Distance Education at Hyderabad Central University

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The University of Hyderabad started offering Post Graduate Diploma Programmes

through distance mode since 1994. The target groups identified for these
Programmes are (a) In service personnel looking forward to improve their skills and
knowledge to enable to go up in the ladder in their own organisation or elsewhere
and (b) Fresh graduate intending to improve their chances of employments on
successful completion of these programmes.

S. No. Name


Contact No.


Prof. S. Jeelani


24600265 / 23010849


Smt . M. Premalatha

Section Officer

24600264 / 203


Smt. T. Prabhavathi

Pesonnel Assistant

24600265 / 201


Sri A. Kondaiah

Office Assistant

24600265 / 209


Smt. A.P. Rohini Devi


24600264 / 205

Name of Course



P.G. Diploma in Project

P.G. Diploma in Business

Name of Co-ordinator /
Associate Co-ordinator

Number Office

Dr. Mary Jessica


Prof. B. Raja Shekhar


Dr. G.V.R.K. Acharyulu


Dr. V. Uma
P.G. Diploma in Library Automation
& Networking
Mr. R. Pommal Rao
Dr. R. Nagarajan


P.G. Diploma in Chemical Analysis


& Quality Management


P.G. Diploma in Cyber Laws &

Intellectual Property Rights


P.G. Diploma Communicative


Dr. P. K. Panda


Dr. Rajeev Wankar


Mrs. Nagamani


Prof. Panchanan Mohanty


Dr. Gandhi P.C Kaza



P. G. Diploma in Criminal Justice &

Forensic Science
Prof. I. Ramabrahmam



P. G. Diploma in Telecommunication Dr. S. V. S. Nageswara Rao



P. G. Diploma in Governance

Prof. I. Ramabrahmam



P. G. Diploma in Medicinal Botony Prof. K.Shehagiri Rao



P. G. Diploma in Human Rights

Prof. G. Sudharshanam


Prof. S. Chaturvedi



P. G. Diploma in Translation Studies

in Hindi
Dr. M. Shyam Rao

PGDPM (Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management)
PGDLAN (P.G. Diploma in Library Automation & Networking)
PGDCAQM (Post-Graduate Diploma in Chemical Analysis & Quality
PGDCL&IPR (P.G.Diploma in Cyber Laws & Intellectual Property Rights)
PGDBM (Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management)
PGDCE (Post-Graduate Diploma in Communicative English)
PGDCJ&FS (Post-Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Science)
PGDG (Post-Graduate Diploma in Governance)
PGDHR (Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights)
PGDTSH (Post-Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies in Hindi)
PGDTC (Post-Graduate Diploma in Tele-Communications)
PGDMB (Post-Graduate Diploma in Medicinal Botony)
1. Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM)

Introduction :The programme is aimed at imparting knowledge and skills in Project

Planning and Management. The programme offers courses that span the macroeconomic environment of projects, principles of management and functional areas
of management among others. The course is uniquely designed to provide the most
refined skills in understanding economic aspects of planning coupled with
managerial aspects. It addresses the professional needs of managers, executives and
industrialists engaged in planning, management and execution of projects of varied
nature by providing them with the necessary theoretical orientation and also
discussion and analysis of practical problems in project appraisal/feasibility, apart
from management of finance, marketing and human resources.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DPM 411 : Managerial Economics & Planning
DPM 412 : Principles of Management
DPM 413 : Accounting & Financial Management
DPM 414 : Principles of Marketing Management
Term II: (July - December)
DPM 421 : Human Resources Management
DPM 422 : Project Appraisal & Management
DPM 423 : Project Finance & Implementation
DPM 424 : Project Work
While DPM 411 focuses on basic economic / statistical tools to analyze and
understand the working of an economy in general and seeks to portray the economic
environment in which projects have to be initiated and implemented, DPM 412
familiarizes the candidate with general principles of management which form the
foundations to understanding managerial processes and decision making. Courses
DPM 413, DPM 414, DPM 421 aim at developing the skills in functional areas which
permeate into the activities of managers day in and day out. While course 422 deals
with idea generation, screening feasibility studies implementation and review of
projects more from the technical and commercial perspective, DPM 423 deals with
financing of project and their implementation. These apart, as part of course DPM
424, students would be required to take up an individual project wherein they can
practically apply their understating and knowledge of the entire subject of Project
The Project Report must contain?
1. A brief description of the area of specialization related to project planning
and management.
2. Objective and the expectations.

3. Identify the tools, theory or methods utilized from the total program.
4. Analysis & interpretation report preparation.
5. Conclusions & recommendations based on the objectives stated in the
6. This programme is being offered by faculty members of the School of
Management Studies besides a large number of distinguished resource
persons drawn from industry & academia. The School of Management
Studies, sanctioned by the UGC commenced functioning from May 1999. It
offers an AICTE approved two-year full-time residential MBA programme
and a Ph.D. programme in Management Studies. Its faculty organizes oncampus seminars & actively participates in External Seminars, Executive &
Faculty Development & PG programmes.
Co-ordinator : Dr. Mary Jessica, Ph.D., (Osmania) School of Management Studies,
University of Hyderabad. e-mail: jessysms@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23135005
2. P. G. Diploma in Library Automation & Networking (PGDLAN)
Introduction : The programme aims at equipping the students in various operations
of the Library Automation and Networking. The programme enables the students to
get hands-on-experience in Library Automation environment & Networking aspects
during the contact programmes. At the end of the Programme, the students would
become familiar with H/W, S/W planning and organizing various techniques in
library automation & Networking. Separate Center for competency in digital
libraries and e-learning Lab facility is available for PGDLAN Students.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DLAN 411 : Introduction to Information Technology
DLAN 412 : Information Systems
DLAN 413 : Bibliographic Database Management Systems
Term II: (July - December)
DLAN 421 : Library Automation
DLAN 422 : Library Networks
DLAN 423 : Dissertation /Project Work
The 'Indira Gandhi Memorial Library' was established in the year 1975. By 1995 it
became the first fully computerized library in the country. It has several
distinctions, being the FIRST University Library to computerize other libraries,
First Library providing network based library services to the entire university, the
FIRST to become the governing member of the OCLC, the FIRST to have
Electronic Surveillance System, the FIRST to install Biometric Finger PRINT

