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Balancing hydro generation with

sustainable ecosystem management

M. Mul and Y. Sidib, International Water Management Institute, Ghana

F. Annor, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
E. Ofosu, M. Boateng-Gyimah and B. Ampomah, Water Resources Commission, Ghana
C. Addo, Volta River Authority, Ghana

This study investigates the opportunities to improve livelihoods of affected downstream communities by revising the operating regime of
two dams on the Lower Volta river in Ghana. Opportunities to improve downstream ecosystem services and livelihoods and their impacts
on hydropower production are investigated based on a water allocation model. Options to flood specific areas and manage saltwater
intrusion are reported, and alternative livelihood solutions for the downstream communities are recommended.

arge dam development in Africa is essential to

increase economic development through electricity generation. The technology is effective
even in areas of significant climatic variability that are
typical thoughout the continent. Despite the overall
economic benefits, sometimes local communities do
not directly share the gains.
Investment in water infrastructure has been identified
as a key contributor to the economic development of
nations [Foster and Briceo-Garmendia, 20101].
Historically, infrastructure development sometimes
failed to address fully the negative socio-economic
and environmental impacts. More recently, the potential negative impacts of dams have been highlighted
and new infrastructure developments have come under
careful scrutiny [WCD, 20002].
Many developing countries are aiming to enhance
economic development through investments in dams
for hydropower production, irrigation and flood control. As the majority of developing countries are situated in areas that are projected to be significantly
affected by climate change, storing water during
times of abundant availability and using it during
periods of drought is providing more than just an
economic incentive. However, newly constructed,
large infrastructure developments in transboundary
river basins can lead to international conflicts if they
are not well managed. Maximum advantage should
therefore be taken of opportunities to modify the
operation of existing dams to incorporate the
Fig. 1. Average
requirements of local (mostly downstream) commumonthly hydrograph, nities and to promote benefit-sharing from the infrabefore and after
structure development. This approach could potendam construction
tially increase the total benefits generated from dams
[Source of data:
[Richter and Thomas, 20073].
VRA, 201113].

The Akosombo dam on the Volta river in Ghana was

constructed in the 1960s to produce power for domestic consumption and to sell the excess power to the
Valco aluminum processing plant. This power purchase agreement was made to guarantee the repayment of the dam construction loan and to contribute to
the economic development of Ghana and the subregion. Originally, four 147 MW turbines (588 MW)
were installed at Akosombo. Two additional turbines
were later added, for a total generating capacity of
912 MW; the plant was subsequently uprated to bring
the current capacity to 1020 MW.
The 148 MW Kpong scheme was commissioned in
the early 1980s. These developments created the third
largest man-made lake, requiring the resettlement of
many local communities and altering the downstream
flow regime (see Fig. 1).
A prominent impact of the changed flow regime was
that lucrative flood recession farming areas, estimated to
total 52 000 ha, were lost [Barry et al., 20054]. The harvesting of clams around the middle sections of the Lower
Volta was no longer feasible and seasonally flooded
creeks, which were very important habitat and spawning
grounds for various fish species, were either flooded or
dried up [Tsikata, 20065]. However, clams have now reestablished at the Volta estuary and harvesting continues
although at reduced rates.
Stable water levels, low flow velocity and the discharge of untreated agricultural and domestic waste
into the river have been identified to cause increased
occurrences of aquatic weeds and water-borne diseases, such as schistosomiasis. Aquatic weeds negatively affect fishing by causing damage to nets, restricting access to the river and providing habitats to avoid
detection. But the steady flow regimes and the construction of the reservoirs have also created opportunities for irrigation development in the Lower Volta river.

1. Study area

A study to explore the consequences of modifying operation at the Akosombo and Kpong dams, to introduce a
more naturalized flow regime, was undertaken. The
improvement to ecosystem services and impact on hydro
production and other economic activities were explored.
Naturalized flow regimes were determined using statistical analyses. Impacts on hydro and current and future
irrigation developments in the Lower Volta were identified using a water allocation model [WEAP, SEI, 20126].

