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Large State University
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Political Science

University City, State

Expected graduation May 2017

Minor in Mathematics
GPA: 3.4 / 4.0
SAT: 2400
Honors: Deans List, School Honors College, Four-year Academic Scholarship
Coursework: Optimization (Graduate), Machine Learning (Graduate), Econometrics (Graduate)
Introduction to Corporate Finance (Coursera), Introduction to Marketing (Coursera)


Sales & Trading Summer Analyst
Bulge Bracket Investment Bank

New York, NY
June 2016 August 2016

Rotated across [Trading Desk], [Other Trading Desk], and Electronic Trading desks
Prepared report of how [Upcoming Regulations] will affect the [Trading Desk]
- Worked with directors, compliance and Financial Reporting teams to analyze desks balance
sheets and determine how revenue of the business would be affected by regulatory changes
- Presented results to global head of the division, results were used to assist management in
deciding what asset classes desk should trade to maximize revenue
Worked with senior members of Electronic Trading desk to design new marketing materials for firms
suite of proprietary algorithms
Wrote Excel macros currently used by [Other Trading Desk] to automate updates of traders positions

Business & Engineering Intern

Small Startup

University City, State

June 2015 August 2015

Engineering and business intern for a startup that created [somewhat obscure engineering item]
Handled media outreach, helping product gain recognition in Popular Mechanics, the BBC, multiple
campus and statewide newspapers, and over 200,000 views on YouTube
Worked with founders to perform a preliminary valuation of product, analyzing size and demand of
product market, internal cost of production, and value of patent to prospective buyers
Led a team of interns to design an [complex engineering system]

Team Lead, Professional Relations Chair

School Mechanical Engineering Club

University City, State

April 2014 Present

Co-founded and led an engineering design team. Managed recruitment activities for a 300-member organization
Led a team of 15 students. Responsible for designing a teaching curriculum, securing funding, and
preparing team for a [Regional] competition in which we finished 2nd place (out of over 70 teams)
Obtained recruiters from over a dozen companies, enabling the largest percentage of students in
organizations history to secure summer internships or full-time job offers

Writing Tutor
Local Writing Center

University City, State

January 2015 December 2015

Volunteered 4-6 hours a week tutoring over two dozen students, primarily non-English speakers, in introductory
college writing courses. Students had an 80% pass rate in their courses, among the highest for all tutors


Skills/Languages: Spanish (intermediate), Excel, VBA, PowerPoint, R, Python, SQL
Activities: Debate Club, Finance Club, Meteorology Club
Interests: Nationally-recognized writer, competitive debater, meteorology enthusiast, sports analytics

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