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Class X, NCERT (CBSE) Political Science

Chapter 1, Power Sharing

Textbook Exercise and Assignment Questions-Answers
Q1) What are the different forms of power sharing in modern democracies? Give an example of
each of these.
Answer: Different forms of power sharing in modern democracies:
Horizontal division of power: It is the sharing of power among the different organs of
government. The division of government into the executive, the legislature and the judiciary is an
example of horizontal division of power. In such a power sharing arrangement, different organs
of government, placed at the same level, exercise different powers. This separation of powers
ensures that no organ exercises unlimited power. Each organ checks the others, thereby putting in
place a system of checks and balances. The division of power between the Council of Ministers
headed by the Indian Prime Minister, the Parliament of India and the Indian Supreme Court is an
example of this kind of power sharing.
Vertical division of power: It is the sharing of power among governments at different levels
a general government for the entire country and governments at the provincial or regional level.
For example, in India, the Constitution defines the way power is to be shared between the
Central or Union government and the various State governments. There are certain matters on
which only the Central government can take decisions, while there are others on which only an
individual state government has an exclusive right for decision making.
Division of power among social groups: Power can also be shared among different groups
which differ socially. The system of 'community government' in Belgium is an example of this
type of power division. This government is elected by people belonging to one language
community (Dutch, French and German-speaking), and has the power to take decisions regarding
cultural, educational and language-related issues.
The system of reserved constituencies in India is another example.
Division of power between political parties, pressure groups and movements: Political
parties are the organisations which aim to control power by contesting elections. In a democracy,
citizens have the freedom to choose among the various contenders for power (the different
political parties or the different alliances comprising political parties). Such a freedom of choice
entails competition among the different parties, which in turn ensures that power does not remain

in one hand, and is shared among different political parties representing different ideologies and
social groups.
Pressure groups and movements also share governmental power, either through participation in
governmental committees or by influencing the decision-making process.
Q2) State one prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing with an example from
the Indian context.
Answer2: (a) Prudential Reasons:
(1) A prudential reason for power sharing is that it leads to an avoidance of conflict between
social groups.
(2) Since social conflict often leads to violence and political instability, power sharing is a
good way to ensure the stability of political order.
(3) In India, seats have been reserved in legislatures for the socially weaker sections keeping
in mind this prudential reason for power sharing.
(b) Moral Reasons:
(1) A moral reason for power sharing is that it upholds the spirit of democracy.
(2) In a truly democratic setup, the citizens too have a stake in governance.
(3) In India, the citizens can come together to debate and criticise the policies and decisions
of the government.
(4) This in turn puts pressure on the government to rethink its policies and reconsider its
decisions. This active political participation is in keeping with the moral reason for power



Chapter 1 [Power Sharing]


Q1Describe any three demands of the Sri Lankan Tamils. How did they
struggle for their demands?
Q2What is majoritarianism? How has it increased the feelings of alienation
among Sri Lankan Tamils? Explain with examples?
Q3What is meant by ethnic?
Q4 How did the political system of Belgium innovative and different from the
other countries of the world? Explain any three points?
Q5 what is civil war?
Q6 What is communal politics?
Q7 What is the system of checks and balances in power sharing?
Q8 Mention the two major ethnic groups of Belgium?
Q9 Why was the minority French speaking community relatively rich and
Q10 Which path was adopted by the leaders of Belgium other than Sri Lanka?
Q11 Why is power sharing desirable?
Q12 What % of people living in Belgium speaks French?
Q13What % of people in Brussels speaks Dutch?
Q14 What is the capital of Belgium ?
Answer1: The Sri Lankan Tamils wanted :
(a) To safeguard their rights, culture, language and interests, the Sri Lankan Tamils launched
parties and struggles for the recognition of Tamil as an official language, for regional autonomy
and equality of opportunity in securing education and jobs.
(b) But their demand for more autonomy to provinces populated by the Tamils was repeatedly
(c) By 1980s several political organizations were formed demanding an independent Tamil
Eelam (state) in northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka.
The struggle by the Tamils ended up in the following ways:

