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Spring/Summer 2016 Volume 35 Number 1

Ken Collier

President The Wilds

Brevard, North Carolina

Unforgettable Summer Camp!

hat makes something unforgettable?

Gods Word brought the heart and mind of God to you! The

Unforgettable somethings endure in the

changes brought by our obedient decisions to Gods living

memory and are almost impossible to erase

words stand forever planted in our hearts in unforgettable

from the mind. An unforgettable something or someone

ways! What was the greatest, life-altering decision you made

can even influence your everyday life! In this issue of the

in obedience to Gods words at camp?

NewsLetter, we want to bring to mind some of the reasons

Was it a particular staff member? Did you meet a staff

why people, places, experiences, and things at summer camp

(TheWilds, TheWilds of New England, and CampsAbroad)
have become unforgettable memories for you. In this issue,
several staff members will take the opportunity to share why
summer camp became so memorable in their lives. Then, a
number of them will share with you how they are preparing
the summer of 2016 at The Wilds, The Wilds of New England,
and CampsAbroad to bring about even more unforgettable
Think about it, all of you former campers and staff members:

member that even to this day you think about and

appreciate for his interest and influence in you as a camper?

Who was it?
Was it thankfulness for life habits that were formed? A
personal time with God, prayer, and instruction in solving

relationship issues are explained and modeled by dedicated,

growing, college-aged, brothers and sisters in Christ.
These godly habits, once learned and practiced, can ignite
incomparable spiritual growth that lasts throughout a lifetime.

What made your week at summer camp an unforgettable

experience? The reasons are as random and as special as the

individuals are! Here are a few big, bucket categories that

give all Wilds campers and staff members a good head start
towards rehearsing all of those unforgettable memories.
Was it the Bible? First things first! When Gods Word came
clearly and powerfully to you, whether in chapel, Christian
Life Seminar, cabin devotions, or team challenges, it did
not fail to change your lives in the most unforgettable ways.

The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. publishes The Wilds NewsLetter.

Change of address information and comments should be sent to:
The Wilds Christian Association, Inc
PO Box 509
Taylors, SC 29687-0009
Phone: (864) 268-4760
Fax: (864) 292-0743
Visit our website at or visit
The Wilds Online Store at
Editor: Ken Collier
Graphic Designer: Craig Stouffer
Publications Coordinator: Maylin Seiter
Spring/Summer 2016 Volume 35 Number 1
2016 The Wilds Christian Association, Inc.
All rights reserved.

2 newsletter spring/summer 2016

The Wilds and CampsAbroad

are registered trademarks of
The Wilds ChristianAssociation, Inc.
North Carolina Campsite:
The Wilds
1000 Wilds Ridge Road
Brevard, NC 28712-7273
Phone: (828) 884-7811
Fax: (828) 862-4813
New England Campsite:
The Wilds of New England
1181 Deering Center Road
Deering, NH 03244-6529
Phone/Fax: (603) 529-0001

The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. is an independent, nondenominational,

nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization created for the purpose of operating
Christian camps and conference centers. We are fundamental in our beliefs,
Bible-centered in our philosophy, and evangelistic in our outreach.
The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. presently operates a Christian camp and
conference center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina that
is open year-round. The camp has a carefully selected and trained staff and
averages over 20,000 campers per year. In 2009 The Wilds of New England
began ministry at our campsite in Deering, New Hampshire. In this peaceful,
rural setting we experienced good growth in attendance at our summer camps
as well as in our limited fall schedule programs. We anticipate a continuing
steady growth and expansion of the ministry at this New England location.
In addition to providing a God-honoring music publication service as an
integral part of our ministry, The Wilds Christian Association, Inc. has also
established the CampsAbroad program to assist others in the formation and
operation of Christian camp ministries around the world.

Do you still have your personal God & I Time each day?

and enjoy old ones! Camp brings everyone together in the

Was it those crazy games and events? Camp is built simply

friendliest of atmospheres. Do you have a valued friend you

to bring those zany and exciting experiences to our lives.

met or became really close to at camp?

