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ll Effect proximity Sensor

A Hall Effect proximity switch is a non-contact electronic switch,

which consist of a permanent magnet or ferromagnetic part as
rigger intermediary and a Hall Effect sensor IC.
he Hall sensor IC detects the change of the magnet field when
he permanent magnet comes in the close proximity to it and
enerates an electric signal.
his signal is amplified and rectified to control the output signal of
he switch.
Although they are both magnetic proximity sensors, Hall effect
ensors & reed sensors are significantly different in the way they
A Hall effect sensor is a three-wire, solid-state device whose output
hanges when exposed to a magnetic field.
A reed sensor, on the other hand, is electrically a switch, with tiny
ontacts that open or close in the absence or presence of a magnetic
A Hall effect sensor may be preferable to a reed sensor if you have
equirements of Unlimited life. For example, if you are interested
n sensing a spinning magnet that will operate a sensor billions of
imes, you should consider a Hall effect sensor.

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