Snow White Script (Edited)

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Snow White Script


- Xing Yu

Snow White

- Kai Yan


- Nicholas


- Ng Ni


- Chloe


- Yu Zhe

4 Drawft

- Yi lim, Ji sheng, Li xian, Lok Bin


- 2 Twins, Ke Thong, Zi Qing, Zhi Xuan, Kai Zhe,

N: Once upon a time, a king and queen lived in a beautiful and great castle. The queen was
kind and lovely. But, she did not has a child.
N: One winter day, the queen was doing needle work. She pricked her finger. A drop of blood
fell on the snow. She looked at the blood on the snow and said,
Q1: Oh, I wish that I would have a daughter. (Look at the sky)
N: Soon, the queen got her wish. She gave birth to a baby girl. They named the baby princess
Snow White. Sadly, the queen died after that. ()
N: After few years, the king married a new woman who was gorgeous. She had dark magic
and owned a magic mirror, which she would daily ask,
Q2: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
M: Oh! Queen, you are the fairest of all.
N: One morning, when the queen asked,
Q2: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?


M: Hmm.You! Its you! My queen But Snow White is even fairer than you! Ha ha
N: The Queen got angry and jealous. She ordered her huntsman to kill Snow White. The poor
huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but he was unable to kill the girl. So, he let her
N: Snow White was alone in the forest. She felt scared in the dark forest. She ran as far as she
could. Finally, she saw a little cottage and went inside to take some rest.
N: Inside the house, everything was small but tidy. Snow White was hungry, she ate the
bread and drank the milk. Afterwards, she felt tired. She laid down on one of the little bed
and fell asleep. (Snow white sleep)
N: At dusk, the owners of the house returned home. They were the dwarves. As they went
into the house,
D1: Who has been sitting in my chair?
D2: Who has been eating bread from my plate?
D3: Who has been drinking my milk?
D4: Who is sleeping on my bed?
The four dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with amazement. (Run to the bed)
D1-D4: Oh good heaven! (Amaze) This girl is sooooo beautiful! (Open their big eyes wide)
N: They did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep on the bed. The next morning,
Snow White woke up, and when she saw the dwarves, she was scared. One of the dwarf
D1: What is your name?
SW: My name is Snow White.
D2: How did you come here?


SW: My stepmother had tried to kill me. I ran and finally came into this house. (Pity face) I
didnt know where I should go. (Cry)
N: The dwarves felt pity to the Snow White. They discussed. (Dwarves discussed in a round
shape. whispering)
D1: All right, we can stay with us!
SW: (happy face, hold both of her hand) really?
D2: We love you and we'll take care of you!
D1, D3, D4 (nog their head)
SW: Thank you! (Thankful heart, hug them)
D1-D4: Horray! Horray! Snow White is here! Horray Horray! (Dancing round the SW)
N: So, Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Now, the queen believed that Snow
White was already dead. She thought she was the most beautiful woman. She asked the
Q2: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is fairest of all?
M: You! My Queen. But Snow White is fairer than you!
Q2: (startled face) No! Impossible! She had already died! (Angry face)
M: No, My Queen. She is still alive. In a cottage.
N: At last she thought of something. She went into her most secret room and she made a
poisoned apple.
Q2: (making apple, hold up the apple) Ha Ha Ha! I will let Snow White eat this apple and
die! (Queen change her cloak)
N: The queen changed her cloak and went into the forest. She knocked the door. (Knock
SW: Who is that?


Q2: Selling apples.

SW: (Open door)
Q2: Hello, pretty. Would you buy an apple?
SW: No, I dont. Thank you. (Smile)
Q2: Hmm. This apple is very sweet. Hmm. Here, try it!
SW: Owh.. Thank you! (Hold the apple, smile and eat)
Fall after eating the apple.
Q2: (smile evilly, open her cloth on head) Ha! Ha! Ha! Now! Im the most beautiful woman
in the world!
N: The queen back to her castle but the Snow White had fallen asleep in the dwarfs house.
The queen asked the mirror.
Q2: Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is fairest of all?
M: You, My Queen.
N: The dwarves came home. They found Snow White was lying on the ground.
D1: She was dead! (Sad and cry)
D2: What? Are you sure? She was dead! (Sad and cry)
D3: No! She was dead! (Sad and cry)
D4: Snow White! No! (Sad and cry)
N: They felt very sad and was going to bury her. But Snow White still looked pretty with her
red cheek.
D1: We cannot bury her!


N: Hence, they laid her inside a transparent glass coffin. Then, they put the coffin outside on
a mountain. One day, came a young man with a white horse. He saw the coffin. He fell in
love with Snow White.
P: Let me have the coffin and the girl.
D2: No, we will not sell it.
P: Then, give her to me. I will protect and respect her, with my life!
N: The dwarves gave him the coffin. The prince carried Snow White. But, prince stumbled
on some bushes and kissed her accidentally. After that, Snow White opened her eyes. She was
D1-D4: Horray! Horray! Snow White is alive! (Dwarves happy, dance and jump around SW)
SW: Where am I?
P: You are with me.
N: The prince saw the beautiful princess and fell in love with her again.
P: I love you. Come with me. Would you marry me?
N: Snow White loved him too and went with him. From that day on, Snow White lived
happily in a great castle.
Music played!

The End!


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