medical School University of Split, oltanska 1, Split

Department of pathology, cytology and forensic medicine, Clinical Hospital Center
Split, Spinieva 1, Split



Personal Web page

01.09.1977. 24.02.1983. Medical school University of Zagreb
1984. 1986. Medical School University of Zagreb, postgraduate study in Medical
1987. 1988. Medical School University of Zagreb, postgraduate study in Medical
1990. Master of medical science mr.sc.
1998. Ph.D.
01.02.1985. 27.02.1989. Fellowship in pathology (Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb)
27.02.1989. till today, staff pathologist, Department of pathology, cytology and
forensic medicine, Clinical Hospital Center Split; Head of Department of pathology.
20.07.2001. till today, Associated professor of pathology Medical school University
of Split
Postgraduate education and training:
1989. god. Department of perinatal pathology, Hammersmith Hospital, London,
Great Britain, (perinatal and fetal pathology)
1991. god. Departemnt of gynecological pathology, Krankenhaus Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany (gynecological pathology and immunohistochemistry)
1991. 1992. Institute Rudjer Bokovi, Zagreb, Croatia, Department of Molecular
Oncology, Zagreb (immunohistochemistry and molecular oncology in endometrial
2008. i 2009. Medical school University of Graz (two international courses in
gynecological and breast pathology)
2010. Department of Pathology, Medical School University of Granada, Spain
(international course in undersanding placental pathology)
1. uli S, Kuzmi I, Prani-Kragi A, Jankovi S. Anti-CD20 monoclonal
List of
antibody (Rituximad) for therapy of CD20-positive nodular lymphocytepublications
predominant Hodgkin lymphoma in an 10-year-old girl. Pediatr Hematol
(last 5 years)
Oncol 2006;23:661-666.
2. Bazina A, Kuzmi-Prusac I, Bazina M. Uzroci perinatalne smrti u
prijevremeno roene djece. Gynaecol Perinatol 2007;16(3):144-149.

and other

3. Serena De Vita, Anny Devoy, Juergen Groet, Boo Krulin, Ivana KuzmiPrusac, Dean Nieti. Megakaryocyte hyperproliferation without GATA1
mutation in foetal liver of a case of Down syndrome with hydrops foetalis. Br
J Haematol (143) 2008;2:300-303.
4. Zekic Tomas S, Antoncic Furlan I, Vrbanovi V, Capkun V, Gugic D, Kuzmic
Prusac I. Ulcerative tracheitis among intubated neonates A
clinicopathologic study. Int J pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2010;74:279-282.
5. Juri I, Pogoreli Z, Kuzmi-Prusac I, Bioi M, Jakovljevi G, Stepan J,
upani B, uli S, Krulin B. Expression and prognostic value of the Ki-6
in Wilms tumor: experience with 48 cases. Pediatr Surg Int 2010;26:483-93.
6. Tomas SZ, Roje D, Prusac IK, Tadin I, Capkun V. Morphological
characteristic of placentas associated with idiopathic intrauterine growth
retardation: a clinicopathologic study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol

1.Anelinovi , Forempoher G, Glavina-Durdov M, Kuzmi Prusac I. Bolesti kao

posljedica djelovanja okolia. In: Juki S, Damajnov I ed. Opa patologija, Zagreb,
Medicinska naklada 2002;198-256.
2. Teaching texts in student book for the postgraduate course for continous
professional education in Coroners Service, Split, 2004.
3. imun Anelinovi, Gea Forempoher, Merica Glavina-Durdov, Ivana KuzmiPrusac. Bolesti kao posljedica djelovanja okolia. In: Damjanov I, Juki S, Nola M
ed. Patologija, Zagreb, Medicinska naklada 2008;197-225.
Mentorig master science degree dr med Ivana amija Suppressor gene nm23 and
Ki-67 proliferation gene expression in endometrial cancer, March 2006.
Mentoring Ph.D dr med Damir Roje Factors in apoptosis and proliferation in the
trophoblast of term placentas of idiopathic intrauterine growth restriction, 2009.
Mentoring Ph.D dr. med Ivo Juri MAGE and Ki-67 expression in nephroblastoma
and related tumors in children, June 2010.
Recognized mentoring Ph.D. topic research assistant dr.med Sandre Zeki Toma on
the scientific project where the principal investigator is mentor.
Mentor five students degrees of Medical doctor at Medical School University of Split
Since 1987. has been involved in undergraduate teaching at the School of Medicine.
Since 2006. Associate professor of cumulative employment at the Department of
Pathology at the School of Medicine University of Split
Since 2006. Senior research associate
The main investigator on Scientific project, Ministry of science, Croatia, Apoptosis
in placentas complicated by IUGR and preeclampsia, project number 216-00000000533.
Last academic
September 5, 2006. Associate professor of pathology
Graduate course in Pathology on Medical and Dental School University of Split,
Participates in approximately 150 hours per academic year and has circa 25 years
Doctoral programs courses:
The head teacher in course Molecular pathology of pediatric tumors as part of
Biology of neoplasms doctoral program.
Participation in the courses Precancerous lesions of mucosa of digestive system and

Molecular characteristics of neoplasms of female genital tract and breast, both as

part of Evidence-Based Medicine doctoral program.
Participation in the course Teratology, doctoral program Biology of neoplasms.
Postgraduate courses in continuing medical education:
Participation in the courses: Coroners Service and Mammography and breast

Professor Ivo Lui, MD, PhD


Medicinski Fakultet Sveuilita u Splitu

Kliniki Bolniki Centar Split



Personal Web page

1976: M.D., Zagreb University School of Medicine
1987: BSc, Zagreb University School of Medicine
1998: Ph.D.; Zagreb University, School of Medicine.
1983: Neurologist, Clinical Department of neurology KBC Zagreb
1991- 1998: Head of the Clinical Unit for General Neurology, KBC Split
1998 - today: Head of the Clinical Department of Neurology, KBC Split.
1988 2004.: Research Associate, Zagreb University
1999- 2004: Ass. Professor of Neurology, Split University School of Medicine
2004 - today: Professor of Neurology, Split University.
President of Croatian Neurological Society (2003. today)
President of GSK Brain Academy Croatia (2004. today)
Vicepresident of Croatian Society for EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology. (2009.
National delegate: European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS), World
Federation of Neurology (WFN).
1. The Fifth Organization to assess strategies in acute ischemic syndromes
investigators. Comparison of fondaparinux and enoxaparin in acute coronary
syndromes. NEJM. 2006; 354:1464-76.
2. Lui I, Radoni V, Pavelin S, Bili I. Is C-reactive protein a better predictor of
recurrent carotid disease following carotid endarterectomy than established risk
factors for atherosclerosis? VASA Journal of Vascular Diseases. 2006;35:221-5.
3. Boji L, Rogoi V, Ivanievi M, Matijaca M, Lui I, Pintari I, VrebalovCindro V, Rai G. Progression of optic neuritis to multiple sclerosis in the
County of Split-Dalmatia, Croatia. Collegium Antropologicum. 2007; 31:557-60.
4. Barun B, Brinar V, Zadro I, Lui I, Radovi D, Habek M. Parkinsonism and
multiple sclerosis-Is there association? Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
2008; 110:95861.
5. Lui I, Eterovi D, Titli M. Suradljivost bolesnika s epilepsijom. Acta Medica
Croatica. 2005; 59: 13-18.
6. ODonnell MJ, Xavier D, Liu L, Zhang H, Chin SL, Rao-Melacini P, Rangarajan
S, et al. Risk factors for ischaemic and intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke in 22
countries (the INTERSTROKE study): a case-control study. The Lancet, 2010;
376: 112-123.
7. Demarin V, Vukovi V, Lovreni-Huzjan A, Lui I, Januljak D, Wilheim K,
Zurak N. Evidence based guidelines for treatment of primary headaches. Acta
Clinica Croatica. 2005; 44:139-83.

and other

8. Lui I. Triptani prekretnica u lijeenju migrene. Medix 2005; 59:59-64.

9. Demarin V, Lovreni-Huzjan A, Trkanjec Z, Vukovi V, Vargek-Solter V, eri
V, Lui I, Kadoji D, Bielen I, Tukan-Mohar L, Aleksi-Shihabi A, Dikanovi
M, Hat J, DeSyo D, Lupret V, Bero V. Recommendations fot stroke management
2006 update. Acta Clinica Croatica. 2006; 45:219-85.
10. Titli M, Matijaca M, Marovi A, Lui I, Tonki A, Juki I, Karai S. Kvaliteta
ivota u oboljelih s multiplom sklerozom. Acta Medica Croatica. 2007;61:35560.
11. Bili I, Filipovi-Gri P, Lui I. Time to hospital admission in patients with
acute stroke. Observational study in Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. Acta Clinica
Croatica. 2007; 46:21-5.
12. Titli M, Oroli K, Tonki A, Juki I, Lui I. Procjena oteenja mozga
magnetskom rezonancijom oboljelih od multiple skleroze. Acta Medica Croatica.
2008; 62.5-8.
13. Lui I, Bili I. Triptani prekretnica u lijeenju migrene. Acta Medica Croatica
2008; 62:173-8.
14. Demarin V, Vukovi V, Lovreni-Huzjan A, Lui I, Januljak D, Wilhelm K,
Zurak N. Smjernice za lijeenje primarnih glavobolja zasnovane na dokazima.
Acta Medica Croatica 2008; 62:99-136.
15. Titli M, Tonki A, Juki I, Lui I, Dikanovi M. Side effects of ropinirole in
patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008; 109:273-5.
16. Lui I. Algoritam zbrinjavanja bolesnika s TIA-om. Lijeniki Vjesnik 2008;
130 (Supl. 6): 7-9.
17. Bili I, Bagat M, Polaek O, Lui I, Marovic A. Evaluacija rada Klinike za
neurologiju Klinike bolnice Split u jednogovodinjem razdobolju u odnosu na
nacionalne standarde. Lijeniki Vjesnik 2008;130:24851.
18. Titli M, Bai S, Hajnek S, Lui I. Comorbidity psychiatric disorders in
epilepsy: a review of literature. Bratisl Lek Listy 2009; 110:103-7.
19. Pezelj N, Titli M, Lui I. Epilepsija u Splitsko-Dalmatinskoj upaniji
Prevalencija i terapijski pristupi. Acta Med Croatica 2009; 63:153-7.
20. Bili I, Damonja G, Lui I, Matijaca M, aljkui K. Risk factors and outcome
differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Acta Clin Croat 2009; 48:
21. Titli M, Lui I, Bua A, Vrebalov-Cindro V. Lamotrigin u lijeenju radikularnih
boli. Neurologia Croatica 2005; 54:139-40.
22. Titli M, Bua A, Lui I, Ujevi A, Borzi Z. Hiperventilacija u lijeenju edema
mozga. Neurologia Croatica 2005;54:154-5.
23. Matijaca M, Bili I, Lui I, Pavelin S, Pintari I. Naa iskustva u lijeenju
multiple skleroze bolesnika beta-interferonom u razdobolju 2001-2005. Second
Bosnia and Herzegovina congress of Neurology: Book of abstracts. Sarajevo,
24. Lui I. Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer's disease and evidence-based medicine.
Neurologia Croatica 2008; 57(Suppl 4):39.
25. Lui I, Damonja G, Bili I, aljkui K. Is low antiepileptic drug dose effective
in a long-term seizure-free patients? Neurologia Croatica 2008; 57 (Suppl. 6): 85.
BSc Disertation:
Klinika i neuro-psiho-fizioloka diferencijacija poremeaja kratkotrajnog pamenja
u bolesnika s kroninim psihooorganskim sindromom. Medicinski fakultet
Sveuilita u Zagrebu, 1987., 137 pages.
PhD disertation:
Digoksinu sline supstance u plazmi i cerebrospinalnom likvoru bolesnika sa

subarahnoidalnim krvarenjem. Medicinski fakultet Sveuilita u Zagrebu, 1998.,

146 pages.
1. Lui I. Epilepsije. Split: Vlastito izdanje; 2007.
2. Lui I. Demencije. In: Durakovi Z. i suradnici: Gerijatrija Medicina starije
dobi. Zagreb: CT poslovne informacije d.o.o. Zagreb; 2007. p. 388-393.
3. Lui I. Sekundarna prevencija modanog udara. IN: Poli S, Lukin A, Bagatin J,
editor. Odabrana poglavlja iz kardiovaskularnog lijeenja. Split: Jedinica za
znanstveni rad KB Split; 2008.
4. Brinar V, Lui I, Hajnek S, Bai S. Paroksizmalni poremeaji svijesti. IN:
Brinar V. i suradnici: Neurologija. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2008. p. 240-71.
5. Brinar V, Lui I. Kognitivni poremeaji: akutna konfuzna stanja, amnestiki
sindromi i demencije. IN: Brinar V. i suradnici: Neurologija. Zagreb: Medicinska
naklada; 2008. p. 430-63.
6. Lui I. Central pain: Mechanisms, semiology and treatment. Rad Hrvatske
akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 504, Knjiga XXXIII, Zagreb; 2009: 79-91.
Last academic
June 4th 2009.

Clinical Neurology; Propedeutics


Assistant Professor Marko Ljubkovi, M.D., Ph.D.


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

2002. MD degree at University of Zagreb School of Medicine
2006. PhD degree at Graduate School Physiology Program, Medical College of
2005- 2007 American Heart Predoctoral Fellowship Award
2006 Best poster award, Medical College of Wisconsin
Research Interests:
The mechanisms of cardioprotection by exercise in heart failure: the role of
Cardiovascular changes following SCUBA diving and venous gas bubble
Exercise-induced improvement of chronic heart failure: the role of KATP channels
and mitochondria, UKF Reintegration grant (3B); principal investigator
Physiology of SCUBA diving, UKF Crossing borders grant (1B); participant
Animal Model for Studying the Effects of Exercise on Cardiac Function, UKF
gaining experience grant (2A); principal investigator
Ljubkovic M, Marinovic J, Obad A, Breskovic T, Gaustad SE, and Dujic Z.
List of
of venous and arterial gas emboli at rest after trimix diving without
J Appl Physiol, 2010.
(last 5 years)
Obad A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Breskovic T, Modun D, Boban M, and
Dujic Z. Successive deep dives impair endothelial function and enhance oxidative
stress in man. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 2010.

Gaustad SE, Brubakk AO, Hoydal M, Catalucci D, Condorelli G, Dujic Z,
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Mollerlokken A, and Wisloff U. Immersion before dry
simulated dive reduces cardiomyocyte function and increases mortality after
decompression. J Appl Physiol 109: 752-757, 2010.
Ljubkovic M, Gaustad SE, Marinovic J, Obad A, Ivancev V, Bilopavlovic N,
Breskovic T, Wisloff U, Brubakk A, and Dujic Z. Ultrasonic evidence of acute
interstitial lung edema after SCUBA diving is resolved within 2-3h. Respiratory
physiology & neurobiology 171: 165-170, 2010.
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Breskovic T, Salamunic I, Denoble PJ,
and Dujic Z. Assessment of extravascular lung water and cardiac function in trimix
SCUBA diving. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 42: 1054-1061, 2010.
Dujic Z, Uglesic L, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Heusser K, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic
M, and Palada I. Involuntary breathing movements improve cerebral oxygenation
during apnea struggle phase in elite divers. J Appl Physiol 107: 1840-1846, 2009.
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Bakovic D, Breskovic T, and Dujic Z.
Effects of successive air and trimix dives on human cardiovascular function.
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 41: 2207-2212, 2009.
Sedlic F, Pravdic D, Ljubkovic M, Marinovic J, Stadnicka A, and Bosnjak
ZJ. Differences in production of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial
uncoupling as events in the preconditioning signaling cascade between desflurane
and sevoflurane. Anesth Analg 109: 405-411, 2009.
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Stadnicka A, Bosnjak ZJ, and Bienengraeber M.
Role of sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive potassium channel in oxidative stress-induced
apoptosis: mitochondrial connection. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 294: H13171325, 2008.
10. Hogan Q, Lirk P, Poroli M, Rigaud M, Fuchs A, Fillip P, Ljubkovic M,
Gemes G, and Sapunar D. Restoration of calcium influx corrects membrane
hyperexcitability in injured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Anesth Analg 107:
1045-1051, 2008.
11. Lirk P, Poroli M, Rigaud M, Fuchs A, Fillip P, Huang CY, Ljubkovic M,
Sapunar D, and Hogan Q. Modulators of calcium influx regulate membrane
excitability in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Anesth Analg 107: 673-685, 2008.
12. Ljubkovic M, Mio Y, Marinovic J, Stadnicka A, Warltier DC, Bosnjak ZJ,
and Bienengraeber M. Isoflurane preconditioning uncouples mitochondria and
protects against hypoxia-reoxygenation. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 292: C15831590, 2007.
13. Stadnicka A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Bienengraeber MW, and Bosnjak
ZJ. Volatile anesthetic-induced cardiac preconditioning. J Anesth 21: 212-219,
14. Jiang MT, Nakae Y, Ljubkovic M, Kwok WM, Stowe DF, and Bosnjak ZJ.
Isoflurane activates human cardiac mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate-sensitive
K+ channels reconstituted in lipid bilayers. Anesth Analg 105: 926-932, table of
contents, 2007.
15. Ljubkovic M, Shi Y, Cheng Q, Bosnjak Z, and Jiang MT. Cardiac
mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel is activated by nitric oxide in vitro.
FEBS Lett 581: 4255-4259, 2007.
16. Ljubkovic M, Marinovic J, Fuchs A, Bosnjak ZJ, and Bienengraeber M.
Targeted expression of Kir6.2 in mitochondria confers protection against hypoxic
stress. The Journal of physiology 577: 17-29, 2006.
17. Jiang MT, Ljubkovic M, Nakae Y, Shi Y, Kwok WM, Stowe DF, and Bosnjak
ZJ. Characterization of human cardiac mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium

channel and its regulation by phorbol ester in vitro. Am J Physiol Heart Circ
Physiol 290: H1770-1776, 2006.
18. Sapunar D, Ljubkovic M, Lirk P, McCallum JB, and Hogan QH. Distinct
membrane effects of spinal nerve ligation on injured and adjacent dorsal root
ganglion neurons in rats. Anesthesiology 103: 360-376, 2005.
See above
Publications and other
Last academic

Assistant Professor (2008)




Professor Dragan Ljuti, MD, PhD

Professor of Internal Medicine
Clinical hospital Split, Split University School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Educations and academic degrees:
1980. - graduated at University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1985. 1989. - registrar in internal medicine at Clinical Hospital Split and Clinical
Hospital Centre Rebro in Zagreb.
1989. passed an exam and became a specialist in internal medicine.
1985. Postgraduate study of Clinical patophysiology at University of Rijeka School
of Medicine
1988. Master Degree at University in Rijeka School of Medicine
1988. completed a postgraduate course of dialysis
1989. completed a postgraduate course of medical ultrasound
1988. Scientific assistant
1991. Ph. D. at University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1992. spent one year as a honorary registrar in clinical nephrology at Renal Unit at
Guy's Hospital in London with Professor J.S. Cameron (a grant from International
Society of Nephrology)
1993. spent one month at Guy's Hospital (a grant from British Council)
1996. Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
1999. Associated Professor of Internal Medicine
2003. Full Professor of Internal Medicine at School of Medicine Split
2004. European specialist in arterial hypertension
2005. Premium professional member of American Heart Association (invited)
2008. Permanent full Professor of Internal Medicine at School of Medicine
University of Split
Employments and affiliations:
1980. 1982. - was a house officer at House of Public Health in Split.
1982. 1985. - general practitioner in Makarska.
Since 1989. has been working as a specialist in internal medicine at Clinical Hospital
1989. - became a Chief of Nephrology at Department of Internal Medicine at Clinical
Hospital Split
1996. became a Head of Division of Nephrology and Dialysis at Department of

List of
(last 5 years)

Internal Medicine Clinical Hospital Split

2002. 2008. Head of Department of Internal Medicine at Clinical Hospital Split
location Kriine.
2009. - Advisor to the Dean: International collaboration (Split University School of
2009. - Head of Department of Internal Medicine at School of Medicine University of
Member and current positions at scientific and professional societies:
1980. member, The Croatian Society of Medicine
1989. member, The Croatian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
1988. member, The New York Academy of Sciences
1989. member, The International Society of Nephrology
1993. member, ERA & EDTA
1996. member, The British Society of Medicine
2001. Vice-president, The Croatian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and
2004. European specialist for arterial hypertension
2005. Premium professional member of AHA (by invitation)
2006. diploma of Croatian Society of Medicine
2008. President, The Croatian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
2009. diploma of Croatian Society of Medicine
1. Radi J, Ljuti D, Radi M, Kovai V, Sain M, Curkovi KD. The possible impact
of dialysis modality on cognitive function in chronic dialysis patients. Neth J Med.
2. Barisi I, Ljuti D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Peri I, Mise K, Klancnik M, Jankovi S.
Beta2-microglobuline plasma level and painful shoulder in haemodialysed patients.
Coll Antropol. 2010;34 Suppl 1:315-20.
3. Ljuti D. When, why and how should we treat anaemia in chronic kidney disease?
Acta Med Croatica. 2009 Sep;63 Suppl 1:75-6.
4. Miri L, Miri D, Duplanci D, Koki S, Ljuti D, Pesuti V, Culi V, Fabijani D,
Titli M. Specific and gender differences between hospitalized and out of hospital
mortality due to myocardial infarction. Coll Antropol. 2008;32(2):361-7.
5. Sain M, Filipovi T, Pehar G, Ljuti D. "Sweet" hydrothorax--the early
complication of CAPD: case report. Acta Med Croatica. 2008;62 Suppl 1:90-2.
6. Kovacic V, Ljutic D, Dodig J, Radic M, Duplancic D. Influence of haemodialysis
on early markers of atherosclerosis. Nephrology (Carlton). 2008 Dec;13(6):472-9.
7. Ljuti D, Dodig J, Kovaci V. Arterial hypertension and diet. Lijec Vjesn.
8. Barisi I, Ljuti D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Jankovi S. Laboratory and sonographic
findings in dialyzed patients with bilateral chronic knee pain versus dialyzed
asymptomatic patients. Coll Antropol. 2007;31(2):489-94.
9. Ljutic D, Radovnikovic G, Kurir TT. Acute renal failure associated with
rhabdomyolysis in acute Q Fever. Ren Fail. 2007;29(6):743-6.
10. Radman M, Jurisi D, Ljuti D, Jerkovi R, Kovaci N, Hozo IS. Assessing
glycemia in type 1 diabetic patients using a microdialysis system for continuous
glucose monitoring. Ann Saudi Med. 2007 May-Jun;27(3):166-70.
11. Bazina M, Glavina-Durdov M, Sukanec-Spoljar M, Bazina A, Vukojevi K,
Ljuti D, Saraga M. Epidemiology of renal disease in children in the region of
southern Croatia: a 10-year review of regional renal biopsy databases. Med Sci
Monit. 2007;13(4):172-6.
12. Hozo I, Rumboldt Z, Andelinovic S, Ljutic D, Bojic L, Miric D. The spectrum of

and other

diffuse and focal liver lesions in workers exposed to vinylchloridemonomer. Ann

Saudi Med. 1997;17(5):571-2.
13. Radi M, Martinovi Kaliterna D, Ljuti D. The level of anti-topoisomerase I
antibodies highly correlates with metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal
joints flexion contractures in patients with systemic sclerosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol.
14. Barisi I, Ljuti D, Jankovi S, Vlak T, Tomi S, Koki S, Erceg M. Relevant
sonographic parameters of a painful shoulder in symptomatic dialyzed patients versus
asymptomatic dialyzed and healthy volunteers. Coll Antropol. 2006;30(2):313-8.
15. Simuni M, Ljuti D, Mise S, Pesuti-Pisac V, Tonki M, Hozo I. Helicobacter
pylori eradication for the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms in chronic renal failure.
Ann Saudi Med. 2005 Sep-Oct;25(5):425-7.
16. Kovacic V, Ljutic D. Two spent dialysate samples are sufficient for hemodialysis
efficacy assessment. Int J Artif Organs. 2005;28(1):22-9.
Book edited: Acute renal failure in 1995.
Published 35 articles in journals citated in Current content and >70 in other journals
and books.

Last academic

2008. Permanent full Professor of Internal Medicine at School of

Medicine University of Split


2009. - Head of Department of Internal Medicine at School of Medicine University of



Professor Dujomir Marasovi MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Born January 1st 1952. in Kostanje, Omi, married, father of one child
1. MD in University of Zagreb School of Medicine,
2. 1975 Specialist examination in dermatology
3. 1983, subspecialist in cosmetology
4. Involved in teaching since 1983
5. 1988- Masters degree
6. 1997- PhD
2001- Assistant professor, University of Split, School of Medicine
7. Currently Associate Professor, University of Split School of Medicine
1. Marasovi D., Vuki I. Allergic contact dermatitis in patients with leg ulcers.
List of
Contact Dermatitis 1999;41:107-109.
(last 5 years) 2. Marasovi D, Grljui M, Miri D, Musi I, Brzovi M, Luki KL. Health Care
Relief to Neighbors: Split University Hospital during the 1991-1995 War in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Croat Med J 2002;43:229-233
3. Marasovi D., Brzovi M. War injuries in Croatia: cost and duration of
hospitalization. The National Medical Journal of India 2003;16:165
4. Levanat S, itum M, Crni I, Marasovi D, Puizina-Ivi N, Pokupi N, Musani V,
Komar A, Kubat M, Fura I, Vlahovi M, Krianac . Alterations in CDKN2A Locus
as Potential Indicator of Melanoma Predisposition in Relatives of Non-Familial

Melanoma Cases. Croat Med J 2003;44(4):418-424

5. Marasovi D., Anelinovi D, Basta-Juzbai A. Chancroid a case report. Acta
Dermatovenerol Croat 2000;869-71
6. Marasovi D. Acne vulgaris. Paediatr Croat 2001;45(Supl 1):211-5
7. Marasovi D. Alopecia areata. Paediatr Croat 2001;45(Supl 1):217-20
8. Marasovi D. Novoroenake, dojenake i djeje akne. Pediatr Croat 2001;45
(Supl 1):221-2
9. Gligora M, Brajac I. Marasovi D. Psoriatic lesions on the capillitium and pubes
do not have infiltrate (and why does squama fall off by topical therapy in 1 2 days?)
Acta Dermatovenerolgy Croat 2000;8(2):130
10. Ledina D, Bradari N, Ivi I, Marasovi D, Radovi D, Ostoji-Bakotin V,
Prgomet S. Je li mogue trajno oteenje bubrene funkcije nakon preboljele
hemoragijske vruice s bubrenim sindromom? Acta Med Croat 2003;57:365-368
11. Marasovi D, arija A, Puizina-Ivi, Titli M, Barii-Druko V. Syphilitic
aneurysm: case report. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2003;11(4):217-220
12. Ledina D, Rini J, Ivi I, Marasovi D, Ledina D. A Child with Bartonella
Henselae Osteomyelitis of the Right Humerus. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2004,
13. Mali I, Buljevi D, Marasovi D, Dasovi-Buljevi A, Plea Z, Aberle N,
Malenica B, Various clinical presentations of polyartheritis nodosa. Revue du
rheumatisme english edition 1997;64:22
14. Juki Z, Ruevi I, Barii-Druko V, Marasovi D. Historical Development of
Local Therapy of Psoriasis vulgaris Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2004, 12(3):191-196
15. Puizina-Ivi N, Bezi J, Marasovi D, Gotovac V, arija A, Boi M.
Angiosarcoma Arising in Sclerodermatous Skin, Acta Dermatoven APA 2005, 14(1),
1. Marasovi D. Naevus Naevocellularis epidemiologic features in the Split Region.
Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2000;8:34
and other
qualifications 2. Babi EA, Erceg M, Barii Z, Borzi E, Zorani V, Kaliterna V, Carev M,
Marasovi D. Dermatophyte infections in the Split_Dalmatia country. Acta
Dermatovenerol Croatia 2000;8:119
3. Marasovi D. Acne vulgaris; Alopecia areata. Hrvatska proljetna pedijatrijska
kola, Split 23-27.04.2001.
4. Puizina-Ivi N, Marasovi D, Stipi T, arija A. Die to survive an overview of
apoptosis in skin tumors and precancerous lesions. JEADV, Barcelona, Spain,
5. Lipozeni J., Marasovi D. Ciklosporin u lijeenju psorijaze, Suvremene spoznaje
o psorijazi, Medicinska naklada 2004, 139-144
Last academic
June 9th 2005.



Assistant Professor, Marina Maras-imuni


University Hospital Split



Personal Web page

1977. - High school, Split

1983. - School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

1986. -1991. Emergency Unit Split
1991.-1993. Scientific Unit, University Hospital Split
1989. -1991. Postgraduate study course in clinical pathophysiology, masters degree.
School of Medicine, University of Rijeka
1993. -1997. Specialization of radiology, University Hospital Split and University
Hospital Zagreb
2009. - Doctor s degree: Use of modified multidetector CT colonography for the
evaluation of acute and subacute colon obstruction caused by colorectal cancer.
School of Medicine, University of Split
Technical skills and competencies: Computed tomography, MR, Ultrasound (primary
abdominal), Mamography and conventional radiological methods
1 Druzijanic N, Maras-Simunic M, Roglic J, Juricic J, Perko Z, Kraljevi D,
List of
Simunic M, Tomic S, Krnic D, Bilan K, Srsen D. Multi-slice computed
tomography (MSCT) in the evaluation of the left-sided obstructive colon
(last 5 years)
cancer. Hepatogastroenterology. 2006; 53(I):139.
2 Maras-imuni M, Rogli J, Druijani N, Tomi S. MSCT kolonografija
(virtualna kolonoskopija) u prijeoperacijskoj evaluaciji opstruktivnih
kolorektalnih tumora. Lije Vjesn 2006;128:71.
3 Maras-imuni M. Multidetektorska CT kolonografija (MDCTC) u
dijagnostici kolorektalnog karcinoma. Acta Chirurgica Croatica 2007;4:35.
4 Grandic L, Jukic I, Simunic M, Tonkic A, Maras-Simunic M, Banovi J,
Vrebalov-Cindro V, Hozo I. Successful conservative and endoscopic
treatment of pancreatic fistula due to splenectomy following blunt abdominal
trauma. Med Arh. 2007;61:56-8.
5 Maras-imuni M, Grandi L, Brni D, imuni M, Druzijani N. Massive
gastrointestinal bleeding and obstruction of the ureter caused by the
migration of a swallowed toothpick from the sigmoid colon A case report.
Coll Antropol. 2008;32(1):311-3.
6 Druzijani N, Perko Z, Kraljevi D, Jurici J, Maras-Simuni M, Bilan K,
Krni D, Pogoreli Z, Tomi S, Srsen D. Harmonic scalpel in transanal
microsurgery. Hepatogastroenterology. 2008;55:356-8.
7 Maras-Simunic M, Druzijanic N, Simunic M, Roglic J, Tomic S, Perko Z.
Use of modified multidetector CT colonography for the evaluation of acute
and subacute colon obstruction caused by colorectal cancer: a feasibility
study. Dis Colon Rectum. 2009;52:489-95.
8 Miroslav imuni, Damir Fabijani, Nikola Perkovi, Zoran Bogdanovi,
Marina Maras-imuni, Toni Batini, Ante Tonki. Acute mesenteric
ischemia due to superior mesenteric artery embolism in a patient with
permanent atrial fibrillation. Signa vitae. 2010;5 (1):40-3.
See above
Publications and other

Last academic

July 16th 2009. Assistant Professor

1. Medical radiology
2. Imaging methods of the liver and biliary tract -elective


Assistant professor Ivana Marinovic Terzic, dr. med,


Split University Medical School



Personal Web page

Secondary school: 1988-1992 Laboratory tech., Health educational centre, Split
University: 1992-1999 Medical Doctor University of Zagreb, Medical School
Postgraduate 2000-2003: Basic and Clinical Medical Science, University of Split
2004. Short term fellowship Goethe university School of Medicine, Frankfurt
Institute of Biochemistry, Prof. Ivan Dikic group
20062007. Postdoctoral fellow Moores Cancer Center, UCSD, California (San
Diego), Prof. dr. sc Jean Y.J. Wang group
05.09.2009. Defended Doctorate thesis: Defect of the apoptotic response to
Cisplatin in R20Q variant of PMS2 protein
13.06. 2000.-10.09.2008 Teaching Assistant at the department of
Physiology and Immunology at Split University School of Medicine,

List of
(last 5 years)

11.09.2008. present Assistant professor at the department of

Immunology and Molecular genetics, Split University School of
Medicine, Croatia
04.10. 1999. 12.06.2000. University hospital Split Residency
13.06. 2000.-10.09.2008. Teaching Assistant at the department of Immunology at
Split University Medical School, Croatia
11.09.2008. present Assistant professor at the department of Immunology and
Molecular genetics, Split University School of Medicine, Croatia
2007/08. Member of the Board for teaching
2008 present president of the Board for quality assurance at Medical school.
2002 2010. Teaching at the undergraduate studies of Medicine and Dental
medicine, courses Immunology and Genetics, Biology and Phisiology.
Marinovic-Terzic I, Yoshioka-Yamashita A, Shimodaira H, Avdievich E,
Hunton IC, Liskay MR, Kolodner RD, Edelmann W, Wang J.Y .
Apoptotic Function of Human PMS2 Compromised by the
Nonsynonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphic Variant R20Q. Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA. 2008 Sept;105(37):13993-8.
Terzic J, Marinovic-Terzic I, Ikeda F, Dikic I. Ubiquitin signals in the
NF-kappaB pathway. Biochem Soc Trans. 2007 Nov;35(Pt 5):942-5.
Marinovi-urin J, Marinovi-Terzi I, Bujas-Petkovi Z, Zekan L,
Skrabi V, Doga Z, Terzi J. Slower cortisol response during ACTH
stimulation test in autistic children. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2008
Dujic Z, Ivancev V, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Marinovic-Terzic I, Eterovic D,
Wisloff U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after
maximal exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Feb;38(2):318-22.
Dujic Z, Bakovic D, Marinovic-Terzic I, Eterovic D. Acute effects of a
single open sea air dive and post-dive posture on cardiac output and
pulmonary gas exchange in recreational divers. Br J Sports Med. 2005

6. Zemunik T, Skrabic V, Boraska V, Diklic D, Marinovic-Terzic I, Capkun V,

Peruzovic M, Terzic J. FokI polymorphism, vitamin D receptor, and interleukin-1
receptor haplotypes are associated with type 1 diabetes in the Dalmatian population. J
Mol Diagn. 2005 Nov;7(5):600-4
See above
Publications and other qualifications
Last academic

April 10th 2009. Assistant professor


Immunology and Medical genetics, elective courses: Molecular research in Medicine

and Curiosities in Biomedicine


Assistant Professor Jasna Marinovi Ljubkovi, M.D., PhD.


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

2002. M.D. degree at University of Zagreb School of Medicine
2006. Ph.D. degree at Graduate School Physiology Program, Medical College of
2006 American Heart Predoctoral Fellowship Award
2007 Excellence in Physiology Award from Department of Physiology at Medical
College of Wisconsin
2007 Outstanding Dissertation Award from Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
at Medical College of Wisconsin
Research Interests:
The mechanisms of cardioprotection by exercise in heart failure: role of KATP
Cardiovascular changes following SCUBA diving
Exercise-induced improvement of chronic heart failure: the role of KATP channels
and mitochondria, UKF Reintegration grant (3B); principal investigator
Physiology of SCUBA diving, UKF Crossing borders grant (1B); investigator
Induction of Chronic Heart Failure in Rats by Coronary Artery Ligation, UKF
Gaining experience grant (2A); principal investigator
Ljubkovic M, Marinovic J, Obad A, Breskovic T, Gaustad SE, and Dujic Z. High
List of
incidence of venous and arterial gas emboli at rest after trimix diving without
protocol violations. J Appl Physiol, 2010.
(last 5 years)
Obad A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Breskovic T, Modun D, Boban M, and Dujic Z.
Successive deep dives impair endothelial function and enhance oxidative stress in
man. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 2010.
Gaustad SE, Brubakk AO, Hoydal M, Catalucci D, Condorelli G, Dujic Z,
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Mollerlokken A, and Wisloff U. Immersion before dry
simulated dive reduces cardiomyocyte function and increases mortality after
decompression. J Appl Physiol 109: 752-757, 2010.
Ljubkovic M, Gaustad SE, Marinovic J, Obad A, Ivancev V, Bilopavlovic N,
Breskovic T, Wisloff U, Brubakk A, and Dujic Z. Ultrasonic evidence of acute
interstitial lung edema after SCUBA diving is resolved within 2-3h. Respiratory

physiology & neurobiology 171: 165-170, 2010.

Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Breskovic T, Salamunic I, Denoble PJ, and
Dujic Z. Assessment of extravascular lung water and cardiac function in trimix
SCUBA diving. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 42: 1054-1061, 2010.
Dujic Z, Uglesic L, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Heusser K, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M,
and Palada I. Involuntary breathing movements improve cerebral oxygenation
during apnea struggle phase in elite divers. J Appl Physiol 107: 1840-1846, 2009.
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Bakovic D, Breskovic T, and Dujic Z. Effects
of successive air and trimix dives on human cardiovascular function. Medicine and
science in sports and exercise 41: 2207-2212, 2009.
Sedlic F, Pravdic D, Ljubkovic M, Marinovic J, Stadnicka A, and Bosnjak ZJ.
Differences in production of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial uncoupling
as events in the preconditioning signaling cascade between desflurane and
sevoflurane. Anesth Analg 109: 405-411, 2009.
Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Stadnicka A, Bosnjak ZJ, and Bienengraeber M. Role of
sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive potassium channel in oxidative stress-induced
apoptosis: mitochondrial connection. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 294: H13171325, 2008.
Mio Y, Bienengraeber MW, Marinovic J, Gutterman DD, Rakic M, Bosnjak ZJ, and
Stadnicka A. Age-related attenuation of isoflurane preconditioning in human atrial
cardiomyocytes: roles for mitochondrial respiration and sarcolemmal adenosine
triphosphate-sensitive potassium channel activity. Anesthesiology 108: 612-620,
Ljubkovic M, Mio Y, Marinovic J, Stadnicka A, Warltier DC, Bosnjak ZJ, and
Bienengraeber M. Isoflurane preconditioning uncouples mitochondria and protects
against hypoxia-reoxygenation. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 292: C1583-1590, 2007.
Stadnicka A, Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Bienengraeber MW, and Bosnjak ZJ.
Volatile anesthetic-induced cardiac preconditioning. J Anesth 21: 212-219, 2007.
Ljubkovic M, Marinovic J, Fuchs A, Bosnjak ZJ, and Bienengraeber M. Targeted
expression of Kir6.2 in mitochondria confers protection against hypoxic stress. The
Journal of physiology 577: 17-29, 2006.
Marinovic J, Bosnjak ZJ, and Stadnicka A. Distinct roles for sarcolemmal and
mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels in isofluraneinduced protection against oxidative stress. Anesthesiology 105: 98-104, 2006.
Stadnicka A, Marinovic J, Bienengraeber M, and Bosnjak ZJ. Impact of in vivo
preconditioning by isoflurane on adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium
channels in the rat heart: lasting modulation of nucleotide sensitivity during early
memory period. Anesthesiology 104: 503-510, 2006.
Marinovic J, Bosnjak ZJ, and Stadnicka A. Preconditioning by isoflurane induces
lasting sensitization of the cardiac sarcolemmal adenosine triphosphate-sensitive
potassium channel by a protein kinase C-delta-mediated mechanism.
Anesthesiology 103: 540-547, 2005.
Publications and other qualifications See above
Last academic

Assistant Professor (2008)




Associate Professor Anita Markoti, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Web page

List of
s (last 5

She was born in 1963. 1981-1985: Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of

Split; 1983: University Rectors award for the best students (average mark 4.7/max
5.0); 1986-1991: Technologist Specialist at Developmental Dept for Car Plastics,
Jugoplastika, Solin; 1991-1997: Expert Cooperator in Education University of Zagreb,
School of Medicine Split Branch, Department of Biochemistry and Postgraduate
study of Natural Sciences, University of Zagreb (21 months pause of study); 1996/97:
scientific work at Institute of Cell Culture Technology, Faculty of Technical Science,
University of Bielefeld, Germany; 1997: Master of Natural Sciences, Branch of
Chemistry, Field of Biochemistry and Assistant at University of Split, School of
Medicine, Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry (Univ Split School
Med); 2001: Doctor of Biomedical Sciences, Branch of Basic Medical Sciences, Field
of Medical Biochemistry; 2000/2001: scientific work at Institute of Cell Culture
Technology, Faculty of Technical Science, University of Bielefeld, Germany; 2002:
Senior Assistant at Univ Split School Med; 2003: scientific work at Institut for Medical
Physics and Biophysics, University of Mnster, Germany; 2004: Practical Course
Introductory Statistics and Research Methods and Getting Started With SPSS at
Centre for Applied Medical Statistics-University of Cambridge and Univ Split School
Med; 2005. Assistant Professor, 2006. Higher Scientific Cooperator, and 2008.
Scientific Adviser, 2010. Associate Professor: all at University of Split, School of
Medicine, Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry.
1. Markoti A, ike uli V, Tiinovi Kurir T, Meisen I, Bntemeyer H,
Boraska V, Zemunik T, Petri N, Mesari M, Peter-Katalini J, Mthing J.
Oxygenation alters ganglioside expression in rat liver following partial
hepatectomy. Bichem Biophys Res Commun 2005; 330: 131-41.
2. Markoti A, Marui A, Mthing J. Expression of neutral glycosphingolipids in
the brain, lymphoid organs and lungs of mice lacking 2-microglobulin.
Neuroimmunomodulation 2005; 12: 310-3.
3. ike uli V, Tiinovi Kurir T, Radi S, Zemunik T, Mesari M, Markoti A.
Exposure to hyperbaric pressure alters ganglioside expression in rat liver
following partial hepatectomy. Period Biol 2005:107:67-69.
4. Marki J, Krelj V, Markoti A, Marui E, Strievi L, Zanchi J, Bonjak N,
Sapunar A. High incidence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
in Croatian island isolate: example from Vis island, Croatia. Croat Med J 2006;
47: 556-70.
5. Boraska V, Terzi J, krabi V, aev T, Buevi-Popovi V, Peruzovi M,
Markoti A, Zemunik T. NeuroD1 gene and interleukin-18 gene
polymorphisms in type 1 diabetes in Dalmatian population of Southern Croatia.
Croat Med J 2006; 47: 571-8.
6. Torlak V, Zemunik T, Modun D, Peuti-Pisac V, Markoti A, Pavela-Vrani
M, Stanii A. 131 I-induced changes in rat thyroid gland function. Braz J Med
Biol Res 2007; 40:1087-94.
7. Tomasovi M, Rei B, Ivelja N, Kuzmani-amija R, Rei J, Gabri
Panduri D, Boi J, Markoti A. Glycosphingolipid expression in
cerebrospinal fluid of infants with neurological abnormalities: report of three

cases. Coll Antropol 2008; 32 Suppl 1: 189-193.

Tiinovi Kurir T, ike uli V, Zemunik T, Grkovi I, Terzi J, Padovan M,
Petri NM, Markoti A. Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic ganglioside
distribution following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to different
hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Acta Histochem 2008;110: 66-75.
9. Glava D, Markoti A, Vali Z, Kovai N, Palada I, Martini R, Brekovi T,
Bakovi D, Brubakk AO, Duji . Expression of endothelial selectin ligands on
human leukocytes following dive. Exp Biol Med 2008; 233: 1181-8.
10. Markoti A, Boi J, Martini R. Glycosphingolipids: modulators of immune
and other cell function, in: Markoti A, Glava-Obrovac Lj, Varljen J, aniGrubii T (eds) Biochemistry and Immunology Intersections. Research
Signpost, Kerala, 2008, p. 69-82.
11. Boraska V, Torlak V, krabi V, Kai Z, Jaki J, Stipani G, Uroi pehar A,
Markoti A, Zemunik T. Glycosyltransferase B4GALNT1 and type 1 diabetes
in Croatian population. Clin Biochem 2009; 42: 819-22.
In addition to publications listed above, 5 manuscripts in Current Contents cited
journals (1999-2004) at the murine models with certain gene deletions. The results
indicate at mechanisms involved in tumor necrosis factor signal transduction and the
importance of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in glycosphingolipid
(GSL) expression.
She was the Editor-in-Chief (in cooperation with professors from four leading Croatian
universities) of scientific monography and the author of review article about GSL (ref.
10 in above table row).
She learned about methods of GSL investigation during her work at international
scientific projects:
1996/97: visiting resercher at collaborative project Pathomechanismus der zellularen
Interaktionen, Sonderforschungberaich 223, Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft
2000/01: visiting resercher at bilateral German-Croatian project "Glykosphingolipid
Phaenotip von Knockout Maeusen", BMBF (Bundesministerium fr Bildung und
Forschung) HRV 99/002.
She was leader of three projects in the field of GSL, and she is currently leading the
project in the same field:
2001-2003: technological recearch developmental project Optimization of facotrs that
influence liver regeneration no. TP-01/0216-04, MZO RH
2002-2006: scientific research project Glycosphingolipid expression in regenerated rat
liver, no. 0216013, MZO RH. Kreo Lipovac Award for the best novice working on
project, Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists, 2006.
2003-2006: project within collaborative project Physiology of cardiovascular and
respiratory system (leader: eljko Duji) MZO RH.
2007 until today: scientific research project Pathobiochemistry of glycosphingolipid
antigens no. 216-2160133-0066, MZO RH, within scientific research program
project Environmental Physiology (leader: eljko Duji). In the framework of this
project A. Markoti mentored two disertations: 1. Tina Tiinovi Kurir: The effect of
hyperbaric oxygenation upon rat liver regeneration: biochemical and
immunohistochemical analysis. Split: Univ Split School Med; 2. Vedrana ike uli.
Immunochemical analyses of gangliosides in the liver of partially hepatectomized rats
treated with hyperbaric oxygen Zagreb: Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry.
A. Markoti introduced laboratory exercise Immunochemical detremination of
glycosphingolipids within undergraduate and graduate education of obligate course
Medical chemistry and biochemistry and elective course Research methods in
glycomedicine, respectively.

s and other

She organized lectures of technological project (TP-01/0216-04) cooperators, from

University of Mnster, as a course of continous education of physicians Glycoproteins
and glycolipids: modulators of cell function in the health and disease (23.09.2002.).
She was the member of the local board of European Molecular Biology Organization
lecture course (EMBO) Cellular signalling in development and disease, Split,
September, 2001.
Three times she was invited lecturer by Croatian Society of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology (earlier Croatian Biochemical Society):
June 1998., Club of University Teachers, Zagreb, Glycosphingolipids and
immunological system
September 1998., Annual Meeting of Croatian Biochemists with International
Participation, Osijek, Ganglioside expression in tissues of mice deficient in 2microglobulin.
September 2008: Osijek, Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology with international participation, Cell growth or apoptosis: decision
by GM3 ganglioside in partial hepatectomy model
A. Markoti is the reviewer of several scientific journals: Croatian Medical Journal,
Journal of Chromatography B - Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life
Sciences, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, Clinical&Experimental Immunology,
and Immunology. She published review of one book (Markoti A. Book review. Iriarte
A, Kagan MH, Martinez-Carrion M, editors. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of
Vitamin B6 and PQQ-dependent Proteins. Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhauser Verlag;
2000. 377 pages; ISBN 3-7643-6145-X. Cro Med J 2001. 42:593). She reviewed three
scientific projects for Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia,
one project for The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and
Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia, and an elective course for one
Croatian university.
Last academic advancement
July 15, 2010.
Medicine program:
Medical chemistry and biochemistry (obligate)
Genetics of diabetes (elective)
Dental medicine program:
Medical chemistry (leader of obligate course)
Biochemistry (obligate)
Nursing program:
Biophysics, biochemistry and basic radiology (obligate)
Neurochemistry (leader of elective course)
Doctoral program:
Research methods in glycomedicine (leader of elective course)
Tumor research in glycomedicine (elective)

Vinko Markovi


Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Split and University of Split

Medical School



Personal Web page

I have introduced the following nuclear medicine procedures at the Department of

Nuclear Medicine: direct radionuclide voiding cystography (DRNC), sentinel

lymphoscintigraphy, erythrocyte labeling and metaiodinebensilguanidium
scintigraphy. The introduction of DRVC had resulted in a modification of the
diagnostic algorithm in children with uroinfection, by replacing in most cases the
conventional radiological methods, with the more sensitive method that imposes from
20-100 times less radiation burden on the patient. As the method of first choice in
diagnostics of vesicoureteral reflux DRVC is currently used instead of MCUG in girls
of all ages, in boys older than 1 year and at the follow-up of patients which are
treated conservatively for vesicoureteral reflux. The introduction of this method had
resulted in the defended doctorial thesis of the college Saraga, my magisterial degree
and the publication: Saraga M, Stanii A, Markovi V. The role of Direct
radionuclide cystography in evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux. Scand J Urol Nephrol
1996;30:367-371, which, in addition to 23 citations, was citied in the chapter of an
international monography: Rushot HR JR. Vesicoureteral reflux and scaring. In:
Baratt TM, Avner ED, Harman WE, eds. Pediatric Nephrology. IV edition. Baltimore:
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 1999, page 867, as well as in the European
guidelines for direct and indirect radionuclide cystography. As the first author of the
paper: Markovi V, Eterovi D. Thyroid echogenicity predicts outcome of radioiodine
therapy in patients with Graves' disease, I was awarded the prize for the best
publication in the year 2007 at the University of Split Medical School. This paper
was citied in several books.
1. Eterovi D, Situm M, Punda A, Markovi V, Koki S. Urinary obstruction
List of
depresses erythropoiesis which recovers after parenchyma-saving surgery but not
(last 5 years) SWL. Urol Res. 2010 Feb;38(1):51-6.
2. Eterovic D, Markovic V, Punda A, Antunovic Z. 131I Radiation Dose Distribution
in Metastases of Thyroid Carcinoma.J Nucl Med. 2009 May;50(5):833-4.
3. Eterovic D, Markovic V, Antunovic Z, Punda A. Determinants of 131I radiation
dose to thyroid follicular cells. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2009;36:721-2.
4. Eterovi D, Antunovi , Markovi V, Groev D. Planing of 131I therapy for
Graves' disease based on the radiation dose to thyroid follicular cells. J Nucl Med.
2008; 49:2026-2030.
5. Markovi V, Eterovi D. Thyroid echogenicity predicts outcome of radioiodine
therapy in patients with Graves' disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007;92:35473552.
6. Punda A, Poli S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Markovi V, Lukin A. Effects of atenolol
and propranolol on platelet aggregation in moderate essential
hypertension: randomized crossover trial. Croat Med J 2005;46(2):219-224.
addition to above publications I have coauthored the several CC and non-CC
publications, was an invited lecturer at several congresses and a teacher at several
and other
qualifications courses of a permanent education for medical doctors and symposia, participated
actively at dozen medical congresses and coauthored the single book on osteoporosis
published in Croatia.
Last academic
March 6, 2008, Assistant Professor


