Reaction Paper 4

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Kevin Baylen

Business Ethics
February 11, 2016
Reaction Paper
Solomon Strategic Planning To plan your life, you must make a very general
outline. There are too many unknowns to be able to follow through with a very
specific life plan. It is important to understand what your values are so that you can
properly evaluate what will bring happiness into your life, but you must also be able
to recognize when your values have changed. Following through with a life plan that
you made in college would be foolish if you have changed your values in the
meantime, because you will be chasing an old dream.
Aristotle On the Good Life Money is not essential for acquiring happiness. It is a
common saying that money cant buy happiness, because it is true. However, being
well-off financially can provide a life without the stress of wondering how you will
pay off your next bill or how you will overcome a debt. Without this stress it can be
easier to focus on what you truly want to do, but without the aim of money, which
many shoot for, it may be difficult to target ones goals. Consequently, with money,
a person can truly aim to enjoy lifes pleasure, but also it will strip them of the
easily-declared goal of being rich.
Ciulla Work and Life A cicada indulges in lifes pleasures. An ant works for selfpreservation. A grasshopper enjoys a brief happy life. And the bee works hard
beyond pure self-interest. It is important to have characteristics of all of these
insects. If you are like the grasshopper or cicada too much then you will not live
happily for very long, but it you simply work like the ant or the bee then you will
have no enjoyment of your life. You must have a good balance.

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