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Part 1

1. Your studies
2. Primary school
3. Friendship
4. Hometown
5. Flat/House
6. City/countryside
7. Public transport
8. Weather
9. Park
10. Colors
11. Teacher
12. Science
13. Computer
14. Social Work
15. Music
16. Dancing
17. Cycling
19. Weekends
20. Leisure time
21. Snacks
22. Toys
23. Shopping
24. Outdoor activities
25. Swimming
26. Photograph
27. Public holidays
28. Teamwork
29. Mobile phones
30. Clothing
31. Memorizing
32. Reading Books

33. History
34. Museums
35. Film
36. TV program
37. Staying up
38. Being in a hurry
39. Being alone
40. Handwriting
Your studies
What subjects are you studying?
Why did you choose to study that subject /those subjects?
Do you like your subjects? (Why/ Why not?)
Are they interesting?
Are you looking forward to working?
Do you study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
Primary school
How old were you when you started school?
Where did you got to school? Can you describe it?
What were some of the most popular activities at primary school?
Are you still in contact with any of your friends you had in your pri
mary school?
Do you like to meet a few friends or a group of friends?
How do people in your country meet others and make friends?
Would you like to invite some friends to visit you home?
What will you do when you meet up?
Would you say that the students at your school have a good relatio
with each other?

Whats the name of your hometown? Is that a big city or a small pl

Do you like your hometown? Do you like living there?
Please describe your hometown a little?
How long have you been living there?
What do you like most about your hometown? Is there anything yo
u dislike about it?
Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
What kind of changes will happen in your country in the future?
What kinds of problems have occurred during your countrys devel
Home/Accommodation = Flat/House
What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? Do you live in
a house or a flat?
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? Please describe the room
live in?
What parts of your home do you like the most?
What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
Whom do you live with?
Can you describe the place where you live?
How long have you lived there? Do you plan to live there for a long
Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
Whats the difference between where you are living now and where
have lived in the past?
City or countryside
Do you like to live in countryside or city? Why/why not?
What are the advantages or disadvantages to live in city/countrysi

Do you like to live in the countryside or a city? Why/Why not?

What are the advantages or disadvantage of living in a city/country

Public transport
What is the traffic in your hometown like?
What is the advantages and disadvantages of public and private tr
How to improve the transportation in the future?
Do you think government has a duty to prevent traffic jams?
Whats your favourite weather? (why?)
What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season?)
Whats the weather usually like in your hometown?
Do you like the weather (or, that kind of climate)? (Why?)
Does the weather ever affect what you do? = How does the weathe
r affect people?
How often is the weather good in your hometown?
What did you do the last time the weather was good?
Are there any points bad about the weather in your city?
What is the typical weather like in China?
Have there been any changes in the weather in the past few years
How do you feel when its cloudy? Do you like snow? (Why?)
Do you always pay attention the the weather forecast?
Can you give any examples of unusual weather?
Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season t
hat lasts the whole year or a place with different seasons?
Do people in China play different sports in different seasons of the

Do you like wandering in the park? Why? Who do you often go with
Do many parks in your hometown? What are they doing when they
are in the
How often do you go to park when you were in a child?
Why people like to dance in the park?
Whats your favourite colour? Are there any colours you dislike? Wh
Are colours important to you?
Were colours important to you when you were a child?
When you are buying something, is the colour important to you?
Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?
Do you prefer light or dark colours?
Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?
What colour would you choose to paint the walls of a room?
Is there any colour you would not want your walls to be? Why?
Do you think different types of people like different colours?
Would you like to be a teacher?
Do you think you could be a teacher?
Do you have a favourite teacher? Why do you like the teacher?
How does (did) this teacher help you?
Do you think students are closely related to the quality of the teacher?
Do you think Chinese teachers are very strict? Do you like strict teachers or
not? Why?
Do you like science? Why? Do you like nature science?
What do you think are the most interesting things in nature science
Why do some people like science while others are not?