Unforgettable! Remember the fun (terror) with Bigball, Cat-

Was it Gods blowaway creation? Immense. Cascading.

in-the-Hat, Tag-a-Lot, and Bigball Volleyball? Remember the

Powerful waterfalls! Unforgettable! No one can create the

4 Falls Hike, The Blob, the Land Trolley, the Giant Swing, Mini

majestic, but our God alone. Beautiful, lush forests and clear

Golf, or maybe the new towering and exciting Zipline, the

creeks that meander through the property. His massive

Mystery Mansion or mini-Fenway Park? What was your most

creation is indelibly impressed on our mind, eyes, and leg

unforgettable and memorable game or activity at camp?

muscles! What special nature place did you most enjoy at

Was it Funtime? Camp is hilariousnaturally! But, if you

camp? What part of Gods creation can you see in your minds

happen (on a particular evening) to hear long, continuous,


rolling waves of laughter exploding from a particular building

Was it a changed life? Our mission is to use the unique


on the campsite, you know whats happening! Its Funtime!

benefits of Christian Camping to serve people by presenting

Whether we convulse with laughter over original skits, classic

the Truth of God with the love of God so lives can be changed

humor, universal silly, slap-stick, ridiculous songs, or favorite

to the glory of God. Did God use His Word to change your life

dramas from the past, you know youre going to learn phrases

at camp?

and punch lines you will use the rest of the year! What was

Read-on as some of the Staff share what makes camp

your favorite, unforgettable skit or performance?

Was it amazing friendships? Somehow, those friends made

unforgettable for them. We invite you to go to The Wilds

Facebook page and tell us something UNFORGETTABLE!

at camp often become a part of ones life for good. It happens

all the time. And what a great place to find new friends 3


Brent Allamon

Program Manager The Wilds of New England

Deering, New Hampshire

Unforgettable Program
TWNE 2016

nforgettable comes at a price!

serious about having fun. Campaign

the Mystery Mansion; splashing into

Seriously. The Wilds of New

Trails 2016 at The Wilds of New England

the swimming hole; traversing the

England is a very serious

will be no exception. But what makes

ropes and wires course; or playing

place in the summer. We are serious

our program unforgettable? It could

Bigball on the field. But what makes the

about safety on the campsite; reaching

be hitting a home run in our very own,

program at The Wilds of New England

our goals as individuals and as a staff;

Fenway replica whiffle-ball park; zipping

unforgettable? All of it. All of the games

serving God more than pleasing man;

through the trees at 25 mph on our

and activities are for the purpose of

and creating Christ-like servants. And

940 zipline; challenging your friends

breaking down barriers so that life-

regarding philosophy, we are very

and counselors to a laser tag match at

impacting relationships can be formed

and our staff can present the Truth of
God, with the love of God, so lives can
be changed to the glory of God. These
are the kinds of relationships that are
conducive for the gospel, discipleship,
and spiritual development. No matter
the activity, we always seek to open
doors for the gospel to have its effect.
Personally, I have made every major
spiritual decision of my life at TheWilds,
and I can truly say that when God works
in your life to bring about change
towards the image of Jesus Christ, it is
simply unforgettable. Im thankful for
those servants who were serious about
making every week an unforgettable
week for me!

Mark Egerdahl

Fall Programs
for Juniors & Teens
4 newsletter spring/summer 2016

Pastoral Assistant
Lebanon Baptist Church
Roswell, Georgia

Aaron Coffey

Evangelist Coffey Ministries

Rocky Mount, North Carolina


receives all the glory for

the thousands of professions
of faith and dedications
to serve the Lord throughout
these 47 years of ministry.


Ken Hay

Chairman of the Board The Wilds

Taylors, South Carolina

Great Things He Hath Done

or every staff member, for every

that come readily to my grateful heart

camper, there are stories about

and mind:

their time at The Wilds that,

to them, are unforgettable. To me,

having had the privilege of seeing it all
from the beginning, the word truly is
unbelievable! That is the only word
I can think of when praising God for
what He has accomplished through
The Wilds ministry. God receives all the
glory for the thousands of professions of
faith and dedications to serve the Lord
throughout these 47 years of ministry.
There are thousands of stories obviously
too numerous to tell, but here are two

An orphan from Miracle Hill

Childrens ministry, attending
a week of camp on scholarship,
trusted Christ as his Savior. His life
was forever changed. Not only did
he graduate from high school, but
he went on to college and seminary,
and is now serving as a chaplain in
the army with the rank of Major.
A young lady from a strict religion
which adds works to salvation
struggled all week with the message

of the Gospel. On the final night

of camp, she made a profession
of faith and was gloriously saved.
Her life was so changed when she
returned home that her father and
mother both trusted Christ alone
in salvation. Two weeks later at a
family reunion, her father was able
to give the one true Gospel to his
entire extended family.
The unsearchable grace of God has
shown His UNBELIEVABLE mercy to us
over and over. To God be the Glory,
great things He has done. 5