Nuclear Medicine, The thyroid and parathyroid diseases- elective course


Duanka Martinovi Kaliterna


University Hospital Split, Croatia



Personal Web page

I was born on February 20, 1953 in Split, where I also completed elementary and
secondary school. I graduated from the Medical School in Belgrade in April 1978.
After completing my internship I worked as a general practitioner in Split. I began
my residency in internal medicine in 1983 in Clinical Hospital Center Split, and
passed the residency exam in 1987 in Clinical Hospital Center Rebro in Zagreb. In
1984 I took a postgraduate course on immunology with Professor Mary Ritter, PhD
from Royal Postgraduate Medical School London. I completed postgraduate studies
in clinical immunology in Zagreb in 1986. After I finished my residency I worked as
a specialist at the Department of Clinical Rheumatology of the Internal Clinic in
Split. In August, September and October of 1990, after an invitation by Professor
Yehuda Shonefeld, PhD I worked as an associate doctor of the Internal Clinic
Institute of Immunology in Tel Hashomer (Tel Aviv). I defended my master's thesis
titled Influence of estrogen on the immunological response in men with liver
cirrhosis of ethilyc ethiology in July 1994. I regularly participate in professional
conferences on rheumatology and clinical immunology in Croatia and abroad, and
have been a long-time member of the Society of Rheumatology, Society of
Alergology and Clinical Immunology and Croatian Hypertension Society. In March
2007 I passed the specialist exam on internal medicine-rheumatology. In June 2007 I
defended my doctoral thesis at the Medical School in Zagreb, titled Influence of
estrogen on the level of anticardiolipin antibodies in female patients with systemic
lupus erythematosus.
1. Fabijani D, Giunio L, uli V, Boi I, Martinovi D, Miri D. Predictors of
List of
type and site of first acute myocardial infarction in men and women. Ann Saudi
Med 2005; 25: 134-9.
(last 5 years)
2. Radi M., Martinovi Kaliterna D., Ljuti D. The level of anti-topoisomerase I
antibodies highly correlates with metacarpophalangeal and proximal
interphalangeal joints flexion contractures in patients with systemic sclerosis.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2006; 24:407-12
3. Kaliterna DM. Meloxicam (Movalis). Reumatizam. 2007;54:81-2.
4. Kaliterna DM. Leflunomide (Arava) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis]
Reumatizam. 2007;54:67-8.
5. Walker UA, Tyndall A, Czirjk L, Denton C, Farge-Bancel D, Kowal-Bielecka
O, Mller-Ladner U, Bocelli-Tyndall C, Matucci-Cerinic M, EUSTAR Coauthors. Clinical risk assessment of organ manifestations in systemic sclerosis: a
report from the EULAR Scleroderma Trials And Research group database. Ann
Rheum Dis. 2007;66:754-63.
6. Martinovi D, Radi M, Fabijani D, Fabijani A. Antiphospholipid syndrome:
from diagnosis to treatment. Lijec Vjesn. 2007;129:281-5.
7. Nacci F, Righi A, Conforti ML, Miniati I, Fiori G, Martinovic D, Melchiorre D,
Sapir T, Blank M, Shoenfeld Y, Pignone AM, Cerinic MM. Intravenous
immunoglobulins improve the function and ameliorate joint involvement in
systemic sclerosis: a pilot study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66:977-9.
8. Morovi-Vergles J, Martinovi-Kaliterna D. Etanercept (Enbrel)-our
experiences. Reumatizam. 2007;54:69-70.
9. Salamuni I, Paukovi Sekuli B, Galetovi A, Tandara L, Martinovi Kaliterna
D. Usporedba testa AtheNA Multi-Lyte ANA za odreivanje autoantijela s
indirektnom imunoflorescencijom i testom ELISA. Biochemia Medica

10. Kaliterma DM, Jurisi Z. Anticonvulsant induced metabolic disorder-case report

Reumatizam. 2008;55:16-8.
11. Kaliterna DM. Strontium ranelate's (Osseor) dual mode of action: increasing
bone mass and decreasing bone resorption Reumatizam. 2008;55:73-4.
12. Kaliterna DM. Stable remission of early active rheumatoid arthritis treated with
etanercept (Enbrel) Reumatizam. 2008;55:60-1.
13. Bua A, Perkovi D, Martinovi-Kaliterna D, Vlastelica M, Titli M.
Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: diagnostic and clinical features
according to revised ACR criteria. Coll Antropol. 2009;33:281-8.
14. Martinovic Kaliterna D, Perkovic D, Radic M. Churg-Strauss syndrome
associated with montelukast therapy. J Asthma 2009;46:604-5.
15. Martinovi Kaliterna D, Radi M, Salamuni I. Sistemski eritemski lupus.
Reumatizam 2009;56:16-21.
16. Martinovi Kaliterna D, Morovi Vergles J, Radi M. Sistemski eritemski lupus
i sustav komplementa. Reumatizam 2009;56:26-8.
17. Allanore Y, Meune C, Vonk MC, Airo P, Hachulla E, Caramaschi P,
Riemekasten G, Cozzi F, Beretta L, Derk CT, Komcsi A, Farge D, Balbir A,
Riccieri V, Distler O, Chial A, Papa ND, Simic KP, Ghio M, Stamenkovic B,
Rednic S, Host N, Pellerito R, Zegers E, Kahan A, Walker UA, Matucci-Cerinic
M; EUSTAR co-authors. Prevalence and factors associated with left ventricular
dysfunction in the EULAR Scleroderma Trial and Research group (EUSTAR)
database of patients with systemic sclerosis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010;69:218-21.
18. Martinovi Kaliterna D, Marasovi Krstulovi D, Radi M. Primjena
hormonalne terapije u sistemskom eritemskom lupusu. Reumatizam
19. Radic M, Martinovic Kaliterna D, Fabijanic D, Radic J. Prevalence of systemic
sclerosis in SplitDalmatia county in Southern Croatia. Clin Rheumatol.
20. Radi M, Martinovi Kaliterna D, Bonacin D, Morovi Vergles J, Radi J.
Correlation between Helicobacter pylori infection and systemic sclerosis
activity. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010;49(9):1784-5.
21. Avouac J, Walker U, Tyndall A, Kahan A, Matucci-Cerinic M, Allanore Y, et al.
Characteristics of joint involvement and relationships with systemic
inflammation in systemic sclerosis: results from the EULAR Scleroderma Trial
and Research Group (EUSTAR) database. J Rheumatol. 2010;37(7):1488-501.
22. Radi M, Martinovi Kaliterna D, Fabijani D, Radi J. Sistemska skleroza
patogeneza, klinike manifestacije i lijeenje. Lijec Vjesn 2010;132:162-8.
23. Artukovi M, iki M, Kutelega J, Nadini Artukovi I, Martinovi Kaliterna D.
Influence of UV Radiation on Immunological System and Occurrence of
Autoimmune Diseases. Coll Antropol 2010;34;175-8.
24. Juki A, Martinovi Kaliterna D, Radi M. Nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi i
kardiovaskularni rizik. Reumatizam 2010. (in press)
25. Grazio S, urkovi D, Babi-Nagli , Ani B, Morovi Vergles J, Vlak T,
gnjigi Z, Martinovi Kaliterna D, Novak S, Kehler T, Hanih M. Smjernice
Hrvatskoh reumatolkog drutva za lijeenje osteoartritisa kuka i koljena.
Reumatizam 2010. (in press)
26. Martinovi Kaliterna D, Radi M. Sistemska skleroza. Reumatizam 2010. (u
27. Martinovi Kaliterna D, Radi M, Pavi A. Incidencija, prevalencija i klinika
obiljeja sistemske skleroze u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj upaniji. Reumatizam
2010. (in press)

and other


28. Morovi Vergles J, ulo M, Martinovi Kaliterna D. Sklerodermijska bubrena

kriza. Reumatizam 2010. (in press)
urkovi B, Babi-Nagli , Morovi-Vergles J, Ani B, Grazio S, Novak S,
Martinovi Kaliterna D. Prijedlog primjene biolokih lijekova u reumatoidnom
artritisu. Reumatizam 2010. (in press)
Chapters in books
1. Martinovi D. Autoimune bolesti i akutno zatajenje bubrega. In: Ljuti D,
Rumboldt Z, ed. Akutno zatajenje bubrega. Split: Slobodna
Dalmacija dd, 1995: 149-59.
2. Martinovi D. Tromboze i embolije u antifosfolipidnom sindromu. In: Poli
S, Lukin A, ed. Hitna stanja u kardiologiji i angiologiji. Split:
Znanstvene jedinica KB Split, 1995:367-71.
3. Martinovi D, Fabijani D, Giunio L. Autoimuni poremeaji i
kardiovaskularni sustav. In: Miri D, ed. Preventivna kardiologija.
Split: Hrvatsko kardioloko drutvo ogranak Split 1997; 437-48.
4. Fabijani D, Martinovi D, Giunio L. Prevencija tromboembolijskih zbivanja
u bolesnika s antifosfolipidnim sindromom. In: Miri D, ed.
Preventivna kardiologija. Split: Hrvatsko kardioloko drutvo
ogranak Split 1997; 449-58.
13. December 2007.-present
Assistant Professor, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology,
Internal Clinic, Medical School, University of Split


Internal medicine, Clinical propaedeutics, Autoimmune diseases in stomatology

(elective course)
Postgraduate course: Evidence based Rheumatology


Professor Ana Marui, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicnine



Personal Web page

2008 University of Split School of Medicine
Full Professor of Anatomy, tenured
Chair, Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health, University of Split School
of Medicine
Coeditor in Chief, Croatian Medical Journal
1985 2008 . Zagreb University School of Medicine
Full professor
Associate professor
Assistant professor
Doctor of Science
Senior Instructor in Anatomy
Master of Science
Instructor in Anatomy
Doctor of Medicine
Teaching experience:

1. Teaching undergraduate course in Gross Anatomy, since 1986

2. Teaching mandatory undergraduate course, Principles of research in medicine,
since 1995
3. Elective course Bone: Molecular Biology at the Bedside, 1992-2000
4. Teaching at the postgraduate studies, since 1997
5. Participation in the creation of the course Human anatomy at the Split
University School of Medicine, Split, Croatia, and in the establishment of the
Department of Anatomy at the Mostar University School of Medicine, Mostar,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
6. Guest Professor at the Rijeka University School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
(since 1995), Split University School of Medicine, Split, Croatia (since 1997) and
University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (since 1997)
7. Editor of the first Croatian edition of the Sobotta Anatomy Atlas, 2000
8. Author and editor of the textbook from anatomy, 2001/2002, 2004
9. Editor of the first Croatian edition of the photographical anatomy atlas, 2006
10. Chair, continuing medical education course Planning and Writing Research,
since 2002
11. Organization of international workshops for authors and editors
Research projects (Principal Investigator):
1. Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, information technology grant
RegPok.hr register of Croatian clinical trials, since 2009
2. COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) research grant Systematic review of
research on authorship, since 2009
3. Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, research grant Molecular
Interactions between Bone and Bone Marrow (No. 180-1080290-114), since
4. Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, leader of research
programme Molecular Interactions of Body Systems, since 2007
5. The Wellcome Trust Collaborative Research Initiative Grant: Interactions
Between Bone and the Immune System: A role for Fas-Mediated Apoptosis;
Other activities:
1. Organization of Croatian National Science Foundation Summer School of
Scientific Communication for doctoral students, Split, 13-17 July 2009, 12-16
July 2010
2. Organization of the EMBO Practical Course Anatomy and Embryology of the
Mouse, Zagreb; 15-22 September 2002, 11-19 September 2004, 9-17 September
2006, 6-14 September 2008, 11-19 September 2010
3. Organization of the workshop on scientific communication, in collaboration with
editors of international journals (Lancet, JAMA; Annals of Internal Medicine,
BMJ), Split 2000, Rijeka 2001, Zagreb 2002, Cavtat 2003
4. Organization of the international meeting for journal editors; Croatian Academy
of Arts and Sciences, June 2004
5. Organization of the Workshop First Croatian Workshop on Scientific Publishing
- Scientific Journals and Their Editors: Responsibilities and Rights; in
collaboration with the National and University Library; Zagreb, 14-15 October
6. Member, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, since 2003
7. President, World Association of Medical Editors, 2001-2003
8. President, Council of Science Editors, USA, 2006-2007
9. Council Member, European Association of Science Editors, since 2009

List of
(last 5 years)

10.Editor in Chief, Croatian Medical Journal, since 1995

11.Reviewer for biomedical journals: New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet,
BMJ, Canadian Medical Association Journal, BioMed Central, International
Microbiology, JAMA, The Medical Journal of Australia, The British Journal of
General Practice, Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of Endocrinology,
Immunology, Journal of General and Internal Medicine
Articles related to anatomy and biomedicine:
Marui A, Vinter I, Krmpoti-Nemani J. Lost and found anatomical terms: crista
choanalis vomeris. Ann Anat 2006;188:281-283.
Krmpoti-Nemani J, Vinter I, Marui A. Relations of the pterygoid hamulus and
hard palate in children and adults: anatomical implications for the function of the
soft palate. Ann Anat 2006;188:69-74.
Krmpoti-Nemani J, Vinter I, Ehrenfreund T, Marui A. Age-related changes in the
anatomical landmarks of the osseous epipharynx. Ann Anat 2006;188:459-467.
uli S, Labar, B, Marui A, Salamuni I. Correlations among age, cytokines,
lymphocyte subtypes and platelet counts in autoimmune thrombocytopenic
purpura. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2006;47(5 Suppl):671-674.
Grevi D, Luki IK, Kovai N, Ivevi S, Katavi V, Marui A. Activated Tlymphocytes
monocyte/macrophage progenitor lineage commitment towards dendritic cell
differentiation through downregulation of RANK and c-Fos. Clin Exp Immunol
Hren D, Vujaklija A, Ivanievi R, Kneevi J, Marui M, Marui A. Students'
moral reasoning, Machiavellianism and socially desirable responding:
implications for teaching ethics and research integrity. Med Educ 2006;40:269277.
imunovi VJ, Sonntag HG, Hren D, Dorup J, Krivokua Z, Bokonji D, Verhaaren
H, Horsch A, Mimica M, Vojnikovi B, Selekovi H, Marz R, Marui A,
Marui M. A comprehensive assessment of medical schools in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Med Educ 2006;40:1162-1172.
Sambunjak D, Straus S, Marui A. Mentoring in academic medicine. A systematic
review. JAMA 2006; 296:1103-1115.
Ioannidis JP, Ahmed T, Awasthi S, Clarfield AM, Clark J, Dandona L, Howe A,
Lozano JM, Li Y, Madani H, Marui A, Mohammed I, Purcell GP, Rhoads M,
Sliwa-Hahnle K, Straus SE, Edejer TT, Tugwell P, Ward R, Wilkes MS, Smith R.
Open letter to the leader of academic medicine. BMJ 2007;334:191-193.
Kovai N, Luki IK. Grevi D, Katavi V, Croucher P, Marui A. The Fas/Fas
ligand system inhibits differentiation of murine osteoblasts but has a limited role
in osteoblast and osteoclast apoptosis. J Immunol 2007,178: 3379-3389.
Rogulj Z, Baloevi E, oga Z, Kardum G, Hren D, Marui A, Marui M. Family
medicine practice and research: survey of physicians attitudes towards scientific
research in a post-communist transition country. Wien Klin Wochenschr
imunovi VJ, Hren D, Ivanis A, Drup J, Krivokua Z, Risti S, Verhaaren H,
Sonntag HG, Ribari S, Tomi S, Vojnikovic B, Selekovi H, Dahl M, Marui
A, Marui M. Survey of attitudes towards curriculum reforms among medical
teachers in different socio-economic and cultural environments. Med Teach
Barbaric I, Perry MJ, Dear TN, Rodrigues Da Costa A, Salopek D, Marui A, Hough
T, Wells S, Hunter AJ, Cheeseman M, Brown SD. An ENU-induced Mutation in
the Ankrd11 Gene Results in an Osteopenia-like Phenotype in the Mouse Mutant

Yoda. Physiol Genomics 2008;32:311-21.

Krmpoti-Nemani J, Vinter I, Jalovec D, Ehrenfreund T, Marui A. Postnatal
changes in osseous and mucosal morphology of the hard palate. Clin Anat
Krmpoti Nemani J, Vinter I, Ehrenfreund T, Marui A. Postnatal changes in the
styloid process, vagina processus styloidei, and stylomastoid foramen in relation
to the function of muscles originating from the styloid process. Surg Radiol Anat
Petroveki V, Salopek D, Topi I. Marui A. Chronic unreduced anterior shoulder
dislocation - Application of anatomy to forensic identification. Am J Forensic
Med Pathol 2008;29:89-91.
Salopek D, Grevi D, Katavi V, Kovai N, Luki IK, Marui A. Increased bone
resorption and osteopenia are a part of the lymphoproliferative phenotype of mice
with systemic over-expression of interleukin-7 gene driven by MHC class II
promoter. Immunol Lett 2008;121:134-9.
Salopek D, Lovri J, Hren D, Marui A. Temporal structure of first-year courses and
success at course exams: Comparison of raditional continual and block delivery
of anatomy and chemistry courses. Croat Med J 2009;50:61-8.
Polaek O, Marui A, Rotim K, Hayward C, Vitart V, Huffman J, Campbell S,
Jankovi S, Boban M, Biloglav Z, Koli I, Krelj V, Terzi J, Matec L, Tometi
G, Nonkovi D, Ninevi J, Pehli M, Zedelj J, Velagi V, Jurii D, Kirac I,
Belak Kovaevi S, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association
study of anthropometric traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med J 2009;50:716.
Cvek M, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Planinc M, Makovi M, Marui A, Marui M.
Medical teachers' attitudes towards science and motivational orientation for
medical research. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2009;121:256-61.
Grevi D, Jaji Z, Kovai N, Luki IK, Velagi V, Grubii F, Ivevi S, Marui
A. Peripheral blood expression profiles of bone morphogenetic proteins, tumor
necrosis factor-superfamily molecules, and transcription factor Runx2 could be
used as markers of the form of arthritis, disease activity, and therapeutic
responsiveness. J Rheumatol 2010;37:246-56.
Marinovi D, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Rai I, kegro I, Marui A, Marui M.
Transition from longitudinal to block structure of preclinical courses: outcomes
and experiences. Croat Med J 2009;50:492-506.
Grevi D, Kuec R, Kovai N, Luki A, Luki IK, Ivevi S, Nemet D, Seiwerth
RS, Ostoji SK, Croucher PI, Marui A. Bone morphogenetic proteins and
receptors are over-expressed in bone-marrow cells of multiple myeloma patients
and support myeloma cells by inducing ID genes. Leuk Res 2010;34:742-51.
Sambunjak D, Straus SE, Marui A. A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research
on the Meaning and Characteristics of Mentoring in Academic Medicine. J Gen
Intern Med 2010;25:72-8.
Kovai N, Grevi D, Katavi V, Luki IK, Grubii V, Mihovilovi K, Cvija H,
Croucher PI, Marui A. Fas receptor is required for estrogen deficiency-induced
bone loss in mice. Lab Invest 2010;90:402-13.
Sambunjak D, Marui A. Mentoring: what's in a name? JAMA 2009;302:2591-2.
Vujaklija A, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Vodopivec I, Ivani A, Marui A, Marui M.
Can teaching research methodology influence students' attitude toward science?
Cohort study and nonrandomized trial in a single medical school. J Investig Med
Marui M, Marui A, Hren D, Roso V, Donev DM. Is mandatory training in

research methodology associated with attitudes and knowledge about science in

medicine? Med Teach 2010;32:348.
Pangeri A, Sambunjak D, Hren D, Marui M, Marui A. Climate for career
choices: survey of medical students' motivation for studying, career preferences
and perception of their teachers as role models. Wien Klin Wochenschr
Novak K, Miri D, Jurin A, Vukojevi K, Aljinovi J, Cari A, Marinovi Gui M,
Poljianin A, Kota V, Rako D, Marui A, Marui M, Puljak L. Awareness and
use of evidence-based medicine databases and Cochrane Library among
physicians in Croatia. Croat Med J 2010;51:157-64.
Articles related to publication research:
Marui A, Bates T, Ani A, Marui M. How the structure of contribution disclosure
statement affects validity of authorship: randomized study in a general medical
journal. Curr Med Res Opin 2006; 22:1035-1044.
Marui M, Markulin H, Luki IK, Marui A. Academic advancement of authors
receiving tutoring from a medical journal. Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Marui M, Sambunjak D, Marui A. Life of small medical journal how
bibliographical indexing and international visibility affected editorial work in
Croatian Medical Journal. Croat Med J 2006;47:372-375.
Marui A, Marui M. Killing the messenger: should scientific journals be
responsible for policing scientific fraud? Med J Aust 2006;184:596-597.
Ilakovac V, Fiter K, Marui M, Marui A. Reliability of disclosure forms of
authors' contributions. CMAJ 2007;176:41-46.
Laine C, Horton R, DeAngelis CD, Drazen JM, Frizelle FA, Godlee F, Haug C,
Hebert PC, Kotzin S, Marui A, Sahni P, Schroeder TV, Sox HC, Van der
Weyden MB, Verheugt FW. Clinical trial registration--looking back and moving
ahead. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2734-6..
Hren D, Sambunjak D, Ivani A, Marui M, Marui A. Perceptions of authorship
criteria: effects of student instruction and scientific experience. J Med Ethics
Marui A, Katavi V, Marui M. Role of editors and journals in detecting and
preventing scientific misconduct: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. Med Law 2007;26:545-566.
Golubi R, Rude M, Kovai N, Marui M, Marui A. Calculating impact factor:
How bibliographical classification of journal items affects the impact factor of
large and small journals. Sci Eng Ethics 2008;14:41-49.
Sambunjak D, Ivani A, Marui A, Marui M. Representation of journals from five
neighboring European countries in the Journal Citation Reports. Scientometrics
Ivani A, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Marui M, Marui A.Quantification of authors'
contributions and eligibility for authorship: randomized study in a general
medical journal. J Gen Intern Med 2008;23:1303-1310.
Sambunjak D; Hui M, Hren D, Kati M, Marui A, Marui M. National vs.
international journals: views of medical professionals in Croatia. Learned
Publishing 2008;22:57-70
Marui A. Registration of clinical trials still moving ahead September 2008 update
to Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.
[Editorial] Croat Med J 2008;49:582-5.
Rudan I, Marui A, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grkovi I, oga Z,
Zemunik T, Vatavuk Z, Beni G, Rudan D, Muli R, Krelj V, Terzi J,

and other

Stojanovi D, Puntari D, Bili E, Ropac D, Vorko-Jovi A, Znaor A, Stevanovi

R, Biloglav Z, Polaek O. "10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches its national
biobank. [Editorial] Croat Med J 2009;50:4-6.
Marui A. Morphology: bodies, genes, journals. [Editorial] Croat Med J 2009;50:13.
Marui A, Damjanov I. Ensuring the integrity of the published record: Croatian
Medical Journal endorses guidance on retractions in scientific journals by
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). [Editorial] Croat Med J 2009;50:531.
Marui A. Can journal editors police animal welfare? Three Es for three Rs in
scientific journals. Am J Bioeth 2009;9:66-7.
Drazen JM, Van der Weyden MB, Sahni P, Rosenberg J, Marui A, Laine C, Kotzin
S, Horton R, Hbert PC, Haug C, Godlee F, Frizelle FA, de Leeuw PW,
DeAngelis CD. Uniform format for disclosure of competing interests in ICMJE
journals. N Engl J Med 2009;361:1896-7.
Marcovitch H, Barbour V, Borrell C, Bosch F, Fernndez E, Macdonald H, Marui
A, Nylenna M; Esteve Foundation Discussion Group. Conflict of interest in
science communication: more than a financial issue. Report from Esteve
Foundation Discussion Group, April 2009. Croat Med J 2010;51:7-15.
Drazen JM, de Leeuw PW, Laine C, Mulrow C, DeAngelis CD, Frizelle FA, Godlee
F, Haug C, Hbert PC, James A, Kotzin S, Marui A, Reyes H, Rosenberg J,
Sahni P, Van der Weyden MB, Zhaori G. Toward more uniform conflict
disclosures the updated ICMJE conflict of interest reporting form. N Engl J
Med 2010;363:188-9.
In addition to relevant journal articles, author of several textbooks relevant for
teaching activity:
Marui A. Pogl. 14. Znanstvena publikacija; ch. 15. Graa znanstvenog lanka;
pogl. 16. Pisanje znanstvenog lanka. IN: Marui M, ed. Uvod u znanstveni rad
u medicini. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2008.
Marui A. Pogl. 14. Scientific publication; ch. 15. Structure of the scientific article;
pogl. 16. Writing the scientific article. IN: Marui M, ed. Principles of Research
in Medicine. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2008.
Krmpoti-Nemani J, Marui A. Anatomija ovjeka. Medicinska naklada, Zagreb,
Marui A, translation editor. Rohen JW, Yokochi C, Luetjen-Drecoll E. Anatomija
ovjeka. Fotografski atlas sustavne i topografske anatomije. Naklada Slap,
Jastrebarsko, 2008.
Marui A. Citokini. In: Gamulin S, Marui M, Kova Z, editor. Patofiziologija.
Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2005.
Marui A, editor. Kovai N, Luki IK. Anatomija i fiziologija, udbenik za 1.
razred medicinske i zdravstvene kole. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2006.
Marui A, translation editor. Sobbotin atlas anatomije ovjeka I i II. Drugo hrvatsko
izdanje. Naklada Slap, Jastrebarsko, 2007.
Authorship of book chapters related to teaching activity:
Nylena M, Hagve T-A, Marui A. Small journals and non-English journals. In.
Godlee F, Jefferson T. Peer review in health sciences. London: BMJ Books, 2003.
pp. 140-150.
Marui M, Marui A. Organizing the editorial office and educating contributors. In:
Science Editors Handbook. European Association of Science Editors, 2005.
Marui A, Marui M. Promotion of journals, especially small scholarly journals. In:
Science Editors Handbook. European Association of Science Editors, 2005.
Marui M, Marui A, King R, Tamber SP. Establishing a new journal. In: Science

Editors Handbook. European Association of Science Editors, 2005.

Marui A. ed. Revitalization of academic medicine. Zagreb: CMJ i Medicinska
naklada, 2005.
Marui A, Haug C. The journal editors perspective. In: Foote M, ed. Clinical trial
registries. A practical guide for sponsors and researchers of medicinal products.
Basel: Birkhuser, 2006.
Marui A. Approaches to the detection of research misconduct The role of the peer
review process. In: Wells F, Farthing M, ed. Fraud and Misconduct in Biomedical
Research. London: The Royal Society of Medicine Press, 2008.
Last academic
2008. Full Professor (tenured)
1. Functional and clinical anatomy (medicine, dental medicine, pharmacology studies)
2. Research in biomedicine and health (medicine, dental medicine, pharmacology

Professor Matko Marui, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

1970: University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, MD degree
1975: University of Zagreb, PhD degree (medicine)
1976-1978: Postodoctoral Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
1982-1985: Visiting Researcher, Department of Immunogenetics, Max-Planck
Institute for Biology, Tuebingen, Germany (one year)
1989-1990: Visiting Researcher, Department of Medicine, University of
Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT (4 months)
Positions and Employment
1971-1978: Instructor in Physiology and Immunology, Department of Physiology,
Zagreb University School of Medicine
1979-1980: Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Zagreb University
School of Medicine
1980-1986: Associate Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, Zagreb
University School of Medicine
1986- 1996: Full Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, Zagreb
University School of Medicine
1997-today: tenured full professor
1986-1996: Head, Department of Immunology, Institute for Clinical Diagnosis,
Zagreb University Hospital Center, Zagreb
1990-1994: Associate Dean for Osijek and Split Branches of the Zagreb University
School of Medicine
1991-2009: Founder and Co-Editor in Chief, Croatian Medical Journal
1996-2008: Head and teacher in mandatory course Principles of Scientific
Research in Medicine, Zagreb University School of Medicine
2008-present: University of Split School of Medicine, Department for research in
biomedicine and health
2009-present: dean of the University of Split School of Medicine

List of
(last 5 years)

1970: University of Zagreb Student Award for Best Student
1970: Jure Banovi Award for Best Medical Student
1994: Award of the Croatian Council of European Movement, for international
1998: Croatian National Award for scientific discovery (of the lifetime function of
human thymus)
1998: "Josip Juraj Strossmayer" Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and
Arts, for the "Pathophysiology" textbook
2000: President of Croatia Decoration of Danica Hrvatska Order with Rugjer
Boskovic for the overall contribution to science
2005: State Award for Promotion of Science
2009: Hippocrates, Award for resisting corruption in Croatian health care, by
NGO Slagalica, Osijek, Croatia
2010: Green Card Award by Croatian Movement for Patients' Rights, Rijeka,
Educated or assisted significantly scientific education of 150 young Croatian
scientists. Published in the fields of oncology, philosophy of science, and medical
education, altogether some 200 research works, with the H-index of 20. In 1998,
his research team demonstrated the lifetime functioning of the human thymus. He
was a key figure in the founding of the Split University School of Medicine, and
also helped with the establishment of medical schools in Osijek and Mostar.
Fiction books
1. Snijeg u Splitu (The Snow in the City of Split). kolska knjiga, Zagreb; 1987.
2. Plau li aneli (Do Angels Cry?). Medicinska naklada, Zagreb; 1996. and in
English with Ooligan Press, Portland University, Portland, WA, USA.
3. kola plivanja (Swimming Lessons). Alfa, Zagreb; 2003.
4. Medicina iznutra (Medicine from Inside). Medicinska naklada, Zagreb; 2006.
5. ivjeti u upi Radobilji (Living in the Radobilja Parish). Medicinska naklada,
Zagreb; 2007.
6. Life of an Editor. Croatian Medical Journal Book Series, Medicinska naklada,
Zagreb; 2010.
Marui A, Marui M. Not only English: editing a small medical journal.
The Write Stuff. 2005;14:11-3.
Marui A, Hren D, Marui M. Peer review of articles on global burden of
disease [letter]. CMAJ. 2005;172:727.
Marui M, Sambunjak D, Marui A. Guide for peer reviewers of
scientific articles in the Croatian Medical Journal. Croat Med J.
Burazeri G, ivljak M, Ilakovac V, Jankovi S, Majica T, Nedera O, Roshi
E, Sava V, imunovi V, Marui A, Marui M. Survey of attitudes and
knowledge about science in medical students in Southeast Europe. BMJ.
Miak A, Marui M, Marui A. Manuscript editing as a way of teaching
academic writing: experience from a small scientific journal. Journal of
Second Language Writing. 2005,14(2):122-31. (Reproduced in Journal of
BUON. 2006;11:153-60.)
Marui A, Marui M. Should editors train authors in science


communication? European Science Editing. 2005;31(3)81-3.

Nemi N, Novak S, Mari L, Novosel I, Kronja O, Hren D, Marui A,
Marui M. Development and validation of questionnaire measuring
attitudes towards sexual health among university students. Croat Med J.
Marui M, Marui A. Mogunosti dravnog poticaja izvrsnosti
znanstvenih asopisa u Hrvatskoj. Acta Medica Croatica. 2005;59:285-96.
Marui M, Marui A. Establishing a new journal. In: Science Editors
Handbook. European Association of Science Editors, 2005. p.
Marui A, Marui M. Promotion of journals, especially small scholarly
journals. In: Science Editors Handbook. European Association of Science
Editors, 2005. p.
Marui M, Marui A, King R, Tamber SP. Establishing a new journal. In:
Science Editors Handbook. European Association of Science Editors,
2005. 1-5.1. p. 1-4.
Gamulin S, Marui M, Kova Z, urednici. Patofiziologija, 5. izd. Zagreb:
Medicinska naklada; 2005.
Marui M. Science and patriotism. Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med Sci.,
MASA. 2005;26:5-11.
Hren D, Vujaklija A, Ivanievi R, Kneevi J, Marui M, Marui A.
Students' moral reasoning, Machiavellianism and socially desirable
responding: implications for teaching ethics and research integrity. Med
Educ. 2006;40:269-77.
Marui M, Markulin H, Luki IK, Marui A. Academic advancement of
authors receiving tutoring from a medical journal. Teaching and Learning
in Medicine, 2006;18(2):126-9.
Marui A, Marui M. Double life of medical journals: Dr Paper and Mr
Web. Croat Med J. 2006;47:4-6.
Marui A, Marui M. In Reply to: Habibzadeh F. Call for mandatory
registration of clinical trials and its impact on small medical journals:
Scenario on Emerging Bias. Croat Med J. 2006;47:181-3.
Marui M. Vanost znanosti za Hrvatsku i Hrvatske za znanost. In:
Ministarstvo znanosti, prosvjete i porta. Zbornik. Prvi kongres hrvatskih
znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva, Vukovar 15.-19. studenoga 2004.
Zagreb: Ministarstvo; 2006. p. 366-78.
Marui A, Bates T, Ani A, Marui M. Structure of the contribution
disclosure statement and inappropriate authorship: randomized study in a
general medical journal. Curr Med Res Opin. 2006;22(6):1035-44.
Published online 25 April 2006; doi: 10.1185/030079906X104885.
Marui M, Sambunjak D, Marui A. Life of small medical journal how
bibliographical indexing and international visibility affected editorial work
in Croatian Medical Journal. Croat Med J. 2006; 47:372-5.
Marui A, Marui M. Killing the messenger should scientific journals
be responsible for policing scientific fraud? [Editorial]. Australian Medical
Journal. 2006;184(12):596-7.
Marui A, Sambunjak D, Marui M. Journal quality and visibility: is
there a way out of the scientific periphery? Contributions, Sec Biol Med



Sci, MASA. 2006;27(1):151-61.

Simunovic VJ, Sonntag H-G, Hren D, Doerup J, Krivokua Z, Bokonji D,
Verhaaren H, Horsh A, Mimica M, Vojnikovi B, Selekovi H, Marz R,
Marui A, Marui M. Bridging the educational gaps between Eastern and
Western European medical schools through a comprehensive assessment of
medical schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Med Educ. 2006;40:1162-72.
Mrdea Rogulj, Baloevi E, oga Z, Kardum G, Hren D, Marui A,
Marui M. Family Medicine Practice and Research: Survey of Physicians
Attitudes towards Scientific Research in a Post-communist Transition
Country. Wien Klin Wochenschr. (Middle European Journal of Medicine.)
Ilakovac V, Fiter K, Marui M, Marui A. Reliability of disclosure
forms of authors contributions. CMAJ. 2007;176(1):41-6.
Marui M, Grevi D, editors. Zbirka test-pitanja iz fiziologije i
imunologije. 4th edition. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2007.
Hren D, Sambunjak D, Ivani A, Marui M, Marui A. Perceptions of
authorship criteria: effects of student instruction and scientific experience.
J Med Ethics. 2007:33(7):428-32.
Marui M. Povijest Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu. In: Jankovi S, Boban
M, urednici. Sveuilite u Splitu, Medicinski fakultet, 1997.-2007. Split:
Sveuilite u Splitu, Medicinski fakultet; 2007. p. 16-35.
Simunovic VJ, Hren D, Ivanis A, Dorup J, Krivokuca Z, Ristic S,
Verhaaren H, Ribaric S, Tomic S, Vojnikovic B, Seleskovic H, Dahl M,
Sonntag H-G, Marusic A, Marusic M. Survey of attitudes towards
curriculum reform among medical teachers in different socio-economic and
cultural environments. Medical Teacher. 2007;29:833-5.
Golubic R, Rudes M, Kovacic N, Marui M, Marui A. Calculating
impact factor: how bibliographical classification of journal items affects
the impact factor of large and small journals. Science and Engineering
Ethics. 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s11948-007-9044-3.
Marui A, Katavi V, Marui M. Role od editors and journals in detecting
and preventing scientific misconduct: strenths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats. Med Law. 2007;26:545-66.
Marui M. The Kurjak plagiarism case: the vicious circle of academic
corruption [e-letter]. BMJ, 10 December 2007. Available at
Marui M, Marui A. Threats to the integrity of the Croatian Medical
Journal. Croat Med J. 2007;48:779-85.
Marui M. Scientific misconduct in Croatia. BMJ. 2008;336:173-4.
Golubi R, Rude M, Kovai N, Marui M, Marui A. Calculating
impact factor: How bibliographical classification of journal items affects
the impact factor of large and small journals. Sci Eng Ethics. 2008;14:41-9.
Sambunjak D, Ivani A, Marui A, Marui M. Representation of journals
from five neighboring European countries in the Journal Citation Reports.
Scientometrics. 2008;76:261-71.
Ivani A, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Marui M, Marui A. Quantification of


and other

authors' contributions and eligibility for authorship: randomized study in a

general medical journal. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23:1303-10.
Sambunjak D; Hui M, Hren D, Kati M, Marui A, Marui M. National
vs. international journals: views of medical professionals in Croatia.
Learned Publishing. 2008;22:57-70.
Marui M, Marui A. The future of CMJ [letter]. Science.

Sambunjak D, Hui M, Hren D, Kati M, Marui A, Marui M. What do

medical professionals know and think about national and international
journals: a cross-sectional study. Learned Publishing. 2009;22:57-70.
Cvek M, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Planinc M, Makovi M, Marui A,
Marui M. Medical teachers' attitudes towards science and motivational
orientation for research: a survey study. Wien Klin Wochenschr. (Middle
European Journal of Medicine). 2009;121:256-61.
Gamulin S, Marui M, Kova Z. Pathophysiology. Textbook, selected
chapters. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2009.
Marusic M, Marusic A. The purpose of scientific journals: small is
important. The Journal of Teheran University Health Center. 2009;4(3)1437.
Marui M. Conflict of interest for editor: sweet and sad choices. Croat
Med J. 2009;50:339-41.
Marinovi D, Marui M, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Rai I, kegro I, Marui
A. Transition from longitudinal to block/modular delivery of preclinical
courses: a mixed-method study of outcomes and experiences. Croat Med J.
Marui M, editor. Principles of evidence-based medicine. 1st edition.
Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2008.
Vujaklija A, Hren D, Sambunjak D, Vodipivec I, Ivani A, Marui A,
Marui M. Can teaching research methodology influence students attitude
toward science? Cohort study and nonrandomized trial in a single medical
school. J Investigative Medicine. 2010;58(2):282-6.
Pangeri A, Sambunjak D, Hren D, Marui M, Marui A. Climate for
career choices: survey of medical students' motivation for studying, career
preferences and perception of their teachers as role models. Wien Klin
Wochenschr. (Middle European Journal of Medicine.). 2010;122:243-50.
Marui M, Hren D, Roso V, Donev DM, Marui A. Is mandatory training
in research methodology associated with attitudes and knowledge about
science in medicine? Survey of Croatian medical interns at license
Marui A, Marui M. A contribution to the authorship debate: Can we
trust defi nitions and declarations? The Write Stuff. 2010;19:14-7.
Novak K, Miri D, Jurin A, Vukojevi K, Aljinovi J, ari A, Marinovi
Gui M, Poljianin A, Kota V, Rako D, Marui A, Marui M, Puljak L.
Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine databases and The
Cochrane Library among physicians in Croatia. Croat Med J. 2010;51:15764.
Defined and introduced the postgraduate course Immune recognition,

Last academic

pregraduate elective course Transplantation reaction, and pregraduate obligatory

course Introduction to Research in Medicine. Mentored 22 diploma-works, 9
masters theses, and 9 doctorate theses. Directly educated some 50 young scientists,
and found postdoctoral stipends for another 129. He was a key figure in the
founding of the Split University School of Medicine, and also helped with the
establishment of medical schools in Osijek and Mostar. Dr Marui is the founder
(1991) and Editor Emeritus of the Croatian Medical Journal. He and his editorial
team have helped Croatian physicians during the 1991-95 war to publish 132
reports in international, and 127 reports in domestic scientific journals.
1997, tenured full professor
Research in Biomedicine and Health


Professor Julije Metrovi, MD, PhD


University Hospital of Split



Personal Web page

MSc 1989.
PhD 2005.
Fellowship training
1996, 2000 Pediatric Intensive Care fellowship
University Hospital Agostino Gemelli, Rome, Italy
Childrens Hospital Bambino Gesu, Rome, Italy
Faculty appointments
1998 2006 Instructor
Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Split
Assistant Professor
2010- now Associate Professor
Specialty certification
1994 Croatian Ministry of Health (Pediatrics)
2007 Croatian Ministry of Health (Subspecialty of Intensive Medicine)
2007 - 2009 Member Central European Journal of Medicine
2007 - Editor-in-chief SIGNA VITAE
1. Metrovi J, Kardum G, Poli B, Metrovi M, usti A, Marki J, Krelj V.
List of
The influence of chronic health conditions on susceptibility to severe acute
illness of children treated in PICU. Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165:526-529.
(last 5 years)
2. Metrovi J, Kardum G, usti A, Poli B, Metrovi M, Marki J, Zanchi J.
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Quality of Life After Intensive Care
Treatment. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2007; 43:673-676.
3. Sardelic S, Karanovic J, Rubic Z, Polic B, Ledenko V, Markic J, Mestrovic J.
Late ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection caused by Shewanella algae. Pediatr
Infect Dis J. 2010;29:475-7.
4. Metrovi J, Kovaevo T, Ercegovi I, Poli B, Strievi L, Omazi A,

apkun V. Use of central venous catheters in children. Signa Vitae 2006;

5. Dropuli N, Metrovi J, Krelj V, onji M, Krcatovi D. Uhranjenost
bolesnika hospitaliziranih na Klinici za djeje bolesti Klinike bolnice Split.
Paediatria Croatica 2007; 50: 173-177.
6. Metrovi J, atipovi T, Kardum G, Poli B, Strievi L, usti A.
Usporedba bodovnih sustava predvianja smrtnosti u jedinici intenzivnog
lijeenja djece. Pedijatrija danas 2007; 3:66-73.
7. Benjak V, Bucat M, Filipovi-Gri B, Kokeza J, Mali I, Metrovi J, Prpi
I, Stanojevi M. Postnatal infants' transportation. Gynaecologia et
Perinatologia 2007; 16:S55-S62.
8. Martinac M, Marki J, Karlovi D, Metrovi J. Prepoznavanje i lijeenje
trovanja sintetikim klupskim drogama. Paeditaria Croatica 2007; 51:5-10.
9. Metrovi J. Insight into pathophysiology of sudden infant death syndrome.
SIGNA VITAE 2008; 1: S41-S43.
10. Metrovi J, Poli B, Metrovi M, Kardum G, Marui E, usti A.
Functional outcome of children treated in intensive care unit. J Pediatr (Rio
J) 2008;84:232-236
11. Metrovi J, Petri J. Uenje o oivljavanju u splitskim osnovnim kolama.
Paediatria Croatica 2008; 52:S24-S25.
12. Metrovi J, Filipovi T, Poli B, Strievi L, Omazi A, Kuzmani-amija
R, Marki J. Life-threatening valproate overdose successfully treated with
haemodialysis. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2008;59:295-298.
13. Mikecin L, Popovi Lj, Metrovi J, Novak M, Gali S, uli V, Miheli
Andri I, Stoini E, Richter D, ubeli S, Kujundi Tiljak M, Puelji S.
Dugotrajno mehaniki ventilirana djeca, nae iskustvo. Paediatria Croat
14. Metrovi J, atipivi T, Poli B, Marki J, Kardum G. Standardizirani omjer
smrtnosti skupina bolesnika lijeenih u jedinici intenzivnog lijeenja djece.
Infektoloki glasnik 2009;29:121-124.
Chapters in books
Metrovi J. Osnove intenzivnog lijeenja djece. In: A. Bai, editor. Anesteziologija,
intenzivno lijeenje i reanimatologija. Split: Chrono; 2003, p. 469-522.
Kolaek S, Metrovi J. Vascular access, including complications. In: Langnas A,
Goulet O, Quigley EMM, Tappenden KA. INtestinal failure: Diagnosis, Management
and Transplantation. Massachusetts:Blackwell Publishing; 2007, p. 142-150.
Metrovi J. Prepoznavanje znakova ivotne ugroenosti i osnovni postupci u
oivljavanju djece. In: Juki M, Gaparovi V, Husedinovi I, Majeri Kogler V,
Peri M, uni J, editor. Intenzivna medicina. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2008, p.
1217- 1220.
July 15th 2010 - present
Last academic
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Split
Pediatrics, Emergency medicine, Intensive medicine

Kornelija Mie


University Hospital Split, Department of pulmonary diseases



Personal Web page

1976. employed in Dom zdravlja, Split, Croatia
From 1980. employed in KBC Split, as a resident, and after the specialization of
pneumology, and got a permanent job at Department of pulmonary diseases on
Universitiy Hospital Split at same institution.
1982/83. and 1987. education at Institute of Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Golnik,
1995. Course on manifestation of systemic in lungs disease in Florence, Italy.
2002. Visited and education Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Clinical
Immunology, allergology with the clinical immunology in University Hospital in
Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2003. International Course bronchology with urgent pulmonology, Ljubljana,
Attended a series of congresses of the European Association of Respiratory (ERS
European Respiratory Society) and at their seminars.
1988. Master's degree at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
1998. Inaugural lecture of the lecturers at the Faculty of Medicine, University of
2000. PhD Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka
2002. Become Primaries
2002. Senior Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Split
2006. Research Associate
2006. Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Split
1. Ostoji Lj, Petrovi P, Mie K, Erceg M, Bradari A, Ujevi A, Tocilj J. Pulmonary
List of
function in person who are professional exposed to formaldehyde fumes. Coll
(last 5 years) Anthropol 2006; 30(3): 507-11.
2. Mise K, Goi-Barisic I, Bradaric A, Tonkic M, Vrsalovic N, Karanavoc J. Longterm course and treatment of a cutaneous BCG infection. Journal of Dermatological
Treatment 2008;19(6): 333-336.
3. Mise K, Jurcev-Savicevic A, Pavlov N and Jankovic S. Removal of
tracheobronchial foreign bodies in adults using flexible bronchoscope: experience
19952006. Surgical Endoscopy 2009; 23 (6):1360-6
4. uli V, Konjevoda P, Mie K, Kardum G, et al. Genitourinary diseasesprior
spontaneous abortion as a risk factor for reccurent pregnancy loss. Coll Antropol
2009;30(1): 187-92.
5. Peri I, Novak K, Barii I, Mise K,Vukovi M, et al. Interobserver variations
indiagnosing asbestosis according to the ILO clasification. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol
2009;60(Suppl): 19-195.
6. Mise K, Jurcev-Savicevi A, Peric I, et al. Increasing of malignant pleural
mesothelioma: burning issue in Split-Dalmatian country, Croatia. Coll Antropol
2010; 33 (4): 1245-50
7. Barii I, Ljuti D, Vlak T, Bekavac J, Peri I, Mie K, Klacnik M, Jankovic S.
Beta-2 microglobuline plasma level and painful shoulder in haemodialysed patients.
Coll Antropol 2010; 34 (Suppl 1): 315-20.
8. Mise K, Capkun V, Jurcev-Savicevi A, Sundov Z, Bradaric A, Mladinov S. The
influence of gastroesophageal reflux in the lung: A case-control study. Respirology
2010, in press.
1. Mie K. Asbestosis. In: Pero-Golubii T. Sarcoidosis/interstitial lung diseases.
Zagreb. Medicinska naklada Zagreb; 2005: 359-369. ISBN: 953-176-294-5.
and other
qualifications 2. Mie K. Bradari A, Glavina-Durdov M. Eosinophyllic pulmonary infiltrates.

Ibidem: 304- 314.3.

3. Jankovi S, Mie K, Tadi T, Rogli J. Radiology of the thorax. In: Jankovi S.
Seminars of clinical radiology. School of Medicine University of Split. Split 2006: 175. ISBN: 953-98423-7-9.
4. Mie K. Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. In: Medix. Zagreb
2007: 79-82. ISSN: 1331-3002.
5. Mie K, Svilii A. Diagnostic procedures of pulmonary infiltrates. In: Mie K.
Diagnostic procedures in pulmonary diseases. School of Medicine University of
Split. Split, 2008:134-140. ISBN: 978-953-55167-0-5.
6. Mie K. Dyspnea and respiratory insufficiency. In: Pavlov N, Mie K. Sleep-apnea.
School of Medicine University of Split. Split, 2009: 204-210. ISBN: 978-953-551672-9.
7. Mie K. Smoke inhalation injury. In: Roje Z. Organization care and treatment of
burns in Croatia. School Medicine University of Split. Split, 2009: 82-97.
8. Mie K. Eosinophyllic pulmonary infiltrates unknown etiology. In: Pavlov N, Mie
K. Diseases of allergy. Allergic diseases. School of Medicine University of Split and
University Hospital Split. Split, 2010:131-44.ISBN 978-953-55167-3-6.
June, 2006
Last academic advancement

Internal medicine Pulmology


Assistant professor Darko Modun


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Born: January 17th 1975, Split, Croatia
Marital Status: Married, 2004 Lea
Children: Jan 2006
Nationality: Croatian
Education, Academic Degrees, Position
1999 Medical School University of Zagreb, Croatia (MD)
2003 Master of Science (MSc), Medical School University of Split
2006 Doctor of Medical Science (PhD), Medical School University of Split
2007 Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School University of Split
2007- present Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School University of
Professional societies:
International Union of Pharmacology (IUPHAR)
Federation of the European Pharmacological Societies (EPHAR)
Croatian Pharmacological Society
Scientific interest:
Experimental pharmacology of cardiovascular system, oxidative stress.
Boban M, Modun D. Uric acid and antioxidant effects of wine. Croat Med J.
List of
(last 5 years) Brizic I, Modun D, Vukovic J, Budimir D, Katalinic V, Boban M. Differences in
vasodilatory response to red wine in rat and guinea pig aorta. J Cardiovasc
Pharmacol. 2009;53(2):116-120.
Mudnic I, Modun D, Brizic I, Vukovic J, Generalic I, Katalinic V, Bilusic T,

and other

Ljubenkov I, Boban M. Cardiovascular effects in vitro of aqueous extract of wild

strawberry (Fragaria vesca, L.) leaves. Phytomedicine. 2009;16(5):462-469.
Vukovic J, Modun D, Budimir D, Sutlovic D, Salamunic I, Zaja I, Boban M. Acute,
food-induced moderate elevation of plasma uric acid protects against hyperoxiainduced oxidative stress and increase in arterial stiffness in healthy humans.
Atherosclerosis. 2009;207(1):255-260.
Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Obad A, Palada I, Dujic Z,
Boban M. The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine
consumption is due to both plasma urate and wine polyphenols. Atherosclerosis.
Luksic B, Brizic I, Lang Balija M, Modun D, Culic V, Halassy B, Salamunic I, Boban
M. Dose dependent effects of standardized nose-horned viper (Vipera ammodytes
ammodytes) venom on parameters of cardiac function in isolated rat heart. Comp
Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2008;147:434-40.
Katalinic V, Ljubenkov I, Pezo I, Generalic I, Stricevic O, Milos M, Modun D, Boban
M Free resveratrol monomers in varietal red and white wines from Dalmatia
(Croatia). Period Biol. 2008;110:77-83.
Torlak V, Zemunik T, Modun D, Capkun V, Pesutic-Pisac V, Markotic A, PavelaVrancic M, Stanicic A. 131I - induced changes in rat thyroid gland function. Braz J
Med Biol Res. 2007;40:1087-94.
Obad A, Valic Z, Palada I, Brubakk Ao, Modun D, Dujic Z. Antioxidant pretreatment
and reduced arterial endothelial dysfunction after diving. Aviat Space Environ Med
2007; 78:1114 20.
Boban M, Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Salamunic I, Obad A, Palada I,
Dujic Z. Red wine induced modulation of vascular function: separating the role of
polyphenols, ethanol and urates. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2006;47:695-701.
Modun D, Music I, Katalinic V, Dujic Z, Boban M. Glycerol and ethanol in red wine
are responsible for urate-related increase in plasma antioxidant capacity. Clin Chem.
Music I, Modun D, Katalinic V, Salamunic I, Kozina B, Boban M. Effects of four
weeks moderate drinking of red wine and ethanol on the rat isolated heart and aortic
rings reactivity during ischemia and hypoxia. Period Biol. 2005;107:165-73.
Katalinic V, Modun D, Music I, Boban M. Gender differences in antioxidant capacity
of rat tissues determined by 2, 2'-azinobis (3- ethylbenzothiazoline 6-sulfonate;
ABTS) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. Comp Biochem
Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2005;140:47-52.
Modun D, Music I, Vukovic J, Brizic I, Katalinic V, Obad A, Palada I, Dujic Z,
Boban M. The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after red wine
consumption is due to both plasma urate and wine polyphenols. Atherosclerosis.
Obad A, Valic Z, Palada I, Brubakk Ao, Modun D, Dujic Z. Antioxidant pretreatment
and reduced arterial endothelial dysfunction after diving. Aviat Space Environ Med
2007; 78:1114 20.
Modun D, Music I, Katalinic V, Dujic Z, Boban M. Glycerol and ethanol in red wine
are responsible for urate-related increase in plasma antioxidant capacity. Clin Chem.
Katalinic V, Modun D, Music I, Boban M. Gender differences in antioxidant capacity
of rat tissues determined by 2, 2'-azinobis (3- ethylbenzothiazoline 6-sulfonate;
ABTS) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. Comp Biochem
Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2005;140:47-52.
Katalinic V, Milos M, Modun D, Music I, Boban M. Antioxidant effectiveness of

selected wines in comparison with (+)-catehin. Food Chem. 2004;86:593-600.