Attendance System, the FIRST in starting POST Graduate Diploma in Library

Automation Networking Course in 1998 with greater emphasis on practical training
for which 20 computers lab was established. Now, the course content is revised fully
from this year 2005. Further Library head towards Digitization in India.
The library collection consists of 2,25,600 books, 600 Journals, 78,040 Back Volume
of Journals, 3,600 Theses and Dissertations and over 18,000 e-Journals. The
National Board of Higher Mathematics has recognized IGM Library as a Regional
Library and INFLIBNET has included as one of the Six Document Delivery Centre
from the country.
The library has extensive IT facilities to support the academic and research
activities. They include a SUN Enterprise 3500, DEC Alpha server and Pentium IV
Systems (70 members), printers, Procom CD server, 125 Digibook Scanner, flatbed
and handheld scanners etc. Library operating system environment has Solaris,
UNIX, Linux and Windows NT. Library?s LAN is connected on to the Campus
Wide Network. The database is made available for access over the Internet through
Web OPAC. 30PCs are placed at the entrance lobby for OPAC, e-mail and internet
browsing including access to e-journals, 4 systems are placed near the stack area
exclusively for Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). All the professional library
staff members are trained to handle various modules of the library software. All the
library users are provided orientation to operate computers for searching
information resources.
The library has most innovative CD Server compatible with window NT, Netware,
Unix and OS/2 network, as well as the IPX and TCP/IP protocols. The books,
journals, database are being captured into the CD Server regularly and placed on
university LAN. Two popular databases viz EBSCO and Chemical Abstract is
extensively used by the academic community. Library is a member of UGCINFONET under which we have access to over 2000 Highly focused e-journals. The
library has created a model Digital Library with special funding from the UGC and
in collaboration with M/s. SUN Microsystems, a well known hardware firm in the
USA. University signed MoUs with these firms with their investments and support.
Co-ordinator : Dr. Ms. V. Uma, Assistant Librarian,(Sr. Scale) IGM Library,
University of Hyderabad. e-mail vulib@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23132619
Associate Co-ordinator: Mr. R. Pommal Rao, Assistant Librarian (Sr. Scale), IGM
Library, University of Hyderabad. e-mail: rplib@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23132622
3. Post-graduate Diploma in Chemical Analysis & Quality Management
Introduction : PGDCAQM Programme is being offered with effect from January
2000 to provide Theoretical and Practical background to the students in Chemical
Analysis, Quality Control and Management. This programme is mainly designed,

keeping in view the great demand for the trained personnel in Chemical Analysis
and Quality Control aspects of the Industrial Units, Analytical Labs, Research Labs,
etc. The Programme has 5 courses dealing with Theoretical aspects and one Lab
course which consists of a workshop familiarizing instruments and data analysis.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
AQM 411 : Basics of Analytical Science & Electronics
AQM 412 : Instrumental Methods - I
AQM 413 : Instrumental Methods - II
Term II: (July - December)
AQM 421 : Instrumental Methods - III
AQM 422 : Quality Control & Quality Management
AQM 423 : Laboratory Practice/Workshop
**Workshop **: Demonstration of various instruments and Computer used
packages. Analysis of UV-vis, IR,NMR, Mass spectra; X-ray powder patterns and
Co-ordinator: Dr. R. Nagarajan Associate Professor School of Chemistry, UOH.
Phone No. 040-23134831 E-mail: nagarajan@uohyd.ac.in
Associate Co-ordinator : Prof. P.K.Panda Associate Professor Phone No. 04023134818 E-mail: pkpsc@uohyd.ernet.in
4. P.G.Diploma in Cyber Laws & Intellectual Property Rights (PGDCL & IPR)
Introduction and Future Prospects : With the availability of easy access to the
Internet facility, a world of change is expected in the field of business & commerce
in India. There is right now a number of business portals available catering to the
B2B and B2C segments of e-commerce. Also, Internet Banking is gaining in
popularity; again banks are getting their branches networked and plans are afoot to
get the major Banks connected for speedy and hassle-free transactions, so much so,
the era e-banking has begun and is expected to grow fast. Meanwhile, the concept of
e-governance has taken roots and the several e-seva centers are testimony for its
success though there is scope for much more to be done in this area.
While the technological developments in the fields cited above go ahead at a fast
pace, the fact remains that a congenial Legal Environment is mandatory to extend a
legal support to the developments on the technical front. The Government of India
has, on the anvil, a number of bills to provide a Legal Environment in which ecommerce/ e-banking transactions can take place; so much so, when any disputes