John Bott

Program Marketing Director The Wilds

Brevard, North Carolina

Even More Unforgettable?

hile reading through the 2015 summer sponsor

ALL of these are great ideas, and some of them would make

surveys, one of my goals is to find out if anyone

the summer truly unforgettable. Admittedly, some would be

had a great idea to make the sponsor program

harder to pull off than others, but the bottom line is this: we

better, or should I say, even more unforgettable? Here are a

want to present every sponsor the opportunity to experience

few items that got my attention:

one of our core values: refreshing enjoyment of life in Christ.

Whitewater rafting Prayer time hikes before

sunrise and at sunset Post the menu Schedule
sponsor sessions so we can see teen activities
Shorter sponsor meetings [huh?] Ladies
fellowship/session Sponsor choir Sponsor
versus staff volleyball game More detailed
information for first-time sponsors More lighting
on the steps Fewer steps Air condition the
Ballfield A Wilds app Dunkin Donuts coffee in
the sponsor lounge

The second most life changing decision for me that happened

6 newsletter spring/summer 2016

here at camp was when I was a way-over-the-top-competitive

lead counselor around 25 years ago. A counselor on my
team confronted me with the fact that he thought I was more
concerned about winning games than I was about the spiritual
growth of campers. Ouch! That day began a summer long
process of God beginning to tear away pride and showing me
that I was badly misguided in my thinking. Sadly, in some ways
I am still learning that lesson. The most life changing decision
ever made at The Wilds that still impacts me today? Getting
married in the Fireplace Room to one of the lady counselors
from the 1992 Red Tape Party!

Matt Collier

Director CampsAbroad
Brevard, North Carolina


ecently, Dan Brooks and I spent

several days together reworking
our Camp Preparation

Timeline. Heres how it works: starting

about six months ahead of time, we
send our ministry partners one timeline
letter each month. These letters cover
subjects like property preparation, staff
recruiting, camp promotion, developing
a schedule, choosing a Bible study
theme, gathering game equipment,
and a host of other details. Why so
much planning? We want to give the
young people an unforgettable time at
campwhether camp for them is a few
short days or a full week. Camping is
a highlight for young people of many
races, languages, and cultures, but most
of the efforts of CampsAbroad have
concentrated on several developing
Just for a moment, try to put yourself
in the place of a boy or girl who lives
in a back country village with little
opportunity for education. You own one
set of clothes and one pair of shoes. Your
day consists of getting up with the sun
and going out to look for day labor or
begging on the streets. You typically eat
one full meal a day. Most adults in your
world treat you with contempt or view
you with suspicion. And now imagine

that someone comes to your village and

you about the Bible. Even though you

invites you to attend a week of camp. You

can barely read, they give you a Bible

have no idea what it is but decide to go

of your own to keep. And so the week

anyway. You place your few possessions

unfolds. Before you know it, the last day

carefully into a plastic bag and start

of camp arrives. You really dont want

to walk, hitching a ride when you can.

to leave, but as you begin the long trek

Upon arriving at the place, you are

back to the village with your precious

immediately greeted by a smiling adult

Bible tucked in your bag, you think back

and introduced to someone called your

over the unforgettable experience that

counselor. He or she takes an interest in

they call camp. You now know that God

you from the start, showing you around

loves you and Jesus died for you. With

and speaking kindly to you. You see

this wonderful news, you are already

other kids your own age who are just as

looking forward to next year.

bewildered as you are. That afternoon,

To that camper, all of that just

you gorge yourself on the piles of food

served by more smiling adultsand are
amazed when they tell you that you will
have three more meals the next day! And
then there are the games. Games like
you have never imagined. Games with
balls of all kinds. Games with running,
jumping, and laughing, even splashing,
if possible. Games with your very own
team. And that evening, you all gather
together to listen to a man who talks to

happened. But we know it took

significant planning, preparing,
and implementing to pull it off.
CampsAbroad provides a guiding
hand to make each camp experience
unforgettable no matter what the
country. Lord willing, our team members
will be ministering in the Philippines,
South Africa, Chad, and Mongolia this
summer. But preparations have been in
the works for quite some time! 7


Rand Hummel

Director The Wilds of New England

Deering, New Hampshire

I Remember....