Beside the abovementioned references where antioxidant capacity of the sample
(plasma, tissue, wine) or analyte (polyphenol) concentration in plasma was
determined in order to calculate area under curve, Assist. Prof. Modun has 10 years
of experience in teaching basics of pharmacokinetics to the medical students as a part
of the Pharmacology course
Last academic advancement
June 5th, 2007 (Assistant Professor of Pharmacology)



Professor Rosanda Muli, MD, PhD


Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split

School of Medicine, University of Split


rosanda@pfst.hr; rosanda.mulic@mefst.hr

Personal web-page
Curriculum vitae
School of Medicine, Sarajevo University
curriculum 1973.-1978.
State exam
Doctor in primary health care, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Specialization in Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health,
Sarajevo, B&H
Specialist examination of the epidemiology, School of Medicine,
Sarajevo University
1982.-1984. Postgraduate studies in epidemiology and public health at School of
public Health Andrija tampar Zagreb, Croatia
MA Thesis Investigation of the causes of infant mortality in some
municipalities of B&H on School of Public Health Andrija tampar
Doctoral thesis on Epidemiologic characteristic of measles in B&H in
the period before and after the introduction of mandatory
immunizationat the School of Medicine, Sarajevo University
Epidemiologist on the Deparment of Epidemiology, National Institute
of Public Health, Sarajevo, B&H
Head of Department of Epidemiology and Tropical Diseases, Navy
Institute, Croatian Army, Split
Senior assistant at the Department of Public Health, School of
Medicine University of Split
Assistant professor, Department of Public Health, School of Medicine
University of Split
Assistant professor, Department of Public Health, School of Medicine
University of Split; Assistant professor Faculty of Maritime Studies
Senior Research Associate, School of Medicine University of Split
Head of Department of Public Health, School of Medicine University
of Split
18-12-2007. Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, School of Medicine
University of Split; 2007 Associate Professor Faculty of Maritime
Studies Split
01.10.2008.- Vice Dean, Faculty of Maritime Studies Split

Tripkovi I, Strnad M, Poli-Vizintin M, Muli R, Tripkovi I, Rakulji M. Colorectal

cancer in the Split-Dalmatia County. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:423-6.
Jeroncic I, Mulic R, Klismanic Z, Rudan D, Boban M, Zgaga L. Interactions between
genetic variants in glucose transporter type 9 (SLC2A9) and dietary habits in serum
acid regulation. Croat Med J 2010;51:40-7.
Polasek O, Jeroncic I, Mulic R, Klismanic Z, Pehlic M, Zemunik T, Kolcic I. Commom
variants in SLC17A3 gene affect intra-personal variation in serum uric acid levels in
longitudinal time series. Croat Med J 2010;51:32-9.
Brajevic-Gizdic I, Mulic R, Pletikosa M, Kljajic Z. Self-perception of drug abusers and
addicts and investigators' perception of etiological factors of psychoactive drug
addiction. Coll Antropol 2009;33:225-31.
Mulic R, Custovic A, Ropac D, Tripkovic I, Stojanovic D, Klismanic Z. Occurence of
visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis in Croatia. Mil Med 2009;174:206-11.
Biloglav Z, Zgaga L, Smoljanovi M, Hayward C, Polasek O, Kolci I, Vitart V,
Zemunik T, Boraska V, Torlak V, Muli R, Ropac D, Grkovi I, Rudan D, Risti S,
Barbali M, Campbell H, Wright AF, Rudan I. Historic, demographic, and genetic
evidence for increased population frequencies of CCRDelta32 mutation in Croatian
island isolates after lethal 15th century epidemics. Croat Med J 2009;50:34-42.
Rudan I, Marusi A, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grkovi I, Dogas Z,
Zemunik T, Vatavuk Z, Benci G, Rudan D, Muli R, Krzelj V, Terzi J, Stojanovi D,
Puntari D, Bili E, Ropac D, Vorko-Jovi A, Znaor A, Stevanovi R, Biloglav Z,
Polasek O. 10001 Dalmatians: Croatia launches its national biobank. Croat Med J
Mulic R, Kraljevi-iko K, Toli T, Kljaji Z, Puizina-Ivi N, Ropac D. Endemoepidemic occurence of Trichophyton tonsurans in martial arts athletes in Split
Croatia. HealthMED 2009;4:405-11.
Bakija-Konsuo A, Muli R. Educating people about importance of photoprotection:
results of campaign on the islands in dubrovnik area. Coll Antropol. 2008;Suppl 2:189193.
Russo A, Mili R, Knezevi B, Muli R, Mustajbegovi J. Harassment in workplace
among school teachers: development of a survey. Croat Med J. 2008;49:545-52.
Katalini V, Salamuni I, Pazanin S, Muli R, Milisi M, Ropac D. The antioxidant
power and level of lipid peroxidation products in the sera of apparently healthy adult
males. Coll Antropol. 2007;31:165-71.
Muli R, Antonijevi S, Klismani Z, Ropac D, Lucev O. Epidemiological
characteristics and clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis in Croatia. Mil Med
Muli R, Uglesi L, Klismani Z, Ropac D, Smoljanovi M, Mratinovi-Mikulandra J,
Aleraj B, Lucev O. Muli R, Uglei L, Klimani Z, Ropac D, Smoljanovi M,
Mratinovi_mikulandra J, Aleraj B, Luev O. Epidemiological characteristics of
hepatitis B in the Splitsko-Dalmatinska County. Lijec Vjesn. 2006;128(3-4):65-71.
Muli R, Mihajlovi N, Ropac D, Zori I, Alambai K. Epidemiological
characteristics of rickettsial diseases in Croatia. Mil Med 2006;171:64-8.
Publication Meets the requirements under the Law on Science and High Education; conditions of
s and other the Decision on the conditions necessary for the evaluation of teaching and
qualificatio professional activities in the electoral procedure in the scientific and educational
positions and conditions of the Rectors' Conference of the Regulations on the
conditions and procedure of choice for the position of the School of Medicine in Split.
Last academic advancement
November 18th 2007.
List of
(last 5


Social medicine
Organization of health care and economics in health care


Assistant professor Neven Pavlov, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, Children's Hospital



Personal Web page

Elementary and high schools: Split
Medical School: Zagreb (graduated from the 1975th year.)
Compulsory medical internship and the state exam: Split (1976),
the state exam Nov 1977, Split.
Postgraduate study:
1. Mother and child, Zagreb (31 July 1982)
2. Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Zagreb (June 22nd 1988).
Specialty: Pediatrics 1979. 1983. in Zagreb and Split (specialist
Exam July 26th 1983, Zagreb.
Current status:
1996. Master of Science.
1998. Titular assistant at the University of Split, School of Medicine of Pediatrics.
2003. PhD and senior assistant at the University of Split, School of Medicine,
2004. Head of the Department of Clinical pulmonary medicine and cardiology,
allergology with the rheumatology Childrens Clinic, University Hospital Split
2006. appointed acting head of the Childrens Clinic, University Hospital Split
2007. elected to the scientific position: Research associate in the scientific field of
biomedicine and health sciences - the field of clinical medicine,
2007. Assistant professor in the department of pediatrics at the University of Split,
School of Medicine
Goi-Barii I, Bradari A, Erceg M, Foreti N, Barii I, Pavlov N, Tocilj J.
List of
Influence of passive smoking on basic anthropometric characteristics and respiratory
(last 5 years) function in young athletes. Coll. Antropol. 2006; 30 (3): 315-19.
Mie K, Jurev Savievi A, Pavlov N, Jankovi S. Removal of tracheobronchial
foreign bodies in adults using flexible bronchoscopy: experience 1995-2006. Surg
Endosc. 2008; 16: 1360-4.
Pavlov N. Lung function testing and monitoring children with asthma. Paediatr Croat
2007; 51 (Supl 1): 85-90.
Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Ivi I, Tonki M, Barii I, Dragii-Ivuli S. Pulmonary
Tuberculosis With Meningitis in Seven Month Old Infant: Case Report. Journal of
Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2007; 2: 51-4.
Peri I, Arar D, Barii I, Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Tocilj J. Dynamics of the lung
function in asbestos pleural disease. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2007; 58: 405-10.
Pavlov N. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Paediatr Croat 2009; 53 (Supl 1):
Pavlov N, Peri I, Mie K, Armanda V, Goi-Barii I, Pavlov M, Tocilj J. Lung
function in children residentially exposed to asbestos. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2009;
60 Supplement: 51-6.

and other

Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S. Flexible bronchoscopy in children. Eur Respir J, Vol. 26.

Suppl 49. September 2005: 628.
Dragii-Ivuli S, Glavina M, Pavlov N, Saraga M. Interstitial pneumonitis in 5 years
old girl. Eur Respir J, Vol. 26. Suppl 49. September 2005: 628.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S. Epidemiological trends in children with tuberculosis
(1996-2000). Eur Respir J, Vol. 28. Suppl. 50. September 2006: 380.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S. Correlation of flow-volume curve and bronchial
hyperreactivity in asthmatic children. Eur Respir J, Vol. 28. Suppl. 50. September
2006: 477.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S, Pavlov V. Relation of IgE, ECP and blood eosinophils to
bronchial hyperreactivity in asthmatic children. Eur Respir J, Vol. 30. Suppl. 51.
September 2007: 645.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S, Pavlov V. Epidemiologic trends in children with
tuberculosis (1999-2009). Eur Respir J, Vol. 34. Suppl. 53. September 2009: 439-40.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S, Pavlov M. Korelacija krivulje protok-volumen i
bronhoprovokacijskog testa metaholinom u djece s astmom. Paediatr Croat 2006; 50
(Supl 2): 43.
Dragii-Ivuli S, Pavlov N. Bronhiektazije u djece. Paediatr Croat 2006; 50 (Supl
2): 44.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S, Pavlov V. Epidemiologic trends in children with
tuberculosis (1990-2009). Paediatr Croat 2009; 53 (Supl 3): 20.
Ipavec N, Pavlov N. Alcohol intoxication in children University hospital of Split
(2003-2007). Paediatr Croat 2009; 53 (Supl 3): 41.
urin K, Krelj V, Marki J, Karaman K, Pavlov N, Terzi J, Stoini E, Radoni M.
Public aspects of early detection of glucosa-6-phosphate-dehidrogenase enzyme
deficiency in the Republic of Croatia. Paediatr Croat 2009; 53 (Supl 3): 50.
Pavlov N, Dragii-Ivuli S. Fiberbronhoskopija u djece. Paediatr Croat 2008; 52
(Supl 1): 89.
Pavlov N. Procjena kontrole astme u djece putem vrnog ekspiracijskog protoka,
krivulje protok-volumen i bronhalne hiperreaktivnosti. Paediatr Croat 2008; 52 (Supl
1): 89-90.
Dragii-Ivuli SD, Pavlov N, Ardali . Upale gornjih dinih puteva u djece
dijagnostika i lijeenje. Paediatr Croat 2008; 52 (Supl 1): 91.
Pavlov N. Alergije i cijepljenje. Javno zdravstvo 2008; 3: 16-19. Croatian.
Books, chapters in books:
Pavlov N. Lijeenje napada astme u djece. Odabrana poglavlja intezivnog lijeenja
djece. In: Juki M, Gaparovi V, Husedinovi I, Majeri Kogler V, uni J,
urednici. Intenzivna medicina. Zagreb 2008. Medicinska naklada: 1232-4. Croatian.
Pavlov N, Mie K, editor. Dijagnostiki i terapijski postupnici u pulmologiji.
Klinika bolnica Split, Komia 2008.; 9.- 264.
Pavlov N, Mie K, editor. Poremeaji ventilacije Sleep apnea. KBC Split,
Komia 2009.; 9.- 270.
5. Pavlov N,uli S, Mie K, editor. Alergijske bolesti. KBC Split, Split 2010; 9-175.
Goi-Barii I, Bradari A, Erceg M, Foreti N, Barii I, Pavlov N, Tocilj J.
Influence of passive smoking on basic anthropometric characteristics and respiratory
function in young athletes. Coll. Antropol. 2006; 30 (3): 315-19.
Mie K, Jurev Savievi A, Pavlov N, Jankovi S. Removal of tracheobronchial
foreign bodies in adults using flexible bronchoscopy: experience 1995-2006. Surg
Endosc. 2008; 16: 1360-4.
Pavlov N. Lung function testing and monitoring children with asthma.Paediatr Croat
2007; 51 (Supl 1): 85-90. (EM)

Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Ivi I, Tonki M, Barii I, Dragii-Ivuli S. Pulmonary

Tuberculosis With Meningitis in Seven Month Old Infant: Case Report. Journal of
Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2007; 2: 51-4.
Peri I, Arar D, Barii I, Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Tocilj J. Dynamics of the lung
function in asbestos pleural disease. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2007; 58: 405-10.
Pavlov N. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Paediatr Croat 2009; 53 (Supl 1):
Pavlov N, Peri I, Mie K, Armanda V, Goi-Barii I, Pavlov M, Tocilj J. Lung
function in children residentially exposed to asbestos. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2009;
60 Supplement: 51-6.
Pavlov N. Lijeenje napada astme u djece. Odabrana poglavlja intezivnog lijeenja
djece. In: Juki M, Gaparovi V, Husedinovi I, Majeri Kogler V, uni J,
urednici. Intenzivna medicina. Zagreb 2008. Medicinska naklada: 1232-4. Croatian.
Pavlov N, Mie K, editor. Dijagnostiki i terapijski postupnici u pulmologiji.
Klinika bolnica Split, Komia 2008.; 9.- 264.
Pavlov N, Mie K, editors. Poremeaji ventilacije Sleep apnea. KBC Split,
Komia 2009.; 9.- 270. Croatian.
Pavlov N,uli S, Mie K, editor. Alergijske bolesti. KBC Split, Split 2010; 9-175.
Reviewers of manuscripts for: Lijeniki vjesnik, Paediatria Croatica
Last academic
13 th December 2007. assistant professor in the department of
pediatrics at the University of Split, School of Medicine

Pediatrics, University of Split, School of Medicine


Assistant Professor Renata Pecotic, MD, PhD


University of Split School of medicine, Split, Croatia



Personal Web page

Academic degrees and activities:
Health education center Split (pharmaceutical technician, 1991.)
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Study in Split (medical doctor
Ministry of Health of Republic Croatia (License for general practice 1999.)
Postgraduate study at the Medical School in Split (Clinical Physiology,
Degree of PhD 2008.
Senior instructor Department of Neuroscience, 2008
Head of Laboratory for experimental neurophysiology at Department of
Neuroscience, 2010
of methysergide into the raphe nucleus attenuated phrenic longList of
rats. Valic M, Pecotic R, Pavlinac I, Valic Z, Peros K, Dogas
Jan 20. DOI: 10.1007/s00221-010-2161-2
(last 5 years)
2. Propofol abolished the phrenic long-term facilitation in rats. Carev M, Valic M,
Pecotic R, Karanovic N, Valic Z, Pavlinac I, Dogas Z. Respir Physiol Neurobiol.
3. The acute hypoxic ventilatory response under halothane, isoflurane, and
sevoflurane anaesthesia in rats Karanovic N, Pecotic R, Valic M, Jeroncic A, Carev

and other

Last academic

M, Karanovic S, Ujevic A, Dogas Z. Anaesthesia. DOI: 10.1111/j.13652044.2009.06194.

4. R. Pecotic, Z. Dogas, Z. Valic and M.Valic. Blockade of 5-HT 1A receptors in the
phrenic nucleus of the rat attenuated raphe induced activation of the phrenic nerve
activity. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 60 (3):167-172, 2009.
5. N. Karanovic, M. Carev, G. Kardum, R. Pecotic, M. Valic, S. Karanovic, A. Ujevic
and Z. Dogas. The impact of a single 24-hour working day on cognitive and
psychomotor performance in staff anesthesiologist. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 26:825-832,
Positive evaluation from Vice-dean for teaching and student affairs, and from
One of four principal authors of teaching materials for students (Practical
guide for exercises in electrophysiology of neurons, 2002)
Award 2007, for the best teacher from the students survey
March 31st 2010.


MD program, University of Split School of Medicine

Dental medicine program, University of Split School of Medicine
Pregraduate programs for nursing, physiotherapy, and Radiology, University of Split
School of Medicine
Visiting senior instructor at University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Professor Zdravko Perko, MD, PhD


University Hospital Center Split, University Dept. of Surgery

Split Medical School


Personal Web page
/ residency General Surgery 1993.- 1997. Dept. of Surgery General Hospital Sv.
Duh, Zagreb and Clinical Hospital Sestre milosrdnice, Zagreb
/ general surgeon 26 February 1997
-1997. surgeon General Hospital Sv. Duh, Zagreb
1997. god. 2000. Genaral Hospital Vukovar
since 2000. University Dept of Surgery, University Hospital Center Split
1: Peri B, Perko Z, Pogoreli Z, Kraljevi J. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in
List of
Hospital Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina and University Hospital
Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2010 Mar;34 Suppl 1:125-8. PubMed PMID:
(last 5 years)
2: Druzijani N, Perko Z, Srsen D, Pogoreli Z, Schwarz D, Jurici J. Pelvic
peritonization after laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection for low-rectal
carcinoma treatment: surgical technique. Hepatogastroenterology. 2009. JulAug;56(93):1028-31. PubMed PMID: 19760934.
3: Pogoreli Z, Perko Z, Druzijani N, Tomi S, Mrkli I. How to prevent lateral
thermal damage to tissue using the harmonic scalpel: experimental study on pig
small intestine and abdominal wall. Eur Surg Res. 2009;43(2):235-40. Epub 2009
Jun 26. PubMed PMID: 19556800.
4: Perko Z, Mimica Z, Stipi R, Radoni V, Cala Z, Bakotin T, Kraljevi J, Strini
T, Jakus IA, Simuni M. [Transvaginal laparoscopically assisted cholecystectomy: a

first Croatian experience]. Lijec Vjesn. 2009 Mar-Apr;131(3-4):100-1. Croatian.

PubMed PMID: 19514257.
5: Maras-Simunic M, Druzijanic N, Simunic M, Roglic J, Tomic S, Perko Z. Use
ofmodified multidetector CT colonography for the evaluation of acute and subacute
colon obstruction caused by colorectal cancer: a feasibility study. Dis Colon Rectum.
2009 Mar;52(3):489-95. PubMed PMID: 19333051.
6: Grandi L, Pogoreli Z, Banovi J, Perko Z, Boschi V, Ili N, Tripkovi A,
Sari D. Advantages of the spared surgical treatment of the spleen injuries in the
clinical conditions. Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 Nov-Dec;55(88):2256-8. PubMed
PMID: 19260517.
7: Srsen D, Druzijani N, Pogoreli Z, Perko Z, Jurici J, Kraljevi D, Krni D,
Bilan K, Mimica Z. Quality of life analysis after open and laparoscopic inguinal
hernia repair--retrospective study. Hepatogastroenterology. 2008;55(88):2112-5.
PubMed PMID: 19260487.
8: Perko Z, Srsen D, Pogoreli Z, Druzijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurici J.
Laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma treatment.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 Mar-Apr;55(82-83):814-6. PubMed PMID: 18613461.
9: Druzijani N, Perko Z, Kraljevi D, Jurici J, Simuni MM, Bilan K, Krni D,
Pogoreli Z, Tomi S, Srsen D. Harmonic scalpel in transanal microsurgery.
Hepatogastroenterology. 2008 Mar-Apr;55(82-83):356-8. PubMed PMID: 18613365.
10: Perko Z, Bilan K, Pogoreli Z, Druzijani N, Srsen D, Kraljevi D, Jurici J,
Krni D. Acute appendicitis and ileal perforation with a toothpick treated by
laparoscopy. Coll Antropol. 2008 Mar;32(1):307-9. PubMed PMID: 18494219.
11: Mimica Z, Pogoreli Z, Srsen D, Perko Z, Stipi R, Dujmovi D, Tocilj J,
Ujevi D. The effect of analgesics and physical therapy on respiratory function after
open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Coll Antropol. 2008 Mar;32(1):193-9.
PubMed PMID: 18494204
12: Perko Z, Druzijani N, Bilan K, Pogoreli Z, Kraljevi D, Jurici J, Srsen D,
Krni D. Laparoscopic colon surgery: our results. Coll Antropol. 2008
Mar;32(1):187-91. PubMed PMID: 18494203.
13: Mimica Z, Pogoreli Z, Perko Z, Srsen D, Stipi R, Dujmovi D. Effect of
surgical incision on pain and respiratory function after abdominal surgery: a
randomized clinical trial. Hepatogastroenterology. 2007 Dec;54(80):2216-20.
PubMed PMID: 18265636.
14: Perko Z, Kraljevi J. [N. O. T. E. S.--natural orifice transluminal endoscopic
surgery]. Lijec Vjesn. 2007 Oct-Nov;129(10-11):371-2. Croatian. PubMed PMID:
15: Perko Z, Bilan K, Pogoreli Z, Srsen D, Druzijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurici J,
Mimica Z, Jurisi T, Bekavac-Beslin M. A novel algorithm for the minimal invasive
treatment of choledocholithiasis. Hepatogastroenterology. 2007 Jun;54(76):1009-12.
PubMed PMID: 17629027.
16: Perko Z, Bilan K, Vilovi K, Druzijani N, Kraljevi D, Juriici J, Krni D,
Srsen D, Pogoreli Z, Tomi S. Partial cecal necrosis treated by laparoscopic partial
cecal resection. Coll Antropol. 2006 Dec;30(4):937-9. PubMed PMID: 17243575.
17: Perko Z. [Laparoscopic colorectal surgery]. Lijec Vjesn. 2006 MayJun;128(5-6):190-1; author reply 191-2. Croatian. PubMed PMID: 16910423.
18: Perko Z, Druzijani N, Kraljevi D, Bilan K, Jurici J, Mimica Z, Boschi V,
Grandi L, Srsen D. Laparoscopic abdominal cysts fenestration using harmonic
scalpel. Coll Antropol. 2006 Mar;30(1):251-3. PubMed PMID: 16617608.
19: Perko Z, Durdov MG, Druzijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurici J. Giant perianal
angiomyofibroblastoma--a case report. Coll Antropol. 2006 Mar;30(1):243-6.

PubMed PMID: 16617606.

20: Perko Z, Pogoreli Z, Bilan K, Tomi S, Vilovi K, Krni D, Druzijani N,
Kraljevi D, Jurici J. Lateral thermal damage to rat abdominal wall after harmonic
scalpel application. Surg Endosc. 2006 Feb;20(2):322-4. Epub 2005 Dec 5. PubMed
PMID: 16333532
/ Books, Chapters
and other
Perko Z i sur / at al. Endoskopska kirurgija Instrumenti i oprema / Endoscopic
qualifications Surgery Instruments and Equipment; Knjigotisak, Split, 2001.
ala Z, Perko Z. Laparoskopska oprema i instrumenti / Laparoscopic Equipment and
Instruments. In: ala Z et al: Laparoskopska kolecistektomija - Temelji endoskopske
kirurgije / Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy A Basic Endoscopic Surgery; GZH,
Zagreb 2001: 22-49.
Perko Z, Mimica . Anatomija i histologija unjaka i unih putova te fiziologija s
patofiziologijom kolelitijaze / Anatomy and Hystology of Gallbladder and Bile
Ducts with Pathophysiology of Cholelithiasis. In: ala Z i sur / at al: Laparoskopska
kolecistektomija - Temelji endoskopske kirurgije / Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
A Basic Endoscopic Surgery; GZH, Zagreb 2001: 66-80.
ala Z, Perko Z. Komplikacije laparoskopske kolecistektomije / Complication of
Endoscopc Surgery. In: ala Z et al: Laparoskopska kolecistektomija - Temelji
endoskopske kirurgije / Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy A Basic Endoscopic
Surgery; GZH, Zagreb 2001: 167-181.
Last academic
October 18th.2007., professor

Surgery, Anatomy


Professor Valdi Peuti Pisac, MD, PhD


Department of Pathology, Split Medical School



Personal Web page

1980.-1986. Medical School, University of Zagreb
1987. internship
1989. 1993.- Residency: Pathology
1988. 1991. Postgraduate study in Oncology, University of Zagreb
2005. Head of the Department of Autopsy and Postmortem Procedures
1993. Bachelor of Science
2000. PhD
Investigations in the field of Thyroid pathology with special emphasis on the
molecular biology of cancer.
1995.; 1996.;1997.; 1999.; 2001.- Deparmnet of pathology, University Clinic
A.Gemelli, S Sacro Cuore u Rome, Italy
From 2006. participation in the project Molecular basis of thyroid cancer-criteria
in the treatment of differentiated cancer supported by the Ministry of Science and
From 2006. to date - chef investigator in the projectCarcinogenesis and prognostic

markers for squamous carcinoma of the larynx supported by Ministry of Science

and Technology
Organizer and lecturer at professional meetings, ongoing training of doctors
1. Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer 1998
2. Hyperthyreosis 2002
3. Thyroide nodule 2004
4. Hypothyreosis 2005
5. Current Diagnosis and therapy of diseases parathyroid glands 2006
6. Coronary disease 2006
7. Helicobacter infection 2007
8. Head and Neck tumors 2007
1. Peuti-Pisac V, Punda A., Gluni I., BedekoviV., Prani-Kragi A., Kunac
List of
N. Cyclin D1 and p27 expression as prognostic factor in papillary carcinoma
of the thyroid. Association with clinicopathological parameters. Croat Med J
(last 5 years)
2008; 49:643-649.
2. Miri L; Miri D; Duplani D; Koki S; Ljuti D; Peuti V; uli V;
Fabijani D ; Titli M. Specific and gender differences between hospitalized
and out of hospital mortality due to myocardial infarction. Collegium
Antropologicum. 32 (2008), 2; 315-319.
3. Torlak V; Zemunik T; Modun D; apkun V; Peuti-Pisac V; Markoti A;
Pavela-Vrani M; Stanii A. I-131-induced changes in rat thyroid gland
function. Brazilian Journal of Medical & Biological Research. 40 (2007), 8;
4. Cikojevi D; Glunci I; Peutic-Pisac V. Comparison of contact endoscopy
and frozen section histopathology in the intra-operative diagnosis of
laryngeal pathology. The Journal of laryngology and otology. 15 (2007); 1-4.
5. Cikojevi, Drako; Glunci, Ivo; Pesuti-Pisac, Valdi. Role of exfoliative
cytology in diagnosis of laryngeal tumors. Acta cytologica. 51 (2007), 5;
6. Mie, S; Tonki, A; Peuti-Pisac, V; Tonki, M; Mie, S; Capkun, V; Batelja,
L; Blagai Boban, A; Koki, N; Zorii, I; Saifert, D; Ani, T; Seiwerth, S;
Sikiri, P. The presentation and organization of adaptive cytoprotection in the
rat stomach, duodenum, and colon. Medical science monitor. 12 (2006) 4;
7. imuni M, Ljuti D, Mie S, Peuti-Pisac V, Tonki M, Hozo I.
Helicobacter pylori eradication for the treatment of dyspeptic symptoms in
chronic renal failure. Ann Saudi Med 2005; 25(5): 425-7
8. imuni M, Ljuti D, Mie S, Peuti-Pisac V, Tonki M. Are dyspeptic
symptoms in chronic renal failure aggravated by Helicobacter pylori
infection? Dialysis &Transplantion 2005; 34(5): 314-323,346.
Probavni sustav u knjizi:
S. Specijalna patologija, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2004; 221and other
Peuti Pisac V,Aljinovi J. Uzroci nagle smrti u izvanbolnikim uvjetima utvreni
obdukcijom U : Miri D, Giunuo L, Vukovi I Et al. Koronarna bolest. Hrvatsko
kardioloko drutvo-ogranak Split 2006; 189-215.
Last academic
9th April 2009
Medicine : Pathology; elective subject: Thyroid
Dental medicine: Pathology

Doctoral study Tumor biology:Molecular pathology of tumors of the urinary system,

Biology of the tumor.

Professor Pintari Irena, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Date and place of birth: March 10th 1963., Sisak
1981. - 1986. University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1987. - 1990. PHD in field of natural sciences at the University of Zagreb
1986. - MD
1990. Masters degree
1990. science assistant
1994. - PHD
1998. assistant professor at Department of anatomy and neuroscience
2005. associate professor
Clinical work:
1994. - 1998. specialist in neurology
Since 1998. works as neurologist at department of neurology in Split Clinical
Since 1987. teaches Anatomy and Organisation of central neurological system for
students at University of Split Schools of Medicine. Since 1995. teaches
Neuroscience. Since 1992. teaches Anatomy at Prirodoslovno-matematikom
fakultetu in Splitu. Since 1998teaches Neurology. Since 2002. participates in
teaching PHD students at University of Split School of Medicine.
1. Lui I, Pintari I, Hozo I, Boji L, apkun V. Serum prolactin levels after seizure
List of
and syncopal attacks. Seizure 1999; 8:218-222.
(last 5 years) 2. Pintari I, Eterovi D, Tocilj J, Reiner , Lui I. Effect of simvastatin on
micropulmonary red cell mass in patients with hyperlipoproteinemia. Atherosclerosis
2001; 154(2):493-497.
3. Tedeschi-Reiner E, Reiner Z, Ivekovic R, Novak-Laus K, Pintaric I. Plasma
cortisol in men relationship with atherosclerosis of retinal arteries. Coll Anthropol
2002; 26(2):615-619.
4. Rai G, Matuli J, Karelovi D, Pintari I, Ognjenovi M. Sudden sensorineural
hearing loss and hyperbaric oxigen therapy. Med Jad 2000; 30:81-91.
5. Rai G, Bui N, Boji L, Pintari I. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Lijec
Vjes 2001; 123(3-4): 88-92.
6. Pintari I, Filipovi-Gri P, Reiner , Matijaca M, Tomi S, Grbi . imbenici
rizika i karotidna ateroskleroza u bolesnika s tranzitornom ishemijskom atakom.
Lijec Vjes 2004; 126:57-60.
7. Pintari I, Filipovi-Gri P, Reiner , Matijaca M, Tomi S, Grbi . imbenici
rizika i karotidna ateroskleroza u bolesnika s tranzitornom ishemijskom atakom.
Lijec Vjes 2004; 126:57-60.
8. Boji L, Rogoi V, Inavievi M, Matijaca M, Lui I, Pintari I,
Vrebalov_Cindro V, Rai G. Progression of optic neuritis to multiple sclerosis in the
County of Split-Dalmatia, Croatia. Coll Antropol. 2007 Jun;31(2):557-60.

Neurotoxicity that may mimic progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in
patient with transplanted kidney. Coll Antropol. 2007 Mar; 31(1):349-53.
1. Saraga-Babi M, vajger A, Sapunar D, Pintari I, Anelinovi , Saraga M.
Razvitak i priroene bolesti bubrega. Medicinski fakultet Sveuilita u Zagrebu.
and other
qualifications 1992.
2. Reiner , Tedeschi-Reiner E, Pintari I. Statini u prevenciji bolesti srca i mozga.
In: Goldner V, editor. Povezanost bolesti srca i mozga. Zagreb:Hrvatska akademija
znanosti i umjetnosti, Razred za medicinske znanosti; 2004, p. 33-45.
Last academic
March 3rd 2005, Associate professor



Professor Stojan Poli, MD, PhD


Split Clinical Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine



Personal Web page

1970. Medical University, Zagreb, graduation
1979. 1988 Specialist in Internal Medicine, Cardiologist, Dept. of Medicine, Split
General Hospital
1982. Master degree
1988. Ph. D.
1993. Assistent Professor
1999. Professor of Internal medicine
2003. Full Professor of Internal medicine
2008. Full Professor of Internal Medicine in permanent tenue
1. Boji L, Ermacora R, Poli S, Ivanievi M, Mandi Z, Rogoi V, Lein M.
List of
syndrome and asymptomatic myocardial dysfunction. Graefe s
(last 5 years)
2. Punda A, Poli S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Markovi V, Lukin A. Effects of
atenolol and propranolol on platelet aggregation in moderate essential hypertension:
Randomized crossover trial. Croat Med J. 2005; 46:219-24.
3. Raki D, Rumboldt Z, Carevi V, Bagatin J, Poli S, Pivac N, Avelini-Perkovi
R. Approach to sudden cardiac death study investigators. In-hospital cardiac arrest
and resusitation outcomes: rationale for sudden cardiac death approach. Croat Med J.
2005; 46:907-12.
4. Poli S, Rumboldt Z, Novak K. Mechanisms of death in elderly patients with
acute myocardial infarction exposed to fibrinolytic therapy. Eur Heart J. 2006;
5. Boi I, Fabijani D, Carevi V, Poli S. Echocardiography in the diagnosis and
management of isolated left ventricular noncompaction: case reports and review of
the literature. J Clin Ultrasound 2006; 34:416-21.
6. Poli S, Zaputovi L, Milii D, Glava D. Croatian heart failure registry: initial
results Part II. Lije Vjesn. 2007; (supl. 4) 129:4.
7. Poli S, Zaputovi L, Milii D, Glava D. Croatian heart failure registry
procedures and treatment three year results. Lije Vjesn. 2008; (supl. 3) 130:21.
8. Jurevi Zidar B, Tripkovi I, Ninevi J, Marunica Oroli Lj, Glava D, Poli
S. Risk factors and comorbid disease in heart failure patients. Lije Vjesn. 2008;

(supl. 3) 130:50.
9. Reiner Z, Boikov V, Car N, Kneevi A, Koki S, Metelko Z, Milii D, Poli
S, Zaputovi L, Zjai-Rotkvi V. Recommendations of Croatian societies on
treatment of macrovascular and microvascular complications in patients with
metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2-treatment of residual risk. Lije Vjesn.
Published more than 170 articles: 24 full papers, and 11 abstracts in journals indexed
in the Current Contents base, 25 articles in the Index Medicus, and 23 in Excerpta
and other
qualifications Medica bases. Books: Emergencies in cardiology, and angiology, 1995 and 1999;
Selected topics in cardiovasculary therapy 2004, and 2008. Participated in tuition
since 1986 with at least 50 hours per year. Head of Chair of Internal Medicine,
School of Medicine, University Split 1998 2009. Head of Department of Internal
medicine Split Clinical Hospital since 2007. year.
Last academic
2008., full professor of Internal medicine in permanent tenue

Internal medicine


Professor Dragan Primorac, MD, PhD


Medical School, University of Split



Personal Web page

1985.-1991. University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Croatia
1998.- 2002.Residency Program in Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Postgraduate Training:
Department of Pediatrics, University of Connecticut, School
of Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut, USA (Projects:
Molecular basis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta; COL1A1
mRNA transport; premature Stop codon and its influence to
mRNA transport; Molecular basis of Nanomelia, a heritable
chondrodystrophy of chicken).
Additional Training:
State of Connecticut, Division of State Police, Forensic
Sciences Laboratory, Meriden, CT, USA (PCR amplification
and typing of the HLA DQ A1 and PM Loci)
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, DNA Identification
Laboratory, Rockville, MD, USA (Mitochondrial DNA
Sequence Analysis)
Analytical Genetic Testing Center, Inc. Denver, CO, USA
(Analysis of STRs)
St. Christophers Hospital for Children at Allegheny
University of the Health Sciences, Department of Pediatric
Surgery, (postoperative treatment of pediatric patients with
the liver transplant)
Academic Appointments:
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, University of

Connecticut, School of Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut,

1998- 2001
Assistant Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, University of
Split, School of Medicine, Split, Croatia
Assistant Professor, University of Split, School of Medicine,
Split, Croatia
Assistant Professor, University of Osijek, School of
Medicine, Osijek, Croatia
Associate Professor, University of Osijek, School of
Medicine, Osijek, Croatia
2009Full Professor, University of Osijek, School of Medicine,
Osijek, Croatia and Adjunct Ass. Professor of Forensic
Sciecnes, Eberly College of Science, Penn State University,
1. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Pojskic N., Kapur L., Drobnic K., Primorac D.,
Bajrovic K. Hadziselimovic R. Population data for the twelve Y-chromosome
short tandem repeat loci from the sample of multinational population in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Journal of Forensic Science 2005; 50: 1: 223-225.
2. Marjanovic, D., Fornarino, S., Montagna, S., Primorac, D., Hadziselimovic, R.,
Vidovic, S., Pojskic, N., Battaglia, V., Achilli, A., Drobnic, K., Andjelinovic, S.,
Torroni, A., Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. S. & Semino, O. The Peopling of
Modern Bosnia-Herzegovina: Y-chromosome Haplogroups in the Three Main
Ethnic Groups. Annals of Human Genetics. 2005; 69(6):757-63.
3. Dijan S, Primorac D, Marciki M, Anelinovi , Sutlovi D, Dabeli S, Lauc
G. High estimated likelihood ratio might be insufficient in a DNA-lead process of
identification of war victims. Croatica Chemica Acta 2005; 78(3) 393 396.
4. Sutlovi D, Definis-Gojanovi M, Anelinovi S, Gugi D, Primorac D. Taq
polymerase reverses inhibition of quantitative real time polymerase chain
reaction by humic acid.Croat Med J. 2005 ;46(4):556-62.
5. Anelinovi S, Sutlovi D, Erceg-Ivkoi I, karo V, Ivkoi A, Pai F, Rezic B,
Definic-Gojanovic M, Primorac D. Twelve-year experience in identification of
skeletal remains from mass graves. Croat Med J. 2005 ;46(4):530-9.
6. Marjanovic D., Bakal N., Pojskic N., Kapur L., Drobnic K., Primorac D.,
Bajrovic K., Hadziselmovic R. Allele Frequencies for 15 Short Tandem Repeat
Loci in a Representative Sample of Bosnians and Herzegovinians. Forensic
Science International 2006;156(1):79-81.
7. Paveli K, Primorac D, Vuk-Pavlovi S. Integrating new countries into the
European Research Area. Croatian reflections on joining the European Union.
EMBO reports 2006; 7(5): 1-5.
8. Marjanovic D. Pojskic N. Davoren J. Kovacevic L. Durmic A. Bakal N. Drobnic
K. Primorac D. Skaro V. Bajrovic K. Hadziselimovic R. Population data at two
short tandem repeat loci D2S1338 and D19S433 in the sample of multinational
Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. Journal of Forensic Sciences 2006;
9. Petroveki M, Paar V, Primorac D. Can Croatia Join Europe as Competitive
Knowledge-based Society by 2010? Croat Med J. 2006;47:809-24.
10. Eterovi D, Titli M, uli V, Zadro R, Primorac D. Lower contribution of factor
V Leiden or G202104 mutations to ischemic stroke in patients with clinical risk
factors: pair-matched case-control study. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost.
11. Primorac D. Editorial. Collegium Antropologicum. 2007;31(2):1.

12. Marjanovic D, Durmic-Pasic A, Bakal N, Haveric S, Kalamujic B, Kovacevic L,

Ramic J, Pojskic N, Skaro V, Projic P, Bajrovic K, Hadziselimovic R, Drobnic K,
Huffine E, Davoren J, Primorac D. DNA identification of skeletal remains from
the World War II mass graves uncovered in Slovenia.Croat Med J.
13. Projic P, Skaro V, Samija I, Pojskic N, Durmic-Pasic A, Kovacevic L, Bakal N,
Primorac D, Marjanovic D. Allele frequencies for 15 short tandem repeat loci in
representative sample of Croatian population.Croat Med J. 2007;48(4):473-7.
14. Primorac D. Editorial. Collegium Antropologicum. 2007;31(2):1.
15. Primorac D. Back into the fold. EMBO Reports 2008;9(7): 596-599.
16. Battaglia V, Fornarino S, Al-Zahery N, Olivieri A, Pala M, Myres NM, King RJ,
Rootsi S, Marjanovic D, Primorac D, Hadziselimovic R, Vidovic S, Drobnic K,
Durmishi N, Torroni A, Santachiara-Benerecetti AS, Underhill PA, Semino O. Ychromosomal evidence of the cultural diffusion of agriculture in southeast
Europe. Eur J Hum Genet. 2008; 1-11.
17. Dijan S, Curi G, Pavlini D, Marciki M, Primorac D, Lauc G. Evaluation of
the Reliability of DNA Typing in the Process of Identification of War Victims in
Croatia. J Forensic Sci. 2009;54(3): 608-609.
18. Primorac D. Human Genome Project-based applications in forensic sciences.
Croat Med J. 2009;50 (30):2005-6.
19. Marjanovi D, Durmi-Pasi A, Kovacevi L, Avdi J, Dzehverovi M,Haveri
S, Rami J, Kalamuji B, Luki Bilela L, Skaro V, Proji P, Bajrovi K, Drobnic
K, Davoren J, Primorac D. Identification of skeletal remains of Communist
Armed Forces victims during and after World War II: combined Y-chromosome
(STR) and MiniSTR approach. Croat Med J. 2009 Jun;50(3):296-304.
20. Primorac D. Innovating Education in Croatia. Science 2009;324:1650.
21. Underhill PA, Myres NM, Rootsi S, Metspalu M, Zhivotovsky LA, King RJ, Lin
AA, Chow CE, Semino O, Battaglia V, Kutuev I, Jrve M, Chaubey G, Ayub Q,
Mohyuddin A, Mehdi SQ, Sengupta S, Rogaev EI, Khusnutdinova EK,
Pshenichnov A, Balanovsky O, Balanovska E, Jeran N, Augustin DH, Baldovic
M, Herrera RJ, Thangaraj K, Singh V, Singh L, Majumder P, Rudan P, Primorac
D, Villems R, Kivisild T. Separating the post-Glacial coancestry of European and
Asian Y chromosomes within haplogroup R1a. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010
22. Underhill PA, Myres NM, Rootsi S, Metspalu M, Zhivotovsky LA, King RJ, Lin
AA, Chow CE, Semino O, Battaglia V, Kutuev I, Jrve M, Chaubey G, Ayub Q,
Mohyuddin A, Mehdi SQ, Sengupta S, Rogaev EI, Khusnutdinova EK,
Pshenichnov A, Balanovsky O, Balanovska E, Jeran N, Augustin DH, Baldovic
M, Herrera RJ, Thangaraj K, Singh V, Singh L, Majumder P, Rudan P, Primorac
D, Villems R, Kivisild T. Separating the post-Glacial coancestry of European and
Asian Y chromosomes within haplogroup R1a. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010
Other papers:
1. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Bakal N., Drobnic K., Primorac D., Bajrovic K.,
Hadziselimovic R. Preliminary population study at fifteen autosomal and
twelve Y-chromosome short tandem repeat loci in the representative sample
of multinational Bosnia and Herzegovina residents. Progress in Forensic
Genetics 2006;11: 243-245.
2. Marjanovic D., Pojskic N., Kalamujic B., Bakal N., Haveric S., Haveric A.,
Durmic A., Kovacevic L., Drobnic K., Hadziselimovic R., Primorac D. Most
recent investigation of peopling of Bosnia and Herzegovina: DNA approach.

Documenta Praehistorica XXXIII (2006)

3. Primorac Dragan, Primorac Damir, Butorac S, Adamovi M. Analiza DNA u
sudskoj medicine i njezina primjena u hrvatskome kaznenopravnom sustavu.
Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu 2009;16 (1) 3-26.
Contributions to Books:
S., Krstulovic B., Dominis M., Bakotin J., Primorac D.
and other
slides in general pathology. Video Tape. Skolska Knjiga,
Zagreb, Croatia, 1991.
Shapiro J., Primorac D., Rowe D.W. Mutations in type I Osteogenesis
Imperfecta. In Principles of Bone Biology. (Eds. J. Bilezikian, L.Raisz, G.
Rodan). New York: Academic Press 1996:889-902.
Primorac D. Molecular basis of osteogenesis imperfecta (Eds. D. erman, A.
Stavljeni Rukavina, J. Serti, F Buli Jaku). Medicinska naklada 2001:188195.
Primorac at al. DNA analysis in forensic medicine. (Croatian edition) Nakladni
Zavod Matice Hrvatske 2001.
Andelinovic S, Drmic I, Primorac D. In: Methods in Molecular Medicine.
(Eds. D. Serman, A S-Rukavina, Sertic J. Zagreb Medical School, 2001:105112.
Ivkosic A, Erceg I, Primorac D. Genetika u pedijatrijskoj kardiologiji genetika prirodenih srcanih gresaka u: Pedijatrijska kardiologija. Malcic I
(ed.). Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2001. p. 43-59.
Plotkin H, Primorac D., Rowe D.W. Osteogenesis Imperfecta. In: Pediatric
Bone: Biology & Diseases. (Editor Francis Glorieux). New York: Academic
Press 2003.
Primorac D, Erceg I, Sutlovi D, Ivkoi Am Pai F, karo V, Primorac D,
Rei B, Anelinovi . DNA Identification of Skeletal Remains Discovered
From Mass Graves. In:Lo Stato DellArte In Genetica Forense. (Eds.D. De
Leo, S. Turrina, M. Orrico). Milano: Centri di documentazione e di
distribuzione Giuffre 2003:23-32.
Biomedical Diagnostics in Clinical Practice. (Eds. E. Topi, D. Primorac, S.
Jankovi) Zagreb: Medicinska naklada 2004.
10. Vrki N. Krpan D, Primorac D. Bone diseases: Medical biochemical
diagnostics in clinical practice. Topi E, Primorac D, Jankovi S (ed.). Zagreb:
Medicinska naklada, 2004.
11. Primorac at al. Forensic DNA analysis. (Eds. Primorac D, Marjanovi D,
Croatian edition) Medicinska naklada 2008.
Book Translation:
Lee H, Labriola J. Famous crimes revisited. Strong Books, Southington, CT,
USA. Editor of Croatian Edition.
Replication, Maintenance and Rearrangements of Genomic DNA (Chapter 5)
in: The Cell Molecullar Approach, third edition. Cooper, GM; Hausman RE:
(editors) Medicinska naklada, Zagreb / Lauc Gordan (editor of the croatian
edition). Geoffrey M. Cooper 2004.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Chapter 10) and The Extra
cellular Matrix (Chapter 47) in Harper s Illustrated Biochemistry, 27 th Edition.
Murray KR, Granner KD, Rodwell WV (editors). McGraw Hill, 2006.
Last academic
September 14th, 2009.



Professor Neira Puizina-Ivi, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Center Split



Personal Web page

In May 1987. started with specialization of dermatology. Meanwhile, she passed
postgraduating study. After finishing specialization in June 1990, started to work as
dermatovenerologist with special interest in dermatopathology and dermatooncology.
In 1998. was elected for assistant in course of dermatovereology in School of
medicine University of Split. In 1994. became master of science after presentation of
research Epidemiologic characteristics of pathohistological variants of basall cell
carcinoma. In 2002. presentated doctors thesis Programmed cell death and
expression of Bcl-2 protein in precancerous, benign and malignant skin tumors in
School of medicine University of Zagreb, and became Ph.D. and senior assistant. At
the beginning of 2004. improved knowledge in Clinic of dermatovenerology
University of Graz with special attention in dermatooncology, dermatopathology as
well as in general dermatology. At the end of 2004. had habilitation lecture
Dermatologic manifestation of hyperandrogenism and became assistant professor
and superspecialist of dermatooncology. In 2009. became associated professor and
head of course of dermatovenerology. She organized four courses of continuously
education for dermatologists and general practitioners in dermatology and
dermatoscopy with international participants.
She is author and co-author of 33 articles and chapters in textbooks of
dermatovenerology and active participants of numerous international meetings and
conferences. She was invited teacher in several international workshops and
meetings. She had grant Photodynamic therapy in dermatological oncology
supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
/No. 141-2180056-481/. She is mentor of students and dermatologists for graduate
work and master and doctors thesis, respectively.
Puizina-Ivi N, Bezi J, Marasovi D, Gotovac V, arija A, Boi M. Angiosarcoma
List of
arising in telangiectatic sclerodermatous skin. Acta Dermatoven APA 2005; 14:20-25.
(last 5 years) Puizina-Ivi N. Dermatoloke manifestacije Downovog sindroma. Paediatria Croat
2005; 49: 53-55.
uli V, Gabri D, Puizina-Ivi N, Rozman K, Peterlin B, Paveli J. De novo NEMO
gene deletion (4-10) A cause of incontinetia pigmenti in female infant: a case
report. Coll Antropol 2008; 32: 1259-1262.
Puizina-Ivi N. Skin aging. Acta Dermatoven APA 2008; 17: 47- 52.
Ivi I, Bradari N, Puizina-Ivi N, Ledina D, Luki B, Martini R. HLA- CW7 allele
as predictor of favourable therapeutic response to interferon- in patients with
chronic hepatitis C. Croat Med J 2007; 48: 807-813.
Puizina-Ivi N , Sapunar D, Marasovi D, Miri L. An overview of Bcl-2 expression
in histopathological variants of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma,
actinic keratosis and seborrheic keratosis. Coll Antropol 2008; 32 (suppl): 61-65.
Puizina-Ivi N, Zorc H, Lucija Vanjaka-Rogoi, Lina Miri, Perin A. Fractionated
illumination improves the outcome in the treatment of precancerous lesions with
photodynamic therapy. Coll Antropol 2008; 32 (suppl): 67-73.
Puizina-Ivi N. Kone bolesti. U: uli V, uli S. Sindrom Down. Split: Naklada
Bokovi, 2009: 167-187.
Mie K, Goi-Barii I, Puizina-Ivi N, Barii I, Tomki M, Peri I. A rare case of

pulmonary tuberculosis with simultaneous pulmonary and skin sarcoidosis: a case

report. Cases Journal 2010; 3:24-28.
Rogoi V, Boji L, Puizina-Ivi N, Vanjaka-Rogoi L, Titli M, Kovaevi D,
Duplani D, Sapunar D, oga Z. Vitiligo and glaucoma-an association or a
coincidence? A pilot study. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2010; 18(1):21-26.
Kopriva I, Perin A, Puizina-Ivi N, Miri L. Robust demarcation of basal cell
carcinoma by dependent component analysis-based segmentation of multi-spectral
fluorescence image, II J Photochem Photobiol B: Biology 2010; 100:10-18
Masters thesis: Epidemiologic characteristics of pathohistological variants of basall
cell carcinoma (1994.)
and other
qualifications Doctors thesis: Programmed cell death and expression of Bcl-2 protein in
precancerous, benign and malignant skin tumors (2002.)
Last academic
December 1th 2009.



