Accounts May 2010 Test

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001/DM/10 , DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS 2 May 2010 SECOND CLASS LANGUAGE TEST — PART-A— WRITTEN EXAMINATION TRANSLATION AND COMPOSITION ¢ (Without Books) ie gm _ ane agi Time — Three hours ‘ (Maximum Marks: 100) [NB— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) 1 Translate the following into Tamil -— NEED FOR FOREST CONSERVATION Forest is the home for the wild animals. Forest is a source of wood, medicine, rubber etc. In the name of development we are destroying forests. Increasing population, wide spread poverty, urbanization resulted in deforestation. The importance of trees and their uses: Trees are cutdown for the sake of wood, paper industry and match industry. Deforestation disturb our environment and causes many evil effects. The disappearance of the forest, cover would cause soil erosion, Wild animals lose their homes due to dgforestation. Forests are the wealth of a nation. All our food comes directly and indirectly from trees. Foodgrains, vegetables and fruits are supplied trees. by trees, , 1 Forests and Medicines: Besides food, trees provide important raw materials such as wood, cotton, jute, wood pulp to make paper, rubber and turpentine for our industries. We also get many valuable medicines from trees. They take away the harmful carbondioxide from the } air and give oxy/gen. Trees prevent soil erosion and help us to control floods. Many forests produces are exported. Slogan connected with trees: Nowadays in our country many people are striving hard to protect our forests and keep our gnvironment clean. The slogan now is “One family One tree”. a To develop awvfreness-slong-the people. “Wildgife WesifTree Planting Wee)". 4m. fe ght celebrated chery year. “y : b “Vana Mabotsavam” is celebrated for growing more plants. Elocution, essay drawing and painting competitions are held for the students. 318/521 (Turn Over How should we protect our forests? For every tree cut down, one new tree ‘must be planted, Social forestry schemes are carried out to plant more trees. Seeds are sown from helicopters over the forests. Afforestation or making a forest by planting tress is favoured, So we have to conserve protect our forests to keep the life supporting system alive. IL. * Write Compésitions on the following three topics in not exceeding fifteen lines-~ (@) WescTAgrOMS GUGSEEp sg6 Senereysentd. (0) pret oT epiiy seer — ungH. CO) SPeSuscSen sypysiuseir, 318/152—2 002 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 @ DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR MEMBERS OF THE TAMIL NADU MINISTERIAL SERVICE IN THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. " « (Without Books) Time ~ Three hours ber (Maximum marks : 100) INB— (1) Answer any ten questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option 10 answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. ' 3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued, (5) All questions carry equal marks.) ‘et f I, What ere the following forms used for:- (a) x17 (b) X-88 (c) V.G.~67 (a) B.R.II (e) E.S.1.3 I1,Define the following: (a) Book Register ° (b) Entry Occupation (ce) Group Discussion (a) Live Order Register (e) Bnployment Market Information IIl.write short notes on the following:- (a) Record of Registration (we) Non=aveilability Certificate (c) Employment Exchange Minutes (a) Proof of Placing (e) Public Sector S18 /153~1 2 IV. (@) Deseribe the present procedure of transferring ef Registration from one Exchange ts another Exchange. (») Monthly Narrative report-Explain V.(a) What actien should be taken with regard to SAdvertisement ef vacancies"? (») Briefly discuss about the procedure of sponsoring against apprentice vacancies, VI, Rnguiry counter is the Informatien and Guidance place fer the applicants - Discuss. Vir, (a) Wet 48 called SLimited circulation ard Unlimited circulation'? (e) Describe the various stages of obtaining result of submission, VIII. What are the principles to be followed Ainconstructing “Employers® Register? IX. (a) Exptedn the importance of farming District Committee cf Employment Exchanges, (») What de you mean by Fairness in Submission of candidates? X, Discuss the fellewing:~ (a) Dissemination of Employment Market Information. (b) Study Circles - a boon to educated unemployed youth + Explain the procedure of comiucting “the street surveys" in order to update the Employers Register. ‘XII.What are the sources of Occupational Information? S18/153-2 if TAMIL ® 1. Séet. Caseaniity guava unadedté uuded unmor 4 » ca) () @) ) «e) oda 17 aed -88 Bg .-67 Q-ef. Qadh .1 3 IT, Jageo us dm éga~ ‘ (a) (3) (a) (a) () uggs u Baw UsAS Ootys Ognifd qué sogomgurcd eat gaa gtaut ugg Game foass soad ‘or III. tagea uss) ésehiy wore} ~ (a) te) (a) (F) ce) Iv. (a) \ (a) % ve (a) (a) HBN53-3 udad ugcacad wt Qdeod endo Gaawen itued Geud ohiyed ud @auty gen pb oun ef samp ugutaciaa Up Sogegn dey seavatsddgie odp Caaean tu; guawes Ae wisbansena sarpaptd eda wapau wn sn pao pasédadd sflime (M.N.R) —andequs Canad endiiitena dadusluesgss adus SHdo aoéedur Cage prog das wre? Osmps upes uate endd_tsgéed ulfgms ded poryapau darde seem 4 VI. saad pely odie ugsenofegées saad gotéaauds , agertiqs eda Qin dpe - danse. VItg) udé endiitdadd ‘omoupéeduc. apo! wiod tamgupgéetucas spp! odpnd oda? (g) utgsnrssad yadmaniossis vapeddé Cup umes adugaa dah? VIII. sdunit gapid CamauditGiat ustate egardgscdd Ududpiur Gasinw Opdumpema dames . 1X, (a) Camaanddy geavcdadd wratié eydema gmotushena wédusgugag dh " : (a) ee ey ssarssdd funug sdmw ( Feirness X. Bagae ugg daméee:- Camedaans goad ufdu dootema untused (9) egos en ten died eae (g) sdandad ude atided-ugss Camaan dduge feastasde pf azdupen st a XI, GamowiiGind uACam (Employers' Register ) ‘dgé spondq' (Street Survey) Cusderde wyawdu of a” wapiiaa dan. XII. Osndyaps seoséera gengted aha? 318153-4 003 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 Oo DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE M. mm. Vv. 3181541 (Without Books) Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks : 100) :B— (1) Answer any ten questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. : @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (5) AU! questions carry equal marks.) Briefly define the following: (a) Clearing Occupation (b) Disabled Ex-Servicemen (c) Apprentices Act (d) Aptitude ' (e) Quasi-Government Organisation, , Explain the following:-— (a) New Occupation 3 (6) Record of Registration a (©) Form X-2A (d) Speculative Submission (e) Career Literature ‘What are the following used for? (@) X16 () EM-1 () VG-69 (d) BS24 © X43 Write about the various steps in the procedure of Renewal and Lapsing, Write short notes on— (a) Pre-submission Interview. (@) Action to be taken on Rejection of Applicants by Employers. vi. vu. vill. xl. XIL 1 it. 318/542 Discuss about the purpose and preparation of Annual List. (a) Indicate the age relaxation applicable for the following special type of applicants: — * ay’ sc/st (2) Discharged Government Employees (State) GB) Ex-Servicemen (4) Ex-Apprentices (8) Territorial Army Personnel. (b) Discuss about the efforts to be taken before issue of Non-Availability Certificate (X-49). Employment Exchange is a Service Organisation. How will you organise good Public Relation and Effective Publicity? Job Development — What are the important steps involved? (a)’ Briefly indicate the internal and external uses of Employment Market Information. (6) Discuss the purpose of Employer’s Register. (a) Discuss about the objectives of Vocational Guidaace. (6) Discuss about the functions under Vocational Guidance. (a) List out the Vocational Guidance activities done outside the Employment Exchange. (8) List out the categories of Physically Handicapped Persons. pil) eupond Seropaien upG agyive Seviis:— (81) Biamei> Boversvaci (2) 216 DwomopGuren epsieanre veo. (@) GgmPpupept sii ' () Bpsr (2) syad eniy Dyevarivact. Ssraugeuer uppi eden ge:— (81) Yur Coumevacit (2) UBOYL Yspeid (B) ugend aéev2g (8) aPiuniggns ufegienr spe (2) AgsmPiepenp BwsGund. Barugac ap pG0 UweruGQeper? (S) aéeo, 16 (as) Dowd. 1 (BD) 69 () Bas. 24, , (2) wae. 43. TV. ysis wpgr uPSpiura gpd CopQencremiuGd uvetag gi agsmsser Up aucse. V. a@éed GPltny evens: g (90) ufiggicoy (porOpid srames (24) UR gimrsatuLLatsmer Cumawehiuert Gpiqopiiy Arius Pans Bop@ancion Cousinqu preinéos. Vi. qanGt ULQWd sunfingler Cprseb wpgrd pumfliygpmp upp oBeufés. VIL. (9) Serge Fpiy umes upSagesrer sugis somiey ups wp opb:— C1) BBByncSt / uprngiquient (2) usMAGAiuTereut (op s7) 3) peteans ven oSgi 4) waramcr OpmPpupent (5) gengent usmcediyt, (24) 66049 gyehicrenind ercrgy pais (pcrent opGarcion Boveingus pup Fach Lip) Seuhée. VII. Gamevamisity sigrecsid 9G Comer siemoiny. pero epenpuler baer pm ienugb, UuatsGd Smbus pLagsmssmenugh acveurgs sunoistect? IX. Cumets Gugasid — BPA ecteniiGus sypfpenpescr wreres? X. (0 Gimpds echBonup, Aeveiuusd Came Poors secucder uwetsmond GPWIGS. (ah) Grmeousiinient UBGouLger Opréaid Ui) oderigs. XL (5) Osrfayenp afer. Ogden Oprasivsc up dufss. (5) GenPio~ponp apferiiold acter GoudunOact upg Series. XI, (8) Geman amiisuap lie Geshu Gop Garsren Gavaingus ApriPeypenp ayplantr BLagsmsaene asflemeLuOpgrs. (.2)210 emerypppaitaciar amass upp anaes. 31e/1s4—3 004/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION PART I (a)—LOCAL ACTS AND RULES FRAMED THEREUNDER (PRACTICAL) (With books.) Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks : 100) (N.B.— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper arily in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be 4 verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting] « 1. Write short notes on:— : (a) Surcharge on Transfer of Property. & (®) Education Tax, (c) Tax on carriages and animals. (d) The component part of the Property Tax. (e) Realisation of Tax under Special Act. 11. Distinguish between the following — (a) Loan Account and Loan Statement. (®) Fees and Tax. (¢) Mlegal Assessment and Erroneous Assessment. (4) Imprest and Petty Advance. (©) Financial Audit and Performance Audit. IH (a) What are the conditions prescribed for— (Levy of new Tax in Municipality. Gi) Abolishing the existing Tax in Municipality. () Under what circumstances the Executive Authority may cut off the supply of Municipal water from any premises? (c) What are the building and land generally exempted from the levy of Property Tax under Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920. JV. (a) What are the statements to be appended to the Annual Accounts of the Panchayat Union? () What are purpose for which the Devolution Fund of a Municipality can be utilised? e (©) Mention the classes of persons and income who / that are not Professional Tax in a Municipality. le for 3181551 ® Marks 15 15 V. Calculate the vacancy remission of the Residential Building in Municipal area from the following information — (a) Monthly Rent—Rs.1500 () Rate of general purposes and other Component Tax—1% per half year (c) Education Tax—5% per annum (d) Library Cess at the admissible rate @ Notice of vacancy remission received in Municipality on 1-5-2005 stating that the building is kept vacant from 1-3-2005 to 3-7-2005. (g) Depreciation allowed to the building portion at 10%. VI. Comment on the following :— (a) Unutilised funds of the Panchayat Union deposited. in Post Office in the name of the Commissioner on the plea that the investment made in official designation may not feteh interest. . (®) Printed Computerised Receipt Form utilised in facilitation centres in Municipality for the collection of Property Tax has been considered as a part of stationery articles. (©) Menials who appointed under contingencies and brought to regular time scale of pay of Rs. 200-5~300 as Watchman / OA we.f. 1-10-1979 wert. GO. Ms. No. 1644, Rural Department, dated 12-10-1979 were allowed to retire at the age of 60 years. (4) An Auditor object the payment of 5% Tax on the total value of the bill by the Municipality for the Consumption of Electricity for the residential premises. : (@) A legal heir of the deceased part-time Rural Medical Practitioner in X Panchayat Union has claimed the retirement benefit for the deceased employee. i L VIL. Calculate the Property Tax leviable under Madurai City Municipal Corporation ‘Act, 1971 for a residential building occupied by the owner of the building weef, 1-10-1998. (a) Rate of Taxation per half year: General Purpose 5 percentage Drainage Tax ee Water Tax ee Scavenging Tax Teas Education Tax 2% Library Cess maximum rate as per Rules. (b) Area of the building 900 sq.feet. (©) Rental value fixed by the Council Rs. 8 per sq.feet. (d) The Existing Tax upto 30-9-1988 is Rs. 750 per half year. (€) Age of the building 35 years for which a deduction of 3 per cent to be made from the Rental value as decided by the Council (For Owner Occupation 20% of the Rental value has to be deducted. (g) Land cost is equivalent to 1/6th of the Rental Value. (h) Depreciation may be allowed as per the provision of the Act after allowing for deduction specified in Col. No. 5 and 6. 3IB/15S—2 Marks 6 10 a) 15 Q Bhp engeutd epiOusivast 1. Bpésemapeps ph Ay GBiy sveoss — 18 (a) Genpgi wnppd Sgrar Boweuf. (35) seo asf. (Q) emacnd wpgir Agswasr bgren vf. () Genggy cular ogiumen UBB. (eo) geis siimedes epaors Guptugir af. Tl. SpascrapSer Cugunigem Snags. 15 (81) Ler BemkG whgRd sLor ULIQued. (84) sCLembd wand suf). (@) wopupp aeSPixy wpgrr supra osfleDPLy. (#) wes? (peinsem (Imprest) wpgnd Sgr aps vemid (Petty Cash) (2) DBS salleos wogid Gouaunos pailims. II. (8) &psscr Dorie soritigcs GPGIGd Pussmeecr 7 re@neu? @ pamcsuleo yBsrs augelestuGio of Gi) gasrLBuleo perrwpeopus> aston auflaows evgcBéemod SLOLMBSBA. (8) 6G SCQLEBHG parTAurd apisLUuGir panefeos apps 7 Sprit Aows saat gaingiys Gog Popped? (@) sOpErO payrcA sirio, 19208 Bp Gurgans Aensgi 7 OAMIAGSS Srsaissiuc. scigrivech wpgid wenenscr cenreu? IV, (a) earch gerBu gaiGs smsgcarc Doorssiugnd 6 Uciquicoscn srener? (4) Qurginjerrenw give cy fGui6G%g) (Devolution Fund) 6 parr Gund afGpis AprésieereGr UWeUGssorb? (@) per Pund a@désiuGd Asmpeo ofl ecurns sutscfier 6 Ams wppd aGwurangnss GPAUILayb. V. page Puder um acim GQuIGiy siQrsPer Gqucrowsarer 6 ahegepiy Bpascin. gaccensg saméBe oyio— (e) wig amma—g. 1,500 (a) Gungs Opréair ppt Bpy ofl 2 giay—1% sy gaingds @) wif af—5% gerne @) gave Cnial gtisAdsiuc oSMspBaug. (@) BLiguid 13-2005 apg 31-7-2005 way arfure a con@zers Apheiss Gqulkionésre sPeiy pase Gund Gupouce prri—1-5-2005. BLQL LGD amsésra 10% wHUIpssd siquwoPsacuc Oorengy. 31815s—-3 Vi. Spéacinapeps Gig wifes: co) (2%) @) (s) (2) Roomufier usher Quugrd ws Aewsre aig RLLCULEg aarp mpfer siqiuiout ear. geiSupHer LusuGpsr PPau sGerasGd symamufer Quushed apo Qarisusina Gehongy. parr Aadier af age moumietio Bonpg of aresSéat LUAUOSSUUGHD ssALCuLL. safe agen ugemecr aysGurger Deriisher UGGurad sasiuOSpsi. Fimmps Qendien perariierGp vel swigsiuGn GpCperd vatlurentac siyenmen san 1644, ange cumte®, wren 12-10-1979uq 1-10-1979 @ppe Dyas srovevt / snqdueor SYMNITS G. 200-5-300 aaip amGu AMOsEHd Ganain@ augtucceutesi 60 ows YisBuCLszacr uauidgigs, give Gup signePssinO@epent. parrLAda sigaat GquGiysd uWsUBssLUGD arors 5856 5% Merah payriGurd Aopssiucrg. patiaeaumrerpras 95 Godel Oeirengy. X aay A gerfupho ug Spr cays uGpgmyrats veduays Oppsahe arhasrst gilyAwo uedac Gup Sain concn gon. Vil. wgeng wrpestcA ocLb, 1978p siurgAsr eferowrei LUEOSEId GQUIGUYS sLQLBBer Aensg auflWerer 1-10-1998 Sig FOL WEDLUGsSS samsOLoyid () (@) @) (a) @ (sa) (a) o@ a1anss—4 Seosunang is APeaiUGw eufl ABpio: Gung: Oprései 5 Mypssr@ ePougi 3 » pened 2 = syrey 1 . ied hm pres Godel APacicnig sPsucev. SLQu phe ustueray 900 egys1a. warp Premise wrg ames @. 8(eg9 si9é6). 309.1988 eengujsiron ppGurengus oufl @. 750 sy gamape, BLQLb 35 aGLmsc UpmoUerg OBDG 3% amos WPI sPia wep Biworaiégicrongy. Siigid eManousronfich sgCuTasBer screngrd 20% amos wPiLId sPés CrsnoD. PopBer wPiy amos wHUIe 1/6 ving yew. austen (5) wip ©) B GPU Gc aPelpgs Ber oir. HPaoherung wHLuSpast (Depreciation) sems@icur Covangrd. sayy 005/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS: May 2010 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION PART 1 (b)}—-FUNDAMENTAL RULES, PENSION CODE AND THE TAMIL NADU & . TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES (PRACTICAL) (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) * INB— (1) Answer all questions. @) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) * : Marks 1. (@ A physically handicapped employee was refused permission to leave 5x2=10 & : office 15 minutes earlier everyday. @) A Government servant was on deputation to a university with effect from 1-7-2008 and continuing in the foreign service as on 1-1-2009. The foreign employer refused to pay the interim arrears as ordered in GO.Ms.No.10, Finance(PC) Department dated 13-1-2009. ©) Lumpsum allowance at full rates was allowed to a bachelor who has actually transported his personal effects to the new station on transfer. , 4) A Goverment servant was permitted to draw his annual increment due on ‘01.01.2006 in the old scale and allowed fixation in the revised scale with effect & from 01.01.2006, ¢) The existing scheme of Selection Grade / Special Grade is continued in the revised pay scales to employees drawing the Grade pay from Rs. 1300:- to Rs. nny. LL What are the allowances admissible to a Government Servant eee and state the conditions. What are the allowances that are not admissible during suspension? ' ‘318/1S6—1 : 2 ‘ SMARKS LL Regulate the grant of next and subsequent increments with the following details: Date of pervious increment : 01.07.2006 Extra ordinary leave without medical certificate = 01.10.2006 to 31.01.2007. ‘Stoppage of next increment for 6 months without cumulative effect ordered on 10.12.2006. (including petiods spent on leave). Incasé, if the above stoppage of nextincrement is with cumolative effect, regulate the date of next increment. SMARKS IV. Assistant Director is drawing a basic pay of Rs. 9650/- as on 01.01.2006 in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 8000-275-13500. Revised scale of pay applicable to thé post of Assistant Director is Rs. 15600-39100-Grade pay of Rs, S400/-. Fix his pay in the revised scale as on 01.01.2006 SMARKS: “V. State. how the fixation of pay is done in the case of employees promoted to higher posts on or after 01.01.2006 in the revised pay structure. 