NFORGETTABLE is one of those words that makes

porch, trusting Christ as his Savior. To our knowledge, he

you want to grab a cup of coffee, sit down at a table

was the first one to trust Christ at TWNE.

of friends, and reminisce for an hour. In the 37 years

the chapel filled with New England teens, on their

Ive been privileged to serve our wonderful Lord at TheWilds

and TheWilds of New England, I have had many, many
unforgettable experiences.

knees, thanking God for His working in their lives while

singing, Bow the Knee.
hearing the words, Thank you for being here in New
England for us. God has used this camp to change my life.
All of these moments are unforgettable. I am excited
about summer 2016 because I know that what God has
unforgettably done in the lives of over 11,000 campers
at TWNE in the past 7 years, He will do again in 2016.
Campers will come, hear the Word of God preached, learn
from counselors and staff who genuinely love them, and
experience God do an unforgettable change in their lives.
By the way, my salvation is both undeserved and
unforgettableI want to remember to thank God every day of
my life for saving me.

I remember:
the first time a camper came to me, shared his problem,
and asked if I could help. I told him, No, I cant, but I
know someone who can,then took him to Ken Collier.
That was a life-change for me as I promised God I would
learn all I could to help every camper who came to me.
vowing (in tears) after my first Funtime experience that
I would never be in Funtime again. Under direct orders, I
broke that silly promise thousands of times!
weeping with teens as they wept and understood Gods
forgiveness for the first time in their lives.
the realization that I knew a lot about God but did not
know Him in a close, personal way. That totally transformed
my devotional lifewhich has not changed for the last 30
I remember my first summer at The Wilds of New
Englandit almost seems like yesterday. I remember:
the 18 year old boy, sitting on the Meeting House chapel
8 newsletter spring/summer 2016

Joe Fant & Willie Partin

Program The Wilds

Brevard, North Carolina


Unforgettable Summers
Willie -

Our hearts desire is that everything we do has a purpose

and that purpose is to ultimately make it easier for the camper
to hear Gods Word and apply it to their heart. Everything
includes all of the activities, games, and, yes, even our
Funtime. We work hard to come up with fresh games that the
campers will enjoy and talk about. All of the activities (Giant
Swing, 3rd Falls Zipline, and others)are meant for the campers
to have a great time. We spend hours planning funny skits (not
always successful) in order to break down barriers so campers
are willing to talk about things they are facing and struggles
they have. I know in my own life being able to get away and be

Joe -

refreshed by doing enjoyable activities has made it possible

to be able to listen to God speak to me through His Word.

Every afternoon of summer camp we have Christian Life

Seminar (CLS). CLS is a time for the staff to take a current,
relevant issue for teens and look at it through the lens
of Scripture. I have seen this time impact the teens on a
substantial level as topics such as relationships, anger, social
media, bullying, physical identity, and others are biblically
expounded and explained in a way that is aimed straight at
the hearts of teenagers. I remember the Lord using CLS in my
time as a camper to shape my heart towards ministry. One
CLS in particular that focused on developing a burden for
missions sticks out in my mind as a turning point in my heart to
push me to give up everything for Christ. 9


Matt Herbster

e are gearing up for another unforgettable

summer! The best way to not forget something
is to be reminded. Some people tie strings

around their fingers to be reminded of important events. We

have gadgets to remind us of everything from meetings, to
birthdays, to the number of steps we still need to get in for
the day. While we dont have any new technology to unveil, we
definitely want to be intentional about the kinds of reminders
you get at camp so your week will be unforgettable. Camp will
help remind you of at least the following 9 things:
Communicate! There are many reasons why we dont let

campers bring electronic devices to camp, but one natural

benefit is that we all actually communicate more!
Laugh! Sometimes the busyness and stress of everyday life

gets a little too much. Come to camp and be reminded of how

important it is to laugh and have a great time.
Give your all! The games are crazy, and the cheering is

ridiculous, but it all helps to remind you that giving your best
is always a good thing.
Life is not all about you! Living in a cabin with 8 other

people helps to remind us of how selfish we can be, as well as

the need to be a servant like Jesus.
10 newsletter spring/summer 2016

Director The Wilds

Brevard, North Carolina

Enjoy creation! Waterfalls, flowing streams, majestic

mountains, and even the occasional critter are all a part of

being at camp! Look at what He has done!
Build friendships! Coming to camp provides a great

reminder of how many other people want to serve God too!

