Reflective Practice Week Notes

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Reflective practice week notes

Duration: 110 minutes

Critical path
- Important for all to be here
- One class will lead to the next
- A lot will be shared in PowerPoint
- Special needs
- Doing resume and different cover letters
Introduce someone you dont know very well
- Tell something about them in class
Meeting for Child educators
- What would you do if you were not afraid?
o ECE 1 week symposium
o Sort of looking at that professional lens
o Sometimes we dont live to our full potential
Post PowerPoint every Wednesday
Video: Civility
- More about somethings about respect
- Students actually will participate even they have strong convictions because
they are afraid of offending others feelings
- Professors want the classroom to be a public space, but for the students they
think it will be a private space
- They want to talk to the professor when they want to end the class
- Working with young people
- United life council liaison
o Work well with one another
o Need stability
o To help the whole community
- Being civil with one another
- Respect each other and listen to be heard and have an open mind
- Choose civility
o Respecting other people
o Manners
o Shows how you respect yourself too
o Youll be working closely with the group
- Policies and procedures
o Will be posted online new manual for the year
o Students have rights if you dont agree with something
o Can go with Joan new 2nd year coordinator
o Academic integrity if you have memo from disability services will
take that and talk with the lecturer
- Critical Path
o In order to be successful


Look at this be here

Fall 2015
ONB group

Readings will be assigned and post on Blackboard

E-mail through the class blackboard site

Pay attention to the announcements and e-mail

In class worth 5%
o Start looking at resume
Jump into the content
Look at skills assessment

Post under the assignment

Week after find an inspirational quote

o Start to do teaching philosophy
o Extra credit resume

2 weeks rough draft

Randomly with a peer exchange resume

o Using the resume group work
o Give feedback

20 -25 minutes in class

Goal: sit with different people

September 29th

October 6th review any documents

10% - resume
13th will looking at philosophies of teaching

5% - in class peer review

2 weeks to submit

Worth 10%
Nov 10th interviews

Mock interviews

Portfolio to share with one another

Information will be given

Decide December 1st - 8th mock interviews

Mock interviews 5%

Peer review of cover letter 10%

Mock practice, in class part of 20%

Cover letters - 2 weeks to do, and submit

Board rooms in groups of 5
Interview with each other, facilitation will be done
In class assignments 20%
Document sharing
Reflection resume, teaching
Will be done in class initial
Philosophy 10%
Resume -10%
Preparation for mock interview 5%

Portfolio 20%

Prep 5%

Reflection 10% - after the interview

Interview itself

Need information on that

Feedback 5%

4 peers reflection include 5%


Due next week

When applying a job resume

o Going through the interview
o Being placed in a vulnerable position
o Competition for one another when in the field

Next week
o Sharing resources with one another
o Small assignment worth 5%
Give one sheet
Come to class prepared no need to fill out
While talking with each other, fill this out
Put three job postings or website where you
find it out

E.g. Indeed put posting

o YMCA from Indeed

ABC day care at charity village

Have a cover letter example from the
Seat with a peer

Check in if documents are complete

Group of three
o Give a little bit more of
o Basically cut down if you are
looking for the job
o Bottom part:
Printed or rely on internet
Prepare to share those in
o Work be checked and shared by peers
o 3rd part: state why you would use information
sharing by others
Make up your own quote
o Make your own quote it has to speak about you as
a teaching
It has something to be about education
Reading of philosophy it should become
clear why youve picked the quote

Go into reading
Go into different textbooks
Go into Pinterest or Facebook
Must have the same fonts, same header
Use Arial Bold most of the student use
RAC only acronym to be used
Statement of Teaching Philosophy


Not in APA format

Following by teaching and learning

For the assignment quote - APA format
o Know the person who quote it or not
o Find the source may use Google
Next week: Document sharing

Come to class prepared

Have the sheet

Check for announcement for next week


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