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General Awareness

1. Which of the following financial regulator

issued 'Payment and Settlement Systems in
India: Vision-2018' on 23 June 2016?
3) RBI
5) CCI
2. Which of the following is not the part of 5 Cs
contours of Payment Banks: Vision - 2018
that was released by RBI?
1) Confidence
2) Convenience
3) Capability
4) Convergence
5) Coverage
3. Which of the following is not the part the
strategic initiatives to achieve 5 Cs of
Payment Banks: Vision - 2018 that was
released by RBI?
1) Responsive regulation
2) Robust infrastructure
3) Bank Ideology
4) Effective supervision
5) Customer Centricity
4. 'India's Turn: Understanding the Economic
Transformation' and 'Eclipse: Living in the
Shadow of China's Economic Dominance'
written by ........
1) Kaushik Basu
2) Raghuram Rajan
3) R. Gandhi
4) Arvind Subramanian
5) Rakesh Mohan
5. Which International Financial Institution
agreed to provide $100 million for 'Karnataka
Urban Water Supply Modernization Project'
on 24 May 2016?
1) Asian Development Bank
2) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
3) World Bank
4) New Development Bank
6. On 16 May 2016, which foreign bank
announced to exit India retail operations in a
phased manner?
2) Bank of Bahrain & Kuwait B.S.C.
3) Bank of Nova Scotia
4) Deutsche Bank
5) Royal Bank of Scotland
7. DBS Bank launched a 'mobile-only bank' in
India, named as the 'Digi Bank'. It uses the
technologies, such as biometrics and artificial intelligence, to enable paperless, signature-less and branchless bank. Where is the
headquarter of DBS Bank?
1) The Netherlands
2) USA
3) UK
4) Singapore
5) Hong Kong
8. Mobile payment solution Touch & Pay
launched by which bank, the first contactless
mobile payment solution to enable its credit
and debit customers make in-store contactless payments by just waving their smart
phones near an NFC-enabled merchant terminal?
1) Punjab National Bank
2) Bank of Baroda
3) ICICI Bank
4) HDFC Bank
5) Yes Bank
9. 'Green Transport' written by ........
1) Namod Parthasarathy 2) Rani Iyer
3) Pramila Chakravarthy 4) Kishore Andale
5) Nithin Gadkari

In order to further strengthen the lenders'

ability to deal with stressed assets and to
put real assets back on track by providing
an avenue for reworking the financial structure of entities facing genuine difficulties,
RBI on 13 June 2016 issued guidelines on
S4A. S4A stands for Scheme for Sustainable
Structuring of Stressed Assets.

Council for Scientific and Industrial

Research (CSIR) launched anti-diabetic ayurvedic drug designed for
type 2 Diabetes mellitus. The name
of drug is BGR-34.

'Green Transport' written by...