Be thankful! Life is not perfect, but coming to camp helps
you realize how good God has been to each one of us.

Its okay to sing! Worshipping God together in singing is

a great reminder to let your heart overflow with love and
adoration to God!
I need Gods Word! This is the most important reminder.
It doesnt matter how old or young you are, we all need

continual reminders so we can think Biblically regarding the

many issues that come our way.
So, in an effort to provide you with an unforgettable summer,
we invite you to come to camp! We will be here to remind you
and ourselves about the Greatness and Goodness of our God!
Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His

Staff Unforgettables....
Camping gave me the opportunity to have
dedicated time to study Gods Word and
worship in song apart from the regular
pressures of life.

Michelle Adams

God used the CIT program to strategically

place some men in my life who would leave
a lasting impression on me. It was a turning
point in my Christian life. I am so thankful
for the long-lasting impact of the teaching
I received at TheWilds, and now I have the
wonderful privilege of serving summer
campers while putting into practice
TheWilds philosophy of giving the Truth in
love to affect change to Gods glory.
Shawn Alexander
God has taught me while working at camp
how to glorify Him in my decisions and
actions. Im learning to choose what is best
and not just what is good.

Shelly Renner

While attending CIT in 1972, God allowed

me to see true Christian joy evidenced at
all times in the lives of the staff and summer

staff even in the worst of circumstances

(think: 24 hour virus that hit almost
everyone on the campsite). Coming from
a broken home, this was something I had
not seen before, and I was challenged and
encouraged by their joyful spirits.

Robin McAdams

I remember camp having the greatest impact

on my life as a sophomore in high school.
Rand Hummel was the speaker for the week

passion for Gods Word!

Dan Brooks

My new life in Christ began when I was

I went that year, and it was during Friday

saved at The Wilds in the summer of 1999

nights challenge that I gave my life to the

as a first-time camper. While my spiritual

Lord to be used in full-time Christian service.

journey has been full of ups and downs, I can

always look back at time spent at camp as an

Bryce Hamilton

In 1974, I traveled from Detroit, Michigan,

on a yellow church bus to The Wilds. For
the next 5 years, that long trip would be
the highlight of each year. I was challenged
to read Gods Word for myselfsomething
that has impacted me greatly. During the
scheduled God & I Times, I had my first
taste of reading the Bible on my own. A
counselors encouragement to buy a yearlong devotional book helped me have a

investment in my spiritual walk. Sometimes

the impact was not right away, but Gods
Word never returns void. The Lord has used
various speakers, counselors, and coworkers
over the years to make an eternal impact on
my life as a camper, CITer, summer staffer,
and now employee.

Rachael Benge

Camping has majorly impacted my own

personal life. As a child, I started attending
TheWilds as a family camper. It was during
God & I Time one of those summers at
Family Camp that my Dad trusted Christ
as his Savior. Years later I returned as a
summer staff counselor. That summer
the Lord changed my entire lifes path. I
learned that serving God was completely
different than what I had always imagined
it to be. Serving God at camp was not only
challenging me spiritually, but I found I
actually loved it! Im so thankful that God
changes hearts. I can confidently say that
although I do not deserve to be used by
God, Im so glad Hes chosen to use me

Chris Anastos 11


Dick Reid

Director of Development The Wilds

Taylors, South Carolina

"I Still Remember?"

From an Old Sponsor

uring the summer of 1984,

a businessman and his wife
were 2 of the sponsors for

a youth group from Ohio. The man

thought it was pretty silly to drive over
500 miles to camp. After all, he said,
all camps are basically the samea
camp is a camp is a camp! He did,
however, have to admit that both of
his children, after attending TheWilds
for the first time the previous year,
were thoroughly convinced that this
camp was different and like no other.
The group traveled down the
dusty, dirty, curvy road to the
Wilds and the man and his wife got
registered into their unforgettably,
unairconditioned dormitory room

continuing to work in the mans life to mold, make, break, and

overlooking the waste water treatment plant (the dilemma:

bless him.

