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ROUTLEDGE ENGLISH LANGUAGE INTRODUCTIONS SERIES EDITOR: PETER STOCKWELL Peter Stockwell is Senior Lecturer in the Schoal of English Stade atthe University of Nottingham, UK, where his interests include socolingusties,syistics and eogaitive postics, His recent publiations include Cagurtve Poetics: An Inroctcton (Routledge 2002}, The Poetics of Science Fiction, Investigating English Language (with Hoverd Jackson), and Conextualied Stylistics (eed with Tony Bex and Michael Bur). SERIES CONSULTANT: RONALD CARTER Ronald Carter Professor of Modern English Language inthe School of English Stu lesa the University of Notinghams, UK. He is the co-eres editor ofthe forthcoming Routledge Applied Linguistics series, series eitor of intracs, and was co-founder of ‘the Routledge Intersex series ctory of Engh Den Mahyee Sosioingietin 2nc ativan Grammar and Vocabulary Poyenotinguistes Practical Phonetics and Phonology 2n6 extn Bevanay Cling ret ngs Mews Styfetice Fou Siren Language in Theory Maes onsen ar Prapmetes and Discourse 2adeton WORLD ENGLISHES A resource book for students JENNIFER JENKINS Second Edition [2 foutiedge Boog “ How 70 USE THIS BOOK World Englishes orld ngises has eight units each following the above four part structure Section Asunits introdace the key topic in World Englishes from the sixteenth century tothe resent tme and beyond, Secton B develops these issues with additional detail and

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