Sample Syllabus

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Faculty Information

Course Identification
Textbooks and Materials

Outcomes for Student Learning

Policies and Procedures

Papers / Assignments
Departmental Grading Standards
Weekly Schedule

Communications II
Fall 2016

Instructor: Colleen Boyle
Office Phone:
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Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3
Class Meets: Thursday 6:30pm 9:15pm
Prerequisite: a C or better in COM 101 or appropriate score on the assessment test.
Corequisite: None
Catalog Description: Analytical and critical writing based upon texts. Research is used to incorporate
supporting ideas drawn from primary and secondary sources. A grade of C or better is required for this
course to transfer under the guidelines of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI). Fee is required. (3
contact hours) IAI: C1 901R
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Lester Faigleys The Little Penguin Handbook 4th Edition

(ISBN 978-0-321-94556-3 or 0-321-94556-5)
Access to the Internet, as well as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint

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Instructors Learning Outcomes

Learners demonstrate personal expression.

Learners compose academic writing and engage in a revision process.
Learners analyze and determine integrity of research material.
Learners construct writing that incorporates research with proper citations.
Learners practice avoiding plagiarism and acts of academic dishonesty.
Learners assess audience and rhetorical situation for effective communication.

General Education Learning Outcomes

Communicating: Read and listen with comprehension; Write and speak effectively in English.
Information Literacy: Locate, evaluate, and use information effectively.

Course Content Learning Outcomes

Employ the following basic techniques during the writing process: Prewriting techniques, such as
journaling, free writing, or clustering; Drafting techniques, such as experimenting with various
organizational patterns; Revising techniques, such as identifying sections in a piece of writing
which require more elaboration or support; Editing techniques, such as finding and correcting
error patterns in their writing.
Demonstrate skill in writing rhetorically: Develop an awareness of his or her writing voice, such
as through peer review of drafts; Read and/or write in a variety of genres, both academic and nonacademic.
Demonstrate the following skills in reading rhetorically: Comprehend a text, such as by
producing a summary; Recognize the writers choices, by identifying the texts purpose and
audience; Respond to a text in a manner that requires summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting.
Perform the following during the research process: Locate information from a variety of sources,
such as in the library, on the web, or through interview or observation; Correctly identify types of
sources, such as an online database article, a selection from an anthology, a website article, or
blog; Evaluate a sources credibility, based on authorship and bias; Create MLA style in-text and
Works Cited entries for varied sources.

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Please read the general information sheet:
Withdraw Policy: A student who does not withdraw officially from a course may receive an F,
depending on course progress and course attendance, which becomes part of the student's record. The
withdrawal date is listed on the general information sheet.
Attendance Policy: You signed up for this Thursday evening class. Youve made this course a priority in
your lifealong with other courses, jobs, family, and friends. If you miss more than six classes, for
whatever reasons, you will automatically fail the course unless you withdraw prior to the schools
scheduled withdraw date.
Academic Integrity: The faculty of the Communications, Literature, and Languages Department believe
that the five core values adapted from the Center for Academic Integrity consisting of honesty, fairness,
trust, respect and responsibility are vital to sustaining a thriving academic environment in which students
can develop their own voices. We do realize that many of our students are new to college writing, public
speaking, and foreign languages and still learning the tools and skills necessary for them to be an honest
part of the academic community. We encourage students to ask questions about academic integrity. We
also suggest that students familiarize themselves with the Moraine Valley Community College Code of
Academic Integrity. While some violations may require sanctions, we recognize that other violations can
provide opportunities for learning. Therefore, our department will make every effort to foster Academic
Integrity at the highest level and hold students accountable for breaking our professional trust.
Therefore, in this COM 102 class, presenting another person's ideas or writings as your own without
citationor cheating of any kindwill result in a failing grade without the option to withdraw.

Student Email Policy: Students must use the e-mail account provided by Moraine Valley as their official
means of email communication with the instructor. Any email that does not come directly from your
MVCC email may be filtered or deleted. The subject line of all emails to the instructor must begin with
the course title; the body of the email must include at least one complete sentence AND be "signed" with
a full first and last name.
Technical difficulties such as computer problems or flashdrive problems will not be accepted as an
excuse for late assignments. Know that there are computer labs on campus and at most public libraries.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with disabilities.
Student Conduct: Each student is responsible for adhering to the code of student conduct as stated in the
college catalog.
Finally, please save all essays until you receive your final course grade in the mail. Also, unless you
specifically ask me not to, assume your work might be shared with future COM 102 students.
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Your grade will be determined by dividing the points you earned by the total points possible (for
individual essays and the final course grade).
90-100% = A
80-80% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
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Papers / Assignments
Please understand that all papers/projects and the final must be turned in to pass the course. Informal
Writing: in-class responses, exercises, peer evaluations, discussion boards, and journals will be worth ten
points each.
Proposal and Annotated Bibliography: Students write a 750-1,000 word proposal for the research
essay. The proposal includes an annotated bibliography with sources summarized to help guide the
students in the remaining three assignment.
Exploring an Issue: For this assignment, students will continue. They will then watch The Story of Stuff
by Anne Leonard. Many topics and sources may be found there. Students will also interview a professor
on campus to further explore their topic. To write their paper, students will analyze the information they
will have uncovered while evaluating their sources' reliability, timeliness, and relevance and present what
they have found as a 750-1,000 word report.
Persuading a Neutral Audience: For this 1,500 word assignment, students will select a controversial
topic, thoroughly explore and investigate it, and write an argumentation to inform their reader of the many
perspectives related to the issue. Since the audience is neutral, the purpose of the writing is to inform the
reader of the issue exists and of the different perspectives surrounding it.

