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Before you can ask Nikki any

questions, get to know her

and AVM a little better.
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Nikki Lilly Christou research
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Causes, symptoms, cures,

What did you learn?

Causes, a tangle of blood vessels in the brain or blockages
Symptoms, some people who have the disease have seizures
Patients may have localized pain in the head due to increased blood flow around an AVM.
15% of people who have AVM might have a hard time seeing and talking

Cure: surgery/ removal of the spot with AVM

Sources (MLA Format)

"What Is an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)?" What
Is an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)? American
Heart Association, 23 Oct. 2012. Web. 30 Mar.
2016. <

Nikki Lilly:
Everyday life, interests &
hobbies, charities, awards

~Nikki Lilly has a sixteen year old sister

~she is a clean freak and loves everything to be clean and perfect
~ she was diagnosed with the disease when she was six. And she
was born with it but it not start effecting her and appearing in till she
was six

Lilly, Nikki. "Nikki Lilly." Nikki Lilly.

N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

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