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Enterprise Collaboration Solution

CSP (Configurable, Scalable, Parameterized)

Enterprise Resource Booking

Quick Deployable Solution

Broadcasting Solution

Low TCO Model (based on SharePoint Foundation 2010)

Smart Spread Sheet

Smart Rendering & Editing

Enhanced Clipping Solution

Role based Row & Column access

A CMMi Level 5 Company


A Smart New Way to Enterprise

To gain & maintain competitive edge, enterprises worldwide, work to enhance enterprise performance while reducing the
operational cost at the same time. This can only be achieved through enterprise wide collaboration. IntraPrise exceeds your
expectations from a collaboration platform by delivering more. It integrates fast deployable intranet solution with iClip a
research assistant and SmartList a stunningly smart spreadsheet solution. This unique combination draws strength from
each other, providing a formidable player by your side.

Built on SharePoint Foundation 2010, IntraPrise delivers you best value at absolutely competitive pricing. As a fast start
model, it comes with a workspace template for fast site creation for each domain or projects.

Intranet In A Box offers various applications, library, discussion forums, multiple RSS feeds etc. alongside various other
benefits. It has the ability to add links to existing applications like payroll, HR, service desk and so on thus providing at a
glance view of all the corporate links on the same screen.
iClip helps you to clip your research work that will involve both online as well as offline information. You can enjoy freedom
of rendering and editing the files without relevant software installed on your machine. It comes with all out of box SharePoint
features like check-in, check-out, version maintenance, etc.
SmartList is next generation spreadsheet solution that revolutionizes the way information is stored & shared. It provides role
based access to data in both rows & columns. With SmartList you save on duplicating efforts of setting system alerts. To top
it up you can set alerts on changes with cell level versioning & historical data.
With speedy commissioning & outstanding ROI, IntraPrise is a new way to enterprise

Here is how it helps you

Functionality Areas


IntraPrise IIAB (Intranet in a Box)


Enhanced Synergy

Dashboards, library, RSS feeds, discussion forum, quick links, broadcasting

Role Based Security

User based access to sites & links, group security policy, individual security policy

Enhanced Efficiency

Smart alerts section, outlook synchronization, explorer view

Resource Management

Enterprise wide access, conference room booking, transport vehicle booking

Workflow Management

Approval workflows, announcement workflow, event workflow

IntraPrise iClip

Convenient Product Design

Drag and drop almost everything from files, folders to webpage, images and even messages,
clip the information as you research it

Internet Independent Access

As it does save all the data and not just link, you dont need internet to access the content every
time you store

Smart Document Warehousing

Provides explorer view, can manage folders, connect to folders for data storage

Out-of Box Features

Since it is built on SharePoint Foundation 2010, it comes with all out-of-box features like check-in,
check-out, version management by default

Rendering & Editing

Platform independent file rendering & editing

IntraPrise SmartList

Information Security

Define secure column, define groups / individuals, provide row / column access based on login

Flawless Alert Scheduling

Define SmartDate & receive the advanced intimation through alerts in your mailbox &
dashboard, save your time of outlook

Attach Records to a Record

Attach any number of files to single record, manage data smartly

Smart Version Management

Maintains versioning at cell level

Out-of Box Features

Since it is built on SharePoint Foundation 2010, it comes with all out-of-box features like check-in,
check-out, version management by default


Enterprising Capabilities
It is a Secure Enterprise-wide Collaboration Platform that
Can be deployed real fast
Provides access to information based on login credentials
Assists you in creating sites & sub-sites up to project level
Has substantially low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and promising ROI
Provides content management at common, group and personal level
Hosts applications that cater to all personnel providing them enterprise level access
Caters to all your enterprise level communication requirements including alerts & broadcasting
It is more than a web clipper. In fact it is a research assistant that
Goes beyond clipping webpages and URLs and caters to every aspect of your research need for e.g. folders, emails, etc.
Has convenient drag & drop feature
Supports document source that includes windows explorer & Microsoft Outlook besides web browser
Provides you rich explorer view with facility to create a folders and subfolders as per your need
A version management solution that is linked to alert mechanism
And a rendering solution that allows you to view & share your work without the relevant software at the client end
And has a SmartList that goes miles ahead of Traditional Spreadsheet Solutions and provides you
A way to store your contents in rows & columns, but with access control on both
Version management at cell level coupled with alert management
Multiple attachment facility at record level
Notifications based on cell value tracking
A way to store your files in a common library environment with zero duplication efforts while sharing it with others