(a) The distrust between the two communities turned into widespread conflict. It soon turned
into a CIVIL WAR.
(b) As a result thousands of people of both the communities have been killed. Many families
were forced to leave the country as refugees and many more lost their livelihoods.
(c) But the civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social, cultural and economic life of
the country.
Answer2: Majoritarianism: A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a
country in whichever way it wants, by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority
community or communities. Sri Lanka adopted the majoritarian concept of government.
The reasons for alienation of Sri Lankan Tamils were as mentioned below:
(a) In 1956, an Act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language, thus
disregarding Tamil.
(b) The governments followed preferential policies that favoured Sinhala applicants for
university positions and government jobs.
(c) A new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism.
Answer3: Ethnic: A social division based on shared culture. People belonging to the same
ethnic group believe in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of
culture or both. They need not always have the same religion or nationality.
Answer4 : Belgium had recognised the existence of regional differences and cultural diversities.
Between 1970 and 1993, they amended their constitution four times so as to work out an
arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same country. The
arrangement was:
(a) Equal distribution of seats in ministry: Constitution prescribes that the number of Dutch
and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. Some special
laws requiren the support of majority of members from each linguistic group. Thus, no
single community can make decisions unilaterally.
(b) Concept of Federal Government: Many powers of the central government have been
given to state governments of the two regions of the country. The state governments are
not subordinate to the Central Government.
(c) Equal Representation in Brussels: Brussels has a separate government in which both the
communities have equal representation. The French speaking people accepted equal
representation in Brussels because the Dutch-speaking community has accepted equal
representation in the Central Government.
(d) Community Government: Apart from the Central and the State Government, there is a
third kind of government. This community government is elected by people belonging
to one language community Dutch, French and German-speaking no matter where
they live. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and languagerelated issues.

Answer5: Civil war: A violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that becomes
so intense that it appears like a war. The strife that took place between Sinhala speakers and
Tamil speakers in Sri Lanka when Sinhala speakers formed the government is Civil War.
Answer6: Communal Politics is the use of religion in politics. In communal politics one religion
is presented as superior to the other religion.
It becomes more acute when the demands of one religious group are formed in opposition to
another and when state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the
Answer7: The system of checks and balances is a type of power sharing arrangement in which
each organ of the government checks the others. Such system avoids the concentration of power
in the hand of particular organ or level of government and maintains peace by prevailing
Answer8: The ETHNIC composition of Belgium is very complex.
(a) Of the countrys total population, 59 per cent lives in the Flemish region and speaks
Dutch language.
(b) Another 40 per cent people live in the Wallonia region and speak French.
(c) Remaining one per cent of the Belgians speak German.
Answer9: The minority French-speaking community was relatively rich and powerful. Frenchspeaking community got the benefit of economic development and education much earlier than
those of the Dutch-speaking. This led to tensions between the Dutch-speaking and Frenchspeaking communities during the 1950s and 1960s.
Answer10: Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies. Yet, they dealt with the question of
power sharing differently.
(a) In Belgium, the leaders have realized that the unity of the country is possible only by
respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions. Such a
realisation resulted in mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power.
(b) Sri Lanka shows us a contrasting example. It shows us that if a majority community
wants to force its dominance over others and refuses to share power, it can undermine the
unity of the country.
Answer11: Power-sharing is desirable for the following two main reasons:
(a) Prudential Reasons: These are based on prudence, i.e., careful calculation of gains and
loses. Some of the important prudential reasons are:
It reduces the possibility of conflict among social groups.
As conflicts usually result in violence, political instability and social unrest, power
sharing is a sensible way to ensure the stability of the political order.
Imposing the will of the majority community over others may look like an attractive
option in the short run, but in the long run it undermines the unity of the nation.
Suppression of the minority also brings ruin to the majority as well.
(b) Moral Reasons: These reasons are totally based on moral consideration such as:
Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy.


A democratic rule involves sharing power with those affected by its exercise, and who
have to live with its effects.
People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed.
A legitimate government is one where citizens, through participation, acquire a stake
in the system.

Q18 to 20 are one sentence answers . So do on

your own.

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