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Author questionnaire.

Name of Author : Molly Garret Bang.

Date(s) : 29/12/1943 - to now.

1. Where is this author from?

Molly Bang is from Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
2. List 3-5 of this authors published works.

The Goblins Giggle, And Other Stories

Men From The Village Deep In The Mountains and Other Japanese Folk Tales
Yellow Ball
Ten, Nine, Eight.
Tye May And The Magic Brush

3. What genre(s) does this author publish in?

She writes childrens picture books but she likes to write books for adults too.
4. For what age group is this authors work intended? What makes you think that?
Some of her books are for childrens about 1 to 4 year old, the books for this ages have a
lot of illustrations, pictures, and draws. But she have books for children about 5 to 10
year old, with some draws and pictures but with words too, and books for adults too.
5. What about this authors books do you think is appealing to children?
I think that the appealing of her books are about the way she describe a story with words
and draws.
6. What awards has this author won, if any?
Molly wons the American Caldecott Medall, three times and theBritish Greenaway
Medal once.
She wons too the Phoenix Picture Book Award
7. Have you read anything by this author? If so, what?
Ive read When Sophie Gets Angry Really, Really Angry, this books tells a story
about a girl that is angry describing her actions with draws full of colors and words.

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