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Abrasive @`OiàZ

absolute `eþc
adhesive force AjÕdL af
air shower aЯÊÆaiàÐ
albedo `õ[Þ$¼f_Ð*¼
amplitude A¯ÆÐc
Analysis reaction aÞOV_ `õ[ÞLõÞ¯ÆÐ
anlogy `õ[ÞeËþ`
apagee D`Òj×eþ
apparent change AbþÐjÑ `eÞþaràþ_
archivus @bÞþÒmþMÐNÐeþ
aries Òci
asteroid belt NõkþÐZÊ af¯Æ
astronomical unit ckþÐSÐN[ÞL HLL
Asymmetry @jccÞ[Ð
atom `eþcÐZÊ
atomic `ÐeþcÐZaÞL
Atomic Clock `eþcÐZaÞL OäÐ
atomic magic number `ÐeþcÐZaÞL cÔÐSÞLç jÕMÔÐ
Atomic number `eþcÐZÊ LõcÐ*¼
atomic weight `ÐeþcÐZaÞL JS_
autumanl equinox heþ[ jÕ`Ð[
big bang aökêþaÞÒÉ¥ÐV
Big bang aökêþaÞÒÉ¥ÐV
big Crunch
binary star Ò]éß[ _l[ö
black diamond LfÐkþÑeþÐ
Black holes Ló»¤ Nràþ
Brown Led aÐ]ÐcÑ jÑjÐ
cake `Þ½¤L
Carbon dating LÐaà_ç aÞLÞeþZ
carbon di oxide Co2 @=¼ÐeþLÐcý
catalyst D[çÒ`õeþL
centrifugal ÒLtõ`jÐeþÑ
chemical formula eþÐjЯÆ_ÞL jÕÒL[
chemical inertness eþÐjЯÆ_ÞL _Þ´öÞƯÆ[Ð
chromosphere aÀठc¨Æf
classical mechanics QÞeþ j®¤[ af aÞsÐ_
clock wise ]lÞZÐaràþ
Closed Universe _Þaw aÞhè
coating Òmþ`
collapse j*ʼQ_
compound Òd×NÞL
compressed Natural Gas-CNG jÕLÊQÞ[ `õÐLó[ÞL aй¤
conducting wire `eÞþaÐkþÑ [Ðeþ
Constant yÞeþÐ*¼
constellation libra [ÐeþÐ`Ê&¼ cù
convection `eÞþQf_
conventional or non-renewable energy `Ðeþ-ÆeÞþL aÐ _aÑLeþZ @lc h¦ÞÆ
convex lens Drþf daLÐQ
copper [cèÐ
core Nbàþc¨Æf
Cosmic Ray ckþÐSÐN[ÞL eþhêÞ
cosmic reionsation SÐN[ÞL `Ê_Ó aÞ]ÊÔ[ç aÞÒhýhZ
cosmological arrow of time aökêþÐ¨Æ aÞsÐ_ jÞw jc¯Æeþ ]ÞN
crab nebulae LLàV _ÞkþÐeÞþLÐ
critical constant LõЫÞÆL yÞeþÐ*¼
Critical Density Qeþc jÐtõ[Ð
D.C. `õÒ[Ôl ÒjõÐ[
dapple profile X`mþçeþ `eÞþQÞ[öZ
Dark matter @]óhÔ aªÊÆ
density O_[Ð
diffusion aÞoÊeþZ
diluents mþOÊLÐeþÑ
direct current `õ[Ôl aÞ]ÊÔ[ç
Displacement Current aÞyÐ`_ aÞ]ÊÔ[ç
distortion aÞLó[ÞLeþZ
doctile [_Ô
E=mc2 aªÊÆ-h¦ÞÆ eËþ`ЫÆeþ jË[ö
eccentric @jcÒLtõÑL
eclipitic LõЫÞÆ aórþ
effective temperature `õbþÐeþÑ [Ð`cÐ[öÐ
elastic yÞ[ÞyÐ`L
electoscope aÞ]ÊÔ[ç _ÞÒ~àhL d§Æ
electric energy aÞ]ÊÔ[ç h¦ÞÆ
electric potential aÞ]ÊÔ[ç aÞbþa
electrode aÞ]ÊÔ[ç @Nõ
element Òc×fÞL
emulsion @a]öa
endothermic reaction [Ð`ÒhÐiÑ `õ[ÞLõÞ¯ÆÐ
energy consumption h¦ÞÆeþ aÔakþÐeþ
energy efficiency development h¦ÞÆ aÞ_ÞÒdÐNeþ jÐc\àÔ