arise in such transactions, there would be legal remedies readily available. The first
step in this direction is the enactment of the IT Act 2000, which came into force from
17th October 2000. This act accords a legal status to Electronic records through
Digital Signatures, empowers Certifying Authorities to issue Digital Signatures
Certificates; also the Act provides for a Cyber Appellate Tribunal as the appellate
It is unfortunate that transactions done on the Internet have left a scope for Cyber
Crime: It is well known that Viruses, spread through the Internet at lightning speed
data and disabling a vast array of net-worked computers. Also the Internet has
become a haven for brainy crooks to hack into computer systems at their will and
swindle the banks, E-mails give scope for sensational news to spread very fast as
evidenced by the run on a couple of banks in recent times. While we have to live
with cyber Crime, surely ways must be found to track such Cyber Criminals and
punish them. The IT Act has provided good scope to deal with Cyber Offences, the
penalties & punishments to be given.
All these developments have left us to address a situation wherein Legal Personnel
have to gain an intelligent understanding of the Internet, use of Computers, Digital
Signatures and the Security aspects of e-commerce transactions. The software
personnel developing the different applications in e-commerce, e-banking & egovernance should have a good appreciation and understanding of the Legal setup
in which they function and the implications of the important Cyber Laws that affect
the software development.
India is a signatory to the TRIPS (Trade related Intellectual Property Rights)
agreement of WTO; this has given a new vigour to the development of appropriate
Legislation for Intellectual Property Rights. It has become mandatory to amend our
IPR Laws (Patent Law & Copyright Laws, for example) in consonance with the
model-laws evolved by the TRIPS agreement & the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO). India is a signatory to the patent cooperation Treaty of
WIPO. All this has given a new relevance to the Intellectual Property Rights for
Scientists, Technologies and Software Personnel.
This inter disciplinary course is designed to address the needs of the Legal
Community as also of Scientists, Technologists, Software Personnel explaining to
them the Technical and Legal issue of Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Rights.
It is designed to be a bridge-course wherein Legal Personnel are taught the
intricacies of Computers and security Management while Software personnel are
taught the essential legal subjects of relevance to their profession. Also Intellectual
Property Rights are given a pride of place in the course because of their enhanced
status and relevance both to the Scientific and Legal Community. To the best our
knowledge, this is the first such course in the country offering an inter-disciplinary
approach to both Cyber Laws and the Intellectual Property Rights.

Computer Lab: Classes are conducted during the Contact Classes and/or based on
adequate response from the participants, before and after the contact classes, for an
extended period. The computer lab classes will be conducted in the recently
developed Cyber Security and IPR Lab. In addition to the usual lab classes in MSOffice, C-Language, we have introduced Lab sessions in Legal Databases, Hacking
and its prevention, Encryption and Decryption of Digital Signatures based on RSAalgorithm and accessing the Patent Database etc. the participants should appreciate
that hands-on Lab experience is an integral and important part of the course
structure. Also, participants are given free access to the internet and encouraged to
visit relevant Legal sites for Case Law developed and Project work.
It is expected that Legal Process Out-sourcing (LPO) would be flourishing in India
in the near future; this requires a strong background in the International Law
aspects of the different subjects. This course is unique as we emphasize
International Law in Part I of each subject.
The course would be an important additional Qualification for Professional
employment opportunities for the Legal Personnel with Solicitors and Advocates
specializing in cyber laws and IPR Laws. Also Software Personnel would find
opportunities for employment as Patent Agents and with Patent-cells of the Software
Organizations. Some of our participants found employment with reputed firms of
Solicitors and some others are pursuing L.L.M. in different Universities in U.K.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DCL 411 : Introduction to Computers & Personal Productivity Software
DCL 412 : Computer Network, Internet Tools and Security Management
DCL 413 : Legal Organizational Structure / International Organizations
DCL 414 : Introduction to Business Laws Contract Law / Corp.law & Laws of
Crimes & Torts
DCL 415 : Introduction to IPR with WIPO (TRIPS)
DCL 416 : Introduction to E-commerce / E-Banking/ E-Governance-Technical &
Legal Issues
The course DCL - 412 & 415 are compulsory. Two Optional Courses from the rest
four are to be taken to complement the knowledge of the participant: as such, the
required courses would be Four for this term.
Term II: (July - December)
DCL 421 : Cyber Crime & Cyber Forensics: Advanced Topics with relevant
Provisions of IT Act 2000.
DCL 422 : Part I: Electronic Records / Digital Signatures & Certificates / Certifying
Authorities of IT Act 2000.

Part II: Digital Signatures Specialised Topics

DCL 423 : Cryptology & Public Key Infrastructure / IPR Issues in Integrated
Circuits, Software and Data protection.
DCL 424 : Copyright & Related Rights International Law Copyright & Related
Rights & Indian Legislation
DCL 425 : Patents / Trade Marks / Industrial Designs International Law of Patents
Trademarks & Industrial Designs & Indian Legislation
DCL 426 : Project Work
Co-ordinator : Dr. Rajeev Wankar, School of Computer and Information Sciences,
University of Hyderabad. e-mail: rajeev.wankar@gmail.com Ph: 040-23134107
Associate Co-ordinator: Mrs. Nagamani, School of Mathematics, Computer
Sciences / Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad. e-mail:
nagamanics@uohyd.ernet.in Ph:040-23134018
5. Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM)
Introduction : This postgraduate diploma is being offered to cater to the needs of the
rapidly growing industries in the Globalized economy. The Programme is mainly
targeted for the individuals who wanted to experience various emerging issues in the
field of Business Management. The course is useful to the employees of public sector
and private sector to enhance their problem solving and decision making skills. The
diploma is designed to satisfy the needs of the individuals to pursue their further
Education in the field of Management. It also addresses the professional needs of
managers and executives in dealing with day to day business/managerial problems.
The Programme has twelve courses. The courses DBM 411,412,413,414,415 and 416
are offered in the 1st term. The courses include Principles of Management &
Organizational Behavior, Marketing Management, Financial & Management
Accounting, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems and
Quantitative & Research Methods.
The Programme has twelve courses. The courses DBM 411,412,413,414,415 and 416
are offered in the 1st term. The courses include Principles of Management &
Organizational Behavior, Marketing Management, Financial & Management
Accounting, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems and
Quantitative & Research Methods.There are six courses offered in the second term.
Among these Strategic Management and Operations Management are two
compulsory courses and the student has to choose three elective courses of his choice
from the list given below. The sixth paper in II term i.e. DBM 440 is a project report,
which is to be submitted by every student. The objective of the project report is to
bridge the gap between the theory and practice. This is to be prepared based on the
inputs obtained in two terms along with their industrial exposure. This programme
is offered by the faculty members of the School of Management Studies besides a
large number of resource persons drawn from industry.