10MARKS: VL Fix the pay of an officer in the Selection Grade post and in the promotion post with the following details: i. Pay as on 01.01.2006 in the lower post is Rs. 2102045400 (Grade Pay). Pay band Rs. 15600-39100 with a grade pay of Rs. $400/-. Date of annual increstient in the lower post is 1" October. ‘He was awarded Selection Grade in the lower post with effect from 12.03.2007 iv. He was promoted to the higher post with effect from 01.07.2008 in the pay band of Ks. 15600-39100 with a grade pay of Rs. 6600-. V. He has opted ‘for fixation in the promotion post after drawing his normal increment in the fower post. 316/156-2 3 20 MARKS VIL. Workout the cared leave and Uneamned leave on private Affairs at credit as on 01.01.2068 of an employee in the’ Ssuperir service with the folowing detail: Date of joining the government service : 30.06.1996. Date of regularization: 30.06.1996. & Leave availed : ‘Uneamed leave on private affairs + 01.02.2005 t0 07.05.2005 Extraordinary leave without medical” . : Certificate : 02.07.2002 10 28.09.2002 ‘Surrender of camed leave’ * +30 days as on 01.12.2006 Eamed leave +m. ¥°102,08.2007 to 16.08.2007 20 MARKS. VUL Calculate the Transfer Travelling Allowance admissible with the following _ details: Basic pay,: Rs. 25260 + Grade pay Rs. 6600) ke Date of relief in the’ old Station ; 01.19.2009 Date of joining in the new station : 08.10.2009 Old Station : Coimbatore New Station : Madurai ‘ Distance : 230 km Journey performed by rail on 07.10.2009/ 08.10.2009 “Train Fare 1 Class Rs. 333- : Class Bs. 64/- Family members: Wife + Age 50-yéars :$on ge 18 years : Daughter: Age 14 years & Sister + Age 40-years (Widowed and dependent) Family members travelled along with the govemment servant. Personal effects 4500 kgs ‘were actually transported by lorry on 10.10.2009 and a sum of Rs. 3000/- was paid as hire charges. ‘Goods rate Rs. 45/- per quintal. 318/156- 3 be 20 MARKS. 1X. Calculate the Superannuation Persion, Death cum Retirement Gratuity, ‘Commutation value of pension, Family Pension and Pension after commutation with the following service detail Date of birth : 18.11.1951. Date of commencement of Government service : 04.08.1974. ‘Extraordinary leave with medical certificate : 01.09.1993 to 10.10.1993. Extraordinary leave without medical certificate : 01.01.2004 to 31.03.2004. ‘Suspension period treated as eamed Jeave : 3 months. ‘Suspension period treated as extraordinary leave : 3 months. (Over Stayal of joining time : 15 days ‘Over Stayal of leave not regularized : 15 days ‘Deamess Allowance : 27% Wef. 01.07.2009 Basic pay as on 01.07.2009 Rs. 25260/- + Grade pay Rs. 6600/- (Pay Band Rs. 15600-39100+GP 6600) Date of Increment 1* October. 318/156— & 5 pilD eyed 1, Spéscma oSbg) G65 mgs — () 218 ermypp sas uehuamt Bayh wamade 15 Pima Waegre siganspms ALG Gedo sigamas sewer spP sifes wppgicirenni. (&) 1-7-2008 (psd Ldsmmsepss9a suipuetule veswnpgrd SE vesBusenGss (1-1-2009 suigrd suspuedtudir a cheeut) 7s Bean aan 10, PAS gimp, pret: 13-1-20090 smoPssini. Deorssro Powyanp Oproseu ahs Stwipuel sgyaiert wpypgicrenni. (®) veh. wnpgActurgs Gorpg cormvsmm yu B.sPPE @Obg5 Beep Dovenursrg, sya vsWTENGsG eLOQw1656 Asrms (Lumpsum Allowance) wwagiwns Siohatnsl Qorongy. () vuerpus emBu ApSPH 1-12005 scigy gerG eau eusiey Ossi Cuanqu 9% sve uatunnsag o85 CpBuleo 2 5x2=10 Bard eaGu euioy oifastucG 11-2006 wed ypu exp AGEEBO eaPud wopPremund Aaluicuc Oonengs. (2) spOinyg pELY@puigynen OpiaPew/ Api Pro Hiri, BGsPu exBu ABAHA G. 1.300 ~Ba G. 6,00 cvmpwarer BF could Qupd s75 Uatunaiiaesg Fgeacuc Ocrongs. I. spends ueifssé srapPgriron 9G sige uaturngse SQHwPsss mqu ugsoe (ofl Pugsmerseprer) cleuflésayid. Ppsrdel uBifsss srogHo siguoHsss oning uigecir stone? I, snquipsain. Sayrismes anand sibspOg) xB auste) softs Cniengu OsPscmns soma@r oud. soFune. omBur ewitey — + 1-7-2006 SIRBBLLICL- get saxfunBiereor SGOY : (Woopgine encigy Darsnws) * 1102006 qoge 311-2007. equ 81065 aaPu ewisdera Bran wie 6 wip snosBds Doped Qaisgs. 10-12-2006 “arg gene inn Oorongy (oALys ssrovtusch @CUL) Copscn eaBw Poss Prom wigs PosstucaGsers, POSS saPiu ruta prod sedOGs. AV: -9G~-epe8-DussgGart. G.8,000-275-13,500_ acip _eaBu f@pspe 1-1-2006 sidigy @- 9.650 sigiuer esfuoret Adpgicrenni: Gopscn UML EOS smuBésatucr PESBU eaPu AAsin G.-15,600-39.100 wpprd gr axBuid G. 5400 Gb. PEsPw eniPus AAp\e 1-1-2006 srergy eoPud Piremruid Godusayid 31Rns6—S 6 BiQucinact V. 1-1-2006 sei sbogy e676 vident Use ewe seReacule 5 UaturniseeG DESH emPu ABs APadRcrua omPwd Biemusis Qeinyio ~enpulmer cderdsoytd. Vi. snquipsein. Seuyiiscomé Ganein@, 123-2007 sary Cstayflnors 10 upeiwSgnd, 1-10-2008 sich) ewitfeneris upeSuSgnd (Promotion Post) eaBund Premui Ges — 9 (8) 112005 sig BEsBu eafu oS2—EH0 suqtiueo. eaPlund: G. 21,020 + gy eaPwid @. 5,400. (ay) Spi upd yon® eau euitey prot: 1, seGemut. (@) Spur upehule CptayPorouhe vosfunoisscuscr grit + 12-3-2007, () upd. musta pret : 1-7-2008, awit upe® ex Bu oSAsd G-15,600 - 39,100 + g7 emBuibd G. 6,600. (2) Divetunent Eps ug gon waGw ewie, Gupp Pera, cut upd enGu Pitenun Aedur ofecub QpheSpgucronnt. Vil. srquijpscin efeughisoneés GaireinG, CodPeners vetudgycron sizats 20 uettumenfid 1-1-2008 sig AGUTgen equ AOLY wpgid App srfumsepaara ait AAG ougrismerd GPL cyio— sets veh Cotes pret + 306-1996 Lat ars pepouGsstuc. pret + 30-6-1996 suldsiuce SPinjscher Serge Gorge snfwgBer Cuftorer wiia oSGtny 2 12-2005 pp 752005 waw wEAsgind oncigy Déowg eaGunidrerr oil@iny = 2-7-2002 apse 28.9-2002 qwpiqus wiqu AGL syen Aalsgy + 4-12-2006 srshgy Bo 30 prtech aLQu Gi + 28.2007 appa 16-8-2007 iq. 318ns6—6, | . _® Vil. Cormeuidesg' wgmsig val urged Griwiuit 9G sail 2 vatuTG6ES SoSUTE wonpB Lem uiquioars senéBGa — Sugino aaBuub : @. 25,260 + @&. 6,600 (5 emfusid) Caren uepu Bid pire Bub wgimy grr : 230 QB. & uastumant got eOsubera.d tyepaeseinyu8 7-10-2009 / 8-10-2009 uwemi Gedigisrenn yee aoe wend sCLemd £ G33 Byer md veins wwews atromd : G 64 f uempus guecape ueskt + 1-10-2009 pus ‘seraeoppe ueiGuypp prs : 8-10-2009 GObu eo guniert acs: weaned ewig) 50 wads cmigy 18 wae onugy 14 vetumensoy enipgicin Spoon senshi (aug) 40) uattumenfidi Gong ecnenoser 4,500 9.8. 10-10-2009 sag conf Yob AerciG AedauutG, wr scramors @. 3,000 Sioetut Ostongs. ¢ oyage atlemd §: 45 (9G Golahingueg). IX. siquipscin. .cleyuscons Garen®, uel white gle Guid, Opiy 20 pp gia) sre uci Aare, giupue Agreiiygs Agron, GObu gly Hund wpgrd Ggrging Qgrossgi erert sefeaiun Ceueingus quayBusd Bluansmns sensQGs: Spits OB 8-11-1951 Sis um Boies 1974 wEsgIud onsinper Seno emBunBléreor oGiny : 1-9-1993 appw 10-10-1953 @pqw wGsgNs snag Doorp eaPuriivon IGiny + 1-1-2004 —po 313-2008 qui aiqu AGtuEs soptulL sherds uaiifsad : 3 wungiisch : oa 16 AGinnss eggiuc. spars : 3 wager « ieee" pass toa ee sigdscucr uebujpy Bedard 21S preaci egcpapiuihsiuns fiqéstuce AGUS + 15 pried ‘ren 17-2008 sicrgy BBs AGwsh. srtVUGrea Bess) 10 Qoret Aner Gupasins, 2.22008 & sgmmeon axpiacerig) 10 oot ACen pat UPA 50 cepdanG Agree sysmaig ¢. 25000 g eperisenars expt IGM AQesh. sirhcaGradt Confum, satinyp 2 ckerm.A Sosemb, 10.3.2008 & perxmona axpitug sAipsn® Suet. antiitreaMwBaies 30.3:2008 di, 10 Qaret AGwaK. CUD spit GFeKlle Hacc. g pepster Arsene ey, 25000/- 15.4.2008 # sRbcucrgs DiGapelipanesr wPenjos Gamer, Hurd mad saarcsdeiry punfldanyb. 5 wy 3b. $orBHH IF smapHA 75H. Opdad Coucucr angHa, MEUOSSLL aac pgs Ate umsihuGss eperrsow (Water Bound Macadam) spond Cpsoanurer apse opgsd Snmacsh sar sysTajseoar sable. (10 018 dg Cpaemmar Saisie seay 0.24 cum). 2 318/157 — A 007/ DM / 10 DEPARTMENTAL. EXAMINATIONS, Ee . ey) May 2010 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION é& PART II(b)}—-ACCOUNTS AND.AUDIT OF LOCAL BODIES (PRACTICAL) geen (With Books) a Time — Three hours . (Maximum Marks: 100) : [NB.— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper’ either in English or in Tamil or even to answer. the paper partly in English’ and partly in Tamil. é (3) Answers should be brief and:to.the point and need not be @ verbatim reproduction of printed. pages. (& Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) eee ‘Marks I. Answer the following:— * ete SK3=15 & (a) What is Earmarked Fund? What are the earmarked funds in‘a Municipality? (®) What are the checks to bé exercised in respect of land acquisition by'thie Tamil Nadu Housing Board? see + ‘ (©) What are the main items of receipt of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University? . 4 (d) What are the obligatory and discretion functions of Panchayat Union Council? fe) What are the Statements to be appended to the Annual Account of Panchayat Union? Il. (a) What are the salient features of Tamil Nadu Panchayat (Issue and 10 Disposal of Audit Reports of Panchayat Union Council and District - Panchayat) Rules, 2000. x (®) What are the Agency Schemes that are undertakeri by Annd University, rs Chennai? : : : IHL, .Whatare thé main functions in three tier Panchayat levels. (i. Village Panchayats, 5 Panchayat Unions’and District Panchayats. IV. What are the checks to be exercised in audit as per the Accrued Accounting 10 eer errr ‘System introduced in Municipality as regard to a assetisation of c« works. Cost of works Rate of interest of loan obtained from outside agency for the as one project Period of work Pay of Technical Staff 31gnss—1 VL Vi. i Marks ‘Work out the vacancy remission in a Municipality from the following details:— 5 ARV Rs. 1,100 ‘Tax on general purpose 19% ET, 5% Library Ces 10% y ‘The owner of ‘building gave Notice on 17-11-2005 that his house is vacant from: 01-11-2005 to 15-11-2005 16-12-2005 to 01-02-2006 15-03-2006 to 31-3-2006 : What afe the Audit checks to be done in Miscellaneous Demand Register? 5 ‘Answer the following— 10x2=20 (a) “Define—Balance Sheet of a Municipality (b) Define —Fictitious Asset (©) Define—Sinking Fund 4d) Define—Payment Bank (e) A Panchayat Union Commissioner destroys a cancelled cheque before the audit ofthe institution—Comment. B What are the types of depreciation in a Municipality? (@) What are the registers maintained in the Account Section of a Corporation dispensed with? (h) The accounts compiled in Town Panchayats in Tamil Nadu are based on Single Entry Accounting System. Say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (Income accrued but not yet received is irrelevant in accrued system of accounting. Say "Yes or ‘No’ @ Government have permission pre-audit of claims in the case of Madras University. Say ‘Fes’ or ‘No’. VIII. What is the procedure to be followed when the contractor has abandoned the 5 work in the middle? "TX. Reconcile the closing balance of the Bank with the closing balance of the sy cash book of a local body, from the following detai : Rs. Closing balance of cash book as on 31-3-2007 10,50,000 1, Uneashed cheques as on 31-3-2007 25,000 ‘Wrong credit in Bank in February 2007 - 2,800 ‘Wrong debit in Bank in March 2007 3,000 ‘Cheques taken credit in cash book in 31-3-2007 but in Bank 5,000 taken credit in April 2007 The closing balance wrongly arrived at Bank, for the month of 5,000 January 2007, in short totalling. In cash book, the receipt wrongly calculated in the month of 10,000 January 2007, in excess totalling. 4 ‘3181582 a X, Work out the grant amount eligible for re-imbursement of additional expenditure ‘on revised pay incurred in respect of teaching and non-teaching staff of ‘A’ University for the year 2002-2003 from thé following details:— Rs. (a) Pay of Teaching Statt— 1,63,00,500 (Pay of Teachers of Bio-Technology Department 1,93,000 - ", Created by the University in June 2002 (1) Additional expenditure on pay to the Teachers promoted _10,62,000 under career development scheme by the University on its own decision (iii) Pay of the teachers employed in the post sanctioned 1,85,000 by the University Grants Commission (iy) Additional expenditure of pay consequent in sanction of 59,400 two advance increments for acquiring Ph.D. Degree (b) Pay of Non-Teaching Staff— : 1,92,00,000 ‘The above expenditure includes the following: — (i Additional expenditure of pay due toaward of higher ——__—_7,49,000 scale of pay by the University (i) Additional expenditure pay on award of SelectionGrade _20,44,000 in deviation of Government Order. (iti) Pay expenditure of the non-teaching staffemployed in 19,30,000 the posts created by the university after 1-1-1996 (iv) Additional pay expenditure on awarding the scale of, 639,000 Rs. 10,000-15,200 to fire Assistant Registrars against the admissible scale of Rs. 8,000-13,500 with effect from 1-5-2002 (0) Pay expenditure of the Staff of the University Hospital 5,760 (Hospital A/c maintained separately and posts of Hospital not covered by Government sanctions) (vi) Additional pay expenditure in respect of four Junior 6740 Assistants who are granted two advance increments for acquiring Degree qualification (©) Details of salary expenditure incurred during the year 1996-1997. z Marks. 15 Pay DA Rel & IR-2 IR-3_ HRA Rs. Bs. Bs. Rs. Rs Teaching Staff 41,12,730 69,0890 3,11,1301,07,280 16,14,230 Non-Teaching = Staff 56,10,550 79,01,760 6,00,190 3,02,220 19,04,420 3181583 nL. mm. M 3191584 4 pup aged Spasan. Semana en UH sefisayio— (S) @PinK. 9gi8G PB (Earmarked Fund) aeapadd arcién? BETA och GPUILL. ggi8G PBacr wireres? (28) BAPBTO 66 Ga anfusspned Povir mausiuGsgud Derive CiopGencinini Gasngu poiieea Denisecr usreras? (@) s8op"G srepm. wpe srdger -afaud LdsmnsspasSrehw ypésBu cgeSenivc wrenes? (8) 9G ang. gauss Gepser srenioinu. esis (Obligatory) Lbpr Sgiufeno uaacs (Discretionary) Garsnovach winner? (2) 9G eagrA gerGu ganGs somigicr Doonsgs sin Covetrqu sfleeaacr were? (op pipp7@ aang Past 20006 Ppiny Ousysct (Salient Features) wmnensu? (aan geinDusid wipguid wrewe acrynt Gist soléos gens Auctuigad opp ypasse sibuibgiren) (28) Asche gainam Ldsmmbaspspsrd Bos@eréonud (pser _ BiLiuser (Agency Schemes) wsrensu? WHPHIG eayri Macher (Brno ugerupgvbsch, omgr. A goirplusrwacr opp wre. emyr. Rast) (pe Bul uefsch uinerss? 96 papri PuSe Oeniigy apn&aiucr CarenauSi Gorppndaib (Assetisation) GainjoGurg. Ducyplers sams@erg (Accrued Accounting System) sealsmaueCurg sfunissiut Custquea wsme? Spdacin Aaytismns AaranG. Sober Gonégi pronamss GLO (FAIV) pusher. Bevenevsfe iopBiiny ©. 1,00,000 Copsen. BLLZPIG Gastric Dose embOw si. gyes cuiig o@gb> 10% qainose Care Bop@aran, snard 8G agit Opn fogiu epeSwrenier oo Busid G- 5,000 Spaacin Sagtamms Ganan® 9@ passe Gquleren ofl (Vacancy Remission) semequiqenu sansOGa:— anG aires wBiy ©. 1.100 Oungid arfusiaeyéaron of 19% si08 oufl 56 gros afl 10% 5G sreSuns acre cBeupid of. wfleooumengnés 17-11-2005 sve Opfiesaturt Oxiongs. S0_srhure Boge ered 01-11-2005 appa 15-11-2005 evens 16-12-2005 @pged 01-02-2006 eueng 15-03-2006 appa 31-03-2006 eweng fk. ict 5x3=15 £ 10 10 vi. vil or vil x & a 318158 5 wBLAvaianch uiamaé Gays UBCa® gaflécos Gainjd0ungs ofuntéba Govainguee 5 wreeu? Rpdscinmaseragi UBO sraflissoyir— . iorsean (2) Gurgiay- Beis ucqud—Seufi. (<8) ecinenousdroorg Gongs (Fictitious Asset) Barf. (@) sreZi PH (Sinking Fund) eeufl. (#) Ganr@iny ovis@ (Payment Bank) eSeufh (2) 9G earl gaxiu gmomui, InaapBar samlsmaig —paren8y Fig) Grin srtermocw aPpgsiini. Gages apes. (2m) pare smLolgésiuiG Csinmnanvech caer? (a) wrpayri Ald mondgis Mase Cuan G op uPCudacie Poseuccever (dispensed) umancu? (9) pBpapPo ecron Cugysri Gadd gunfesluGd samagacr 9G UBey (Single Entry) (penan oftun svegs serps age. (@) Budyfnn sande wap, agami mLLuCG ecnenouS GupLuLagg), seméAGaugs sflun sags paupr sngys. (9) Gece vdsmosepagPo, Geweiten Bacyups (Claims) sess Coparcioniudd wmpon s7% SOP seicrongy. ofur SIHOB BOIpT EIS. : : 8G guUpspIF, Camoemu UnBuIe eaiLnd BxpGancheniuL 5 jaiigs anl.qpanpach wsranes? Bpéacn Reuytismens Aarang gt asromiA Posies Her evil 5 DDD Dow gsPordor vend GHUCuigs OpP Deis sees — G Lene GPiBuLge Ugur OpO Bein, 313.2076 10,50,000 sreréetuLng enGenensesct 31-3-20078LIg 25,000 sapere SigesA 20076 evisGule cupoy oases! 