Do you think science class can grab your interest? What are the be
nefits from learning science class?
How do you often to use computer?
How the computer helps you in your major area?
What are the advantages when you technological savor?
Do you senior citizens should learn the computer knowledge?
Social network
Which social network/APP you often use? How did you
use these social network/APP?
Do you think Chinese people like to use social networks?
Do you often use the social network or
software like: wechat/facebook/Linkedin?
What kind of music do you like to listen to? Why?
Who is favourite music artist?
Do you like singing? Why?
Do you think it is very important in your life? Why?
What kind of music instrument youve learned? What are the bene
fits from learning the music instruments?
What are the benefits of learning a musical instrument?
Do you like dancing? Why do some people learn how to dance?
Do you think there are any advantages for young people to go dan
Do you like dancing with someone or just like to watch someone to

Do you like dancing with someone or just like to watch someone dan

Ride a bike = Cycling

Do you like cycling? Why?
Have you ever learned how to ride a bike?
In your country, do you have a lot of people to ride a bike?
Do you think your city is a bicycle-friendly city?
Do you like to make some handicraft? Is it very popular in China?
Did you ever made anything by hand when you were a child?
Do children in your country often make things by hand?
Do you think its very important for school to have some handicraft
How do you usually spend your weekends?= What do you usually d
o at the weekends?
In your country, do men and women do the same thing on the wee
Do you think employees should have to work at weekends?
When do you spend time with your family?
What do other people in you country usually do at the weekends?
Is there anything new that you would like to do on a weekend?
Do you think weekends are more important to you now than they w
when you were a child?
What do you usually write?
Do you like writing to people?
Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer, typewriter
or word

Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

When do children begin to learn to write in your country?
Do you think handwriting is very important?
How can children today improve their handwriting skills?
Do you like to write letter or emails? Why?
Leisure time/ relax
What do you do to relax?
What do you do in your spare time?
How do you usually spend your weekend/evenings?
What do you usually do after work/after classes?
How to mange your time? Do you often plan your plan?
What are the different between study at weekend and study at reg
ular day?
Do you like (going) shopping? When was the time you went shoppi
Do you spend much when you go shopping? What kind of products
you often buy?
What do you usually buy when you go shopping?
Would you like to work in a shopping centre? Why?
What are your favourite snacks? Why?
When do you like to have snacks?
Do you like the same snacks while you in child?
Did you have many toys when you were a child?
Did you like to play with them?
Who would usually buy toys for you?
Did you like to share your toys with others? Why?

Mobile phones
When was the first time to use mobile phone?
How do you think mobile phones will develop in the future?
What trouble will a mobile phone cause when you are travelling?
In what situation do you think it is improper to use mobile in public
Outdoor activities
Do you like outside activities?
How often do you do that?
What kinds of outside activities do you like to do?
Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors
Do you like swimming?
Have you ever learned how to swim? And when?
What are the advantages of swimming?
Do you like to swim in the pool or in the sea? Why?
Do you like taking photos? Why?
Why do some people like taking photos, and conversely why do oth
er people
not like taking photos?
Do you think is it important to learn how to take a picture?
Do you have a photo with your family?
Public holidays
Do you have many public holidays in your country?
What is your favorite public holiday?
What do you like doing in public holidays?
Do your think there should be more public holidays?
Do you like long holidays or short holidays? Why?

Do you like teamwork or work independently? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork?
What are the most important for a team and teamwork?
Do you want to be leader in the future?
Do you have a good memory?
How do you think people can improve their memory?
Do you think memory can be cultivated? Why?
Have you ever forgot some important issues?
Reading books
Do children like reading books?
Do you like reading books? Why/why not?
What kinds of books do you like to read?
Do you like to read books or magazines
What kinds of books did you like reading when you were a child?
For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?
Do you like learning history?
Do you like to read history books?
Do you think history is important?
Did you read a history book/magazine recently?
When a movie director make a movie about history, do you think it
be abide the history?
Do you accept some directors to tamper with the history?
Do you often visit a museum? Do you think museum should be free
to visitors?

Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

Are there many (or any) museums in your hometown?
Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/co
When was the last time you visited a museum?
Do you think museums are important?
Do you think its suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?
Do you often go to the cinema? What kinds of movies do you like
Do you like to watch the film at home or at the cinema? Why?
What are the difference between Chinese movie and Western movi
Who is your favorite film star? Why?
TV program
Do you like watching TV?
How much time do you spend on watching TV everyday?
Is it good for children to watch TV?
What is your favorite TV program?
Staying up
Do you often sit up/stay up?
What often you do when you stay up?
What will you feel when you stay up in the next morning?
Why do some young people are often stay up?
Being in a hurry/Lateness and being punctual
Are you often late?
What do you think of others being late?
Do you think it is important to be punctual? Why?
What kind of things you will never do it in a quick way?

Being alone
Do you prefer a peaceful place to a more noisy place?
What will you do when you alone?
Do you want to have more private time/alone time?

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