This Programme will have the following structure:

Term I: (January - June)
DBM 411 : Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour
DBM 412 : Marketing Management
DBM 413 : Financial and Management Accounting
DBM 414 : Human Resource Management
DBM 415 : Management Information Systems
DBM 416 : Quantitative and Research Methods
Term II: (July - December)
DBM 421 : Strategic Management
DBM 422 : Operations Management
DBM 423 to 435 : Three Electives to be choosen from 13 Electives from 423 to 435
DBM 440 : Project Report
Electives :
DBM 423: Customer Relationship Management
DBM 424: Marketing of Services
DBM 425: Promotion and Distribution Management
DBM 426: Supply Chain Management
DBM 427: Decision Analysis
DBM 428: Quality Management
DBM 429: Security Analysis And Portfolio Management
DBM 430: Financial Risk Management
DBM 431: Strategic Financial Management
DBM 432: Team Building and Leadership
DBM 433: Management of Change-Organizational Development
DBM 434: Performance Management and Counselling
DBM 435: Project Management
Co-ordinator : Prof. B. Rajasekhar, School of Management Studies, University of
Hyderabad. e-mail: brsms@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23135003
Associate Co-ordinator : Dr. G.V.R. Acharyulu, Ph.D.(Osmania) School of
Management Studies, University of Hyderabad. e-mail: brsms@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph:
6. Post-Graduate Diploma in Communicative English (PGDCE)
Introduction and Future Prospects : The course is meant for those who intend to
develop further skills in English and make a career in the areas like teaching, call
centre, receptionists, newspapers, banks, films, visual and print media, advertising,

judiciary, industrial enterprises, trade negotiations, railways, hospitals, military,

tele-conferences, software companies, and so on.
The programme is offered by the Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation
Studies with active help of the senior faculty from the Department of English,
University of Hyderabad and Central Institute for English and Foreign Languages,
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DCE 411 : Language & Communication
DCE 412 : Effective Speech
DCE 413 : Written Communication
Term II: (July - December)
DCE 421 : Using Resources for Learning English
DCE 422 : Advanced Reading Skills
DCE 423 : Advanced Writing Skills (with Project Report)
Co-ordinator : Prof. Panchanan Mohanty, Ph.D.(Berhampur), Departmrnt of
linguistics,(CALTS), University of Hyderabad. e-mail:
panchananmohanty@rediffmail.com, Ph: 040-23133650
7. Post-Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice & Forensic Science (PGDCJ&FS)
Introduction : Despite the advances in science and Technology and Establishment of
well equipped Forensic Science institutions at state and central government level
and well structured Justice System from Supreme Court to High courts and local
courts, the common man in India is still lamenting that the nature and quality of
Justice available to them is far from satisfactory.
At the national and state level, many changes are being brought about at various
levels to ensure justice to all in judicial, police, prosecution and Forensic Science
administration, but with a limited success.
This will be a one year Diploma course consisting of six courses; three courses each
in two semesters. The first semester is dedicated to criminal justice component and
the second semester to Forensic sciences.
Each course consists of 15 units of academic inputs. Each course carries hundred
marks for end of course evaluation, totaling to 600 marks.
This Programme will have the following structure:

Term I: (January - June)

CJ&FS 411 : Society, Culture and Crime
CJ&FS 412 : Criminal law and other related subjects
CJ&FS 413 : Criminal justice Institutions and Processes
Term II: (July - December)
CS&FS 421 : Introduction to Forensic Science & Forensic Physical Sciences
CJ&FS 422 : Forensic Chemical & Biological Sciences
CJ&FS 423 : Forensic Medicine
Co-ordinator : Dr. Gandhi P.C.Kaza, Ph.D. Founder, Chairman, Truth Foundation
& Crime Stoppers Foundation, India. e-mail: gandhi@truthlabs.org, Ph: 04023390999
Associate Co-ordinator : Prof. I. Ramabraham, Ph.D., Department of Political
Sciences, University of Hyderabad. Ph: 040-23133226
8. P.G. Diploma in Governance (PGDG)
Introduction : Governance has come to define one of the frontier areas of reach in
the social sciences. There is growing interest in the political and policy domain
concerning the meaning and content governance in a globalizing world. Governance
issues have serious policy implementations in terms of reform of public institutions
towards greater transparency, efficiency and accountability. Civil society groups call
for a more inclusive and participatory governance thus restoring to governance
issues a political dimension. Thus the significance of governance as an emerging
area of research and practice cannot be overemphasized.
Objectives/Target groups : This post graduate diploma aims to give Post-graduate
students a cutting edge by training them to think and write about governance using
their own disciplinary training, be it in sociology or economics or history or political
science. It is also oriented to college teachers who may wish to enhance their skills
and reorient their teaching interests. It is also aimed at professionals (advocates,
entrepreneurs) and administrators who may be interested in issues such as best
practice and accountability as well as E-governance.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DG 411 : Governance--Theories and Concepts
DG 412 : Public Management
DG 413 : Themes and Issues in Governance

Term II: (June - January)