Assistant Professor Livia Puljak, MD, PhD


School of Medicine in Split, Croatia



Personal Web page


List of
(last 5 years)

Graduated in 2002 from School of Medicine in Split. From 2003-3004 postdoctoral
fellowship at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. From 2004-2006
postdoctoral fellow at University of Texas Southwestern at Dallas. Employed at
School of Medicine in Split since 2006. PhD title defended in 2008. Assistant
Professor since 2009. Founder and inaugural president of Croatian Branch of Italian
Cochrane Center.
1. Sambunjak D, Puljak L. Cochrane systematic review as a PhD thesis: an
alternative with numerous advantages. Biochemia Medica. Accepted.
2. Novak K, Aljinovic J, Kostic S, Capkun V, Novak Ribicic K, Batinic T, Stula I,
Puljak L. Pain to hospital times after myocardial infarction in patients from
mainland and islands in Dalmatia, Southern Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal.
3. Novak K, Miric D, Jurin A, Vukojevic K, Aljinovic J, Caric A, Marinovic Guic
M, Poljicanin A, Kosta V, Rako D, Marusic A, Marusic M, Puljak L. Awareness
and use of evidence-based medicine databases and The Cochrane Library
among physicians in Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal. 2010;51:157-64.
4. Puljak L, Rako D. Practical advice for getting involved with The Cochrane
Collaboration. Paediatria Croatica. 2010;54(Suppl 1):7-9.
5. Bosnjak L, Puljak L, Vukojevic K, Marusic A. Analysis of a number and type of
publications that editors publish in their own journals: Case study of scholarly
journals in Croatia. Scientometrics. 2010. DOI 10.1007/s11192-010-0207-7.
6. Koceic A, Mestrovic A, Vrdoljak K, Vukojevic K, Barac-Latas V, DrenjancevicPeric I, Biocina-Lukenda D, Sapunar D, Puljak L. Analysis of elective
curriculum in undergraduate medical education in Croatia. Medical Education.
7. Lovric Kojunzic S, Puljak L, Hogan Q, Sapunar D. Depression of

and other
Last academic

calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II in dorsal root ganglion neurons

after spinal nerve ligation. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2010;518(1):6474.
8. Puljak L, Rako D. Branch of The Cochrane Collaboration founded in Croatia.
Acta Medica Academica. 2009;38:51-54.
9. Puljak L, Sharif WD. Postdocs' perceptions of work environment and career
prospects at the US academic insitution. Research Evaluation. 2009;18(5):411415.
10. Puljak L, Rako D. Enhancing medical practice in Croatia through The Cochrane
Collaboration. Biochemia Medica. 2009. 19(3):260-5.
11. Sapunar D, Puljak L. What can rats tell us about neuropathic pain? Critical
evaluation of behavioral tests used in rodent pain models. Review. Periodicum
Biologorum. 2009. 111(2):155-160.
12. Puljak L, Hogan Q, Lovric Kojundzic S, Sapunar D. Lidocaine injection in
spinal nerve and dorsal root ganglion of the rat causes neuroinflammation and
pain-related behavior. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2009. Mar;108(3):1021-6.
13. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Hogan Q, Sapunar D. Targeted delivery of
pharmacological agents into rat dorsal root ganglion. Journal of Neuroscience
Methods. 2009. Mar 15;177(2):397-402.
14. Puljak L, Parameswara V, Dolovcak S, Waldrop SL, Emmett D, Esser V, Fitz,
JG, Kilic G. Evidence for AMPK-dependent regulation of exocytosis of
lipoproteins in a model liver cell line. Experimental Cell Research. 2008. Jun
15. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Sapunar D. Gender and academic medicine: a
good pipeline of women graduates is not advancing. Teaching and Learning in
Medicine. 2008. 20(3):273-8.
16. Puljak L, Sapunar D. Turning Croatian science into policy. Croatian Medical
Journal. 2008. 49;155-7.
17. Puljak L, Vukojevic K, Lovric Kojundzic S, Sapunar D. Assessing clinical and
life sciences performance at the University of Split, Croatia: 2000-2006.
Croatian Medical Journal. 2008. 49;164-74.
18. Emmett DS, Feranchak A, Kilic G, Puljak L, Miller B, Dolovcak S,
McWilliams R, Doctor RB, Fitz JG. Characterization of ionotropic purinergic
receptors in hepatocytes. Hepatology. 2008. 47(2); 698-705.
19. Puljak L, Brnjas Kraljevic J, Barac Latas V, Sapunar D. Demographics and
motives of medical school applicants in Croatia. Medical Teacher. 2007. 29(8);
20. Puljak L. An overlooked source of physician scientists. Journal of Investigative
Medicine. 2007. 55(8); 402-5.
21. Puljak L. Croatia founded a national body for ethics in science. Science and
Engineering Ethics. 2007;13:191-193.
22. Puljak L, Kilic G. Emerging roles of chloride channels in human diseases.
Review. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2006 Apr;1762(4):404-13.
23. Puljak L, Pagliasotti MJ, Wei Y, Qadri I, Parameswara V, Esser V, Fitz JG, Kilic
G. Inhibition of cellular responses to insulin in a rat liver cell line. A role for
PKC in insulin resistance. Journal of Physiology. 2005 Mar 1;563(Pt 2):471-82.
Educational software for medical school: Histology atlas, 2007
Book: Dictionary of Pain, 2010
2009. (Assistant Professor)


Histology and Embryology

Elective courses: The Cochrane Library and pain, Empathy and Pain, The Puzzle of


Ante Punda


Clinical Hospital Center Split



Personal Web page

I was born 1955. I finished elementary and classical high school in Split, and the
School of Medicine in Zagreb. I finished the Postgraduate Scientific Study in
Clinical Pharmacology at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. In 2004 I
defended the Masters thesis titled Comparison of the Effects of Atenolol and
Propranolol on Platelet Aggregation in Moderate Essentially Hypertension. August
the 10th, 2007 I defended my doctoral dissertation titled Prognostic Value RET
Mutation and p27 and Cyclin D1 Expressiveness in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma at
the same Faculty. Up to 1990 I worked as a primary care doctor at the Split shipyard,
while from February 1990 I have a permanent position at the Clinical Hospital
Center Split, Department of Nuclear Medicine. In 1990 I began my residency in
nuclear medicine, and in 1993 I passed the medical specialty exam. From April 2008
I am being the Head of Nuclear Medicine Department. In 2002, 2003, 2005 and
2006 I was the organizer, the supervisor and the lecturer at the Thyroid Disease
Continual Medical Education Courses. I participated in organizing symposium as
being: a) secretary and member of the organization committee of the 1 st Conference
of the Croatian Association for Thyroid - Thyroid Carcinoma, Split, 2007; b)
member of the scientific symposium committee, 40 years of Nuclear Medicine in
Osijek (2007), with international participation; c) member of the scientific
committee International Course on Thyroid Surgery, Zagreb, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006. I am the member of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, of the
Croatian Society of Osteoporosis, European Society of Nuclear Medicine, as well as
the Vice President of the Croatian Society of Thyroid. I am an associate at the
following scientific projects financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sport: Circulatory Effects of Urolithiasis (Supervisor: prof., Davor Eterovi, Ph.D.),
and Molecular Basis of Thyroid Carcinoma - Criteria in the Treatment of
Differentiated Carcinoma (Supervisor: Miljenko Bura, Ph.D.).Also, I was a member
of the Commission of Continual Medical Education at the School of Medicine in
List of
1. Eterovi D, itum M, Punda A, Markovi V, Koki S.Urinary obstruction
depresses erythropoiesis which recovers after parenchyma-saving surgery but
(last 5 years)
not SWL. Urol Res. 2010 Feb;38(1):51-6.Epub 2009 Dec 1.
2. Eterovi D, Markovi V, Punda A, Antunovi Z.131I radiation dose
distribution in metastases of thyroid carcinoma. J Nucl Med.2009
May;50(5):833-4; autor reply 834.Epub 2009 Apr 16.
3. Titli M, Tonki A, Juki I, Bua A, Punda A.Leptomeningeal matastases of
an astrocytoma of the conus meddullaris:a case report. Acta Neurol
Belg.2008 Dec;108(4):170-2.
4. Eterovi D, Markovi V, Antunovi Z ,Punda A.Determinants 131I radiation








and other




dose to thyroid follicular cells. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2009
Apr;36(4):721-2.Epub 2009 Feb 20.
Peuti Pisac V, Punda A, Gluni I, Bedekovi V, Prani Kragi A, Kunac N.
Cyclin D1 and p27 expression as prognostic factor in papillary carcinoma of
thyroid: association with clinicopathological parameters. Croat Med J. 2008
Titli M, Josipovi-Jeli Z, Punda A. Headache caused by pesticides--a
review of the literature. Acta Med Croatica. 2008 May;62(2):233-6.
Titli M, Juki I, Tonki A, Punda A.Headache caused by handling the
pesticide Antracol Combi WP 76: a case report. J Headache Pain. 2007
Dec;8(6):345-7.Epub 2007 Dec 10.
Mie S, Tonki A, Punda A, Titli M, Peuti Pisac V, Juki I, Seiwerth S,
Sikiri P. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Associated
Osteopenia.Gastroenterology. 2006;130(4):A458-A458.
Vrca A, Mii-Majerus Lj, Poje R, iki N, Rui-Sablji E, Bai-Vrca V,
Titli M, Punda A. Guillain-Barre Syndrome in Patients with Seroconversion
of IgG Antibodies to Borrelia Burgdorferi sensu lato. Coll.Antropol. 2008;
Prani-Kragi A, Markovi V, Radovi D, Dodig D, Punda A, apkun V. The
value of quantitative bone scintigraphy in the prognosis of fracture healing.
Acta Clin Croat. 2007;46:5-9.
Titli M, Punda A, Juki I, Tonki A, Josipovi-Jeli . Symptomatology of
detrimental effects of pesticides-Literature review. Acta Clin Croat.
2007;46(3): 229-234.
Punda A, Poli S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Markovi V, Lukin A. Effects of
Atenolol and Propranolol on Platelet Aggregation in Moderate Essential
Hypertension: randomized crossover trial.Croat Med J. 2005 Apr; 46 (2):
Poli S, Perkovi D, tula I, Punda A, Lukin A, Rumboldt Z. Early Cardiac
Rupture Following Streptokinase in Patients with Acute Myocardial
Infarction: Retrospective Cohort Study. Croat Med J. 2000; 41 (3): 303-5.
Saraga M, Vuki-Kouljandi , Markovi V, Punda A, Stanii A.(letter).
Pediatr Croat. 1999;43:49-50.
Saraga M, Vuki-Kouljandi , Markovi V, Punda A, Stanii A.(letter).
Pediatr Croat. 2000;44:131.
Punda A, Tuki A, Markovi V, Eterovi D, Stanii A, Vujii M.
Determinants of prediction of multivessel disease by thallium scintigraphy.
In: Highlights of the Second International Congress of the Croatian Society
of Nuclear Medizine. Nucl Med. 1996;35:A118.
Markovi V, Dodig D, apkun V, Radovi D, Punda A, Saraga M.
Radionuclide cystography and voiding cystourethrography in detection of
primary nondilated vesicoureteral refluxies in children. U: Highlights of the
Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medizine.
Nucl Med. 2002;41:A13.
Peuti-Pisac V, Punda A, apkun V, Tomi S, Petric S, Marinkovi M,
Stanii A, Prani-Kragi A, Markovi V, Radovi D, Jureti-Kui Lj.
Epithelial membrane antigene (EMA) and NM23 suppresor gene in papillary
and follicular thyroid carcinomas. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

7. Punda A, apkun V, Markovi V, Lukin A, Tuki A. Stress test and Thallium201 scintigraphy in detecting of coronary Disease. Journal fr Kardiologie.
8. Punda A, Markovi V, Stanii A, Lukin A, Boi I, Giunio L. Myocardial
viability detection by reinjecting TI-201. Cardiologia Hungarica.
9. Saraga M, Vuki-Kouljandi , Markovi V, Punda A, Stanii
cystouretrography. Pediatr Nephrol.1999,13:C44.
From 2005 to 2007, I was the lecturer in Postgraduate Courses of the Continual
Medical Education Category 1 Ultrasound in Clinical Practice- Ultrasound of
Thyroid, at the School of Medicine in Split, and in 2007 I was the Head of the
Course. Also, I was students graduation thesis mentor at the School of Medicine in
Assistant professor from June, 2008.
Last academic advancement

I participate in performance of the curriculum of the following courses:

1. Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine in Split, School of Medicine in Mostar,
Professional Study in Medical Radiology, School of Medicine in Split;
2. Medical Physics and Biophysics, School of Medicine in Split;
3. Biophysics, Dental Study at the School of Medicine in Split;
4. Medical Biostatistics, Postgraduate Doctoral Study Evidence - Based Clinical
Medicine at the School of Medicine in Split;
5. Medical Biostatistics, Postgraduate Specialist Study Clinical Epidemiology at
the School of Medicine in Split.


Professor Volga Punda-Poli, MD, Ph.D


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

1970. MD, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1973. Assistant professor, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology School of
Medicine Zagreb
1976. Specialist in medical microbiology and parasitology
1978. MSc (virology), University of Zagreb
1985. PhD (virology), University of Zagreb
1986. - present Head, Department of Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology, Split
University Hospital, Split
1989.-1997. Associate Professor of Microbiology, School of Medicine, University of
1997.-2000. Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Split School of
2000.-2005. full Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Split School
of Medicine
2005.-present full Professor with tenure, Department of Microbiology, University of
Split School of Medicine

List of
(last 5 years)







Medi A, Delalija B, Punda-Poli V, Gjenero Margan I, Turkovi B, Gili V. Q

fever epidemic among employees in a factory in the suburb of Zadar, Croatia.
Croat Med J 2005;46: 315 319.
Tonki M, Goi Barii I, Punda-Poli V. Prevalence and antimicrobial
resistance of extended-spectrum -lactamases-producing Escherichia coli and
Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated in a university hospital in Split, Croatia.
Int Microbiol 2005; 8: 119-124.
Luki B, Punda-Poli V, Ivi I, Bradari I, Bradari N. Clinical and
epidemiological features of hospitalized acute Q fever cases from SplitDalmatia County (Croatia), 1985-2002. Med Sci Monit 2006;12: 126-131.
Punda-Poli V, Cvetni . Human brucellosis in Croatia. Lancet Infect Dis
2006; 6: 540-541.
Tonki M, Tonki A, Goi Barii I, Juki I, imuni M, Punda-Poli V. Primary
resistance and antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentrations for Helicobacter
pylori strains in Split, Croatia. J Chemother 2006; 18: 437-439.
Dobec M, Delalija B, Punda-Polic V, Zoric I. High prevalence of antibodies to
lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in a murine typhus endemic region in
Croatia. J Med Virol 2006; 78:1643-1647.
Duh D, Punda-Poli V, Trilar T, Petrovec M, Bradari N, Avi-upanc T.
Molecular identification of Rickettsia felis-like bacteria in Haemaphysalis
sulcata ticks collected from domestic animals in southern Croatia. Ann NY Acad
Sci 2006; 1078: 347-351.
Punda-Poli V, iko Kraljevi K, Bradari N. War-associated cases of typhoid
fever imported to Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia). Mil Med 2007; 172:10961098.
Tonki M, Bedeni B, Goi Barii I, Kati S, Kaleni S, Kaufmann ME,
Woodford N, Punda-Poli V. First report of CTX-M extended-spectrum lactamase-producing isolates from Croatia. J Chemother 2007; 19: 97-100.
Goi Barii I, Bedeni B, Tonki M, Kati S, Kaleni S, Punda-Poli V. First
report of molecular characterization of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter
baumannii in different intensive care units in University Hospital Split, Croatia.
J Chemother 2007;19: 462-464.
Punda-Poli V. Rickettsioses in Croatia. In: Alexandrov E, Kazar J, Hechemy K,
Kantardjiev T, editors. Contemporary state of the rickettsioses in the world and
in Bulgaria. Sofia: Prof Marin Drinov Academic publishing house; 2007. p. 162167.
Duh D, Punda-Poli V, Trilar T, Avi-upanc T. Molecular detection of
Theileria sp. in ticks and naturally infected sheep. Vet Parasitol 2008; 151:327331.
Punda-Poli V, Luki B, apkun V. Epidemiological features of Mediterranean
spotted fever, murine typhus, and Q fever in Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia),
1982-2002. Epidemiol Infect 2008; 136:972-9.
Dobec M, Golubic D, Punda-Polic V, Kaeppeli F, Sievers M. Rickettsia
helvetica in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks. Emerg Infect Dis 2009;15:98-100.
Goic-Barisic I, Bedenic B, Tonkic M, Novak A, Katic S, Kalenic S, Punda-Polic
V, Towner KJ. Occurrence of OXA-107 and ISAba1 in carbapenem-resistant
isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii from Croatia. J Clin Microbiol. 2009;47:
Duh D, Punda-Polic V, Avsic-Zupanc T, Bouyer D, Walker DH, Popov VL,
Jelovsek M, Gracner M, Trilar T, Bradaric N, Kurtti TJ, Strus J. Rickettsia
hoogstraalii sp. nov., isolated from hard- and soft-bodied ticks. Int J Syst Evol

Microbiol. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2010; 60: 977-84.

17. Gracner M, Avsic-Zupanc T, Punda-Polic V, Dolinsek J, Bouyer D, Walker DH,
Zavala-Castro JE, Bradaric N, Crocquet-Valdes PA, Duh D. Comparative ompA
gene sequence analysis of Rickettsia felis-like bacteria detected in
Haemaphysalis sulcata ticks and isolated in the mosquito C6/36 cell line. Clin
Microbiol Infect. 2009; 15 (suppl. 2): 265-6.
18. Bedenic B, Goic-Barisic I, Budimir A, Tonkic M, Mihajkevic LJ, Novak A,
Sviben M, Plecko V, Punda-Polic V, Kalenic S. Antimicrobial susceptibility and
beta-lactamase production of selected gram-negative bacilli from two Croatian
hospitals: MYSTIC study results. J Chemother. 2010; 22(3):147-52
19. Boban N, Tonkic M, Budimir D, Modun D, Sutlovic D, Punda-Polic V, Boban
M.Antimicrobial effects of wine: separating the role of polyphenols, pH,
ethanol, and other wine components. J Food Sci. 2010;75: M322-6.
20. Tonkic M, Mohar B, Sisko-Kraljevic K, Mesko-Meglic K, Goic-Barisic I,
Novak A, Kovacic A, Punda Poli V. The high prevalence and molecular
characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Proteus
mirabilis strains - the first report from Southern Croatia. J Med Microbiol. 2010
Jun 17. [Epub ahead of print]
V. Bruceloza. In : Punda-Poli V, Bradari N. Najee zoonoze u
praksi - kliniki i dijagnostiki pristup. Poslijediplomski teaj
and other
stalnog medicinskog usavravanja. Split, Hrvatska. Sveuilite u Splitu
Medicinski fakultet; 2008, p. 28-30.
2. Punda-Poli V. Bolesti koje uzrokuju rikecije - rikecioze. U: Punda-Poli V,
Bradari N, editor. Najee zoonoze u svakodnevnoj praksi - kliniki i
dijagnostiki pristup. Poslijediplomski teaj stalnog medicinskog usavravanja.
Split, Hrvatska. Sveuilite u Splitu Medicinski fakultet; 2008, p. 14-18.
Last academic advancement
22. 09. 2005. full professor with tenure
MD program
Basic medical microbiology and parasitology
Clinical microbiology and parasitology
Dental medicine program
Medical microbiology and parasitology
Pregraduate program for nursing
Medical microbiology and parasitology

Professor Goran Racic, MD, PhD


University Hospital CentreSplit



Web page

He was enrolled in Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb in 1967, and he graduated in 1972.

Until the beginning of fellowship he was working in primary care. In May 1978 he
began fellowship in the field of ENT in the Military hospital in Split, and the final part
(18 months) and exam in 1982 on ENT Clinic alata in Zagreb. From September to
December 1983 he worked in the ENT Clinic Grosshadern in Munich with Professor
HH Naumann, where he obtained his Masters Degree with the article Evaluacija
operativnog lijeenja kroninih upala srednjeg uha. He obtained it in December 1985
on Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb. In 1986 he spent 2 months at Prof. H. Silversteins

List of
s (last 5

s and other

clinic in Sarasota-USA, where he was introduced to otoneurologic surgeries. In 1987 he

joined the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb, Split division, after being chosen as the
scientific assistant. At the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s he was doing
scientific research in the Institute for the undersea medicine of the CMN (Department
of hyperbaric and undersea medicine). He obtained his Ph.D. with his article HBO and
the treatment of Bells palsy in November 1993 in Split. In May 1996 he was chosen
as the assistant professor of the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb for the needs of
Medicine department in Split, in 2002 he was elected as the associate professor, and in
2009 he was elected as the professor. He is director of the ENT studies at the Faculty
since 1996, in November 1999 he has been elected as the Head of the Department for
Head and Neck Surgery, and in 2003 he has been elected as the Head of the ENT
Clinic. With the Head of the Department for Neuroscinences he formed the sleep lab,
the first its kind in Croatia. The laboratory is equipped with two examination rooms,
one clinical polysomnograph (Alice 4), and one portable polysomnograph
(Polymesam). Also in that laboratory OSA is being examined with the
pharingoesophageal probe in order to detect place of obstruction during the obstruction
of breathing. That probe is the first of such kind and for such use in Croatia..
1. Racic G, Matulic J, Roje Z, Dogas Z, Vilovic K. Abnormally High Bifurcation of
the Brachiocephalic Trunk as a Potential Operative Hazard: Case Report.
Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery 2005;133:811-813.
2. Boji L, Rogoi V, Ivanievi M, Matijaca M, Lui I, Pintari I, Vrebalov
Cindro V, Rai G. Progression of Optic Neuritis to Multiple Sclerosis in the
County of Split.Dalamatia, Croatia. Coll Antropol 2007;2:557-560.
3. Racic G, Kurtovic D, Colovic Z, Djogas Z, Kardum G, Roje Z. The influence of
meteorological conditions on post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. J Laringol Otol
4. Zgaljardic Z, Racic G, Colovic Z. Use of linked mucosal flap for lower lip
reconstruction after human bite injury. J Laringol Otol 2009;123:346-347.
5. Roje Z, Racic G, Djogas Z, Pesutic-Pisac V, Timms M. Postoperative Morbidity
and Histopathologic Characteristics of Tonsillar Tissue Following Coblation
Tonsillectomy in Children: A Prospective Randomized Single-Blind Study Coll
Antropol 2009;33:293-298.
6. oga Z, Vali M, Pecoti R, avar-Pupi M, Carev M, Boji L, Rai G.
Poremeaji disanja tijekom spavanja. Lije Vjesn 2008;130:69-77.
7. Rai G, Roje . Kirurko lijeenje poremeaja disanja tijekom spavanja. Lije
Vjesn 2008;130: 91-97.
8. Roje , evo V, Selimovi M, Rai G. Adenotonzilektomija u lijeenju
poremeaja disanja tijekom spavanja u djejoj dobi: prikaz bolesnika. Lije Vjesn
2008;130: 97-100.
9. Carev M, Karanovi N, Ujevi A, Kardum G, engi V, Funck N, uli N, Rai
G, oga Z. Uporaba sukcinil-kolina meu hrvatskim anesteziolozima - je li taj
lijek zaista odbaen? Lije Vjesn 2010;132:8-13.
10. Gluni I, Cikojevi D, Klannik M, Rai G, Spuevi L. Rigidna bronhoskopija
zbog stranog tijela u djece. Paediatr Croat 2010;54:39-42.
He is the author of the list of skills in ENT that the students have to pass. In the last two
years he got a very good rating in the students survey. He is the coauthor of three
books, of which the third, Otorhinolaryngology for students, has been published by
Ljevak Publishing in Zagreb in 2004. He is the reviewer and coauthor of the book
Chosen chapters from the diving medicine.

Last academic advancement


May 2009., Professor

Professor Vedran Radoni, MD, PhD

Department of Surgery, Clinical Hospital Center Split

Personal Web Site
Short CV
in the

Date of birth: 17 April 1949. g.

Birth Place: Podgora, Makarska, Croatia
Nationality: Croat
Marital status: Married, two children (Stephen and 39.g. Vicko 34.g.).
Two grandchildren (Marina 10.g. and Vice 6 yrs.)
a) Education
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb on 26 April 1974
Compulsory medical internship carried out in Split 1975 Residency in general
surgery at the Department of Surgery, OB-Split 1978 -1982.
From 1982 to the Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital KB Split.
1988 Master of Science, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka.
For research assistant, School of Medicine in Zagreb, was elected 1992 and is
registered in the Croatian scientists Ministry for Science Minister Mat. no. 182 153 of
31 The 1st 1991st g.
1998 Doctor of Medical Sciences, University of Zagreb.
Decision of the Ministry of Health 2nd 10th 1993rd Mr acquired title Primarius.
The title of assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, Surgery I. University
of Split, was elected in 2000.
The title of associate professor in the Department of Medicine exceptional
circumstances, the scientific field of biomedicine and health care fields of clinical
medicine, the branch of Surgery, Medical University of Split, was elected in
Vice Dean for Science, School of Medicine in Split, was elected in 2005. Since 2008. Head of the Department of Surgery

List of
s in the last
5 years

1. Radoni V. Giunio L. Bori T. Mimica Z. Furlan D. Definis-Gojanovi M.

169(4):313-319, 2004.
2. Radoni V. Giunio L. Bioi M. Tripkovi A. Luki B. Primorac D. INJURIES
Medicine.169(4):320-324, 2004.
3. Radoni V. Giunio L. Vidjak V. Boschi V. Bari D. Stipi R. MINE CLEARANCE
INJURIES IN SOUTH CROATIA. Military Medicine. 169(8)642-647, 2004.
4. Lui I, Radoni V, Pavelin S, Bili I. IS C-REACTIVE PROTEIN A BETTER
ATHEROSCLEROSIS? VASA 35(4): 221-225, 2006.
5. Cambj-Sapunar L, Maskovi J, Brkljaci B, Radoni V, Dragicevi D, Ajduk M.
74(1):86-92, 2010.

6. Makovi J, Stevo Kopli S, Bakotin T, Cambi-Sapunar L, Radoni V, Batini T,

Bori T, Bari D, Grbi , Opaak R, tula I, tambuk I. [Our Experience with
Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm with Talent Stent Grafting].
Acta Clinica Croatica, Vol.41 No.2 Separat 1: 53-61, 2002.
7. Tudor L, Sikiri P, Tudor KI, Cambi-Sapunar L, Radoni V, Tudor M, Buca A, Carija
R. [Amusia and aphasia of Bolero's creator--influence of the right hemisphere on
music]. Acta Med Croatica. 62(3):309-1, 2008.
8. Perko Z, Mimica Z, Stipi R, Radoni V, Cala Z, Bakotin T, Kraljevi J, Strini T,
Jakus IA, Simuni M. [Transvaginal laparoscopically assisted cholecystectomy: a first
Croatian experience]. Lijec Vjesn. 131(3-4):100-1, 2009.
Papers and Professor Vedran Radoni many years a teacher of the Medical Faculty in
undergraduate and postgraduate courses. He has published 98 publications in national
teachers as and international journals. Thirty-seven papers of which is indexed in Current contens
in 20, and 17 in the Index Medicus in (IM) and Excerpta Medica (EM). He has
for teaching published 26 papers which are not indexed. In addition to published and 19 conference
papers and 16 book chapters and scripts. Is cited in 78 occasions in the SCI and SSCI.
Date of last election for the
03. 02. 2005
Course (-s) Department of Health in exceptional circumstances, the scientific field of biomedicine
and health, the field of clinical medicine, the branch of Surgery, School of Medicine,
University of Split

Assistant Professor Mladen Raki, MD, PhD






Personal Web page

Doctor of Medicine Zagreb University School of Medicine 1973.
Master of Science (M.sc.) Rijeka University School of Medicine 1988.g.
Scientific-educational rank of Docent (Associate Professor) at the Department of the
Medicine in Exceptional Conditions/cumulative work at the University of Split
Medical School. 2007.
Specialist in Anesthesiology and Reanimatology and Intensive Medicine Clinical
Hospital Center Split and Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka 1976 1980.
Sub-specialist in Intensive Medicine 2008.
1. Raki Ml, Popovic D, Raki M, Druijani N, Lojpur M, Brian A. Hall, Brent A.
List of
Williams, Sprung J: Comparison of On-demand vs Planned Relaparotomy for
Treatment of Severe Intra-abdominal Infections. Croat Med J 2005; 46:935-41.
(last 5 years)
2. M. Raki, M.Peri, A. usti, K. Bojani, D. Bourke, A. Kova, J. Sprung:
Airway management practices by croatian anesthesiologists: a comparison to
European Union countries and United States. Acta Anaesth. Italica 57,258-273,
3. Knezovi J, Kovac M, Klapan I, Mlinari H, Vranjes Z, Lukinovi J, Raki M:
Application of novel lossless compression of medical images using prediction
and contextual error modeling. Coll Antropol. 2007 Dec;31(4):1143-50.
4. Kapural L, Rakic M: Spinal cord stimulation for chronic visceral pain secondary

to chronic non-alcoholic pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Jul;42(6):750-1.

5. Mio Y, Bienengraeber MW, Marinovic J, Gutterman DD, Rakic M, Bosnjak ZJ,
Stadnicka A: Age-related attenuation of isoflurane preconditioning in human
atrial cardiomyocytes: roles for mitochondrial respiration and sarcolemmal
adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channel activity. Anesthesiology.
2008 Apr;108(4):612-20.
Head of permanent education for medical doctors from 2002, under sponsorship of
Croatian Medical Chamber
and other
qualifications I organized 13 courses (I category) Resuscitation.
Head of the permanent education in Croatia for medical doctors from 2004, under
sponsorship of the Society of Critical Care medicine. I completed the Fundamental
Critical Care Support Instructor Course on September 2, 2004.
Organized 3 FCCS workshop (courses of I category)
Reviewer for Croatian Medical Journal.
Scientific-educational rank of Docent (Assis. Professor) at the
Last academic
Department of the Medicine in Exceptional Conditions/cumulative
work at the University of Split Medical School. 1977
Course on permanent medical development, held in Split on July 3, 2006.
European Resuscitation Council, ALS Instructor Course, October 2002, Dubrovnik
Neonatal Resuscitation Program American Academy of Pediatrics American Heart
Association. September 8-13, 2003.
Fundamental Critical Care Support Instructor Course. September 2, 2004
Clinical Skills I and II, 2010

Professor Biserka Rei, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, Children's Department.


bresic@kbsplit.hr; biserka.resic@st.t-com.hr

Personal Web page

Classical High School Split 1961. 1965.
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine 1965. - 1971.
Mandatory medical internship 1972. - 1981.
Specialization in Pediatrics: Zagreb, Split 1976. 1980.
Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Split, Department of Developmental
Neurology and Medical Genetics from 1981.
Master of Science 1988.
PhD 1999.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University Split, School of Medicine in 2003.
Head of Clinical Department of Neurology and Endocrinology at the Department of
Pediatrics, University Hospital Split from 2004.
Project Manager of "Neurodevelopment of children with sleep apnea from newborns
to adolescents from 2007.
Associate Professor of Pediatrics University Split, School of Medicine from 2008.
Matijevi, Tanja; Kneevi, Jelena; Barii, Ingeborg; uli, Vida; Rei,
List of
Biserka; Paveli, Jasminka. The MECP2 gene mutation screening in Rett
syndrome patients from Croatia. Annals of the New York Academy of
(last 5 years)
Sciences 2006;1091:225-232.
Kuzmani-amija, Radenka; Lozi, Bernarda; uli, Vida; Rei, Biserka;
Gabri Panduri, Dragana; Tomasovi, Maja; Rei, Jasminka; Peterlin,

and other

Borut. Diagnosis and follow up in three cases of Incontinentia pigmenti.

Paediatria Croatica 2007;51(3):131.
Saraga, Marijan; Rei, Biserka; Krni, Dragan; Jelavi, Tihana; Krni,
Duka; Sinovi, Ivana; Tomasovi, Maja. A stereotypic "elbowing"
movement, a possible new primitive reflex in newborns. Pediatric Neurology
Rei, Biserka; Tomasovi, Maja; Kuzmani - amija Radenka; Rei,
Jasminka; Ursi, Anita. Ohtahara sindrom - rana epileptika encefalopatija s
karakteristinim elektroencefalografskim zapisom - suppression burst.
Paediatria Croatica 2007;51(4): 209-212.
Kuzmani-amija R, Rei B, Tomasovi M, Gabri Panduri D, Lozi B,
Lozi B, Rei J. West syndrome with periventricular leukomalacia:ten year
clinical study. Coll Antropol. 2008;32:105-111
Rei B, Rei J, Antii M. New approach to etiology factors in treatment of
neonatal seizures. Paediatria Croatica, 2008, 52; 183-87

Tomasovi M, Resi B, Ivelja N, Kuzmani-Samija R, Resi J, Gabri

Panduri D, Bozi J, Markoti A. Glycosphingolipid expression in
cerebrospinal fluid of infants with neurological abnormalities: report
of three cases. Coll Antropol. 2008;32 Suppl 1:189-93.
Resi B, Tomasovi M, Kuzmani-Samija R, Lozi M, Resi J, Solak M.
Neurodevelopmental outcome in children with periventricular leukomalacia.
Coll Antropol. 2008;32 Suppl 1:143-7.
Rei B, Solak M, Kuzmani amija R, Rei J, Ursi A, Lozi M.
Topiramate efficacy in treatment of children with west syndrome. Paediatria
Croatica, 2009, 53; 121-3
Kuzmani amija R, Lozi B, Rei B, Tomasovi M, Vlastelica , Metlii
V, Sedlakova J. Infantilni oblik facioskapulohumeralne miine distrofije.
Paediatria Croatica, 2009, 53;153-56. Croatian. Vuinovi M, Ursi A, Rei
B, apkun V. EEG polysomnographic study of maturational differences
between twins. Coll Antrpol. 2009. In press
- Longitudinal neurological follow children with hypoxic-ischemic
damage.Master of Science 1988.
- Neurodevelopmental outcome of children with early unilateral damage to
the central nervous system. PhD 1999.
6 papers published in journals indexed in Current Contents
5 papers published in journals that are indexed in other international
publications index
6 abstracts conference papers indexed in Current contens
13 abstracts of papers in journals that are cited in Index Medicus
10 other conference reports

Associate in writing and publishing a book titled "Ultrasound in Clinical Practice"
Hozo I, Karelovi D, Croatian gastroenterological society Split 2004.
Official Reviewer
Journal Paediatric Neurology
Last academic advancement
- from 2003. lecturer Pediatrics, University of Split, School of Medicine
- 2006/07 participates in teaching elective subject Glikoantigeni in health and

2007/2008 participates in teaching elective subject Biochemistry
2008/2009 participates in teaching elective subject Sleep Medicine


Assistant Professor Damir Roje, MD, PhD


University Hospital Centre Split, Gynecology and Obstetrics

University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page


University of Zagreb-School of Medicine, (1992.)
Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Zagreb (2001.)
Struna edukacija iz antenatalne dijagnostike (rana amniocenteza) u Klinici za
enske bolesti i porodnitvo OB Sv. Duh u Zagrebu 2005. godine
Clinical Hospital in Rijeka, Gynekology and Obstetrics
Akademski stupnjevi i napredovanja:
Zavren struni poslijediplomski studij Perinatalna medicina na Medicinskom
fakultetu Sveuilita u Zagrebu
PDD Study Clinical medicine at University of Split School of Medicine
PHD at University of Split School of Medicine, 26.02.2009
Member of the Annual Meeting of International Academy of Perinatal Medicine:
Prematirity Facts and Doubts, Dubrovnik 2009.
Member of the organizational Board for:
XVIII.Perinatalni dani i VIII Savjetovanje o perinatalnom mortalitetu, Split 2000.
VIIth World Congreess of Perinatal Medicine, Zagreb 2005.
XXV. Perinatalni dani "Ante Draani", Split 2010.
Continuing Medical education courses:
PHD 1st Category Course Ultrazvuk u klinikoje medicini, modul
Ultrazvuk u ginekologji i porodnitvu. Held in 2005, 2006 i 2007.
Course Novosti u zatiti, dijagnostici i terapiji hemolitike bolesti fetusa
i novoroeneta, Split 2008.
PHD Course with international participation: Trombofilija: rizik za
zdravlje ene, trudnice i fetusa, Split 2009.
Active participation in Congresses :
XV. Perinatalni dani i V. Savjetovanje o perinatalnom mortalitetu, Zagreb
XVI. Perinatalni dani, Rijeka 1997.
XVII Perinatalni dani, Zagreb 1999.
XVIII.Perinatalni dani i VIII Savjetovanje o perinatalnom mortalitetu,
Split 2000.
XIX Perinatalni dani, Zagreb 2002.
XVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Oslo 2002.
XVII World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Santiago de Chile
IV Hrvatski kongres ginekologa i opstetriara, Plitvice 2004.
XXI Perinatalni dani Ante Draani, Osijek (Bizovake toplice) 2004.
XXII Perinatalni dani Ante Draani, Zagreb 2005.
VIIth World Congreess of Perinatal Medicine, Zagreb 2005.

II. Kongres hrvatskog drutva za ultrazvuk u ginekologiji i perinatologiji,

Zagreb 2006.
XXIII Perinatalni dani Ante Draani, Malinska Krk 2006.
XXIV Perinatalni dani Ante Draani, Zagreb, listopad 2008.
III. Kongres hrvatskog drutva za ultrazvuk u ginekologiji i
perinatologiji, Zagreb 2008.
III. Simpozij i teaj usavravanja Akademije medicinskih znanosti
Hrvatske: Noviji napredak u ginekologiji i perinatologiji, Zagreb 2009.
XXII. European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Granada 2010.
Strinic T, Roje D, Marusic J, Capkun V. Cord blood cortisol level is lower in
growth-restricted newborns. J Obstet Gynaecology Res 2007:33:144150.
Strini T, Bukovi D, Roje D, Mili N, Pavi M, ea I. Epidemiology of
pelvic floor disorders between urban and rural female inhabitans. Coll
Antropol 2007;31:315-9.
Miletic T, Stoini E, Mikulandra F, Tadin I, Roje D, Milic N. Effect of
Parental Anthropometric Parameters on Neonatal Birth Weight and Birth
Lenght. Coll. Antropol. 2007;4:993-7.
Vucinovic M, Roje D, Vucinovic Z, Capkun V, Bucat M, Banovic I. Maternal
and Neonatal Effects of Substance Abuse during Pregnancy: Our Ten-year
Experience. Yonsei Med J. 2008 Oct 31;49:705-13.
Vicic A, Roje D, Strinic T, Stipoljev F. Trisomy 1 in an early pregnancy
failure. Am J Med Genet A. 2008 Sep 15;146:2439-41.
Bazina M, Vukojevic K, Roje D, Saraga-Babic M. Influence of growth and
transcriptional factors, and signaling molecules on early human pituitary
development. J Mol Histol 2009; 40:277-86.
Zekic Tomas S, Roje D, Kuzmic Prusac I, Tadin I, Capkun V. Morphological
characteristics of placentas associated with idiopathic intrauterine growth
retardation: a clinicopathologic study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
2010. (in press)

List of
(last 5 years)


1. Roje D, Tadin I, Marui J, Vuli M, Arai N, Vuinovi M, Branica D,
erkov K, irli M, Markovina D. Porodne teine i duljine novoroenadi u
Splitu, Opravdanost razvijanjanja vlastitih referentnih vrijednosti za
ocjenjivanje fetalnog rasta. Gynaecol Perinatol 2005;14:66-74.
2. Tadin I, Vuli M, Roje D, erkov K, Pavi A, Najev D. Fetalna
makrosomija. Gynaecol Perinatol 2005;14:102-7.
3. Tadin I, Roje D, Metrovi Z, Arai N, Vuli M. Porod uz partnera.
Gynaecol Perinatol 2006;15:43-47.
4. Tadin I, Vuli M, Arai N, Roje D, Metrovi Z. Maligne neoplazme i
trudnoa. Gynaecol Perinatol 2006;15:82-86.
5. Banovi I, Roje D, Banovi V, Tadin I. Ovisnost i trudnoa. Gynaecol
Perinatol 2003;12:140-142.
6. Pavlinac I, Marin A, Valic M, Marusic J, Roje D, Pecotic R, Tadin I, Djogas
Z. Influence of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the
incidence and outcome of singleton premature births in the Split University
Hospital. Central European Journal of Medicine 2008;3:187-93.
7. Tadin I, Roje D, Marinovi N, Branica Z, Vuli B, Leovac B. Prijevremeni
porod. Gynaecol Perinatol 2008;17:31-38.
8. Branica Z, Vuli M, Tadin I, Roje D, Leovac B, Marinovi N. Nain
dovrena preranog poroda. Gynaecol Perinatol 2008;17:42-46.

and other

Tadin I, Roje D, Banovic I, Karelovic D, Mimica M. Fetal Reduction in
Multifetal Pregnancy Ethical Dilemmas. Yonsei Med J. 2002;43:252-258.
Roje D, Banovic I, Tadin I, Vucinovic M, Capkun V, Barisic A, Vulic M,
Mestrovic Z, Miletic T. Gestational age - the most important factor of neonatal
ponderal index. Yonsei Med J. 2004;45:273-80.
Strinic T, Roje D, Marusic J, Capkun V. Cord blood cortisol level is lower in
growth-restricted newborns. J Obstet Gynaecology Res 2007:33:144150.
Strini T, Bukovi D, Roje D, Mili N, Pavi M, ea I. Epidemiology of pelvic
floor disorders between urban and rural female inhabitans. Coll Antropol
Miletic T, Stoini E, Mikulandra F, Tadin I, Roje D, Milic N. Effect of Parental
Anthropometric Parameters on Neonatal Birth Weight and Birth Lenght. Coll.
Antropol. 2007;4:993-7.
Vucinovic M, Roje D, Vucinovic Z, Capkun V, Bucat M, Banovic I. Maternal and
Neonatal Effects of Substance Abuse during Pregnancy: Our Ten-year
Experience. Yonsei Med J. 2008 Oct 31;49:705-13.
Vicic A, Roje D, Strinic T, Stipoljev F. Trisomy 1 in an early pregnancy failure.
Am J Med Genet A. 2008 Sep 15;146:2439-41.
Bazina M, Vukojevic K, Roje D, Saraga-Babic M. Influence of growth and
transcriptional factors, and signaling molecules on early human pituitary
development. J Mol Histol 2009; 40:277-86.
Zekic Tomas S, Roje D, Kuzmic Prusac I, Tadin I, Capkun V. Morphological
characteristics of placentas associated with idiopathic intrauterine growth
retardation: a clinicopathologic study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (in
Vidovi R, Puizina-Ivi N, Roje D. Seborrheic keratosis:correlation of
histopatologic types with sex, age and location. Acta Derm Croat 1993;1:5estanovi , Mimica M, Vuli M, Roje D, Tomi S. Utjeu li materijali i tehnika
ivanja na cijeljenje uterotomije pri carskom rezu? Lije Vijesn 2004;125:245251.
Vucinovic M, Jadric H, Karelovic D, Roje D, Haspl-Hundric Z, Hrgovic Z,
Vucinovic Z. Haemolytic Disease of the New-born from a Mother with Anti-Kell,
Anti-E and Anti-Vel Antibodies. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2004 ; 208:197-202.
Tadin I, Roje D, Marui J, Vuinovi M, Vuli M, Arai N. HELLP sindrom.
Gynecol Perinatol 2004;13:7-12.
Roje D, Tadin I, Marui J, Vuli M, Arai N, Vuinovi M, Branica D, erkov
K, irli M, Markovina D. Porodne teine i duljine novoroenadi u Splitu,
Opravdanost razvijanjanja vlastitih referentnih vrijednosti za ocjenjivanje
fetalnog rasta. Gynaecol Perinatol 2005;14:66-74.
Tadin I, Vuli M, Roje D, erkov K, Pavi A, Najev D. Fetalna makrosomija.
Gynaecol Perinatol 2005;14:102-7.
Tadin I, Roje D, Metrovi Z, Arai N, Vuli M. Porod uz partnera. Gynaecol
Perinatol 2006;15:43-47.
Tadin I, Vuli M, Arai N, Roje D, Metrovi Z. Maligne neoplazme i trudnoa.
Gynaecol Perinatol 2006;15:82-86.
Banovi I, Roje D, Banovi V, Tadin I. Inducirani poord. Gynaecol Perinatol
Banovi I, Roje D, Banovi V, Tadin I. Ovisnost i trudnoa. Gynaecol Perinatol
Pavlinac I, Marin A, Valic M, Marusic J, Roje D, Pecotic R, Tadin I, Djogas Z.

Influence of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the incidence
and outcome of singleton premature births in the Split University Hospital.
Central European Journal of Medicine 2008;3:187-93.
Tadin I, Roje D, Marinovi N, Branica Z, Vuli B, Leovac B. Prijevremeni porod.
Gynaecol Perinatol 2008;17:31-38.
Branica Z, Vuli M, Tadin I, Roje D, Leovac B, Marinovi N. Nain dovrena
preranog poroda. Gynaecol Perinatol 2008;17:42-46.
Croatian Medical Journal (since 2002.)
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research (od 2005.)
Gynaecologia et Perinatologia (since 2005.)
Pedijatrija danas (od 2006.)
Central European Journal of Medicine (od 2007.)
Pediatria Croatica (since 2008.)
Medica Jadertina (since 2010.)
Participations in research projects:
Antropometrija u perinatologiji Broj projekta: 0176001 (2002. do 2004.
godine) researcher; PI dr. sc. Frane Mikulandra
Uloga apoptoze u posteljici kod intrauterinog zastoja rasta i preeklampsije
No.: 216-0000000-0533 (in progres) researcher; PI: prof. dr. sc. Ivana
Last academic advancement
July 16th 2009.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Elective coursres: Insemination; Clinical genetics; Infections in Gynecology


Assistant Professor eljka Roje, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Split, University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page


University of Zagreb School of Medicine, 1992
Specialist in otorhinolaringology in Zagreb (2003.)
Education in field:
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA: Visiting resident (ENT dept) since
March 5th 2000. March 7th 2000.
traheoezofagealnih proteza nakon totalne laringektomije
Berlin, Njemaka (2005.) Hands-on- Course: Laser in otorhinolaryngology
Voss, Norveka (2006.): Hands-on Course: Coblation in otorhinolaryngology
PHDOtorinolaringologija i maksilofacijalna kirurgija at University of Zagreb
School of Medicine
PHD at the University of Split School of Medicine Klinika medicina
TONZILEKTOMIJE U DJECE. University of Split School of Medicine 5.03. 2008.

List of
(last 5 years)

and other

Continuing medical education courese:

1.Tonzilarni problem multidisciplinarni pristup, Split 2006.
2. Kliniki problem zaepljenog nosa, Split 2007.
3. Upale uha, Split, 2008.
4. Coblation for Sleep disordered breathing- Hands-on Course, Split 2009.
5. Grlobolja ISKRA smjernice, Split 2009.
1. Multidisciplinarni pristup tonzilarnom problemu, Zagreb 2003.
2. 2 nd International Symposium Tumors of the Head and Neck Functional
and Reconstructive Laryngeal Surgery, Zagreb 2004.
3. Upale uha dijagnostike i terapijske smjernice, Zagreb 2004.
4. Endoskopija dinih putova, Zagreb 2005.
5. Endoskopija dinih putova, Zagreb 2007.
6. Odabrana poglavlja lijeenja bolesti dinih putova, Zagreb 2007.
7. Dijagnostiki i terapijski postupnici u pulmologiji, Komia 2008.
8. International Instructional Course in Diagnosis & Treatment of Snoring &
Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea, Eurosleep Clinic, Bergen, Norway, 2008.
9. Endoskopija dinih putova, Zagreb 2009.
10. Sleep Apnea, Komia 2009.
11. Hitna stanja u otorinolaringologiji, Split, 2010.
1. Rai G, Matuli J, Roje , oga Z, Vilovi K. Abnormally high bifurcation
of the brachiocephalic trunk as a potential operative hazard: case report.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Nov;133(5):811-3.
2. Rai G, Kurtovi D,olovi Z, oga Z, Kardum G, Roje . Influence of
meteorological conditions on post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. Journal of
Laryngology & Otology. 2008; 20:1-5.
3. Roje , Rai G, Kardum G. Coblation channeling for inferior turbinate
reduction in non-allergic patients. Allergy 2008; 1441 (88) Suppl: 522-522.
4. Roje , Rai G, Peuti Pisac V, oga Z, Timms M. Postoperative
morbidity and histopathologic characteristics of tonsillar tissue following
coblation tonsillectomy in children: prospective randomised single-blind
study. Coll Antropol 2009;33(1): 293-8.
5. Roje , evo V, Selimovi M, Rai G. Adenotonsillectomy as a treatment
modality for sleep disordered breathing in children: case report. Lijec Vjesn.
6. Rai G, Roje . Surgery as a treatment modality for sleep disordered
breathing. Lijec Vjesn. 2008;130(3-4):91-7. Review.
Published papers
1. Gluni I, Roje , Gluni V, Poljak K. Ear injuries cosed by lighting. Report
of 18 cases. Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 2001, Jan;115(1):4-8.
Gluni I, Roje , Bradari N, Petrievi A, Pisac Peuti V.Primary echinococcosis
of sternocleidomastoid muscle.Croat. Med J. 2001 Apr; 42(2):196-8.
2. Gluni I, Roje , Tudor M, Gluni V. Unusual Stab Wound of the Temporal
Region Caused by knife. Croat.Med J.2001 Oct.42:579-82.
3. Rai G, Kurtovi D, Roje , Tomi S, oga Z. Primary mucosal melanoma
of the eustachian tube. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.2004;261(3):139-42.
4. Maslovara S, Rai G, Roje , Tafra R. Hyperbaric oxygen in treatmant of
sudden hearing loss. ORL 2003; 65:317-320.
5. Rai G, Matuli J, Roje , oga Z, Vilovi K. Abnormally high bifurcation
of the brachiocephalic trunk as a potential operative hazard: case report.

Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005 Nov;133(5):811-3.

6. Rai G, Kurtovi D,olovi Z, oga Z, Kardum G, Roje . Influence of
meteorological conditions on post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage. Journal of
Laryngology & Otology. 2008; 20:1-5.
7. Roje , Rai G, Kardum G. Coblation channeling for inferior turbinate
reduction in non-allergic patients. Allergy 2008; 1441 (88) Suppl: 522-522.
8. Roje , Rai G, Peuti Pisac V, oga Z, Timms M. Postoperative
morbidity and histopathologic characteristics of tonsillar tissue following
coblation tonsillectomy in children: prospective randomised single-blind
study. Coll Antropol 2009;33(1): 293-8.
1. Vidovi R, Puizina Ivi N, Roje , apkun V. Squamous cell carcinoma:
correlation of Broders grades with sex, age and location. Acta
Dermatovenerol Croat 1994;2(2):57-63.
2. Gluni I, Roje . Otitisi u dojenadi i male djece. Pediatrica Croatica 1999.
3. Gluni I, Roje , Konti M. Ozljede uha udarcem groma. Med. Jad. 1999;34;175-180.
4. Gluni I, Roje , Pisac Peuti V, apkun V. Uestalost karcinoma usne s
obzirom na dob spol, lokalizaciju i patohistologijski nalaz. Med. Jad. 2000;12:101-110.
5. Cikojevi D, Gluni I, Pisac Peuti V, Gizdi F, Roje . Citoloka analiza u
intraoperativnoj dijagnozi tumora larinksa. Med. Jad.2000;1-2:111-120.
6. Roje . Upale vanjskog uha. Medix 2004; 56/57:163-166.
7. Roje , evo V, Selimovi M, Rai G. Adenotonsillectomy as a treatment
modality for sleep disordered breathing in children: case report. Lijec Vjesn.
8. Rai G, Roje . Surgery as a treatment modality for sleep disordered
breathing. Lijec Vjesn. 2008;130(3-4):91-7. Review.
Participation in science project:
ifra: 216 - 0000000 3423; istraiva, mat.broj 304520
Last academic advancement

Elective course:Sleep medicine, Human genetics


Professor Igor Rudan, MD, PhD


Faculty of Medicine, University of Split



Personal Web page

--Education and degrees awarded (in reverse chronological order):
2005 Ph.D. Doctorate in Genetic Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK
1999 - M.P.H. - Masters Degree in Epidemiology, University of Pavia, Italy
1998 - D. Sc. - Doctorate in Public Health, University of Zagreb, Croatia

List of
(last 5 years)

1997 - M. Sc. - Masters Degree in Anthropology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

1995 - M. D. - Medical Doctor, University Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia
Professional experience since graduation (in reverse chronological order):
2007present Associate Professor and Director of Croatian Centre for Global
Health, University of Split Medical School, Split, Croatia
2001-present Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, and Reader in
International Health and Genetic Epidemiology, Centre for
Population Health Sciences and Global Health Academy,
University of Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh, UK
2005-present Consultant, Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative, Global
Forum for Health Research, Geneva, Switzerland
2001-present Technical Expert, Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group,
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland and UNICEF,
New York
2005 -2006
Temporary Advisor, Department for International Development,
United Kingdom
Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology,
Medical Statistics and Medical Informatics, School of Public
Health Andrija tampar, University Medical School, Zagreb,
Advisor, Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, Zagreb, Croatia
Resident, University Hospital for Traumatology, Zagreb, Croatia
Professional recognitions:
2008 His research discovery that SLC2A9 gene causes gout disease (Nature
Genetics, 2008) was declared the 3 rd most significant contribution of Croatian
scientists to global scientific heritage by the leading Croatian weekly
magazine, The Globe.
2007 Rising star status by Thomson ISI for the scientist with greatest increase in
number of citations in the field of social sciences in the world (social
sciences field includes public health and health policy)
2006 National Science Award for the best biomedical scientist in Croatia in 2005
2003 National Science Award for the best young scientist (under 35) in Croatia in
2001 - International Research Development Award, The Wellcome Trust, UK
2001 - University of Edinburgh Ph.D. Scholarship, UK
2001 - Overseas Research Scheme (ORS) Award, UK
2000 - British Scholarship Trust Award, UK
1999 - Annual Award from the Croatian Medical Association for the best scientific
article in 1998
1998 - Annual Award from the Society of Zagreb University Professors for the best
scientific article in 1998
1994 - Annual Award from the Dean of the University of Zagreb for the best student
scientific article in the academic year 1993/94
1. Vitart V, Biloglav Z, Hayward C, Janicijevic B, Smolej-Narancic N, Barac L,
Pericic M, Klaric IM, Skaric-Juric T, Barbalic M, Polasek O, Kolcic I,
Carothers A, Rudan P, Hastie N, Wright A, Campbell H, Rudan I. 3000 years
of solitude: extreme differentiation in the island isolates of Dalmatia, Croatia.
Eur J Hum Genet, 14:478-487, 2006.
2. Carothers AD, Rudan I, Kolcic I, Polasek O, Hayward C, Wright AF, Campbell H,
Teague P, Hastie ND, Weber JL: Estimating human inbreeding coefficients:
comparison of genealogical and marker heterozygosity approaches. Ann

Hum Genet, 70: 666-676, 2006.

3. Barbalic M, Skaric-Juric T, Cambien F, Barbaux S, Poirier O, Turek S, VrhovskiHebrang D, Cubrilo-Turek M, Rudan I, Rudan P, Smolej Narancic N. Gene
polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system and early development of
hypertension. Am J Hyperten, 19:837-842, 2006.
4. Rudan I. The land of 1,000 islands. Croat Med J, 47: 524-526, 2006.
5. Rudan I. Health effects of human population isolation and admixture. Croat Med J,
47: 526-531, 2006.
6. Rudan I, Biloglav Z, Carothers AD, Wright AF, Campbell H. Strategy for mapping
quantitative trait loci (QTL) using human metapopulations. Croat Med J, 47:
601-610, 2006.
7. Rudan I, Biloglav Z, Vorko-Jovic A, Kujundzic-Tiljak M, Stevanovic R, Ropac D,
Puntaric D, Cucevic B, Salzer B, Campbell H. Effects of inbreeding,
endogamy, genetic admixture, and outbreeding on human health: a 1001
Dalmatians study. Croat Med J, 47: 601-610, 2006.
8. Rudan I, Campbell H, Carothers AD, Hastie ND, Wright AF. Contribution of
consanguinity to polygenic and multifactorial diseases. Nature Genet, 38:
1224-1225, 2006.
9. Bilic E, Bilic E, Rudan I, Kusec V, Zurak N, Delimar D, Zagar M. Comparison of
the growth hormone, IGF-1 and insulin in cerebrospinal fluid and serum
between patients with motor neuron disease and healthy controls. Eur J
Neurol, 13: 1340 -1345, 2006.
10. Rudan I, El Arifeen S, Black RE, Campbell H. Childhood pneumonia and
diarrhoea: Setting our priorities right. Lancet Inf Dis, 7: 56-61, 2007.
11. Campbell H, Carothers AD, Rudan I, Hayward C, Biloglav Z, Barac L, Pericic M,
Janicijevic B, Smolej-Narancic N, Polasek O, Kolcic I, Weber JL, Hastie ND,
Rudan P, Wright AF. Effects of genome-wide heterozygosity on a range of
biomedically relevant human quantitative traits. Hum Mol Genet, 16: 233241, 2007.
12. Tomlinson M, Chopra M, Sanders D, Bradshaw D, Hendricks M, Greenfield D,
Black RE, El Arifeen S, Rudan I. Setting Priorities in Child Health Research
Investments for South Africa. PLoS Med 2007; 4(8):E259.
13. Rudan I, Gibson J, Kapiriri L, Lansang MA, Hyder AA, Lawn J, Darmstadt GL,
Cousens S, Bhutta ZA, Brown KH, Hess SY, Black M, Gardner JM, Webster
J, Carneiro I, Chandramohan D, Kosek M, Lanata CF, Tomlinson M, Chopra
M, Ameratunga S, Campbell H, El Arifeen S, Black RE; Child Health and
Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI). Setting priorities in global child
health research investments: Assessment of principles and practice. Croat
Med J. 2007; 48: 595-604.
14. Kapiriri L, Tomlinson M, Gibson J, Chopra M, El Arifeen S, Black RE, Rudan I;
Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI): Setting priorities in
global child health research investments: Addressing the values of the
stakeholders. Croat Med J. 2007; 48: 618-627.
15. Kljakovi-Gapi M, Petrak J, Rudan I, Biloglav Z. For free or for fee? Dilemma
of small scientific journals. Croatian Medical Journal. 2007; 48: 292-299.
16. Ivkovi V, Vitart V, Rudan I, Janiijevi B, Smolej Narani N, kari-Juri T,
Barbali M, Biloglav Z, Polasek O, Kolcic I, Visscher P, Hayward C, Hastie
N, Anderson N, Campbell H, Wright A, Rudan P, Deary IJ. The Eysenck
personality factors: psychometric structure, reliability, heritability and
phenotypic and genetic correlations with psychological distress in an isolated
Croatian population. Person Individ Diff 2007; 42: 123-133.

17. Jelui M, Luki IK, Tambi-Bukovac L, Dubravi K, Mali I, Rudan I, Batini

D. Interleukin-18 as a mediator of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Clinical Rheumatology 2007; 26: 1332-1334.
18. Rudan I, Carothers AD, Polaek O, Hayward C, Vitart V, Biloglav Z, Koli I,
Zgaga L, Ivankovi D, Vorko-Jovi A, Wilson JF, Weber JL, Hastie ND,
Wright AF, Campbell H. Quantifying the increase in average human
heterozygosity due to urbanisation. Eur J Hum Genet 2008; 16:1097-1102.
19. Rudan I. Preventing inequity in international research. Science 2008; 319:13361337.
20. Vitart V, Rudan I, Hayward C, Gray NK, Floyd J, Palmer CNA, Knott SA, Kolcic
I, Polaek O, Graessler J, Wilson JF, Marinaki A, Riches PL, Shu X,
Janiijevi B, Smolej-Narani N, Gorgoni B, Morgan J, Campbell S,
Biloglav Z, Bara-Lauc L, Perii M, Martinovi-Klari I, Zgaga L, kariJuri T, Wild SH, Richardson WA, Hohenstein P, Kimber CK, Tenesa A,
Donnelly LA, Fairbanks LD, Aringer M, McKeigue PM, Ralston SH, Morris
AD, Rudan P, Hastie ND, Campbell H, Wright AF. SLC2A9 is a newly
identified urate transporter influencing serum urate concentration, urate
excretion and gout. Nature Genet 2008; 40: 437-442.
21. Rudan I, Boschi-Pinto C, Biloglav Z, Mulholland K, Campbell H.Epidemiology
and aetiology of childhood pneumonia. Bull World Health Organ 2008; 86:
22. Campbell H, Biloglav Z, Rudan I. Reducing bias from test misclassification in
burden of disease studies: use of test to actual positive ratio - new test
parameter. Croat Med J 2008; 48: 402-414.
23. McQuillan R, Leutenegger AL, Abdel-Rahman R, Pericic M, Barac-Lauc L,
Smolej-Narancic N, Janicijevic B, Franklin CS, Polasek O, Tenesa A,
MacLeod AK, Rudan P, Hayward C, Vitart V, Rudan I, Wild SK, Dunlop
MD, Wright AF, Campbell H, Wilson JF. Runs of homozygosity in European
populations. Am J Hum Genet 2008; 83:359-372.
24. Rudan I, Chopra M, Kapiriri L, Gibson J, Lansang MA, Carneiro I, Ameratunga
S, Tsai AC, Chan KY, Tomlinson M, Hess SY, Campbell H, El Arifeen S,
Black RE. Setting priorities in global child health research investments:
universal challenges and conceptual framework. Croat Med J 2008; 49: 307317.
25. Rudan I, Ivani A. Scaling-up of training and education for health workers. Croat
Med J 2008; 48: 295-297.
26. Rudan I, Campbell H. A new role for health workers in preventing deaths from
childhood pneumonia. The Lancet 2008; 372:781-782.
27. Walley J, Lawn JE, Tinker A, De Francisco A, Chopra M, Rudan I, Bhutta ZA,
Black RE. Primary Health Care: making Alma Ata a reality. The Lancet
2008; 372:1001-1007.
28. Zgaga L, Hayward C, Vatavuk Z, Bencic G, Zemunik T, Valkovic A, ValkovicAntic I, Bucan K, Rudan I. High prevalence of glaucoma in Veli Brgud,
Croatia, is caused by dominantly inherited T377M mutation in MYOC gene.
Br J Ophthalmol 2008; 92:1567-1568.
29. Lawn JE, Rudan I, Rubens C: Four million newborn deaths: Is the global health
research agenda evidence-based? Early Hum Develop 2008; 84:809-814.
30. Rudan I, Gibson JL, Ameratunga S, El Arifeen S, Bhutta ZA, Black M, Black RE,
Brown KH, Campbell H, Carneiro I, Chan KY, Chandramohan D, Chopra M,
Cousens S, Darmstadt GL, Meeks Gardner J, Hess SY, Hyder AA, Kapiriri L,
Kosek M, Lanata CF, Lansang MA, Lawn J, Tomlinson M, Tsai AC, Webster

J, on behalf of Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI):

Setting Priorities in Global Child Health Research Investments: Guidelines
for implementation of the CHNRI Method. Croat Med J 2008; 49:720-733.
31. Pulani D, Polaek O, Hayward C, Vitart V, Petroveki M, Vorko-Jovi A, Perii
M, Bara Lauc L, Martinovi Klari I, Biloglav Z, Koli I, Zgaga L,
Carothers AD, Janiijevi B, Smolej Narani N, Buan K, Rudan D, Lowe
G, Rumley A, Wright AF, Rudan P, Hastie ND, Campbell H, Rudan I. Effects
of human genome-wide heterozygosity on biochemical markers of
hemostasis and inflammation. Hum Biol. 2008; 80:513-533.
32. Aulchenko YS, Ripatti S, Lindqvist I, Boomsma D, Heid IM, Pramstaller PP,
Brenda W J H Penninx, A Cecile J W Janssens, James F Wilson, Tim Spector,
Nicholas G Martin, Nancy L Pedersen, Kirsten Ohm Kyvik, Jaakko Kaprio,
Albert Hofman, Nelson B Freimer, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Ulf Gyllensten,
Harry Campbell, Rudan I, sa Johansson, Fabio Marroni, Caroline Hayward,
Veronique Vitart, Inger Jonasson, Cristian Pattaro, Alan Wright, Nick Hastie,
Irene Pichler, Andrew A Hicks, Mario Falchi, Gonneke Willemsen, Jouke-Jan
Hottenga, Eco J C de Geus, Grant W Montgomery, John Whitfield, Patrik
Magnusson, Juha Saharinen, Markus Perola, Kaisa Silander, Aaron Isaacs,
Eric J G Sijbrands, Andre G Uitterlinden, Jacqueline C M Witteman, Ben A
Oostra, Paul Elliott, Aimo Ruokonen, Chiara Sabatti, Christian Gieger,
Thomas Meitinger, Florian Kronenberg, Angela Dring, H-Erich Wichmann,
Johannes H Smit, Mark I McCarthy, Cornelia M van Duijn & Leena Peltonen
for the ENGAGE Consortium. Loci influencing lipid levels and coronary
heart disease risk in 16 European population cohorts. Nature Genet 2009;
33. Johansson A, Marroni F, Hayward C, Franklin CS, Kirichenko AV, Jonasson I,
Hicks AA, Vitart V, Isaacs A, Axenovich T, Campbell S, Floyd J, Hastie N,
Knott S, Kolcic I, Pichler I, Polasek O, Wild SH, Zorkoltseva IV, Meitinger
T, Wilson JF, Rudan I, Campbell H, Pattaro C, Pramstaller P, Oostra BA,
Wright AF, van Duijn CM, Aulchenko YS, Gyllensten U, the EUROSPAN
Consortium. Common variants of the JAZF1 gene associated with height
identified by linkage and whole genome association analysis. Hum Mol
Genet 2009; 18: 373-380.
34. Bahl R, Martines J, Ali N, Bhan MK, Carlo W, Chan KY, Darmstadt GL, Hamer
DH, Lawn JE, McMillan DD, Mohan P, Paul V, Tsai AC, Victora C, Weber
M, Zaidi A, Rudan I. Research Priorities to reduce Global Mortality from
Newborn Infections by 2015. Pediatr Inf Dis J 2009; 28 (Suppl 1): S43-S48.
35. Knezevi A, Polasek O, Gornik O, Rudan I, Campbell H, Hayward C, Wright A,
Kolcic I, O'Donoghue N, Bones J, Rudd PM, Lauc G. Variability, Heritability
and Environmental Determinants of Human Plasma N-Glycome. J Proteome
Res. 2009; 8:694-701.
36. Brown KH, Hess SY; Boy E, Gibson RS, Horton S, Osendarp SJ, Sempertegui F,
Shrimpton R, Rudan I. Setting priorities for zinc-related health research to
reduce children's disease burden worldwide: An application of the Child
Health and Nutrition Research Initiative's research priority-setting method.
Public Health Nutr. 2009; 12:389-396.
37. Kolcic I, Polasek O, Rudan I. Gender differences in spousal household material
status estimation. J Epidemiol Commun Health 2009; 63:175-176.
38. Tomlinson M, Rudan I, Saxena S, Swartz L, Tsai AC, Patel V. Setting investment
priorities for research in global mental health. Bull World Health Organ 2009;
87: 438-446.

39. Fontaine O, Kosek M, Bhatnagar S, Boschi-Pinto C, Chan KY, Duggan C,

Martinez H, Ribeiro H, Rollins NC, Salam MA, Shantosham M, Snyder JD,
Tsai AC, Vargas B, Rudan I. Setting Research Priorities to reduce Global
Mortality from Childhood Diarrhoea by 2015. PLoS Med 2009; 6:e41.
40. Rudd PM, Rudan I, Wright AF. High-throughput glycome analysis is set to join
high-throughput genomics. J Proteome Res. 2009; 8:1105.
41. Rudan I, Marusi A, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grkovi I, Dogas
Z, Zemunik T, Vatavuk Z, Benci G, Rudan D, Muli R, Krzelj V, Terzi J,
Stojanovi D, Puntari D, Bili E, Ropac D, Vorko-Jovi A, Znaor A,
Stevanovi R, Biloglav Z, Polasek O. "10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches
its national biobank. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:4-6.
42. Polasek O, Marusi A, Rotim K, Hayward C, Vitart V, Huffman J, Campbell S,
Jankovi S, Boban M, Biloglav Z, Kolci I, Krzelj V, Terzi J, Matec L,
Tometi G, Nonkovi D, Nincevi J, Pehli M, Zedelj J, Velagi V, Jurici D,
Kirac I, Belak Kovacevi S, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide
association study of anthropometric traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat
Med J. 2009; 50:7-16.
43. Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, Benci G, Dogas
Z, Boraska V, Torlak V, Susac J, Zobi I, Rudan D, Pulani D, Modun D,
Mudni I, Gunjaca G, Budimir D, Hayward C, Vitart V, Wright AF, Campbell
H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of biochemical traits in Korcula
Island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009; 50:23-33.
44. Biloglav Z, Zgaga L, Smoljanovi M, Hayward C, Polasek O, Kolci I, Vitart V,
Zemunik T, Boraska V, Torlak V, Muli R, Ropac D, Grkovi I, Rudan D,
Risti S, Barbali M, Campbell H, Wright AF, Rudan I. Historic,
demographic, and genetic evidence for increased population frequencies of
CCR5Delta32 mutation in Croatian Island isolates after lethal 15th century
epidemics. Croat Med J. 2009 Feb;50(1):34-42.
45. Barbali M, Naranci NS, Skari-Juri T, Salihovi MP, Klari IM, Lauc LB,
Janiijevi B, Farrall M, Rudan I, Campbell H, Wright AF, Hastie ND, Rudan
P. A quantitative trait locus for SBP maps near KCNB1 and PTGIS in a
population isolate. Am J Hypertens. 2009; 22:663-8.
46. Pattaro C, Aulchenko YS, Isaacs A, Vitart V, Hayward C, Franklin CS, Polasek O,
Kolcic I, Biloglav Z, Campbell S, Hastie N, Lauc G, Meitinger T, Oostra BA,
Gyllensten U, Wilson JF, Pichler I, Hicks AA, Campbell H, Wright AF,
Rudan I, van Duijn CM, Riegler P, Marroni F, Pramstaller PP. Genome-wide
linkage analysis of serum creatinine in three isolated European populations.
Kidney Int. 2009; (in press)
47. Black RE, Bhan MK, Chopra M, Rudan I, Victora CG. Accelerating the health
impact of the Gates Foundation. Lancet. 2009; 373:1584-5.
48. Kolz M, Johnson T, Sanna S, Teumer A, Vitart V, Perola M, Mangino M, Albrecht
E, Wallace C, Farrall M, Johansson A, Nyholt DR, Aulchenko Y, Beckmann
JS, Bergmann S, Bochud M, Brown M, Campbell H; EUROSPAN
Consortium, Connell J, Dominiczak A, Homuth G, Lamina C, McCarthy MI;
ENGAGE Consortium, Meitinger T, Mooser V, Munroe P, Nauck M, Peden J,
Prokisch H, Salo P, Salomaa V, Samani NJ, Schlessinger D, Uda M, Vlker
U, Waeber G, Waterworth D, Wang-Sattler R, Wright AF, Adamski J,
Whitfield JB, Gyllensten U, Wilson JF, Rudan I, Pramstaller P, Watkins H;
PROCARDIS Consortium, Doering A, Wichmann HE; KORA Study, Spector
TD, Peltonen L, Vlzke H, Nagaraja R, Vollenweider P, Caulfield M;
WTCCC, Illig T, Gieger C. Meta-analysis of 28,141 individuals identifies

common variants within five new loci that influence uric acid concentrations.
PLoS Genet. 2009; 5(6):e1000504
49. Kosek M, Lanata CF, Black RE, Walker DG, Snyder JD, Salam MA, Mahalanabis
D, Fontaine O, Bhutta ZA, Bhatnagar S, Rudan I. Directing diarrhoeal
disease research towards disease-burden reduction. J Health Popul Nutr.
2009; 27:319-31.
50. Rudan I. The complex challenge of setting priorities in health research
investments. Indian J Med Res. 2009;129(4):351-3.
51. Heard-Costa NL, Zillikens MC, Monda KL, Johansson A, Harris TB, Fu M,
Haritunians T, Feitosa MF, Aspelund T, Eiriksdottir G, Garcia M, Launer LJ,
Smith AV, Mitchell BD, McArdle PF, Shuldiner AR, Bielinski SJ, Boerwinkle
E, Brancati F, Demerath EW, Pankow JS, Arnold AM, Chen YD, Glazer NL,
McKnight B, Psaty BM, Rotter JI, Amin N, Campbell H, Gyllensten U,
Pattaro C, Pramstaller PP, Rudan I, Struchalin M, Vitart V, Gao X, Kraja A,
Province MA, Zhang Q, Atwood LD, Dupuis J, Hirschhorn JN, Jaquish CE,
O'Donnell CJ, Vasan RS, White CC, Aulchenko YS, Estrada K, Hofman A,
Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Witteman JC, Oostra BA, Kaplan RC,
Gudnason V, O'Connell JR, Borecki IB, van Duijn CM, Cupples LA, Fox CS,
North KE. NRXN3 is a novel locus for waist circumference: a genome-wide
association study from the CHARGE Consortium. PLoS Genet. 2009;
52. Rudan I, Campbell H. The deadly toll of S pneumoniae and H influenzae type b.
Lancet. 2009; 374(9693):854-6.
53. Navarro P, Vitart V, Hayward C, Tenesa A, Zgaga L, Juricic D, Polasek O, Hastie
ND, Rudan I, Campbell H, Wright AF, Haley CS, Knott SA. Genetic
comparison of a Croatian isolate and CEPH European founders. Genet
Epidemiol. 2009; (in press)
54. Hicks AA, Pramstaller PP, Johansson A, Vitart V, Rudan I, Ugocsai P, Aulchenko
Y, Franklin CS, Liebisch G, Erdmann J, Jonasson I, Zorkoltseva IV, Pattaro
C, Hayward C, Isaacs A, Hengstenberg C, Campbell S, Gnewuch C, Janssens
AC, Kirichenko AV, Knig IR, Marroni F, Polasek O, Demirkan A, Kolcic I,
Schwienbacher C, Igl W, Biloglav Z, Witteman JC, Pichler I, Zaboli G,
Axenovich TI, Peters A, Schreiber S, Wichmann HE, Schunkert H, Hastie N,
Oostra BA, Wild SH, Meitinger T, Gyllensten U, van Duijn CM, Wilson JF,
Wright A, Schmitz G, Campbell H. Genetic determinants of circulating
sphingolipid concentrations in European populations. PLoS Genet. 2009
55. Campbell H, Rudan I, Bittles AH, Wright AF. Human population structure,
genome autozygosity and human health Genome Med. 2009;1(9):91.
56. Tomlinson M, Swartz L, Officer A, Chan KY, Rudan I, Saxena S. Research
priorities for health of people with disabilities: an expert opinion exercise.
Lancet 2009; 374: 185762.
57. Marroni F, Pfeufer A, Aulchenko YS, Franklin CS, Isaacs A, Pichler I, Wild SH,
Oostra BA, Wright AF, Campbell H, Witteman JC, Kb S, Hicks AA,
Gyllensten U, Rudan I, Meitinger T, Pattaro C, van Duijn CM, Wilson JF,
Pramstaller PP; EUROSPAN Consortium. A genome-wide association scan
of RR and QT interval duration in 3 European genetically isolated
populations: the EUROSPAN project. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2009;
58. Kong A et al. (ncluding Rudan I). Parental origin of sequence variants associated
with complex diseases. Nature. 2009; 462:868-74.

59. Soranzo N et al.(including Rudan I). Common variants at ten genomic loci
influence hemoglobin A1C levels via glycemic and non-glycemic pathways.
Diabetes. 2010 Sep 21. [Epub ahead of print]
60. Franklin CS, Aulchenko YS, Huffman JE, Vitart V, Hayward C, Polaek O, Knott
S, Zgaga L, Zemunik T, Rudan I, Campbell H, Wright AF, Wild SH, Wilson
JF. The TCF7L2 Diabetes Risk Variant is Associated with HbA(1C) Levels: a
Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis. Ann Hum Genet. 2010 Sep 16.
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-1809.2010.00607.x. [Epub ahead of print]
61. Vitart V, Bencic G, Hayward C, Skunca Herman J, Huffman J, Campbell S,
Bucan K, Navarro P, Gunjaca G, Marin J, Zgaga L, Kolcic I, Polasek O,
Kirin M, Hastie ND, Wilson JF, Rudan I, Campbell H, Vatavuk Z, Fleck B,
Wright A. New loci associated with central cornea thickness include
COL5A1, AKAP13 and AVGR8. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Sep 2. [Epub ahead
of print]
62. Teslovich TM et al. (including Rudan I). Biological, clinical and population
relevance of 95 loci for blood lipids. Nature. 2010; 466:707-13.
63. Rudan I, Kapiriri L, Tomlinson M, Balliet M, Cohen B, Chopra M. Evidencebased priority setting for health care and research: tools to support policy in
maternal, neonatal, and child health in Africa. PLoS Med. 2010; 7:e1000308.
64. Wright AF, Rudan I, Hastie ND, Campbell H. A 'complexity' of urate transporters.
Kidney Int. 2010; 78:446-52.
65. Voight BF et al. (including Rudan I). Twelve type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci
identified through large-scale association analysis. Nature Genetics 2010;
66. O'Dushlaine C, McQuillan R, Weale ME, Crouch DJ, Johansson A, Aulchenko Y,
Franklin CS, Polaek O, Fuchsberger C, Corvin A, Hicks AA, Vitart V,
Hayward C, Wild SH, Meitinger T, van Duijn CM, Gyllensten U, Wright AF,
Campbell H, Pramstaller PP, Rudan I, Wilson JF. Genes predict village of
origin in rural Europe. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010; [Epub ahead of print]
67. Rudan I. New technologies provide insights into genetic basis of psychiatric
disorders and explain their co-morbidity. Psychiatr Danub. 2010; 22:190-2.
68. Kestenbaum B, Glazer NL, Kttgen A, Felix JF, Hwang SJ, Liu Y, Lohman K,
Kritchevsky SB, Hausman DB, Petersen AK, Gieger C, Ried JS, Meitinger T,
Strom TM, Wichmann HE, Campbell H, Hayward C, Rudan I, de Boer IH,
Psaty BM, Rice KM, Chen YD, Li M, Arking DE, Boerwinkle E, Coresh J,
Yang Q, Levy D, van Rooij FJ, Dehghan A, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG,
Hofman A, van Duijn CM, Shlipak MG, Kao WH, Witteman JC, Siscovick
DS, Fox CS. Common genetic variants associate with serum phosphorus
concentration. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010; 21:1223-32.
69. Black RE, Cousens S, Johnson HL, Lawn JE, Rudan I, Bassani DG, Jha P,
Campbell H, Walker CF, Cibulskis R, Eisele T, Liu L, Mathers C; Child
Health Epidemiology Reference Group of WHO and UNICEF. Global,
regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic
analysis. Lancet. 2010; 375:1969-87.
70. Liu JZ et al. (including Rudan I). Meta-analysis and imputation refines the
association of 15q25 with smoking quantity. Nat Genet. 2010; 42:436-40.
71. Edmond K, Clark A, Korczak VS, Sanderson C, Griffiths UK, Rudan I. Global
and regional risk of disabling sequelae from bacterial meningitis: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2010; 10:317-28.
72. Nair H, Nokes DJ, Gessner BD, Dherani M, Madhi SA, Singleton RJ, O'Brien
KL, Roca A, Wright PF, Bruce N, Chandran A, Theodoratou E, Sutanto A,

Sedyaningsih ER, Ngama M, Munywoki PK, Kartasasmita C, Simes EA,

Rudan I, Weber MW, Campbell H. Global burden of acute lower respiratory
infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in young children: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Lancet. 2010; 375:1545-55.
73. Kttgen A et al. (including Rudan I). New loci associated with kidney function
and chronic kidney disease. Nature Genetics 2010; 42:376-84.
74. Pucic M, Pinto S, Novokmet M, Knezevic A, Gornik O, Polasek O, Vlahovicek
K, Wang W, Rudd PM, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I, Lauc G. Common
aberrations from the normal human plasma N-glycan profile. Glycobiology.
2010; 20:970-5.
75. Knezevic A, Gornik O, Polasek O, Pucic M, Redzic I, Novokmet M, Rudd PM,
Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I, Lauc G. Effects of aging, body mass index,
plasma lipid profiles, and smoking on human plasma N-glycans.
Glycobiology. 2010; 20:959-69.
76. Theodoratou E, Johnson S, Jhass A, Madhi SA, Clark A, Boschi-Pinto C, Bhopal
S, Rudan I, Campbell H. The effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b and
pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on childhood pneumonia incidence, severe
morbidity and mortality. Int J Epidemiol. 2010; 39 Suppl 1:i172-85.
77. Theodoratou E, Al-Jilaihawi S, Woodward F, Ferguson J, Jhass A, Balliet M,
Kolcic I, Sadruddin S, Duke T, Rudan I, Campbell H. The effect of case
management on childhood pneumonia mortality in developing countries. Int J
Epidemiol. 2010; 39 Suppl 1:i155-71.
78. McKeigue PM, Campbell H, Wild S, Vitart V, Hayward C, Rudan I, Wright AF,
Wilson JF. Bayesian methods for instrumental variable analysis with genetic
instruments ('Mendelian randomization'): example with urate transporter
SLC2A9 as an instrumental variable for effect of urate levels on metabolic
syndrome. Int J Epidemiol. 2010; 39:907-18.
79. Rudan I, Chan KY, Zhang JS, Theodoratou E, Feng XL, Salomon JA, Lawn JE,
Cousens S, Black RE, Guo Y, Campbell H; WHO/UNICEF's Child Health
Epidemiology Reference Group (CHERG). Causes of deaths in children
younger than 5 years in China in 2008. Lancet. 2010; 375:1083-9.
80. Smith NL, Chen MH, Dehghan A, Strachan DP, Basu S, Soranzo N, Hayward C,
Rudan I, Sabater-Lleal M, Bis JC, de Maat MP, Rumley A, Kong X, Yang Q,
Williams FM, Vitart V, Campbell H, Mlarstig A, Wiggins KL, Van Duijn
CM, McArdle WL, Pankow JS, Johnson AD, Silveira A, McKnight B,
Uitterlinden AG; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium;, Aleksic N,
Meigs JB, Peters A, Koenig W, Cushman M, Kathiresan S, Rotter JI, Bovill
EG, Hofman A, Boerwinkle E, Tofler GH, Peden JF, Psaty BM, Leebeek F,
Folsom AR, Larson MG, Spector TD, Wright AF, Wilson JF, Hamsten A,
Lumley T, Witteman JC, Tang W, O'Donnell CJ. Novel associations of
multiple genetic loci with plasma levels of factor VII, factor VIII, and von
Willebrand factor: The CHARGE (Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in
Genome Epidemiology) Consortium. Circulation. 2010; 121:1382-92.
81. Pattaro C, De Grandi A, Vitart V, Hayward C, Franke A, Aulchenko YS,
Johansson A, Wild SH, Melville SA, Isaacs A, Polasek O, Ellinghaus D,
Kolcic I, Nthlings U, Zgaga L, Zemunik T, Gnewuch C, Schreiber S,
Campbell S, Hastie N, Boban M, Meitinger T, Oostra BA, Riegler P, Minelli
C, Wright AF, Campbell H, van Duijn CM, Gyllensten U, Wilson JF,
Krawczak M, Rudan I, Pramstaller PP; EUROSPAN consortium. A metaanalysis of genome-wide data from five European isolates reveals an
association of COL22A1, SYT1, and GABRR2 with serum creatinine level.

BMC Med Genet. 2010; 11:41.

82. Polasek O, Hayward C, Bellenguez C, Vitart V, Kolci I, McQuillan R, Safti V,
Gyllensten U, Wilson JF, Rudan I, Wright AF, Campbell H, Leutenegger AL.
Comparative assessment of methods for estimating individual genome-wide
homozygosity-by-descent from human genomic data. BMC Genomics. 2010;
83. Polasek O, Gunjaca G, Kolci I, Zgaga L, Dzijan S, Smoli R, Smoli M, MilasAhi J, Seri V, Gali J, Tucak-Zori S, Tucak A, Rudan I, Lauc G.
Association of nephrolithiasis and gene for glucose transporter type 9
(SLC2A9): study of 145 patients. Croat Med J. 2010; 51:48-53.
84. Gunjaca G, Boban M, Pehli M, Zemunik T, Budimir D, Kolci I, Lauc G, Rudan
I, Polasek O. Predictive value of 8 genetic loci for serum uric acid
concentration. Croat Med J. 2010; 51:23-31.
85. Rudan D, Polasek O, Kolci I, Rudan I. Uric acid: the past decade. Croat Med J.
2010; 51:1-6.
86. Carrasquillo MM, Belbin O, Zou F, Allen M, Ertekin-Taner N, Ansari M, Wilcox
SL, Kashino MR, Ma L, Younkin LH, Younkin SG, Younkin CS, Dincman
TA, Howard ME, Howell CC, Stanton CM, Watson CM, Crump M, Vitart V,
Hayward C, Hastie ND, Rudan I, Campbell H, Polasek O, Brown K,
Passmore P, Craig D, McGuinness B, Todd S, Kehoe PG, Mann DM, Smith
AD, Beaumont H, Warden D, Holmes C, Heun R, Klsch H, Kalsheker N,
Pankratz VS, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Wright AF,
Younkin SG, Morgan K. Concordant association of insulin degrading enzyme
gene (IDE) variants with IDE mRNA, Abeta, and Alzheimer's disease. PLoS
One. 2010; 5:e8764.
87. Lauc G, Rudan I, Campbell H, Rudd PM. Complex genetic regulation of protein
glycosylation. Mol Biosyst. 2010; 6:329-35.
88. Dupuis J et al. (including Rudan I). New genetic loci implicated in fasting
glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk. Nat Genet.
2010; 42:105-16.
89. Igl W, Johansson A, Wilson JF, Wild SH, Polasek O, Hayward C, Vitart V, Hastie
N, Rudan P, Gnewuch C, Schmitz G, Meitinger T, Pramstaller PP, Hicks AA,
Oostra BA, van Duijn CM, Rudan I, Wright A, Campbell H, Gyllensten U;
EUROSPAN Consortium. Modeling of environmental effects in genomewide association studies identifies SLC2A2 and HP as novel loci influencing
serum cholesterol levels. PLoS Genet. 2010; 6(1):e1000798.
90. Repapi E et al. (including Rudan I). Genome-wide association study identifies
five loci associated with lung function. Nature Genetics 2010; 42:36-44.
- Published 7 textbooks and professional books / monographs
- Published more than 150 peer-reviewed publications in international journals
and other
- 13 years of teaching experience at the University of Split, University of Zagreb
and University of Edinburgh
- Consultant of the World Health Organization, UNICEF and The World Bank
Last academic advancement
Associate Professor (2007)



Professor Mirjana Rumboldt, MD, PhD





Personal Web page

Born in 1941, MD from 1964; consultant in school medicine 1976, masters degree
1981, PhD 1989. In family practice from 1965. Assistant professor l989, professor of
family medicine from 2004. Published over 100 papers, of those 16 in CC journals.
Inverstigator in several projects [e.g. INTER-HEART; INTER-HEART 2 (PI);
1. Rumboldt M. kolska poliklinika Split, danas. In Sirovica S, ed. Uenik s
List of
razvojnim tekoama. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2005:191-6.
M. An account of school health - family medicine cooperation in
(last 5 years)
Croatia. U Abstract book: Healthy youth - investment for future. 13 th
Congress of European Union for School and University Health and Medicine.
Dubrovnik: EUSUMH, 2005:55-6.
3. Pavlievi I, Rumboldt M, Rumboldt Z. Nepoeljne interakcije antihipertenziva i
nesteroidnih antireumatika. Lije Vjesn 2005;127:168-72.
4. Rumboldt M. Zdravstvena zatita kolske djece i mladei (osam godina poslije).
U Materljan E, editor. Zbornik Hrvatskih dana primarne zdravstvene zatite.
Labin, 2005:55-62.
5. Rumboldt M. Obiteljski lijenik na razmei nefrologije i urologije. Zbornik XIII.
kongresa obiteljske medicine. Osijek: HUOM, 2006:27-31.
6. Mrdulja-uji N, Kuzmani M, Vrdoljak D, Rumboldt M, Pleko V. Jesu li
seksualni problemi dio nae svakodnevne lijenike prakse? Ibidem: 223-31.
7. Mrduljas-Dujic N, Kuzmanic M, Vrdoljak D, Rumboldt M, Plesko V. Some
characteristics of sexuality in Dalmatia (Croatia). Wonca Europe 12th
Regional Conference, Florence 27-30 August 2006. Abstract book:44 (BP.27)
8. Rumboldt M, Kuzmanic M, Petric D, Mrduljas-Dujic N, Vrdoljak D. Quality of
hypertension care in Croatian family practice. Ibidem:129-30 (CP.166)
9. Rumboldt M, Rumboldt Z, Pesenti S. Association between the metabolic
syndrome and parental history of premature cardiovascular disease. Eur Heart
J 2006;27:2481-3.
10. Dragun A, Russo A, Rumboldt M. Socioeconomic stress and drug consumption:
unemployment as an adverse health factor in Croatia. Croat Med J
11. Dvornik-Radica A, Rudan V, Jurea V, Ivankovi D, Rumboldt M et al. Do we
need the adolescent crisis diagnosis? Coll Antropol 2006;30:489-93.
12. Mrdulja-uji N, Vrdoljak D, Kuzmani M, Rumboldt M, Petric D. Stavovi
studenata medicine o zvanju obiteljskog lijenika. Acta Med Croat
13. Rumboldt M, Petric D, eds. Zbornik radova XIV. Kongresa obiteljske medicine.
Dubrovnik: HUOM, 2007:1-243.
14. Rumboldt M. Metaboliki sindrom ili ... Ibidem: 13-19.
15. Vrdoljak D, Kuzmani M, Rumboldt M, Petric D, Mrdulja-uji N, Smoje E et
al. Metaboliku sindrom u splitskih dijabetiara tipa 2. Ibidem: 27-34.
16. Rumboldt M, Vrdoljak D, Kuzmani M. Hashimotov tireoiditis, mijastenini
sindrom i dijabetes u 80-godinje bolesnice. Ibidem: 197-9.
17. erni-Obrdalj E, Rumboldt M. Uestalost i vrste nasilja meu kolskom djecom
Bosne i Hercegovine. Ibidem: 217-222.
18. Pavlievi I, Rumboldt M, Kuzmani M, Rumboldt Z. Clinical significance of
the interaction between antihypertensive and antirheumatic drugs. 4th
International Congress of the Association of Cardiologists and Angiologists

of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of abstracts. Mostar: UKBiH, 2007:128-9.

19. Carevi V, Rumboldt M, Rumboldt Z, for the INTERHEART investigators.
Koronarni imbenici rizika u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu: rezultati INTERHEART
studije. Acta Med Croat 2007;61:299-306.
20. Pavlievi I, Rumboldt M, Kuzmani M, Rumboldt Z. Clinical significance of
the interaction between antihypertensive and antirheumatic drugs. Period
Biol 2007;109 (suppl 2):89.
21. Rumboldt M, Vrdoljak D. Katedra obiteljske medicine. Med Fam Croat
22. Rumboldt M. Osvrt na znanstveno-istraivaki rad u obiteljskoj medicini:
sadanje stanje. In Materljan E, ed. Zbornik Hrvatski dani primarne
zdravstvene zatite, Labin 2007:326-32.
23. Rumboldt M. Katedra za obiteljsku medicinu. In Jankovi S, Boban M, eds.
Medicinski fakultet 1997-2007. Split: MF Split, 2007:281-7.
24. Vrdoljak D, Kuzmanic M, Rumboldt M, Petric D, Mrduljas-Dujic N, Smoje E.
Metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetes patients in Split, Croatia. 13 th Wonca
Europe Conference. Paris: Wonca Europe, 2007: abstr. #1302.
25. Rumboldt M, Pavlievi I, Kuzmani M, Rumboldt Z. Prevalence of
hypertension in school children. J Hypertens 2008;26:610-1.
26. erni-Obrdalj E, Curi S, Zalihi A, Pivi G, Klari Z, Beganli A, Rumboldt M.
Samopouzdanje lijenika u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zatiti pri rjeavanju
hitnih stanja. In Tiljak H, ed. XV. Kongres obiteljske medicine. Zagreb:
HUOM, 2008:52-8.
27. Kuzmani M, Vrdoljak D, Rumboldt M, Petric D. Metaboliki sindrom u
dijabetiara tipa 2. Med Jad 2008;38:13-22.
28. Vrdoljak D, Rumboldt M. Quality of life after stroke in Croatian patients. Coll
Antropol 2008;32:355-9.
29. Rumboldt Z, Pavlievi I, Rumboldt M, Kuzmani M. Peculiarities of the
interaction between antihypertensive and antirheumatic drugs. J Hypertens
2008;26 (supl 1):S358 (Abstract book, Hypertension Berlin 2008;
30. erni Obrdalj E, Rumboldt M. Bullying among school children in postwar
Bosnia and Herzegovina: cross-sectional study. Croat Med J 2008;49:528-35.
31. Pavlievi I, Kuzmani M, Rumboldt M, Rumboldt Z. Interaction between
antihypertensive and antirheumatic drugs in primary care: a controlled trial.
Can J Clin Pharmacol 2008;15:e372-82.
32. Mrduljas Dujic N, Kuzmanic M, Kardum G, Rumboldt M. Physicians' job
satisfaction in a transitional country experience from Croatia. WONCA
Europe 2008. Abstract book, WONCA: Istanbul, 2008:136-7 (OP-137).
33. Cerni Obrdalj E, Rumboldt M, Curic S, Klaric Z, Zalihic A, Pivic G, Beganlic A.
Solving emergencies in primary care. Are we well educated? Ibidem:230-1
34. Marinovi Gui M, Rumboldt M. Predictors of initiation and duration of
breastfeeding among pregnant women in Split, Croatia. Abstracts of the
VELB-ILCA Conference A World Wide View on Breastfeeding.Vienna,
2008. 273-4.
35. Rumboldt M. Ulozi (giht) metaboliki poremeaj. In Bergman Markovi B, ed.
Reumatoloke bolesti u obiteljskoj medicini. Zbornik radova I. Simpozija
drutva nastavnika ope/obiteljske medicine. Zagreb: DNOOM, 2009:14958.
36. Rumboldt M, guest ed. Otoka medicina uvodne napomene. Med Fam Croat

and other

37. Rumboldt M, Petric D, eds. XVI. Kongres obiteljske medicine. Split: HUOM,
38. Rumboldt M. Zato nismo zadovoljni sa suzbijanjem sranoilnih rizika? Ibidem:
39. erni Obrdalj E, Zalihi A, Curi S, Pivi G, Klari Z, Janji B, Rumboldt M.
Srani sindrom X u pacijentice s velikim depresivnim poremeajem. Ibidem:
40. Zalihi A, Pivi G, erni Obrdalj E, Curi S, Klari Z, Rumboldt M. Pogorava li
se kvaliteta ivota nakon modanog udara ovisno o proteklom vremenu?
Ibidem: 78-86.
41. Kuzmani M, Petric D, Rumboldt M, Janji N. Pojavnost depresije u ordinaciji
LOM-e u korelaciji s kroninim somatskim morbiditetom. Ibidem: 162-71.
42. Rumboldt M, Petric D. Naputak o pripremi rukopisa. Ibidem: 362-4.
43. Zakarija-Grkovi I, Rumboldt M. Promicanje zdravlja = promicanje dojenja. In
Lakner B, ed. Hrvatski simpozij primarne zdravstvene zatite, Mali Loinj
28.-30.5.2009. Rijeka: DZ PZG, 2009:221-5.
44. Rumboldt M. Antropometrija. In Rumboldt Z. Praktikum interne medicine. 2 nd
ed. Split: Sveuilite u Splitu, 2009:1-7.
45. Rumboldt M. Mjerenje tjelesne temperature. Ibidem:8-11.
46. erni Obrdalj E, avarovi Gabor B, Pivi G, Zalihi A, Bati Mujanovi O,
Rumboldt M. Association between psychosomatic and traumatic symptoms
in early adolescence. Psychiatr Danub. 2010;22:301-3.
47. Rumboldt M. Jo neto o otocima otoka medicina 2. Med Fam Croat
48. Rumboldt M, Petric D, eds. Zbornik XVII. kongres obiteljske medicine. Zadar:
HUOM, 2010.
49. Rumboldt M. Lijenik kao lijek. Ibidem:7-15.
50. Rumboldt M, Petric D. Struni i znanstveni lanci u obiteljskoj medicini: koliko
moemo? Ibidem:279-83.
51. Rumboldt M, Petric D. Naputak o pripremi rukopisa. Ibidem:284-7.
1. Rumboldt M. Antropometrija. In: Rumboldt Z, ed. Praktikum interne medicine.
2nd ed. Split: Placebo, 2009:1-7.
2. Rumboldt M. Mjerenje tjelesne temperature. Ibidem: 8-11.

