10-1 Caillou's Big Slide 20131119115607624 746 PDF

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Book 10-1

Storyteller: Snuggle up, children, it's story

time. Wow! Look at Caillou. He looks
scared. Can you guess why? This story's
called "Caillou's Big Slide". Caillou was
having a wonderful time at the playground.

Caillou: Watch me! Watch me! Choo!

Choo! Choo! I'm a train, Daddy.
Clementine: Hi, Caillou.
Caillou: Hi, Clementine. I'm playing choo

Clementine: Can I play too?

Storyteller: Clementine and Caillou were
having fun playing choo choo train when
Clementine had an idea.

Clementine: Want to play slide?

Caillou: Yes!
Clementine: No, not that one, that one.

Storyteller: Clementine was pointing at

the slide the big kids play on. But when
Caillou got to the slide, it seemed very big
and very very high.
Caillou: It's too high.
Storyteller: Caillou was frightened.
Clementine: Come on, Caillou!
Caillou: I want to play here first.

St o r y t e l l e r : S o C a i l l o u c o n v i n c e d
Clementine to play in the tubes instead.
Clementine: Catch me, Caillou!

Caillou: Here I come. Got you!

Daddy: Hmm, it's getting late, Caillou.

We'll have to leave soon.
Caillou: Oh, no!
Clementine: Come on, Caillou.
Caillou: It's high. But I'm not afraid. You
go first.

Clementine: Hahaha! Whee! That was fun.

Come on, Caillou, it's your turn. Slide,
Caillou, slide. It's fun. Slide, Caillou.

Caillou: I'm not scared.

Storyteller: But really, Caillou was very


Caillou: Daddy! Daddy!

Clementine: Caillou's crying. He's scared.
I'm not scared. It's easy.


Daddy: What's the matter, Caillou? Hmm,

well, it is a big scary slide. It does look like
fun though. I know what we could do.
Why don't you slide down with me? One,
two, three. Go!


Storyteller: Caillou was thrilled, but

Clementine wasn't impressed.
Clementine: I went by myself.


Caillou: Yeah! I went all by myself. It's

Daddy: Well, it's time to go home,
Caillou: I'll be right back. One more time,
Storyteller: But as it turned out it wasn't
just one more time after all.


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