DG 421 : E-Governance
DG 422 : International Governance
DG 423 : Project Work
Co-ordinator: Prof. I. Ramabrahamam, Ph.D., Department of Political Sciences,
University of Hyderabad. e-mail: rbi.pdg@gmail.com, Ph. 040-23133226
\n , Ph.: 040-23133257
9. Post-Graduate Diploma in Medicinal Botony (PGDMB)
9.17 Medicinal Botany
The beneficial uses of plants to the human health have along been recognized by
traditional cultures all over the world and the subject of science is called Medicinal
Botany. Such Potent natural remedies have recently gained enormous popularity in
both development and developing countries, creating a multi-million dollar business
for the medical and pharmaceutical industries. But to take advantage of the
opportunities in this rapidly growing field, we need to understand how to identify,
collect, propagate, develop and market these important botanical resource. This
course will educate and give information on all these aspects of Medicinal Botany.
The Post Graduate Diploma in Medicinal Botany will cover the information and
techniques you need to development the economic and medical potential of these
valuable plant products. The course in the diploma are contributed by experts in the
areas and will give the knowledge and practical experience focusing on
identification, collection and preservation, crop production natural product
extraction, processing, quality control, new product development, marketing and
Intellectual Property Rights.
This program is designed for Forest and Agricultural scientists and officers
Extension specialists and agent, New crop researchers, Pharmaceutical and industry
representatives, Government officers, Graduate students, Private producer and
Term-I :
DBM 411 : Introduction & History of Medicinal Botany
DBM 412 : Taxonomy & Identification of Plants
DBM 413 : Plant Diversity & Conservation
Term-II :
DBM 421 : Plant Products in Medicine
DBM 422 : Biology, Cultivation and Post-Harvest Technology of Prioritized

Medicinal Plants
DBM 423 : Collection Analysis, Trade & Biotechnology of Medicinal Plants.
Co-ordinator : Prof. Kottapalli Seshagiri Rao, Ph.D.(UH), School of Life Sciences,
University of Hyderabad. e-mail: kssl@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23134504
10. Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights (PGDHR)
Introduction : The Programme has been conceived and designed by Human Rights
Programme of the Department of Political Science under the School of Social
Sciences. Now the Human Rights Programme is supported by the UGC under
'University with potential for Excellence' Programme. The Department of Political
Science has been offering programmes of study leading to M.A., M.Phil & Ph.D
degrees since 1979. The department offers a well balanced course of study at all
levels incorporating international relations, human rights, rural development, state
and civil society, comparative and area studies, Indian Government and politics,
political theory, public administration, public policy, so on. The department has
been recognized for Special Assistance Programme supported by University Grants
Commission in Human Rights. There is also special assistance for International
relations and Political theory. The department has been devoting special attention to
human rights concerns. It is supported by a good collection of books on human
rights. It also runs a bi-annual Indian Journal of Human Rights for the benefit of
students of PGDHR Jointly Funded by department of Political Science(UPE) and
Centre for Distance Education.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DHR 411 : Human Rights - Philosophical Foundations
DHR 412 : Human Rights - Historical Perspective
DHR 413 : Human Rights in India: The Constitutional & Legal Framework
Term II: (July - December)
DHR 421 : Status of Human Rights - The Global Experience
DHR 422 : Human Rights in India - The Socio-Economic Context & the Challenges
DHR 423 : Project Report
Co-ordinator : Prof. G.Sudarshanam, Department of Political Science, University of
Hyderabad. e-mail: gsss@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23133215
11. P.G. Diploma in Translation Studies in Hindi (PGDTSH)
Introduction : The programmes has been designed keeping in view the need for
large number of Hindi Translators, Hindi Officers and other personnel required in

the Hindi Cells of the Govt. Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and other
organizations who receive substantial grants from the Govt. and need to maintain
Hindi Cells. Employment can also be found in AIR, TV and other private channels
where there is constant need for translation. The students should have Hindi as a
subject at graduation level or having equivalent proficiency.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DTSH 411 : Theory and Practical Problems in Translation
DTSH 412 : Tools in Translation; Computer and Languages
DTSH 413 : Literary Translation
Term II: (July - December)
DTSH 421 : Functional Approach to Translation Activity
DTSH 422 : Translation Interpretation and Evaluation
DTSH 423 : Scientific & Technical Translation
Co-ordinator : Prof. S. Chaturvedi, Department of Hindi, University of Hyderabad.
e-mail: scsh@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 040-23133462
Associate Co-ordinator: Dr. M. Shyam Rao, Department of Hindi, University of
Hyderabad Ph: 040-23133461
12. Post-Graduate Diploma in Tele-Communications (PGDTC)
Introduction : The Programme is designed keeping in view the need for a large
number of qualified persons in Telecommunications sector both in Government and
Private industry. The Programme will concentrate more on the practical aspects and
the students are expected to find employment in the ever-growing Telephone and
other related industries.
This Programme will have the following structure:
Term I: (January - June)
DTC 411 : Principles of Communications
DTC 412 : Digital Circuits in Tele-communications
DTC 413 : Digital Signal Processing and its Applications to Telecommunications
Term II: (July - December)

DTC 421 : Microwave, Satellite and Mobile Communications

DTC 422 : Switching Technologies, Net-working & Traffic Management
DTC 423 : Optical Fibre Communications
Note : In addition to the above, students have to undergo laboratory training
through a one-week Practical contact Programme in each term.
We are negotiating with BSNL for providing Practical training at the Regional
Telecom Training Centre (RTTC), Hyderabad. The RTTC is a Regional Centre of
the Department of Telecom, Govt. of India established for training of personnel
recruited for their Department.
The Programme was conceived by the Principal Scientific Officer, Central
Instrumentation Lab and the Facultyof the School of Physics. The School of Physics,
apart from a Two ? year M.Sc, Physics, is offering a Three-Year Programme in M.Sc
(Tech) Electronics. Research facilities exist in Quantum Optics, Laser Physics,
Condensed Matter and Material Science, Super conductivity, Thin Films, Surface
Physics and Electronics so on.
Co-ordinator : Dr S V S Nageswara Rao, PhD (Hyderabad), School of Physics,
University of Hyderabad. e-mail: coordinatorpgdtc@uohyd.ernet.in, Ph: 04023134329