Persuading the Opposition: For this 1,500 word assignment, students will select a controversial topic
and investigate it, making sure their sources are unbiased, current, relevant, and unreliable. Establishing
the writer's expertise and fairness (ethos) is essential so the author will gain the reader's trust.
Paper Format: All essays must be typed with a 12 point Times New Roman font, evenly double-spaced
(unless otherwise specified), and written according to MLA style. Your name, my name, the course title,
and the date will be typed in the upper left corner of just the first page. Your last name and the page
number will be typed in the upper right corner of every page.
Paper Submission: All formal projects will be submitted electronically via Blackboard (as opposed to inclass or via email).
Due Dates: Each paper/project has a specific due date. Late papers/projects will receive a full-letter grade
deduction. All papers/projects must be submitted by Thursday, Dec. 8 to pass the course. In addition, the
final exam must be completed to pass the course.
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Any piece of writing reflects the choices made by the writerchoices in response to his or her
understanding of the purpose of writing, its intended audience, and the form (or genre) the writer takes.
These criteria attempt to evaluate the writers choices.
The A Paper: The assignment's requirements are met. The writer is in command of the essay's ideas;
details to illuminate or support those ideas are specific, relevant and carefully crafted or presented. The
work is tightly unified, and ideas are arranged logically with creative transitions. The introduction is
original; it provides necessary context and engages the reader; the conclusion provides new insight and
leaves a strong final impression. The writer's sense of style is reflected in a variety of sentence
constructions and sophisticated word choices; there are virtually no mechanical errors. Finally, if needed,
MLA documentation rules have been applied precisely. The piece thoroughly satisfies, compelling the
reader to think, reflect, or act.
The B Paper: The assignment's requirements are met. The writer is in consistent control of the ideas of
the essay; details to illuminate or support those ideas are specific and relevant. The organization and use
of transitions are consistent. The introduction provides a context for the writing, but may miss the
opportunity to fully engage the reader; the conclusion doesnt repeat but rather pulls the essay's ideas
together. The essay demonstrates awareness of stylistic choices, in spite of a few mechanical errors (none
of which are distracting to the reader or impede comprehension). Finally, if needed, MLA documentation
rules have been applied with few formatting errors. The piece adequately satisfies, offering the reader
some opportunity for thought and reflection.
The C Paper: The assignment's requirements are met. The writer seems initially in control of the ideas of
the essay, but is unable to maintain it; details to illuminate or support the essay's ideas are typically
relevant and/or specific. Organization is inconsistent, with few effective links between ideas. The
introduction does not engage and provides little context for the reader; the conclusion repeats what's
already been said. The sentences demonstrate little awareness of stylistic options; mechanical errors are
somewhat distracting, but generally do not distort the meanings of sentences. Finally, if needed, MLA
documentation rules have been applied; formatting errors dont mislead or confuse the reader. The piece
prompts no further thought or reflection, leaving the reader indifferent.

The D Paper: The assignment's requirements are not met. The writer maintains a false sense of control
over the essay's ideas (by mistaking a statement of purpose for a main idea, for example); details meant to
illuminate or support the essay's ideas are often generic and/or irrelevant. The organization is confusing,
with little or no attempt at linking ideas. The introduction is unoriginal and fails to provide enough
context for the reader; there is very little attempt at closing the essay. Sentences tend to be monotonous,
with multiple mechanical errors that distract the reader from or even distort the ideas of the essay. Finally,
MLA documentation rules have been attempted, but formatting misleads or confuses the reader. The piece
is dissatisfying; it frustrates the readers attempts to further engage with the essay.
The F Paper: The assignment's requirements are not met. The writer has no control over the essay's
ideas; details are severely lacking or missing altogether. The organization is incoherent or illogical, with
no transitions between ideas, creating a total lack of unity. There has been no attempt to introduce or close
the essay. Mechanical errors are distracting to the reader, distort meaning, and ultimately negate the
writers credibility. MLA documentation rules, when needed, have not been attempted. The reader feels
that his or her time has been wasted.
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Weekly Schedule
Week 1 Aug. 25
Week 2 Sept. 1
Week 3 Sept. 8
Week 4 Sept. 15
Week 5 Sept. 22
Week 6 Sept. 29
Week 7 Oct. 6
Week 8 Oct. 13
Week 9 Oct. 20
Week 10 Oct. 27
Week 11 Nov. 3
Week 12 Nov. 10
Week 13 Nov. 17
Week 14 Nov. 24
Week 15 Dec. 1
Week 16 Dec. 8
Final Exam Dec. 15
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Thanksgiving No Class


Due Dates

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