should he open the window or suffer in the heat?!?!). The room

During 1986 the mans family experienced several challenging

had bunk beds, and the restrooms were down the hall. And
why did they put the Dorm at the bottom of the hill with all of
those 7,000 unforgettable steps to the Dining Hall? Yes, this
was just another camp.
After watching an intense game of Bigball, the first preaching
service took place. It was unforgettable! The message was
entitled How in the world do I glorify God? The Lord started
a second major transformation in that mans life that very
night. The first transformation had taken place less than 6
years earlier when, at age 34, he accepted Jesus Christ as his
personal Savior.
In 1985 the couple returned as sponsors to this camp that was
not any different than any other. God continued to work,
and the unforgettable message that year was Life is short,
death is sure, sin is the curse, and Christ is the cure. God was
12 newsletter spring/summer 2016

personal situations that God meant for good as He drew the

family ever closer to Himself and into His perfect will.
In the summer of 1986 they returned to TheWilds with a new
outlooka burden to be in full-time, vocational Christian
service. Ken Collier asked the man if he would consider a camp
position. He responded I doubt it; I am just not a camp guy.
Ken asked if he would be willing to discuss it with Ken Hay, Bob
Stoner, and himself, and the man agreed.
A month later the man received an offer to join TheWilds
staff as the Director of Development. Still being somewhat
entangled with the world, he had trouble deciding if he should
accept the offer. Finally, after 8 weeks, Ken Collier asked him
to make a decision by deciding whom he was going to please
God or self! The man then made the unforgettable decision
to resign his position as vice president of a bank, sell his family

The Daniel Dilemma: Real Courage for Real Life is a

Christian teenagers guide for surviving the lions in
a world that rejects God and expects them to reject
Him, too. In this study, Rand Hummel uses his more
than twenty years of Christian camp experience to
formulate fourteen Laws of Courageous Leadership
from the book of Daniel and apply them to the real-life
situations young people face today. Available for
purchase through our online store.

farm, and agree to vocationally give

all to God by serving at
Now, almost 29 years later,
that man is experiencing
a wonderful tiredness

Needs Corner

from serving God at a camp that is

definitely like no other. The joy and
the zeal are still there, but the energy
is not what it used to be. It has been
an unforgettable journey that started
with an unforgettable message from
Gods Word at TheWilds.
We wonder who God will call to be
the next person to start this same
journey (serve in this same position)
at TheWilds. We TRUST that Gods
call will again be, as it was for this
man who has written this testimony-wonderfully unforgettable!


Items received:

Drinking Fountains (2)

Commercial Treadmill
Hydraulic Lift Table
Folding Work Platform
3 hp Portable Air Compressors (2)
20-ton Bottle Jack
Commercial Wheelbarrow (2)


Commercial Torque Wrench - $225

3hp Portable Air Compressor (2) - $275 each
Submersible Utility Pump - $105
Contractor 50 Extension Cord (4) - $50 each
4 Step Ladder (2) - $120 each
4 Bolt Cutter - $85
Heavy Duty Tow Strap - $65
L.E.D. Worklight - $100
Commercial Water hose (5) - $40 each
Soil Knife (2) - $25 each

Items received:
Zipline Lanyards (5)
Preaching Headset Mic (1)


Video camera - $250

Audio Cable (5) - $30 each
Preaching Headset Mic - $300
Zipline Carabiner (8) - $35 each

I want to help
A or

Enclosed is a gift toward the cost of the indicated need.

City____________________ State _________ Zip

Mail to: The Wilds PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009 13

Staff News:
Trevor and Jamie Allen are happy to

Alyssa Williams, daughter of Gary

Joe and Becky Fant are happy to

Boston. He was born on February 15,

Ellison on February 20, 2016. Alyssa

Farrell. He was born on November

grew up at the North Carolina campsite

5, 2015, weighed 6 pounds 10

was 20 inches long. He is welcomed

and served on our summer staff for

ounces, and was 19 inches long. He is

home by his siblings: Brooklyn and

eight summers. Ethan served on our

welcomed home by his siblings: Karis


summer staff for three summers and

and Kossler.

Megan Dail joined the Greenville

also on our spring and fall staff. Ethan

Jonathan and Jessica Mair are happy

as one of our Summer Registrations

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris

announce the arrival of their son, Oliver

2016, weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces, and

office staff in March, and is serving

secretaries. Megan served on our
summer staff in North Carolina for
three summers.

and Wendy Williams, married Ethan

is completing recruit training with the

Island, and Alyssa is a teller at a credit
union. They are living in Brevard, North

announce the arrival of their son, Shiloh

to announce the arrival of their son,

Logan McKinley David. He was born on

October 23, 2015, weighed 8 pounds
2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
He is welcomed home by his siblings:
Anja, Ethan, Isaac, and Olivia.


where are they


Tori Anderson (14) lives in Greenville, South Carolina, where

she is a nurse at St. Francis Hospital.