To increase access to higher education for all sections of society the university
introduced specialized Post Graduate Diploma Programmes which are offered by its
Centre for Distance Education (CDE). (See the list below.)
List of Distance Education Diploma Programme:


Name of the Course

Qualification for Admission


Project Management (PGDPM)

Any graduate


Library Automation & Networking


Graduate in Library Science


Chemical Analysis and Quality Management Any graduate with as a Subject



Cyber Laws and Intellectual Property Rights

Any graduate


Business Management (PGDBM)

Any graduate


Communicative English (PGDCE)

Any graduate


Criminal Justice & Forensic Science


Any graduate



Any graduate


Medicinal Botony(PGDMB)

Any graduate


Human Rights(PGDHR)

Any graduate


Translation Studies in Hindi(PGDTSH)

Any graduate


Telecommunications (PGDTC)

Any Graduate in Mathematics &

Physics or Electronics

Eligibility Criteria:
Admissions to the Distance Education diploma programmes are open to all those
who fulfil prescribed qualifications, without any distinction of race, caste, creed,
language, age or sex. Admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit. There is NO
ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The marks obtained by the applicants in their
graduate examination (i.e., B.A /B.Sc/B.Com./ B.Lib.Sc. B.E. B.Tech, M.A, M.Sc,
M.Com, MBA etc.) is the basis on which the merit list for admission is prepared for
all courses. Therefore only students who have completed their courses/degree or at
least have taken their final examinations (awaiting results) are eligible to apply for
admission into these diploma programmes. However, additional academic
qualifications and professional experience are taken into consideration for all
The target groups for these programmes are either grading system/Cumulative
Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be determined on the basis of percentage
equivalent to the letter grade/CGPA obtained by the students as per the conversion
formula adopted by the University concerned. In the absence of any such formula,
the decision of this University will be final in determining the percentage

The university reserves the right to decide the exact number of students to be
admitted in each Programme, depending on the demand for the course and its
course delivery capacity.
The eligibility of students passing their qualifying examinations from universities
following the letter-grading system/Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will
be determined on the basis of percentage equivalent to the letter grade/CGPA
obtained by the students as per the conversion formula adopted by the university
concerned. In the absence of any such formula, the decision of this University will be
final in determining the percentage equivalence.

Intimation of Selection: The candidates selected for admission will be intimated by
post individually under certificate of posting and also through the email(address if
provided to the CDE office). the ;ist pf selected candidates will also be displayed on
the notice board at the Center for Distance Education.
Reservations for SC/ST/OBC Students: Reservation for SC/ST/OBC students will be
in accordance with the policy of the Government of india and the guidelines of the
University Grants Commission, Students applying for such programmes should
submit, along with their application, a copy of their caste/tribe Certificate from a
Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahasildar/Mandal Revenue Officer.
Reservations for Physically Challenged (PC) Students: 3% of admissions for each
course are reserved for physically challenged students with the minimum degree of
disability to the extent of forty percent, provided that their physical disability does
not hamper pursuit of the course. Each physically handicapped student shall be
required to submit a certificate from a Civil Surgeon indicating the extent of
visual/physical disability and also the extent to which the disability hampers the
student in pursuing his/her studies. The students may have to undergo a fresh
medical examination, if decided by the university, before being admitted.
Admission of Foreign Students: Foreign students residing in India or abroad are
eligible to apply for admission in the prescribed form within the stipulated date.
Those who have passed the qualifying examination from Universities outside India
should enclose relevant certificate marks sheets together with the English version (if
they are in a different language), duly attested for admission to any Programme, the
foreign students must have passed the qualifying examination and proficiency in
English which is a pre-condition for admission. They have to pay programme fee at
a different rate as shown under sub heading Programme fee for foreign Students.

Fee Structure
Mode of Payment:
Students admitted have to pay the relevant fee in two equal installments or in one
lumpsum within the prescribed date mentioned in the Provisional Admission Offer
Letter. All payments should be made through demand draft obtained from any
Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of "The Finance Officer, University of
Hyderabad" payable at Hyderabad. No other mode of payment shall be accepted.
The following information should be given on the reverse side of the Demand Drafts
before submitting in the CDVL office.
Name of the student: _________________________________________
Course Applied: _____________________________________________
Application Number: _________________________
Cell No.: _____________________________________________
I/II Term Fee: ____________________________________________
Delayed Payment:
If a student fails to pay the 2nd instalment fee by the due date with or without late
payment, 2nd tern study material shall not be dispatched. However, in exceptional
cases, the university may permit students to continue their studies by paying the
second term fee for the next session and attending contact sessions subject to
payment of the following penalties.
Deferment Charges on Course fee:
a) First Deferment: 600/b) Second Deferment: 1000/Deferment of Contact Classes:
a) First Deferment: Rs. 500/b) Second Deferment: Rs. 1000/NOTE:
1. Fee once paid will not be returned by the university under any circumstances. All
disputes are subject to the Greater Hyderabad Jurisdiction.
2. After the payment of Deferment fee, the student can complete the course within
three years from the date of admission, which stands as the base year.
Fee Particulars:
The following list shows the fee particulars for each Programme:

