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Jonathan Ellis

Unit 9 Lab

Tutorial 1

2) I got wireshark downloaded on my PC and Im watching the tutorial. I start by opening

wireshark and looking at the tools to get acquainted with the software.

3) I then open firefox (my browser of choice for this lab). Then set that browser to a blank

4/5) I then go on to open Wiresharks capture interface. This allows me to see all available

6) By selecting the network that Im on, Im then able to see all traffic on the
network. As all the traffic is coming in Ill have to isolate the portions that I need

from the ones I dont.

7) Next I go over to my blank browser and search got to The

goal is to see if I can find evidence of being on this site on Wireshark.

8) Next I isolate all of the information that I need which happens to be http information. I
wont need all of the other information that was being captured.

9,10,11) Then I go on to search through all of the traffic and find evidence of being on In the screenshot below it states the site this is coming from is the

Found the exact one for the link ( The capture references
firefox the browser I used. The host is (

Tutorial 2
1,2,3) On this step I go to and clear the cookies saved
in the browser. This makes the browsers cookie cache clear.

4,5) Next I restart the live capture. Restarting the process by going to
Capture>Interface>My Network

6,7,8,9,10) Next I go back to and set a brand new

cookie. The cookie for this step is OreosAreTheBest.

11) Next I go to The goal is to use an http site

because it is less secure than https. Then use a User ID and password which should be

recorder by wireshark.

12-17) Going into Wireshark and finding the captured url allows me to then search for the
user Id and password. In the image below UID is the user ID and pwd is the password.
Both matched the User Id and password that was used for the browser.

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