2,500 was 2007 aided seupyserrat Upp Omus6E 3,000 erBermnscn vend GPiGuLye 31320070 ay@aG gi, ouvsBuler gid 2007 ayGaiBGee 5,000 Baia 2007 “osSer-gugsere-OpP— Dginios Gapsg sanéGcg 5,000 gorau 20076 umd GPUCULIgd ovsofon Dito nOserss semsOirg 10,000 6 X. Bpdsan SastistSesgi ‘s' ac@ap vdsmedspss6lre, Musi wind Mut gderg uehunets@rs6, 2002-20038 angie BosGu eau AMpsgrd ghulL mOpo GeacdarsPe, Gwsdud Gupéeniqu wreui eflug) sda) scum sanéOGa? (0 (a) 3181586 o Mut UsAunorisensanen oa Bund 1,63,00,500 O) gre 20008 Udsmodapaperd amb9esiULL - LOU ALaenrog gop eOfurrsepéaner eaBusi 1,93,000 2) uramed apasgrd wpgGaRssiucO, uetewie) BiLuub (Career Development Scheme) sngiisenc use, BHR uIEHsGL Up awirey sefésiuLr gre TPULL mOBH AsoeSend 10,62,000 G) Udsmmsaips wre Gupand sige PSELULL But UeASwagasre sour aypt@ug) — 1,85,000 (4) qymisd® (Ph.D) ULL Guppenég oypiieiuLL DyeinG par eaGus austaSlenre (Advance Increment) SpULL mGpd AeeveXend 59.400 BH serene UeRunenicsticr smBusd 1,92,00,000 Copasin. GonrcSenid Sipiacin Doriscen 2.cren Bugs (2) Udsmodspaserd, wi axGur oS@pid (Higher Scale of Pay) eypiseiuceerd opuce Gp GaoreSenio 7,49,000 2) 295 gmanig wmpre Opiayfene ex Busts eypiiBugrd gpUuLL GSO Aserelenid 20,44,000 GB) L196 GLE, Udsmmaapapere Cprppeiéatiuc® Proud. whut sedors Leh issendaren auf husid 19,30,000 4) aged UBarongag, SpwGssiucL omBu RABID CG. 8,000-13,50085 UBens G- 10,000-15,200 arcip eaglur odispgled 152002 (ppd safwid epiBugrd gpuce Ops AeweSend 6,39,000 1-52002 pee 282-2003 wpiqus uA wae eG Copercreniuc. Gores GHB Geeoland oH. 6,39,000) (S) Udsmodsps wesgiewmsn vefuTentserearer mB (wEsginme sands gafus Cuming Sng. sipparer ueRumenias Sy 9d ogpnoPiesiucL sero.) 5,760 (6) BranG Dorfeow 2 geSurontscr ucriungtey YUssPLss SQUOPsstuc. Byen® er eaQur eustafamds (Advance Increment) ODUCL omGpe omBusd 6,740 Pues 15 » (@) 1996-1997 gaingd BopAancroniuit omBus eoBud sudan Barsero 19, Bevrsasid Tell G o& G (a) @gPifut ueflumertach 41,312,730 69,08,940 3,11,130 6) at Bevan ® wafureriesh $6,10,500 79,01,760 6,00,190 3181587 eeveSleni. Bose iG Bomyon amos i) oo G 1,07,280 16,14,230 3,02,220 19,04,420 008 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS @ May 2010 4 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION + PART I(c)—ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT OF STATE TRADING SCHEMES (PRACTICAL) : (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) [INB— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (G) Answers should be brief and 0 the point and need not be + @ verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting | Marks ses 1. Write short notes on:— 5x3=15 e (@ Census Register. @) Pantry Register. (c) Honey and Wax Register (@) Completion Report. (ce). Deposit Work. Tl, ‘Distinguish between the following— Sx3=15 (@) Consolidated Fund and Contingency Fund. (®) Government Account and Public Account. «” (©) Measurement Book and Standard Measurement Book. (@ Permanent Advance and Temporary Advance. x (e) Controlling Officer and Disbursing Officer. TIL, Comment on the following (Quoting Authority): — 1s (@ A Procurement Officer insisted on open tender for the procurement of articles the value of which was Rs, 5 lakhs, + = ~+ (6) Government Servant incurred an expenditure of Rs. 60,000 in respect of his spouse for removal of cyst in the Ovary and prefered-a claim-for-—. sanction under Tamil Nadu Government Employees Health Fund Scheme. (Q) An Assistant Director (Khadi and Village Industries) encashed and disbursed the Uneamed Legve on Private Affairs standing the credit of Khadi Board employee who had retired on Superannuation on 28-2-2008. 3191591 enanieacaecec eee eee eee eee 2 @ A Goverment Servant who had undergone Renal Transplantation on oe 8-6-2008 and the treatment was completed on 15-6-2008. He preferred a claim under Tamil Nadu Government Employces Health Fund Scheme. (@) A Government Servant who had put in more than two years of service + and getting consolidated pay on 1-1-2009 was sanctioned three months emoluments as interim arrears. TV, Write about the Land Acquisition Process in the Tamil Nadu Housing Board 10 and the Audit checks to be exercised. V. Work out the Net Cost Grant due to the Tamil Nadu Khadi and Village 20 Industries Board for the year 2005-2006 with the following particulars-— Village Industries Fund Expenditure: : Rs. General Administration and Direction 2,23,12,312 Industrial Co-operatives 3,57,360 Beekeeping Industry 28,73,113, Palm Industry 34,91,849 Staff transferred from Khadi and Village Industries Commission 5,29,679 Receipts: Industrial Co-operatives 915,775 Leave Salary and Pension Contribution 43,013 Excess Pay recovered 3,153 Staff transferred from Khadi and Village Industries Commission 5,29,669 Khadi Fund Expenditure: y General Administration 6,45,95,935 Audit Fees Paid 1,97,43,000 Propaganda and Publicity 3,32,052 Khadi Gramodyog Vidyalaya 65,595 Kuralagam Buildings 1,32,67,130 Leave Salary and Pension Contribution 2,05,765 Pension and Gratuity 10,71,70,823 Others: Reimbursement of Stamping Fees and Mortgage Deeds from staff 1,64,090 Purchase of Motor Vehicle 2,675 318159—~2 ETT Vi 3181533 Receipts: Receipt from Kuralagam Buildings Other receipts from Kuralagam Buildings Parking fees of vehicles Leave Salary and Pension Contribution Inadmissible Expenditure objected to in audit 1,87,02,272 49,55,512 35,596 11,50,915 25,59,535 Grant received from Tamil Nadu Government —_ 17,00,00,000 Note: ‘The expenditure under Khadi Fund is inclusive of the following which were objected to audit— (1) Encashment of Unearned Leave on Private A(Tairs to Retired Employees (2) Excess payment due to wrong fixation of pay of a Khadi Inspector (3) Excess payment due to wrong fixation of pay in respect of Assistant (4) Cost of Inadmissible Medicines reimbursed Work out the amount to be recovered if any for the shortages and excesses noticed in a Khadi Kraft Limited as detailed below during annual verification of stocks conducted during April 2008:— SI. Variety Category Excess No. Value Bs. 1 Sik Countable 11,500 Measurable 8,000 2 Cotton Countable 6,000 Measurable 7,500 Readymade 2,500 3 Polyester Countable 15,000 Measurable 4,000 4 Woollen Countable > 700 at Measurable 2,500" 5: Honey : 57,700 1,36,850 69,213 31,807 130 Shortage Value Rs. 12,000 9,500 10,000 6,000 2,500 16,000 8,000 4,000 "2,500 Marks. 10 VII. Work out the grant eligibility of Private Engineering College recognised for the purpose of grant for the year 2006-2007 with the following particulars:— Note:— Rent includes Rs. 20,000 towards rent for the quarters for the Teachers 3181594 4 The total receipts includes the following: Admission fee 1,300 Tuition fee 9,85,000 Sale of Application forms 1,40,000 Finecollected 3,750 Interest received on Endowment 95,000 Bank interest adjusted 925 Advance grant 2006-2007 realised 60,00,000 The total expenditure includes the following: Basic Pay 30,40,500 Deamess Allowance 58,75,875 House Rent Allowance 2,30,000 Medical Allowance 36,000 Rent 66,000 Interim relief 8,29,500 Adhoe Bonus 192,750 Placement Officer’s salaries 1,30,000 Printing Charges 33,000 Costof Stationery 19,000 Advertisement Charges 16,000 Postage and Telegram 26,500 ‘Telephone Charges 20,000 Audit fees 10,700 Bank charges 15,000 ‘Current consumption charges 130,000 Repairs to equipment 60,000 Estate maintenance 13,000 Laboratory consumables 1,14,000 and Wardens paid to private persons. Marks. 15 5 publ supe 1. Age Biy euenges:— Sx3=15 (51) wear Aprons semaQaGiyLs Yppatd (Census Book) (a3) eomeyts Qungiach sve uUBGai® (Pantry Register) (BD) Ger wipe Ginw@Li uUGPGauH (Honey and Wax Register) ©) Gay sBioa (@) anny ved, IL, G8p Can@satux Goren Denison CuyuGsBs eneinRésoy:— Sx3=15 (8) HL BB wpgi wBesmounen PB (4) S756 combs wd CuTgE samég (B) siemaxs Ysseid ppd Pemewren genayasr Yss5i0 (5) Pob—7 (stuaMd pp ppsrSs cperusmid (2) SLOUUMG sPsrf vpgi vemd axptigin sPsxh. T, Bpsacin. Denise ps5 gprrEELar ee pgIOT ayBO}>— (51) 878% Sigueedt 5 WL si QuGonenapsnon QuTGLaenen Banenappe Gaiingpes SpesGea® gLUppLLY466A (Open Tender) Cam guongy 2 SproALuri. (4) 9G se emfut gangs gmendust gaifodio acquis foe SDH GHAsms Aaaveslond 5. 60,000 Gatyflan Aairgs apigungs SeremwIsgsiond. sippr so ampui pols BL BBaSp Beiremuid snilads gsc. (D) 96 2808 Qusgeni (agt wvpger Aymo Ggmfeo sunflund) sengy 28-2-20086 amg) (pBiroler angemore 5 suhengg sereQSnse Aeris SPUGE Cufleoron aut AGiMena srenésid onprsSuysionn 15 ) 6G sia eapfut £62008 scr sen siBofeaetuce wGpgmomande Kopre onpg soa $Bioe Aaisgs anaing BAses 1562008 yaposing, But sys exfut pap BLL gPs span AAtwrssra Agras Conf MaineniuSg gicirenni. (2) 1120096 Bysn® agGiisGseGod valyiipg, oP. eau GudpAGd 9G SHE eaPuGes aparg wig sibue Gpros Derssre Ppyme Aprons QuppeAésiuceg). IV. siiper® SL Queh anfusBer Po nsusiudsaise oSsor Bema 10 passe ap aenauld sfuriss GuanGb acnigener Sens Suyid awe. 31859—5 6 wWPLCLee sis V. 2005-2006. wasrgparor sOiETO spit wg Bymoiyp Geni 20 artupiretu Pas Gena wreluges Spescn Saytamms Aaraing semsOGa:— Arrovyy Asmpo PB Qeerefand: @ Gurgs Pans wpgy Quaept 2,23,12,312 Gpnfd mc Opa Pprsuentisecr 3,57.360 Bsa cusniiny Gams 28,73,113 users Gpnpler 34,91,849 Uadunontact apt opp Bymouyp sms moughedepg) wappintes 5,29.679 augeSanb: QpnP> si Opa) Pavouenivscr 9,415,775 AGL saBubd won glyPuc ueGS Asrms 43,013 Bors saBu medesiucegs 3,153 apt wig Bymoiyp Bemperenousts usunenisci wonppouir eunauSer 5,29,669 esi 6B co Gewefent: Gung Pionab wop Quaspi 6.45,95,935 sohimad siiomd Gags Bugs 1,97.43,000 puUsEt wpgid eemdusio 3,32,052 819) Bymog Gund eSlgumoousr 65,595 Gpeaid sLguivact 1,32,67,130 AGiY sxBund sig oUYBu uiings Osten 2,05,765 oly Pub wpm Opiy wpprd ush&sAene — 10,71,70,823 ppm: (BD LaBusroniaA GEE WWEPeor sore sLLemd Dopp HeoLorens Uphnd BBweupPperor Ogres 1,64,090 (<4) avresonid. ounisBings 2,675 augefientd: (81) @persd sige agwrend 1,87,02,272 (3) Gpeawd sige wpp ayoysor 49,55,512 B) aaingacr Pysguio 55,596 AGL eaBur wip gimyGw uings Agree 11,50.915 (2) spuPisg gars Geosariacr geRecrauder por Gaiuiuciene 25,59,535 (ext) BAPpIO 9% (ard Cupp wruxd 17,00,00,000 oiiy: at POSED aston Qsarend setibans gon. K ECU SRUpsmremis a cron. aug: (20 giseGupp vashunngigs Genie sigreveice Gufitorar niin SOL arerdain vig) aphugy 1,36,850 ($95 51D HUANGSS seuppors eaPuw PhomTéaucLg 69.213 B) 96 eseSurent seupgars OsiaGene enGu Ptomuid 31,407 (a) SeBaReacULTE OGHB WE AGW LEQuiedé Caches airgs sup: 130 3181596 vi. 1 Gaesigus Agroauerar aanaOGe— araai, — Band evens wifi Bing o 1 uo 11,500 #,000 2 uGsD 6,000 7,500 2,500 3 umeSGussivutt 15,000 4,000 4 sinus Sainemdeniquseney 700 Sioneé FnIguiEEL 2,500 5 Cac - VI. Gpéscn Surmsctcy orem RE s7% sruBart Qubp palm 0G SP Ayn. PpmagPer gipiv 2008 peOa.Gudp yen® Doo shumipgde sromiuce Smpy oppid mOseo Sigg Ani ome wofptey o 12,000 9,500 10,000 6,000 2,500 16,000 8,000 4,000 - 2,500 600 71,100 Gun@udup sign 2006-2007 andere wnénuid sansAGa— agen Criéensé alLamb uulpgedinyé «Lomb Sainomiuivscr Sipuenen euyoy Spssiomicigig upp alas Aprons sump mERsss arts®) anggQpreos 2006-2007 VL BGG) Suppers wreflus Qewasand 3181597 Quags Asacend Spsscnaxpop acre s@ugy: Suqiiseor. esx Bustd sehen sig ALG ocensts ug we@pgieus ug eur. Deréann Paryenb (Adhoc Bonus) Sigyeuert atouianb ci58 Aeenysch seatunacac Qu GoevaSlars lonouips- Qe “Be guTbipme wip p66 Comey Gerarebuh Geoony pehsmad oLemb eyb@s Gzcooysch (Charges) Aaiorss QaaveSend Boarvesch Ung! UTt pp Aacvay Reoronwts Cugpiss AsereSend (Estate maintenance) Gorgersréo gusiaysch G: 1,300 9,85,000 1,40,000 95,000 4,750 925 60,00,000 30,40,500 58,75,875 Is GMiy: ames Agrnse sAurgGoe sefldssuce GquGuy (4 Afut ppd APRS sriuinengagfiu Osmond) acron sQugy. 009/DM /10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS He May 2010 DEPUTY INSPECTOR’S TEST—FIRST PAPER (RELATING TO SECONDARY AND SPECIAL SCHOOLS) & (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) Answer any ten questions only. Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in EngitsK or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (@)_ Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued} af Marks Write in detail about “NCERT” (10) U. Explain and the list of Registers to be maintained in Higher Secondary Schools. (10) I, Write in detail about Voluntary Retirement (10) IV. What are the duties and Responsibilities of the following Officers? {2x 5=10) a) Director of School Education. b) District Educational Officer. Write short notes on the following (Sx 2=10) a, National Service Scheme b, Teachers Recruitment Board c. Teachers Service Register a, Transfer Certificate e. Regional Inspector of Physical Education VI. What are the procedure to be followed to admit a student in higher Secondary schools? (10) 313/160~1 VII. Who is the competent authority for the following? (x 2=10) a) Sanctioning authority of Annual Increment to the District Educational Officer. b) Awarding selection Grade / Special Grade to the Post Graduate +4 ‘Teachers. ¢) Higher Secondary Examination mark list. d) Giving permission to fill up the Teacher vacancies in non minority schools. ¢) Teachers Transfers in Panchayat Union Schools. Vill. Explain the duties and responsibilities of the Parent Teachers Association in schools. (10) IX. Write in detail to get the Duplicate S.S.L.C Mark Certificate. ao Sy X, What are the duties of the teachers to improve the quality of school education? (19) XI. What is “Minority School”? Describe the rules and Regulations. (10) XII. Expand. (Sx 2=10) a) DCRG. b) JRC co) DIET : d) LPC % e) ASTPF 318 /160-2 Tamil He wBiQusie 1 Gx Aud evel wigan symmisA Ppseusma (NCERT) upp fleur GPHANG (10) &,. Ginsifienevis Usroflenfkd ummoMSecu Gausimgu usCarlesir uit ASifleures STUNG (10) I eflggiis giisoy usp ofifeures reggie. (0) NV. Sihsngprd sypsvertest uewflesr wipe Gunter wrens? (2x5=10) (ai) ustahés abel Qwéent (23) wraulL& abel syymusut Ve Flay Grfitiy susorss. (5X 2=10) (9). mG pavt uowAS SC td (2). ay Sifhurt psy eumfusi @. gPifitssi uohiugeaw ). wnagié ereinghle 2). sino 2 pesbell aytieuent Vi. GindyBlenaud usirafisahas 9c urrsmeumen Cotdieid Curgi Siri Gousioy us seo upannecir errs? O) _ VIL. Sieg Simms oe fs oySemflesir ut? (5x2=10) ‘ « (2). urea Ls sce SgMMGEG oi angus auimas seuHlig san (2). Ygismn ifUiEEHoG Cpiioy / Apiy Hane erptisssd @). BokBonergs Cpsiey wALILeer UL igussd i __ Aqurereausdy usrohsaher gpAfust vemICSOE HTN. olen arpeveid sigue (2). sem’ d gery Ustaflsche ayéfuiiac Unga eupiese 318/160-3 VILL usiteflesefed QaweduGio OuiGomt aAifluit sine aides wippad umn jeer uiy6 fest. a) Ix. erevsre.s100.4) UGSUAUsi sensi Qaeer_md up GuyusSH|Stw aAiSapspscmse Slouflsenga. (10) : 4 x usirahés asta (pene SMMSHTS wD MUSH ms ithuiesir yma igus Uewflessir wrens? (10) Xl. Agyurcrrano usirefl ered sretren ? JSS soLw sHSapsmasmer sSleuifl (10) XIL aBleureib B58. (5x2=10) @). DCRG (qj. JRC @. DIET (@. LPC (2). ASTPF 318/160~4 010/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 HK DEPUTY INSPECTORS TEST — SECOND PAPER (RELATING TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS) & . (Without Books.) ‘Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks : 100) [IN.B— (1) Answer all questions from I to ¥, XVI to XVII are compulsory and any eight questions from VI to XV. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. G) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued.) « Part A Answer All Questions (Marks: 5x6 = 30) 1. Explain about the Private study admission. 2. Explain in detail the fixation of Teachers post to a Middle School with the following strength in August:- Wagers do) Ge Roll 44 51 44 52 63 51 44 «56 Present © 42,««48« «40495947449, « 3. What are the Prime duties of the BRC Supervisor? explain. . 4. Explain in detail about the Village Education Committee? 5. What are the duties of the Middle Schoo! Headmaster? 3)8/161-4 PIU 2 Part-B Answer any Eight Questions (Marks: 8x5 = 40) 6. Explain about sanction of Provisional Pension? 7. Explain about payment of family pension and death-cum- + retirement gratuity. 8. Explain the importance of Job chart? 9. What are the basic needs to start new Panchayat Union Primary School? 10. What are the records and registers to be maintained in the Office of the Assistant Elementary Educational Officer. 11. What is SSA Scheme (Block Education Committee) How many members are to be selected to form B.E.C 12. What are the procedure to be followed in submitting the pension proposal? ww 13, Describe about the function of the mobile Science Van 14. What is meant by reconciliation of expenditure? explain 15. Explain about Completion Rate (C.R) and Drop-out Rate (D.R.) Part-C (Marks 5x3=15) 16. Write short Notes- 1) Compulsory wait 2) LPC. 3) Inspection Book 4) Voluntary Retirement a] 5) Teacher's Service Register. ‘ 318)/161-2 3 (Marks 5x2=10) Me) 47.Comment on the Following:- a) Assistant Elementary Educational Officer sanctions to the aided schools Teacher Provident Fund b) Re-employment to teachers. ¢)} School improvement Conference. d) Preparation of panel for the post af Panchayat union primary school Headmaster. e) Sanetion of increments to Teachers. (Marks 5x1=5) 18. Expand the following:- a DLET b.8.D.0. cABL ¢ dSSA eNC.c i 318/161-3 4 TAMIL ug A- a gimendsgy eraser sith eSlenwsaft wiiGuetorecr (5 x 6 = 30) 1 Saf Cations: vii agaeuore repsis 4 2. GG SOHonoid usta 9G ung wrserast UPiay/ augsnss QpLVOLTd yu LEPIL Priced Asivsugs Gg oSlesf? su 1 ry 3 4 5 6 i 8 ugiay 44 51 44 «5263 S144 56 RIG HOE 42 48 40 49 «59 47° 41 49 Sax Liny aus coun Cunburiesuurenfiet uenfesensr sSiaufésenh ? 4. Amos scdallés wager ven Gig) au;ésioT6 o.m6? 5. BOiglenent usta semevsoin oy Fiflusfleir semoesit wrenes? ugsl- 3 sronouCu sepa on @ Slam 556 lone oS iGusinrscr (8X5 = 40) 6. spans giieySund gepndiugy Ges) Seu? 7. @Giu isp Shu word Bin - ging ueAASGesraor. ougrinseugy 1856s sHosNisnns? 8. veoh Ser ahimauier VsAQudssiusens aes 9. Sw aenmA genius Asm Sai usaf Gem mgmusiemen oyylwen yy Egeomsensr sus 10. 2. ga gmdad Sool seynnssSH uTmofldece Coursing Syeucoombssct wip upCaGestr @Asgs ao? Th SpmstagGs Gib sas HLL SHS axLumy cde wsug oetrpyrsd ersreor? Cuobansin Guy sods eis smen 2 pyilemiasir Gossos 31B/164- 4 5 2. gil Sud sGSssG Sach uNigions Qorinyd Curgy Sein inne Gousiongs ns eOL_qpenmpessir witenes ? 