19. Domestic production in India's
10. iWork@Home programme for its
capital goods demand to be
women employees launched by
increased from 60% to ........... by
........ to prevent them from drop2025, as per the New National
ping out of its workforce.
Capital Goods Policy declared on
1) Bank of India
25 May 2016.
2) Bank of Maharashtra
1) 70%
2) 75%
3) 85%
3) Allahabad Bank
4) ICICI Bank
5) Axis Bank
A. Veeraswamy
20. URJA mobile app launched by
11. Which Indian neighbour nation
Power Finance Corporation.
appointed Fazle Kabir as the Governor of
URJA stands for .......
its Central Bank?
1) Nepal
2) Pakistan
2) Urban Jeevan Abhiyaan
3) Bangladesh 4) Maldives
5) Bhutan
3) Urban Jeeva Abhiyaan
12. IMF and India made an agreement for set4) Unique Jyothi Abhiyaan
ting up of the IMF's South Asia Regional
5) Utility Jyothi Arjana
Training and Technical Assistance Center
21. HRD ministry selected whom as the techni(SARTTAC) in India. Who re-elected as the
cal partner for its prestigious SWAYAM platPresident of IMF?
form for open online courses?
1) Jim Yong Kim
2) Takehiko Nakao
1) Oracle
2) Wipro
3) Microsoft
3) K.V. Kamath
4) Christine Lagarde
5) Jin Liqun
22. Newly elected five Rajya Sabha Members
13. CASA accounts, a key pillar of any public
taken oath of office. Among these, Suresh
sector bank's business in India recently
Prabhu the Railway minister of India electreducing. In this context, CASA stands for...
ed to Rajya sabha from .........
1) Current And Salary Account
1) Telangana
2) Rajasthan
2) Core And Savings Account
4) AP
5) Assam
3) Current And Savings Account
23. Gudni Johannesson won Iceland's presi4) Cellar And Savings Account
dential election. What is the currency of
5) Cue and savings Account
14. On 28 June 2016, RBI said that GNPAs or
1) Pound
2) Krona
3) Dollar
bad loans, of commercial banks may rise to
4) Sol
5) Dirham
8.5% of total assets by March 2017, from
24. Which of the following nations was not
7.6% in March 2016. In this context, GNPA
elected as the non-permanent member of
stands for ........
UNO Security Council on 28 June 2016?
1) Goal Non-Performing Assets
1) Ethiopia
2) Bolivia
3) Norway
2) Great Non-Performing Assets
4) Sweden
5) Kazakhstan
3) Gross Nice-Performing Assets
25. Which of the following nations is not the per4) Gross Non-Pooling Assets
manent member of UNO Security Council?
5) Gross Non-Performing Assets
1) UK
2) USA
3) India
15. On 25 June 2016, Narendra Modi launched
4) Russia
5) France
the Smart Cities Mission in Pune for how
26. Country, Capital and Currency combination
many smart cities?
given. The wrong combination is .......
1) 12
2) 100
3) 500 4) 10
5) 20
1) Ethiopia - Addis Ababa - Birr
16. Which scheme launched by Modi, aiming to
2) Bolivia - Sucre - Bolivian boliviano
boost the health care facilities for the preg3) Norway - Oslo - Euro
nant women and to protect pregnant
4) Kazakhstan - Astana - Kazakhstani tenge
women from infectious diseases?
5) Sweden-Stockholm-Swedish Krona
1) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Antyodaya
Who was appointed as the head of UN misYojana (DDUAY)
sion to monitor the ceasefire line between
2) Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan
India and Pakistan in Jammu and Kashmir?
1) Major General Dalbir Singh Suhag
3) Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva
2) Major General Panet Boerne
Abhiyan (PMSMA)
3) Major General Per Lodin
4) Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All
4) Major General Raymond Pater
5) Major General J J Singh
5) Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP)
28. Who was appointed as the new president of
17. New National Capital Goods Policy aimed
Japanese conglomerate Soft Bank Group?
at increasing the value of capital goods pro(Previously it was headed by an Indian
duction to ......... by 2025.
Nikesh Arora, resigned recently.)
1) Rs.5,00,000 cr
2) Rs.5,60,000 cr
1) Satya Nadella
2) Sunder Pichai
3) Rs.7,00,000 cr
4) Rs.7,50,000 cr
3) Ken Miyauchi
4) Sachin Bansal
5) Rs.10,00,000 cr
5) Binny Bansal
18. As per the New National Capital Goods
29. Department
Policy, share of capital goods in total manStanding Committee on Personnel, Public
ufacturing activity to be increased from 12%
Grievances, Law and Justice recently said
at present to ........ by 2025.
that it reviews model code and suggest the
1) 20%
2) 25%
3) 50%
ways to curb freebies in polls. Who is the
4) 40%
5) 30%
chairman of this committee?

ICICI Bank is the first financial institution

in the country to leverage the HCE technology to bring forth this solution.
The HCE technology creates 'virtual'
cards for 'physical' credit or debit cards
of the Bank, as selected by the customer.
In this context HCE stands for Host Card
Emulation .
1) Murali Manohar Joshi
2) P.J. Kurien
3) L.K. Advani
4) E M Sudarsana Natchiappan
5) J.C. Diwakar Reddy
30. Which nation and India set up a joint parliamentary panel to enhance ties as declared
on 19 June 2016?
1) Thailand
2) Ivory Coast
3) UAE
4) Saudi Arabia
5) USA
31. Which power plant is a joint venture
between NTPC and Ceylon Electricity
Board (CEB)?
1) Vindhyachal
2) Mundra
3) Sampoor
4) Talcher
5) Sipat
32. World's first electric road inaugurated
1) USA
2) Germany
3) Sweden
4) India
5) Finland
33. India banned the import of milk and milk
products from which nation till June 2017?
1) USA
2) New Zealand
3) Russia
4) China
5) European Union
34. 17 th International Indian Film Academy
(IIFA) Award ceremony 2016 held in ........
1) Madrid, Spain
2) Macau, China
3) Venice, Greece
4) Berlin, German
5) Cannes, France
35. Which of the following films won Best Film
award in IIFA on 25 June 2016?
1) Talvar
2) Tanu weds, Manu Returns
3) Bajrangi Bhaijaan
4) Bajirao Mastani
5) Piku
36. 'Best Actress Award in A Leading Role' in
recent IIFA conferred on .........
1) Priyanka Chopra
2) Deepika Padukone
3) Kangana Ranaut
4) Shraddha Kapoor
5) None of above
37. Who written the famous book "Super 30:
Changing the World 30 Students at a Time"
1) Chetan Bhagat
2) K. Pandyan
3) Biju Mathew
4) Avanthi Krishna Moorthy
5) Arundhati Roy






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