S. No. Programme 1st Installment 2nd Installment Total












PGDCAQM 8000/-




PGDCL&IPR 8500/-











































Note: The PGDHR Students have to pay Rs. 200/-towards cost of a special issue of
the Journal of Human Rights along with 2nd term fee.
Fee for Foreign Students: (Payment should be done in US $):

S. No. Programme 1st Installment 2nd Installment Total



US $ 420

US $ 420

US $ 840



US $ 300

US $ 300

US $ 600



US $ 420

US $ 840



US $ 420

US $ 840



US $ 420

US $ 420

US $ 840



US $ 180

US $ 180

US $ 360



US $ 360

US $ 360

US $ 720



US $ 150

US $ 150

US $ 300



US $ 420

US $ 420

US $ 840



US $ 150

US $ 150

US $ 300



US $ 150

US $ 150

US $ 300



US $ 420

US $ 420

US $ 840

How to Apply
Submission of Application Forms:
Applications completed in all respects accompanied by copies of relevant certificates
can be sent to the following address on or before the last date prescribed on the
admission application form.
The Assistant Registrar
Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning
University of Hyderabad
Golden Threshold Bldg
Nampally Station Road
List of Enclosures to be submitted along with the Admission Application

Application form with 2 Passport size Photo Graph, Demand Draft of

amount Rs 300.00, Drawn in favour of Finance Officer, University of
Hyderabad Payable at Hyderabad.
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) (date of birth proof).
Intermediate/Higher Secondary Education 10+2
Bacherlor's Degree, Provisional Certificate, Marks Memos
Post-graduate Degree, Provisional Certificate, Marks Memo

The evaluation system of these diploma programmes is designed to test
systematically the student`s progress in the courses offered, through internal
assessments as well as term-end examinations.
Internal Assessments (Assignments):
Term-end Examinations : Performance of the student will also be assessed through a
term-end examination and student should score minimum of 40% marks out of 60.
Only those students who satisfactorily complete the contact sessions and submit
assignments before the stipulated date are eligible to take the Term-end
Examinations for Foreign students/NRIs : Efforts will be made to conduct term-end
exams for NRI/foreign students with the help of the Indian Embassies/Indian High
Commission situated there. In case it is not feasible to conduct exams in the country
of their residence, they should be prepared to come and appear for examinations at
the campus of University of Hyderabad.
Contact Sessions for Foreign Nationals/ NRIs : The University will conduct classes
for 5-8 days abroad, if the number of foreign / NRI students are more than 15 at a
place. In individual cases foreign nationals and NRIs staying abroad are exempted
from contact sessions, but, they should submit a term paper on a specified topic at
least 15 days before the commencement of the examinations. The topic of term
paper will be intimated to the students, if the student applies for exemption well in

The final results for each programme are determined on the basis of (a) Attendance
in contact classes and practicals, (b) Internal assessment or Assignments and (c)
Performance in the term-end examination, in the ratio 10:30:60.
The final result in each course will thus be calculated in the following manner:
A student is declared passed in a course only if he/she secures a minimum of 40%
marks in all, provided that he/she secures a minimum of 25 marks at the term-end
examinations. Students with less than 40% marks aggregate in any course taken by
him/her may appear for re-examination in the next term-end examination.
Candidates failing in any paper have to pay Rs 500/- per paper to appear in the
subsequent examinations.

Sl.No. Test Types

Relative Weight

Contact classes Counseling / Practicals or Term Paper / Lab Test



Internal Assessment (Assignments)



Term-end Examination

Note: Candidate who have not submitted assignments and attended contact classes
will NOT be permitted to write the examinations.
Successful students will be awarded divisions on the basis of the average marks
obtained by them as follows:
- First Division with Distinction: 75% & above
- First Division: 60% & above but below 75%
- Second Division: 50% & above but below 60%
- Third Division: 40% & above but below 50%
Improvement :
Students may improve their performance in any course on payment of Rs. 500/- for
each paper. This facility will be given only once in a course and should be requested
within four weeks of the announcement of results. There is no provision for
improvement of marks for assignments, contact classes, practical sessions (wherever
compulsory) or for Project Work/Project Reports.
Re-counting :
Re-counting of term-end exam answer scripts will involve recounting of marks,
totalling and a special scrutiny to see if any portion of a question or a whole question
was inadvertently left unmarked. Requests for re-counting should be made within
21 days from the date of publication/announcement of results, and should be
accompanied by a draft for Rs.1,000/- per paper. The results of re-counting will
normally be communicated to the students before the commencement of next
examinations. If any variation is found as a result of re-counting, the university will
accept the higher of the two, and a revised marks memo will be issued to the
students. There is no provision for re-evaluation of assignment marks and answer
Re-examination :
Students who fail to complete the course requirements of a given term can defer any
course or all courses to the next year. They could also defer the complete

Programme to the next academic year. Any assignments done and internal
assessment marks earned will be carried forward to the next term/year. Students,
who fail in a course in a term, may pursue the 2nd term by paying the remaining
part of the Programme fee. They can appear for re-examination in the failed courses
at the subsequent terminal examinations. There will be supplementary exams for
all courses at the end of the year for backlog papers only. All students are expected
to complete their course requirement within a period of 3 academic years. Those
who do not complete the programme in all respects can re-enrol themselves for the
programme by paying of the Programme Fee. In such cases study material will not
be issued again.
Marks memo will be issued to students on completion of Examination. However,
Provisional Certificate-cum-memorandum of marks will be issued only after the
student completes all course requirements.
Final Diploma Certificates :
Final Diploma Certificate will be issued on payment of Rs.500/- towards the final
Diploma Certificate within one year after successful completion of the Programme.
Duplicate Diploma/Certificate :
The Enrolment card, certificate of diploma, marks memo, will be issued only once.
If the student losses the Enrolment card / marks memo, the student can request the
Director (CDVL) for a duplicate on payment of Rs.500/- through a Demand Draft
drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, University of Hyderabad, payable at
Hyderabad from any Nationalized Bank. However, duplicate of the Final Diploma
Certificate will be issued only after producing necessary police enquiry Certificate
and payment of Rs.800/- through a Demand Draft.
Transfer of Credits/Marks :
A candidate who has successfully completed a PG Diploma Programme from the
CDVL, and wishes to join another diploma Programme of the CDVL, with common
papers, will be exempted from the contact classes and examinations for those papers
which are common. The marks and credits for the papers which are common will be
reflected in both the courses. However, she/he should pay all tuition fees prescribed
by the university from time to time for the Programme.

