The Rhythm of Isha Upanishad

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the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

The Upanishads are a body of gnostic texts in Sanskrit language- the ancient language of
India and he Isha Upanishad is one of the shortest Upanishads.In 1908 Paul Deussen, the
German Orientalist and Sanskrit Scholar had in The Philosophy of the Upanishads grouped
the Isha Upanishad along with Kena, Katha, Svetashwatara and Mundaka Upanishad as the
chief poetic Upanishads.
There are many translations and commentaries made by great seers and saints over the years.
I have as before founded the foundation of my rhytmic poetry of the Upanishad on the
philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. I have used Prabhupadas commentary as an additional
reference for my work.
The aim of this attempt is to re-establish the connect of the people of my nation with the
Upanishads. I have re- written this Upanishad in rhyming verses in simple english so that the
english reader may appreciate the beauty of the original Sanskrit hymns and seek to connect
with the same.
The original Sanskrit text has been provided along with an English transliteration for those
who are unable to read the Devanagari script.

Without much ado, I present to you- The rhythm of the Isha Upanishad!

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

Om vsyam ida sarvam yat ki ca jagaty jagat |

tena tyaktena bhujitha, ma gdha kasyasvid dhanam ||1||
Enveloped by Him, All that is is but His
Living, non-living; In the world everything that is.
Understanding its owner, you must joyously forsake-Seek not any wealth, only what is given- you take! |1 |

kurvann eveha karmi jijviet ata sam |

eva tvayi nnyathetosti na karma lipyate nare ||2||
Performing your works in the world one must stay
Seeking to live a hundred years this way
This is the only possible way for mankind-Where despite performing actions- no karma can bind.|2|

asury nma te lok andhena tamas vt |

ts te pretybhigacchanti ye ke ctmahano jan ||3||
Post death, the doomed titanic realms they attain
Wherein only a blind darkness the beings can obtain
For this is the fate of those beings who kill
And pollute their souls by their own will.|3|

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

anejad eka manaso javyo nainad dev pnuvan prvamarat |

tad dhvatonyn-atyeti tihat tasminn apo mtariv dadhti ||4||
Fixed firmly, yet faster than mind is its tread
Its beyond the Gods and It ventures further ahead
Immotile and yet crossing all the things that run
The Master of ethereal seas of life- He is the One||4||

tad ejati tan naijati tad dre tad vad antike |

tad antarasya sarvasya tad u sarvasysya bhyata ||5||
That which moves and moves not both at once
That which is very near and also is at a great distance
That which is contained within every living thing
And that which also extends on the outside of everything.||5||

yas tu sarvi bhtani tmany evnupayati |

sarvabhteu catmna tato na vijugupsate ||6||
When in all beings The Self one can see
And realize that in all beings the Self alone can beHe understands the Self to dwell in all beings
Thereafter, he is free from animosity and all misunderstandings.|6|

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

yasmin sarvi bhtny tmaivbhd vijnata |

tatra ko moha ka oka ekatvam anu payata ||7||
When the gnosis of the Selfs existence in all beings comes
By this realization, enlightened the being becomes
Where can the delusion or sorrow exist or be?
When all beings in oneness, one can see.|7|

sa paryagc chukram, akyam, avraam, asnviram, uddham, appaviddham |

kavir man, paribh, svayambh, ythtathyatorthn vyadadhc chvatbhyas sambhya
It is the immaculate one who has transcended,
Who Beyond body, evil and flaws into light has yonder extended,
From the poet and the seer to the self-sufficient and omniscient in evolution -In stages organized aeons ago by the eternal since natures inception|8|

andha tama pravianti yovidym upasate |

tato bhya iva te tamo ya u vidyy rat ||9||
Entering into a darkness deep and blind
The worshippers of ignorance you will find.
Worshippers of the one exclusive knowledges consciousness,
Only pass into a condition of even more darkness|9|

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

anyad evhur vidyay anyad hur avidyay |

iti uruma dhrm ye nas tad vicacakire ||10||
The ignorance at one end terminates
At another, the exclusive knowledge culminates
From the explanations, it is thus heard and conceived,
By the wise, from whom this gnosis we have received|10|

vidy cvidy ca yas tad vedobhayam saha |

avidyay mtyu trtv vidyaymtam anute ||11||
But he who integrally perceives both as one
And in knowledge and ignorance, sees distinctions none
From ignorance, even death he transcends
And beyond knowledge into immortality he ascends.|11|

andha tama pravianti yesambhtim upsate |

tato bhuya iva te tamo ya u sambhuty rat ||12||
The manifested creation only, those who accept and pray-Into the dark realms devoid of light they foray
The fate of the worshippers of the one unmanifest is worse
For into the realm of even more darkness they disperse.|12|

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

anyad evah sambhavd anyad hur asambhavt |

iti uruma dhrm ye nas tad vicacakire ||13||
The gnosis of the manifest at one end terminates
At another, the unmanifests gnosis culminates
From the explanations, it is thus heard and conceived,
By the wise, from whom this gnosis we have received|13|

sambhti ca vina ca yas tad vedobhaya saha |

vinena mtyu trtv sambhty amtam anute ||14||
He who percieves as one, manifestation and destruction
And in both sees no great distinction
In destruction, beyond death he transcends
And in his manifestion, immortality he experiences and extends|14|

hiramayena ptrea satyasypihitam mukham |

tat tva pan pvu satyadharmya daye ||15||
The truths real face is vieled
By a scintillating lid of gold it is concealed
This cloak, O Nourisher of all life, please unviel
May the light of eternal truth reveal.|15|

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

the rhythm of ISHA UPANISHAD

pann ekare yama srya prjpatya vyha ramn samha |

teja yat te rpa kalyatama tat te paymi yo sv asau purua,
soham asmi ||16||
O Seer, O Progenitor of the living, a control over all you establish
O Sun of Illumination, by your golden rays all beings flourish,
In the lustre of the most resplendent forms I recognize and see
The Purusha- Supreme and realize that I too am thee|16|

vyur anilam amtam athedam bhasmnta arram |

aum krato smara kta smara krato smara kta smara ||17||
The breathe leaving the living, into immortality extends
But burning into ashes, the physical body only ends
Om. O Doer, remember the things that were done
O Doer, Forget not all that was before done.|17|

agne naya supath rye asmn vivni deva vayunni vidvn |

yuyodhyasmaj juharam eno bhyih te nama-uktim vidhema ||18||
O all knowing Lord of Fire, On the path of truth please lead
O Omniscient harbinger of all the worldly actions, kindly heed
Obliterating all hurdles and vices from our past, make all free
With my best words, I offer my surrender in obeisence to Ye|18|

Copyright 2016. SUSHRUT A. BADHE

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