18, Gusiieid opathus apis oars) whiigy oSeut? 12, eG ayn SSAeso4s usa erérgmd srdror? (pSSwsgyoussoog, aSlasfi 15. eSleuflésen Usirafduigiloou Boosh AeoysSlGumi, usta upidoou eply SC ols aSlousaso4.0 ugs)- ieenigy Bearer ene lb sen wf UnBiiGusioresr (XB = 15) 16. ag seus alos OL Lmud on Bl50y 2, 60.8) siousTs ensngy @. quiings uspoud Fr. aflgdu gitey 2 BPifiuiflesr ewAiuSGuG woghiGiustorescir (5x2=10) 17. Shae BSgicrones Deir gy dg) &.gVe:- 2} 512-5081 Quy usta a, AMuts oH de 2. G05 gsm sob ade’ SIgiutit aAiflurt maucy MS) oor SieLadIo—sed 2 Silly QUbD Be Pifusts ons wg) Huxoser syoneor oypqnsy GSH @. usireh Spenocy wong Fr. som A geriluils Lures sencvcno a ARug deer Use 2wiiey CpniComt Guts uLyusd gumhsse Gig 2. HBMuIsCHdG omFw o witay oiuosHse0 (wHl@ueieressir (5x1 = 5) 8. SHG DgrrorasiPener aor uGge:- B.D.0. . DLE.T. ABL. SSA aie : - N.C.C. gaocm 318/61-5 011/DM/10 & 0. & Nv. DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 DEPUTY INSPECTOR’S TEST 1a EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS (With Books) Time — One hour and a half (Maximum Marks: 100) [NB— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper ‘either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. 1G) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting} : ei ees Marks (@) Give abriefaccount of Computer Education in Schools. 3 () Write short notes on District Primary Education Programme. 5 (©) Give a brief account of Talent Search Examinations 8 (d)_ Write short notes on Education Guarantee Scheme and Alternative, Innovative 5 Education Scheme. : : (a), Write briefly on Matriculation Schools and Anglo-Indian Schools. 4 (6), Write short notes on District Institute of Education and Training. 4 (c) Write short notes on Physical Education in Higher Secondary Schools. 4 (d) Give a brief account of Parent Teachers’ Association. 4 (@) Explain any four of the Welfare Schemes available to SC/ST students. 4 |. (a) What are the steps taken to provide Elementary Education for all under the - ake of 147 (b) Give the management wise strength of students and staff if all Higher 5 Secondaty Schools during 2002-2003, (©) List out the number of Backward Class students in 1 to V Standards in 5 2002-2003, in State Board Primary Schools and Middle Schools. - (d) Give the category wise strength of Teachers in Government High Schools 5 in Perambalur, Cuddalore, Thanjavur, Theni and Villupuram Districts in 2002-2003. : (a) Give the Teacher Pupil ratio in all Schools from 1997-1998 to 2002-2003. es (2) Tabult the stage wit enrolment in Matriculation Higher Secondly Schools 5 in 2002-2003 in Madurai and Salem Districts __(¢)_LList out the drop outrate in the Primary Stage from 1990-1991 t0 2002.2003——._5-—-___— in Tamil Nadu. (4) Give the class wise enrolment in unaided State Board Higher Secondary 5 Schools in 2002-2003 in Sivagangai District. 318/162—1 \V._ Give short notes on the followings :— @ @) © @ @ 1 (on (a) @) « T. (o (w) (a) @ Mm. (a) (%) (@) @) IV. (3 318/162—2 ls Education Incentives for promotion of National Foundation for Teachers’ Welfare. Non-Formal and Adult Education Scouts Movement “Education for all” (Sarva Siksha Abiyan) pub mpanh usreRace> seshehs ace Spee Go Gir) apse. wats OsrLsss svlls Pid EPsge Ap |GPLY supgis. Ppamisys Cptoyscr GSsgi GPiY cess. sisi snip Bs BLLib opp oapyenf ygim0d sero BLLD— GPinysst 5qS. Qoihig oops usieflach wipid -yii@Fer OEBu ucrefadt upp sGsswrs mppoud. writs 809 pp UUM Poaand eBags) Pa EBLy spss. CoiPrais usiofsshd arpsdd Ghia An GBiy apse. Lsrefischés ‘Quppri a Pfui spa’ Bias ageenre spss. QHGITA. wbgid uptiGn Deagogsé snips wrencutsederer BOSBLL agpalwcten grenGene Sah 14 aMZSGLULL SErorsgIs GpsenBsi Gd gbdUd del aypirs aGsSUULL pLamgdemaaer uses? 2002.2003.%4i0 — 4x5=20 (a) Capital Expenditure (b) Cash Book (©) Last Pay Certificate (d) Connected and Contracted Load IL, Discuss the Statements and Schedules required for preparation“of Annual 16 Statement of Accounts TIL, What are the requisites of Valid Tender? 16 1V. Explain — Inter Unit Accounting. 16 V. What are the al'wances granted by the Board to the employees? 16 VI. (a) Earnest Money Deposit 4x4=16 (0) Foreign Service : (c) Invalid Pension @ Qualifying Service VI. (a) What kinds of leave are being granted to TNEB employee? 8 (6) Explain — Joining Time. 8 ‘VIII. Outline briefly the general principles and procedure for enforcing responsibility 16 for losses of public money or property. 318164—1 [Turn Over n. WV. vi. vu. Vit. BiB auigend Spascmap hig sGssors uP apgis: (9) qpeopers QaoveSlenis (4) esr GBLBUG @) cperoiume ‘oncihs (8) Deremsacun Gero Dense wpgid giupgtuiquiren Benen. AUGLBP somdg sPsms sunt Anis CremeuuGic sPsosacr wpm sLLememac Ui enpoyid. ieppae giUbpinchahig Opmonarme: aciGorsren aenierg mp8? acim sMer Cuuer sands moiyis upp sides? aurfuip Gd Cormaule acrearisenag apie uugect acinar? spasms aUpgis: (8) Smemerouinys Oprers (4s) smeoginpis vest @) Quarfes giisys sidverid BE PAUpI> veered (8) anfiuZ Bh Comet esterase apiecuo IGLY sunsacr diGensiror aches aps? (2) weCurpy Berréereid upG cies. Guigiued sidegs Gerpgisscier BypiSparar QunpiGuppeara Aeurugsgievspare Gurgmmer Aarcimsacr pmb poOLympasr Cisge smears Serfissand. 3181642 4x5=20 014/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 ah DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT — POLICE STANDING ORDERS VOLUMES I TO IV. (With Books) ry a Time—Three hours. (Maximum Marks: 100) (NB— (1) Answer any twenty questions only, (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in ‘English and partly in Tamil. (B) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at.the end of the answer book will not be valued. (© All questions carry equal marks.} 1, How Meritonous service entries and Good service entries are awarded and entered in the Service Records? 2. What is the scale of escort that has to be provided when public money has to. be sent or brought from one place to another? 3. How the Punishment Roll file should be arranged to facilitate the writing of the minutes.? 4. What are all the documents comprise of the personal files and how they are maintained, docketed and updated? 5. How Pay and Allowances are disbursed to the staff? Could Pay and Traveling * “Allowances Bills re-endorsed? How pay bills are drawn at head quarters and at out stations? 6. How the licensed Arms other then revolvers and pistols, and how revoivers and pistols, are inspected by the station house officers/ Inspectors? What should the superintendent of police do after these Inspections? 7. List out the Indexes maintained at the District Crime Record Bureau on the Card System? 318n6s—1 20. 2 What categories of prisoners are included in the Prison Release List? How it is communicated to the Police Stations? ‘What are alll the things Police Officers should accomplish before they Proceed on leave? Write only the three main questions asked and how they are recorded by officers during the Oral Enquiry at the time of (1) a delinquent appearing for enquiry, (2) when his prosecution is over and,(3) when his defense is completed. |. Could the Police Officers address the Government and approach the officials of other departments or member of legislatures direct? Could they bring political or outside influence? . How Traveling Allowances Bills are prepared and claimed? . What are the Government instructions regarding sending of Demi-Official letters to Senior officers and mention the appropriate forms of salutations there to be used generally by officers? . What is the course to be followed when complaints of torture, etc. against a Police Sub-ordinate officer are received by a senior police officer through an anonymous or pseudonymous communication? How the Practical Training to the Sub-Inspectors of Police given? How the Training undergone by them is tested? What is the procedure adopted during which a detinquent is being heard in Person? . What are all the instructions regarding visit of Superintendent of Police and ‘Sub Divisional officers to the Police Stations? Define ‘A’ , ‘B’, and ‘C' fists. How Promotions to the posts of Inspectors of the District Police are made? How punishment of reduction to lower grade or post or lower stage in the time scale pay is awarded to police subordinate officers? How a Circle Inspector hands over his charge to the relieving officer on his transfer? BB/65—2 ay 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 3 ‘What is the procedure for collection of fees for the services of Police at cinema theatres? How the fees amount collected for off-duty and on-duty men are credited or disbursed? What is a defaulter sheet? For whom it is maintained and where they are kept? Write a minimum of 10 classes of crimes which the Criminal Investigation Department shall ordinary deal with. ‘When Appeal against Acquittal should be made? What is the time limit prescribed for these appeals? What is the procedure to be adopted during the arrest of Centra/State/ Foreign Consulate employees? Bill ang suid 1. yaupaG hs uerhis UBoy (Meritorious Service Entry) wird Ppenots edits Ua (Good Service Entry) seueurgy eupiisiu@@ngy? sisncuecir aduangy ucts LPBuGscted UBay CoiuuG@pgs? I. Qurg vensms SAL sBGGH wpAprG OB. sHH6 SgQuywoursr, aOSgAGb Curse mpHaturGaemnqu aupisanausder (Escort) sianaSQ ashen? TH. Papen uPslmar (Minutes) aupginmg aafignégid sneak gerees uiique Gaminer seveurgy Aercurfums pups Qaim Goreinhir? IV. sippptieé Cantyssie (Personal files) aQeses uBayGech (documents) massiuGb? spsybed Cariysdr aeange LyMnAsscuGBpg? Gangs) massuG@pgy (docketed)? wpgyd uppréer (update) GaiuinG@pg? V. stouend wpprb ugec adem sgiminis@agu uLOamT Gisburse) GaisiciGMpgy? siduemd wimd Tgumrem’s ug ULiqudscir 6g; BanGid CoGeupgisd (Re-endorsement) Geiwernws? eidvents UcQUA apeid Lamb genwaLouL GBgnd wppid Aascfiés sree Pmouiiecfignd seveingy GupiuGBpgi (drawn)? Vi eflwd Cupp spegiuré@ecr (Revolvers) wpgid Agmasgincs@acr (Pistols) wpgrd Bou gag geen Buyshemer cdeng. sro few sParh sog1 gierrent sahios Qoliu@uarOh? gmemauwler “Scrurs soared Scnareilinont aster GoinOevaiGin? Vi. wre Gp geuens amiisgHe (District Crime Record Bureau) Siler. (penpuld (Card System) uymofléstiuGid si Lemensaen Andices) euflnetugsgayid. 318/653 npnororrrennnnnNONOONNUNNNneeeebseessscaascccinegss Sc sé 4 . Penpéerensd eB@gered utiquded (Prison Release List) adsermaunen flaps maPecr Cotssiudat? shang sig sree Hoouia eG ApfidsaiuG@pg? . AGI AGASSLUCG Gedgud qpsrms ned sigueusitecr Geiss Coreinqucnaiscr sreneu? X. emisQiomp eSengenceBer (Oral Enquiry) Gungr— (8) Derpumet (ppd Bongenanig agearmigid Gungid. (a) Smpurehs@ aBgrer ent Auiecr Senfesvuc@ yigpsCurgnd. (@) Seypunefer gpamny Benyosn cpmpsCungid fenzeras Serf Gaacn Oneingu cpergy GacreBsene wt Gib Seas SParfumd uvGBoeiucuGo cpp Cnisgs ross L era gp oBsrfac CpflounaBaun aiqpid gpewredarr syoruagengtun Oss gimp sPerflsmendun sips cpu? STPudeunBscr wpgir Goucfiguisdic Gurfihena sixseoans ard gimp sPanflesr GudS. Duguon? LUE Lig ULQUdse aéeTg sum AxiuUGBerper? QLogyid uwem ug stéueveneule Bangs (Claim) uCaueinG? |. wgBeney siguioriaer’ (Senior Officers) Opies sing oupgmugs uppw sisrive sPeyngecn corer? Cpi~pas siqgnisste LUE OBLLGID Sewer evsnésupenpsci (Salutations) uiBud @inSGs. L 9G sad Epdaw sigangsg sByrs AsPrungsis yeriacr sO Awrier seg Cumi@uuT Yyamisst apoid eneudrgenp YEhon sKQAUMGSS agGumid siysmisc bg aGsacur Gercinqu sieges jpepacr eaten? , oreuimecier ered 2g68 gwemoriamse Geucrupenm ruts scary sohéssiuGlpg? siflestuce Lupe éiermsude UALR G UTisetGAeps!? 2G Deopwret Borges Batra wepuld engmans AstiwiuGoCurg, Berrmenie auams perwepsc SeLtutigescur Corain@io? ered senanssfitiumengo, et Cant. sre sPerfusio snes Peouriseen urTimeanG. seuermswurer sifleysngech ecroner? ‘Sr, 24, 'B Uciquescr upP sfoné gs. wreiiiveher ened Bwomoniae3G CoBepp Promotion) acuengy ayptustuG@pgy? B18/165- 4 re xx XX. 96 5 sre Epos Parison ps s16H0Can soos) SpineisGen, sroypmp expughd SpimosGesr Opssb Gaiuyb seme sang ayprelUOBapg)? eke QWeuori pret ug wri (Transfer) QainutuGb@urgy Baie SORE GD PrBenfidi b adeng gangs Qurgiieu GuUML eS Gib? srawiec Aafors Garimasciie Crna Aebegpane sive GSES cpenpach achen? airy profi» (OfFDuty) Craneu Gouisuyd STEUGEGO, vas prefé (On-Duty) Grey Aaisuyid sramseio AGASUG slioms Aprons advan mused AniwiuGApg? . Seay Aaligeut @xPlayspner (Defaulter Sheet) seipréy ashen? wnt UGG, stig Mencvscr CuamuiG@arpen? Sips Yywannbiays gimp snprpemors Sengenam Asus Cousinqu auguijsctiéy (Classes) Gempppg UsgI Gbptusaiich aiginlener aQpgis. Ghp AGgenas~G oPyren o1'nSé (Appeal against Acquittal) oBungy Asin CucnGir? sss suiidvacr Gelagpere amv Sioneyesch siciten? srad giopiert mow syerts sigiumayCun, nfo sgorivs SgIM@TGUT, SUABLOS STersEAD Uaduyfiuaensus msg) Qstupd Gung Seruipp Gocingu pergpenpscr cena? 3186S 5 6° A 015/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 or DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR AGRICULTURAL MARKETING DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (With Books) ‘Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) INB— (1) Answer any ten questions only @) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper celther in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. ) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed ‘umber of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. © All questions carry equal marks. (1) Quote Section Number and Rule Number wherever necessary.) 1. Differentiate the following with example:- (a) Market and Marketing committee (b) Producer and Trader (c) Executive authority and Head of Market (@) Collector and Chairman (e) Board and Director 1. Explain the provisions of establishment of special and subsidiary Market a. Uder wha ecomstanes alee grenid to a adr maybe cancelled or ‘Suspended? What is the remedy available to this aggrieved Trad IV. What is the procedure for a alteration of notified area? 'V. What are all the disqualifications for membership of market committee? VI. Describe how the market fee is levied? VII. Write Shot Notes on: (a) Auditor VII, How Market Committee fund is formed? What are the purposes for which the ‘market corimmittee fund may be expended? IX. _ Describe the procedure for deposit of produce by Farmer and Trader and the charges therefor. 318/166-1 2 X. What are all the quantities exempted under section 8(1) and 8(2) of the Act? ‘XI. How the marketing Board is constituted? XII, Write Short notes on:- (a) Marginal Farmer. (b) Power to write-off irrecoverable loss, yy (©) Trial of Offence. (d) License fees. (©) Contribution to the Market development fund. Py) arenrd 1. Garaxgaeragonn agmengter® Capuges smos- SH Ajumar sash pgs Ljumer Ey. 2% Agucemurent ux yd esas. @ Stans sgeot upped dijumars. gmacmo sss. FR UTA YAS senwnst upigad genenst. 2, anfuad igsd Gudesi. w 2. Fply upped gence Ayjumersinias segs Gigi Gfiuesmer dard os. 3. emtagé@ aymimiuce shud obs BYSmades gienieurs HOSA eoudetar, sping: Duss Gouiutar yppusd. urgiacule Gums @ aynisiul Oster Srey wngi? 4. gids Git ugGew (Notified Area) unpfkumnod od Gung Harygptasctpu APyapsat EHig fendes. 5. dijumergy sgudanmagig catGeaier ge friatmosci (Disqualifications) syrmutia. Causa Gi? 8 . Gijumer sens seianp and sions? . Ape Piy evcorres. 2) paniesooausrari. 2. Ud Gas gp. ®. saat. F. sonny Qprens Seubu Cups. 2. Smewuren yattusens. 318/ 166-2 no - 3 42 8. juny GH sciangy qMUOssurGsng. cjumer Gy HH aaiGersion Cordes Siiens Qe iu@éngs? 9. doomissi upg ctumumfss DeerGurgcamsr Bgdy somdgew Yenast upg Qegyis Cucriyu among semi Gig Andes. 10. Gifiay 81) unig (2G sefseUGaior cABcHinde gerayssi sregeusrey? 11, jumer onus caiegy goons esOSng? 12. Ay Gli evsons, 2 GUSMaema. OU 6 Bouiur eppuTs G\pLAevesr geienuy Geowuyd sySomni @. GHoriewer Aemrencer Gouigss. F. ofod oLoomd. 2. spas Caium'@ HAsenar ggeEO. 318/166-3 016/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS bY DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — PAPER I — MANUAL OF VILLAGE LEVEL WORKERS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MANUAL PART-I AND A GUIDE TO. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (With Books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks: 100) [NB— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) ‘Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued) » , + Marks |. What is the role of Grama Sevak in the Village people? (20) May 2010 1. What Is the objective of the National extension organization and Community Development Project? (20) {lL What are the schemes and works Implemented in Community (20) Development Block? IV. What Is the role of Panchayat and Co-operation in community development programme? (20) V. People participation is essential to community development Programme & = Describe. (20) ' VI Write short notes on: : (4x5=20) Midwives. Functions of public health centres. Ubraries.. Social education centres. eee BIB/167—1 {Tarn Over TAMIL wPiGueia 1 Amo wisedt SneTGSGt 2.5991 QerisausUe Soma Coauisleir uring; siren? (20) 2 Cpu oghpnd sepsmu emmiéh G1 Seer Coréervessir wremes? (20) 3. eqpgmu euemiéA ax Lm geinfled Pon GayintuGud uxpuso Bie sverapib, ueweles end wena? 0) A opomu womiéA Gi FHa udsemupgiast phys oH. Opayast Qeuppisr pss umefismsr uypyB sflerdieys? 20) 5. oupgmu ceriéd Oi Sle Gono vdsher wiCSu vis silarfiasand. (20) 6. dip @pfhiny suswres:- (4x5=20) 2 Emo senginy eSGIONsA, 24 ymiu segs Penance uneflscrersre? ®. preetiesr, F. o¢ps athe Semana. ‘318/167-2 ra i. 017/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 6b DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT 318/168 DEPARTMENT — PAPER Il — VILLAGE SWARAJ (Without Books) ‘Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks; 100) IN.