3. Rumboldt M. Ulozi (giht) metaboliki poremeaj. In: Bergman Markovi B, ed.

Reumatoloke bolesti u obiteljskoj medicini. Zbornik radova I. Simpozija drutva
nastavnika ope/obiteljske medicine. Zagreb: DNOOM, 2009:149-58.
Rumboldt M. Zato nismo zadovoljni sa suzbijanjem sranoilnih rizika? In
Rumboldt M, Petric D, eds. XVI. Kongres obiteljske medicine. Split: HUOM,
Last academic advancement

Family medicine; School medicine (in Pediatrics)


Professor Damir Sapunar, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page



List of
(last 5 years)

1992-1998 Instructor, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology,

University of Split School of Medicine
1998-2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology,
University of Split School of Medicine
Vice-dean for education, University of Split School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Histology and Embryology, University of
Split School of Medicine
President of Managing Council, National and University Library
Executive Editor - Online Edition, Croatian Medical Journal
Head, Laboratory for Pain Research, Department of Anatomy,
Histology and Embryology, University of Split School of Medicine
Head, Department of Histology and Embryology, University of Split
School of Medicine
Full Professor, Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology
Head, Laboratory for Microscopy, University of Split School of
1. Vilovic K, Ilijic E, Glamoclija V, Kolic K, Bocina I, Sapunar D. Cell death in
developing human spinal cord. Anat Embryol 2006;211(1):1-9.
2. Glamoclija V, Vilovic K, Saraga-Babic M, Baranovic A, Sapunar D. Apoptosis
and active caspase-3 expression in human granulosa cells. Fertil Steril
3. Sapunar D, Ljubkovi M, Lirk P, McCallum JB, Hogan QH. Distinct membrane
effects of spinal nerve ligation on injured and adjacent dorsal root ganglion neurons.
Anesthesiology 2005;103:360-76.
4. Sapunar D, Modric-Jednacak K, Grkovic I, Michalkiewicz M, Hogan Q. Effect
of peripheral axotomy on pain-related behavior and dorsal root ganglion neurons
excitability in NPY transgenic rats. Brain Res 2005;1063(1):48-58.
5. Ivanisevic R, Sapunar D. Multiple authorship in a small medical journal - A case
study: Croatian Medical Journal. JASIST 2006;57(8):1073-1078.
6. Carev D, Krni D, Saraga M, Sapunar D, Saraga-Babi M. Role of mitotic, proapoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors in human mesonephric and metanephric
development. Pediatric Nephrology 2006;21:627-36.
7. Vilovic K, Jurcevic S, Ivanisevic R, Sapunar D. Clincal skills teaching Survey
at medical school in Split and Zagreb. Medicina 2006;42:26-30.
8. McCallum JB, Kwok WM, Sapunar D, Fuchs A, Hogan Q. Painful peripheral
nerve injury decreases calcium current in axotomized sensory neurons.
Anesthesiology 2006 Jul;105(1):160-8.
9. Znaor L, Lovric S, Hogan Q, Sapunar, D. Association of neural inflammation
with hyperalgesia following spinal nerve ligation, Croat Med J, 48 (2007) 35-42.
10. Vukojevi K, Lovri-Kojundzi S, Sapunar D. Hyperalgesia-type response
reveals no difference in pain-related behavior between Wistar and Sprague-Dawley
rats. Bosn J Basic Med Sci 2007 May;7(2):121-6.
11. Vukojevi K, Carev D, Sapunar D, Popovic D, Saraga-Babic M. Developmental
patterns of caspase-3, bax and bcl-2 proteins expression in the human spinal
ganglia. J Mol Histol 2008; 39: 339-349.
12. Puljak L, Brnjas Kraljevic J, Barac Latas Vesna, Sapunar D. Demographics and
motives of medical school applicants in Croatia. Med Teach. 2007 Oct;29(8):e22713. Simunovic VJ, Petkovic M, Miscia S, Petrovic M, Stallaerts R, Busselmaier W,
Hebgen M, Horsch A, Horsch S, Krzan M, Svab I, Ribaric S, Zeleznik D, Santa
Barbara J, Arapovic D, Bozic T, Duzel G, Ljubic F, Ostojic M, Skocibusic S,

and other

Spasojevic N, Zalihic A, Radic R, Mehic B, Nakas-Icindic E, Kordic D, Sapunar D,

Tomic S, Ljuca F, Pranjic N, Seleskovic H, Tahirovic H, Tihic N, Bosnjak ZJ,
Gamulin S, Kuzman I, Mandic Z, Kamberovic S, Hiljadnikova M, Tanovi H. Short
history of just mentorship and support. Croat Med J. 2008 Feb;49(1):18-21.
14. Puljak L, Sapunar D. Turning Croatian Science Into Policy. Croat Med J. 2008;
15. Puljak L, Vukojevic K, Lovric Kojundzic S, Sapunar D. Assessing clinical and
life sciences performance of research institutions in Split, Croatia: 2000-2006.
Croat Med J. 2008; 49(2):164-74.
16. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Sapunar D. Gender and academic medicine: a
good pipeline of women graduates is not advancing. Teach Learn Med. 2008; 20(3):
17. Lirk P, Poroli M, Rigaud M, Fuchs A, Fillip P, Huang C-Y, Ljubkovic M,
Sapunar D, Hogan Q. Modulators of calcium influx regulate membrane excitability
in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Anesth Analg. 2008 Aug;107(2):673-85.
18. Hogan Q, Lirk P, Poroli M, Rigaud M, Fuchs A, Fillip P, Ljubkovic M, Sapunar
D. Restoration of calcium influx corrects membrane hyperexcitability in injured rat
dorsal root ganglion neurons. Anesth Analg. 2008 Sep;107(3):1045-51.
19. Lovric Kojundzic S, Dujmovic I, Grkovic I, Sapunar D. Regional differences in
epidermal thickness and behavioral response following partial denervation of the rat
paw. Int J Neurosci. 2008 Dec;118(12):1748-62.
20. Puizina-Ivi N, Sapunar D, Marasovi D, Miri L. An overview of Bcl-2
expression in histopathological variants of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, actinic keratosis and seborrheic keratosis. Coll Antropol. 2008 Oct;32
Suppl 2:61-5.
21. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Hogan QH, Sapunar D. Targeted delivery of
pharmacological agents into rat dorsal root ganglion. J Neurosci Methods. 2009
Mar 15;177(2):397-402.
22. Kosta V, Lovric Kojundzic S, Cambj Sapunar L, Sapunar D. Spine deformity in
a rat model of neuropathic pain causes pain-related behavior. Eur J Pain. 2009
23. Puljak L, Lovric Kojundzic S, Hogan Q, Sapunar D. Lidocaine injection into the
rat dorsal root ganglion causes neuroinflammation and pain-related behavior.
Anesth Analg. 2009 Mar 108;(3):1021-6.
24. Lovric Kojundzic S, Puljak L, Hogan Q, Sapunar D. Depression of
Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
after Spinal Nerve Ligation. J Comp Neurol 2010 Jan 1;518(1):64-74.
25. Gui MM, Kota V, Aljinovi J, Sapunar D, Grkovi I. Characterization of
spinal afferent neurons projecting to different chambers of the rat heart. Neurosci
Lett. 2009 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]
26. Kota V, Gui MM, Aljinovi J, Sapunar D, Grkovi I. Immunohistochemical
characteristics of neurons in nodose ganglia projecting to the different chambers of
the rat heart. Auton Neurosci. 2010; 155(1-2): 33-8.
27. Koceic A, Mestrovic A, Vrdoljak L, Vukojevic K, Barac-Latas V, DrenjancevicPeric I, Biocina-Lukenda D,,Sapunar D, Puljak L. Analysis of the elective
curriculum in undergraduate medical education in Croatia. Medical education
Published papers; teaching of histology and embryology; translation of several
textbooks; Director of Doctoral School; Elective courses Fertilization, Puzzle of pain.

Last academic advancement



Histology and embryology


Professor Marijan Saraga, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, Department of Pediatrics, Spinieva 1, 21000 Split

University of Split, School of Medicine, oltanska 2, 21000 Split



Personal Web page

Primary and grammar school: Split
Medical faculty: Zagreb (1973-1978)
Internship: Zagreb (1979-1980)
Postgraduate studies: Clinical Pediatrics, University of Zagreb (1982-1983)
Specialization: Pediatrics, Zagreb and Split (1984-1987)
Subspecialization: Pediatric nephrology (Ministry of Health, 2001)
Education and present status:
Pediatrician nephrologist in Nephrology Unit of the Department of Pediatrics,
Clinical Hospital Split Head of the Clinical Unit for Nephrology, Gastroenterology
with Hepathology, Department of Pediatrics, Clinical Hospital Split
2002-2005 Vice dean for science, Medical School, University of Split
2002 Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Medical School University of Split
2003- the member of the Commission for PhD and masters theses, Medical School
University of Split
Associate professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Split (2003)
Associate professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Mostar (2003)
Full professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Split (2009)
Master of Science (1994)
Doctor of Philosophy (1998)
Training in ultrasonography of urinary tract in children and research: Department of
Pediatric Nephrology, Childrens Hospital, University of Helsinki (1988, 1991)
Croatian Medical Association (the member of the Board and secretary-Branch Split)
Croatian Pediatric Society (the member of the Board and secretary)
Croatian Society for Pediatric Nephrology (the member of the Board and vicepresident)
Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
European Society for Pediatric Nephrology
International Pediatric Nephrology Association
Charter Croatian Hospital Dr fra Mato Nikoli Nova Bila (1994).
Charter Croatian Hospital Dr fra Mato Nikoli Nova Bila (1997).
Charter of HVO for the outstanding contribution to the war health (1995).
Acknowledgement of Croatian Medical Association for contribution in advancement
of medicine, health and humanitarian work (1997).
Acknowledgement of the Croatian Medical Association for participation in war

List of
(last 5 years)

Diploma of the Croatian Medical Association for the 125.anniversary of the

Association, for special contribution in keeping its honorable tradition, advancement
of medical science and health of the Rapublic of Croatia (1999).
Diploma of the Association of Medical Students, University of Split, CROMSIC
Charter of the Croatian Medical Association for the advancement of medical science
and health in the Rapublic of Croatia 2003.g.
Diploma of the Croatian Medical Association for the 135. anniversary of the
Association, for special contribution in keeping its honorable tradition, advancement
of medical science and health of the Rapublic of Croatia (2009)
Work in committees, organizational skills and competencies
Vice dean for science, Medical School, University of Split (2002-2005)
Head of the Committee for Continuous Medical Education (2003-2005)
Member of the Committee for masters and doctoral theses (2003-2005)
Member of the Committee for Pediatrics , Ministry of Health (2002)
Work in Coordination group for plan and program of specialization in pediatrics
1. Bitunjac, Kristina; Saraga, Marijan. Alcohol intoxication in pediatric age: ten-year
retrospective study. // Croatian Medical Journal. 50 (2009) , 2; 151-156.
2. Carev, Dominko; Saraga, Marijan; Saraga-Babi, Mirna. Involvement of FGF abd
BMP family and VEGF in early human kidney development. // Histology &
Histopthology. 23 (2008) , 7; 853-8623.
3. Carev, Dominko; Saraga, Marijan; Saraga-Babi, Mirna. Expression of
intermediate filaments, EGF and TGF-a in early human kidney development. //
Journal of Molecular Histology. 39 (2008) , 2; 227-235.
4. Saraga M. Nefrotski sindrom iza prve godine ivota. Pediatr Croat 52 (Supl 1):
142-54, 2008. (EM)
5. Bazina, Mirna; Glavina-Durdov, Meri; ukanec-poljar, M; Bazina, Antonela;
Vukojevi, Katarina; Ljuti, Dragan; Saraga, Marijan. Epidemiology of renal disease
in children in the region of southern Croatia: a 10-year review of regional biopsy
detabases. // Medical Science Monitor. 13 (2007) , 4; 172-176.
6. Saraga, Marijan; Rei, Biserka; Krni, Dragan; Jelavi, Tihana; Krni, Duka;
Sinovi, Ivana; Tomasovi, Maja. A stereotypic "elbowing" movement, a possible
new primitive reflex in newborns. // Pediatric Neurology. 36 (2007) , 2; 84-87.
7. Saraga M, Drnasin K, apkun V. Osobitosti stijenke mokranog mjehura u
dojenadi do 6 mjeseci ivota. Pediatr Croat 51: 1-4, 2007.
8. Saraga M. Hematurija u djejoj dobi. Pedijatrija danas 3(2):132-148, 2007.
Batini D, ukanec poljar M, Miloevi D, ubat Deulovi M, Saraga M, elmi
J, Pureti Z et al. Klinike i patohistoloke karakteristike biopsijom dokazanih
bubrenih bolesti djece u Hrvatskoj. Acta Med Croatica 61: 361-4, 2007.
9. Bioi M, Budimir D, Todori J, Saraga M, unjar T, Vuki-Kouljandi ,
Todori D. Suvremeno lijeenje vezikoureteralnog refluksa u djece. Paediatr Croat 50
(Supl): 283-94,2006.
10. Carev D., Krni D., Saraga M., Sapunar D., Saraga-Babi M.: Role of mitotic,
pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors in human kidney development. Pediatr
Nephrol 21:627-636, 2006.
11. Drnasin K, Saraga M. Ultrazvuni probirdojenadi radi otkrivanja anomalija
mokranog sustava. Pediatr Croat 49: 7-14, 2005.
12. Drnasin K, Saraga M. Ultrazvuni probirdojenadi radi otkrivanja anomalija

mokranog sustava. Pediatr Croat 49: 7-14, 2005.

Graduate education in Pediatrics
grants and
Elective courses Development and congenital kidney diseases
qualifications Visiting professor- Medical School Mostar, BiH
Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Visiting professor- Postgraduate study in Application of Color Doppler in
Medicine, Medical School Zagreb
Postgraduate study Biology of neoplasms, University of Split
Books and teaching textbooks: 8
Proesmans W, Saraga M. Renal involvemenet in malformative syndromes. In P.
Cochat, ed. ESPN Handbook, Lyon:Novartis Pharma AG, Basel 2002.
1991-1996 participant in the project Formation of the head, axial and uro-genital
structures in man, supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology,
no 3-01-069
-1996-2001 participant in the project Development of the human central nervous
system and the vertebral column, supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and
Technology, no 108-194.
-2002-2005- participant in the project Development and diseases of axial organs in
supported by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, no 021-6002
-2003- participant in the project Conserved, apoptotic and mitotic genes in
development and disease, Supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
and Sports
- 2010- main investigator for Croatia: CAKUT multi-centric study, Genetic of
human diseases of the kidney and urinary tract collaborative project with
Columbia University, USA
Mentor of two masters theses.
Last academic
Full professor of pediatrics (October, 2009)

Development and anomalies of human kidneys


Professor Mirna Saraga-Babi, MD, PhD


School of Medicine, University of Split



Personal Web page

1974-1979 Medical School, University of Zagreb (Doctor of Medicine)
1981-1983 Postgraduate study in Biomedicine, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
University of Zagreb
1984- Master of Science
1989- Medical School, University of Zagreb Ph.D.
1981 assistan, Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine in
1993- assistant professor, School of Medicine in Zagreb
1998 associate professor, School of Medicine in Split

List of
(last 5 years)

2001 Head of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Medical

School University of Split
2003- full professor, School of Medicine in Split
2003 - Vice dean for science, School of Medicine, University of Mostar
2008- full professor- permanent position, School of Medicine in Split
2007- Vice dean for finances, School of Medicine, Universuty of Split
1983, 1984 Department of Electron Microscopy, Max-Planck Institute, Tubeingen,
1988,1989, 2000 Department of Electron Microscopy and Department of Pathology,
University of Helsinki
1993 Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Max-Planck Institute of Biophysical
Chemistry, Gottingen, Germany
1.Glamolija V., Vilovi K., Saraga-Babi M., Baranovi A. Sapunar D.: Apoptosis
and active caspase-3 expression in human granulosa cells. Fertility&Sterility,
83(2): 426-431, 2005
2.Boani D., Boina I., Saraga-Babi M.: Involvement of cytoskeletal proteins
and growth factor receptors during development of the human eye. Anat
Embryol (Berlin), 211(5):367-377, 2006.
3.Vilovi K., Iliji E., Glamolija V., Koli K., Boina I., Sapunar D., Saraga-Babi
M.: Cell death in developing human spinal cord. Anat Embryol, 211(1):1-9,
4.Carev D., Krni D., Saraga M., Sapunar D., Saraga-Babi M.: Role of mitotic,
pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors in human kidney development. Pediatric
Nephrology, 21(5).627-636, 2006.
5.Boina I. and Saraga-Babi M: The notochordal sheath in Amphioxus an
ultrastructural and histochemical study. Collegium Antropologicum, 30(2):315319, 2006.
6.Boina I., Saraga-Babi M: Immunohistochemical study of cytoskeletal and
exptracellular matrix components in the notochord and notochordal sheath of
amphioxus. Int J Biol Sci, 2(2): 73-78, 2006.
7.Bazina M., Stefanovi V., Boani D., Saraga-Babi M.: Ultrastructural and
immunohistochemical characteristics of developing human pituitary gland//
Acta Histochemica. 109( 5): 366-376,2007.
8. Carev D., Saraga M., Saraga-Babi M.: Expression of intermediate filaments,
EGF and TGF-a in early human kidney development. Journal of Molecular
Histology, 39(2): 227-235, 2008.
9.Carev D, Saraga M., Saraga-Babi M.: Involvement of FGF and BMP family
proteins and VEGF in early human kidney development. Histology and
Histopathology, 23(7):853-849, 2008
10..Vukojevi K, Carev D, Sapunar D, Petrovi D, Saraga-Babi M:
Developmental patterns of caspase-3, bax and bcl-2 proteins expression in the
human spinal ganglia. J Mol Histol. 39(3): 339-349, 2008.
11.Saraga-Babi M., Bazina M., Vukojevi K., Boina I, Stefanovi V.:
Involvement of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors in the early
development of the human pituitary gland. Histology and Histopathology, 23:
1259-1268, 2008.
12.Vukojevi, K.; kobi, H., Saraga-Babi, M.Proliferation and differentiation of
glial and neuronal progenitors in the developing human spinal ganglia. //
Differentiation, 78(2-3): 91-8, 2009.
13.Bazina M, Vukojevic K, Roje D, Saraga-Babic M. Influence of growth and

and other

transcriptional factors, and signaling molecules on early human pituitary

development. J Mol Histol. 40(4):277-86, 2009.
14.Vukojevic K, Petrovic D, Saraga-Babic M. Nestin expression in glial and
neuronal progenitors of the developing human spinal ganglia. Gene Expr
Patterns, 0(2-3):144-51, 2010.
15.Boina I, Ljubei N, Saraga-Babi M. Cilia-like structures anchor the
amphioxus notochord to its sheath. Acta Histochem, 2009 (in press)
16. avar, Ivan; Kelava, Tomislav; Vukojevi, Katarina; Babi-Saraga, Mirna;
ulo, Filip. The role of prostaglandin E2 in acute acetaminophen hepatotoxicity
in mice. // Histology and histopathology. Histol.Histopathol, 25(7): 819-30,
17.Aljinovi, Jure; Vukojevi, Katarina; Kota, Vana; Marinovi Gui, Maja;
Saraga-Babi, Mirna; Grkovi, Ivica. Histological differences in healing
following experimental transmural infarction in rats. // Histology and
histopathology. (2010,in press).
18.Kalibovi Govorko D, Bei T, Vukojevi K, Mardei-Brakus S, BioinaLikenda D, Saraga-Babi, M. Spatial and temporal distributions of Ki-67
proliferation marker, Bcl-2 and Bax proteins in the developing human tooth.
Arch Oral Biol, 2010 (in press)
19.Novakovi J, Mardei-Brakus S, Vukojevi K, Saraga-Babi M.
Developmental patterns of Ki-67, bcl-2 and caspase-3 proteins expression in the
human upper jaw. Acta Histochem, 2010 (in press)
20. Mardesi-Barkus S, Kalibovi Govorko D, Vukojevi K, Alujevi Jakus I,
Petrievi J, Saraga-Babi M. Apoptotic and antiapoptotic factors in early
human mandible development. Eur Jof Oral Sci, 2010 (in press)
21. Petrievi J, Forempoher G, Ostoji LJ, Mardei-Brakus S, Andjelinovi ,
Vukojevi K, Saraga-Babi M. Expression of nestin, mesothelin and epithelial
membrane antigen (EMA) in developing and adult human meninges and
meningeomas. Acta Histochem (in press)
Computer software
Saraga- Babi M, Sapunar D Atlas of Human Embryology, Chronolab, Chrono
Educa, 1996
Sapunar D., Saraga-BabiM Atlas of Histology, School of Medicine, University of
Split, 2008
Educational texts
Saraga-Babi M., vajger A., Sapunar D., Pintari I., Anelinovi ., Saraga
M.:Development and congenital kidney diseases, University of Zagreb, Medical
School-Split Branch, 1992
Banovi I, Peruzovi M., Saraga-Babi M., Sapunar D.: Fertilization, University of
Zagreb, Medical School-Split Branch, 1992
Saraga-Babi M: Respiratory system. In Junqueira LC, Carneiro J. and Kelly RO.
Basic Histology (Croatian edition), pp.338-358 (7th edition), kolska knjiga, Zagreb,
Saraga-Babi M.: Adrenals, Islets of Langerhans, Thyroid, the Parathyroid glands,
the Pineal body. In Junqueira LC, Carneiro J. and Kelly RO. Basic Histology
(Croatian edition), pp.305-424 (7th edition), kolska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995.
Saraga-Babi M: With game through anatomy 5 Embryology, Sobotta: Atlas of
Anatomy- cards for learning. (Croatian edition), Naklada Splap, Jastrebarsko, 2002.
Research grants
1981-1990 Participation in the project Analysis of developmental processes in
animal and plants, supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology,

no 2.3.4.
-1991-1991 Main investigator of the project Formation of the head, axial and urogenital structures in man, supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science and
Technology, no 3-01-069
-1996-2001 Main investigator of the project Development of the human central
nervous system and the vertebral column, supported by the Croatian Ministry of
Science and Technology, no 108-194.
-1997- participation in the ALIS project Programmed cell death in the axial
structures of the human embryo, Leicester, Great Britain
-2002-2005- Main investigator of the project Development and diseases of axial
organs in man supported by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, no
-2003- main investigator of the project Conserved, apoptotic and mitotic genes in
development and disease, Supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education
and Sports
-2007- main investogator of the project Gene expression during early human
-2007- main investigator of the Croatian-Slovenian project Biomekrers of normal
and abnormal development and associated multifactorial disprders.
-2007/08- collaborator on the project Development of the human peripheral nervous
system, Federal Ministry of Education and Science
- Graduate education in Histology and Embryology
- Elective courses Development and congenital kidney diseases, Fertilization
- Postgraduate teaching- Postgraduate study, Medical School Split
- Visiting professor - Postgraduate study in Biomedicine, Medical School Rijeka
- Visiting professor - Medical School Mostar, BiH
Last academic
Full professor- permanent position 5.05.2008.

Development and anomalies of the human kidneys

Development and anomalies of the head and neck


Smoljanovi Mladen


Teaching Institute of Public Health of Split-Dalmatian County, Split



Personal Web


Born: November 15, 1953. Split

Graduated: School of Medicine University of Zagreb, November 20, 1976
General practioner:
-Internship at General Hospital Split 1976-1977. -Sinj Health Care Unit, Vrlika
Medical Station 1977-1980. - Garnison infirmary Benkovac 1980-1985.
Specialistic epidemiology internship:
- Institute for Maritime Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Tropical
Diseases, 1988-1991. - Institute of Public Health of Splitsko-Dalmatinska County,
1991 - until now.

List of
(last 5 years)

Head of the Croatian Army medical Staff in South Croatia (active Colonel) 19911992.
Coordinator for preventative medical care of Health Crisis Staff of Dalmatia and the
Croatian Army 1992-1995.
Director of the Institute of Public Health Split / Teaching Institute of Public Health of
Splitsko-Dalmatinska County, Split 1991-2006.
Teaching assistant at the Medical School of Medicine Zagreb in Split in 1991.
Indexed publications:
1. Smoljanovi M. Ristic S. Hayward C,
Historic exposure to plague and present-day frequency of CCR5del32 in two isolated
island communities of Dalmatia, Croatia, Croatian Medical Journal. 47 (4) :579-584,
2006. Aug.
2. Koli I, Vorko-Jovi A, Salzer B, Smoljanovi M, Kern J, Vuleti S
Metabolic syndrome ni a metapopulation of Croatian island isolates, Croatian
Medical Journal, 47(4):585-592, 2006 Aug.
3. Muli R, Uglei L, Klimani Z, Ropac D, Smoljanovi M, MartinoviMikulandra J. and al, Epidemiologic characteristic of hepatitis B in the SplitDalmatian County, Lijeniki Vjesnik, 128(3-4):65-71, 2006
Other publications:
1. Smoljanovi M, Bakic J, Zitko T. A review of protocols for monitoring and
planning to control tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in Italy (2006), DDD
and ZUPP '2006, Symposium, Dubrovnik, pp. 71-83.
2. Smoljanovi M. Peculiarities of Split-Dalmatia County as determinants of health
care, Croatian Journal of Public Health, www.hcjz.hr (2006) Vol 2, Number 6
3 Smoljanovi M. What is the origin of the "Regional health" Project and how has it
been implemented by now, Croatian Journal of Public Health, www.hcjz.hr (2006)
Vol 2 Issue 6
4. Smoljanovi M, Rudan I, Fatovi-Fereni S, Smoljanovi A, Ropac D,
Bakic J, Polaek O, Mijakovi M. Genetic and seroepidemiological research on the
Croatian islands - a new view of history of epidemiology quarantine infectious
diseases, (2007) DDD and ZUPP '2006, Symposium, Dubrovnik, pp. 133-39.
5. Smoljanovi M. Introduction to the Tourism And Health topic, Croatian Journal of
Public Health, www.hcjz.hr (2007) Vol 3 No. 10
6. Smoljanovi M. Epidemiological characteristics of tourist health, Croatian Journal
of Public Health, www.hcjz.hr (2007) Vol 3 No. 10
7. Smoljanovi M. Twenty years after the first outbreak of legionnaires' disease in
Croatia in 1987, Croatian Journal of Public Health, (2007) www.hcjz.hr Vol 3 No. 10
8. Smoljanovi M. Fundamental Principles of the existence of public health, Croatian
Journal of Public Health, (2007) www.hcjz.hr Vol 3, No. 12
9. Smoljanovi M. Waterborne epidemic - personal knowledge, XI Scientific Expert
Conference "Water and Public Water Supply," Bol in Brac Island 3rd-6th October
2007. pp. 31-51
10. Ninevi J, Smoljanovi M, Petric I, Smoljanovi A, Maric D, Ropac D.
Hepatitis-A virus no longer lives in Sinj! At XI. technical-scientific conference
"Water and Water Supply"; Bol in Brac Island; 2007 Symposium pp. 93 103
11. Smoljanovi A, Boina I, Smoljanovi M, Tomi B. The legal foundation of
health - statistical research in the hospital services, www.hcjz.hr, Vol 4, No. 14, 7
April 2008.
12. Milas J Smoljanovi M, Mikulin M. Changes in vaccination calendars - lobbying
or profession? Croatian Journal of Public Health, (2008) www.hcjz.hr Vol 4, No. 15

1. Smoljanovi M, Smoljanovi A, Rudan I. Population of Croatian islands in 2001,
Split, 2008.
Apendices in books:
1. Zlatko Puvai et al: Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Smoljanovi Mladen,
head XXVI Epidemiological characteristics of health of tourists. University of
Sarajevo, Tutorials, 2007. International review.
2. HAZU: Discussions and matter for the History of Science, Book 8, "Clio in
medical practice" papers dedicated to prof. dr. Mirko Drazen Grmek associate
member of HAZU, Appendix: Smoljanovi Mladen: History as a tool in problem
solving: from oral traditions to genetics, 2007. 31-39.
3. Balen I. Kovacic L. Papers from scientific symposium Days of Andrija tampar,
Slavonski Brod, 2009, Smoljanovi A. Smoljanovi M, Boina I. Principles of
Andrija tampar in Dalmatia, 161-200.
Last academic advancement
December 13, 2007. Assistant Professor
Public health
and other


Professor Tomislav Strinic, PhD, MD


University Hospital Split

School of Medicine, University Split



Personal Web page

Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics became in 1982.since then he has worked in
the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Split. He is
subspecialist of urogynecology, Head of Department of gynecologic surgery and
acting Head of the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. He became assistant
of School of Medicine University Split since 1993., assistant professor since 2003.,
associate professor since 2006. and full professor from 2010. He is doctor of science,
Head of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, School of Medicine,
University of Split, participates in teaching professional courses in Nursing and
Physiotherapy, and Dental medicine studies School of Medicine Split.
He is author/coauthor of 70 scientific and professional papers, 24 were published in
journals which indexes Current Contents, was quoted 82 times. He was mentor of
two doctorates, and one Master's degree and 12 graduate theses. He is Head of the
project Metabolism of collagen in the syndrome of lowered genital organs.
He won the National Award for Science for 2003. Croatian Medical Association
awarded him with five awards.
1. Strinic T, Roje D, Marusic J, Capkun V. Cord blood cortisol level is lower in
List of
growth-restricted newborns. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2007; 33 (2): 144-50.
(last 5 years) 2. Strinic T, Bukovic D, Roje D, Milic N, Pavic M, Turcic P. Epidemiology of pelvic
floor disorders between urban and rural female inhabitants. Coll Antropol. 2007;
31(2): 483-7.
3. Vicic A, Roje D, Strinic T, Stipoljev F. Trisomy 1 in an early pregnancy failure.
Am J Med Genet Part A 2008; 146 A: 2439-41.
4. Strinic T, Vulic M, Tomic S, Capkun V, Stipic I, Alujevic I. Matrix
metalloproteinases-1, -2 expression in uterosacral ligaments from women with pelvic
organ prolapse. Maturitas 2009; 64: 132-5.

5. Strinic T, Vulic M, Tomic S, Capkun V, Stipic I, Alujevic I. Increased expression

of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in uterosacral ligament tissue from women with pelvic

organ prolapse. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2010; 89: 832-4.
Jelcic Dz, Grle M, Strinic T. Respiratory infections in children hospitalized at the
University Hospital Mostar during war and post-war period. Coll Antropol 2010;
34(S 1): 4953.
1. Karelovic D, Strinic T. Staplers in gynecology. In: Druzijanic N, Perko Z, editors.
Application staplers in surgery. Croatian Society of Digestive Surgery, Split, 2003.
and other
qualifications 2. Karelovic D, Hozo I, Mimica M, Strinic T. Three-dimensional ultrasound. In: Hozo
I, Karelovic D. Ultrasound in clinical practice. Croatian gastroenterological society,
Split, 2004.
3. Strinic T. Endometrial cancer - association with hormonal contraception and HRT.
In: Simunic V, editor. Human Reproduction, gynecological endocrinology,
menopause, and postmenopausal women. Lithography, Zagreb 1999.
Completely reorganized the structure of teaching as the Head of the Department of
Gynecology and Obstetrics, improve the quality of teaching, unburden teachers and
students through every day activities. The new facilities through seminars and
exercise increased the activity of students and so they increased the interest in the
subject. He introduced the first time in Croatian departments of gynecology and
obstetrics written exam. Controlling permanent teachers increased their involvement
in teaching. Better quality of teaching has increased the interest of students, resulting
in better grades the process of teaching and teachers in the polls, numerous exam and
average better grades. Also, the significantly increased interest in making theses on
topics from this course. According to survey results and other objective indicators,
the Department is ranked among the best at the Medical School.
Last academic
June 3, 2010.
1. Gynecology and Obstetrics
2. Elective course: Emergency and acute conditions in gynecology
3. The role of collagen in the syndrome of lowered genital organs, Doctoral Study
- Clinical Medicine based on evidence
4. Precancerous lesions of the digestive system, Doctoral Study - Biology of

Assistant Professor Davorka Sutlovic, BSc, PhD,


Clinical Hospital Split, University of Split School of Medicine



Personal webpage

1987. bsc. Faculty of chemistry and technology

2003. msc. Faculty of science
2005. phd. Split Medical School
1987-1989 asistent on Faculty of chemistry and technology
1989-1996 b.sc. factory Jugovinil; investigation, research and control specialist
for gas chromatograph analysis
1996-2008 ph.d.,b.sc.; head of chemistry division i in clinical hospital split
1998. PULA European Societies of Toxicology

Publication list1.
(last 5 years)

2004 Applied Biosystems; Germany ; Darmstadth in Forensic toxicology

2004. PLITVICE European Societies of Toxicology
2005. Center for Criminalistic Investigation Ivan Vueti in Forensic toxicology
2005. Zagreb Medical School, Department of forensic science and criminology in
Forensic toxicology
established laboratory for hormon receptors
established laboratory for toxicology
1st. European-american intensive course in clinical and forensic genetics, split,
1997., member of organization committee
2nd Croatian congress of pathology and forensic medicine with internationall
participation, split 2000 member of organization committee
2nd European-american intensive course in clinical and forensic genetics,
dubrovnik, 2001., member of organization committee
Sutlovi D, Definis Gojanovi M, Anelinovi , Gugi D, Primorac D.
Taq Polymerase Reverses Inhibition of Quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain
Reaction by Humic Acid. Croat Med J 2005; 46(4):556-62.
Dijan S, Primorac D, Marciki M, Anelinovi , Sutlovi D, Dabeli S
and Lauc G. High Estimated Likelihood Ratio Might Be Insufficient in a DNA-lead
Process of Identification of War Victims. Croat Chem Acta 2005; 78(3) :393-6.
Anelinovi , Sutlovi D, Erceg Ivkoi I, karo V, Ivkoi A, Pai F, et
al. Twelve-year Experience in Identification of Skeletal Remains from Mass
Graves. Croat Med J 2005; 46(4):530-9.
Sutlovi D, Definis Gojanovi M, Anelinovi . Rapid Extraction of
Human DNA containing humic acid. Croat Chem Acta 2007; 80(1) : 117-20.
Definis Gojanovi M, Sutlovi D. Skeletal Remains from World War II
Mass Grave: from Discovery to Identification. Croat Med J 2007; 48:520-7.
tambuk S, Sutlovi D, Bakari P, Petrievi S, Anelinovi . Forensic
Botany: Potentional Usefulness of Microsatellite-based Genotyping of Croatian
Olive (Olea europea L) in Forensic Casework. Croat Med J 2007; 48:556-62.
Sutlovic D., Definis Gojanovi M. Fatal intoxication by alcohol and heroin.
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju 2007;58 (3):323-7
Sutlovic D., Definis Gojanovi M. Suicide by Fentanyl. Arhiv za higijenu
rada i toksikologiju 2007;58 (3):317-21.
Sutlovic D., Definis Gojanovi M. The influence of alcohol and drugs
consumption in sea drowning fatalities. Medica Jadertina 2007; 37:1-2 :43-6.
Definis Gojanovi M., Sutlovic D., Kokoan B., Miloevi B. DRUG
higijenu rada i toksikologiju 2007;58 (3):313-5.
Definis Gojanovi M.,Brekovi T., Sutlovic D., Petri N. Divers' deaths in
Split-dalmatian County, Croatia (cases study, 1994-2004). Internat Marit Health 2
007;58:(1-4): 139-48.
Kovai Z., Nesti M., Stemberga V., Bosnar A., Petrovecki M. and
Sutlovic D. Reliability of breath alcohol testing with Drger Alcotest 7410 Plus
analyzer in a court process. Medica Jadertina 2008; 38(1-2):47-51.
Sutlovi, Davorka; Gamulin, Stjepan; Definis-Gojanovi, Marija; Gugi,
Dijana; Anelinovi,imun. Interaction of Humic Acids with Human DNA:
Proposed Mechanisms and Kinetics. Electrophoresis 2008;29:7:1467-72.
Ljubkovi J, Stipii A, Sutlovi D, Definis-Gojanovi M, Buan K,
Anelinovi . Y-chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat A Haplotypes in Southern
Croatian Male Population Defined by 17 Loci. Croat Med J 2008; 49:201-6.





references for
teaching this

Vukovi J, Modun D, Budimir D, Sutlovi D, Salamuni I, Zaja I, Boban

M. Acute, food-induced moderate elevation of plasma uric acid protects against
hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress and increase in arterial stiffness in healthy
humans, Atherosclerosis 2009; 207:255-60.
Sutlovi D, Stipii A, Marui J, Pavlov J, Veri M, Definis Gojanovi
M, Gugi D, Anelinovi . Elemental Status in Individuals from Naklice burial
site (Southern Croatia): Mediaeval Diet Reconstruction. Croat Chem Acta 2010;
Natasa Boban, Marija Tonki, Darko Modun, Danijela Budimir, Ivana Mudni,
Davorka Sutlovi, Volga Punda-Poli, Mladen Boban. Thermally treated wine
retains antibacterial effects to food-born pathogens. Food Control; 2010;21: 11615.
Petri NM, Stipanevi H, Sutlovi D, Definis Gojanovi M. Death of a scuba diver
caused by vomiting and panic. American Journal of Forensic medicine and
Pathology 2010; 31: .
Nataa Boban, Marija Tonki, Danijela Budimir, Darko Modun, Davorka Sutlovi,
Volga Punda-Polic, Mladen Boban. Antimicrobial effects of wine: separating the
role of polyphenols, pH, ethanol, and other wine components. J Food Sci; 2010; 75
(5): 322-6.
Head of grant Heavy metals in human remains from Klis and Bribir ancient
county (No. 216-2160800-0655) - Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of
the Republic of Croatia.
Croatian Chemical Society
CroatianToxicological Society
Member of presidents of Croatian Toxicological Society
Permanent expert testimony for toxicology

Last title

2007. Assistant Professor


Medicine program:
- Forensic science
- Pathology
- Small dose of toxicology
- Drugs Abuse in sport
Pharmacy program:
- Pharmaceutical toxicology
- Forensic pharmacy


Associate Professor Miroslav imuni, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, School of Medicine, University of Split



Personal Web page

1976 - High school, Zenica, BiH
1981 - School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
1981 -1985 Primary medical care and Emergency Unit Split
1985-1990 Specialization of Internal medicine , University Hospital Split and
University Hospital Zagreb
1990 -1991 Postgraduate study course in clinical pharmacology, masters degree.

List of
(last 5 years)

and other

School of Medicine, University of Zagreb

2004 - Doctoral degree: Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with
chronic renal failure. School of Medicine, University of Split
2005 Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, University of Split
2009 Associate Professor, School of Medicine, University of Split
Subspecialist gastroenerologist, Primarius of Internal medicine and Oncology
Technical skills and competencies: endoscopy, ultrasound, biopsies, polypectomies,
1 Miroslav imuni, Dragan Ljuti, Stjepan Mie, Valdi Peuti-Pisac, Marija Tonki.
Are dyspeptic symptoms in chronic renal failure aggravated by Helicobacter pylori
infection? Dialysis and Transplantation 2005;34:314-8
2 Miroslav imuni, Dragan Ljuti, Stjepan Mie, Valdi Peuti-Pisac, Marija Tonki,
Izet Hozo. Helicobacter pylori eradication for the tretment of dyspeptic symptoms in
chronic renal failure. Ann Saudi Med 2005;25:425-7
3 Druzijanic N, Maras-Simunic M, Roglic J, Juricic J, Perko Z, Kraljevi D, Simunic
M, Tomic S, Krnic D, Bilan K, Srsen D. Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT)
in the evaluation of the left-sided obstructive colon cancer. Hepatogastroenterology.
2006; 53(I):139.
4 Tonkic M, Tonkic A, Goic-Barisic I, Jukic I, Simunic M, Punda-Polic V. Primary
resistance and antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentrations for Helicobacter pylori
strains inSplit, Croatia. J Chemother. 2006;18:437-9.
5 Grandic L, Jukic I, Simunic M, Tonkic A, Maras-Simunic M, Banovi J, VrebalovCindro V, Hozo I. Successful conservative and endoscopic treatment of pancreatic
fistula due to splenectomy following blunt abdominal trauma. Med Arh. 2007;61:568.
6 Maras-imuni M, Grandi L, Brni D, imuni M, Druzijani N. Massive
gastrointestinal bleeding and obstruction of the ureter caused by the migration of a
swallowed toothpick from the sigmoid colon A case report. Coll Antropol.
7 Maras-Simunic M, Druzijanic N, Simunic M, Roglic J, Tomic S, Perko Z. Use of
modified multidetector CT colonography for the evaluation of acute and subacute
colon obstruction caused by colorectal cancer: a feasibility study. Dis Colon Rectum.
8 Fabijani D, Bani M, Kardum D, Sutli Z, Simuni M, Bonacin D, Romi Z,
Petricusi L, Kujundzi M. The association between upper gastrointestinal lesions
and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in coronary artery disease patients. Med Sci
Monit. 2009;15:45-50
9 Perko Z, Mimica Z, Stipi R, Radoni V, Cala Z, Bakotin T, Kraljevi J, Strini T,
Jakus IA, Simuni M.Transvaginal laparoscopically assisted cholecystectomy: a first
Croatian experience. Lijec Vjesn. 2009;131:100-1.
10 Krznari Z, Kolacek S, Bender DV, Keleci DL, Cukovi-Cavka S, Sinci BM,
Bani M, Borzan V, Simuni M, Persi M, Stimac D, Vuceli B.Croatian guidelines
for use of enteral nutrition in Crohn's disease. Lijec Vjesn. 2010;132:1-7.
11 Miroslav imuni, Damir Fabijani, Nikola Perkovi, Zoran Bogdanovi, Marina
Maras-imuni, Toni Batini, Ante Tonki. Acute mesenteric ischemia due to
superior mesenteric artery embolism in a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation.
Signa vitae. 2010;5 (1):40-3.
Izet Hozo, Miroslav imuni. Ultrazvuk une vreice i unih vodova.
Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi (editor. Izet Hozo i Deni Karelovi) Hrvatsko
gastroenteroloko drutvo ogranak Split 2004;171-82
Ratimira Klari-ustovi, Ivo Sjekavica, Stipan Jankovi, Boris Zoltner,

Ivan imundi, Miroslav imuni, Ivica Grkovi, Snjeana Tomi, Joko Bezi.
Gastrointestinalni i hepatobilijarni sustav. Seminari iz klinike radiologije (editor.
Stipan Jankovi) Medicinski fakultet Split 2005;397-481
eljko Ivanevi, Mijo Bergovec, Miroslav imuni, et al. (urednici
hrvatskog izdanja). Harrison: Principi interne medicine, prirunik, 3. hrvatsko
izdanje, Placebo 2008;265-80; 807-46
Last academic
May 8th 2009. Associate Professor
3. Internal medicine
4. Clinical propedeutics

Professor Vladimir J. imunovi, MD, PhD


Sveuilite u Splitu Medicinski Fakultet



Personal Web-page
curriculum 1966 1971, School of Medicine, Sarajevo University.
1971 MD diploma
1972 MD State Examination and licence
1972 1977, resident, Department of General Surgery, University Medicial Center, Sarajevo.
1977 specialization, surgeon, Ministry of Health certificate
1977 1986, resident, Department of Neurosugery, University Medicial Center, Sarajevo.
1981 specialization, neurosurgeon, Ministry of Health certificate
1982 Master of Science, School of Medicine, Sarajevo Univewrsity.
1984 Doctor of Science, School of Medicine, Sarajevo Univewrsity.
1986 1993, Head, Neurotrauma Center, Sarajevo.
1977 1981, assistant, General Surgery, School of Medicine, Sarajevo University.
1977 1991, assistant, Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Sarajevo University.
1992 1998, Assoc. Professor, Surgery and Neurosurgery, assistant, General Surgery, School of
Medicine, Sarajevo University
1998 present Assoc. Professor, Surgery and Neurosurgery, assistant, General Surgery, School
of Medicine, Sarajevo University.
2010 present Assoc. Professor, School of Medicine Split University
of Scientific and Review papers
publication imunovi VJ, Sonntag HG, Marz R and Horsch A: Reform of medical education in
s (last 5 Bosnia
imunovi VJ, Sonntag HG, Horsch A, Drup J, Nikoli J, Verhaaren R, Mimica M,
Vojnikovi B, Bokonji D, Begi L and Marz R: Temptation of academic medicine:
second alma mater and shared employment concepts as possible way out? Croat Med
J. 2004 45 (4), 442-447, http://www.cmj.hr/2004/45/4/15311408.pdf .
Simunovic VJ: The influence of medical informatics and communication and
information technologies on medical education. Periodicum Biologorum. 106(4), pp.
84-93, 2004.
Simunovic VJ and Mimica M: ICTs and health information in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
INSAP News Letter. 2004; 27, pp. 13-14,.

Simunovic VJ: Transition in minds and souls. British Medical Journal 2005;331:242
http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/331/7510/242 .
Burazeri G, ivljak M, Ilakovac V, Jankovi S, Majica-Kovaevi T, Nedera O, Roshi
E, Sava V, imunovi V, Marui A and Marui M: Survey of attitudes and knowledge
about science in medical students in southeast Europe. British Medical Journal 2005;
331: 195-196. http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/331/7510/195 .
Drup J, Dahl M, Simunovic V: Open source e-learning for medical schools in BosniaHerzegovina.
http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1134562 .
imunovic VJ, Dodig S. The development of a medical library at mostar university
school of medicine and the medical libraries network in bosnia and herzegovina (Der
Aufbau einer Bibliothek an der Medizinischen Fakultt der Universitt Mostar und das
Netzwerk medizinischer Bibliotheken in Bosnien und Herzegowina). GMS Med Bibl
Inf. 2006; 6(1): Doc09 http://www.egms.de/en/journals/mbi/2006-6/mbi000027.shtml .
imunovi VJ. Departure of a dedicated and quiet man. Med Arh. 2006; 60(1): 78-79.
www.avicenapublisher.org/docs/MedArh/MedArh2006-1.pdf .
Simunovic VJ, Sonntag H-G, Hren D, Doerup J, Krivokua Z, Bokonji D, Verhaaren
H, Horsh A, Mimica M, Vojnikovi B, Seleskovi H, Marz R, Marui A, Marui M.
Bridging the educational gaps between Eastern and Western European medical schools
through a comprehensive assessment of medical schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
imunovi VJ. Departure of a kind and devoted man. Jens Drup, MD, PhD, M.I.L.
Croat Med J. 2006; 47(5): 794795.
Sambunjak D, imunovi VJ. Peace through medical education in Bosnia and
http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140673607604450/fulltext .
SimunovicV. Health care in Bosnia and Herzegovina before, during, and after 19921995 war: a personal testimony. Conflict and Health. 2007; 1: 7-13.
http://www.conflictandhealth.com/content/pdf/1752-1505-1-7.pdf .
Simunovic VJ, Hren D, Ivanis A, Dorup J, Krivokuca Z, Ristic S, Verhaaren H, Ribaric
S, Tomic S, Vojnikovic B, Seleskovic H, Dahl M, Sonntag H-G, Marusic A, Marusic
M. Medical curriculum reform between West and East: survey of teacher's attitudes in
five European countries. Medical Teacher. 2007; 29(8): 833-835.
Brekalo Z, Innocenti P, Djuzel G, Simunovic VJ. Ten years of laparoscopis
cholecystectomy. A comparaisno between a developed and a less developed country.
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, Springer Wien. 2007; 119(23-24): 722-728.
http://springerlink.com/content/20n2p6281475g854/ .
imunovi VJ, Petkovi M, Miscia S, Petrovic M, Stallaerts R, Busselmaier W, Hebgen
M, Horsch A, Horsch S, Krzan M, vab I, Ribari S, eleznik D, Santa Barbara J,
Arapovi D, Boi T, uzel G, Ljubi F, Ostoji M, Skoibui S, Spasojevi N,
Zalihi A, Radi R, Mehi B, Naka-Iindi E, Kordi D, Sapunar D, Tomi S, Ljuca F,
Pranji N, Seleskovi H, Tahirovi H, Tihi N, Bosnjak ZJ, Gamulin S, Kuzman I,
Mandi Z, Kamberovi S, Hiljadnikova M, Tanovi H. Short History of Just
http://www.cmj.hr/2008/49/1/18293452.htm doi: 10.3325/cmj.2008.1.18.
imunovi VJ, Sonntag HG, Petrovi M, Marz R, Horsch A, Ostoji M, Filej B,
eleznik D, Marui A. From Virtual Library over Dictum and Intel until Refine: A
story about ten-years of reform of medical education in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Acta
Medica Academica 2008;37:10-22.

imunovi F, and imunovi VJ. Training Clinical Skills in 20th and 21st century: Two
Generations and Two Worlds Apart. Part One. Acta Medica Academica 2009;38:70-76
imunovi F, and imunovi VJ. Training Clinical Skills in 20th and 21st century: A
New Paradigm. Part Two. Acta Medica Academica. 2010:39 (in press).

s and other 1.

imunovi VJ (Ed.). Catalogue of knowledge and clinical skills. Zagreb:

2. imunovi VJ, Mimica M, urednici: Praktikum klinikih vjetina. Mostar: World
University Service Austria publications; 2007.
3. imunovi VJ. Neurokirurgije. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 2007. ISBN: 978953-176-359-2
2003-2006, Cards-Tempus projekt Dictum-Development of an Integrated Curriculum
for Undergraduate Medicine Study in BH. Koordinator Mostar University. PI.
2005-2006, Cards-Tempus projekt. QuMaMed-Quality Management in Medicine.
Associate coordinator of the project.
2005-2008, Cards-Tempus projekt Intel M-Integrated Teaching and Learning in
Medicine. Associate coordinator of the project.
2006-2009, Cards-Tempus projekt Refine Reform of Education in Nursing Studies.
Koordinator Mostar University. PI.
2006-2007, World University Service projekt IntClinSkills . Integrated Clinical Skills
Teaching. Koordinator Mostar University. PI.
2009 Development of Centar for Dental Diseases (DECODE) projekt prijavljen na
IPA Cross Border Cooperation natjeaj. Koordinator Medicinski fakultet (Department
for Dental Studies), Sveuilite u Splitu
2010 Coordinated Development of Health Information Technologies in Split (CODEHITS). Koordinator Medicinski fakultet, Sveuilite u Splitu i Kliniki bolniki centar,
Split (Projekt u razvoju za Regional Competitiveness Operational programme 2007 2009 for Community Assistance under the IPA Regional Development Component in
Last academic advancement
May 2010, University of Split School of Medicine
1. Clinical Skills I i II
2. Medical Humanities Introduction to medicine

Marijan itum, MD, PhD


Clinical Hospital Centre-Split



Personal Web page

School of Medicine:
1990-1996, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
1997-2000, Department of Physiology, University of Split, School of Medicine

Urology: 2000-2005, Department of Urology, Clinical Hospital Centre Split
October 2005. - Board Certified Specialist in Urology
1999 2001, University of Split, School of Medicine
Specific interests:
- Uro-oncology
Open and laparoscopic procedures
- Stone-disease
Endoscopic treatments and ESWL
- Endo-urology
Transurethral surgery (TURP/TURBT)
Percutaneous renal surgery
Educational visits:
Wien, Austria (Prof. M. Marberger)
Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia (Prof. N. Vodopija)
Research interests:
Stone disease, bladder tumours
Member of the Croatian Association of Urology
1. Baa I, Perko Z, Bokan I, Mimica Z, Petrievi A, Druijani N, Situm M.
List of
Technique and survival after laparoscopically assisted right hemicolectomy. Surg
(last 5 years) Endosc. 2005;19:650-5.
2. Eterovi D, itum M, Jureti-Kui L, Dujic Z. A decrease in blood pressure
following pyelolithotomy but not extracorporeal lithotripsy. Urol Res. 2005;33:93-8.
3. krabi V, Jaki J, Mati T, Kai Z, itum M. Koritenje alternativnih mjesta
mjerenja glukoze u krvi u djece i adolescenata oboljelih od eerne bolesti tipa 1.
Pediatr Croat 2007; 51:83-7.
4. Gotovac J, Vrsalovi N, Librenjak D, Milosti, itum M. Lipomatosis pelvis. Acta
Med Croatica 2007;61:411-415.
5. Eterovi D, itum M, Punda A, Markovi V, Koki S. Urinary obstruction
depresses erythropoiesis which recovers after parenchyma-saving surgery but not
SWL. Urol Res. 2010;38:51-6.
6. Librenjak D, itum M, Vrdoljak E, Milosti K, Gotovac J. Results of long-term
follow-up of patients with superficial bladder carcinoma treated with intravesically
applied bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine according to the schedule of 6 weekly - 6
monthly instillations. Urol Oncol 2010. In press.
See above
Publications and other qualifications
Last academic





Veselin krabi





Personal Web page


Surname(s) / First name(s): krabi Veselin

Nationality(-ies): Croatian
Date of birth: 20.11.1956
Identification number from Records of Scientific Workers: 214882
Dates (from to): 1981-1982
Name and address of employer: Health Centar-Korula
Type of business or sector: Emergency medicine
Occupation or position held: MD in the A&E
Main activities and responsibilities: A&E
Dates (from to): 1982-1985
Name and address of employer: Health Center-Split
Type of business or sector: Emergency medicine
Occupation or position held: MD in the A&E
Main activities and responsibilities: A&E
Dates (from to): 1985-2006
Name and address of employer: University Hospital Split, Department of Pediatrics
Type of business or sector: Pediatrics
Occupation or position held: Head of department
Main activities and responsibilities: Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology
Dates: 1975-1980
Place of education: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Name and type of organization providing education: Medical University of Ljubljana.
Title or qualification awarded: Student
Dates: 1991-1993
Place of education: Zagreb Croatia
Name and type of organization providing education: University Hospital Zagreb-Rebro
Department of Pediatrics
Post graduate courses 1) Clinical pediatrics 2) Endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes
mellitus in children
Title or qualification awarded: Specialist of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology.
1998: Copenhagen-Denmark
Name and type of organization providing training: STENO-DIABETES center
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Diabetes
2000: Prag-Czechoslovakia
Name and type of organization providing training: European association of Pediatric
Endocrinology (ESPE
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered: Pediatric diabetology and
Mother tongue(s): Croatian
Other language(s): English / Slovenian
SOCIAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES: Yearly volunteer work at the summer camp for
children with diabetes called Big for small with diabetes 24 hour on-call services for
ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES: Member of the board for Big for small

with diabetes
Leader of the summer camp team for children with Type 1 diabetes(2000,01,04)
Organization of specialist lectures pediatric section ZLH, Pediatric Society for
Endocrinology and Diabetology ZLH.
Secretary Pediatric Society ZLH, Split
Secretary Division of Pediatrics Medical University Split
Founder center for Thyroid disorders in children and adolescent, Clinic for childrens
illnesses. Clinical Hospital Split.
Initiator for introducing insulin pumps in treating diabete

Technical skills and competencies: Computer literate

List of
s (last 5

Educator in the use of insulin pumps in treating diabetes mellitus

a) in Current Contents
Boraska V, Terzi J, , krabi V, aev T, Buevi-Popovi V, Peruzovi M,
Markoti A, Zemunik T. NeuroD1 gene and Interleukin-18 gene
polymorphism in type 1 diabetes in the dalmatian population of southern
Croatia. Croatia Medical Journal 2006; 47: 571-8.
Janjanin N, Dumi V, krabi V, Kusec V, Grubi Z, pehar Uroi A. Five
Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-Hydroxlase
Deficiency (one with Associated Neuroblastoma) Discovered in Three
Generations of One Family. Hormone Research 2007; 67: 111-20.
Marinovi-urin J, Marinovi-Terzi I, Buljas-Petkovi Z, Zekan L, krabi V,
oga Z, Terzi J. Slower cortisol response during ACTH stimulation test in
autistic children. Europ Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2008; 17(1):39-43.
Stipani G, Saboli Grasta LL, Malenica M, Radica A, krabi V, Kujundi
Tiljak M. Incidence and trends of childhood Type 1 diabetes in Croatia from
1995 to 2003. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2008; 80:122-7.
Boraska V, Skrabic V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Buljubasic M, Peruzovic M,
Zemunik T. Family-based analysis of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms
and type 1 diabetes in the population of South Croatia. J Hum Genet 2008;
Boraska V, Torlak V, krabi V, Kai Z, Jaki J, Stipani G, pehar A,
Markoti A, Zemunik T. Glycosiltransferase B4GALNT1 and type 1 diabetes
in Croatian population. Clin Biochem 2009; 9:819-22.
Boraska V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Rayner NW, Skrabic V, Diakite M, Rocket
KA, Kwiatkowski D, McCarthy MI, Zemunik T. Family-based analysis of
tumor necrosis factor and lymphotoxin-alpha tag polimorhysmisms with type 1
diabetes in the population of South Croatia. Hum Immunol 2009;70(3):195-9.
Dumi K, Krni N, krabi V, Stipani G, Cvijovi K, Kusec V, Stingl K.
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in
Croatia between 1995 and 2005. Hormone Research 2009; 72: 247-51.
Buan K, Ivanievi M, Zemunik T, Boraska V, krabi V, Vatavuk Z,
Galetovi D, Znaor Lj. Retinopathy and nephropathy in type 1 diabetic
patients association with polymorphysms od vitamin D receptor, TNF,
Neuro-D and IL-1 receptor genes. Coll Antropol 2009; 33:99-105.
b) in SCIE
1.) krabi V. Genetika tip 1 eerne bolesti. Pediatr Croat 2003; 47 (Supl 1): 131-137.
2.) krabi V, Jaki J, Mati T, Kai Z, itum M. Koritenje alternativnih mjesta
mjerenje glukoze u krvi u djece i adolescenata oboljelih od eerne bolesti tipa 1.

s and other

Pediatr Croat 2007; 51: 83-7.

