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Maria Camila Franco

ENG 112-07
June 20, 2016
Mrs. Intawiwat
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography

Benson, Peter. "External Freedom According to Kant." Columbia Law Review 87.3 (1987):
559-79. Web.
Peter Benson is a very experienced professor with a law degree and an undergraduate degree in
sociology from Harvard. He focuses his teaching on theories of justice, tort law and contract law.
Benson has contributed to different essays, journals and handbooks related to these topics.

This secondary source contrasts and analyzes the difference between law and morality in which
both, external and internal freedom are included. Benson describes the interpretation of Kants
view on the topic.

The topic explained here relates to my project because it provides the concept of internal and
external freedom, its differences, and a philosophical and moralist point of view.

Levine, Peter. "Six Types of Freedom." Peter Levine. N.p., 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 27 June

Peter Levine is the great author of We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: The Promise of
Civic Renewal in America. He has also written a novel and other five scholar books about
philosophy and politics. Levine has gained experience in his field thanks to his different
collaboration and services on the boards or steering committees of AmericaSpeaks, Street Law
Inc., the Deliberative Democracy Consortium among other associations.

This source describes the six different types of freedom that can take place in our lives. Peter
Levine cites Isaiah Berlin to emphasize a good point of him that explains an argument between
negative and positive freedom.

Levines description of these six types of freedom connects to my topic because it includes some
daily tasks, attitudes and behaviors that we deal with and presence everyday.

Moore, Michele. "What Is Spiritual Freedom?" Happiness Blog. N.p., 21

Apr. 2007. Web. 08 June 2016.
Michele Moore, the author of How to Live a Happy Life - 101 Ways to be happier. Embraces a
great interest to the study of happiness after twenty years of workings in management and
organization consulting for a regional bank. She writes and hosts a couple blogs based on
Michele explains in his blog how our choices affect our spiritual and emotional freedom that
sometimes is controlled by the environment, the culture and the circumstances around us. Her
writing serves as a guide for people who want to focus their lives in happiness.

This blog is very useful for my research since she gives a few tips to become the person we want
to be. The information is clear, concise and easy to transport to an informal project like mine.

Warner, Rebecca M., and Kerryellen G. Vroman. "Happiness Inducing Behaviors in

Everyday Life: An Empirical Assessment of "the how of Happiness"." Journal of
Happiness Studies 12.6 (2011): 1063-82. ProQuest. Web. 27 June 2016.
Rebecca Warner is currently a member of the American Psychological Association, the
International Association for Relationships research, the Society of Experimental Social
Psychology and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Rebecca has a Ph.D. in
Social Psychology form Harvard and a B.A in Social Relations from Carnegie-Mellon
University. Kerryellen G. Vroman, associate professor of University of New Hampshire focuses
on the research of psychosocial factors that influence health outcomes and adaptation to
illnesses. She teaches courses about Occupational Therapy.

These two professors give an explicit report that explains how happiness incorporates different
behaviors in the daily life and the many factors that can be involved. Every variable has a
complete definition that clarifies the concept and the importance of happiness in life.

Her collaboration on this source is linked to my topic because it doesnt just give a general
concept, but also, is very detailed and focuses on the happiness and its relation with the daily life
that we have.

Weidhorn, Manfred. "Freedom, Happiness, Location-on Earth and Beyond." The Midwest

Quarterly 56.3 (2015): 255,271,207. ProQuest. Web. 27 June 2016.

Manfred Weidhorn is a professor with a Ph.D. in English from the Columbia University
Graduate School. He has published a dozen books and written more than a hundred essays on
topics related to Shakespeare, cultural history and literary themes. Weidhorn has also received
the Farrow Award for Excellence in Churchill Studies and the Victor J. Emmett Jr. Award for best

Weidhorn defines on this secondary source the concepts of happiness and freedom that lead to a
better understanding of the meaning of life. He uses cultural and geographical factors that serve
as variables to determine how happiness and freedom relate to personal life.

This article relates to my projects because it explains different variables that lead to happiness
and freedom. He also gives a fresh and new point of view from a different aspect.

Vanasco, Liliana C. Freedom of the Soul. Bloomington: Balboa Press, 2012. Print.
Liliana C. Vanasco is a life coach, meditation teacher, advanced reiki, energy practitioner and the
author of the great book Freedom of the Soul. She began her career in the late 1990s with her
own personal journey in which she would seek for peace, balance and happiness in her life. After

this, she began attending different seminars within the mind-body-spirit field and eventually she
designed her own workshops and started life coaching other people.

In this secondary source, Lilianas book: Freedom of the Soul provides a compelling guide to hop
in a journey to discover a relationship with your soul. She involves many aspects of life and
gives examples and tips on how to get to a deep peace with your own soul.

This source connects to my project because it describes the process of finding yourself and
provides some steps in order to find a self-fulfillment and reach your potential within your soul.

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