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Lesson 8-Review: Present Continuous and Present Simple

1-Make these sentences interrogative.

a) I am studying English now.
b) Susan is watching TV at the moment.
c) Paul and Clare are working today.
d) We are cleaning the house at the moment.
e) Peter is driving his car
1.1Write positive and negative short answers for the questions in
exercise 1.
a) Yes, ____________.
No, ____________.
b) Yes, ____________.
No, ____________.
c) Yes,____________.
No, ____________.
d) Yes,____________.
No, ____________.
e) Yes,____________.
No, ____________.
1.2Make sentences from exercise 1 negative.
b) _________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________
e) _________________________________________________________
2. Put the verbs in the Present Continuous or Present Simple.
a) Susan ______________hard every day. (work)
b) Susan ______________ at the moment. (work)
c) I _________________ films on TV every Sunday. (watch)
d) I _________________ films on TV every Sunday. (not watch)
e) She ________________films on TV every Sunday. (watch)
f) She _________________films on TV every Sunday. (not watch)
g) I _________________ a film on TV at the moment. (watch)
h) I _________________ a film on TV at the moment. (not watch)
i) She __________________ a film on TV at the moment. (watch)
j) She __________________ a film on TV at the moment. (not watch)
3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
a) What _______you___ _____? (do)
b) What ________you _________ at the moment? (do)
c) What _______she _________ at the moment? (do)
d) ________she_________ at home very often? (work)
e) ________she _________ at home today? (work)
f) ______you normally___________ TV at night? (watch)
g) ______you ___________ TV now? (watch)
h) ______he normally___________ TV at night? (watch)
i) ______he___________ TV now? (watch)

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