3.) krabi V. Genetski imbenici u nastanku pretilosti. Pediatr Croat 2008; 47 (Supl
1): 131-137.
4.) krabi V, Milanovi M, Cvjetkovi N. Inzulinska pumpa u lijeenju oboljelih od
eerne bolesti tipa 1. Pediatr Croat 2008; 52: 5-9.
Since 1994. I regularly conduct instructions (lectures, seminars and practical work) for
the Pediatric Cathedra, Medical Faculty, University of Split and since 2000. for the
Pediatric Cathedra , Medical Faculty, University of Mostar and regularly get good
evaluations from my students.
I also actively take part in teaching for the Pediatric Department, School of Dental
Medicine, University of Split and lecture at the School for post-diploma Studies in
Nursing, University of Split.
- Since 2006. I conduct instructions for the elective subject, do-diploma, Genetics of
diabetes mellitus and since 2007. Clinical importance of prevention in infants
- Since 2007. I lecture for the Medical Faculty, University of Rijeka at the post diploma
specialist studies- Biomedicine during development.
- I am author and co author several texts in the reference book Handbook for
diagnostics and therapy in children and adolescence with short stature-Croatian
society for pediatric endocrine and diabetes 2006. and author of a chapter in the book
Intensive medicine-Medicinski naklada Zagreb 2008.
Introduced analyzing problems with conducting instructions (teaching) at the Pediatric
Cathedra Medical Faculty, University of Split and worked with the faculty improving
practical exercises and seminars (working in small groups, controlling discussions,
technique critical events) at the same cathedra.
I am mentor two graduations at the University for post-diploma Studies in Nursing,
three graduations at the Medical Faculty, University of Split and mentor one Master of
Arts and Ph. Dissertation at the Medical Faculty, University of Split and Medical
Faculty, University of Mostar.

Last academic advancement


In June 2010 I was elected as an honorary professor of the Pediatric

Cathedra, Medical Faculty, University of Split .
Since 2006. I conduct instructions for the elective subject, do-diploma, Genetics of
diabetes mellitus and since 2007. Clinical importance of prevention in infants
- Since 2007. I lecture for the Medical Faculty, University of Rijeka at the post diploma
specialist studies - Biomedicine during development.


Professor Janos Terzic, MD, PhD,


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

1985-1991 Medical Doctor University of Zagreb, Medical School
1991-1993 Postdoctoral fellowsip, Health Center-University of Connecticut, USA
1994-1997 Master of Science University of Zagreb, School of Natural Sciences
1995 Short therm fellowship, Max Planck Institute Gttingen, Germany
1997-1998 Ph.. D. University of Zagreb, Medical School
1997 One month fellowship, Imperial College of Science, Medicine and

List of
(last 5 years)

Technology, London, UK
1999 Short term fellowship, Max Planck Institute Tbingen, Germany
2002 Two months fellowship, Ludwig Institute, Uppsala, Sweden
2005/2006 - Fullbright schollarship, University of California San Diego, USA
2008 EMBO fellowhisp, University of California San Diego, USA
2001-present -Associated professor at the department for Physiology and
Immunology at Split University School of Medicine, Croatia
1993 2001 Teaching assistant, Courses in Immunology, Molecular Genetics and
2001 present Assistant professor, Courses in Immunology, Molecular Genetics and
1998 - present; Croatian Biochemical Society
2001 - present; American Association for the Advancement of Science
2001 Annual award "Anton ercer", Croatian Medical Academy
2000 Annual award, Almae Matris Alumni Croatice - UK
1999 Invited lecture, International EU Meeting on "Deve. genetic disorders in
childhood involving the eye", Lithuania
Terzi J, Grivennikov S, Karin E, Karin M. Inflammation and colon cancer.
Gastroenterology. 2010 Jun;138(6):2101-2114.e5.
Novak I, Kirkin V, McEwan DG, Zhang J, Wild P, Rozenknop A, Rogov V, Lhr F,
Popovic D, Occhipinti A, Reichert AS, Terzic J, Dtsch V, Ney PA, Dikic I. Nix is
selective autophagy receptor for mitochondrial clearance. EMBO Rep. 2010
Jan;11(1):45-51. Epub 2009 Dec 11.
Terzic J*, Grivennikov S*, Karin E*, Mucida D, Yu GY, Vallabhapurapu S, Scheller
J, Rose-John S, Cheroutre H, Eckmann L, Karin M. IL-6 and Stat3 are required for
survival of intestinal epithelial cells and development of colitis-associated cancer.
Cancer Cell. 2009;15:103-13. *equla contribution
Kuzman MR, Medved V, Terzic J, Krainc D. Genome-wide expression analysis of
peripheral blood identifies candidate biomarkers for schizophrenia. J Psychiatr Res.
2009 Sep;43(13):1073-7. Epub 2009 Apr 8.
Polasek O, Marusi A, Rotim K, Hayward C, Vitart V, Huffman J, Campbell S,
Jankovi S, Boban M, Biloglav Z, Kolci I, Krzelj V, Terzi J, Matec L, Tometi G,
Nonkovi D, Nincevi J, Pehli M, Zedelj J, Velagi V, Jurici D, Kirac I, Belak
Kovacevi S, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I. Genome-wide association study of
anthropometric traits in Korcula Island, Croatia. Croat Med J. 2009 Feb;50(1):7-16.
Terzic J, Marinovic-Terzic I, Ikeda F, ikic I.Ubiquitin signals in the NF-kappaB
pathway. Biochem Soc Trans. 2007;35:942-5.
Ticinovi-Kurir T, Cikes-Culi V, Zemunik T, Grkovi I, Terzi J, Padovan M, Petri
NM, Markoti A.Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic ganglioside distribution
following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to different hyperbaric oxygen
treatments .Acta Histochem. 2008;110:66-75.
Marinovi-Curin J, Marinovi-Terzi I, Bujas-Petkovi Z, Zekan L, Skrabi V, Dogas
Z, Terzi J. Slower cortisol response during ACTH stimulation test in autistic
children. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2008 ;17:39-43.
Boraska V, Terzi J, krabi V, Cacev T, Buevi Popovi V, Peruzovi M, Markoti
A, Zemunik T. NeuroD1 gene and inteleukin-18 gene polymorphisms in type 1
diabets in Dalmatian population of Southern Croatia. Croat Med J 2006;47:571-8.

Boraska Jelavic T, Barisic M, Drmic Hofman I, Boraska V, Vrdoljak E, Peruzovic M,

Hozo I, Puljiz Z, Terzic J. Microsatelite GT polymorphism in the Toll-like receptor 2
is associated with colorectal cancer. Clin Genet 2006;47:571-8.
Barisic M, Korac J, Pavlinac I, Krzelj V, Marusic E, Vulliamy T, Terzic J.
Characterization of G6PD deficiency in southern Croatia: description of a new
variant, G6PD Split. J Hum Genet 2005;50:547-9
Zemunik T, Skrabic V, Boraska V, Diklic D, Terzic IM, Capkun V, Peruzovic M,
Terzic J. FokI polymorphism, vitamin D receptor, and inteleukin-1 receptor
haplotypes are associated with type 1 diabetes in Dalmatian population. J Mol Diagn
Cikes V, Abaza I, Krzelj V, Terzic IM, Tafra R, Trlaja A, Marusic E, Terzic J.
Prevalence of factor V Leiden and G6PD 1311 silent mutations in Dalmatian
population. Arch Med Res 2004;35:546-8.
Kowanetz K, Terzic J, Dikic I. Dab2 links CIN85 with clathrin-mediated receptor
internalization. FEBS Lett 2003;554:81-87.
Marinovic Curin J, Terzi J, Bujas Petkovi Z, Zekan Lj, Marinovi Terzi I,
Marasovi unjara I. Lower cortisol and higher ACTH levels in individuals with
autism. J Autism Dev Disord 2003;33:443-448.
Skrabic V, Zemunik T, Situm M, Terzic J. Vitamin D receptor polymorphism and
susceptibility to type 1 diabetes in the Dalmatian population. Diabetes Res Clin Pract
Kalajzi I, Terzi J*, Rumboldt Z, Mack K, Naprta A, Ledgard F, Gronowicz G, Clark
SH, Rowe DW. Osteoblastic response to the defective matrix in the osteogenesis
imperfecta murine (oim) mouse. Endocrinology 2002;143:1594-601.
Mayer WE, OHuigin C, Tichy H, Terzi J, Saraga Babi M. Idenfication of two
Ikaros-like transcription factors in lamprey. Scand J Immunol 2002;55:162-71.
Krzelj V, Zlodre S, Terzic J, Mestrovic M, Jaksic J, Pavlov N. Prevalence of G-6-PD
deficiency in the Croatian Adriatic Coast population. Arch Med Res. 2001;32:454-7.
Terzic J, Mestrovic J, Dogas Z, Furlan D, Biocic M. Children war casualties during
the 1991-1995 wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croat Med J.
itum M, oga Z, Vujinovi Z, Erceg M, Terzi J, Marui J, Miri D. Increased
incidence of colorectal cancer in the Split-Dalmatian county:Epidemiological study.
Croat Med J 2001;42:181-7.
Shintani S, Terzi J, Sato A, Saraga Babi M, OHuigin C, Tichy H, Klein J. Do
lampreys have lymphocytes? The Spi evidence. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
Terzi J, Saraga Babi M. Expressio pattern of PAX3 and PAX6 genes during human
embryogenesis. Int J Dev Biol 1999;43:501-8.
Terzi J, Muller C, Gajovi S, Saraga Babi M. Expressio of PAX2 gene during
human development. Int J Dev Biol 1998;42:701-7.
Terzi J, Krelj V, Drmi I, Anelinovi , Primorac D, Metrovi J, Balarin L.
Genetic analysis of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in a Southern
Croatia. Coll Antropol 1998;22:485-9.
Saraga Babi M, Krolo M, Sapunar D, Terzi J, Bioi M. Differences in origin and
fate between the cranial and caudal spinal cord during normal and disturbed human
development. Acta neuropathol 1996;91:194-7.
See above
Publications and other qualifications
Last academic



Medical genetics and imunology


Assistant Professor Tina Ticinovic Kurir, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, Department of clinical pathophysiology, Soltanska 1

University of Split School of Medicine, Department of Pathophysiology, Soltanska 2



Personal Web page

MD, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
2002.-2009. Assistant, Department of Pathophysiology
Internal medicine specialist, University Hospital Split
PhD, University of Split School of Medicine
2009.Assistant Professor, Department of Pathophysiology
2009.-2010. Chairman, Department of Pathophysiology
1) Markoti A, ike uli V, Tiinovi Kurir T, Meisen I, Bntemeyer H,
List of
Boraska V, Zemunik T, Petri N, Mesari M, Peter-Katalini J, Mthing J.
Oxygenation alters ganglioside expression in rat liver following partial
(last 5 years)
hepatectomy. Bichem Biophys Res Commun 2005; 330: 131-41.
2) ike uli V, Tiinovi Kurir T, Radi S, Zemunik T, Mesari M, Markoti
A. Exposure to hyperbaric pressure alters ganglioside expression in rat liver
following partial hepatectomy. Period Biol 2005; 107: 267-269.
3) Ljutic D, Radovnikovi G, Kurir TT. Acute renal failure associated with
rhabdomyolysis in acute Q fever. Ren Fail 2007;29(6):743-6.
4) T Tiinovi-Kurir, V ike uli, T Zemunik, I Grkovi, J Terzi, M
Padovan, N.M. Petri, A Markoti. Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic
ganglioside distribution following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to
different hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Acta histochemica 2008; 110: 66-75.
T Tiinovi-Kurir, V ike uli, T Zemunik, I Grkovi, J Terzi, M Padovan, N.M.
Petri, A Markoti. Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic ganglioside distribution
and other
qualifications following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to different hyperbaric oxygen
treatments. Acta histochemica 2008; 110: 66-75
2002.-2009. Assistant, Department of Pathophysiology
2009.Assistant Professor, Department of Pathophysiology
2009.Head of elective course Pathophysiology of rheumatic diseases
Last academic
Pathophysiology of rheumatic diseases

Professor Marina Titli, MD, PhD


University Hospital Split, Department of Neurology



Personal Web page

2010 professor of Neurology, University of Split
2007- current Assistant professor at Neurology and psychiatric cathedra, Medical
University of Split

List of
(last 5 years)

2006 PhD, Medical University of Split

2004- current Head of Laboratory of evoked potentials
2001 Neurology specialization, CHC Split
2000 MSc, Medical University of Zagreb
1999-2000 specialist at Neurology Clinic at CHC Zagreb
1997-2001 resident at Neurology Clinic at CHC Split
Tonki A, Juki I, Titli M, Mie S. Successful treatment of massive acute upper
gastrointestinal bleeding in liver failure with recombinant factor VIIa (NovoSeven): a
case report. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 2005; 16(5):385-7.
Titli M, Erceg I, Kovaevi T, Gabri N, Karaman K, uljan I, Oroli K, Kalaji J.
The Correlation of Changes of the Optic Nerve Diameter in the Acute Retrobulbar
Neuritis with the Brain Changes in Multiple Sclerosis. Coll Antropol 2005;
Dikanovic M, Hozo I, Kokic S, Titlic M, Jandric M, Balen I, Kadojic D. Transcranial
Doppler ultrasound assessment of intracranial hemodynamics in patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus. Ann Saudi Med 2005;25(6):486-88.
Titli M, Juki I, Tonki A, Grani P, Juki J. Use of Lamotrigine in
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: A Case Report. Headache 2006; 46 (1):167-69.
Titli M, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Lahman-Dori Marija, Bua A, Juki I, Tonki A.
Hemifacial spasm in vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Acta neurol. Belg. 2006;106:2325.
Jukic I, Titlic M, Tonkic A, Rosenzweig D. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis as a
recurrent thrombotic event in a patient with heterozygous prothrombin G20210A
genotype after discontinuation of oral anticoagulation therapy: How long should we
treat these patients with warfarin? J Thromb Thrombolysis 2007; 24(1):77-80.
Eterovic D, Titlic M, Culic V, Zadro R, Primorac D. Lower contribution of Factor V
Leiden or G20210A mutation to ischemic stroke in patients with clinical risk factors:
pair-matched case-control study. Clinical and Appl Throm Hemost 2007;13(2):18893.
Titlic M, Pavelin S, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Buca A, Andelinovic S. Thrombosis of sinus
sagitalis during puerperium caused by thrombophilic gene mutation. J Thromb
Thrombolysis 2008;25:270-2.
Vrca A, Misic-Majerus Lj, Poje R, Sikic N, Ruzic-Sabljic E, Bacic-Vrca V, Titlic M,
Punda A. Guillain-Barre Syndrome in patients with seroconversion of IgG antibodies
to Borrelia Burgdorferi sensu lato. Coll Antropol 2008;32(1):315-9.
Miric L, Miric D, Duplancic D, Kokic S, Ljutic D, Pesutic V, Culic V, Fabijanic D,
Titlic M. Specific and gender differences between hospitalized and out of hospital
mortality due to myocardial infarction. Coll Antropol 2008;32(2):361-7.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Buca A, Punda A. Leptomeningeal metastases of an
astrocytoma of the conus medullaris: a case report. Acta neurol Belg 2008;108
Buca A, Perkovic D, Martinovic-Kaliterna D, Vlastelica M, Titlic M.
Neuropsychiatric systemic Lupus Erythematosus: diagnostic and clinical features
according to revised ACR criteria. Coll Antropol 2009;33(1):281-8.
Deletis V, Titlic M. Book review. Popp AJ, Deshaies EM, editors. A guide to the
primary care of neurological disorders. New York: Thieme Press;2008.433. CMJ
Titlic M, Nesek-Madaric V, Isgum V, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Buca A. Auditory evoked
potentials advantages and help in the early diagnosis of eighth nerve neuroma a
case report. Neurol Croat 2007;56(1-2):35-40.
Titlic M, Isgum V, Buca A, Kolic K, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Milas I. Somatosensory-

Evoked potentials and MRI in tuberculous spondilodiscitis. Bratislav Lek Listy

Titlic M, Isgum V, Rados M, Tonkic A, Jukic I. Clinical importance of somatosensory
evoked potentials in early diagnosis of syringomyelia. Bratislav Lek Listy
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Lahman-Doric M, Kolic K, Buca A, Milas I, Dikanovic
M. Neurocysticercosis non-specific clinical and neuroradiological presentation.
Bratislav Lek Listy 2007;108(9):414-6.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Buca A, Kolic K, Batinic T. Tinnitus caused by
vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Bratislav Lek Listy 2007;108(10-11):456-458.
Titlic M, Punda A, Jukic I, Tonkic A, Josipovic-Jelic Z. Sympatology of detrimental
effects of pesticides literature review. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(3):229-34.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Capkun V, Aleksic-Shihabi A. Vertigo in neurological
practice. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46:305-9.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Kolic K, Mihalj M. Auditory evoked potentials (AEP)
an important help in early diagnosis of Schwannoma originating from vestibular
nerve. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(1):34-6.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Filipovic-Grcic P, Kolic K. Cognitive impairment and
epilepsy seizure caused by hypoparathyroidism. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(2):83-5.
Titlic M, Jukic I, Tonkic A, Buca A, Dolic K. Vertigo associated with Chiari I
malformation and syringomyelia. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(4):169-70.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Lusic I, Dikanovic M. Side effects of ropinirole in
patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(6):278-80.
Titlic M, Josipovic-Jelic Z. Spondylodiscitis. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(8):345-7.
Titlic M, Jukic I, Tonkic A, Josipovic-Jelic Z, Boschi V, Mihalj M, Punda A.
Lamotrigine in the treatment of pain syndromes and neuropathic pain. Bratisl Lek
Listy 2008;109(9):421-4.
Matic I, Titlic M, Lucic I, Mirkovic I, Jurjevic M. Successful use of recombinant
activated factor VII in refractory gastrointestinal haemorrhage of unknown aetiology.
Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(10):438-40.
Titlic M, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Kolic K, Dolic K. Clinical manifestation of
vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(11):528-30.
Matic I, Titlic M, Jurjevi M, Majeri-Kogler V, Sakic-Zdravcevic K. Pediatric
polytrauma at intensive care unit. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(12):555-9.
Titlic M, Jukic I, Kolic K, Rogosic V, Josipovic-Jelic Z. An acute headache and
hydrocephalus caused by the dermoid cyst. Bratisl Lek Listy 2008;109(12):580-1.
Titlic M, Basic S, Hajnsek S, Lusic I. Comorbidity psychiatric disorders in epilepsy:
a review of literature. Bratisl Lek Listy 2009;110(2):103-7.
Titlic M, Karaman K, Andelinovic S. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy comorbid
with Factor V Leiden and PAI 4G/5G mutation. Bratisl Lek Listy 2009;110(3):192-4.
Titlic M, Bradic-Hammoud M, Miric L. Amaurosis fugax caused by hereditary
thrombophilia due to mutation of gene. Bratisl Lek Listy 2009;110(4):245-6.
Titlic M, Kolic K, Fiorentini F, Josipovic-Jelic Z. Predictive value of assessent of
disc-radicular conflict of the cervical segment by somatosensory evoked potentials.
Bratisl Lek Listy 2009;110(5):312-5.
Josipovic-Jelic Z, Soljan I, Brajkovic L, Titlic M. Why Croatian patients increasingly
opt for treatment in private medical clinics? Bratisl Lek Listy 2009;110(6):368-373.
Titlic M, Bradic-Hammoud M, Miric L, Punda A. Clinical manifestations of
neurosarcoidosis. Bratisl Lek Listy 2009;110(9):576-9.
Titlic M, Jukic I, Tonkic A, Buca A, Aleksic-Shihabi A. Lamotrigine therapy for
resistant pain in radicular lesions of cervical segments C4-C5 and C5-C6: a case

report. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:157-60.

Mihalj M, Titlic M, Marovic A, Bulovic B, Srdelic-Mihalj S. Gait apraxia. Bratisl
Lek Listy 2010;111(2):101-102.
Britvic D, Aleksic-Shihabi A, Titlic M, Dolic K. Schizophrenia spectrum psychosis in
a Croatian Genetic Isolate: Genealogical Reconstructions. Psychiatr Danub
Rogosic V, Bojic L, Puizina-Ivic N, Vanjaka-Rogosic L, Titlic M, Kovacevic D,
Duplancic D, Sapunar D, ogas Z. Vitiligo and Glaucoma An association or a
coincidence? A Pilot Study. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2010;18(1):21-6.
Rogosic V, Bojic L, Karaman K, Vanjaka Rogosic L, Titlic M, Plestina-Borijan I,
Miljak S, Poljak K, Duplancic D. Role dof haemathological testing: ratio values of
circulating platelet aggregates in visual field loss associated with pseudoexfoliation
glaucoma. Bratisl lek Listy 2010;111(6):325-8.
Lui I, Titli M, Eterovi D. Epileptic patient compliance with prescribed medical
treatment. Acta Medica Croatica 2005;59(1): 13-18.
Mie S, Juki I, Tonki A, Titli M, Mie S. Multidose Activated Charcoal in the
Treatment of Carbamazepine Overdose with Seizures: A Case Report. Arh Hig Rada
Toksikol 2005;56(4): 333-8.
Mie S, Tonki A, Juki I, Titli M, Peuti-Prusac V, Alfirevi D. Gastric cancer in
South Croatia during years 2002-2003. Indian J Gastoenterol. 2005; 24(2):84-5.
Juki I, Titli M, Tonki A, Dodig G, Rogoi V. Psychosis and Wilson's disease:
report of a case. Psychiatria Danubina 2006;18(1-2):105-7.
Titlic M, Milas I, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Kolic K. Diagnostics of Incomplete BrownSequard Syndrome caused by Meningococcal Myelitis. Bratislav Lek Listy
Titlic M, Matijaca M, Marovic A, Lusic I, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Karacic S, Capkun V.
Study of quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. Acta Med Croatica
Matic I, Titlic M, Dikanovic M, Jurjevic M, Jukic I, Tonkic A. Effects of APACHE II
score on mechanical ventilation; prediction and outcome. Acta Anaesth Belg
Titlic M, Jukic I, Tonkic A, Punada A. Headache caused by handling the pesticide
Antracol Combi WP 76: a case report. J Headache Pain 2007;8(6):345-7.
Titlic M, Orsolic K, Tonkic A, Jukic I, Lusic I. Brain damage assessment in patients
with multiple sclerosis by means of MRI. Acta Med Croatica 2008;62:5-8.
Titlic M, Demarin V. Airplane headache two new cases and a review of the
literature. Acta Med Croatica 2008;62(2):229-31.
Titlic M, Josipovic-Jelic Z, Punda A. Headache caused by pesticides a review of the
literature. Acta Med Croatica 2008;62(2):233-6.
Titlic M, Buca A, Jankovic S, Capkun V, Kolic K, Gasparic I. Sensitivity and
specificity of clinical assessment in the diagnosis of acute brain diseases. Acta Med
Croatica 2008;62:501-4.
Pezelj N, Titlic M, Lusic I. Epilepsy in the split-dalmatia country prevalence and
therapeutic approaches. Acta Medica Croatica 2009;63:153-7.
Titlic M, Kolic K, Dolic K, Boschi V, Josipovic-Jelic Z, Bradic-Hammoud M.
Lumbosacral spine herniation computed tomography diagnostics. Acta Medica
Croatica 2010;64:199-202.
Rogosic V, Lakos V, Bojic L, Borjan Plestina I, Kovacic Z, Poljak K, Titlic M, Jukic
I, Duplancic D, Vanjaka Rogosic L. Ozljede oka kod djece u splitsko-dalmatinskoj
upaniji. Pediatr Croat 2009;53:71-5.

Thrombosis and Haemostasis (impact factor 4.9) 2005.

Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 2007.
Journal of Pest Science 2008.
Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 2008.
Collegium Antropologicum 2009.
Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia 2010.
The Journal of Headache and Pain 2010.
Boarding of review-Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 2008.
Last academic
March 31st 2010.
and other




Professor Snjeana Tomi, MD, PhD


Department of pathology, Split Medical School



Personal webpage


Publication list
(last 5 years)

1986. Medical School, University of Zagreb

1992-1993. Postgraduate study in Cytology, University of Zagreb
1990 1995. Residency: Pathology
1998. Bachelor of Science
Associate professor, Department of Pathology, Medical School Split
2010. Professor, Department of Pathology, Medical School University of Split
Head of the Department of Pathology, Medical School Split
2000-02 Vice dean of education Medical School University of Split
2004. Head of the Department of Pathology. Medical School University of Mostar,
Investigations in the field of gynecological and gastrointestinal pathology with
special emphasis on the molecular biology of cancer.
Department of pathology, Kansas School of medicine, Kansas City, USA
From 1998 2006. participation in the project Immunohistochemisty and
molecular medicine in investigation of tumors supported by the Ministry of
Science and Technology.
From 2006. to date - chef investigator in the projectDualistic model of ovarian
cancerogenesis. Molecular, morphological and clinical study supported by
Ministry of Science
Maricic A, Katunaric M, Sutalo N, Tomic S, Jurisic D, Petkovic M, Zamolo G.
Primary large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the scrotum. Wien Klin
Woechenschr 2010; 122: 360-2.
Mimica M, Tomi S, Kardum G, Drmi Hoffman I, Kaliterna V, Pejkovi L. Ki-67
quantitative Evaluation as a Marker of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasiaand
Human papillomavirus Infection : Int J Gynecol Cancer 2010; 20: 116-119.

references for
teaching this

Strini T,Vuli M, Tomi S, apkun V, Stipi I, Alujevi I. Matrix

metalloproteinases 1 and 2 expression in uterosakral ligaments from woman with
pelvic organ prolepses. Maturitas 2009; 20: 132-5
Pogoreli Z, Tomic S, Mrli I, Druijani N, Perko Z. How to prevent lateral
thermal damage on tissue using Harmonic scalpel? Experimental study on pigs?
small intestine and abdominal wall. European Surgical Research 2009; 43: 235-40.
Maras-imuni M, Druijani N, imuni M, Rogli J, Tomi S, Perko Z.
Use of modified multidetector CT colonography for the evaluation of acute and
subacute colon obstruction caused by colorectal cancer: a feasibility study. Dis
Colon rectum 2009; 52: 489-95.
Bezi J, Tomi S, Kardum G. Minimal breast cancer in Split region of Croatia on
the eve of the national mamogafphic program Breast Journal 2009: 5: 12
Sundov Z, Tomic S, Vilovic K, Kunac N, Kalebic M, Bezic J.
Immunohistochemically detected high expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2
identifies poor prognosis in Dukes B colon cancer.CMJ 2008; 49: 636-42
Druzijanic N, Perko Z, Kraljevic D, Juricic J, Simunic MM, Bilan K, Krnic D,
Pogorelic Z, Tomic S, Srsen D. Harmonic scalpel in transanal microsurgery.
Hepatogastroenterology 2008; 55: 356-8.
Simunovic VJ, Petkovic M, Miscia P, Petrovic M, Stalllaerts R, Busselmaier W,
Hebgen M, Horch A, Horch S, Krzan M, van I, Ribaric S, eleznik D, Santa
Barbara J, Arapovic D, Bozic T, Djuzel D, Ljubic F, Ostojic M, Skocibusic S,
Spasojevic N, Zalihic A, Radic R, Mehic B, Nakas-Indinic E, Kordic D, Sapunar D,
Tomic S, Ljuca F, Pranjic N, Seleskovic H, Tahirovic H, Tihic N, Bosljak Z,
Gamulin S, Kuzman I, Mandic Z, Kamberovic S, Hiljadnikova M, Tanovic H.
Short History of Just Mentorship and support. Croat Med J 2008; 49: 18-21.
Simunovic VJ, Hren D, Ivanis A, Dorup J, Krivokua Z, Verhaaren H, Sontag H-G,
Ribaric S, Tomic S, Vojnikovic B, Seleskovic H, Mads D, Marusic A, Marusic M.
Survey of attitudes towards curriculum reforms among medical teachers in
different socio-economic and curtural environments. Medical teacher 2007; 29:
Fenderson B, Nola M, Tomi S. Professor Ivan Damjanov, the third recipient of
Tomas Kent Award from the Group for Research in Patholoy Education. Croat Med
J 2007; 48(1):4-8.
Proji P, amija I, Bezi J, Tomi S, Anelinovi . Prognostic Significance of
Ploidy and DNA Index in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma. Geburtsh
Frauenheilk 2007;67: 475-9.
Perko Z, Bilan K, Vilovi K,Druijani N, Kraljevi D, Jurii J, Krni D, Sren D,
Pogoreli Z, Tomi S. Partial Coecal Necrosis Treated by Laparascopic Partial
Cecal Resection. Coll. Antropol 2006; 4: 937-9.
Barisic I, Ljutic D, Jankovic S, Vlak T, Tomic S, Kokic S, Erceg M. Relevant
sonographic parameters of a painful shoulder in symptomatic dialyzed patients
versus asymptomatic dialyzed and healthy volunteers. Coll Antropol. 2006 Jun;
Perko Z, Pogorelic Z, Bilan K, Tomic S, Vilovic K, Krnic D, Druzijanic N,
Kraljevic D, Juricic J. Lateral thermal damage to rat abdominal wall after harmonic
scalpel application. Surg Endoscop; 2006; 20(2): 322-4.
Mra P, Tomi S, Jaki-Razumovi J. Bolesti dojke. U: Nola M, Damjanov I.
Patologija prirunik za pripremu ispita. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 419-434.
Tomi S. Patoloko izvjee u minimalnim invazivnim biopsijama dojke. U:
Jankovi S. Mamografski probir raka dojke: organizacija, rani rezultati I kontrola
kvalitete. Split: Medicinski fakultet Sveuilita u Splitu 2008; 109-116.

Tomi S, Peuti-Pisac V, Alujevi A, Manojlovi S. Bolesti probavnog sustava. U:

Damjanov I, Juki S, Nola M. Patologija. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 391-434.
March 4, 2010
Last title election
Medicine: Pathology
Dental medicine: Pathology
Medical professionals: basis of pathology
Doctoral study Tumor biology: Molecular pathology of the female genital tract
tumors, Modern diagnostics and treatment of breast cancer, Biology of the tumor.
Doctoral study Evidence based medicine:Precancerous lesions of the
gastrointestinal tract

Professor Ante Tonki, MD, PhD

University of Split School of Medicine, University Hospital Split



Personal Web page

1986.- 1990. - ER Split
curriculum 1990.- 1994.- specialization in internal medicine
Since 1994. - internist at the Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital
Split, Division of Gastroenterology
1999. - Masters degree
2004. - PhD
2002. - Assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine II (Gastroenterology),
University of Split School of Medicine
2006. Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine II
(Gastroenterology), University of Split School of Medicine
2010. -Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology),
University of Split School of Medicine
1. Ajdukovi J, Tonki A, Salamuni I, Hozo I, imuni M, Bonacin D. Interleukins ILList of
publication 33 and IL17/IL17A in patients with ulcerative colitis. Hepatogastroenterology (in
s (last 5
2. Tonki A, Tonki M, Brni D. Increasing prevalence of primary clarithromycin
resistance for Helicobacter pylori strains in Split, Croatia. J Chemoth 2009;21:598-9.
3. Skorjanec S, Dolovski Z, Kocman I, Brci L, Blagai-Boban A, Batelja L, ori M,
Sever M, Kliek R, Berkopi L, Radi B, Drmi D, Kolenc D, Ili S, Cesarec V, Tonki
A et al. Therapy for unhealed gastrocutaneous fistulas in rats as a model for analogous
healing of persistens skin wounds an persistant gastric ulcers: stabile gastric
pentadecapeptide BPC 157, atropine, ranitidine and omeprazole. Dig Dis Sci
4. Titli M, Tonki A, Juki I, Bua A, Punda A. Leptomeningeal metastases of an
astrocytoma of the conus medullaris: a case report. Acta Neurol Belg 2008;108:170-2.
5. Titli M, Pavelin S, Tonki A, Juki I, Bua A, Anelinovi . Thrombosis of sinus
sagitalis during puerperium caused by thrombophilic gene mutation. J Thromb
Thrombolysis 2008;25(3):270-2.
6. Jukic I, Titli M, Tonki A, Rosenzweig D. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis as a
recurrent thrombotic event in a patient with heterozygous prothrombin G20210A
genotype after discontinuation of oral anticoagulation therapy: How long should we
treat these patients with warfarin? J Thromb Thrombolysis 2007; 24(1):77-80.
7. Dobri I, Drvi P, Petrovi I, Shjebal D, Bri L, Blagai AB, Batelja L, Sever M,

Koki N, Tonki A et al. Prolonged esophagitis after primary dysfunction of the pyloric
sphincter in the rat and therapeutic potential of the gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157. J
Pharmacol Sci. 2007;104(1):7-18.
8. Tonki M, Tonki A, Goi Barii I, Juki I, imuni M. Primary resistance and
distribution of antibiotic MICs in Helicobacter pylori strains in Split, Croatia. Chemoth
9. Mie S, Tonki A, Peutic V, Tonkic M, Mie S, apkun V, Batelja L, Blagai A,
Koki N, Zorii I, Saifert D, Ani T, Sewerth S, Sikiri P. The presentation and the
Organization of stomach-duodenum-colon adaptive cytoprotection in rat. Med Sci
Monit 2006;12:146- 53.
10. Titli M, Vrebalov-Cindro V, Lahman-Dori M, Bua A, Juki I, Tonki A.
Hemifacial spasm in vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Acta Neurol Belg 2006;106:23-5.
11. Juki I, Grandi L, Tonki A, Tonki M, Rosenzweig D, Kuevi D. SepsisInduced isseminated intravascular coagulation. A rare complication of
sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease. Mt Sinai Med J 2006;73(8):1170-2.
12. Petrovi I, Dobri I, Dervis P, Shjebal D, Brci L, Boban Blagai A, Batelja L,
Koki N, Tonki A et al. An experimental model of prolonged esophagitis with
sphincter failure in the rat and the therapeutic potential of gastric pentadecapeptide
BPC 157. J Pharmacol Sci 2006;102:269-77.
13. Titli M, Juki I, Tonki A. Use of lamotrigine in glossopharingeal neuralgia: a case
report. Headache 2006;46:167-9.
1. Titli M, Oroli K, Tonki A, Juki I, Lui I. Procjena oteenja mozga
magnetskom rezonancijom oboljelih od multiple skleroze. Acta Med Croat 2008;62:58.
2. Grandi L, Juki I, imuni M, Tonki A, Maras-imuni M, Banovi J, VrebalovCindro V, Hozo I. Successful conservative and endoscopic treatment of pancreatic
fistula due to splenectomy following blunt abdominal trauma. Med Arh 2007; 61(1):568.
3. Titli M, Matijaca M, Marovi A, Lui I, Tonki A, Juki I, Karai S, apkun V.
Study of quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. Acta Med Croat
4. Mati I, Titli M, Dikanovi M, Jurjevi M, Juki I, Tonki A. Effects of APACHE II
score on mechanical ventilation; prediction and outcome. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg
5. Titli M, Juki I, Tonki A, Punda A. Headache caused by handling the pesticide
Antracol Combi WP 76: A case report. J Headache Pain 2007;8:345-7.
6. Titli M, Punda A, Juki I, Tonki A, Josipovi-Jeli . Symptomatology of
deterimental effects of pesticides literature review. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46:229- 34.
7. Titli M, Tonki A, Juki I, apkun V, Aleksi-Shibibi A. Vertigo in neurological
practice. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46;305-9.
8. Sikiric P, Seiwerth S, Bri L, Blagai AB, Zorii I, sever M, Klicek L, Radi B,
Keller N, Sipos K, Jakir A, Udovii M, Tonki A, Koki N, Turkovi B, Mie S Ani
T. Stabile gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in trials for inflammatory bowel disease
(PL-10, PLD-116, PL 14736, Pliva, Croatia). Full and distended stomach, and vascular
response. Inflammopharmacology 2006;14:214-21.
9. Titli M, Milas I, Tonki A, Juki I, Koli K. Diagnostics of incomplete BrownSequard syndrome caused by meningococcal myelitis. Bratisl Lek Listy
10. Juki I, Titli M, Tonki A, Dodig G, Rogoi V. Psychosis and Wilsons disease:
report of a case. Psychiatr Danub 2006;18: 98-100.

a) Chapter in book:
1. Tonki A. Ultrazvuk retroperitoneuma i limfnih vorova. U: Hozo I, Karelovi
D, editor. Ultrazvuk u klinikoj praksi. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko
drutvo-ogranak Split; 2004. p. 199-203.
2. Ivanevi , Tonki A, Bergovec M, Cvitanovi S, Kotarac S, Sikiric P, editor.
Farmakoterapijski prirunik 2003/2004. Split: Placebo; 2003.
3. Tonki A. Endokrini tumori probavnog trakta. U: Hozo I, Mie S, editor.
Odabrana Poglavlja iz gastroenterologije. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko
drutvo- ogranak Split; 1999. p. 169-177.
4. Tonki A. Sindrom malapsorpcije. U: Mie S, Hozo I, editor. Hitna stanja u
gastroenterologiji. Split: Hrvatsko gastroenteroloko drutvo- ogranak Split,
1998. p. 89-98.
b) Doctoral programs at the University of Split School of Medicine
- since 2009. lecturer (Clinical Epidemiology)
- since 2010. lecturer (Biology of Neoplasms)
Date of last advancement
04. 03. 2010.
s and other


Internal Medicine


Professor Marija Tonki, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine, University Hospital Split



Personal Web page

1984.-1989. ER Split, Split, Croatia
1989. Microbiologist, Department of Microbiology, University Hospital Split
vitae 1998. Assistant, Department of Microbiology, University of Split School of Medicine
Masters degree
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Split School of Medicine
List of
Mie S, Tonki A, Peuti V, Tonki M, Mie S, apkun V et al. The
and organization of adaptive cytoprotection in the rat stomach,
(last 5 years)
duodenum, and colon. Med Sci Monit 2006; 12: 146-153.
Tonki M, Tonki A, Goi-Barii I, Juki I, imuni, Punda-Poli V.
Primary resistance and antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentrations for Helicobacter
pylori strains in Split, Croatia. J Chemother 2006; 4: 437-439.
Juki I, Grandi L, Tonki A, Tonki M, Rosenzweig D, Kuevi D. Sepsisinduced disseminated intravascular coagulation. A rare complication of
sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease. Mt Sinai Med J 2006;73(8):1170-1172.
Tonki M, Bedeni B, Goi-Barii I, Kati S, Kaleni S, Kaufmann ME,
Woodford N, Punda-Poli V. First report of CTX-M extended-spectrum betalactamase - producing isolates from Croatia. J Chemother 2007;19:97-100.
Goi-Barii I, Bedenic B, Tonkic M, Kati S, Kalenic S, Punda-Poli V.
First report of molecular characterization of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter
baumannii in different intensive care units in University Hospital Split, Croatia. J.
Chemother 2007; 19: 462-464.
Bedenic B, Vranes J, Mihaljevic Lj, Tonkic M, Sviben M, Plecko V, Kalenic
S. Sensitivity and specificity of various beta-lactam antibiotics and phenotypical





and other

methods for detection of TEM, SHV and CTX-M extended-spectrum betalactamases. J Chemother. 2007 ;19(2):127-139.
Mie K, Goi-Barii I, Bradari A, Tonki M, Vrsalovi N, Karanovi J.
Long-term course and treatment of a cutaneous BCG infection. Journal of
Dermatological Treatment 2008; 19 (6): 333-336.
Tonki A, Tonki M, Brni D. Increasing prevalence of primary
clarithromycin resistance for Helicobacter pylori strains in Split, Croatia. J Chemoth
Goi-Barii I, Bedeni B, Tonki M, Novak A, Kati S, Kaleni S, PundaPoli V, Towner KJ. Occurrence of OXA-107 and ISAba1 in carbapenem-resistant
isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii from Croatia. J Clin Microbiol 2009; 47: 33483349.
Literacka E, Bedenic B, Baraniak A, Fiett J, Tonkic M, Jajic-Bencic I,
Gniadkowski M. blaCTX-M genes in Escherichia coli strains from Croatian hospitals
are in new (blaCTX-M-3a) and widely spread (blaCTX-M-3a and blaCTX-M-15)
genetic structures. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009; 53(4):1630-1635.
Boban N, Tonki M, Modun D, Budimir D, Mudni I, Sutlovi D, PundaPoli V, Boban M. Thermally treated wine retains antibacterial effects to food-born
pathogens. Food control 2010; 21:1161-1165.
Boban N, Tonkic M, Budimir D, Modun D, Sutlovic D, Punda-Polic V,
Boban M. Antimicrobial effects of wine: separating the role of polyphenols, pH,
ethanol, and other wine components. J Food Sci 2010;75(5):M322-6.
Bedenic B, Goic-Barisic I, Budimir A, Tonkic M, Mihajkevic LJ, Novak A,
Sviben M, Plecko V, Punda-Polic V, Kalenic S. Antimicrobial susceptibility and betalactamase production of selected gram-negative bacilli from two Croatian hospitals:
MYSTIC study results. J Chemother 2010;22(3):147-152.
Tonkic M, Mohar B, Sisko-Kraljevic K, Mesko-Meglic K, Goic-Barisic I,
Novak A, Kovacic A, Punda V. High prevalence and molecular characterization of
extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Proteus mirabilis strains in southern
Croatia J Med Microbiol;59: 1185 1190.
Tonki M, Grgi D, Goi-Barii I, Novak A, Milas I, Bradari N.
Smrtonosna sepsa i meningitis uzrokovani s Listetria monocytogenes u bolesnice s
Wegenerovom granulomatozom. Acta Med Croat 2006; 60:501-3.
Goi-Barii I, Ledina D, Tonki M, Luki B, Barii I. Limfoidni oblik
crijevne tuberkuloze s milijarnim rasapom-prikaz sluaja. Acta Med Croat 2006;
Goi-Barii I, Tonki M. Pregled rezistencije na karbapeneme u klinikim
izolatima vrste Acinetobacter baumannii. Acta Med Croat 2009; 63 (4): 285-96.
Mie K, Goi-Barii I, Puizina-Ivi N, Barii I, Tonki M, Peri I. A rare case of
pulmonary tuberculosis with simultaneous pulmonary and skin sarcoidosis: a case
report. Cases Journal 2010, 3:24.
Goi-Barii I, Pavlov N, Ivi I, Tonki M, Barii I, Dragii-Ivuli S, Punda-Poli
V. Pulmonary tuberculosis with meningitis in a 7-month-old infant. J Ped Infect Dis
2007;2: 51-54.
- Author of a chapter in the book:
Tonki M. Helicobacter. In: Uzunovi-Kamberovi S, ed. Medicinska
mikrobiologija. Zenica: tamparija Fojnica; 2009, p. 483-487.
- lecturer at 4 postgraduate courses at the University of Split School of Medicine
- lecturer at the Doctoral program, University of Split School of Medicine (Clinical

- lecturer for the course Microbiology and Parasitology at the University of Zadar,
Department of Health Studies
Last academic
October 18, 2007

Medical Microbiology and Parasitology


Assistant professor Maja Vali, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

1. Mathematical-informatical School, Split, graduated in June 1991.
2. University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, M.D. degree in December 1997
3. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Postdoctoral fellowship, 1998-2001.
4. University of Split School of Medicine, Split
Postgraduate School Basic and Clinical Medical Science, 2001-2002.
5. University of Split School of Medicine, Split, PhD thesis, March 2003.
6. Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Neuroscience, University of Split School
of Medicine, Split, Croatia, 2001-2006.
7. Assistant professor, Department of Neuroscience, University of Split School of
Medicine, Split, Croatia, 2006-present.
8. Chief of the teaching department of neuroscience, 2010.
1) Valic, Z., I. Palada, D. Bakovic, M. Valic, S. Mardesic-Brakus, and Z. Dujic.
List of
Muscle oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls.
(last 5 years) Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 77 (12):1224-9, 2006.
2) M. Valic, R. Pecotic and Z. Dogas. Phrenic nerve activity is enhanced by 5-HT1A
receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT in spontaneously breathing anesthetized rats. J. Physiol.
Pharmacol. 59 (1):17-25, 2008.
3) I. Pavlinac, A. Marin, M. Vali, J. Marui, D. Roje, R. Pecoti, D. Tadin and Z.
oga. Influence of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the incidence
and outcome of singletone premature births in the Split University Hospital. Centr.
Europ. J. Med. 3(2):187-93, 2008.
4) Z. oga, M. Vali, R. Pecoti, M. avar-Pupi, M. Varev, L. Boji, G. Rai.
Poremeaji disanja tijekom spavanja pregledni lanak. Lije Vjesn. 130: 69-77,
5) R. Pecoti, M. Vali, G. Kardum, V. evo, Z. oga. Navike spavanja studenata
medicine, lijenika i medicinskih sestara utjecaj dobi, spola, nonog rada i
konzumacije kofeina. Lije Vjesn. 130: 87-91, 2008.
6) N. Karanovic, M. Carev, G. Kardum, R. Pecotic, M. Valic, S. Karanovic, A. Ujevic
and Z. Dogas. The impact of a single 24-hour working day on cognitive and
psychomotor performance in staff anesthesiologists. Eur.J.Anaesth. 26:825-832,
7) R. Pecotic, Z. Dogas, Z. Valic and M. Valic. Blockade of 5-HT 1A receptors in the
phrenic nucleus of the rat attenuated raphe induced activation of the phrenic nerve
activity. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 60 (3):167-172, 2009.
8) N. Karanovic, R. Pecotic, M. Valic, A. Jeroncic, M. Carev, S. Karanovic, A.
Ujevic, Z. Dogas. The acute hypoxic ventilatory response under halothane, isoflurane

and sevoflurane anaesthesia in rats. Anaesthesia, 65(3):227-34, Mar, 2010.

