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Serving Christ Through Montgomery Area Churches



30, 2016

SBC Report

Ken May
Director of Missions

The 2016 Southern Baptist Convention that

met in St. Louis is now history. I was
privileged to participate this year in my final
opportunity as your director of missions. While
Bob Terry, editor of the The Alabama Baptist,
gave his view on the editorial page last week, I
will offer my perspective. This was my third
visit to St. Louis for the convention. It was an
enjoyable and momentous convention and was
probably one of the more positive conventions
in which I have participated in the past 39

Perhaps the most momentous event of the convention was the

election of our new president. Three candidates, David Crosby
(FBC- New Orleans), Steve Gaines (Bellevue Memphis), and J.
D. Greear (Summit Church North Carolina), were nominated.
As one might expect, the first election resulted in no candidate
receiving a majority so a run-off was scheduled between Gaines
and Greear. Strangely enough, after the run-off vote, neither
candidate received a majority. Steve Gaines had 49.97%, but
because 109 illegal ballots were cast, no candidate received a
majority. The 109 were counted in the total cast but were not
counted for either candidate because they were illegal, meaning
the wrong numbers were marked or the wrong ballot was used.
Even though very specific instructions are given before any vote
is taken, 109 persons did not follow directions and caused this
potential difficulty. There are always several illegal ballots cast
in any vote at the SBC, this is the first time I remember it ever
requiring an additional vote.
A third vote for president was scheduled for Wednesday morning.
The house was packed (unlike Tuesday afternoon when the first
run-off was held) in anticipation. Current SBC President Ronnie
Floyd recognized the two candidates and both were asked to
speak. J.D. Greear announced that after much prayerful
consideration, and after conferring and praying with Steve Gaines
the night before, he was withdrawing for the sake of unity in the
convention, saying he wanted us to leave united. Pastor Gaines
also indicated that he had considered withdrawing. Dr. Steve
Gaines was elected by acclamation and both men received a
standing ovation for the diplomatic and God-honoring way this
was handled.
Resolutions are often a big deal at SBC meetings, and this year
was no different. Resolutions only reflect the consensus of those
attending and do not have any biding authority over any church or
messenger. However, they do garner a lot of attention and press
coverage. The leading resolution was on requesting Southern

Baptists to cease displaying the Confederate flag. While there

was some lively debate back and forth, former SBC President
James Merritts statement that all of the Confederate flags in the
world are not worth one soul from any race drew a loud chorus
of amens and his amendment to strike some language that may
cause the resolution to be ambiguous was approved. We urge
fellow Christians to exercise sensitivity so that nothing brings
division or hinders the unity of the Body of Christ to be a bold
witness to the transforming power of Jesus.
The second noteworthy resolution called for SBC churches and
members to minister to refugees with love in the name of Jesus. It
stressed the need for the strictest security measures possible by
government, but noted that refugees are loved by God, made in
His image, and that Christian love should be extended to them as
special objects of Gods mercy in a world that has displaced them
from their homelands. Alan Cross, now working with the
Evangelical Immigration Roundtable, and former pastor at
Gateway, expressed extreme gratitude for its passage.
Many conventioneers will say that one of the highlights, is seeing
friends they havent seen in years. That was true for me this year
as well. I ran into a college classmate who I probably havent
seen in over 30 years, and also two seminary classmates I have
only seen a couple of times at previous conventions. Thank you
for the opportunity to attend and to serve you these past twelve
years as your director of missions.

Upcoming Events

Rally For The Galley

August 13
Currently seeking
bikers, rally
locations, and

Motorcycle Ride and

Food Scavenger Hunt
to stock Forest Park
Ministry Centers
food pantry.

For more information contact

Donna McCullough at

The Montgomery Baptist Association 20 Interstate Park Dr. Montgomery, Alabama 36109 334-271-6227
This publication is made possible by your churches contributions to Associational Missions.

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