2. Establishing naturalized flow regimes


Water Storage & Hydropower Development for Africa, 2015

The naturalized flow regime was determined using a

combination of statistical methods complimented by
local and expert knowledge on requirements for different key ecosystem services. Statistical analyses
were done with the help of the Global Environmental
Flow Calculator (GEFC) to establish the flows for
different environmental management classes (EMC)
[Smakhtin and Eriyagama, 20087]. Flows were generated by plotting the reference hydrological conditions
in a flow duration curve (FDC). Through a shift procedure, GEFC establishes the flows for the different
EMCs, from natural rivers with minor modifications
(EMC A) to river systems where modifications have
reached a critical level (EMC F) [Smakhtin and
Eriyagama, 20087]. Using this approach, different
monthly flow requirements were established (see Fig.
2). The approach assumes that the system is negatively affected by increasing abstractions, in this particular case, modifications are caused by changes in flow
regime, reduction in peak flows and increases in low
flows. The restoration hydrographs that were used in
this study could use the GEFC approach for the wet
season, but flows during the dry season were
increased to account for the constant annual flow.
Key indicators for environmental flow requirements
include the extent of a flood (area and specific important locations, such as creeks) and duration. Flood
maps developed for the Volta River Authority emergency preparedness plan [VRA, 20118] were used to
identify the flows at which key ecosystems are flooded. For example, for the fisheries, seasonal flooding
of creeks lasting two to three months is very important [Tsikata, 20065]. Additional constraints were
incorporated, such as domestic and irrigation requirements, as well as sustaining a level of base flow to
keep saltwater intrusion out of domestic and irrigation
Additional considerations were made regarding
aquatic weeds and health, although little is known
about the flow requirements needed to eliminate or
reduce the occurrence of aquatic weeds and health
impacts. Increasing flow velocity and fluctuations of
the water level and increasing salt water intrusion
were assumed to be beneficial for aquatic weed reduction and increasing health; however this can also
potentially impact domestic water supply near the
The environmental flow scenarios that were developed were based on the reference situation, EMC A
and EMC B, each restoring some of the river dynamics (for example, the flood season flow is higher than
the current average flow regime). The scenarios for
the environmental flow requirements that are used in
the model are shown in Fig. 3 and include hydropower optimization (releasing a steady flow for optimal
hydropower production equal to roughly 1000 m3/s).
Two other scenarios consider EMC A and B as
defined by Smakhtin and Eriyagama [20087]. Both
scenarios compensate a reduction in the peak season
with an equivalent increase during the dry season.

This scenario, calculated by the GEFC, mimics the natural flow regime with seasonal flooding during
September and October. It is therefore, similar to the
values for the EM class A: natural river with minor
modifications. The wet season flow exceeds 3000 m3/s,
which is sufficient to flood some of the creeks for two
months of the year. The dry season flows are reduced
such that the total annual flows are similar to the current
annual flow. Hydro production is expected to be affected as fewer turbines will be able to run.

2.2 EMC A

Fig. 2. Monthly flow

hydrograph for the
management classes
for the Lower Volta
River as defined by
Smakhtin and
Eriyagama [20087].

This scenario is similar to the previous one, however it

assumes values of the EM class B (slightly modified
river). Similarly the dry season flows are reduced to
cater for an increased flow during the wet season. Wet
season flows are below the bank full capacity, limiting
the damage caused by flooding.

2.3 EMC B

Recent developments in the Lower Volta basin include

public and private irrigation schemes, cage fishing,
various domestic water supply intakes, and infrastructure developments taking place in the floodplain.
Current water use is a fraction of the flow in the Lower
Volta (6 m3/s compared with 1000 m3/s). Plans for future
water use include developing the Accra Plains for irriga-

3. Other water users and demands

Fig. 3. Monthly
flow hydrographs
for the three

This scenario considers releases that are similar to the

current way the dam is operated, with the main aim of
optimizing hydropower production, by operating all
turbines at their maximum capacity. This results in a
steady flow regime downstream of the dam. This is the
most altered flow regime of the scenarios.

2.1 Hydropower optimization

Water Storage & Hydropower Development for Africa, 2015


Several versions of the WEAP model have been

developed for planning purposes in the Volta basin.
These are mostly updates of previous versions with
WEAP as a stand-alone software or coupled with
SWAT with various climate change scenarios
[McCartney et al., 201211]. The first version was
developed by Andah et al. [200312] to assess the
impacts of climate change and climate variability on
global food production and security, environment
and livelihoods, and to link these impacts to similar
effects on a basin level. This was done to develop
and promote adaptation strategies for food and environment, to alleviate the negative impacts on a basin
scale. The current version (which is the first daily
operational model developed using WEAP) was set
up to simulate the reoperation of the Akosombo and
Kpong dams using historic data from 1965 to 2013
and projected to 2020. Available data consisted of
water level, storage-elevation curves, and releases
from the dams. Net inflows were computed using the
daily mass balance approach for the Akosombo dam
and Kpong run-of-river hydropower scheme using
Eqs. 1 and 2 respectively.

4. Water Allocation model, WEAP

The Akosombo dam

and 912 MW
powerplant, on the
Volta river, Ghana.