energy resources h¦ÞÆ jÕ`]/h¦ÞÆ aÞbþa
energy transport h¦ÞÆ jqÐeþ
enrichment jcówÞLeþZ
escape velocity _ÞNàc ÒaN/`fЯÆ_ ÒaN
exothermic reaction [Ð` D`ùÐ]L `õ[ÞLõÞ¯ÆÐ
Expanding Universe `õjÐeþZhÑf aÞhè
filtration `ÞeþjõaZ
Flat Universe É¥Ñ[ aÞhè
flavour jÊaÐj
fliud mechanics `õakþ dЧÆÞL aÞsÐ_
floating `íÐa_
flocculation DÀà¤_
floroscence Ò[ÒSÐ]Ñ©Æ aÞLÞeþZ
fragmentation aÞM¨Æ_
fuel cell Bu_ÒLÐi
fuel gas SÐÒfZÞ aй¤
fuild `õakþ
Galaxy RЯÆÐ`\
general theory of relativity jÐaà[öÞL AÒ`lÞL [réþ
gravity ckþÐLiàZ
green chemistry jaÊS eþjЯÆ_
green solvent jaÊS ]öÐaL
GSLV-Geosynchronous Satellitte Launch Vehicle bËþyÞeþ D`Nõkþ D[çÒl`LdÐ_
habitable zone aÐjÒdÐNÔ c¨Æf
half life @wàЯÊÆ
half life period @wà SÑa_ LÐf
Hydrocarbons D]Ð=¼Ðeþ
hydrosphere aÐeÞþc¨Æf
hydrostatic equillibrium D]yÞ[ÞL j«ÊÆf_
igniter `õ³éÆfÞ[
immovable `Ðhèà D`ùÐ]
impurity @`]öa
induced Magnetic field `õÒZÐ]Þ[ QÊcèLÑ¯Æ Òl[ö
Inert Gas _Þ´öÞÆ¯Æ NÔÐjç
inflexible @Qf@`eÞþaràþ_ѯÆ
Infrared ray @aÒmþÐkÞþ[ eþhêÑ
innovations _aÑLeþZ lc[Ð
intensity [Ñaö[Ð
interface A«ÆÓ`óº¤
iron Òmþ×kþ
isotope jcyÐ_ÞL
kinetic energy N[ÞS h¦ÞÆ
Lateral hÐMÐ_fÑ
lather Ò$¼Z aÐ mþÔ]eçþ
law of univeral gravitations jÐaàÒbþ×[ÞL ckþÐLiàZ _Þ¯Æc
leaching _ÞlÐf_
leaching plastic _ÞlÐf_ `íнޤLç
lead jÑjÐ
light year AÒmþÐL aià
liquid gold [eþf jÊ_Ð
lithosphere `õªÆeþc¨Æf
Longitude Wave @_ÊÒ]ßeþOÔ [eþ=¼
lubricant OiàZ kõþÐjL
luminosity [ÐeþÐeþ ÒSÔÐ[Þ
lunar month QÐtõcÐj
Magnetic Monopole _ÞÓj=¼ QÊcèLÑ¯Æ ÒceÊþ
main sequence cÊMÔLõc
malleable @^ÞL `õjÐeþZhÑf aÐ AOÐ[awàL
mass aªÊÆ[é
mass-luminosity law aªÊÆ[é ÒSÔÐ[Þ _Þ¯Æc/jË[ö
mass-radius law aªÊÆ[é aÔÐjÐwà _Þ¯Æc/jË[ö
mass-temperature law aªÊÆ[é [Ð`cÐ[öÐ _Þ¯Æc/jË[ö
Mean energy cÐ^Ô h¦ÞÆ
melting point Nf_Ð*¼
metal rich ^Ð[Ê`ËÀà¤
method of radial velocity [öÞSÔÒaN `õZÐfÞ
Microwave jËlê [eþ=¼
Milk way ALÐh N=¼Ð
missing mass kþSÞmþÐ aªÊÆ[é
mixture cÞhõZ
modification jÊ^ÐeþÑLeþZ
molecule @ZÊ
natural gas `õÐLó[ÞL aй¤
Negative Charge aÞdÊ¦Æ QÐSà
noise ÒLÐfÐkþf/^è_Þ
non-conventional or renewable energy @Z`Ðeþ-ÆeÞþL aÐ _aÑLeþZlc h¦ÞÆ
nono device jËlê d§Æ`Ð[Þ
North Pole Drþeþ ÒceÊþ
novae _a[ÐeþLÐ
Nozzel jÞqL d§Æ
nugget jÊ_ÐcʨÆÐ
obliquity SÞ_áh
oblong ]ÑOàЯÆ[
occurance `õЩÞÆ
