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The Indigenous People and World Mission Sunday

Circular 2010-13
To: All Parish Priests, School Principals, and Local Religious Superiors
Allow me to remind you to celebrate in your respective communities two
special Sundays in October:
1. The Indigenous Peoples Sunday on 10 October 2010 with the theme:
Healing for Solidarity: Asking Forgiveness for Sins against Indigenous
Peoples to commemorate the 10th year anniversary of the Day of Pardon Mass
celebrated by Pope John Paul II in Rome which highlighted the Catholic
Churchs examination of conscience for historical injuries inflicted on various
groups, including the IPs. The gesture of the late Pope in seeking pardon
from indigenous peoples has set the tone for self-examination, among other
things, on how we have conducted our work towards our brothers and sisters
IPs. The collection for this Sunday will be for this purpose.
2. The World Mission Sunday on 17 October 2010 with the theme: Building
Ecclesial Communion is the key to the Mission contained in the enclosed
booklet with homily guides, short mission catechesis and other related
information. The collection for this Sunday is for the Universal Solidarity
Fund of the Pontifical society for the Propagation of the faith.
Important Aid Memoire: Chapels and Oratories, having Masses on Sundays
and holydays and belonging to Religious Congregations, are to turn in the Sunday
Collection set for a particular purpose to the Chancery within two weeks. Catholic
Schools in the Diocese are encouraged to make such collections for these purposes
during their monthly Mass, say on First Fridays, for greater awareness of their
students. Please be guided accordingly. This reminder is not for the parishes and
their chapels.
Given in the Chancery in Fairview, Quezon City, this 1st day of September in
the Year of Our Lord, 2010.

Most Rev. Antonio R. Tobias, DD

Attested by:
Rev. Fr. Jerome U. Rosalinda

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