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper ether in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil, @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions In excess of the prescribed ‘number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued.) A Picture of an ideal society ~ Explain briefly ‘What are the basic principles of Village Swaraj? ‘What are the duties of the Panchayat as prescribed in Panchayat Raj? ‘What are the fundamentals of basic education asin NAI TALIM ‘What are the items should be shown in the Village Exhibition? ‘What are the other Village Industries? sufi_arpond Gar Au sypmus hat HY Gi - Aorcigs. Goria susrrep sug Sei opus sSgamiont ereciear? us emus g mshuss Ba sp, 8G Ugemug pat eLenweet sree? ps ssichilad sppiusosst eater? Ams GurgL em: Alls eet Genater Gis Guy Cassa GS? sma dma woagOgnpeiaci ester? Marks 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 018 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS, May 2010 4 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — PAPER Ill — CONSTITUTION OF INDIA AND MISCELLANEOUS ACTS, ETC. (With Books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks: 100) [INB— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (©) All questions carry equal marks.) 1. What are the salient features of the 73rd Amendment of the Constitution of India? Mention its importance also. Il. What are Fundamental Duties? How are they different from Fundamental Rights? II. Explain the State List and enumerate them. Are they different from the Concurrent List? How? IV. How is the President of India elected? What is the term of Office of the President of India? Who is eligible for Election as the President of India? Mention his powers briefly. V. Explain the importance of Directive Principles of State Policy. $ Vi. Writeshort note on the following:— (@) Preamble of the Constitution of India (®) Annual Financial Statement (©) Ordinance’ ~ (@ Finance Commission 31869—1 [Turn Over 2 gill angen DrGu ogPue sremsGer Bags DG5s55He wpsBwu sudstvect wren? gencusctier “paBusging Gener GPinireyid. Th oigduen.é sLenveci wnaney? siere1 seqtiienr 2 AanoaeteSuyies aéeurg CaugiuG@emer? T. wife oy Per oBangiuscr wnmes? gerescr wsGwu wife ayaache Gung sPanwaRhAesgs wTpUCLercun? adueungi? VV. O68wé Gquyss gmat scourge BsiibAsOseLuGSpni? soils upsSisana asin? DpPus Guess porwsisns G5 isAsGsaLULS Agneta SEPA arsiten? DiGud GQusas soanher sPerriamm sGesoras GPU ojid. V. syFer oxfam GS Gancimaseiicr psBuipgiosos Saufécey. Vi Sys Giny cusye:— (9) B5Gw syPuc enser epsoyos (2%) BAI 1H sflene (@) siussé sti (F) BR gemamurd. 3181692 019/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS oT May 2010 », DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 43. PAPER IV — THE TAMIL NADU PANCHAYATS ACT; 1994 AND THE RULES nL. nL. IV. AND ORDERS ISSUED THEREUNDER (With Books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks : 100) [NB— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (@) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed poges. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (©) All questions carry equal marks.) Explain the procedure adopted in the section “Removal of Village Panchayat President”. Write notes on “Formation of Panchayat Uni Write brief notes on House-Tax. Describe the constitution and functions of District Planning Committee. Explain the funetions, powers and duties of a Panchayat Union Commissioner. Write short notes on the followings:- (a) General powers of District Panchayat () Grama Sabba (©) Establishment of Panchayats (@) Fowers of inspecting Officers [Tuxm over. S18/(70-1 a TAMIL, 0) pena cast gana cueaacee Bao Qaim soo Tp ecu AS yonscr Hs: I. airy sam’ Aeon gy0ng56 Asm iturer pen qpeansst ess sSlasfié soph. MH sag Asse of Gert AGiug Eilsgi Morésuorer eit esos. NV, wrerct Suh Gysiet somoiy wjhpnd Qeusiur@amer ess Stor sessy, v. se peti remus, searmiect wiguh ess Vi. dipéaccr_oyiHis 9G usssSiG Hamed Ap esi sGs (o)) wrene sag: Sule Qurgiamar syBlerariesst (93) Samoseu (Q) seurm: Assefiest vswfussmotny (5) guia Qeduyd sigiumiaeiier olammiasi 318/170-2 020/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS —s May 2010 7) - DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT: DEVELOPMENT ‘PAPER V — TAMIL NADU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES ACT, 1920 AND THE RULES AND ORDERS ISSUED THEREUNDER (With Books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks: 100) Answer any five questions only. Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued, (6) All questions carry equal marks.] 1. Describe the procedure in detail about motion of Non-Confidence against Chairman or Vice-Chairman. TE age HL. Briefly explain about different Election Offences. nae. I. (a) Explain the General Exeaption of Property Tax. @) Explain the functions of Taxation Appeal Committee. TV. Describe the procedure in detail about cutting off Water Supply connections. ¥. Explain the powers of State Government to make Rules. ‘VI. Write short notes on the following: — (a) Budget Estimate (Q). Private Latrines & (@) Removal of filth or noxious vegetation (d) Power to destroy stray dogs and pigs. 3184711 [Ten Over reomay age 2 gill eupeud L wspsher gsoout soog gmang geome ib gad ‘ poismsuldoors Stored AsnanGeugo cpnpew .Send sono, 3 p13 3 I. Gpigi Qsruiurer Gips Goudsmon sGseurs sfeufesayid. IL. (91) Ganpg orlagir Gung Srssohésiuc. Dervscn up afleufieesoyid. (2) UAB Awe ipmpucGs Guyer Aauisr sider © aleufteseyi. Nv. fe Aphsmas giaingsGb wpapeow aifleuns aendeaytd. V. ified BupginGd unflo syadgsr sBemsep ups sHoufssoyid. Vi. Spascnon 68555 FpePiy cemse— (H) augey Benne BLL wHH5Q (9%) sefiuce sySinIi ruse (B) PomsRGp gid stiimaAGsgid sPor Gurgiacr 7 dog) pis Aagact simp. oul: ©) Buys uarBast wip prismor sufluppane ofan. vee udbmtulgzd wy UE ton += 1enete 318712 & 021/DM/10 L baa DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST-II — PART-A. (THEORY) (Muthout Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) (N.B.— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in cand partly in Tamil. @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued} ANSWER ELABORATELY ON ANY FIVE QUESTIONS ONLY Marks (5 x 15) = 75 . Classification of economically important sea weeds, sea weeds culture and economic importance. . Write an essay on Tamil Nadu marine fishery regulation act — 1983 and guidelines for responsible fisheries practices (FAO 1996) . Write on common physical, chemical and biological parameters of sea water. Describe different types of sea water samplers and explain the operation of Nansen water sampler with a diagram. ‘ What are all the common marine plankton? Draw the sketch of standard plankton collection net and describe the method of analysis using ‘Sedgewic ‘rafter and the impact of plankton in fish culture. ° . Write an essay on the. history of the Oceanography and describe navigational equipments. 3. Write on Spring tide, Neep tide, Ebb tide, Tsunami_, Oceanic currents. ‘Trade wind and Monsoons of south India. BIG/I72—-1 19 2 I. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON ANY FIVE Marks (5 x §) = 25 a) Write briefly on the life saving equipments of marine fishermen. b) Describe different equipments used to measure pH of water and soil and’ Ay describe the procedure to measure pH using Lovibond pH meter ©) Describe any 5 fishery by products of importance. d) Write on sea cucumber ) Write on pearl yielding molluscs and the status of pearl fishery in Tamilnadu. f) Write on shrimp fishery resources. TAMIL Tope enh Coxcireenreyae Gab ciflasrer siterip. smpBrQusir ( 5 x 15) = 75 2. sign sis era gegtiginGsgr oth - 1983 ihgxb Gurpuinsrnizs Uoirsusr pi fosmys cLifisstr ( 2 Cau.9) 1996) . 3. aid fier Guiginmer usmgs, remuer wiged alfa ea msst wipe OL Sh unBifiast Coase agap Gr wrest uipfayd, saairesir a 4. aid fifeb actor Cunginar ( Bismasci , sine Goatees, § emender uiis osonigs steréA Gatgehe oir Ged GanesiG aymnige uipiuen, Beier Lemminneiiei ute @HS5nd Mawes Aeris. 5. 6d BF oifktudler amonpfimanzg unguissh sx puuemh Gein 6. abi a, £1 OL, Gui O.G, semi , ugusemag wipe Agata GuncDeir ugerosay usp elerdsesayd. 318 /172-2 1S yp faust (5x 5) = 25 & 21) Bammer 9 uGir umgyesrésepub em gseprivess ‘ &) CouneAurain® emmy gpileo gray setALaurstr wojigysd unset PAetr eso @) crams Seis Goo doi gigi psu oriy Gung ast. F) asd Qawirenfsesmis, 2) Yosdacr DGsGd Curign dlasr infor ssi Gels ssded pups Sait BiEurremgur Senso. 251) @ypre eitexsmia s si s273 022 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 7 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST LI — PART-A (PRACTICAL) (Without Books) é Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN-B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. 3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4). Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (3) All questions carry equal marks.) LExplain in detail about distribution , biology and capture fisheries of Oil Sardine and Bombay duck Fishery of India? IL. Write short notes on ’)Sounding lead ii) Water samplers iii)Aerometer iv) Aneroid barometer IIL Describe in detail about Age determination methods in marine fishes? IV. Describe briefly on fs a) Influence of natality and mortality in marine fish population +b) Mutilation method of population estimation ©) Crustacean fishery of Tamilnadu 4) Chank fishery ~V. Describe the estimation procedure for Salinity and Primary productivity. VI. Prepare a detailed proposal for Sea Ranching of 20 lakh juveniles (2 g size) of P.monodon through farm rearing with cost estimate, 318/173-1 [Tuxn over 2 afl em-ond LereirGeaniéenensy(Oil sardine) wis umbGu _&(Bombay Duck) weer solear 2uIMiue, DepcnILib,wohmad emIiqtny apsomsci ibs} ators agi. Il, Spectn_appisg sGsownen GACY auys:- yy (1) eaysiongeis Geu. ( Sounding lead) (2) Biondi Geese sqpaisen(Water samplers) (Q) GnmLf (Aerometer) (&) — gueofignuIL_ LTONeefi(Aneroid barometer) ML.oLe Weir sorter amusensordsscinmusd apsompacit (Age determination methods) iba atends cusores. IV. Sancti y se sepSouren Sen_wehsaaph (2) 6.6 weir Ognonauicr pcry (Natality) wihyr @mcn (Mortality) 74 BPwosi Heir sndsib UI LQG (24) 2.8 2 pCR peneT BagUUGSg15 (Mutilation) apenquie Weir Bet Agrenssnuss SeiT_Aupd (ps Lid aBond oss. (Q) siMpasSHeer éyevGr Fuss oer (Crustacean) Weirsueib (%) et tSeseuemd (Chank fishery) V. etuygsstroown (Salinity ) wid apsdoenad 2-shugg5(Primary productivity ) s,dwarheny 2naSGwd (pHHsesmiuhh AnaGs. Vi. _ sLatd Gupcaj@eingh(Sea ranching) SLs Sp 20 oxo 3 arf Gnd Gand Fyne wer GUeasensn(Juveniles) ucisencorsi asd QEUPsLAgisE, aitanen GSE Sunt Ceise, 318/173-2 023 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 . 72 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST-II — PART-B (THEORY) &. (Fithous Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) INB— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (@) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued, (5) All questions carry equal marks. : |. Write a brief note on the present status of the riverine fishery. ww species facing endanger stage and the suggestive measures for the propagation and improvement of the riverine fishery. 2. Write a brief note on the evolution of fish hatchery systems with Suitable diagrams wherever necessary. s Write a brief note on the biology and habitat of Indian major carps - Write about a) Fresh water prawn b) Working details of a Chinese hatchery a ‘Write an essay on poly culture and composite culture. 6. Write short notes on the following a) Exotic carps b) Indigenous Carps ©) Fixed Engines sccsSBELGatsDd ~-—_- —d).-Tamilnadu inland Fisheries tease and Licence rules 1972 -.. e) Inorganic manures ) Pitutary gland 9) Fecundity h) Muttipte Breeding i) Ecto parasite i) Weed Fishes BSP [arn Over 2 TAMIL 1 ip BéraumSSr shGunegg) actor Pow Soyse) ameg Oui Pimowld acror uicir aeosesr upgis oYsgsreu sr siemens AIAGES wfigrd Gndur® Qeim se sgrenrecir vid GAY oTuggs. 2 ter ees Gurfliuaséer ufiorsr aumiéA usu Eyfhinjserar Cgenammer uLieepL sr afew 3. Gis GugiAssirm coh oid wigud sumpah. qpenmesr SMSgi Gp sepsis 4 @phtu megsis 2) peraait Boned 2B) Gar fiom Cumfinses Guudses eAeuyivessr 5. eoulnor tnjiga Gus iger iSsir exon yi GC pH euenrss 6. Bp sci mus HeG Ape pitry Tugs Of SUS EM. GS Gessioren” 2 RairEM. OS Gescisron Q. BorertuGs stu assnovescit 19721 aL oir gill MO a crm G sendy Gem wird 2.fln oflglasdr 2. Qaushons 2 srixescir on. Mp ys LA ema) &. QeniGugéasinér 5. uapenp Glare s) gp. Gaus et Qsinreosh 9. ssoanbérest BIS /174--2 4 024/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST II — PART B INB— 1. ‘CHINESE HATCHERY’ — Explain in detail, cad Il. Give an account on ‘Composite Fish Culture”. a @ e) @ © (PRACTICAL) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) Answer any five questions only. Candidates dre allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will nat be-valued. All questions carry equal marks.] IIL, How do you Estimate Dissolved Oxygen in a pond? IV. Write an essay on “Reservoir Fisheries Management’ V. Describe external features of Trout Fish and Collection of Trout eggs, hatching process and rearing of Trout fry. ‘VI. Write short notes on the following (any five) :— (a) EEDA. (@) Rainbow Trout (®) * Dropsy (@) Breeding Hapa and Hatching Hapa (©) Gourami @ Rohw. gil) cupenb E61. Bar Berga Gunfiixiei—oSfeurs oBenésoehésoyd. Th, sanwSer their cuenininy (siddorgy) satigan Sei cuemitny @Pisg aSlonixgrs. Tl. Gongs) SMgyciren sengbgyiren ynameumysier genenes aéueinpy WBiN5® Cowes? IV. fig@sée Screen Coorcnanés ESsg 9 siOay suengs. SV igall Baller GaoisConppsmp Sallis. wpgid cya ber ; wlencedt Ovafitny;— Curie uehscr wpgud Boregaacr Lb uekest wbguo be amigas Gg Bouflés. Vi. Epésscmnen 6f55 Fogsiy wmys (g8egbd wg) - (oi) Bor eueniisGunt Cwidum@ — (#) GyuderCun Cgayt. wae (%) CMs) (Q) Qsengnh 31875 eee (2) Ameander poniuin wi>pnd Beings Gunes prin (esr) Gong. £ 025/DM/10 L $23 6 5 8 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 at FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST II — PART C (TueoRy) (ithout Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) {N.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper elther in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (S) All questions carry equal marks.) Describe in detail about the different fishing crafts used in Tamil Nadu? Describe about the different fishing gears used in Tamil Nadu and the principle of operation. ‘Write in detail about the chemical composition of fish and its nutritive value Describe about the various fish preservation methods. List out the different by-products obtained from fish and describe about the method of preparation of two by-products. Write short notes on :- a) Turtle Excluder Device (TED) b) Echo Sounder ©) Rigor Mortis ) Smoking of fish. 318/176-1 [rum over 11 s 2 TAMIL pipprind uUdiOppieGh Udy aordswm Ups siflems aegpeeb? BMYpninsd vUdUCssiaGb Weuhy cross wpa coe Busco ConiinG ups cdaflés. Weer Cosguscd sas onwtay (Chemical Composition) ups alafigay wer nancdid ech emi shptanics ddussond |gises dallts. lek «came UsiGigsb udta oped Ube Balas, efiss Bebe gumidscuGd usta eu Cure ech wien? cepted Gepand Beaks QueLacd pamléed waging chats. Aa onfias cepass = 20 sgmosct sefiiny Guin (TED) 2a) adfer soak t (Echo Sounder) ) thee cSeopbaxd (Rigor Mortis) ” ®) ums wood UdepiaGoused (Smoking of Fish) vt 318/176-2 026 /DM/10 3180771 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS: Ze May 2010 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST I] —-PART-C (PRACTICAL) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks ; 100) IN.B.— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (9) All questions carry equal marks.) Explain the principle of freezing and various types of freezing employed for Fish Preservation. Explain about hygienic handling of fishes? Explain icing in fishes? Explain the preparation of any four of the following:— (a) Chitin and Chitosan (6) Fish meal (©) Alginic acid (d) Shark fins () Fishoil @ Bech-de-mer. Explain various fishing gears used for fishing operations. /. What is Rigor Mortis? Explain, Write short notes :-— (a) List the properties required for Natural and Synthetic fibres’ (®) Canning of fish (©) Dotnet (a) Otter Board ~@ “Fisieye @ TED (g) Electric Fishing [Turn Over I. 2 sip ayerb |. GoRGcy Ker romey ugeniugsgn CanLun® uipAh Senses. GRGLY usEUPSSUGo umsacr upPud ions Ges. |. Berane sergrzoren ~pepuld mawnciougy Ups supsayd. Benachicn Ug uciéacquidgds upSuid oupgis. Bpssan. gisaud praiéig smu sunt AsimiuGb wep upp aauppeyio— (a1) @atiger wpm one. GLeven (%) ber Gumg (BY swvefehs GL @) spt gOLYy wpprr Ops eovigG5 sunt AoiwiiGags (2) Bar aanmen (oat) 56-0-Guoi. LV, Benigdsts uWsiOssiuGb veCeupy ames uii6 aupgis. L Met wmiLigad creinpred erie? siperer onde. . Ape pBiny everzo— (8) Dupes womd Gewios sria@o6e5 ComactuGid ~ps@u eoibbarivesci wireneu? (3%) Gatiid gpa igerachy Ber upenii@sgibd cponp. (@) Giné arenes @ cut Cumig (2) Weg gg senprer ereiton? (2a) TED asipréy stoiren? (a) Bleemmis apoio BeinTqiny. 3B 77-2 027/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST - I gs TAMIL NADU FISHERIES MANUAL PART-I AND II (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) INB— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper ‘either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.