Octet rule @½¤L jÊ[ö
opacity @jèo[Ð
Open Universe cÊ¦Æ aÞhè
ore ^Ð[Ê`Þ¨Æ
Oscilation Ò]Ðf_
particle detector LZÞLÐ `eÞþQЯÆL
perigee @`Òj×eþ
photodissocaition SfѯÆaй¤ AÒmþÐL aÞÒhíiZ
photosphere AÒmþÐL c¨Æf
pickling @cý D`QÐeþ
polymer akÊþfL
polymerisation akÊþfÑLeþZ
positive Charge dʦÆÐ[ëL/^_Ð[ëL QÐSà
potential energy yÞ[ÞS h¦ÞÆ
precession A¯Æ_ Qf_
primary particles `õÐ\cÞL aÐ cËf LZÞLÐ
propellants Ò_Ð]L
protostar [Ðeþ]Ô
proximity fuse jUçfÞ[ $ʼÔSç
Psychological arrow of time c_ªÆÐréÞþL jc¯Æeþ ]ÞN
puffing SèÐfÐcÊMÑ
purification ÒhÐ^_
quadrupole moment Q[ÊÓÒceÊþ AOËÀà¤
radioactivity Ò[S´öÞƯÆ[Ð
reactants `õ[ÞLÐeþL
relative motion AÒ`lÞL N[Þ
renew `Ê_ÓLeþZ/_aÑLeþZ lc
renewable `Ê_ÓLeþZ/_aÑLeþZ lc
reversible `õ[ÔÐaràþÑ
Rotating OËÀà¤Ñ
Rover `eÞþböþcZhÑf dÐ_
runoff Sf`õaÐkþ
sample _cË_Ð
satellite communication Ló[öÞc D`Nõkþ ÒdÐNÐÒdÐN
secondary particles ÒN×Z aÐ `eþarÙþ LZÞLÐ
sedimenatation @aÒl`Z
Seggregation jcaЯÆ_
shaving soap MÞ@eþ jÐaÊ_ç
Shell h¦ÞƪÆeþ, Ll
siderail month _l[ö cÐj
solar month Òj×eþ cÐj
Solar System Òj×eþ SN[
solar wind Òj×eþ `õaÐkþ
solstice `eþcLõЫÞÆ
sonic boom ^è_ÞkÊþ*¼Ðeþ
South Pole ]lÞZ ÒceÊþ
Space walk ckþÐhË_ÔÒeþ QÐmÞþaÐ
Spectrum aÀà¤ÐfÑ
Spiral LʨÆfÐLÐeþ
stabilizer yЯÆÑLÐeþL
steady flow @`eÞþaràþÑ `õaÐkþ
steady state theory yÞ[ÐayÐ [réþ
steliar wind [ÐeþLÑ¯Æ `õaÐkþ
stratosphere jc[Ð` c¨Æf
streamline flow ½öÞ¤cçmþÐB_ç `õaÐkþ
sub atomic D` `eþcÐZÊ
sulphur NuL
summer solstice NõÑiê `eþcLõЫÞÆ
Sun dial jËdàÔOXÏÞ
Sun Synchronous ÒjÐeþjÕyÞ[Þ
super conductivity @[Þ`eÞþakÞþ[Ð
super critical fluid @[Þ LõЫÞÆL [eþf
super giants @[Þ ]Ð_a
super novae @[Þ_a[ÐeþLÐ
surface Chemistry `óº¤L eþjЯÆ_ aÞsÐ_
surface tension `óº¤[Ð_
surfectant LcàL
symbol `õ[ÑL
synthetic jÕÒhíiZÐcùL
sythesis reaction jÕÒhíiZ `õ[ÞLõÞ¯ÆÐ
tanning LiÐBaÐ
Tensile strength jÕ`õjÐeþZ af
texture aÞ_ÔÐj
theoretically [ÐréÞþL bþÐaÒeþ
Theory of relativity AÒ`lÞL[Ð [réþ
Theory of relativity AÒ`lÞL [réþ
thermal ectricity [Ð`] aÞ]ÊÔ[çh¦ÞÆ
thermal equillibrium [Ð` j«ÊÆf_
Thermodynamics [Ð`N[Þ aÞsÐ_
tidal effect of the star [ÐeþÐeþ SÊAeþÑ `õbþÐa
topography bËþeËþ`
torque AOËÀà¤
transparent jèo
Transverse Wave @_Ê`õy [eþ=¼
troposphere ÒlÐbþ c¨Æf
troublent flow aÞlÊaç^ `õaÐkþ