Key Benefits
IIAB ( Intranet-In-A-Box )
Drive down the collaboration costs and upscale the
Excellent ROI product
Enhancements over SharePoint Foundation 2010 at
competitive pricing
Adaptable solution that grows with you
Manage enterprise wide events & announcement
Enrich & engage employees across the enterprise
Configurable access for secured content sharing
Receive smart alerts on your own dashboard

Explorer view with enhancement over SharePoint
Foundation, 2010
Design your own library hierarchy
Permission based access to library
Attach all your research work with one solution that
includes outlook mails, folders, etc.
View & edit the files even without the relevant software
at the client end
Enjoy all SharePoint out of box features like check-in,
check-out, version maintenance

No need to create separate excel spreedsheets for each user group / each person based on the role
Zero duplication efforts and non productive work
Automated version management
Absolutely no chances of miscommunication and chaos
Effortless data management
Permission based access to documents
Version management & notification at cell level
Easy to assign more files for individual records
No need to create separate alerts in your calendar, SmartDate column does it for you automatically





The Digital Group

121 Village Boulevard
Princeton Forrestal Village
Princeton, NJ 08540 USA
Tel: +1.609.524.2441
Fax: +1.609.228.4844

Enterprise Document Management

Enterprise Content Management
Enterprise Search
Enterprise Information Portals
Collaborative Workflow Solutions

The Digital Group

201 South Heights Blvd
Houston, TX 77007
Tel: +1.713.568.4415
Fax: +1.713.783.0346




Digital Group InfoTech

The Pyramid
Hinjewadi, Pune 411 057
Tel: +91 20 66532051
Fax: +91 20 66532052
Digital Group InfoTech
The Pyramid
1st floor, Navayuga Inspire,
Navayuga Legala Estates Pvt Ltd
Survey No. 82(P),83 (P)& 84 (P)
Serilingampally Mandal,
Rangareddy District,
Telengana, Hyderabad
Tel: +91 20 66532051
Fax: +91 20 66532052
The Digital Group
Level 4, FNPF Place,
Suva, Fiji
Tel: +679.331.0420
Fax: +679.331.0421
The Digital Group
Level 26 & 34 , East Tower,
World Trade center,
Echelon Square
Colombo 01, Sri Lanka
Tel: +679.331.0420
+94 752 204 001
Fax: +679.331.0421

Extraction, Transformation & Load

Data Warehousing
Database Performance Management
Database Health Checks & Monitoring

Data Visualization
Business Analytics
Data Mining & Predictive Analytics
Service Oriented Architecture
Electronic Data Exchange
Data Integration
Applications Integration
eCommerce & Web Solutions
Line of Business Applications
Workflow Automation
Backoffice Automation
Financial Management
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Support Management
Human Capital Management
Project Portfolio Management


Preclusive Activeness
ISMS / ISO 27001
Risk Assessment / Audits
Gap Analysis
Vulnerability Assessment (VA)
Penetration Testing (PT)
Remediation Activeness
Network Security
Desktop / Server Security
End - Point Security
Security Product Implementation and Support
Regulatory Compliance
Case Management
Time & Billing
Process Diagnostics
Model-based Process Improvement
Focused Process Solutions
Six Sigma Methodology
Quality Management & Training
IT Governance & PMO Consulting
ITIL Process Services
IT Governance & Process Management
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
Business Process Re-engineering
Infrastructure Management
Remote Systems Management & Monitoring
Licensing Solutions
Vendor Management
Legacy Migration


Master Data Management
Call Center Services
Technical & Customer Support Services
Transaction Processing Services
Technical Writing Services
Language Translation Services


eGovernment Solutions
Electronic Web Filings
Electronic XML Filings
Records & Document Management

The Digital Group

Citigroup Center, 2 Park Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Tel: +61 2 9004 7411
Fax: +61 2 9004 7070

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 20000-1:2011

ISO 27001:2013


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