Students found eligible will be issued Provisional admission letter. Only the students
who pay the fees within the stipulated date are treated as admitted. Mere receipt of
admission offer letter does not entitle any right to claim admission.
Students should furnish full information with proof, by attaching Attested Xerox
copies of marks sheets Provisional Certificate and other relevant academic /

professional records. Irrespective of the claims made by an applicant on the

proforma, marks weightage would be given only on the basis of certificates and
transcripts that are attached. Any document sent separately, after submission of the
application, will not be considered.
Verification of all the original certificates / marks certificates will be done at the
time of contact classes on the campus. The students are, therefore, required to bring
their original certificates when they attend contact classes. Students will be
permitted to appear for the term-end examination only after the verification of
relevant original certificates, until then their admission will be provisional.
Route Map
The Centre is located in the heart of the city adjacent to the General Post Office
(GPO), Hyderabad. The Centre is in the three stored building of the Golden
Threshold campus. The campus is having greenery with central located Heritage
Building. It is also nearer to the Hyderabad Railway Station (i.e., Nampally Station)
and it is connected by all bus routes and also conveyance through Autos.

Frequently asked questions.

What are the unique features of the Center for Distance Education of University of
Hyderabad ?

University of Hyderabad is a Central University established in 1974 by an act

of parliament and one of oldest Central Universities in the Country and
ranked as University of potential excellence by the UGC and number one
University in the country. Therefore, Centre for Distance Education is also
offering a quality oriented, placement oriented Post graduate Diploma
Courses. It is not interested in commercial way of starting the courses for
generating the funds. Its top priority is quality of Education.

What is the Mode of course conducting procedure in the all Post Graduate Diploma

In order to provide quality of education on par with regular courses, The

Centre for Distance Education formulated the curriculum in such a way for
all Post Graduate Courses which is offered under two Terms. Each Term is a
duration of six months. The First Term starts from January and completed
by June. Second Term starts from July and completed by December.

What is the mode of Evaluation?

When the student admitted into the course 30% marks will be offered for
assignment and another 10% of marks at the time of contact programme and
60% of marks for the external examination for each Semester and passing
marks is 40% marks for each paper. Examination is usually conducting
immediately after the contact programme.

How the contact programmes are conducted?

Usually the contact programmes are conducted during the month of Aug to
Sep. The contact programmes usually will be held for a period of 10 days at
the University Campus where the student will be offered lectures with
eminent experts in the subject and to give the feeling of regular courses.
These contact programmes are conducted with lot of care and interest, so as
to give a quality of Education and Knowledge to the student. NRI students
are exempted from contact programme and have to submit an additional
Term paper.

UGC recognition for the Distance Education Courses

Distance Education Council (DEC) vide its approval letter No.

DEC/UH/HYD/AP/2011/6898, dated 02.09.2011 recognized courses offered by
the Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning (CD&VL). The joint committee
of UGC, AICTE and DEC have visited the Centre in the year 2011 and
conveyed its approval for all the programmes offered by the CD&VL.
Recently the University Grants Commission (UGC) has conveyed its
approval vide its letter No. UGC/DEB/UH/AP/2014/6883-88, dt.: 27/05/2014
for CD&VL programmes

Does the CD&VL is having any Study Centre across the country?

In order to maintain the quality standards to the students, the Centre is not
permitted any Study Centre when where in India, because it feels that
teaching at the main campus during the contact programme is being given by
the faculty not only from the University but also from the adjacent
universities. While teaching in the Study Centre in District areas, there are
no such facilities, therefore the students are requested to attend 6-10 days
classes at the Hyderabad only. For all other matters, they may contact the

Calendar Year

Admission Processes


Dispatch of I-Term Study Material Along with Assignment Question Paper

15th to 30th June

Contact Programmes I-Term (All Courses) (Followed by Examination [I-Term]) 1st Aug to 15th Sept
Dispatch of Letter for II-Term Fee

16th Sept to 20th Sept

Last Date for Payment of II-Term Fee

1st week of Oct

Dispatch of II-Term study Material along with Assignment Question Papers

31st October

Contact Programmes (For All Courses) (Followed by Examination [II-Term])

15thNov to 31st Dec.

Evaluation & Declaration of Results


Calender for current year

Admission Processes

January to February

Dispatch of I-Term Study Material

March of Every Year

Despatch of Assignments & Submission of assignments


Evaluation of Assignments by the Coordinators


Online Counseling by the Co-ordinators


Intimation letter for II term fee


Despatch of II term study material


Physical Contact Programmes


All Examinations


Evaluation/Result Announcing/Despatch of marks.Memos.& Certificates January

Contact Us
Center for Distance and Virtual Learning
Golden Threshold,
Nampally Station Road,
Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001,
Telangana, India
Phone : 040-2460 0264
Fax : 040-2460 0266
Email: cde@uohyd.ernet.in

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