Fig. 4. Schematic of
the Reoperation
WEAP Model for
the Volta basin.

tion with estimates ranging from 5000 to 150 000 ha

[GIDA, 20109]. Future irrigation water requirements for
the entire area, based on average crop water requirements for bananas, rice and vegetables [FAO, 199210],
are less than 15 per cent of the average flow in the Lower
Volta. Another important water user is the Ghana Water
Company Ltd, which requires about 155 000 m3/day of
water from the Kpong headpond for domestic water use
in the capital, Accra. Other challenges are infrastructure
affected by the flooding of the flood plain, and the effects
of high flow velocity on cage fishing and salt water
intrusion on the intakes.

Net inflow = final storage - initial storage + release


Net inflow= final storage - initial storage + release from

Akosombo + release


The storage volumes were computed from the volume-elevation curve using the observed water levels
recorded. The focus of the model was on the Lower
Volta inflows and downstream uses including
hydropower production, domestic use (Kpong treatment plant), agriculture and environmental flows (with
the various EMCs). The schematic of the model is
shown in Fig. 4. EMC A and EMC B are referred to as
EMC Class A and EMC Class B in the figures respectively.
Figs. 5 and 6 present the results from the WEAP
model for three scenarios, which show that the different environmental flows (EMCs) will result in a
reduction of hydro generation on an annual basis of

Fig. 5. Hydropower
(Akosombo and
Kpong combined)
for the two EMCs.

Water Storage & Hydropower Development for Africa, 2015

Fig. 6. Hydropower production for the year 2013 at Akosombo and Kpong for the
various EMCs.
Hydropower capacity (MW) for daily time step in 2013
The 148 MW Kpong hydro plant, commissioned on the Volta
river in the 1980s.

between approximately 10 and 50 per cent, compared

with when the schemes are optimized for hydropower production. The difference is most apparent during
years with low flows. The results show that there is a
trade-off between providing modified environmental
flow and hydropower generation. The current irrigation schemes are not affected, because the demand is
less than 1 per cent of the release from Akosombo
(400 to 1000 m3/s). Irrigating for 24 hours daily at a
rate of 6 m3/s does not affect hydropower generation.
Incorporating the future water requirements (estimated to be 95 to 110 m3/s) for irrigation also does not
affect hydropower supply from Akosombo when the
intake is below the dam. However, Kpong hydro production is affected as the intake for the irrigation system is located at the Kpong headpond.
Satisfying the various EMCs implies using the dam
spillway during the flood season and shutting down
some turbines during the dry season. As mentioned
earlier, Akosombo and Kpong have installed capacities
of 1020 MW and 148 MW respectively. Using the year
2013 as an example, the Table (above right) shows the
percentage of the installed capacity that could be operated with the different EMCs.
The study shows that modifying the downstream
release flow of the two dams in the Lower Volta river
might reduce hydropower generation. The current
model set-up does not consider economic use for the
water flows released through the spillway. A comparison of economic losses from reduced hydropower production versus potential economic gains to downstream communities should be made before a decision
on the feasibility of re-operating the dams is taken. In
addition, it should be investigated whether water
released through the spillway could be used for
hydropower generation.
Current developments in Ghana and West Africa
have highlighted the importance of hydropower and in
particular the Akosombo and Kpong dams in the electricity supply of Ghana and the region. It will therefore
probably not be feasible to reduce power generation.
To help ensure that the benefits of these important
schemes are shared, alternative livelihood solutions

5. Conclusions and recommendations

Water Storage & Hydropower Development for Africa, 2015














Installed capacity in operation

(per cent)





for the downstream communities should be explored.

This could include developing the area of land demarcated for irrigation in the Accra Plains and using the
water downstream of Kpong.


The Akosombo Reoperation and Reoptimization Project was

financed by the African Water Facility of the African
Development bank.


1. Foster, V. and Briceo-Garmendia, C., Africas

infrastructure; a time for transformation. African
development forum series. World Bank; 2010.


2. WCD, Dams and development; a new framework for

decision-making. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London and
Sterling, UK; 2000.

3. Richter, B.D., and Thomas G.A. Restoring environmental

flows by modifying dam operations; Ecology and Society,
No. 12, 2007.

4. Barry, B., Obuobie, E., Andreini, M., Andah, W., Pluquet,

M., Comparative study of river basin development and
management. Comprehensive assessment of water
management in agriculture series. The Volta River

5. Tsikata, D., Living in the shadow of the large dams, long

term responses of downstream and lakeside communities of
Ghanas Volta River Project. African Social Studies Series
(Published by Brill, Leiden & Boston); 2006.

