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Some of take planet Earth for granted with a wonderful climate, fuel which

provides us with energy, trees which provide us with food. As time goes on there will
be more humans on this planet and our energy and food consumption will slowly
have to be rationed, if we do not find other sources to give us energy. We like to
travel as human we migrate to other countries to work, to have a better way of life
than back in our country. In a few years instead of moving countries we will be
moving to different planets as the Earth just wouldnt be able to sustain life.
Scientist have found different residences for humans to live on in our solar
system. Saturns moon Titan maybe more similar to an Earth-like world. The moon
has found to have a layered atmosphere just the planet Earth.
Titan is Saturns largest moon, and is the only moon known to have a dense
atmosphere. A better understanding of how its hazy atmosphere works could shed
light on similar ones, scientists might find on alien planets and moon. However,
conflicting details about how Titans atmosphere is structured have emerged over
the year. That is one of the possibilities where humans might drift after destroying
this planet.
If we have the technology to move to more distant galaxy like in the movie
INTESTELLAR, than we might find a new home quite easily. Humans need a sun to
provide them with energy. Finding a sun wont be hard as our galaxy forms a new
star every year. Scientist have found a cosmic cluster which produces creates 740
new stars every year. Finding a star just wont be enough, the star needs to be of
right size.
VY Canis Majoris is one of the biggest
star in the galaxy which we have found. This is
a red hypergiant star located in constellation
of Canis Major. This star is about 2000 times
the size of our sun with a diameter of
3,063,500,000 m. If this star was to replace
our sun in the Solar System. It would extend
till our 6th planet Saturn. It is about 4900 light
years away from earth. The surface
temperature of the star is comparatively
cooler than our sun with a difference of 2800
K. In terms of earth it would take 70 000 000
000 000 000 (70 quadrillion) earths to fill up
VY Canis Majoris. The mass of VY Canis Majoris is nearly 30-40 times the mass of
the sun. VY Canis Majoris is at about 4900 light years away from the Earth.

The other massive star is R136a1, this is a blue

hypergiant star of R136, a super star cluster in the large
Magellanic Cloud. It is estimated to be 265 solar masses
( 5.271115 10


Kg) making it the most massive but not

the largest star being VY Canis Majoris. R136a1 is also

the most luminous star known, with a luminosity of
8,700,000 time the luminosity of the sun. The surface
temperature of the star is about 50,000K.
These massive supergiants consume more energy in six seconds than our
sun does in a year, giving these supergiants their luminosity. These supergiants
are very unstable and have an estimated life expectancy of just around 50,000
years. When they die they collapse into itself forming a black hole.
Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects found in
outer space. They are objects of extreme density, with such strong gravitational
attraction that even light cannot escape from its grasp if it come near enough.
If a star is massive enough, this inward pull will condense the mass so
strongly that even atoms cannot hold their structures, with protons and electrons
disintegrating and all the matter collapsing into a tiny ball. If anything comes within
a certain range of a black hole, called its event horizon, it cannot escape the black
holes gravitational pull.
Black holes are said to be invisible as even light cannot escape its massive
gravitational pull, astronomers detect the presence of black holes by detecting the
radiation that is emitted when matter is pulled in. Sometimes, the areas around
black holes release strong jets of high-energy light that can be spotted from across
the universe.
According to some theories, black holes have three main layers: the outer
event horizon, the inner event horizon and the center of the black hole called the
The singularity is the name given to single point in space-time where the
mass of a black hole is concentrated. Yet scientists dont truly understand the
working of black holes because our best physics theories break down when trying to
describe them.

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