Author Questionnaire.: Name of Author: Steve Kellogg. Date(s) : 26/10/1941 - To Now

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Author questionnaire.

Name of Author : Steve Kellogg.

Date(s) : 26/10/1941 to now.

1. Where is this author from?

Steven Kellogg is from Norwalk, Connecticut, USA.
2. List 3-5 of this authors published works.
1 And I Love You
2 Chicken Little
3 Jack and the Beanstalk
4 Give the Dog a Bone
5 More Than Anything Else
3. What genre(s) does this author publish in?
He publish childrens picture books.
4. For what age group is this authors work intended? What makes you think that?
I think he tries to take place on ages like 1 to 6, because his books has a lot of draws with
highly detailed pen that are colores to varying degrees, that kind of books that attract him
when he was a child.
5. What about this authors books do you think is appealing to children?
The same as i answered on the question above, because the way he draws, he uses colors
on his drawings, drawing that tells a story.
6. What awards has this author won, if any?
In 1989, he received the Regina Medal, a literary award, for distinguished
contribution to childrens literature. Seven years later, he received the New England
Book Award, for body of work. Two years after this, Steven wons another award, this
time, the Jo Osborn Award For Humor In Childrens Literature. On another hand, he
have some honorific mentions, like Boston Globe, Childrens Book Of The Year, etc.
7. Have you read anything by this author? If so, what?
Ive read some pages of Chicken Little and Johnny Applessed, both of this books shows a
really good style of drawing, very detailed, strong colors.

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