Grayburn Topic and Timeline

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My topic of choice is 1:1 technology in a Title 1 elementary school.

As a teacher in a Title 1 school, not all students have

access to technology, and this would allow them to interact with technology on a daily basis, instead of once a week in the
computer lab.
Within this assignment, I will survey two groups of teachers based on their technology use with questions such as:


Teachers who have a 1:1 classroom:


What their classroom environment looks like - How often is the technology used? How is it used?


How was the transition from a traditional classroom to a 1:1 classroom?


What are some issues with the 1:1 classroom?

Teachers who do not have a 1:1 classroom in a Title 1 school:


How often is technology used in the classroom? What do you use? How do you use it?


Do your students have personal access to technology?


If you had unlimited resources, what would you do with technology in your classroom?

In addition to surveys, I will locate research on successful programs for guidance on implementation as well as unsuccessful
programs for guidance on things to avoid. As with all teaching initiatives, the goal is improved student learning, so in my
research I intend to identify how to use a 1:1 classroom for higher student achievement.
The stakeholders I plan to present for funding are the administrators of my school, and if needed, other education leaders of
the school district. If approved, the presentation will also be given to the teachers of the school so they can see the purpose
of the new initiative.
I intend to create a Weebly of information for the 1:1 classroom based on the research found throughout the semester. In
addition to citing successful classrooms and programs, the survey responses will be included as appropriate. I intend to
compare the functions of both classrooms to demonstrate how the 1:1 classroom can reach the same means of student
achievement to a bigger degree. If possible, I would like to include videos of students in a 1:1 classroom versus a "regular"
classroom this would only be if the project continues past this semester.

June 16 June 27: Identify and research 1:1 programs at the elementary level preferably Title 1 programs

Successful Programs:

Describe the general population of students (SES, ethnicity, etc.)

What technology is used for the 1:1 classroom?

How was it implemented? What was the implementation plan?

How long did implementation take?

What aspects of instruction utilize the technology?

Is the technology used across all subject areas?

How did the technology positively impact student achievement?

What were some obstacles to overcome before the program could be successful?

Unsuccessful Programs:

Is there a determined cause for the failure of the program?

What were the attitudes of stakeholders?

Can the program be salvaged into a successful program?

June 28 July 10: Survey two teacher groups will also ask for grade level and/or subject(s) taught

Teachers from other schools who instruct in a 1:1 environment

Ask questions from successful programs

Ask about the success of the 1:1 classroom on student achievement with a scale from 1-10 and
defend the stance

Teachers from my school (Hayes ES) a Title 1 school

What technology is available to you for instruction?

What student technology do you use in instruction?

Do you believe technology can make an impact on student achievement? In what way?

If the funds were available to purchase ANY technology for your classroom, what would it be, how
would you use it, and why would it improve student learning?

July 11 July 15: Take content gathered from project (written research and surveys) and write a report on the

July 16-21: Using the layout of the written report, create a Weebly webpage to report findings in a visual way for
*Ideally this will be presented to the administration at Hayes ES during the preplanning week (July 25-29)*

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