Universal theory of Gravitataion aÞhèaÔÐ`Ñ ckþÐLiàZ [réþ
vaccumm fluctuations hË_Ô@yÞeþ[Ð
Valency jÕÒdÐSL[Ð
vernal equinox aj«Æ jÕ`Ð[
virtual Reality `õ[ѯÆcÐ_ aЪÆa[Ð
warping of space yÐ_eþ YÐmÊþ
winter solstice hÑ[ `eþcLõЫÞÆ
X-ray eþ&¼_ eþhêÞ
zero age main sequence _aSÐ[ cÊMÔLõc
zinc ]ªÆÐ
zodiacal signs eþÐhÞQLõ
D`aórþÐLÐeþ aÐ @¨ÆÐLÐeþ
melting point Nf_Ð*¼
insulator @«ÆeþL
electro motive force aÞ]ÊÔ[ç aÐkþL af
resistance `õ[ÞÒeþÐ^
secondary ]éÞ[ѯÆL
storage jqЯÆL
Dry cell hÊ´Æ aÞ]ÊÔ[ç ÒLÐi
circuit `eÞþ`\
potential difference aÞbþa `õÒbþ]
discharge aÞjSÙ[
recharge `Ê_Ó AÒah_
electrolysis aÞ]ÊÔ[ç aÞÒhýiZ
solute ]öa
solvent ]öÐaL
solution ]öaZ
electro typing aÞ]ÊÔ[ç cÊ]öZ
ionisation A¯Æ__ç
tunning fork jc jeþLeþ
particle LZÞLÐ
uniform motion jc N[Þ
non uniform motion @jc N[Þ
diplacement aÞyÐ`_
magnitude `eÞþcÐZ aÐ cÐ_
speed ÒaN
velocity `eÞþÒaN
acceleration [éeþZ
retardation ct_
angular speed ÒL×ZÑ¯Æ ÒaN
scalar @]Þh
tranlatrory motion Qf_ aÐ yÐ_ЫÆeþZ N[Þ
rotatory motion OËÀà¤_ N[Þ
vibratory motion L-Æ_ N[Þ
variable aÞbÞþ_ï[Ð
motion N[Þ
vectory quantity j]Þh eþÐhÞ
scalar quantity @]Þh eþÐhÞ
balanced force j«ÊÆfÞ[ af
pull VZÐ
stretching jÕ`õjÐeþZ
spring LcÐ_Ñ
squeez jÒ*¼ÐQ_
push ÒWmþÐ
momentum jÒcèN
mechanical force dЧÆÞL af
sound wave hv [eþ=¼
radio wave Òa[Ðeþ [eþ=¼
light wave AÒmþÐL [eþ=¼
disturbance AÒmþÐXÏ_
incident wave A`[Þ[ [eþ=¼
rarefaction aÞeþf_
Ground Glass OiÐLÐQ
Blind spot Ló»¤aÞtÊ
Myopia/Short sightedness jcÑ`kóþ½Þ¤
Short sightedness/Myopia jcÑ`kóþ½Þ¤
Hypermetropia/long sightedness ]Ëeþ]ó½Þ¤
long sightedness/Hypermetropia ]Ëeþ]ó½Þ¤
Astigmatism aLõ]ó½Þ¤
contact lens jÕ¸¤ià Òmþ_çj
Persistance of vision ]ó½Þ¤ @aÞQf[Ð
magnifying glass awà_ LÐQ
Reading glass `W_ LÐQ
Eye piace Ò_[öÞLÐ
Pinhole Camera eþuõ LÔÐÒceþÐ
colour blindness aÀà¤Ðu[Ð
power of accommodation jcÒ¯ÆÐS_ lc[Ð
axil @M
disc QL[Þ
Hard drill kþÐ[ÊA
anomalous @j=¼[
freezing O_ÑLeþZ kÞþc_
condensation j+¼__
anticlock wise aÐcÐaràþÑ
induced `õÒZ]Þ[
deflection aÞÒl`Z
armature AÒcàQeþ
field magnet Òl[ö QÊcèL
Transmission line jqÐeþÑ [Ðeþ
series connection `P¼ç¦ÞÆ jÕÒdÐN
Parallel connection jcЫÆeþÐf jÕÒdÐN
Mica @böþ

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