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Meeting notes Tues 18 May

Prudhoe Communications Subgroup

7pm, Tues, 18 May 2010, Bridge End, Ovingham
Richard Powell NCC Locality Officer
Dianne Resident
Paul Macfaden Resident
Hilary Skoyles Resident
Ian Watt Prudhoe Co-op Manager

PLEASE NOTE: Items for action are in red

Issue – Ian Watt
Explained that he was attending in a private capacity but felt that as the
Co-operative store was significantly important to the community as in the course of the week it probably had
the biggest ‘pull through’ of residents, approx 17,000 customer hits, obviously this included return visits.

Although the store had supported community projects in the past he felt that it would be more helpful to
have a more strategic approach.

As the store attracted members of the community would it be possible to provide an information hub, notice
board of some other method of communication with the community?

Paul Macfaden
Paul reported that he had carried out a brief reconnaissance of information provision across the town, he
found it to be mixed:

Prudhoe Info Point provides considerable information in the window but he felt that it was jumbled and some
of it was out of date.

It was a similar story for the charity shop directly opposite the Post Office.

The Town Council notice board outside the Library had very little information and wasn’t particularly

Inside the Library there was a fairly comprehensive notice board. It also acted as the information point for
Northumberland County Council.

Waterworld provides leaflets about a range of activities.

The Post Office had a small notice board inside.

Key cutting shop – has a digital display in the window, not certain if this was being used to provide
information to the public.

Notices in Doctors’ surgeries were also mentioned.

General Discussion
It was agreed that the profile of the town needed to be raised. Community communications seemed to be
confusing and unclear…no focal point or channel for communication.
There was a general feeling that Prudhoe felt that it was the poor relation in the valley and that when the
Courant did produce copy, much of it was negative. Richard Powell to identify link with the paper and open
up dialogue.

How could the community engage with the Courant? Would it be possible to see if local reports could be
produced from a member of the community as this seemed to be happening from other parts of Tynedale.

It was felt that no-one was taking responsibility for promoting Prudhoe or being particularly proactive. This
might not be true but it was a point of discussion.

Ian mentioned that it was important to get good news stories out in the public domain.

It is obvious that there is a lot of community activity but how were people finding out about it? Newsletters,
church notice boards, word of mouth?

The general conclusion was that a co-ordinated approach to community communications is necessary for the
whole town, for a number of reasons.

Next steps
It was agreed that it would be necessary to bring together the key organisations responsible for disseminating
information within the community, to identify what was already happening.
The group identified the following groups but appreciated that it was not a comprehensive list.
Send out invites explaining what we are attempting to do.

It was agreed that it would be necessary to bring together the key organisations responsible for disseminating
information to the community, to identify what was already happening.
The group identified the following groups but appreciated that it was not

Library NCC information point.

Info Point.
Town Council.
Schools - middle and high.
Hexham Courant.
Churches Together?
Chamber of Commerce?
Youth Service
Milecastle Housing.

We might find that someone else is already doing this but that’s a benefit, somehow I doubt it.

Arrange the meeting, book a venue.

This will need to happen within the next three weeks…not sure if we booked a date?

Someone needs to do this a volunteer please?

Prior to the meeting, request that they answer a short questionnaire. This will be the focal point of discussion.
Devise a very short questionnaire…I’ve just come up with a few notes but you will have ideas I’m sure?
Someone needs to do this…I can support.

Why do we need to communicate?

How they do it? Newsletters, email web etc
What are the costs?
Can we do it better together by combining communications?
What are the key issues we need to address if we are going to work together?

Do we need terms of reference?

Write out terms of reference. We will need to share ideas.

We need to prepare an agenda for this meeting, with clear objectives, advising that we will probably make
‘communications’ the key theme of the next forum meeting.

We could even run it like a quiz…a fun evening with prizes…something for everyone.

What do you know about your town?

We need to be absolutely certain of what we are attempting to do…I leave you to get back to either Hilary, or
myself with some suggestions.


Comments please, by early next week.

Produce a very short questionnaire early the following week.
Book a venue, for three weeks time.
Send out invitations including letter of explanation and agenda.
Hold the meeting.
Collate information.
Determine required actions.
Develop action plan.
Plan for the open forum meeting.

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