} @ @ PART -I al 1. Answer the following to the points:- 10Marks @). What is the time for Lunch Break allowed to a Government servant ? and when?. b). What is the name of system followed in office Administration in Government offices?. c). Who will sign the fair copy of the letters to be sent to Government or other Departments?. @). Who will open the office tapais generally?.. ‘¢). Who will take annual office inspection of Assistant Director of Fisheries. Offices?. ). Mention any four important Registers maintained in a Government offios?. ). What Is Detention List 2. h). What is R.Dis and D.Dis 7, 4) Its correct to Indicate the name of the Disposal to periodical reports 2. D. When the Drafts are usually put up along with Note file for approval 7. r 318/}78-1 UL Write short notes on :- 8). Late Attendance b). Reminder Diary ¢). Stationery Indents 4d). Defauhter Register ‘). Administrative Reports I, Describe briefly:- a). Office Order Book ). Stock Files ¢). Receipts and Expenditure statement TV. Quote the paragraph number of the following :- a). Name of various Disposals b). Call Book ¢). Note file ). Demi Officials €). Maintenance of Accounts Registers. f). Maintenance of Personal Files of Officers. 9). Register of Probationors. h). Fisheries library. 1). Issue of Records. ). Linked Fite B18/178-2 15 Marks A 16 Marks 10 Marics mel ay 7 V. Answer the following to the point (Marks 6 ) : a). Kottu Manager. b). Pearl Bank. ¢). Paramandadi Ca d). Is Chank fishery a monopoly of Government? e) What Is Gauge Board? Vi. Describe briefly the following (Marks 10) a). Explain how pearis are formed? b). Issue of permits for peart fishery ) How chanks are purchased at Godowns? 4) How Valampuri chanks are disposed? ¢) Divers welfare fund VII. Write few lines on the following (Marks 18) a) Inspection of pearl banks b) Chank and its varieties ©) Describe Thanjavur chank Fishery ¢) Annual verification of stock of chanks @) Describe the methods of disposal of chank fishery Vill, Write short notes on: - (Marks 10 10) a) Concessions to Fishermen Cooperative Societies b) Section -65 Enquiry of Fishermen Cooperative Societies & IX Answer the following :- (Marks 10) a) Mention any four objectives of Fishermen Cooperative Federations b) Whats thrift deposits of Fishermen Cooperative Societies? ©) What are the provisions under Bylaw 27(a) of Fishermen Cooperative Societies? ) How loans are sanctionad to members of Fishermen Cooperative Societies under Bylaw 35(4)? ¢)D.C.B. statement preparation of Fishermen Cooperative Societies 318 /i7e—3 SB esr £ a & Gy cmyord ue Apa Bernie epilure up pgs- 10 STetueahurent aquGdS wf 2 sara) Fr Camendis ogsSdsiGe a Gon rdemras? iturgi? 278 qpnmatiacths ogume Hiereg Be Serio Gud apsoguseir Guns eretran’? 20S Unig Har gaa as SILOS sysiiacter age pasar ume soaGusminh the ComirGs? Qurginrs, signees gundosct umd Shatner? Bergin op Gude spmuvaisatin opi ® spin; umes GaidancrerxDAng? 27s Spmuecaiisatih umrUASAC Uh UpCa(paafir Quartecr pret Bena ’s GUID yy Sto ua ga etre error? Bap, wep. eveinypre sree? ereYyenD SPAmsscHas yysthir sireauninord EPUKPug eturer Beyepin? Sig eosoraysst Ls Camas sr Cote, guupextare napscuares otturg sgpitupSdrper? 1 &ig eit exer: 16 2) smug ages ~ 318/178 & @ Hi, aqéeuure cBlesfisesayh:= 2) age, Bob Satarateparen @) arnfasion, oiéens IV. Sipisscin asic U8 sedans 6 H1505:- 2) Umaues (piynyseir Bp oanttes usOG @) @pitysGamay 7 Giqpads sippiticstr 2) MAH bs Corionyu cemrbgieyHeupacir 22) Sign opgrisd Camiyscs ummafitey 8) se Sansa ugg pent wCaD 1) ier gue grsoedh ® UBayasit angingged 6) emewniayés Gamtayachr : ug lt 2) Gam! @ CaGangyt op Gust Gurbds ®) uniigrs ) aig Uinta, op Str seoAtuss 2 Alsouusrer gsr ? 2) “Gasgy Gust eretrgyrdy everest? Vi. dipéacin apie aqpeaumres upko prays ) wbgidads cdanp 2 gandeysr ming Setdnops arhig rescnen efijuiones Genta qpempscoen eaufidssay 318/178-5 16 an 10 16 Vi dig @gitay oxage:- 10 2) tarot 2 Opn, etiaciacn ing 2efeacGn opeonasr ) Blo, 85-, by which the fire in an oil-storage tank (petroleum) is extinguished? XI. Describe the Fire Protection measures to be adopted in a high rise building with reference to the provisions of National Building Code of India~2005. 318/80—1 [urn Over a. Mm. VL vil. Vil sip ougenia 86 Asura vemgurpgicr sAuBerany, Suseemisuner scyaSuiler Gowdisntigenss Bouflsaard. signe uWweRssr wep wppd siBe Lussresr @ASgo GUI ayo. BumantiGngo wwernidengqu pou FreIPGpruIe seem Gevemqu (PSBW sudstves ceneuBuensu? Lamesa gadieshen uymofiiny wppid srtumBersmen iss) Mourne areppayio. “aps 9@ GsaLAratyesd 8 udyb sis GPUILL a Aor Dens BussPdE Cuma Qeiwjoturg, siBsi supssqri (Pressure) BiGeveRCurppepd (Discharge) aPiwompurs wrgUuGs” asp speop Sioray (Output) wibgrtd supp (Pressure) DariyfipBen Gunmen Cpmiiy (pad PgWsaayir. (2) ‘Osrtsiv’ wrgid ‘medio’ sip Sweets germ uweinsGi Lgiisme summuemp Batiwoyd. (%) ‘Orme’ gumflde atoran epOLONG! ser UWELGSSIUGHe pen? @) a63 90 O.sGend, gra gaghere (lifting) Csmemis pmiés sulguscoer Sper UWALIDSSISO sing aig) get? (Si) ichoainosGa acion anpPe eperm (ps Buuren eumuycsast o citenen. HOU stone? SoupSer ageig gyno, senen? @PLUSt ytd. (4) sanRas (piquiTg aicflosinerid siiypnéy erie? @) sagen SLHOU spssiUcL andy Canam gpesé agal Gsg SGsswrs suppayb. Csmausnen APs gieariGaerrer Buserensetd BaD Habu ~perpacr Gh5g) Bhlams seppoyd. ‘PisgudSasi’ (Hydrants) GPs Soi oGeugy wing)? DysinG evensusson Biggndiiac Gigi aGdawrs cSaufleaoyd. ‘admawner siussere Seaewuwlnenuj swrefégid GuTGLO, 9o SumomiurnGsG 250 yhussss amsule, Hao suewre QsipGsOS5UULO aga@véssuuLrmaugrer, ‘Ag smariiadr, Bimppoa ofw Ag sranmed Gis Sahsg soppher Lunas GH55 Sensasgren QgoRouréecyio. gegehtc aeastu7® HS 4H450re sysab. yeedidr GamPsurusc GHSgn opsayd. 9G GucCyrBu cannon Cadtnys QviiGs Agriiqudd gpulGsrn Bou snares CwpBancronBoverngqu BLagéesscr streuGwenss? 9G wimg SLLLZRDS sows Cusnqu § soLYS sGaacr aeGencien aenumgs BpGu CoFw acre oP 2005-ennqg eSleufleseyo. 3181802 y 030 / DM / 10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 _ as DEPARTMENTAL TEST IN THE MANUAL OF FIREMANSHIP FOR, OFFICERS OF THE TAMIL NADU FIRE SERVICE — SECOND PAPER we ee (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) INB.—(1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil G) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) AU questions carry equal marks.) 1. High rise buildings need Fire Detection’ and Automatic Extinguishing System — Why? Explain any one Detection System with diagram. ¥ I. .“Fire in oil storage tanks in peace-time are comparatively rare and in the small number of them which do occur is often impossible to determine the cause” ~ Discuss. III, What are the hazard in dealing with fire in premises using gas (Domestic or Commercial). TV. Nowadays very often we come across fires in Motor Vehicles, when dealing this type of fire what are the points are important? V. Fires involving Plastics including Celluloid explain burning characteristics and personal hazard. ‘VI. Write short notes on:— & (a) Fire Barges (8) _De-Contamination (©) Fire in Transformer. VI. Different types of Ventilation — Explain. Vil. What are the dangers to the firemen when dealing with a Haystack fire? IX. During fire fighting how will you overcome from “Smoke”, “Heat” and “Darkness”. ~ XWrite-shortnotes-on-—- =e ee (@) “Search Lights” and “Flood Lights” (@) Watch Room (¢) Aircraft Belly Landing. 3181811 (Pun Over 2 se oR pill anpaub 1 eufongé stguisese (F saiGlqcuner wpgnd ‘gnofuniell Sunes organiser Ozma gei? gpnaigs 9G ‘sexOUQuuTE’ 10k” Up UL suengigy ends. IL. “se70) erogGe CoBiny Crivgackd maseiuinGae aavGamir F 4 atusg) scug G85 guignd Ay sahaémaute gpd Digmsu Supher anjansag samgagy Quang” — Semen. Dl. afleumyma: uweuidsgrd Bis gbudb F fuses sorafiuiGs w sito BUsgISK wren? (uAinIL wpgrd Gsmpipant i) TV. pharegha pmd sigéaiq “Contiat emaa $ Susmg” apGia Gphio@pgy. Bagman § MusPe prd suchss Bousinqu (pSSu sudsivect wirenes? V. “Gernsvigé” wpgid “Asdgeni.” Suidrung Semaryid aflgoder GomBeugersund wppd uetunpyuuisaGags IHuGid musgrssereujid afleuf Vi 8p) GPL suong (a) uw unig — (4) ig- Sain mBBanager (Q) ggnencvuninot § ya VIL. UdGargy amauen “GeusingBeragei” apenpacrent Ligh oReufl. VII. “maé@aréd Guri” § cSusess maunend Bung SumamiBumGeg apuGid gusgisc usancu? IX. Sumanégis Gung “yes”, “Goucub” wip “Beer” Dayo séveungy soreficismis? - X. Ay Gly curse:— (8) “ovis ono.” wopppid “Lent ansvc.” (3) seinancfiiiuenp or] (B) Sone “isé.69 eoremgrti”. sone 318812 031 / DM / 10 ar DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 DEPARTMENTAL TEST IN THE TAMIL NADU FIRE SERVICE DEPARTMENT TAMIL NADU FIRE SERVICE MANUAL (Without Books) * Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) (NB— (1) Answer all questions (2) Candidates are allowed the option 10 answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly iri Tamil (3) Relevant manual order numbers should be quoted wherever necessary. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5). All questions carry equal marks.) 1. For which purpose the Fire Appliances may be loaned. I. Explain in detail the instructions to Verifying Officers. Ill. Write short notes on the following -— (@ Joining Time © General Discipline (©) Register of Water Sources (d)_ Absence without leave. IV. Write in detail about the destruction of time expired records. V. What are the Fire Protection measures to be made for temporary structures? Sa V1. What are the duties and responsibilities of a Station Officer (Transport) of a Division? ‘VIL. Write about classification of Fires and Special Reports on Serious Fires. VIII. Explain the duties of Leading Fireman in a Fire Station and Leading Fireman in Fire Hee — Control-Room,Chennai City, IX. What are the records to be maintained in Station Control Room? X. Explain the Periodical Physical Verification of Stores in Fire Stations. sige} [urn Over 2 Bip sigenb . L Swmemiiys Qoupagaiac asarfluiaGsGe sion GamGéatun oom? IL sfluriag sigQmmtsessrer feyngsmens udhs sGéee0re oSeufi. a TH. Pgygiiny verges — . (8) veiupy Beréanoid (94) Gungi guptusapmp @) fifowscr uBCuw (3) SGLI66 ousneno IV. sre sips uPbagssoo sifsse uph Seuflegy aupgis. V. shards simo0tyssG ahswre § ungieniy wepsd Bpanchenisn Coven Gio? VL 9G CariigAgysren Pmwu sigyusflc (Curd gagsgi) seminaeptd, Gumguciyeesio wane? VIL § upgisscr genplan asgsenar cursumst MRéaLu Osironer. s1ensuseren Soméssour. Gugp ESusg udhw sal spfemssn signnjgso upp @ Bue oyt. VII. Uppctenn Bwereniiurent ~ Fweraminy Peroowsld, wppereno Fuseneemtssmeni— S$ st Gius® somp, Qaciens wnpat Davis simvsena silns gs. K. foauws aL @tiun® sopuieo ugmofesinn Corsmqu UBCou@sc wineney? X fumaniiy Jrau Bgins eyogemer sreayepiug sfunisso up) fend gs. siete 032/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 A DEPARTMENTAL TEST IN THE TAMIL NADU MEDICAL CODE, (With Books) : Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.B— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) All questions carry equal marks.} 1. What ave the rules for the training of Nurses in Government Hospitals in the State of Tamil Nedu? ‘TI. What are the instructions for filling in a Post-Mortem Certificate and Wound Certificate? TI, What are the Regulations for Medical Examination of Candidates for appointment of various services, in issuing Physical Fitness Certificate? IV. Enumerate the Medical Code rules of Transfer and Postings and Deputation of Pharmacist? ‘V, What are the rules relating to Anti-Rabies Vaccine? VI. What are the ordinary fire rules for Goverment buildings (Non-Residential) and what preventive measures you take against fire? VI. Enumerate the diet rules and scales for the Government Hospitals in Tamil Nadu. + ‘VII. Explain all about the rules defining the Certificate and function of Advisory Committee for Mofussil Government Hospitals in the State of Tamil Nadu. IX. Enumerate the instructions regarding the disposal of disciplinary cases. X. Enumerate all the duties of Medical Inspector under Indian Emigration Act. 31871831 f [Turn Over Ml. Vi. vin. pip eupand . piiper® 79 woesgnwemaciéd uefyflu CoSdugeanen up GanGiusperen oSBlacr erste? |. sLevé engmiscy eneinGiay uigeuid upgud emus onsixSley uugend Denousenents YipD Caimpparar aufupmpact- ashen? e756 uefiscie Ce@nGungs CsmatuGd 210 EHF snonHep anpaEUGdGuTs sen cijess Corsinqur OpPuparpscir erarar? wgpsrespiadia: ug68 Puvend, wrdgiuch shud. onppb gyBueiper Gungs seriingss Cousinqu oBupmpamen. Seng? Bré5n UGbgsmms. maunepeusparen SPupanpach ccien? ass alguns (GQUIGLY golx) sOLLIQeE Cousinqu § Busgis BOLO UpGu enprramorer ayflperpacenut, sBibarer «parCendafisarss BLaugsmanenupo donee. . Biilpen® 98 wEbsiewmersehé aypiusLUGD acma; cypiisdd obs SH wperpscrenyib, sioroyapenpserenyio Sends. BOLE cag wEsgawmashd HervdaiiGd Pam GW uippu SABipepach wpgid ue Seugiuacr GHsg sors. - PUMG Blagémsan wpyasgs Gananh ageagpara afipepsec Sleuths? . Guipn® AsdgyoGurg AsBus GQQuwutse sir. sPeAuq (Indian Emigration Act) sauefiés Gousinqu wGsgius ot Ocitissh cei? 3181832 033/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS } a May 2010 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT— CO-OPERATION—FIRST PAPER we (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) (INB— (1) Answer any five questions only : (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (5) All questions carry equat marks:} * I. Define: Co-operation and explain the essential features of Co-operation. I, Compare and explain the Raiffeisen Model of Rural Credit Societies with Schulze-Delitzsch Urban Credit Societies. s in Denmark. What are the factors IJ, Explain the salient features of Dairy Co-operati responsible for its success? IV. Explain the role of Co-operatives in developing the Rural Economy in India. V, The All India Rural Credit Survey Committee, 1954 stated that “Co-operation in India has failed, but it must succeed”— Comment and explain. VI. Write short notes on the following:— (a) Working of Primary Co-operative Consumer Store (8) Working of Primary Co-operative Marketing Societies (©) Primary Agricultural Credit Society and implementation of Public Distribution Systerr (d) Role of Tamil Nadu State Co-operative Union in Member Education Programme. 3181841 (Turn Over 2 5A anger . eat @palner cumgupssnyir. ont Gpeier DerPuenoung Ppiiys angissnsr Slensacyid. Tl. enpfech Byrd wi Opa) sier sivetemer dived oAcré pare mL Onas Ger chenEELa HUILG ond Ge. mm. Aeris und mi Opals statscter DeBGueoung Apis angueme Senge, Kmnavecier Aarppfleanen enpemanfurivect acxGaneien? IV. BsGuncSer Ayrbuns Qurgengas (parCenppsHdo snL Opler ussBene Sendiga. V. oGo B6Gu Asrhus mCGpys sia Bids GY, 1954-npgr Sereuguongy “OsPunele su Opa Duds CprdvoH .ojenrsgustrongs, yond 25) Brow Aah serrw Corandir.” Ds) Gg! siusdhe ae5pBeraré anf) aSlenésoyt. Vi. Epésanoa Gg ApepPlry espa:— (8) S9g06 oi Gna gisiGeunt stasBer sucrun@acr. (2) Sage mLGpa} Apuone sivapGer Grwdoun@scir. (@) B7s0s mL Ops sie sussHer cpwid Aung) APCwrag BLL EB GaweugGsgise. (s) epiiert a5 PLiSBoa GeueuGsgBe sAoge1G wpe’ el Opay genbusBer wiring, signs & 034/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 \od DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT— 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) CO-OPERATION — SECOND PAPER (Without Books) Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks : 100) Answer any five questions only. Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either ‘in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. G) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (@) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (5) All questions carry equal marks.) What does amendment of bylaws mean? Narrate the procedures of the amendment of bylaws? State the circumstances, which lead to supersession of elected board and after supersession what ate the steps to be taken? Under what circumstances surcharge action can be initiated? What. are the powers of the authority conducting surcharge? Explain how the net profit of the society is distributed as per the statutory provisions? What are the powers of the Auditors? Narrate the procedures for taking audit of the accounts of the society? What are the powers and functions of Managing Director? Explain how the society is being administrated when there is no elected board in the society? Short notes on any five of the following: a) Common good fund. b) General Body Meeting. ¢) Working Capital. @) Interim Board. e) Co-operative Research and Development Fund. f) Debenture, g) Revision 316/185—1 [Tuxm over 2 Tamil 1) genom AAG spi ceed corer? GG el Gay siiasSeor Girocrcfiglacosn Heo Qeiinrsihenesr geoqpenpescosr Marc Ges? 2) CpHAZOéeiulL Pinas Gyou soatushsier ofpritunvecr Upigeh eenenfsg Str GinjpQencror Gousiongus gg dsemesscr wiTeDsu? 3) acer siBitemsers gem Ein pioydms Osa Carsir@in? — gain SSiicoey pLsgud siguucnileir sySesmrideesn Blond 55 7 4) 9G si Ope sias hr Par Qamsd a1 aSfasfeinsy sevamp UbEO GarimiuGslngs rstrusg, aflerdeas? 5) geofsemsursniisr oGsmmiscem nia eivessler semésecoat senféens Carliogs Gsm iurer pom (penpesoarts up Pugh Stor Ge ? 6) Bians Bw gomfch Cowdur@ach uxigsh oySsmmbussir wrrsnos? 7) &L Ona stistieshh CoiPApOSsii. Piansdeep Gdns Crs serie Bona céamy GopCanimuGag: snug ess) 8) Shasin oxi aSogqb gible Aor Git cums: a) Gung 0 8) b) wesresmu seth C) BemLapenp eprsemd d) adore Pianaseuy 2) SL Ginay ayrmissA piped exis HH f) sca Qing. 9) Casuniiay, 3B /185-2 035/DM/10 e DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 oS DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT — AUDITING — FIRST PAPER (Without Books) Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks: 100) INB— (1) Answer any five questions only, (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer ‘book will not be valued. (5) All questions carry equal marks.) 