Stephen (03-04,07,08,09) and Melissa (06,07,08,09)

Endres live in South Bend, Indiana. Stephen is an Account

Executive with UPS and Melissa is an Administrative Assistant

at the University of Notre Dame. Their son, Christian James,
was born on June 14, 2015.


Kimberly Knudsen (11,12,13) and Jordan Alexander

(12,13), 7/18/15.

Colleen Reilly (00,01,02,03,04,05,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,

14,15) and Andrew French (04,05,06,07,08,12), 10/17/15.

14 newsletter spring/summer 2016


Joe (10,13-14) and Anna [Brooks] Baker (10,11,13-14),

Timothy Daniel, 1/7/16.

Andy and Emily [Lovely] Scheer (03,06), Ainsley Meredith,


Zach (08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15) and Kate [Yurchak]

Sparkman (05,06,07,08-10,13,14,15), Zane Gregory,


Former Staff,

help keep us updated on your career moves, marriage,

and children! Send announcements to:

The Wilds,
Where Are They Now?
PO Box 509
Taylors, SC 29687-0009
or e-mail



For more information call (864) 331-3286

or e-mail You can also
register online at

Fun for Everyone!

Need a special place for your family to spend time

together? Come join us at the Labor Day Weekend
Family Camp where each family member will find
something enjoyable to do! Bring everyone and
renew the focus of your entire family!


Brian Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 2-4


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matthews


Given by: Dr. Rachel Larson


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matthews



Memorial gifts received as of March 1, 2016

Given by: Mrs. Dawn Hughes


Given by: Mrs. Flora Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gorsline

Mr. & Mrs. Cal Mair Mr. & Mrs. Dick Reid

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner Mr. & Mrs. George Thornton




Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Dick Reid


Given by: Mrs. Dawn Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Cal Mair


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gorsline


Given by: Christina Scott


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matthews


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Dick Reid Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout


Given by: Accounting, Economics & Appraisal Group,

Birmingham, AL

Mrs. Bette Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Roy Barton

Mr. & Mrs. Willard Bennett

The Greg Berfield Family

Ms. Theresa Bird Mr. & Mrs. Sam Brenneman

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brevik Mr. & Mrs. John Burtner

Temi Chung Mr. & Mrs. David Cleary

Mr. John Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Cook

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DalPorto Mr. David Fine

Mr. & Mrs. Al Goldstein

Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Gorsline

Mr. & Mrs. Robin Gorsline Mr. & Mrs. Terry Griffin

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Henry Mr. Dan Hill

Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hintzman Mr. Stephen Hudson

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hudson Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Langford

Mrs. Ardith Linn Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Luttrell

Mr. & Mrs. Cal Mair Mr. & Mrs. Russ McCall

Mr. & Mrs. John McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Neal

Mr. John Norland Dr. & Mrs. Edward Panosian

Mr. & Mrs. Dick Reid Mr. Bob Stoner

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Stoner Mr. & Mrs. Ray Teegarden

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Williams Donna Wohlfert


Given by: Mrs. Ina Pegram


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Corbin

The William Howard Still Family

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Szynkowski


Given by: Mr. Carl Boone

Given by: Patricia Childers


Given by: Mrs. Trudy Fremont



Given by: Anna Marie Carmean Mrs. Mary Ellen Flora

Mr. & Mrs. Bud Gunther Carla Hein & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackson Dr. Rachel Larson

Mike Miller & PlanFIRST staff, Greenville, SC

The Petrizzo Family Mr. & Mrs. Hank Sitton

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sparkman


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Al Kaniss


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sprout


Given by: Dr. Rachel Larson


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. John Byers

Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Matthews

Given by: Rev. & Mrs. Matt Collier


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. Barry Millsaps


Given by: Dr. Gene Trantham


Given by: Dr. & Mrs. George Baugham


Given by: Hampton Park Baptist Church, Greenville, SC

The Greg Moss Family

Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAdams


Given by: Mr. & Mrs. John McCoy

Honor a loved one or friend with a Living Memorial gift to The Wilds.

In Memory Of:

Please send card to:


Given by:

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The Wilds Living Memorials PO Box 509 Taylors, SC 29687-0009

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Taylors, SC 29687-0009


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