Bank Bazaar

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1) Core Business Idea:Ruthwik

2) Business Model: Gunjan

3) Leadership: Ashish
4) Expansion Plans(Geographies, Business) - Rationale
5) Strategic Tie-ups:Ashish
6) Promotion Campaigns:Shobhit
7) Investors(which type of funding):Shibit
8) Rationale behind selecting that particular VC for that start up: Kunal
9) Accolades achieved by the start up:Gunjan
10) Were they part of any accelerator or mentor ship program:Kunal

Bank Bazaar:
3 Founders: Adhil Shetty,Arjun Shetty,Rati Shetty
CEO:Adhil Shetty Deloitte-( Columbia University,Anna University)
COO: Arjun Shetty-Amazon(Greater Seattle Area)Georgia Tech + College of
Engineering Guindy, Chennai
CPO: Rati Shetty-Raft Food (University Of Madras)

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