1) What is mean by Audit.. Briefly explain about. er (a) Internal Audit (b) Concurrent Audit —(C) Final Audit 2). Write Short Notes on {a) Statutory and Non Statutory Provisions (b) Valuation of Bad and Doubtful Debts. (c) Minute Book. (d) Depreciation and Types of Depreciation. (e) Reserve Fund. & 3) (a) What are all the Responsibilities and Duties of an Auditor (b) Explain:- Audit and Supervision. 4) What is meant by Final Audit Memorandum (FAM). How will you prepare FAM? What is meant by Audit Certificate. 318/186—1 5) Briefly explain with Examples (2) Creation of Reserves and Release of Reserves. (0) Non Performing Assets and Performing Assets: (c) Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors RB (@) Minimum Bonus and: Maximum Bonus. 6) (2) What is meant by Administrative Audit explain in detail (b) How will you conduct an Administrative Audit in Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACB). TAMIL 1) pomPésones ersinprr evetror? Aijesim. Qomiscom Senden we (a) atpemfiéens (9) pity senfiéoe G) Om semfiéssoss 2 Ag Git esose (9) oC pie ups 0° yiounin ggibOasr (24) e885 or stracoar ugiaIG Coriige @) Siroremis uppe ) Gpiinoremb ux oyseir eurmevecir a (2) Goupap 9) pemfidseneusremfies 1 enioes pid, Cumpsiyerenth ypih aSleréenx Hendseid shen (9) senflsens (94) Gujpumisnsu (Supervision) 4 Boh serfisene sisson sreinpned ersireer? BOB senfléms opésme gumt Geiss up eupgies? geodvone, ensirgy srdnpmed sretron? 318/186-2 \o7 5) Epsaimauheny 2 specie cr silos Gs ? (3) 6m5O qHUBSSIBH opr AGS 5. (2y) Qounrin syiupisce vignod Qousiudis aysnpladt D)arCasemnqu xdgd GanGuar Gnssingss Gambiadr Meenipule uigs seule yunty exgus 8) (2) Riicures gemflésones creed cretroor Mer desea ? (34) aleve oo Opps, ot ss ierpeir Biours geechiseneseous ecusun GuapCesndscraugy eroirueg, aeuféseny 318/185-3 036/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS \ of May ‘2010 #aDEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT AUDITING — SECOND PAPER © (Without Books) ‘Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks ; 100) [N.B— (1) Answer Question No. VI is compulsory and choose ‘any four from the rest. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper parily in English and partly in Tamil. @) Marks will be deducted for bad leans (4) Answers to-whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued} re Marks I Explain the departmental setup of Co-operative Audit Department. 20 II How will you prepare a Special Report on the irregularities in a Co-opreative Society.? 20 II. Explain the method of auditing in a Co-operative Agricultural Marketing Society. 20 , _ IV.Narrate the procedure to be followed while conducting Stock & Verification in a Co-operative Society. 20 V. Describe the importance of Rectification of Audit Defects. 20 VI. Write Short Notes on the Following :- a. Concurrent Audit. 05 -b, - -Vouching-of Bank Account: -- - ——-05— c. Audit Certificate 05 d. Non Performing Assets 05 318/187—-1 2 Vi)The Receipts and Charges Statement of an Employees Co-op Thrift and Credit Society for the year ended 31.03.2008 and Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2007 are given below. Prepare the Profit And Loss Account for the year ended 31.03.2008 and Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2008. Receipts and Charges Statement for the vear ended 31.03.2008 20 3 : Amomt | 5. ‘Amount No Receipts Rs. No Payments Rs. T | Members Share Capital 314,500.00] 1 _| Members Share Capital 15,050.00 2_| Members Thrift Deposit $22,000.00 | 2 | Members Tha Deposit 2,10/09500 3 | Central Co-op Bank Loan | 28,60,000.00] 3 | Central Co-op Bank Loan | 26,28,300.00 4 | Members Loan Coliected | 30,18,250.00| 4 | Members Loan Issued 40,35,000.00 3 | Interest Collected 12,11287.00| 5} Intezest Paid 390,958.00 6 _| Mise. Income Received 11,023.00] 6 | Est. & Contingencies Paid | 1,10,742.00 SBA in Central 31 7 cinCentl Oop | 9 so2s00 | 7 [SBAEICenealCoeP | 19 5555.9 Bank Bank 3 | Sundry Creditors 7,156.00 | 8 | Shares in Central Co-op. Bank | 32,000.00, 9 | Sundry Debtors 98,044.00 | 9 | Pamiture Purchased 1021600 10. | Sundry Debtor #498400 | f Total 90,72,345.00 Total 90,72,400.00 ‘Opening Balance 10,135.00, Closing Balance 10,100.00 Grand Total 90,82,500.00 Grand Total 90,82,500.00 Points to Note : Due as on 31.03.2008 Rs, 1. Interest Payable 80,515.00 2. Staff Pay Due 5,175.00 3. Interest Receivable (Accrued) 1,10,124.00 4. Interest Receivable (Over Due) 50,211.00 5. Misc. Income Due 4,158.00 6. Postage on Hand 25.00 7. Staff Gratuity Provision for 2007-2008 8,220.00 8. Provision for Bad Debts for 2007-2008 20,520.00 9 (in nearest Rupee) 318/187=2 .. Depreciation on Furniture @ 10% ‘ 6 alance Sheet as on 31.0 nN Ss. anhilitt, Amount Ss. Amount No Liabilities Rs, No Assets Rs. “S| Members Thrift Deposit 20,20,224.00 [1 | Cash on Hand 10,155.00 2 | Central Co-op Bank Loan 88,75,415.00| 2 | Postage on Hand « 47.00 3 | Members Share Capital 3 | SB. Alcin Central Co- 10,10,100.00 ‘op Bank $0,211.00 4° ‘| Sundry Creditors 4 | Shares in Central Co-op 20,114.00 Bank 8,04,100.00 5 | Interest Payable 7 72,420.00] 5 | Members Loan 1,16,31,485.00 6 | Est. & Contingencies Due 4,216.00 | 6 | Value of Furniture 40,560.00 7 ‘| Staff Gratuity Provision 3,40,612.00 | 7 | Sundry Debtors 20,519.00 8 .| Non Statutory Reserve | 60,212.00} 8 | Interest Accrued 1,02,51700 9 | Provision for O.D.Interest 40,548.00} 9 | Interest Overdue 40;548.00 7 ‘Undisbursed Profit 40,517.00 | 10. | Misc Income Due we 3,211.00 Total 1,24,84,378.00 . Net Difference . Between Assets & Liabilities 2,18,975.00 Grand Total 1,27,03,353.00 Grand Total 1,2703,353.00 TAMIL ogee th CL sl Ome, semisnad’ giemmuier uswwenwin pmpenu alors os. 20 Th. 9G eLGpe smasAcd FEOLGun ConesGscr SHS Sei onfdes acarg sunt Csiegs stig! 20 SHHB soxNs.seyb. “9G sGnaj Coumraveno aiiumsr etisppe penfihens Csind Becpnpenn slondGes 20. IV 9G ant. Gpa stiss Hed s7SAGLY ulBsngoan Copanciepd ~—— — Suigi isi Serssnow _pemcommssoen fowl 20. | V. gallsoae Gone Houtse Orwager WSAuseEud 20 EHss Monsees: BIS/167-3 Vi ip @pfiy avenge. oO Opt geeiéens 05 2 HS somdes gerisensuled sfiuntsssd 05 ' QB. geatiitonnserengy 05 te ‘ #. QawsduLe ayordessit 05 VIL 9G amGut at Gpo) Aes seit siiesgele 31.03.2008 20 ' Pel (VaMLUnd AoKGSarar agey Geovey ULgUd woibprb 31.03.2007bare totes Ser gbOsTonsLuc igus Ax SRLYSEHLS GanGssiucEsiong. Bons Caren 31.03.2008 Dish UpigsiMLujd aystGdaron Qooru BLL sews wip QsQsrrswuLqus swoon guint Gouis. sot had fee |e Gasveysst en 1 [acpile? uaggGmme | 31450000] 1 la pllat uieitsrae 15,050.00 2 epiiad Tizawe Cadi 2 apa Hie Cadi mania '5,22,000.00 easing 2,10,095.00 Pet 3 [eeBu mc Opay aise 3 | eaow econ aria ua 28,60,000.00 ae 26,28,300.00 7 apne Bom wigs 30,18,25000) 4 | pier wc cepatines') 40,55,000.00 ary ana TEina700| 5] ace Craaaas $90,958.00 6 [erect ciguea T1.023.00| 6 | AURB etait Oresay | —7,10,742.00 Ge eeecdere teres! 10,30.125.00 | 7 | BBAY eB Gowen To 5055.00 ed ack, 8 pupae 7156.00) 8 | ogshur avid? uric 32,000.00 9 | Sanabe areaaioue 38 08400| 9 | BanCtaat” Gansieoea | 70,2160 10. | Seatmogen euyCavesnguigs 84,984.00 _ | OB 90,72,345.00 or 90,72,400.00 Aub ensudginy 10,155.00 wpe] eauiginy 10,100.00 RRbR DEH 90,82,500.00 aEHOGD 90,82,500.00 ual 318/187—4 candids epi yesh 40320088 _Sloxens GS. \\ hm 1. QanGurCaresingus ondig 80,515.00 2. emgwt eum une 5,175.00 } 3. egtamingw aig (seeen SeuDIZE)) 1,10,124,00, fa axtasinus etip (amen soxBugs) 50,211.00 5S. premaig cigunenbd exGoussingwes 4,158.00 6. suTdMorem Bauy 25.00 7. 2007-20084G UehtGaren pideD 8,220.00 8. 2007-2008 &e amnbaret gaibeG 20,520.00 9. genome Cginorer GEIL 10% (wy Gums) (31.03.2007 deres spkGgnenais Ly psd | _ ummtueet Genes] Sa | Grebeseaet a emuiat Hise 1 | aeudiny soaiiny 20,20,224.00| | ee 10,158.00 2 | ep RCGpe arate 2 | suidaiias Soi 47.00 aude 88,75.415.00 3 fe pinta 3 | ebse @L Gna UE DApTEDS 10,10,100.00 cutie Corday = 50,211.00 : 7 Sane Cao a a eve voses 20,114.00 anus) ita eareoe 8,04,100.00 5 Saaigs oe 7iai000| 3 | wanda acest nica Tanae opment 6 ear ar 40,360.00 revatio 4216.00 aor vata Pel opus 3401200] 7 | emmebes eirteranuts fae [ec uiantD SORES 3 eiteaioa ate 60,212.00 (psa 6D bes) ey 7 a oT 7 ertaaiina oe anes oats 40,548.00 (emumen peurhives) 40,548.00 [ie arcana a *Y some 3.11.00 eG ead 1,24,84,378.00 omopsed Aurplytgd «ctor AgGureb 2,18,975.00, REED 1,27,03,353.00 RMEERGED 1,27,03,353.00 TTT 037 / DM / 10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS _ May 2010 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT—BANKING a (Without Books) Time — Three hours we (Maximum Marks » - 100) IN.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. G) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (3) All questions’ carry equal marks.) oe 1, Briefly discuss the functions of the Reserve Bank of India. fey wd IL. What is a ‘Bill of Exchange’ sind a ‘Promissory Note’? Explain their main characteristics and distinguish between the two. HL. Explain cash credit and overdraft and distinguish between them. IV. Define the terms: ‘Banker’ and ‘Customer’. “Explain the precautions to be taken by a 4.apaying Banker before making payment of a cheque. V. Explain the provisions of ‘Banking Regulation Act’ relating to— (@) Inspection of Banks by the Reserve Bank of India. () Maintenance of liquid assets and cash reserves. VI. What are the components of Money Market? Discuss about the strength of e “Indian Money Market”. VIL. Write short notes on the tollowing :— (@) Bank Rate (8) Low Cost Deposit (@ Non Performing Assets (NPA) 3181881 ° —(c) Capital Adequasy Ratio(CRAR) [Turn Over 2 Bb agent BiBu Aste eutiBuder Qsucrm@scr uph ageswrs ofleurH. wombp FQ (Bill of Exchange) way a gymPse GL (Promissory Note) acipré aden? sipfer shu Qudysmcn eu. Orangp er Dor Cuuirer Cogumionr. Sona. AN Ill, Qynéedé arc (Cash Credit) wignd wat upp siregs Bird avergis idgy (Overdraft) Gls: Toul. Brangngid Dor Gus aster Goupunien cilendea. TV. ewisGust Banker) wxbgrd eungéemsumeniansenner (Customer) Barsacmd angy. ar@orme bg) vem Gegsgid pct Comper atBut ie Coraingus YaerseRscrseee ‘Soul V. ae gw@ueps a. p8er Epdanapio Daruasr Ess ngewe aflenxge— (8) arbMecRr aij — DpBu fetes evmBund CopGancresger. (24) fio Gorpguec wpgrd Borda Berry usmofieper. Vi. wemé senguie (Money Market) simuanecr wren? OeSut vews shoguicr ud Eisg DanPlssoyd. ' VIL. Agyehiny eusoges -— (1) eutv® oiigid (Bank Rate) (25) GenpsE autiqg enoutnyessr (Low-Cost Deposit) (D) wagesQreb Qui Gendgasenagio aot ogo (Capital to.Risk Assets Ratio) (%) QawsouLng Qanggieacr (Non-Performing Assets). 3181882 038/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS \5 Seana \ May 2010 Ns DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION—PAPER-I (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) INB— (1) Answer any five questions only (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. 3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. ie (5) All questions carry equal marks.) 1) Define the Concept Management? Explain how the characters of ‘Management are applied in Cooperatives? : 2) What is planning? What are its objects? 3) Explain the organization of Cooperative Department? 4) Explain the need for an proper system of training in Cooperatives? 5) What are the powers and’ responsibilities of Board of Management in ‘Cooperative Societies? ‘What is control? Explain the need for control in Cooperatives ? Explain the process requirement and selection of staff of cooperative — societies? 8) Explain motivation ? How motivation can bring about success? [Twn over 318A8q—1 TAM 1) Cuarrstrenwn ceirugy crirar? oa Gmail Coensirenots vemhessir srcvemay i AausuGspiUGAer per ? 2 SLLMOSA crepes orcren? syaybsHer Cprésestivessoer aBlasfi. 3) aL Opaileir siouiny? oflasfi. 4) ALOna wafer ueRurniogn ae au UIA GL ser Speman silos ese ? 5) ALOnas sHhatasher Piamad@agahtr sHermbiescr wip umafecr wiremes 2 6) BL QULOSgIBe serOMe creer? mL OQAMA a GiuGSgIsEler Der phusorowresroow aNerde ? 7) LOpass uexfusreritesr Cota, eisai aarti ? 8) gia ndrUmE Huh? grid rdmuTp Dap Hae afgedng ? 318/189-2 ro 039 / DM / 10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS \ 4 May 2010 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SECOND PAPER (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer’ the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. G) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end: of the answer book will not be valued. i: (5) AI questions carry equal marks.] 1. Write short notes on -— (a) Principles of Co-operation @ Principles of Management (0) Meaning of Co-operative Management. Il. What are the important parameters for a successful Co-operative Society? Ill Define a dormant Co-operative Society and how to activate it. IV. (a) What are the techniques to integrate the objectives of a Society? (®) What are the advantages of integration? V. Discuss—Recruitment and Selection Process of employees working in Co-operative Societies. VI. What are the present hiatus between objects of a Co-operative Society and behavioural stances of those who are members and employees of the society? VIL. Explein she roles and functions of Board of Direstors of a Co-operative Society. VIII. Write any ten powers of Registrar of Co-operative Societies. IX. Describe the Government assistances to Co-operatives. 318/190—1 [Turn Over 2 sithp pend 1 Pye Biny evonges:— (9) mi Gpays Bsncrensect (3) Gioonanerind Cancers (@) Fal Opey Coomainonouden Gumasi By I. 9G st Gnas sivestd AeuypPsgors QowduGesiraren wpésGus snzenfiacnon mpgs. I. 9G mtOpaé sive Gowmppgrs actors seinigener oSoullsg) seer adiemg GewduGsgiagi acupecr Daufl. IV. (8) 9G *8aSB cr Coréatsmen gqiiBenomagid dpmpasnen anaes. (24) HGABeamsgemd quo peitomwesi wsTone? V. mi Gnas etetusctiey LeMtutoniaae AprayGeiuyid ayfupapsee afeufi. VL mi@pa; Garcrmaagagin sis emiieriacr wpgid uskurmiacher GomivscnaGio Door Guuinon spCurengur Gencapey serisenon aout. te. VIL. 9G st Opes stiasPer Gowourcga Pinned Gyp 2. guuertaotien umiBerer Seniae. VIL. aL Opeys shieiuscfe UBsurent geutacfer g@zand uss) SDantiseet apie. IX. Ope seotisig sie steed esalsmmn Sauflsgs spss. 318902 040/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 4 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT (BOOK-KEEPING) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum marks : 100) INB— (1) Answer any five questions only (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. G) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer sone 5 book will not be valued. (5) All questions carry equal marks.) hs I. State and explain the errors which will not affect the agreement of a “Trial Balance’ Us Explain ‘Trading Account’ and ‘Profit and Loss Account’. IIL Explain ‘General Reserve’ and ‘Specific Reserve’ IV, Explain ‘Income and Expenditure Account’ V. Based on the principles of Double Entry Book-Keeping, Jouralise the following:— (a) Kannan commenced a business with a capital of Rs. 10,000. @) Paid into Bank Rs. 3,000. * (€) Bought Goods for Rs. 1,000. “+ @ Bought Goods from Murugan for Cash Rs. 1,000 + (@) Bought Goods from Murugan on credit for Rs, 500. AS" VI. Prepare a Trial Balance from the following balances:— Bs Bs. Opening Stock 12,000 Cash at Bank 24,000 Machinery 30,000 Sundry Debiors 23,500 Sales 90,000 Wages 11,800 Sundry Creditors 18,800 Postage & Telegrams 100 Rent received 2700 Advertising 910 Repairs ‘350 Printing & Stationery 620 ‘Selarie 6,000__Cash on Hand 520 Purchases $3,000 Land & Buildings 63,000 General Expenses 2200 Fumiture 1,200 Capital 7 (Answer to be found out) 318/191—1 [Turn Over silly eugand L Gangmer Dotaups viigque GpiGeieGer (Agreement) unPsang Terpssnens GBUKO Boniga. I, ‘Sununss semis’ wpm ‘Doms Bis sandg'—enags. is ' Tl, ‘Gung, 9g158O" upgid ‘@PUILL gg1s8Q'—ciendgs. IV, ‘agurend wpgid Aedes somig’—adonigs. V. Gre. UGsSud gégirism sigiueumsds Oaraing Derougueupenps GBLCLLGD UBay Coie:— (8) Gumis 10,0002 wgansds Baran ‘acireme eveiein Asm kG. (%) Gums 3000-3 eB samaBe Oia. (B) qumis 1,000-86 sreiad Guages oumis@ani. (&) gpumis 1,000 OrréasSiNS wrest ihysg: cuss Gumgg ech eunuGlarni. (2) Guris 500-éare vafia QuTGLamm wes BGs sLens euriuQenri, : ve Vi Geragd BgiyshSesg: ‘Conse Duty ucique’ sumt Govse:— : ums quis. Sop ageBeminy 12,000 ws Bueny 24,600 Bug Boiss 30,000 ups sLenrefiesi 23,500 Dpueer 90,000 ee 11,800 Upue sLautentsd 18,800 gun) & 6G Gana 100 amos Quins 2,700 Bemibtigt 910 : Girsel (Repairs) Geereyscn 550 wb & oyUpgIOLmGen 620 stbuemib 6,000 e@autgtny (Gyre) . 520 Gansrepse 53,000 Bord & elite 65,000 Gungie Geesyech 2,200 gereure ib 1,200 iy wpe eeeae (Sen.éonem Barainquigy) 318/191—2 041 /DM /10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS \2\ May 2010 4¢- DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES See Vil. ‘VII. 318921 IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATION — GENERAL — FIRST PAPER (CO-OPERATIVE LAW) (Cithout Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) (NB— (1) Answer any eight questions from Part ‘A’ and any four questions from Part ‘B’. Each question in Part ‘A" carries TEN marks and in Part ‘B’ carries FIVE marks. