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SKMM 1013 Programming for Engineers

Sem II 2015/2016

Project 1

Figure 1 shows the formula for a simply supported beam under a concentrated load P acting at a
distance a from the left. The length of the beam is l. The reactions at both ends are given by R1 and
R2, and the deflection of the beam at any point is given by x.

Your Task (100%)

Write an INTERACTIVE C program that prompts user to key in the value of load P and its location (x).
Then read all the beam data from Table F-1(b) using array and file functions, and produce the following
a. Reactions at both R1 & R2
b. The maximum deflection
Tabulate your output in the following format:

<Beam Designation> <R1> <R2> <Maximum deflection>

Choose the realistic value of P, a, and

l . Use your creativity to produce an impressive and user-

friendly program.


In your C-program, write an INTERACTIVE C function to plot the shear and bending moment diagram
as indicated in Figure 1 (Label your plot). Your program should ask user to pick the Beam Designation,
the value of P, a, and l.

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