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CLASS-IIT = 5" May 2014 Dear Children, Ns / @ Vacations are jus? the corner. This is when you get ample time at your disposal to do something Creative like joining a Theatre Workshop, Music or Dance classes, Art & Craft classes, Public Speaking or a Sports Club to explore and enhance your talents. Some of you visit hill stations, other places or your grand parents living in the native places. Share Your experiences of these visits with your classmates and teachers when you come back to ‘school in July. Watch educational and special programmes for children on television. Extend a helping hand to your parents wherever possible. Get enough sleep and rest. Go for outings end morning walks with your family and friends. Eat a balanced diet and play a lot. Here is something for you to do: - Learn two prayers - one each in English and Hindi. Read story books in English and Hindi to develop better vocabulary, expression and comprehension. Write the names of at least three story books / stories each you read during vacations, Watch educational programines on T.V. Listen-to English and Hindi news at least once a day Practise 5 pages each of English (Cursive script on 4 lined sheets) and Hindi (on 5 lined sheets) handwriting. Revise the portion covered in the month of April & May. Create something of your own with waste material lying at home: Eg. Plastic bottles, old newspapers, ete Write / collect a poem for your school magazine on any one of the topics given below in English or Hindi: - 1. Nature 2. Friends 3. My School ENGLISH 1, Leam to use a dictionary. Find the meanings of the words given below with its help — a) invitation b) Respect Punctual iscipline ¢) instruction f) obedience 2) participate h) Affection i) Sol@ j) duet 2. Synonyms are words which have same meaning as the word & antonyms are opposite meaning words. Find out the antonyms & synonyms of the following words - a) small—big/largetiny b) intelligent ——_c) fast 4) costly _¢) Happy #) Rich i) clean i) early k) kind 1) beautiful. 3 Find out the full forms of the following abbreviations used commonly in our day to day life—a) eg b) via ©) ete die 2 PTO ‘f) Dr. g) contd. 1. aTeT foe Get 2 sad et wot dare feeae! a fir Fare wee #2 Roe wore i 8? va Pal HA yin ote eer Te 7-7 WR GeaR fore | ae Fat A a ated eel eres en Pee) ¢ cape nce fare) 4. ane Fateh a arch fare one ares FATA a wo wet a ate cit @, fereey MATHS 1. There are 5 sections of class III. Each section has four rows of six tables each. How may tables are there in all the sections? How many times does the digit 0 come from 1 to 100? ‘What is the another way of doing repeated subtraction. How much time does the hour hand take to go round the clock once? Write the standard units to measure Length, Mass & Capacity. yawn SCIENCE Find amazing facts about migratory birds. Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? Why is it the hottest? Write names of 12 constellations found in universe. Why do clothes take longer to dry on a rainy day? Why do we need to keep water plants inside the Aquarium. SOCIAL STUDIES Visit at least 3 historical places in Delhi during your holidays. Collect pictures & information about them and make project. 2. Find out all the old names of Dethi & write them on a drawing sheet. If possible paste pictures also. Collect / draw picture of your favorite food & write what nutrients you get from. 4, Name the following symbols of India. National Animal National Tree National fruit National Flower National Aquatic Animal PROJECT TIME Please do the following activities / projects (any three) assigned to you ‘according to you Roll numbers, Use pictures from old newspapers and magazines. No readymade charts please. Instead of chart paper, use cartridge sheet. ENGLISH: Read stories from Panchatantra. Write your favorite story with illustrations & moral on }.acartridge sheet. fet: ome cartridge Se TK We Ut YR cq wt Pa aHEy aT oe wa-uforit 8 ore ey lel a fue cen od awl ar ora Afery| sri O ten wel oF oe UT St Yai S wort] MATHS: Different countries use different currencies to count money. Write names of 5 countries ‘and paste their currencies on half a cartridge sheet. ‘SCIENCE: make a project on parts of a plant. Name them and show functions of each part. (ROLL NO. 8 to 15) ; fet ref Hh fort drat (GRY — aR, Aa, oy, vers oft) 8 SY qw are Ve fren G1 amell cartridge She We Uae fea qreax feoant cer saat fer S fae ¥ veep area ferry | MATHS: Fill in the missing numbers in the triangle. The number on each side of the triangle must add up to the number at the centre. (each number should be taken once only ) Ge ©) SCIENCE: Make a working model of a wind mill SOCIAL STUDIES: Make a chart about the Prime Ministers of India, Paste photographs of all the PMs. Starting from our first PM Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru to our new Prime Minister in the order of their Joining the of fice. ROLL NO. 17 to 23 ENGLISH: Cut out two balloons / clouds from a cartridge sheet. Write a quote by a famous person on each & paste his/ her photograph too. MATHS: Draw circles, triangles, squares and rectangles of various sizes on different coloured florescent sheets of paper. Cut these shapes and assemble them to make different pictures. SCIENCE: Visit a traffic training park. Find out traffic rules and sign. Make a chart showing the signe at they mean, Also find out why each one is necessary. SOCIAL STUDIES: Make a collage about your native state, using pictures & information, Tt should have the map of the state & information about its area, population, monuments, staple diet, famous personalities, language, traditional dresses etc. ROLL NO. 24 to 31 ENGLISH: Cut a cartridge sheet in the shape of a kite or a butterfly. Write a few sentences on it about - if I were a kite / if I were a butterfly feet: Garcia sepax axact Bt ye writ aift cartridge ve w fate det we Wait fra aay a feat | wher ait fore MATHS: Visit a supermarket when your parents go to do their monthly grocery shopping. Compare prices of different brands of items like soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc. write the cost of each along with the picture on half a cartridge sheet. SOCIAL STUDIES: Collect information & pictures about the means of transport in Delhi. Write about both private & public means of transport. Collect information & pictures of all the different kinds of DTC buses. ROLL NO. 32 to 41 ENGLISH: Paste or draw pictures of the following cartoon characters on chart. Write their names & the natnes of their creators, : a) Mickey Mouse b) Calvin & hobbes ©) Garfield d) Doremon e) Ogay ) Superman 9) Spiderman h) Ben- ten fet: omit cartridge ee oy

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