7-1 Caillou Learns To Skate 20131119110136030 458

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Book 2-2

Storyteller: Kids, I think we have time for a

story. Come on! This story happened when
Caillou was three. Todays story is called
Caillou in the Bathtub.

Caillou: No!
Mommy: Caillou, its time for your bath.
Im serious, Caillou. Im not going to play
games with you.
Storyteller: Caillou didnt want a bath.

Mommy: Where is he? I wonder where that

boy can be. Where is Caillou?

Mommy: Aha, there you are. Come on,

Caillou, its bath time.
Caillou: I dont want to take a bath.

Caillou: Its too hot, Mommy.

Mommy: Okay!
Caillou: Its too cold, Mommy.

Daddy: And where do you think you are

going, young man?
Caillou: Im going to play.
Daddy: You can play later. Its bath time
Daddy: You have to keep clean.
Caillou: I dont want to be clean. No!
Clean is no fun.

Mommy: Lets add some bubble bath.

Daddy: It certainly couldnt hurt. What do
you say to some funny bubbles, Caillou?
Caillou: No!
Mommy: Give me your hand.
Daddy: Doesnt that look like fun?

Storyteller: Suddenly, Caillou wanted to

have his Ducky. And he remembered hed
left him in Rosies room.
Daddy: Oh, no! Not again! Caillou, come
back here!

Caillou: My Ducky! Ducky makes bubbles,

lots of bubbles, big bubbles.

Mommy: Maybe this can help you make

Storyteller: Caillou had discovered the
bath time could also be play time. He
discovered how to make bubbles.
Caillou: Look at me. I can make lots of
Caillou: Wee!

Daddy: Hey, wheres Caillou?

Caillou: Here I am. Its me!
Caillou: Wheres my Ducky? Dont worry
Ducky. Ill save you.


Caillou: Mommy, Daddy, youre all wet.

Storyteller: Caillou discovered that bath
time could be splash time.


Mommy: Okay, Caillou, time to get dried

Caillou: I dont want to. I wanna play in
the bath!


Mommy: Good! Then youll want to play

in a bath tomorrow too.
Caillou: Yes, Me and Ducky, and a lot of
Storyteller: And thats how Caillou got to
love bath time.



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