9) M. Carev, M. Valic, R. Pecotic, N. Karanovic, Z. Valic, I. Pavlinac, Z. Dogas.
Propofol abolished the phrenic long-term facilitation in rats. Respiratory Physiology
and Neurobiology 170: 83-90, 2010.
10) M. Valic, R. Pecotic, I. Pavlinac, Z. Valic, K. Peros, Z. Dogas. Microinjection of
methysergide into the raphe nucleus attenuated phrenic long-term facilitation in rats.
Exp Brain Res. 202/3: 583-9, 2010.
oga, Vilovi, Pecoti, Vali, Kardum, Vodi kroz vjebe iz temelja neuroznanosti
Lectures and seminars for students on the Medical School web-site
and other
qualifications Teaching experience
Positive evaluation based on the students questionnaire
Last academic advancement
une 1st 2006 assistant professor
Fundamental Neuroscience School of Medicine
Neuroscience in dental medicine School of Dental Medicine
Selected lectures in neuroscience School of nursing, elective course
Selected lectures in neuroscience in physical therapy, elective course
Why and how do we breathe? - School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine,
elective course
Brain and the heart - School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, elective course
Sleep Medicine - School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, elective course
Brain and addiction - School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, elective course
Depression disease of the modern man - School of Medicine, School of Dental
Medicine, elective course
Scientific methodology - School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, School of

Associate Professor Zoran Vali, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Date and place of birth: October 30th 1972., Split
Home address: Makarska ulica 4, 21 000 Split, Croatia; Phone: +385 21 320-814
Chemistry School Split, Split, Croatia
Chemical Technician, June 1991.
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
MD, Graduated with Honors, July 1997.
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1998-2001.
University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia
Postgraduate School, Basic and Clinical Medical Sciences, Physiology, 20012002.
University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia
PhD thesis, December 2002.
University of Zagreb Scholarship
University of Zagreb Scholarship
Town of Split Scholarship


List of
(last 5 years)

Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology Award

Exchange Student Program, University Hospital of Hamburg,
Department of Maxillary Surgery, Hamburg, Germany
Town of Split Scholarship
The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia annual award for the
most valuable medical publication for the author under 35 years of
Republic of Croatia Annual Award for Junior Researcher
The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia annual award for the
most valuable medical publication
Review articles:
Dujic, Z., Z. Valic, and A. O. Brubakk. Beneficial role of exercise on SCUBA diving.
Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev. 36(1): 38-42, 2008.
Original Scientific Publications in Journals cited in Current Contents:
Valic, Z., J. B. Buckwalter, and P. S. Clifford. Muscle blood flow response to
contraction: influence of venous pressure. J. Appl. Physiol. 98(1): 72-76, 2005.
Ruble, S. B., M. D. Hoffman, M. A. Shepanski, Z. Valic, J. B. Buckwalter,
and P. S. Clifford. Thermal pain perception after aerobic exercise. Arch. Phys. Med.
Rehabil. 86: 1019-1023, 2005.
Dujic, Z., I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Duplancic, D. Bakovic, and Z. Valic.
Exercise during 3-min decompression stop reduces postdive venous gas bubbles.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 37(8): 1319-1323, 2005.
Brubakk, A. O., D. Duplancic, Z. Valic, I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Bakovic, U.
Wisloff, and Z. Dujic. A single air dive reduces arterial endothelial function in man. J.
Physiol. 566(3): 901-906, 2005.
Dujic, Z., I. Palada, A. Obad, D. Duplancic, A. O. Brubakk, and Z. Valic.
Exercise-induced intrapulmonary shunting of venous gas emboli does not occur after
open-sea diving. J. Appl. Physiol. 99(3): 944-949, 2005.
Valic, Z., D. Duplancic, D. Bakovic, V. Ivancev, D. Eterovic, U. Wisloff, A.
O. Brubakk, and Z. Dujic. Diving-induced venous gas emboli do not change
pulmonary artery pressure. Int. J. Sports Med. 26(8): 626-631, 2005.
Bakovic, D., D. Eterovic, Z. Saratlija-Novakovic, I. Palada, Z. Valic, N.
Bilopavlovic, and Z. Dujic. Effect of human splenic contraction on variation in
circulating blood cell counts. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 32(11): 944-951, 2005.
Dujic, Z., V. Ivancev, Z. Valic, D. Bakovic, I. Marinovic-Terzic, D. Eterovic,
and U. Wisloff. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after
maximal exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 38(2): 318-322, 2006.
Dujic, Z., A. Obad, I. Palada, V. Ivancev, and Z. Valic. Venous bubble count
declines during strenuous exercise after an open sea dive to 30 m. Aviat. Space
Environ. Med. 77(6): 592-596, 2006.
Dujic, Z., A. Obad, I. Palada, Z. Valic, and A. O. Brubakk. A single open sea
air dive increases pulmonary artery pressure and reduces right ventricular function in
professional divers. Eur. J. Appl. Phisiol. 97(4): 478-485, 2006.
Dujic, Z., I. Palada, Z. Valic, D. Duplancic, A. Obad, U. Wisloff, and A. O.
Brubakk. Exogenous nitric oxide and bubble formation in divers. Med. Sci. Sports
Exerc. 38(8): 1432-1435, 2006.
Bakovic, D., D. Eterovic, Z. Valic, Z. Saratlija-Novakovic, I. Palada, A.
Obad, and Z. Dujic. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke
volume, in association with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J. Appl.
Phisiol. 101(3): 866-872, 2006.
Valic, Z., I. Palada, D. Bakovic, M. Valic, S. Mardesic-Brakus, and Z. Dujic.

Muscle oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls.
Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 77(12): 1224-1229, 2006.
DeLorey, D. S., J. J. Hamann, Z. Valic, H. A. Kluess, P. S. Clifford and J. B.
Buckwalter. -Adrenergic receptor responsiveness is preserved during prolonged
exercise. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 292(1): 392-398, 2007.
Obad, A., I. Palada, Z. Valic, V. Ivancev, D. Bakovic, U. Wisloff, A. O.
Brubakk, and Z. Dujic. The effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced
alterations in cardiovascular function. J. Physiol. 578(3): 859-870, 2007.
Palada, I., A. Obad, D. Bakovic, Z. Valic, V. Ivancev, and Z. Dujic. Cerebral
and peripheral hemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal dry breath-holds.
Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 157: 374-381, 2007.
Ivancev, V., I. Palada, Z. Valic, A. Obad, D. Bakovic, N. M. Dietz, M. J.
Joyner, and Z. Dujic. Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia is unimpaired in
breath-hold divers. J. Physiol. 582(2): 723-730, 2007.
Obad, A., Z. Valic, I. Palada, A. O. Brubakk, D. Modun, and Z. Dujic.
Antioxidant pre-treatment and reduced arterial endothelial dysfunction after diving.
Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 78(12): 1114-1120, 2007.
Palada, I., D. Eterovic, A. Obad, D. Bakovic, Z. Valic, V. Ivancev, M. Lojpur,
J. K. Shoemaker, and Z. Dujic. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short
apneas in divers. J. Appl. Physiol. 103(6): 1958-1963, 2007.
Dujic, Z., V. Ivancev, K. Heusser, G. Dzamonja, I. Palada, Z. Valic, J. Tank,
A. Obad, D. Bakovic, A. Diedrich, M. J. Joyner and J. Jordan. Central chemoreflex
sensitivity and sympathetic neural outflow in elite breath hold divers. J. Appl.
Physiol. 104(1): 205-211, 2008.
Palada, I., D. Bakovic, Z. Valic, A. Obad, V. Ivancev, D. Eterovic, J. K.
Shoemaker, and Z. Dujic. Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in
association with involuntary breathing movements. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 161:
174-181, 2008.
Breskovic, T., P. Denoble, I. Palada, A. Obad, Z. Valic, D. Glavas, D.
Bakovic, and Z. Dujic. Venous gas bubble formation and decompression risk after
scuba diving in persons with chronic spinal cord injury and able-bodied controls.
Spinal Cord. 46(11): 743-747, 2008.
Glavas, D., A. Markotic, Z. Valic, N. Kovacic, I. Palada, T. Breskovic, R.
Martinic, D. Bakovic, A. O. Brubakk, and Z. Dujic. Expression of endothelial selectin
ligands on human leukocytes following dive. Exp. Biol. Med. 233(9): 1181-1188,
Glavas, D., D. Bakovic, A. Obad, I. Palada, T. Breskovic, Z. Valic, A. O.
Brubakk, and Z. Dujic. Effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on venous bubble grade and
acute diving-induced changes in cardiovascular function. Clin. Physiol. Funct.
Imaging. 29: 100-107, 2009.
Bakovic, D., N. Pivac, D. Eterovic, I. Palada, Z. Valic, B. Paukovic-Sekulic,
and Z. Dujic. Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and
non-selective -adrenoreceptor blockade in hypertensive patients. Clin. Exp. Physiol.
Pharmacol. 36: 441446, 2009.
Heusser, K., G. Dzamonja, J. Tank, I. Palada, Z. Valic, D. Bakovic, A. Obad,
V. Ivancev, T. Breskovic, A. Diedrich, M. J. Joyner, F. C. Luft, J. Jordan, and Z.
Dujic. Cardiovascular regulation during apnea in elite divers. Hypertension. 53: 719724, 2009.
Pecotic, R., Z. Dogas, Z. Valic, and M. Valic. Blockade of 5-HT1A receptors
in the phrenic nucleus of the rat attenuated raphe induced activation of the phrenic
nerve activity. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 60: 167-172, 2009.

Dujic, Z., L. Uglesic, T. Breskovic, Z. Valic, K. Heusser, J. Marinovic, M.
Ljubkovic, and I. Palada. Involuntary breathing movements improve cerebral
oxygenation during apnea struggle phase in elite divers. J. Appl. Physiol. 107: 18401846, 2009.
Case Reports in Journals cited in Current Contents:
Obad, A., I. Palada, V. Ivancev, Z. Valic, D. Fabijanic, A. O. Brubakk, and Z.
Dujic. Sonographic detection of intra-pulmonary shunting of venous gas bubbles by
sonography during exercise after diving in a professional diver. J. Clin. Ultrasound.
35(8): 473-476, 2007.
Bakovic, D., D. Glavas, I. Palada, T. Breskovic, D. Fabijanic, A. Obad, Z.
Valic, A. O. Brubakk, and Z. Dujic. High-grade bubbles in left and right heart in an
asymptomatic diver at rest after surfacing. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 79(6): 626628, 2008.
Letters to Editor in Journals cited in Current Contents:
Dujic, Z., and Z. Valic. Pulmonary artery pressure and right-to-left shunting
through foramen ovale after diving (letter). Int. J. Sports Med. 27: 509, 2006.
Valic, Z., I. Palada, and Z. Dujic. Short-acting NO donor and decompression
sickness in humans (letter). J. Appl. Physiol. 102(4): 1725, 2007.
Obad, A., Z. Valic, and Z. Dujic. Reply from Zeljko Dujic. J. Physiol 583:
407, 2007.
Bakovic, D., D. Eterovic, I. Palada, Z. Valic, and Z. Dujic. Does breathholding increase the risk of thrombotic event? Platelets. 19(4): 314-315, 2008.
Other Publications in Journals cited in Current Contents:
Clifford, P. S., J. J. Hamann, Z. Valic, and J. B. Buckwalter. Counterpoint:
The muscle pump is not an important determinant of muscle blood flow during
exercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 99(1): 372-374, 2005.
Clifford, P. S., J. J. Hamann, Z. Valic, and J. B. Buckwalter. Rebuttal from
drs. Clifford, Hamann, Valic, and Buckwalter. J. Appl. Physiol. 99: 374-375, 2005.
Publications in Journals cited in Other Indexes:
Dujic, Z., V. Ivanev, Z. Valic, D. Bakovi, I. Vukovi, T. Stolen and U.
Wisloff. Aerobic capacity in professional soccer players: the seniors and their
recruits. Coaching & Sport Science journal. 1,3: 9-13, 2005.
Participation in Scientific Projects
Autonomic control of blood flow to exercising skeletal muscles, NIH
and other
project fellow
Regulation of the blood flow to the skeletal muscle, scientific project
(0216007) coinvestigator
Anaerobic exercise is reducing formation of venous gas bubbles in divers,
scientific project (0216006) coinvestigator
Individual detection of venous gas bubbles during recreational diving,
technological project (TP-01/0216-02) coinvestigator
Apnea diving and cardiovascular system, scientific project (216-21601330330) principal investigator
Last academic advancement
September 2007.
1) Physiology at Medical Doctor Program, University of Split School of Medicine
2) Physiology at Doctor of Dental Medicine Program, University of Split School of
3) Anatomy and Physiology at Nursing Program, University of Split School of
4) Physiology with Pathophysiology at Physiotherapy Program, University of Split

School of Medicine
5) Regulation of Blood Flow, elective course, University of Split School of Medicine
6) Sport Physiology, elective course, University of Split School of Medicine
7) Clinical Research and Measurement, Doctoral Program , University of Split School
of Medicine
8) Clinical Research and Measurement, Postgraduate Program, University of Split
School of Medicine
9) Basis of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology at University Center for Forensic
Sciences, University of Split
10) Bioelectrical systems and equipment, elective course, University of Split
11) Sport Physiology at Physiotherapy Program, University of Mostar, School of
Health Sciences
12) Sport for People with Disability at Physiotherapy Program, University of Mostar,
School of Health Sciences
13) Physiology at Pharmacy Program, University of Split starting fall 2010
14) Participation in Courses of Permanent Medical Education, University of Split
School of Medicine

Katarina Vilovi, MD, PhD, Associate Professor


Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Cytology, Clinical Medical Center

Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University
of Split



Personal Web page


1993. MD, Medical School, University of Zagreb

1993 Young Assistant, Department of Anatomy, Medical School, University of
Zagreb, Study in Split
1999. Master of Science, Postgraduate study in Medical Genetics, University of
1999. Assistant, Department for Anatomy, Histology and Embryology School of
Medicine, University of Split,
2002. PhD University of Split
2003. Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine,
University of Split
2006. Specialization in Pathology
2009. Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine,
University of Split
Teaching activities:
Graduate education in Gross Anatomy
Graduate education in Pathology
Postgraduate study in Cancer Biology
Computer test scoring and analysis
November, 1995. Honorary Visiting Fellow - Department of Pre-Clinical
Sciences, Medical School, University of Leicester, UK.

List of
(last 5 years)

and other

Jun/July. 1999. Visiting Fellow Department of Anesthesiology and

Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
January-April, 2000. Furbildungsstipendium Max-Planck-Institut fur
Biologie, Abtailung Immungenetik, Tubingen, Germany
February, 2001. Visiting Scholar Department of Physiology, Northwestern
University, Chicago, USA
1. Glamolija V, Vilovi K, Saraga-Babi M, Baranovi A, Sapunar D. Apoptosis
and active caspase-3 expression in human granulose cells. Fertil Steril.
2. Rai G, Matuli J, Roje , oga Z, Vilovi K. Abnormally high bifurcation of
the brachiocephalic trunk as a potential operative hazard: case report.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2005;133(5):811-3
3. Vilovi K, Iliji E, Glamolija V, Koli K, Boina I, Sapunar D, Saraga-Babi M.
Cell death in developing human spinal cord. Anat Embryol 2006;211(1):1-9.
4. undov , Tomi S, Vilovi K, Kunac N, Kalebi M, Bezi J.
Immunohistochemically detected high expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2
as predictor of poor prognosis in Duke's B colon cancer. Croat Med J
5. Poljianin A, ari A, Vilovi K, Kota V, Marinovi Gui M, Aljinovi J,
Grkovi I. Daily mini quizzes as means for improving student performance in
anatomy course. Croat Med J 2009 50(1):55-60.
6. Grkovi I, Marinovi Gui, M Kota V, Poljianin A, ari A, Vilovi K.
Designing anatomy program in modern medical curriculum: matter of balance.
Croat Med J 2009 50(1):49-54.
Sapunar D., Vilovi K, Pintari I, Vrdoljak E, Petri N, Saraga-Babi M. Effect of
maternal hyperoxigenation on the experimentally produced uteroplacental
insufficiency in rat. Reprod Fertil Dev 1996;379-81
Radoni V, Budimir D, Bradari N, Luksi B, Sapunar D, Vilovi K. Envenomation
by the Horned viper (Vipera ammodytes L.). Milit Med 1997; 162:179-82
Sapunar D, Vilovi K, England MA, Saraga-Babi M. Morphological Diversity of
Dying Cells During Regression of Human Tail. Ann Anat 2001; 183:217-22.
Vilovi K, Sapunar D, Iliji E, Mimica MD, England MA, Saraga-Babi M.
Morphological Characteristics of Daying Cells in Axial Structures of Developing
Human Embryos. Cells Tissues Organs 2001; 169: 347-54.
Bai J, Vilovi K, Baronica K. The gynaecological-obstetrical practice of the
renenaissance physician Amatus Lusitanus (Dubrovnik, 1555-15557). Eur J Obstet
Gynecol Reprod Biol 2002; 104:180-5.
Research grants:
Participation in the project "Formation of the head, axial and urogenital
structures in the human embryos" supported by Croatian Ministry of Science
No. 3-01-069 (1994-1996)
Participation in the ALIS project CRO 19"Programmed cell death in the axial
structures of human embryo" (1995-1998) supported by Croatian Ministry of
Science and The British Council
Participation in the project " Development of the human central nervous
system and spinal cord" supported by Croatian Ministry of Science No.
108194 (1996-2001)
Participation in the project " Development and diseases of the axial structures
in humans" supported by Croatian Ministry of Science, education and sport
No. 0216002 (2002-2005)

Last academic

Participation in the project "Cell cycle proteins, proapoptotic and

antiapoptotic factors and intermediate filaments in early differentiation and
premalignant lesions of the ovary supported by the Federal Ministry of
education and science BIH (2005. 2007)
Role of apoptosis in cancerogenesis of the female genital tract supported
by Croatian Ministry of Science (br.216-0000000-0479) (2007.-2010.)
April 9th 2009


Anatomy, Pathology, Dental morphology and anthropology

Myologia in The Gym - Elective course


Professor Tonko Vlak MD, PhD


University Hospital Split School of Medicine University of Split



Personal Web page

From 1987 University Hospital Split, Department of Physical medicine, rehabilitation
as specialist of physical medicine and rehabilitation (from1990) &
rheumatologist (from 2004). Head of the Department from 2001
M D from 1982.g. School of Medicine University of Zagreb
M Sc from 1992.g. School of Medicine University of Zagreb
Ph D from 1999.g. School of Medicine University of Zagreb
Associate Professor from 2004.g. School of Medicine University of Split
Assistant Professor from 2007.g. School of Medicine University of Split
Head of undergraduate study Physiotherapy Medical School Split: 2001
Elected Head of PRM University Department, School of Medicine University of Split
Didi I, Jeli M., Sekelj-Kauzlari K, Vlak T, Bakran , Eldar R. Rehabilitation
List of
medicine in Croatia-sources and practice. J Rehabil Med 2006 ; 38 (4) : 209-211.
(last 5 years) Barii I, Ljuti D, Jankovi S, Vlak T, Tomi S, Koki S, Erceg M. Relevant
sonographic parameters of painful shoulder in symptomatic dialyzed patients versus
asymptomatic dialyzed and healty volunteers. Coll Antropol 2006;30:313- 8.
Le Loet X, Pavelka K, Richarz U & FEN-INT-30 Study Group. Transdermal fentanyl
for the treatment of pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee or hip: an open
multicentre study. BMC Muskuloskelet Disord 2005; 15 (6): 31 41.
Jeli M, Sekelj-Kauizlari K, Vlak T, Bakran , Didi I, Eldar R. The system for
medical rehabilitation in Croatia. Disabil Rehabil 200 ; 28 (15): 943 - 948.
Barii I, Ljuti D, Vlak T, Jankovi S. Laboratory and sonogtaphic findings in
dialyzed patients with bilateral chronic knee pain versus dialyzed asymptomatic
patients. Coll Antropol 2007; 31 (2): 489-494.
Pecoti Jerievi S, Vlak T, Rota eprnja A, Viskovi M, Franulovi Golja N, Eldar
R. Kalos - Rehabilitation hospital in Vela Luka, Croatia. Croat Med J 2008; 49 (3):
Katelan D, Kori M, Vlak T. Ibandronate : is there an effect on nonvertebral
fractures ? Clin Rheumatol 2008; 27 (10): 1313-1315.
Katelan D, Lozo P, Stamenkovi D, Miki B, Vlak T, Kolak , Milas Ahi J,
Altabas V, Crnevi Orli , Kori M. Preference for weekly and monthly

bisphosphonates among patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis : results from the

Croatian PROMO Study. Clin Rheumatol 2009; 28 (3): 321-326.
Vlak T, Padjen I, Pivalica D. Paralympians the unknown heroes next door.
CroatMed J 2009; 50 (6) : 527 530Naletili M, Tomi V, Sabi M, Vlak T. Cerebral
palsy : early diagnosis, intervention and risk factors.Coll Antropol 2009; 33 (suppl 2):
59 65.
Damjanovi V, Vasilj I, Vlak T, Zelenika D. Prevalence and risk factors of the
rheumatoid arthritis in Herzegovina region in 2003 2005. Coll Antropol 2009; 33
(Suppl 2): 73 77.
Lakievi G, Ostoji L, Splavski B, Roth S, Vlak T, Brekalo Z, Ostoji M.
Comparative outcome of differently surgical approaches to lumbar disc herniation.
Coll Antropol 2009; 33 (Suppl 2): 79 84.
Barii I, Ljuti D, Vlak T et al. 2 microglobuline plasma level and painful
schoulder in haemodialysed patients. Coll Antrolpol 2010; 34 (Suppl 1):315-320.
Katelan D, Vlak T, Lozo P. et al. Health-related quality of life among patients with
postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with weekly and monthly bisphosphonates.
Endocr Res 2010 (in press).
As previous
Publications and other
Last academic

Elected Head of PRM University Department, School of Medicine

University of Split, 13.12.2007.
Physical and Rehabilitation medicine
Rheumatology, Rehabilitation rheumatology diseases


Professor Eduard Vrdoljak, MD, PhD


University of Split School of Medicine and Hospital Centre, Split



Personal Web page

1990.1992. Project Investigator, Department of Experimental Radiotherapy,
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston,
USA, Dr. Philip Tofilon.
Visiting scientist, Department of Radiation Oncology,
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston,
TX, USA, Dr.James Cox, Dr. Luka Milas,
1992.1995. Residency in oncology and radiotherapy, Department of
Oncology and Radiotherapy, Clinical Hospital "Split", Croatia.
Present Oncology - radiotherapy specialist.
1995./1996. Senior Assistant in a cumulative employment at the
Department of Radiology and Clinical Oncology,
Medical Faculty in Split
1997. 1998. Assistant professor, Medical faculty in Split, Croatia and in
Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Present Head of Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy,
Clinical Hospital Split, Croatia
2002./2003. Assistant professor, Medical faculty in Split, Croatia
2007./2008. Full Professor, Medical faculty in Split, Croatia and Mostar,
Bosnia and Hercegovina

List of
(last 5 years)

2001./2002. Visiting professor, Medical faculty in Mostar, Bosnia and

2002. Present
Head of CCGCRO (Croatian Cooperative Group for Clinical
Research in Oncology)
2003. Present
Consultant on Oncology clinic KB Mostar, Bosnia and
2007. Present President of SEEROG (South Eastern European
Research Oncology Group)
2008. Present President of Croatian Oncology Society
Travelers Award, 10th International Congress of Radiation Research Young
Scientist, 1995.
World Association of Croatian Physicians Fellowship Award 1995 (MD
Anderson Cancer Canter, Houston, TX, USA, February and March 1996.
The best paper acknowledgement, First Croatian Oncology Congress,
Plitvice, 2001.
Croatian science and art academy award; Republic of Croatias greatest
scientific accomplishments in the field of medical science 2008
Town of Split's personal award 2008
President of County League Against Cancer Split, (2003 present)
Member of Central Ethical Committee of Ministry of Health RH (2006
Member of Oncology Committee Ministry of Health RH (2003 present)
Member of Committee for Masters and Doctoral Dissertations Medical
faculty, University of Split
President of Committee for Oncology Specialty Plan Construction
President of Croatian Oncology Society
Founder and the first president of South Eastern European Research
Oncology Group (international collaborative group members: Poland,
Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, BiH, Turkey, Croatia)
Co-organizer of US-Croatian Task Force in Oncology (working team of
members of Cancer national institute USA and Croatian oncologists with aim
of promoting oncology situation in Croatia; production of Declaration against
cancer, Plan and program against cancer, running clinical study phase II and
International Affairs ASCO
1. Vrdoljak E, Boraska Jelavi T, Saratlija Novakovi , Hamm W.
Concomitant Chemobrachyradiotherapy with Ifosfamide and Cisplatin
Followed by Consolidation Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Locally
Advanced Adenocarcinomas or Adenosquamous Carcinomas of the Cervix
Uteri. Eur J Gynl Onc 2005;6:602-604.
2. Grubii abo F, Vrdoljak E. Drug-induced hepatitis in a patient with
malignant melanoma treated with interferon alfa 2b adjuvantly whom had
been administered gemfibrozil in therapy. Med Oncol. 2006;23(1):121-4.
3. ufer T, Vrdoljak E., Gaafar R, Ernesoy I, Pemberton K. Results from a
phase II, open-label, randomized study (SIGN) comparing gefitinib (iressa)
with docetaxel as second-line therapy in patients with advanced (stage IIIb or
IV) non-small-cell lung cancer. Anticancer Drugs, 2006 Apr;17(4):401-9.

and other

4. Vrdoljak E, Boban M, Saratlija-Novakovic Z, Jovic J. Long-lasting partial

regression of a patient with glioblastoma multiforme achieved using
edotecarin a case report, Croat Med J. 2006 Apr;47(2):305-9.
5. Boraska Jelavi T, Barii M, Drmi I, Boraska V, Vrdoljak E, Peruzovi M,
Hozo I, Puljiz Z, Terzi J. Microsatelite GT polymorphism in the toll-like
receptor 2 is associated with colorectal cancer. Clin Genet 2006;70:156-60.
6. Vrdoljak E, Omren T, Saratlija Novakovic Z, Boraska Jelavic T, Prskalo T,
Hrepic D, Hamm W. Concomitant chemobrachyradiotherapy with ifosfamide
and cisplatin followed by consolidation chemotherapy: An innovative, very
promising treatment for women with locally advanced carcionoma of the
uterine cervix final results of a large, prospecitive phase II-study, Gynecol
Oncol. 2006 Nov;103(2):494-9.
7. Coleman RE, Banks LM, Girgis SI, Kilburn LS, Vrdoljak E, Fox J, Cowthorn
JS, Patel A, Snowdon C, Hall E, Bliss JM, Coombes CR. Skeletal effects of
exemestane on bone-mineral density, bone biomarkers, and fracture
incidence in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer participating in
the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES): a randomized controlled study.
HTTP://oncology.thelencet.com. Lancet Oncol. 2007 Feb;8(2):119-27.
8. Ortmann O, Albanell J, Cufer T, Dixon MJ, Maass N, Marchetti M, Muoz
M, Pagani M, Pronzato P, Semiglazov V, Spano JP, Vrdoljak E, Wildiers H.
Adjuvant endocrine therapy for perimenopausal women with early breast
cancer, Breast. 2009 Feb; 18(1):2-7. Epub 2008 Nov 26.
9. Gore ME, Szczylik C, Porta C, Bracarda S, Bjarnason GA, Oudard S,
Hariharan S, Lee SH, Haanen J, Castellano D, Vrdoljak E, Schoffski P,
Mainwaring P, Nieto A, Yuan J, Bukowski R. Lancet Oncol 2009;10:757-63.
10. Vrdoljak E, Mie Petri B, Luki B, Curi Z, Bokovi L, Tica I. LongLasting Control of Triple-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer with the Novel
Drug Combination Ixabepilone and Capecitabine - Case Report. Onkologie
11. Sparano JA, Vrdoljak E, Rixe O, Xu B, Manikhas A, Medina C, Da Costa
SC, Ro J, Rubio G, Rondinon M, Perez Manga G, Peck R, Poulart V, Conte
P.Randomized Phase III trial of ixabepilone plus capecitabine vs capecitabine
in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) previously treated with an
anthracycline and a taxane. JCO 2010;28:3256-63.
1. Cvitanovi S, Grbi D, Zekan Lj, Boban M., Vrdoljak E, Parpura V, Petrovi S,
Marui M. Hypersensitivity to P. Officinalis pollen: Correlation of IgE with
skin testing methods. Allergol et Immunopathol 1989:17;4:197-200.
2. Cvitanovi S, Marui M, Jurii M, Vrdoljak E, Petroveki M, Rozga A,
Stavljeni-Rukavina A. Hypersensitivity to Parietaria Officinalis pollen in the
newcomers to the area with the plant. Allergy 1993:48;592-597.
3. Bill CA, Grochan BM, Vrdoljak E, Mendoza EA, Tofilon P. Decreased repair
of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks with cellular differentation.
Rad Res 1992:132;254-258.
4. Vrdoljak E, Bill CA, Stephens LC, van der Kogel AJ, Kian Ang K, Tofilon PJ.
Radiation induced apoptosis of oligodendrocytes in vitro. Int J Radiat Biol
5. Bill CA, Mendoza E, Vrdoljak E, Tofilon PJ. Enhancment of tumor cell killing
in vitro by pre- and post-irradiation expossure to aclacinomycin A.
Radiotherapy and Oncol 1993:28;63-69.
6. Vrdoljak E, Mie K, Rozga A, Sapunar D, Marui M. Survival analysis of
untreated patients with non-small lung cancer. Chest 1994;106:1797-81.

7. Sapunar D, Bego K, Pintari I, Vrdoljak E, Petri N, Saraga-Babi M. Effect of

maternal hyperoxygenation on the experimentally produced uteroplacental
insufficiency in rat. Reprod Fertil Dev 1996:8;379-381.
8. Vrdoljak E, Bill CA, Stepens LC, Borchardt PE, Tofilon PJ. Influence of Xrays on early response gene expression in rat astrocytes and brain tumor cell
lines. Int J Radiat Biol. 1994:66;6:739-747.
9. Vrdoljak E, Mie K, Sapunar D, Rozga A, Marui M. Staging of untreated
patients with small cell lung cancer. Neoplasma 2001;48:155-157.
10. Phan TP, Crane CH, Janjan NA, Vrdoljak E, Milas L, Mason KA. WR-2721
Reduces Intestinal Toxicity from Concurrent Gemcitabine and Radiation
Treatment. Int J of Pancreatol 2001;29:45-50
11. Vrdoljak E, Hamm W, Omren T, Prskalo T. Long lasting complete remission
of a patient with cervical cancer FIGO IVB treated by concomitant
chemobrachyradiotherapy with ifosfamide and cisplatin and consolidation
chemotherapy A case report. European Journal of Gynacelogical Oncology.
12. Vrdoljak E, Prskalo T, Frleta Ili N, Omren T, Jankovi S, Hamm W.
Concomitant chemobrachyradiotherapy with ifosfamide and cisplatin
followed by consolidation chemotherapy in locally advanced squamous cell
carcinoma (LASCC) of the cervix uteri Results of a phase II study.
International Journal of Radiation Biology Oncology Physics 2005;61:824829.
13. Vrdoljak E, Hamm W. Current state-of-the-art of concomitant
chemoradiation in cervical carcinomas. European Journal of Gynacelogical
Oncology 2003;26:475-481.
14. Kristensen GB. Vergote I. Stuart G. Del Campo JM. Kaern J. Lopez AB.
Eisenhauer E. Aavall-Lundquist E. Ridderheim M. Havsteen H. Mirza MR.
Scheistroen M. Vrdoljak E. First-line treatment of ovarian cancer FIGO stages
IIb-IV with paclitaxel/epirubicin/carboplatin versus paclitaxel/carboplatin.
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 13(Suppl 2):172-177, 2003
Published articles in Excerpta Medica journals:
1. Cvitanovi S, Grbi D, Zekan Lj, Petrovi S, Vrdoljak E, Parpura V, Boban M.
Ketotifen and nasal steroid in hay fever pollinosis. Res Disease 1989:41;205208.
2. Tofilon P, Vrdoljak E, Kian Ang K. Investigation of central nervous system
radiobyology using glial cell cultures. Cancer Bull 1992:44;92-97.
3. Vrdoljak E, Milas L. Apoptosis: Basic biology and relationship to cancer. CMJ
4. Krolo M, Vilovi K, Sapunar D, Vrdoljak E, Saraga-Babi M. Fibronectin
Expression in the developing human spinal cord, nerves and ganglia. CMJ
5. Vrdoljak E. Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy of Colon and Rectal Carcinoma.
Libri Oncologici 2001;29:30-40.
6. Vrdoljak E, Glavina Durdov M, Kuzmi Prusac I, Tomi S, Rozga A, Petri
Mie B, Alfirevi D, Bezi J, Forenpoher G, Karaman I, Peuti Pisac V,
Rakanovi S. Correlation between standard IHC method and HercepTest in
detection of HER2/neu overexpression in breast cancer. Libri Oncologici
7. Krznari , Jureti A, amija M, Dobrila Dintinjana R, Vrdoljak E, Samarija
M, Kolaek S, Vrbanec D, Prgomet D, Ivki M, Zeli M. Hrvatske smjernice

za primjenu eikozapentaenske kiseline I megestrol acetata u sindromu

tumorske kaheksije. Lije Vjesn 2007;129:381-386.
8. Vrdoljak E, Omren T, Boban M. Capecitabine and mitomycin-C in therapy of
pretreated patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: single center
retrospective study with 36 patients, J BOUN. 2008 Oct-Dec; 13(4):513-8.
Published articles in other journals:
1. Vrdoljak E, Omren T, Miku S, Petri-Mie B. Karcinom jajnika. Medicus,
2. Vrdoljak E. Boban M, Ili-Frleta N. Suvremeni pristup lijeenju karcinoma
vrata maternice. Medicus, 2001;10:211-214.
1. J. Bili, E. Vrdoljak. Probavni sustav, u Radioterapija, editors. M. amija, Z.
Krajina i A. Purii, Nakladni Zavod Globus, Zagreb, 1996, 263-275.
2. J. Bili, E. Vrdoljak. Radioterapija tumora probavnog sustava, u Radioterapija
gdje-kada-kako, editor. M. amija, Z. Krajina i I. Voskrsenski, Medicinski
Fakultet Sveuilita u Zagrebu, Katma, Zagreb, 1993, 44-50.
3. E. Vrdoljak. Tumori jetre, u Odabrana poglavlja iz gastroenterologije, editor.
I. Hozo i S. Mie, DES, Split, 1999, 303-313.
4. E. Vrdoljak. Konkomitantna kemoradioterapija, u Internistika onkologija, Z.
Mri Krmpoti, Anton Roth i suradnici, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb 2004.
5. E. Vrdoljak, D. Hrepi, Dijagnostike metode i terapijski ureaji u onkologiji,
u Jankovi, Eterovi i suradnici Fizikalne osnove i kliniki aspekti slikovne
dijagnostike, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2002, 127-136.
6. M. Samija, E. Vrdoljak, Z. Krajina. Klinika Onkologija. Medicinska
naklada, Zagreb, 2006.
Mentoring of doctoral dissertation:
1. Dr. sc. Tihana Boraska Jelavi Konkomitanta kemobrahiradioterapija
ifosfamidom i cisplatinom praena konsolidacijskom kemoterapijom u
lijeenju lokalno uznapredovalog raka vrata maternice
2. Dr. Tomislav Omren Bevacizumab u kombinaciji s kapecitabinom u
lijeenju starijih bolesnika s metastatskim rakom debelog crijeva studija
faze II
Organisation of medical courses or meetings:
1. Initiator and secretary of Course of permanent education for primary health
protection doctors in oncology field. Organized with great success, 105
applied doctors in 1994.
2. Congress of Croatian oncology and radiotherapy association, member of
organisation committee, Plitvice, 2001.
3. Congress of Croatian oncology society, member of organisation committee,
Zagreb, 2001.
4. Clinical oncology in Croatia strategic planinning and beyond, member of
organisation committee, 2007.
5. Participation in good clinical practice and clinical research course, 2008.
6. Lung Cancer Workshop in Zagreb, Croatia, 19.-21.lipnja 2008.
Initiated clinical studies:
1. Study of the potential role of Ifosfamide in conjunction with Cisplatin in the
treatment of locally advanced carcinoma of the cervix
2. Phase II Study of Bevacizumab in Combination with Capecitabine as First
Line Treatment in Elderly Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
3. Phase II Clinical Study of Capecitabine in Combination with Mitomycin as

First Line Treatment in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Last academic

2007 Full Professor


1st Clinical Oncology - Medicine

2nd Oncology Dental Medicine
3rd Doctoral Studies


Professor Veselin Vrebalov Cindro, MD, PhD


University of Split, School of Medicine



Personal Web page

Born: September 6th 1950 in Split
1975- MD, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1980- Neurology specialization
1985- Masters degree, University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1990- PhD, University of Rijeka School of Medicine
2008.- Associate professor, University of Split, School of Medicine
1. Titli M., Vrebalov-Cindro V., Lahman-Dori M., Bua A., Juki I.:
List of
Hemifacial spasm in vertebrobassilar dolichoctasia Acta Neurol.. Belg.;
(last 5 years)
2. Cindro V,V.: Well preservedfuntional status in patientis with Guillain-Barre
polyradiculoneuritis and severe electrophysiological abnormalities Rev.
Neurol, 2007, 45, 1-2.
3. BojiL., Rogoi V., Ivanievi M., Matijaca M., Lui I, Pintari I.,
Vrebalov-Cindro V., Rai G.: Progression of Optic Neuritis to Multiple
sclerosis in Caunty of Split-Dalmatia, Croatia Col. Antropoll 2007(31),2,
4. Grandi L., Juki I., Simuni M., Tonki A., MaRAS-Simuni M., Banovi J,
Vrebalov-Cindro V., Hozo I.: Uspjean konzervativni i endoskopski tretman
fistule pankreasa zbog splenektomije nakon traume abdomena Medicinski
Arhiv, 2007, 61,56-59
5. Alajbegovi A., Loga N., Tiro N.,Alajbegovi S., Vrebalov-Cindro V., Hozo.:
Cognitive and Depressive disorders in Multiple sclerosis. Acta Clin Croat
Juki I., Vrebalov-Cindro V., Hozo I.: Endoscopic versus Transabdominal
Ultrasonography: Past, Present and Future of Ultrasound in gastroenterlology Acta
infiormatica medica,2007, 15, 26-31
Adjunct textbook in neurology:
and other
1. Klinika elektromiografija i neuromuskularne bolesti Medicinski fak. sveu.
qualifications Splitu, Split, 2005.
2. Novosti u neuromuskularnim bolestima i elektromioneurografiji. Chapters:
1 Elektrofizioloki znakovi tekog oteenja senzornih i motornih perifernih vlakana
uz sauvanu sposobnost kompleksnih I preciznih pokreta u bolesnika s hereditarnom
motornom i senzornom neuropatijom;
2. Intrafamiljarna varijacija u klinikim mi neurografskim osobimana bolesnika s
hereditarnom motornom i senzornom neuropatijom; kolska knjiga, Zagreb 462-470,

Last academic

06.03.2008 professor


PhD courses:
Interne bolesti:Odabrana poglavlja iz akutne medicine, Med. fakultet sveilita u Splitu
Anesteziologija:Koma i drugi poremeaji svijesti
Neurologija: Glavobolje, Medicinski fakultet sveuilita u Split
Cerebrovaskularne bolesti, Medicinski fakultet sveuilita u Zagrebu
Pedijatrija: genetika, Klinika slika neuromuskularnih bolesti
Neurokirurgija: Cervikobrahijalni sindrom, elektrofiziologijja CB sindroma
Od 1988. godine izvodi nastavu iz neurologijete
Od 1999. ispitivanje studenata Medicinskog fakulteta
2004. godine nastava i ispiti na Veleuilitu


Marko Vuli


University Hospital Split, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology



Personal Web page

I was born on the 14.th of May 1967 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I have
finished elementary and high school in Split. I graduated at The Medical School
University of Zagreb in 1991. I have finished my residency in Obstetrics and
Gynecology in 2001. In 2009 I have become Ph D with thesis Role of collagen in
uterosacral ligaments in women with pelvic organ prolapse. In 2010 I became an
assistant professor in Medical School University of Split.
1. Roje D, Ivo B, Ivica T, Mirjana V, Vesna C, Aljosa B, Marko V, Zoran M.
List of
Tomislav M. Gestational age - the most important factor of neonatal ponderal
index. Yonsei Med J. 2004;45(2):273-80. Erratum in: Yonsei Med J.
(last 5 years)
2. Strini T, Vuli M, Bukovi D, Makovi J, Hauptman D, Jelini . Uterine
artery embolization for the treatment of uterine Fibroids. Coll Antropol
3. Strini T, Vuli M, Tomi S, Capkun V, Stipic I, Alujevic I. Matrix
metalloproteinases -1, -2 expression in uterosacral ligaments from women
with pelvic organ prolapse. Maturitas 2009;64:132-135.
4. Strini T, Vuli M, Tomi S, Capkun V, Stipic I, Alujevic I. Increased
expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in uterosacral ligament tissue from
women with pelvic organ prolapse. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica
Role of collagen in uterosacral ligaments in women with pelvic organ
Publications and
Last academic

March 4, 2010: Assistant professor

Obstetrics and Gynecology, Labor analgesia


Professor Tatijana Zemunik, M.D., PhD


University of Split School of Medicine



Personal Web page

1983-1988: University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1989-1994: Postgraduate study of Oncology, University of Zagreb School of
Academic degrees:
1988: MD University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1994: MSc University of Zagreb School of Medicine
1997: PhD University of Zagreb School of Medicine
Working Experience:
1989. Split Health Center - physician
1992. Univ. of Zagreb School of Medicine - Split Branch - Instructor in Biology
1995. Univ. of Zagreb School of Medicine - Split Branch - Assistant
1999. University of Split School of Medicine - Assistant Professor
2005. University of Split School of Medicine - Associate Professor
2010. University of Split School of Medicine - Full Professor
Scientific activities:
Primary investigator of three national scientific projects since 1998. and collaborator
on four scientific projects.
Participation in the work of different committees at the University of Split School of
1998-2001. Member of the Commission for the establishment of animal unit on the
School of Medicine
1999. Member of the Commission for diploma thesis
Since 2002. until 2009. Member of the Ethic Commission
Since 2001. until now Co-leader of the Professional Study Nursing
Since 2008. until now Member of the Board of directors of the Croatian Centre for
Global Health
Since 2008. until now Head of the Department for Grand Population Studies in the
Croatian Centre for Global Health
Since 2009. until now Head of the Department of Medical Biology, School of
Medicine, Split
Scientific training after the dissertation defense:
Federal Republic of Germany, Bielefeld, Institute of Cell Culture Technology,
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Bielefeld, June 30 September 26,
1998. The Deutche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Sonderforschungbereich (SFB549) project of Dr. Muthing, sponsored visit.
Federal Republic of Germany, Bielefeld, Institute of Cell Culture Technology,
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Bielefeld, Jul 01 August 31, 1999.
The Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) sponsored visit.
Passed the exam: "Introductory Statistics and Research Methods" at the Department
of Public Health and Primary care, University of Cambridge, UK.
Awarded for the first author of the highest impacted CC paper published at the Split
School of Medicine in the academic year 2004/2005.

List of
(last 5 years)

1. Markoti A, uli VC, Kurir TT, Meisen I, Buntemeyer H, Boraska V, Zemunik T,

Petri N, Mesari M, Peter-Katalini J, Muthing J. Oxygenation alters ganglioside
expression in rat liver following partial hepatectomy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
2. Zemunik T, krabi V, Boraska V, Dikli D, Marinovi Terzi I, apkun V,
Peruzovi M, Terzi J. FokI polymorphism, vitamin D receptor and Interleukin I
receptor haplotypes are associated with Type 1 diabetes in the Dalmatian population.
J Mol Diagn 2005;7:600-4.
3. Vlastelica M, Jurevi S, Zemunik T. Changes of defense mechanisms and
personality profile during group analytic treatment. Coll Antropol 2005;29:551-8.
4. Boraska V, Terzi J, krabi V, aev T, Buevi Popovi V, Peruzovi M,
Markoti A, Zemunik T. NeuroD1 gene and interleukin-18 gene polymorphisms in
type 1 diabetes in Dalmatian population of Southern Croatia. Croat Med J 2006;
5. Torlak V, Zemunik T, Modun D, apkun V, Peuti-Pisac V, Markoti A, PavelaVrani M, Stanii A. 131I induced changes in rat thyroid gland function. Braz J
Med Biol Res 2007;40:1087-94.
6. Tiinovi-Kurir T, ike-uli V, Zemunik T, Grkovi I, Terzi J, Padovan M,
Petri NM, Markoti A.Immunohistochemical analysis of hepatic ganglioside
distribution following a partial hepatectomy and exposure to different hyperbaric
oxygen treatments. Acta Histochem 2008; 110: 66-75. Epub 2007 Nov 26.
7. Boraska V, krabi V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Buljubai M, Peruzovi M, Zemunik
T. Family-based analysis of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and type 1
diabetes in the population of South Croatia. J Hum Genet 2008;53:210-214. Epub
2007 Dec 27.
8. Zgaga L, Hayward C, Vatavuk Z, Beni G, Zemunik T, Valkovi A, ValkoviAnti I, Buan K, Rudan I. High prevalence of glaucoma in Veli Brgud, Croatia, is
caused by a dominantly inherited T377M mutation in the MYOC gene. Br J
Ophthalmol. 2008;92:1567-8.
9. Boraska V, Zeggini E, Groves CJ, Rayner NW, Skrabi V, Diakite M, Rockett KA,
Kwiatkowski D, McCarthy MI, Zemunik T. Family-based analysis of tumor necrosis
factor and lymphotoxin-alpha tag polymorphisms with type 1 diabetes in the
population of South Croatia. Hum Immunol 2009;70:195-9.
10. Rudan I, Marusi A, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Boban M, Lauc G, Grkovi I, Dogas
Z, Zemunik T, Vatavuk Z, Benci G, Rudan D, Muli R, Krzelj V, Terzi J,
Stojanovi D, Puntari D, Bili E, Ropac D, Vorko-Jovi A, Znaor A, Stevanovi R,
Biloglav Z, Polasek O. "10001 Dalmatians:" Croatia launches its national biobank.
Croat Med J 2009;50:4-6.
11. Zemunik T, Boban M, Lauc G, Jankovi S, Rotim K, Vatavuk Z, Benci G, Dogas
Z, Boraska V, Torlak V, Susac J, Zobi I, Rudan D, Pulani D, Modun D, Mudni I,
Gunjaca G, Budimir D, Hayward C, Vitart V, Wright AF, Campbell H, Rudan I.
Genome-wide association study of biochemical traits in Korula Island, Croatia.
Croat Med J 2009;50:23-33.
12. Biloglav Z, Zgaga L, Smoljanovi M, Hayward C, Polasek O, Kolci I, Vitart V,
Zemunik T, Boraska V, Torlak V, Muli R, Ropac D, Grkovi I, Rudan D, Risti S,
Barbali M, Campbell H, Wright AF, Rudan I. Historic, demographic, and genetic
evidence for increased population frequencies of CCR5Delta32 mutation in Croatian
Island isolates after lethal 15th century epidemics. Croat Med J 2009;50:34-42.
13. Boraska V, Torlak V, krabi V, Kai Z, Jakic J, Stipani G, pehar A,
Markoti A, Zemunik T. Glycosyltransferase B4GALNT1 and type 1 diabetes in
Croatian population. Clin Biochem 2009;42:819-22.

and other

14. Buan K, Ivanisevi M, Zemunik T, Boraska V, Skrabi V, Vatavuk Z, Galetovi

D, Znaor L. Retinopathy and nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients--association
with polymorphysms of vitamin D-receptor, TNF, Neuro-D and IL-1 receptor 1
genes. Coll Antropol 2009;33:99-105.
15. Gunjaca G, Boban M, Pehli M, Zemunik T, Budimir D, Kolci I, Lauc G, Rudan
I, Polasek O. Predictive value of 8 genetic loci for serum uric acid concentration.
Croat Med J 2010;51:23-31.
16. Polaek O, Jeroni I, Muli R, Klimani Z, Pehli M, Zemunik T, Koli I.
Common variants in SLC17A3 gene affect intra-personal variation in serum uric acid
levels in longitudinal time series. Croat Med J 2010;51:32-9.
17. Pattaro C, De Grandi A, Vitart V, Hayward C, Franke A, Aulchenko YS,
Johansson A, Wild SH, Melville SA, Isaacs A, Polasek O, Ellinghaus D, Kolcic I,
Nthlings U, Zgaga L, Zemunik T, Gnewuch C, Schreiber S, Campbell S, Hastie N,
Boban M, Meitinger T, Oostra BA, Riegler P, Minelli C, Wright AF, Campbell H, van
Duijn CM, Gyllensten U, Wilson JF, Krawczak M, Rudan I, Pramstaller PP;
EUROSPAN consortium. A meta-analysis of genome-wide data from five European
isolates reveals an association of COL22A1, SYT1, and GABRR2 with serum
creatinine level. BMC Med Genet 2010;11:41.
18. Kttgen A, Pattaro C, Bger CA, Fuchsberger C, Olden M, Glazer NL, Parsa A,
Gao X, Yang Q, Smith AV, O'Connell JR, Li M, Schmidt H, Tanaka T, Isaacs A,
Ketkar S, Hwang SJ, Johnson AD, Dehghan A, Teumer A, Par G, Atkinson EJ,
Zeller T, Lohman K, Cornelis MC, Probst-Hensch NM, Kronenberg F, Tnjes A,
Hayward C, Aspelund T, Eiriksdottir G, Launer LJ, Harris TB, Rampersaud E,
Mitchell BD, Arking DE, Boerwinkle E, Struchalin M, Cavalieri M, Singleton A,
Giallauria F, Metter J, de Boer IH, Haritunians T, Lumley T, Siscovick D, Psaty BM,
Zillikens MC, Oostra BA, Feitosa M, Province M, de Andrade M, Turner ST,
Schillert A, Ziegler A, Wild PS, Schnabel RB, Wilde S, Munzel TF, Leak TS, Illig T,
Klopp N, Meisinger C, Wichmann HE, Koenig W, Zgaga L, Zemunik T et al. New
loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet.
Master thesis: Prognostic parameters in low grade non-Hodgkins lymphomas,
Medical School, University of Zagreb, 1994.
PhD thesis: Adolescent pregnancy immediate and long lasting effect on offspring
development and behaviour in rats, Medical School, University of Zagreb, 1997,
Instructional texts:
1. Solomon WB. Transcriptional control of the investigation of human genes. In: Cox
TM, Sinclair T. Molecular biology in medicine. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, 2000.
60-76. (Translation of the chapter from English to Croatian - Zemunik T.)
2. Zemunik T. Medical Biology. Handbook of microscopic exercise. Split 2009. The
manual was reviewed positively by reviewers and approved as academic manual of
the University of Split.
3. Instructional text: Genetics of diabetes mellitus type 1 for medical students who
listen the elective course Genetics of diabetes. Text is available on the web:
4. Participated in the translation of 10th section: Bioenergetics and metabolizam:
mitochondria, chloroplasts and peroxisomes. In: Cooper GM, Hausman RE. Cell
molecular approach. Fourth edition (in press).
Invited professor on the University of Mostar, School of Medicine since 2007.
Founder of the Laboratory for biology within the Department of biology at the
University of Split School of Medicine.

Participated in the formation of Question Database for Medical Biology.

Last academic

July 15, 2010

Medical Biology (graduate studies of medicine and dental medicine)
Pathology (graduate studies of medicine and dental medicine)
Genetics of diabetes (elective course)
Genetic Basis of Development (elective course)
How tumors develop (elective course)
Biology of the bone (elective course)
Molecular biology in medicine (elective course - a professional nursing program)
Cytogenetics of tumors (Course on the postgraduate study: Biology of neoplasm)

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