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued] PART-A (Answer any eight questions only) ‘What are the conditions laid down in the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983 for registration of a Co-operative Society? Enumerate the salient guidelines codified in the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983 on management of registered societies. |. What are the duties and previleges of a registered Co-operative Society? Maintenance of accounts is an important aspect in any Co-operative Society. What does ‘Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Rules, 1988 say about it? Elaborate. ‘What are the powers of an Official Liquidator? Give a comparative description of the statutory provisions of audit, inquiry and inspection. under Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983, Enumerate the advantages available to a registered Co-operative Society in the contemporary” ‘Business milieu. Give definitions — {a) Apex Society (®) Co-operative Union (0) Office Bearer (d) Self Reliant Society (@) Society with limited li 2 IX. Write short notes on:— (a) Hire Purchase System @) Mortgage by conditional sale. PART-B (Answer any four questions only) L Givedefinition— (a) Co-operative year () Consumer Society. IL. Write short notes on “Liability in the context of Constitution of Co-operative Society”. IIL Whois competent to contract as per Indian contract Act, 1872? IV. Write short notes on “Mortgage”, V. Howis Net Profit ofa registered Society appropriated? Write briefly. By aupeud ue “a” (pend 62.9 Sermasenag sSerrusshissoyr) L pAppr mc Gpas sietacer Ld, 1983.0 96 mLOpa) shesnsi UBaAeuiu ADaatut Geren Pupperarser wsrever? Th, uBa) Qrimsinr.. mt Opes sivepBer Siowraid Osniurs sBipor® ant Opaye sivatesch SCL, 19834 actor PAW afar Opdamer aulmstiGsgs. TH. ula) Gsiwouce sc Gpas stispBer aLevacr wpmid a Meoweet wrens? TV, sanégsmenti usmofigs® 9G mc@payt siasGer pdOu uekiugSuTed. Og Apriiure sOpE1G si pos sive oSBlach 1988 mpage? Somdes, V. smotty sprouts oBsaptisch wneney? Vi. gitipr® tOpaye sivsiieder sLLib, 1983er Luquuron gonfl Slangense wipgyio Urémeiui.e gBuapenp GG Axisgs Bautira VIL. spare Burunss Goer UPA Cupp aL Ones etimieend5s Den sgl petewserer arflnriusgis. Vill. uenswirp 565 :— (8) ganmenne sivaid (2) eat @pa} gaan @& pion@ ) penis ote (a) Gung) sogupissiuc sion aise. IX. Apis fiy enge:— (3) sermempenps Bengusio (2) Sipuenes syn. ionento 3181922 4 i ao a Bring ambaenie aSeorweliscyir) \23 (3) mc Opay en@ (48) pisiGount orssi> TL mc Qpaye cmap Ber sonoiy Apr iuns Gurgiuerrey (Liability) eae AneBiy aes. TL, OfGw pups oCL, 18720uq guupp Aoiw BoP uMLsBemt wei? IV. “aieiwrenb” (Mortgage) — Png Piy cverse. V. uPaGupp aLOpas stapHer Pas Borugengis u@ia, Geisugs arsed? sGeaure aenss. aNg2—3 042/DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS: May 2010 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT br CO-OPERATION — GENERAL — SECOND PAPER, (CO-OPERATIVE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES) yok (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) INB— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued nae (9) All questions carry equal marks} 1. Define—-Co-operation and explain the essential principles of Co-operation in detail Il, Write a short note on “Byetaws”. What are the process involved in getting the amendment of byelaws from the District Registrar of Co-operative Societies? IIL Differentiate between credit and non-credit Co-operative Societies and Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Co-operative Societies. IV. Explain the meaning of Industrial Co-operatives and also explain in detail about various types of Industrial Co-operative Societies.“ V. Write short notes on:— (a) Co-operative Industrial Estates ve @) Polythene Workers Industrial Co-operative Societies (c) Industrial Co-operative Tea Factories (@) Tami] Nadu Industrial Co-operative Bank. VI. Write short notes on:— (a) General Body Meeting @) Primary Co-operative Societies (6) Central Co-operative Societies {d) Apex Co-operative Societies VI. Compare the followings: — (a) Byelaws-—Co-operative Act and Rule (@) Circular—Resotution (@) Office bearers—Advisory Board (@) Co-operative Union—Co-operative Bank, 318-1931 [Turn Over 2 silly spout L ‘ec@pay Senda gps. ot Onojs Gancienasenen sSifieura aenigs. Tl, ‘mc Opes sts gine ofG! GBs AmeDiy cumys. mCOpys sis gina AXenu Dass Gaiig ssoo wri vPeumenfiiessy uBay +8 Qaiigs QupCoainiqu aupf~penpsae aferies. , Tl. sud womb sisreniupp ntOnays steivsc wpb efevsmus wird Rausmunpp onitGpays orvartuscier Coupgimoecnen Seu. IV. ‘GgmBer ant Oney ofeufl. Gampip mtOpas sivsrvscfer UsBorgy emasencn heris® oupgie. V. Epéscnmasensg Fnepiy armse:— (1) et @pays CpmyiGun encase (94) UneBGor AgmBoononiasr Apmis oa Opays srvestussin (B) Osmo mLOpay Casula AsmpPpanonwacr () Asmp sc @pay ourA Vi. SpascinenseaG Apepiy everse:— ($1) wEreen slid (2) Opnids onl Gpays siverivecir (Q) wEBu sal Opes siuswecr (%) wnflor gat Gays sriverivesch Vil. passer mnsee Cupum® snaine— (MD) gercnSP—s Opes sis sii wig oSPecr (a) sop Bisens—Biwwresrivech @) Biomed Gp epinIariscr—yCorsmone GUD 2 pKTenitech ©) sl Gpay gorGuir—m Ope owrv®. ee 318-1932 043 / DM /10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS, May 2010 b ‘DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL co-orsnarvet™ IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT fe CO-OPERATIVE ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT INCLUDING, BOOK-KEEPING . AND SECRETARIAL PRACTICE (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum marks ; 100) (INB— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. @) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) Marks 1. Answer the following:— 5x5=25 fee’ (@) Describe — Credit Balance and Debit Balance ’ v (b) What are the stages of Accounting? (©) Describe the Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors (d) Define — Depreciation. (e) Explain the term “Break-Even Point. Tl. Make your comment on the following — 4x5=20 (a) The elected Board of an Industrial Co-operative Society passed a resolution for amendment of bylaw. (6) In an Industrial Co-operative Society, the President has admitted Associate Members by passing a resolution in the Board Meeting with the hope that they would vote in his favour in the coming Co-operative Election. (©) The District Registrar ordered for section-81 enquiry based on the request of the financing Bank to find out the misappropriation of the funds in an Industrial Co-operative Society. (@) The Special Officer of the Industrial Co-operative Society has invested the funds of the Society in the Nationalised Bank (Non-Financing Bank) since it is very near to the Society. Fegeeeeae o = - ~2x5=46 INL ‘Desétibe the following: (a) Concept of Cost, (®) “Fixed Cost’ and “Variable Cost’—Give example 318-194—1 2 IV. The Bank balance of Savings Account as on 31-3-2009 of an hi industrial Co-operative Society as per Cash Book was Rs. 37,412. On verification the following facts revealed. Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement to findout the balance as per Bank Pass Book as on 31-3-2009. Rs. (a) Cheque deposited on 28-3-2009 but not cleared by the Bank til! 31-3-2009 1,997 (®) Cheque issued to a creditor on 25-3-2009 has not ‘been presented for payment before 31-3-2009 3,500 (c) S.B. Account interest credited by Bank on 31-3-2009 ut not yet recorded in cash book 88 (@) Bank Commission debited in Pass Book but not entered in cash book as on 31-3-2009 121 (@) Insurance Premium directly paid by Bank on 30-3-2009 from Society's account but not transacted in the cash book as on 31-3-2009 1,200 |. Prepare the Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account for the year 2008-2009 and Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2009 from the following particulars of an Industrial Co-operative Society Limited BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31-3-2008 Liabilities Amount Assets Rs Members Thrift Deposit 6,500 Cash on hand Staff Security Deposit 2,000 Cash at Bank Govt. Loan 65,000 SHARE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Members 90,000 Shares in Co-op Institutions Govt. Shares 1,00,000 Fixed Deposits PAYABLES OTHER ASSETS Wages 3,250 Value of site Interest Due 10,000 Value of Machinery Coop. Union Subscription 1,020 Value of Fumiture Bonus 43,000 Stock in trade Reserves 2,20,000 Sundry Debtors Sundry Creditors 86,000 Undisbursed Profit 70,000 Net Profit (+) 67,680 50 318-1942 Amount Rs. 3,705 5,665 1,100 1,00,000 38,000 4,00,000 48,000 21,480 1,44,500 64,450 Marks 25 ay” Marks ECEIPTS AND CHARGES FOR THE YEAR 200! Receipts Amount Payments Amount Rs: Bs 2h Sales 1,32,000 Purchase 60,000 Trade Income 5,000 Trade Charges 10,000 Miscellaneous Income 9,000 Maintenance Charges 1,500 Investment withdrawal 25,000 Investments 1,00,000 Bank Account 1,04,000 Bank Account 1,30,000 Govt. Loan 1,00,000 Machinery Purchase 50,000 Sundry Debtors 2,00,000 Sundry Debtors 134,000 __ Sundry Creditors 67,396 Sundry Creditors 48,000 Thrift Deposit 2,520 Wages paid 42,000 Est. & Contingencies 32,000 Bonus paid (previous year) 43,000 Towa 644,916 Total 6,50,500 Opening Balance Closing Balance 121 Grand Total Grand Total 650,621 Note:— 1. Closing Stock valued at Rs. 48,000 on 31-3-2009. 2. Wages Rs. 3,000 for March, 2009 not paid as on 31-3-2009. 3. Co-operative Union Subscription due for 2008-2009 Rs. 30. 4. Reserve for depreciation Rs. ,300 for 2008-2009. 5. Previous year wages due paid Rs. 3,250 during the year 2008-2009. : sip eyed Epssan_apie Serweflssayo— Sx5=25 (3) OBS aay wp Hs vipgr com Balance and Debit Balance) Slauhsesoytd. (4) SoM GL LDS UéGargy Penorsaen (Stages of Accounting) GPUSOs. @) vue acamefacr wpgpid vide atemend (Sundry Debtors and _ - Sundry Creditors) cBeafliss (#) Gpiinomrem (Depreciation) Sona ges. (2) @rupcrBerarn Ysirefl (Break-Even Point) eSendseaytb. 318-1943 I. Spéasin mausc up Stotsend Gass: — 4x5 = 20 (2 6G Opmflp ak Gnys shasGen CripApGsatuc. Biomass GY JmeMIGs Kosswscr CnpQancron Sironend Oupsurgy (2) 9 Opn oni Opes siuasGan seraeur eugiCumEtd sat Gmays Bpigscie p0dG amdsahtumiach acy pibleenauley Bore ‘ 2 prierieanen (Associate Members) Siororia Dusiyh Goiisgycrom. D (@) BB 2909 Aninyd eruBuler CorsnO@aneeng gu Asmflp Fal Opayé si55Hior HG ensum_onad (Misappropriation of Funds) sonGUigés wrall ufement soutscr le-8161U9 engenesnds, 2 spro5 Geen. : 8) 9G AsmPd ont Oneys etsasG er sal siguesit arises oGHDgysror CePuivunorésecuie su@usieo (Non-Financing Bank) sive PBuSonen (BSH Aaiisgyeiron. M. RpagGBenK Geronorypangy BaMeéseseyid-— 2x5=10 (ai) Bewargs geiramo (Concept of Cost) (2%) Perowren ges) wrpt Send wimrd wrpU@io sSencr— Renjend 555. oy TV. 9G Gampip st Onas siesHler pacroyfl uspesHenq 31-3-2009 20 GpBuH ar CoBinys somsBH op. 37,412 ectengy gerne uPFameanusiCungy Fpssan. poigsensac yoron@ugy. Daneusonones QanainG 313-2009 GsBule gu aris samdgdé eflumidgid ULiqued (Reconciliation of Bank Accounts) sumi Gaigs @cironiouSér evtiG BGLY aésumey send sraine. (81) 28-3-2009 Bg Guicr evtuBuSo Grur&ic Asis an@erene 31-3-2009 iany outs SemeR age ensusalisaSiérene ¢G. 1997 (%) aLebCsrt gouges anGsrene oH. 3,500 25-3-2009 CsBude MUPHSUUCLS. SG 31-3-20098G WperuTs ot aegeG aueflevancv. (B) Cains semdgeeflu aug oh. 88 eu somdBer 31-3-2009 CsBule ago mmdeuLGcrong. ged shes sons QY augey Qaeoy UBsuTmaiévancr. ) evs SCLoend 121 exmEUTO upay TUpBCULGsrengy. gyeomred 313-2009 Og8) every sive pistes Yssa5Hd UBWLLLaldeno. (@) Dongen Sud (Insurance Premium) @. 1,260 @pgquirs CsBtiys samdADGSg 30-3-2009 CoGuUla orMusmd GsQsssucGcrong,. hss somsBeo 31-3-2009 areng LUPa)Geuise adléraner. 318-1944 BiCusinasr V. Shaacm Aausiismmd Agrand, 9G Asp mL Opes stesBor 2s 2008-2009 ox5- sBiDG far Samus aomeg, IMUplré sends wig o oD Gumgeyer uc qused 313.2009 ousigysioneurgy sunt Aes. a 31-3.2008 GpBw gorH Gungpiyd ucque te Cungnnjscr Gprme — .g360Blaer Opras o © eguidentacr Réaens CaBiny 6,500 Gores maudoiy 5,705 LecAlureni Senomeninys Ogres 2,000 euu@ule Gyrée Dusiny 5,665 SS BLO 65,000 rigs qparsseanis wseipes : e.ginSartach 90,000 aac @pey Porsverinacies | wusats using Bysnes ——1,00,000 ing SGysirones 1,100 t Bene meulayesr 1,00,000 Baerhun Cuaingus Denirseir Bar g6vrfisch oa enol) 3,250 Drwofliy 38,000 ‘ autig Bgyeneu 10,000 QueSy wHiny -4,00,000 al Opay geifu aber 1,020 gonoun. amonciresci Buy 48,000 Baneuy Suusid 43,000 age Dupcny 21,480 ‘ Lupus ersipnriac: 144,500 9Bs8Gach 2,20,000 upue as aiGgni 86,000 Sump eoruio 70,000 Bar comutd (+) 67,680 318-1945 A aiicaceaai eer ata eat 2008-2009. augLsBus auey Aewoy Deum ~ aygeyson Qsrars Qraeyasi Greve o @ alipusnen 1,32,000 Qasachapgso 60,000 cvests sugeuris 5,000 evens Qasvoyasit 10,000 5.) Bremneig oxgeumis 9,000 upmnfinys Garvey 1,500 YESH Rewus Ouidpgs 25,000 wasOacr 1,00,000 erie soméG 1,04,000 aie sonee, 1,30,000 wae oud 100,000 @uspBrivact euntuBusgy 50,000 Upue sLeignried 2,00,000 —urbuew sLeisnsiscr —« 1,34,000 Upue sLefpCpriec 67,396 upum svalipGgmiach. 48,000 Racers Gorbling 2520 ne Car@snes 42,000 AsO expiant wpgrd Beomenps Gaevayaci 32,000 Bera Swi Asnwseg 43,000 Fe enOse 6.44916 OBS 6,50.500 serdu Agra Bein 5.705 On Crréas Dory iat YS Gorésb 650,620 BS Aonssd @pay— (1) 313.2009 Gp GUS e785 Dairy wBLU @. 48,000 (2) 31320060 GanGix. Gassing 2,p48BHEus 9968 (For March 2009) @ 3000 (3) 2008-20034 erLOpa) pei SUsOHGs Aemps Coueingus aig o. 30 (4) 2008200046 Gpinormd 99686 Gaiuasinqug @. 5.300 (S) @hempu a4an® an68 @. 3,250, 2008-2009 ULGeures Gaius gy. 318-1946 044 /DM/10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2010 [ee DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT—INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATION i (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) [N.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper parily in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. tase tS (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not bé valued. (5) All questions carry equal marks.) L. Differentiate the Object and Constitution of a workers Industrial Co-operative Society and a Producers Service Industrial Co-operative Society with examples. Ml. (@ Expand the following short terms of the organisations and mention their Head Quarters:— ()) TAICO BANK (2) TANCOFED (3) SAGO SERVE (4) INDCO SERVE (9) TEA SERVE (2) Mention the specific service rendered by the above organisations to their respective . members. YL. @_ Write short notes on the following — ITCOT — Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organisation of Tamil Nadu, () TNSMPB — Tamil Nadu State Medicinal Plant Board, IV. Explain the term Rural Industrialisation and mention the role played by the Khadi and — ~~ Village Industries Board for the development of Village Industries for rural artisans, V. (@) Nartate the service rendered by a Small Match Producers Serviee Ind Co-operative Society for the generation of rural employment. () Differentiate between a hand made match box and a machine made match box by eee the Central Excise Rules. sengs-1 (Turn Over ‘VI. Write short notes on the following:— (@) Aligarh Locks and Dindigul Locks (®) Coir Board () NSIC. @ Sis : () UNIDO z VU. Enumerate the various Statutory Welfare facilities available to the employees under the Factories Act, 1948. 2 By sulgeurd Cpraaid npgid sowie gy GsmPorent Asmpid oo Opa, shasBideid 9G epusGurniac Crmag Asm mc Opa sssHHEG eeror Capunpeme oprgemsgrer UCQuodOs. (8) Fipssnegnd see Cuufe smpésiuGb Ppimucnisecten Guustsenen AMAUOSBL GUUALG QauduGd smomoI.smss GHUIG::— () TAICOBANK — — gmis@en ouiu® @ TANCOFED) — = to@an@ut @) SAGO SERVE — anGan Qaiéy 4) INDCOSERVE — Bain Gan Qaicy (5) TEASERVE — @ Qairé (QB) Copsrand Dyess epiioiacss WoHGb Crmarcus GDUNIGs. WL Ag Guy sveogs: (9) ITCOT — — gidhpr@ Gpmpergicu yGonseren Payvend. (4) TNSMPB — — sidipsn@ pea evemis6) eunflund. IV. Qymoinjps Agro cris) cuwrsgse acip usseg BendGs. api Byros Agmfeo oumfluud Birds osloagisoer Coouriighs emo Lungs Uerflesenen aSlendesoyt V. Bymocniy Cumoomisnincr egema@. Ag SiQucq 2 pusSuneniasit Gserns Gamflp mi Gpas sive gypFGb Cements uadismends Eds! eSlensSroyid. . Vi. Fm @Biny svenga:— (2) aSart yi Qser wpgrd PanGaad yt Gat (9%) ww oumfusio @) CzGw SyAgmpsr ouentsA Payosondd (®) AyCgmpfe Crear Pyarombd (2) yAAGin—gsQu prGac snuer vera G Apmpar events ‘Payovend VIL. 1948.94 yan® Asnflpsrnas si. ZPoir@p CamPenoniaenee yprsecu Corainqu otiinyta por sginascr GPS almsiuasA cuppayio. 3181952 & 045/DM /10 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS —— \e" May 2010 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INCLUDING COST ACCOUNTING 0 Vi. 3181961 INB— (1) Q @B) (4) ) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum marks : 100) Answer any five questions only. Candidates are allowed the option 10 answer the paper either in English or in Tamil oF even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. All questions carry equal marks.) oa Discuss about Advertisement and Marketing, Describe the qualities of a Good Salesmanship. ‘What are all the information to be looked into while preparing a detailed Project Report? Define the “Business”, “Organisation”, “Administration” and “Budget”. Explain the following— (a) Administrative Overhead () Prime Cost (©) Work Cost (@) Indirect Cost. While preparing the Financial Statements, where the following will find place Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet— () Purchase ()__ Interest paid (ix) . Sundry Creditor ~ (iy) Sales. (vi) Mise. Income fs) Wages (iii) Trade Charges (Inward) (vii) Share Capital (xi) Thrift Deposit Gv) Contingencies (viii) Deposits

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