6. SEI., Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP),

Tutorial; 2012.

7. Smakhtin, V. and Eriyagama, N., Developing a software

package for global desktop assessment of environmental
flows. Environmental Modelling and Software 23, 1396
1406; 2008.
8. VRA, Emergency preparedness plan for the Akosombo dam
and Kpong dam final EPP report; 2011.

9. GIDA., Detailed feasibility study of Accra Plains irrigation

project, 200 000 ha. Final Report; 2010.


10. FAO., A computer program for irrigation planning and

management (CROPWAT). FAO Irrigation and Drainage
Paper No. 46. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome,
Italy; 1992.

11. McCartney, M., Forkuor, G., Sood, A., Amisigo, B.,

Hattermann, F., Muthuwatta, L., The water resource
implications of changing climate in the Volta river
basin,International Water Management Institute (IWMI);
12. Andah W.E.I., van de Giesen N., Biney C.A., Water,
climate, food, and environment in the Volta basin.
Contribution to the ADAPT project. Adaptation strategies to
changing environments; 2003.

13. VRA., Database on monthly flow discharge 1936-2011,

Senchi gauging station and Akosombo plant flow; 2011.

Water Resources Commission (WRC), Water rights database;



M. Mul

Y. Sidib

F. Annor

E. Ofosu

M. Boateng-Gyimah

B. Ampomah

Marloes Mul has an MSc and PhD from the faculty of Civil
Engineering at Delft University of Technology, in The
Netherlands. She has worked for the UNESCO-IHE Institute
for Water Education, where she was involved in various
educational, capacity building and research projects in Africa
and South-East Asia focusing on issues such as water
allocation, addressing and resolving transboundary water
issues, small and large dams, integrated natural resource
management and integrated water resources management.
Currently, she works for the International Water Management
Institute in Accra, Ghana, she is involved in several research
projects dealing with dam operations, and natural and built
infrastructure in the West Africa region.

Yoro Sidib has a degree in Water and Environmental

Engineering from 2iE in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and a
PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of
Montpellier, France. After his PhD he held a post-doctoral
position at the Basque Center for Climate Change and
developed a conceptual model to show the values of soil
biodiversity based on a production function approach. He is
currently a post-doctoral researcher at the International Water
Management Institute in Accra, Ghana.
IWMI Ghana, PMB CT 112, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana.

Frank Annor has a BSc from the Kwame Nkrumah

University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi,
Ghana and an MSc from the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water
Education in Water Resources Management. He currently
works in the Civil Engineering Department at KNUST and is
pursuing his PhD studies at Delft University of Technology,
focusing on small reservoirs in the Volta basin. He is also the
West Africa coordinator for TAHMO, an initiative to install
more than 20 000 weather stations across Africa.
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Accra Road, Kumasi, Ghana.

Eric Ofosu graduated in Civil Engineering from Kwame

Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi,
Ghana and has a PhD from the UNESCO-IHE Institute for
Water Education and Delft University of Technology. Currently
he is a lecturer at the Energy and Environmental Engineering
department at the University of Energy and Natural Resources
in Sunyani, Ghana. He has been involved in various water
resources management and WASH research projects in Ghana
and the sub-region.
Maxwell Boateng-Gyimah has a degree in Applied Physics
from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
in Kumasi, Ghana and an MSc in Water Resources
Engineering and Management from the University of Stuttgart
in Germany. He has worked with the Water Resources
Commission and the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN-PACO) in Burkina Faso and currently works
with the Ghana Country Water Partnership as the Programme
Manager of WACDEP; he is also the Executive Secretary of
the Secretariat.

Ben Ampomah is the Executive Secretary at the Water

Resources Commission in Accra, Ghana. He has an MPhil in
Development Studies, a BA in Economics and a Diploma in
Education from the Cape Coast University. He worked for the
Water Resources Commission for almost 10 years, the Water
Research Institute of the CSIR for almost 10 years, and the
Ghana Investments Promotion Centre for more than three years.
He has significant experience in the Ghanaian water sector
including expertise in policy development, environmental
economic analysis, strategic development and planning,
international/transboundary relations, institutional analysis and
capacity building (including coaching and mentoring).

Water Resources Commission, Leshie Crescent, Accra, Ghana.

C. Addo

Charles Addo is currently a Manager of System Planning, an

engineering unit for the Volta River Authority in Akuse,
Ghana. He has worked at the VRA for more than 20 years on
a number of projects in the Volta basin including hydropower,
biodiversity and general water management.

Electro-Volta House 28th February Road, PO Box MB 77,

Accra, Ghana.


Water Storage & Hydropower Development for Africa, 2015

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